The Voice of Zion • 279 N Medina St, Suite 150, Loretto, MN 55357 Volume XLV Number 8 August 2018

And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths Isaiah 2:3

2018 LLC SUMMER SERVICES Let Us Make Summer Services Why Don’t Believers Peace and Edify Coverage Drink Alcohol?

Editorial, Page 2 Pages 6, 7, 8, 9, 12 & 16 Doctrine & Life, Page 16 PAGE 2 AUGUST 2018 editorial Let Us Make Peace and Edify

AS ESCORTS, LET US TAKE ON the responsibility to seek that which makes Whereas love builds, knowledge can cause one to become proud (1 Cor. 8:1). SHDFHZLWKDQGFRQÀUPVDQRWKHULQIDLWK 5RP :KDWGRHVLWPHDQ"+RZ Knowledge is not the same as faith and if not tempered with love can be harmful GRHVLWWDNHSODFH" WRLWVVHHNHUDQGRWKHUV7KHSUHDFKHG:RUGLVLQWHQGHGWREXLOGH[KRUWDQG  *RG·VRZQDUHDEOHWREHSHDFHPDNHUV 0DWW EHFDXVHWKH\KDYHWKHJRVSHO FRPIRUW*RG·VSHRSOH (SK&RU DQG*RGKDVJLYHQYDULRXVJLIWV which is “the power of God.” A peace broken by sin can only be made and main- LQWR+LVNLQJGRPIRUWKHSXUSRVHRIHGLI\LQJWKHERG\RI&KULVW (SK  tained through the preaching of forgiveness in Jesus’ name and blood. Peace and The opposite of building is to destroy. Paul warned to “destroy not the work of love open the heart to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ. *RGµPHDQLQJDQRWKHUUHGHHPHGVRXO 5RP IRUWKHVDNHRIRQH·VULJKWV  :HDUHDOVRXUJHGWRHGLI\RQHDQRWKHU 5RP ZKLFKPHDQVWR (freedom). Rather, God has given the power of His Word and Spirit to build His WHDFKFRQÀUPRUEXLOGXSDQRWKHULQIDLWK,WLVUHDOO\WKHZRUNRIWKH+RO\6SLULW KRXVHDQGQRWWRGHVWUR\LWQRUDQ\RQHRILWVLQKDELWDQWV &RU  It can take place in quiet private conversations at home, with friends or publicly Not everything is constructive, for the individual nor God’s congregation even by discussion in God’s congregation. WKRXJKLWPLJKWEHSHUPLVVLEOHWRSDUWDNHRI &RU :HKDYHEHHQFDOOHG Building up in faith is always based on the teachings, admonitions and instructions by the gospel unto freedom from sin, not freedom to sin (Gal. 5:13). This freedom found in the Bible. The lessons are always “dipped in the blood of Christ.” The pur- must be used with care while taking others into account and in love serving them. pose is that one’s hope of salvation would be “built upon the foundation of the apostles It must never become the reason for causing another to stumble by violating his DQGSURSKHWV-HVXV&KULVWKLPVHOIEHLQJWKHFKLHIFRUQHUVWRQHµ (SK  RUKHUFRQVFLHQFH &RU  Such building can only be done with brotherly love for the undying soul  ,Q SHDFH OHW XV FRQÀUP RQH DQRWKHU LQ IDLWK :H DUH FRQVWUDLQHG WR GR VR 5RP DQGPXWXDOORYHIRU*RG·VNLQJGRP6XFKORYHLVLPSDUWLDODQGQRW because love is fragile, easily broken by sin, and we are under constant attack by the same as human love. It works in humility and truth. Love can be described RXUDGYHUVDU\3DUDGR[LFDOO\WKHZHDNFDQVWUHQJWKHQWKHZHDN,WDVNVRIXVORYH by both what it is and what it is not (1 Cor. 13). It is longsuffering, kind, willing humility and a forgiving heart. Let us not become weary in our calling as escorts. to think well of others and enduring. It is not self-serving, neither thinks evil nor HQYLHV/RYHGRHVQRWVHHNLWVRZQEHQHÀWQRUJORU\

News & Notes from LLC A AROUND 3500 GUESTS gathered for LLC Summer • $GUDIWDJHQGDZDVUHYLHZHGIRUWKH0D\² Song Services this year at the Glacier Peak High School in meetings between SRK-LLC-SFC, in Sweden. The Heart Snohomish, Washington. The weather was beautiful, and %RDUGDSSURYHGVHQGLQJÀYHEURWKHUVWR6ZHGHQZLWK of My the school is in a wonderful setting with views of the additional plans being made for them to travel to Fin- Cascade Mountains in the distance. Many families were ODQGIRUFRQWLQXHGPHHWLQJVDWWKH65.RIÀFHDQG able to camp within walking distance from the site, at possible service trips. Willis Tucker Community Park. LLC Annual Meeting, July 7 PSALMS 89:5–8 Most important was that God blessed the services with His Word. The motto, “Be still, and know that I am God” • LLC delegates reviewed and gave support for the (Ps. 46:10), was woven throughout the sermons. Services SURSRVHG//&2SHUDWLQJ3ODQDQGDSSURYHGD 5 And the heavens shall praise guests commented how comforting and uplifting it was to PRQWKLQFUHDVHLQ//&GXHV7KLVZLOODOORZ attend the services. We thank the Heavenly Father for this support to all areas of LLC work as demands in the thy wonders, O LORD: thy time of refreshment, and we also thank the believers in the work continue to grow. Delegates also re-elected faithfulness also in the hosting congregation of Seattle and the supporting LLC Steve Haataja, George Koivukangas, Keith Waara- congregations in the Western Area for their service and niemi (Midwestern Area), Peter Kuopus (Eastern congregation of the saints. labor of love. Area) and John Stewart (Western Area) to three- year terms on the Board. 6 For who in the heaven can be LLC Board Meeting, July 5 • )XWXUH6XPPHU6HUYLFHVKRVWLQJFRQJUHJDWLRQV² compared unto the LORD? • Visiting speaker-brother, Ilpo Saukkonen, relayed 5RFNIRUG ²,VKSHPLQJ ²1RUWKHUQ 0LQQ who among the sons of the greetings from LLC’s sister organization in , ²/RQJYLHZ²0RQWLFHOOR²6DVNDWFKHZDQ the SRK. Saukkonen spoke of the importance of mighty can be likened unto mutual work between the organizations and how it • Delegates will be prepared to give a detailed report helps to foster unity. He also gave a glimpse of the to congregations when meeting minutes have been the LORD? magnitude of work being done by the SRK, with 48 ÀQDOL]HG FRQÀUPDWLRQVFKRROVDQGVWXGHQWVVFKHGXOHGWR 7 God is greatly to be feared in DWWHQGWKRVHVFKRROVLQDQGDQDGGLWLRQDO the assembly of the saints, and camp events with 18,000 attendees at the various SRK camp facilities. to be had in reverence of all • Veli-Matti Heikkinen also brought similar greetings them that are about him. from the SFC in Sweden. Although much smaller in number, Heikkinen mentioned how important the 8 O LORD God of hosts, who is mutual work is between our sister organizations. a strong LORD like unto thee? • Board members reviewed planning updates for the current Summer Services and future Winter and Sum- or to thy faithfulness round PHU6HUYLFHV7KH3KRHQL[:LQWHU6HUYLFHVZLOO about thee? EH KHOG )HEUXDU\ ² ZLWK WKH VHUYLFHV PRWWR ´)LJKW WKH JRRG ÀJKW RI IDLWKµ  7LP    PHOTO: LORI LOUKUSA Summer Services will be at the Silver Springs prop- LLC delegates convey their congregation’s wishes and offer HUW\LQ0RQWLFHOOR0LQQ-XO\²KRVWHGE\ support in the work of God’s kingdom. • Work crews continue to pound away at Stony Lake the Rockford Laestadian Lutheran Church, with the Camp. The new bunkhouses and bathhouse are PRWWR´,WLV,EHQRWDIUDLGµ -RKQ  Updates on LLC Activities framed and dried in, and rough plumbing and electri- • 7KH%RDUGRIÀFLDOO\UHFRJQL]HGWKHDSSOLFDWLRQIURP cal work are being done with plans for completion of • Visiting minister, Veli-Matti Heikkinen from Sweden, the newly formed Coastal California Laestadian the buildings this fall. Also, planned for completion who is traveling with his wife Elina and two daughters, Lutheran Church (CCLLC) as the 34th LLC congrega- this fall is a pavilion that can be used for outdoor din- served at Summer Services in Seattle, and at various WLRQ&XUUHQWO\WKH\KDYHPHPEHUVDQGFKLOGUHQ ing and an additional teaching area. LLC congregations in July. The Heikkinens made the • The Board approved the following personnel changes: trip from Spokane to Minnesota by car, giving oppor- • 7KH  6XPPHU 6HUYLFHV SODQQLQJ FRPPLWWHH LV ~ Matthew Keranen was welcomed as LLC Publications tunity to enjoy the beautiful scenery that is often QRZLQIXOOJHDUPDNLQJSODQVIRUQH[WVXPPHU7KH Director, taking over from Walt Lampi. We wish Walt missed when traveling by air. At the end of his trip LLC property at Silver Springs will be utilized along and his wife Avis God’s blessings in retirement. Veli-Matti will travel with Jon Bloomquist to Ecuador with the Monticello church facility. A large tent has before returning to Sweden in early August. been reserved along with smaller supporting tents, so ~ Jessica Nikula has assumed the LLC Coordinator it is planned to be another outdoor service event. • Saskatchewan believers are enjoying the fruits of their position. We wish her God’s blessings and thank There should be ample camping possibilities, as plans ODERUZKHQWKHÀUVWFRXSOHVFDPSZDVKHOGDW3UDLULH Rod Nikula for his time served as Christian Educa- are being made for 300 RV sites. tion Coordinator. Shores Camp in June. A full camp season is slated there this summer. Again, we marvel at God’s ways Remember to spend time with your families before ~ The Board approved hiring Maria Fredrickson and and blessings. Brita Fredrickson, each working part-time as school begins again! Administrative Assistants, replacing Jessica Nikula. Eric Jurmu AUGUST 2018 PAGE 3

The Sabbath Word 1 A text for the 1st Sunday of the Month Times of Visitation Spirit, using the mouths of His own people. Then began he to upbraid the cities wherein most of his mighty works were done, because they repented not: Woe Through them, God preaches the forgiving unto thee, Chorazin! woe unto thee, Bethsaida! for if the mighty works, which were done in you, had been done in Word of reconciliation. Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes. But I say unto you, It shall be more Humility of the Spirit tolerable for Tyre and Sidon at the day of judgment, than for you. And thou, Capernaum, which art exalted unto It seems that God praises some human heaven, shalt be brought down to hell: for if the mighty works, which have been done in thee, had been done in characteristics over the others. He seems to Sodom, it would have remained until this day. But I say unto you, That it shall be more tolerable for the land of ORYHREHGLHQFH 6DP KXPEOHQHVV Sodom in the day of judgment, than for thee.—Matthew 11:20–24 ,VD VLQFHULW\ 7LP DQGWKRVH ZKRIHDU+LP 3URY *RGUHVLVWVWKH proud (James 4:6) and those who have od’s visitation is a precious time -RKQ +LVVSHHFKHVDOVRWHVWLÀHGRI long and wise writing, Solomon ends with grown in their own thoughts and hearts in a person’s life. It means that He +LVGLYLQHRULJLQ 0DWW 0RVWRI WKHEHDXWLIXOH[KRUWDWLRQ´/HWXVKHDUWKH (Ezek. 34:16). especially draws someone to His life, Jesus lived around the northern conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, God wishes that everyone would will- himself. God however can stop shores of Lake Gennesaret. The cities of and keep his commandments: for this is the ingly and with love humble themselves GFDOOLQJ$WWKHWLPHRI1RDKDQGWKHÁRRG Chorazin and Bethsaida were both located ZKROHGXW\RIPDQµ (FFO  before Him. Peter promises that He will do +HJDYHPDQ\HDUVWRUHSHQW *HQ  near its northern shores, but today are Mission of God’s Kingdom good to the humble ones. “Humble your- 7KHQVRRQDIWHU+HHQGHGWKHÀUVWZRUOG ruins. Jesus’ words have come true already selves therefore under the mighty hand of :KHUHGRHV*RGVSHDNWRGD\"%HIRUH+LV and no one was able to escape His wrath. in our time. Many ancient cities of Bible *RGWKDWKHPD\H[DOW ÀQDO GHSDUWXUH -HVXV VDLG ´7HDFKLQJ God also mercifully gave a time of repen- WLPHV VWLOO H[LVW EXW WKHVH DORQJ ZLWK you in due time: Cast- them to observe all things whatsoever I tance to the false prophetess in Thyatira, Sodom and Gomorrah, have perished. ing all your care upon have commanded you: and, lo, I am with EXW VKH GLGQ·W UHSHQW 5HY   *RG God’s warnings are to be taken seriously! him; for he careth for you alway, even unto the end of the promised to punish her and her children for \RXµ 3HW  their disobedience. The time of visitation is ZRUOGµ 0DWW   -HVXV WKH :RUG The time of visitation incarnate (John 1:1), promised to be with a precious gift for the obedient, but a dan- is a precious gift for His own, in His own kingdom. The king- gerous time for the disobedient. Jouko Haapsaari the obedient. dom was so precious to Jesus that already God Determines during His public ministry, He sent the disciples to preach about the approach of Visitation’s Time, Place  :KDWGRHV*RGH[SHFWPDQWRGRZKHQ WKHNLQJGRPRIKHDYHQ 0DWW *RG Jesus did many miracles to help people +HJLYHVKLPDWLPHRIYLVLWDWLRQ"$IWHUKLV to believe that He was God incarnate still speaks in His kingdom through His

The Sabbath Word 3 A text for the 3rd Sunday of the Month Jesus, Our Healer miracle: “To the poor the gospel is And as Jesus passed by, he saw a man which was blind from his birth. And his disciples asked him, saying, Master, preached.” The wounds of sin are healed, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind? Jesus answered, Neither hath this man sinned, nor and the dead are brought back to life. his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him. I must work the works of him that sent me, The Gospel Heals Today, Too while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work. As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world. This gospel is still being preached to sin- When he had thus spoken, he spat on the ground, and made clay of the spittle, and he anointed the eyes of the blind ners who long for peace. Sinners who have man with the clay, And said unto him, Go, wash in the pool of Siloam, (which is by interpretation, Sent.) He went DOOPDQQHURIVSLULWXDODLOPHQWVFDQÀQGWKH his way therefore, and washed, and came seeing.—John 9:1–7 same healing power in this time of visita- tion. This blessing gospel has the power of the life-giving Word of aster, who did sin, this man, Jesus answered the questioners: “Nei- could do nothing.” These words angered God for the remission “ or his parents, that he was ther hath this man sinned, nor his par- them. Later, after Jesus found him again, of sins in Jesus’ name ERUQEOLQG"µ7KLVTXHVWLRQ HQWVµ7DNHQRXWRIFRQWH[WLWZRXOGDSSHDU he received the grace of repentance and and redeeming blood. was directed to Jesus. Dur- WKDWWKHIDPLO\ZDVVLQOHVV6LJQLÀFDQWO\ began to follow Jesus. ing MHis public ministry, Jesus answered -HVXVH[SODLQHGWKDWWKHEDVLVRIWKH3KDUL- Jesus is known as the “Great Physician.” many questions. Some questions were sim- sees’ question was faulty: “For all have He came to heal the sick, the blind, the lame, ply seeking for information or clarity. sinned, and come short of the glory of WKHGHDIDQGDOOPDQQHURILQÀUPLWLHV5HIHU- Jim Moll Some questions arose from a seeking heart, *RGµ 5RP -HVXVDQVZHUHGWKHP ring to the miracles He had done, Jesus com- from one whose conscience was troubled. saying “that the works of God should be forted the imprisoned and doubting John the Other questions were asked for the purpose made manifest in him.” In other words, Baptist. Jesus also mentioned another great of tempting Him. his blindness was not the result of sin. Inherited Sin God allows trials in our lives to teach us and sometimes He teaches us through other Jewish people at Jesus’ time correctly people’s trials, too. In this situation, God BIBLE TRIVIA believed that life begins at conception; there used this healing to demonstrate His power Old and New Testament believers gathered periodically for mass are many Scripture portions to support that through His Son Jesus. Another purpose celebrations that they called feasts. Read Leviticus (chapters 23 and 25), understanding. In these questioners’ minds, was to gather listeners to the hearing of Luke 2 and John 10. Match the description with the correct celebration. there were only two possibilities. Thus, God’s Word. Once again, this miracle 1. __ When they came to land which HLWKHU DQVZHU ZRXOG FRQÀUP WKHLU XQGHU- revealed our Savior’s divinity and power. a. Feast of Tabernacles God had given them, they brought standing of why this man was blind; it was He performed many such miracles, most of a sheaf of the harvest b. Feast of Passover the consequence of sin. which have not been recorded in Scriptures In God’s kingdom, we acknowledge our -RKQ  2. __ 50 days after the seventh Sabbath c. Feast of Unleavened Bread sinfulness, which has been inherited from d. Feast of Pentecost Adam and Eve. Perhaps the questioners did The Great Physician 3. __ On the 10th day of the seventh not recall that the psalmist wrote: “There is This miracle caused a sensation among the month of the Jubilee e. Feast of First Fruits none that doeth good, no, not one” (Ps. 14:3). people; many had seen the man begging for 4. __ A holy convocation f. Feast of Trumpets Because they could see, did they feel that alms. It also caused consternation among they were more righteous than this blind the Pharisees, who were offended because 5. __ On the evening of the 14th day of g. Feast of Atonement WKHÀUVWPRQWK PDQ"-HVXVUHEXNHGWKH3KDULVHHVRIWKHLU it occurred on the Sabbath day. h. Feast of Dedication spiritual blindness. The Pharisees challenged the healed 6. __ 15th day of the same month i. Mary and Joseph man and his parents, stating that Jesus was Sin Obscures and Blinds 7. __ 15th day of the seventh month went to Bethlehem “not of God.” His parents were fearful, as When a person allows sin to reside in the the Pharisees had power to cast them out of 8. __ When everyone went to his own heart, spiritual vision begins to dim, and the synagogue. The healed man questioned FLW\WREHWD[HG eventually complete darkness and death the Pharisees, “Will ye also be his disci- can overcome. God’s kingdom loses its 9. __ The temple was completed, and SOHV"µ +H VWDWHG WKDW QHYHU EHIRUH KDG D beauty and the way of faith or “old paths,” it was winter Answers? on page 13. man, blind from birth, been given back his as Jeremiah wrote, becomes obscure. sight, and “if this man were not of God, he PAGE 4 AUGUST 2018 Rakastakaa toinen toisianne Love One Another Te rakkahimmat, rakastakaamme toinen toistamme, sillä rakkaus on Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that Jumalasta: ja jokainen, joka rakastaa, se on Jumalasta syntynyt ja tun- loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. He that loveth not knoweth not tee Jumalan. Joka ei rakasta, ei hän tunne Jumalaa; sillä Jumala on God; for God is love. In this was manifested the love of God toward us, rakkaus. Sen kautta ilmestyi Jumalan rakkaus meidän kohtaamme, että because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we Jumala lähetti ainoan Poikansa maailmaan, että me hänen kauttansa might live through him. Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he eläisimme. Siinä on rakkaus, ei että me rakastimme Jumalaa, vaan että loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins. Beloved, if hän rakasti meitä ja lähetti Poikansa sovinnoksi meidän synteimme God so loved us, we ought also to love one another. No man hath seen edestä. Te rakkahimmat, jos Jumala meitä niin rakasti, niin meidän pitää God at any time. If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and his love myös toinen toistamme rakastaman. Ei ole yksikään Jumalaa koskaan is perfected in us.—1 John 4:7–12 nähnyt. Jos me rakastamme toinen toistamme, niin Jumala pysyy meissä, Love Is of God ja hänen rakkautensa on täydellinen meissä.—1 Joh. 4:7–12 postle John, the author of this portion of Scripture, also wrote two other letters, Rakkaus on Jumalasta the Gospel of John and the Book of Revelations. He wrote much about love, the ekstin kirjoittaja apostoli Johannes kirjoitti myös kaksi muuta kirjettä, Johan- greatest of the fruits and signs of the Holy Spirit: “And now abideth faith, hope, neksen evankeliumin ja Ilmestyskirjan. Hän kirjoitti paljon rakkaudesta, Pyhän charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity” (1 Cor. 13:13). The Bible Hengen suurimmasta hedelmästä ja merkistä: ”Mutta nyt pysyvät usko, toivo, Aalso records that Jesus had a special love for John, “the disciple whom Jesus loved.” rakkaus, nämät kolme; vaan rakkaus on suurin niistä” (1. Kor. 13:13). Raamattu Therefore, he is sometimes referred to as “the apostle of love.” Tmyös mainitsee, että Jeesus rakasti erityisesti Johannesta, ”opetuslasta, jota Jeesus John says that we who are Jesus’ own should love one another, for “love is of God,” and rakasti.” Sen vuoksi häntä joskus mainitaan ”rakkauden apostoliksi.” those who love are born of God and know Him, “for God is love.” The Prophet Micah Johannes sanoo, että meidän, jotka olemme Jeesuksen omia, tulisi rakastaa toinen related the same message, “Who is a God like unto thee, that pardoneth iniquity, and toisiam me, koska ”rakkaus on Jumalasta” ja ne, jotka rakastavat, ovat syntyneet Jumalasta ja SDVVHWKE\WKHWUDQVJUHVVLRQRIWKHUHPQDQWRIKLVKHULWDJH"KHUHWDLQHWKQRWKLVDQJHU tuntevat Hänet, koska ”Jumala on rakkaus.” Profeetta Miika välitti saman viestin, ”Kuka on IRUHYHUEHFDXVHKHGHOLJKWHWKLQPHUF\µ 0LF  VHQNDOWDLQHQ-XPDODNXLQVLQlROHWMRNDV\QQLWDQQDWDQWHHNVL"KlQPHQHHRKLWVHSHULPLVHQVl Remain in God’s Love MllQHLGHQULNRNVLDHLKlQSLGlYLKDDLMlWLVLOOlKlQHOOlRQKDOXODXSLXWHHQµ 0LLND  -RKQDOVRZDUQVWKDWWKRVHZKRGRQ·WORYHGRQRWNQRZ*RG+HWKHQH[SODLQVKRZZH Pysykää Jumalan rakkaudessa remain in God’s love, which we feel for all of God’s children, our brothers and sisters in Johannes myös varoittaa, että ne, jotka eivät rakasta, eivät tunne Jumalaa. Hän selittää faith. We are to believe God and also our sins forgiven in the name and blood of His Son, sitten, kuinka me säilymme Jumalan rakkaudessa, jota me tunnemme kaikilta Jumalan for “God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him.” We lapsilta, veljiltämme ja sisariltamme uskossa. Meidän tulee uskoa Jumalaan ja myös are assured of this: “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of uskoa syntimme anteeksi hänen Poikansa nimessä ja veressä, koska ”Jumala lähetti God unto salvation to everyone that believeth” (Rom. 1:16) ainoan Poikansa maailmaan, että me hänen kauttansa eläisimme.” Meille vakuutetaan: We live through this gospel; we need it all the time in our walk of faith. God’s Word ”Sillä en minä häpee Kristuksen evankeliumia; sillä se on Jumalan voima itsekullekin teaches us to put all sins and burdens away. He has given us precious escorts, our believing uskovaiselle autuudeksi” (Room. 1:16). brothers and sisters who are always ready, using the authority given by Jesus, to proclaim Me elämme tästä evankeliumista; me tarvitsemme sitä alati uskon tiellä. Jumalan Sana this gospel of the forgiveness of sins to us. We also have the grace privilege to approach opettaa meitä panemaan kaikki synnit ja kuormat pois. Hän on antanut meille kallisar- one of these escorts when we are burdened by sins that we feel in our hearts and that voiset saattajat, uskovaiset veljemme ja sisaremme, jotka ovat aina valmiina, käyttäen trouble our conscience. We can believe the gospel message when it is proclaimed to us, Jeesuksen antamaa valtuutusta, julistamaan syntien anteeksiantamuksen evankeliumia freeing us from our burdens of sin. meille. Meillä on myös armoetu lähestyä jotain saattomiestämme silloin kun syntikuorma, A Free Gift jonka tunnemme sydämissämme, vaivaa omaatuntoamme. Me saamme uskoa meille John describes how God’s love toward us as sinful people preceded our love for Him. We julistetun evankeliumin viestin, joka vapauttaa meidät synnin kuormasta. are not even capable of loving Him as we should, nevertheless He loved us and sent Jesus Ilmainen lahja to be the propitiation for our sins. This love is a completely free gift, which we aren’t Johannes kuvaa, kuinka Jumalan rakkaus meitä syntisiä ihmisiä kohtaan edelsi meidän capable of doing anything on our own part to merit. Our love for God causes us to love rakkauttamme Häntä kohtaan. Me emme edes kykene rakastamaan Häntä niin kuin one another. meidän tulisi, vaikka Hän rakasti meitä ja lähetti Jeesuksen meidän syntiemme sovituk- John also says that no man has ever seen God, nor could any mortal person be able to seksi. Tämä rakkaus on täysin ilmainen lahja, jonka ansaitsemiseksi emme kykene teke- withstand seeing Him. Moses felt His presence on Mount Sinai when God passed before mään mitään. Jumalan rakkaus meitä kohtaan saa meidät rakastamaan toinen toisiamme. him, but he couldn’t see Him. Yet, his face shone when he came down to speak with the Johannes sanoo myös, ettei kukaan ei ole koskaan nähnyt Jumalaa, eikä yksikään SHRSOHVRWKDWWKH\ZHUHDIUDLGWRJRFORVHWRKLP ([RG :HDUH kuolevainen ihminen voisi elää Hänet nähdessään. Mooses tunsi Hänen läsnäolonsa assured, though, that God is with us and His love is perfected in us. Siinain vuorella, kun Jumala kulki hänen edestänsä, mutta hän ei voinut nähdä Jumalaa. Let us continue following our Savior Jesus in His kingdom, until He Kuitenkin, kun Mooses astui vuorelta alas puhumaan ihmisille, hänen kasvonsa loistivat calls us from this time to eternity to dwell forever in heaven. QLLQHWWlKHSHONlVLYlWWXOODOlKHOOH 0RRV 0HROHPPHNXLWHQNLQYDNXXWHWWXMDHWWl Jumala on kanssamme ja että Hänen rakkautensa tulee meissä täydelliseksi. Seurat- kaamme Vapahtajaamme Jeesusta Hänen valtakunnassaan siihen asti, että Hän kutsuu meidät tästä ajasta ikuisuuteen olemaan aina taivaassa. Duane Pirness Duane Pirness

amp Matters We All Have Gifts C IT WAS WITH MUCH EXCITEMENT that my girls and I hopped into our Yukon and headed up to Stony Lake for mother- daughter camp in early June. School had just gotten out and summer was here!  &DPSZDVZRQGHUIXO:HZHUHDEOHWRH[SHULHQFHSUHFLRXVIHO- lowship with our dear sisters in faith. Laughter and love was shared as we paused from our daily life and were strengthened in faith. “Neglect not the gift that is in thee” (1 Tim. 4:14) was the timely camp motto. In a presentation, we heard that we all have gifts—some many and some few. But we all have at least one gift, and that is the gift of living faith. This gift is so precious and amazing and we should not hide it, but share it with the world around us.  2QWKHZD\KRPHP\GDXJKWHUVDQG,ZHUHDEOHWRUHÁHFWRQWKLV motto in more detail. We discussed the various gifts we have been blessed with and how we could share these gifts with others. It’s easy to feel shy about our gifts and want to hide them. But this is not what God wants. He wants us to use our gift of compassion and seek out those who feel alone. Or with our gift of a servant’s heart, we can freely serve our brothers and sisters in faith. He has given XVRXUVSHFLÀFJLIWVWRVHUYH+LPDQGZHZDQWWRGRWKDWZLWKMR\ My girls and I agreed that it was a weekend blessed by God, Being with friends at camp is special. The and we are so thankful to Him for it! PHOTOS: TONI MUHONEN Muhonen girls are here with their friends Tara, Toni Muhonen, with her daughters Anya, Shayna and Nikita. Toni Muhonen Kayla, Brionna, Claire and Adelle. AUGUST 2018 PAGE 5 Jesus Is the Way, Truth and Life

Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we know not wither thou goest; and how can we know the way? Jesus saith unto him, DOVRWKDWWKH\ZRXOGÀQG+LVÁRFNKHUHRQ I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. If ye had known me, ye should have earth and follow the Lord Jesus. There is known my Father also: and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him.—John 14:5–7 only one way into His kingdom, through His Son. Jesus says, “I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go ur Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, through Him. We follow the Lord Jesus in Salvation through Christ LQDQGRXWDQGÀQGSDVWXUHµ -RKQ ,Q taught the disciples many lessons WKLVZD\RIIDLWK,WLVDVLPSOHZD\LWLVÀW We have life and salvation by and through this kingdom is found green pastures and of life and faith. He spoke these IRUDVPDOOFKLOG(YHQVRZHÀQGKRZWKH the merit work of Christ. This salvation rest for the righteous. “Come unto me, all words when He knew His death pressures of the threefold enemy can at was attained through Christ’s suffering, ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I Owas near. He knew that He was to become times confound us and cause confusion ZLOOJLYH\RXUHVWµ 0DWW  His death on the cross and His resurrection WKH VDFULÀFLDO /DPE DV -RKQ WKH %DSWLVW along the way. The enemy is very diligent, from the grave. When He arose victorious When endeavoring as a grace child, preached of Him in the wilderness, but if we keep Christ Jesus as the corner- from the grave, He broke the shackles of one knows and follows the Lord Jesus in “Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh stone and the foundation of our faith, we are death and the punishment of eternal dam- grace and truth. And then, when the believ- DZD\WKHVLQRIWKHZRUOGµ -RKQ -RKQ on a sure footing. When we journey believ- nation. He gives life to those who believe ing one’s eyes are called Him “the Lamb of God,” picturing ing sins forgiven in Jesus’ name and blood, and endeavor as God’s grace children. He closed in death, he KRZ-HVXVZRXOGEHVDFULÀFHGIRUWKHVLQV our footsteps on the way are made lighter. told Martha, the sister of Lazarus, whom will have eternal life through Christ’s suf- of the whole world. Jesus Is the Truth He raised from the dead, “I am the resur- rection, and the life: he that believeth in fering, death and Jesus Is the Way Jesus also taught His disciples that He is resurrection. Jesus prepared the disciples for when He the truth. He says, “And of his fulness have me, though he were dead, yet he shall live. would no longer be with them in person. all we received, and grace for grace. For And whosever liveth and believeth in me Randy Hillukka Earlier in the chapter, He instructed them, the law was given by Moses, but grace and VKDOOQHYHUGLHµ -RKQ  saying, “In my Father’s house are many WUXWKFDPHE\-HVXV&KULVWµ -RKQ  God’s desire is that all people would love mansions: if it were not so, I would have told Believers are not under the Law but under Him and keep His commandments, and you. I go to prepare a place for you.” He was grace, and as grace children we follow the going to be with the Father in heaven. doctrine of salvation founded in the Holy We can imagine how the thought of Scriptures. It is the same doctrine and Jesus leaving them caused stress for the Word that was taught by our Lord and Sav- Did You Know… disciples. Thomas said that he didn’t know ior Jesus Christ. where Jesus was going, and he questioned,  7KH:RUGRI*RGZDVPDGHÁHVKDQGLV …that Katrina Edoh and Kaisu Lustig, from the Outlook, Saskatchewan con- ´+RZFDQZHNQRZWKHZD\"µ,QVLPLODU WUXWK´$QGWKH:RUGZDVPDGHÁHVKDQG gregation, are working as a team to translate the SRK publication, Aiti! fashion, this question is familiar to us. We dwelt among us, full of grace and truth” (Mother!)"6L[RILWVHVVD\VKDYHDOUHDG\EHHQWUDQVODWHGDQGDSSHDUHGLQWKH ponder, we wonder, we doubt and we ques- (John 1:14). It teaches how from the begin- -DQXDU\²-XQHVoice of Zion issues. Gordie and Loraine Kumpula, and WLRQDWWLPHV³ZKHUHLVWKHZD\" ning of time light has been separated from Jodi Lampi are reading group members. Katrina says, “We value the mes- The way of faith is through our Lord darkness. This light is the light of Christ, sages in the articles in this book and will do our best to translate so that Jesus. He taught His disciples, “I am the which still shines forth in this ever-darken- mothers and others here might be refreshed and encouraged as we have way!” and that the way to the Father is ing world. It shows the way to salvation. EHHQµ7KHERRNLVVFKHGXOHGIRUSULQWLQJLQ

ower’s Ba e S sk h e T t Security in God

ACCORDING TO THE BIBLE, a child of God has security the elders’ faces. It felt like I in Him. Situations sometimes occur in various phases of life had climbed into the warm lap ZKHQZHDFWXDOO\FRQFUHWHO\H[SHULHQFHWKDW*RGKDVEHHQ of the congregation Mother. I our security and help. didn’t dare stay long, but a deci- ,UHFHLYHGWKHJUDFHRIUHSHQWDQFHLQFRQÀUPDWLRQVFKRRO sion ripened in my mind that in Finland. Living Christianity was unknown in my home and relationship, and my evening: here is my place. I con- IDPLO\PHPEHUVH[SHULHQFHGWKLVPDWWHUQHJDWLYHO\7KDWVXPPHUZHZHUHDWDQ tinued going to services. My isolated summer cabin. My parents thought that by talking with me, my common parents noticed that, but at least VHQVHZRXOGFDXVHPHWRJLYHXSP\IDLWK,IHOWDQ[LRXVDQGORQJHGIRUWKHFRPIRUW they didn’t forbid it after that. of the gospel. Decades passed. I suddenly There weren’t cell phones at that time, and our cabin didn’t even have a phone. became sick in a foreign land. I After a couple weeks I was able to go to the village. I had a few coins, and I thought UHFHLYHGTXLFNÀUVWDLGFDUHLQD that I had enough to make one phone call, or at least enough to ask my friend, a girl hospital. After that I was taken I knew, for the gospel. by helicopter to a bigger hospi- The family’s son-in-law, who said that my friend wasn’t at home and wouldn’t tal. The doctor had said that I come home for a few days, answered the phone. My disappointment was over- was seriously ill and that I whelming. I hadn’t even considered the possibility that she wouldn’t be at home. I might die. I saw how the lights did know that the brother on the phone was a believer, but I was altogether too shy of a big city slowly appeared to to ask him for a blessing. my view, through the darkness I told him that I have been at a cabin and that I’m going back there. I was about of the evening. All my sins to end the conversation when this brother said, “You can believe all your sins for- were forgiven. If I should die, given in Jesus’ name and blood.” I don’t remember if I even had time to say, “God’s I would get to the heavenly city. Peace,” before my time on the phone was up. I understood that that brother did not I have security in God and know what my heart needed and actually was shouting for, but God knew and there is no better security than placed the words into his mouth. that, I thought. A miraculous It was an autumn day. I had just come home from school. My mother had some- SHDFHÀOOHGP\PLQG+RZHYHU thing to tell me, “Your father and I have decided that you can’t go to services any- life continued and my health PHOTO: TIMO VANNAS PRUHµ:HHSLQJFRQVWULFWHGP\WKURDW,ÁHGRXWVLGHDQGZDONHGDLPOHVVO\DORQJ UHWXUQHG , KDYH H[SHULHQFHG the street. My only security was the Heavenly Father who has promised to hear our that each day is a gift. SUD\HUV:KDWVKRXOG,GRQRZ",DVNHGLQDJRQ\ When following the news, fear may rise even into believers’ minds. Then we can It was taken for granted at home that parents would be obeyed. “Honor thy father remember what is related about, what an elder who said decades ago when there and thy mother,” the Bible also instructs. Heavenly Father, how can I remain believ- was distress over the situation in the world at that time, “Our matters are not LQJLI,FDQ·WJHWWRVHUYLFHV,ZDLOHG"7KHELEOLFDOZDUQLQJFDPHWRP\PLQGWKDW decided in either Washington or Moscow, but in heaven.” Each of our days is in the one must not reject gathering together with the congregation because it may cause knowledge of the Heavenly Father. We have much reason to thank God for His being shipwrecked in faith. At the same time, I remembered another portion from JUHDWJRRGQHVVDQGORYH:HKDYHDÀUPVHFXULW\LQ*RGLQERWKOLIHDQGGHDWK Scripture, “We ought to obey God rather than men.” There was a clear answer. Marjut Vannas There were sewing services the same evening. With timid feelings I climbed the stairs to the service location. There weren’t many youth in our small home Zion. I Translated from Siionin Lähetyslehti,QR JUHHWHGHYHU\RQHDQGVDWGRZQZLWKWKHHOGHUO\DXQWV$ZDUPVPLOHÁLFNHUHGRQ PAGE 6 AUGUST 2018

2018 LLC SUMMER SERVICES God’s Children Gather in Snohomish, Wash. for Festive Summer Services LLC SUMMER SERVICES is an event held in July of every year meant to bring believers together from all areas of the country, and many times even internationally. They are a reminder of the grace found in God’s kingdom and the fellowship it contains. A prayer each year is that the services would also call those seeking ones to come to hear and listen to God’s calling voice.  7KLV\HDU//&6XPPHU6HUYLFHVZHUHKHOG-XO\²LQWKH3DFLÀF1RUWKZHVWDW*ODFLHU3HDN High School in Snohomish, Wash., hosted by the Seattle LLC congregation, with support from North Sound, Longview, Spokane and Alaska congregations. Willis Tucker Community Park across the VWUHHWIURPWKHVFKRROZDVJUDFLRXVO\RSHQHGE\WKHFRXQW\IRUFDPSHUVSURYLGLQJDÀHOGIRUWHQWV DQGSDUNLQJORWVIRUFDPSLQJWUDLOHUVDQGPRWRUKRPHV7KHÀHOGVRQFDPSXVDQGWKHSOD\JURXQGDW WKHHOHPHQWDU\VFKRROORFDWHGGLUHFWO\QH[WWRWKHPDLQIDFLOLW\ZHUHDOVRRSHQIRUUHFUHDWLRQ The motto of the services was “Be still, and know that I am God” (Ps. 46:10). These words were inscribed on a very artistically created sign depicting a rock base, with water and mountains above it. This gateway to the services was located at a side entrance that led to the cafeteria and gym, the main seating areas. Participants congregated many times in this area to enjoy the conversing that comes along with this services weekend. PHOTO: AARON NIKULA Carly Westerinen The Lord’s Holy Supper Unity of Faith Evident at Opening Ceremony Strengthens Faith LLC BOARD CHAIRMAN Jim Frantti began the opening We Can Believe Simply ceremony by welcoming the services guests, including AT SATURDAY evening’s SRK mission speaker Ilpo Saukkonen and his wife Paula, communion service, about of Liperi, Finland, and SFC brother Veli-Matti Heikkinen 1500 Summer Services and his wife Elina, of Mockfjärd, Sweden. We were guests were able to partake reminded of the unity of faith between our continents. of the Lord’s Holy Supper. Frantti said that God’s Word is made alive by the Holy Steve Haataja (Menahga, Spirit. Without God’s Spirit, the words of Scripture are Minn.) spoke from Matthew just letters. He reminded the services guests to hold fast to ² ZKLFK EHJLQV ´, the gospel, for “it is the power of God to salvation to thank thee, O Father, Lord of everyone who believes.” heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from Seattle congregation minister, John Stewart, warmly the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes.” welcomed everyone on behalf of the Western Area congre- Haataja said that no one knows when the end time will gations. He thanked the Alaskan believers who sponsored FRPHH[FHSW*RGWKH+HDYHQO\)DWKHU+HLVJDWKHULQJ the fundraising salmon dinner that was held Thursday, seeking souls that are scattered about. The grace doors of before the start of services. Stewart also welcomed the PHOTO: KATELYN NEVALA His kingdom are still open, but one day they will close. local community and teachers. He read the services motto: Jayden Byman attended the services with her husband Today, God, through His children, continues searching for “Be still, and know that I am God” (Ps. 46:10) and Landon and their family. those troubled souls. As we look back, we see how God reminded listeners that God has not forgotten and will has richly blessed these times of calling. never forget His people—He is always with us. Trust in God’s Care Faith is a mystery. The human mind and wisdom are a On behalf of the believers in Ecuador, Kenya, Gambia stumbling block to faith. “Man’s wisdom is foolishness to and Togo, LLC Mission Work Director Jon Bloomquist A MESSAGE OF GOD’S WORD that spoke to me was God,” Haataja said. “God has revealed them unto babes.” relayed their greetings and gratitude for the recent mission IURPDVHUPRQE\6WHYH/DLKRIURP3VDOP²+H We can’t seek to understand everything with our minds. work. He also read written greetings from congregations said that despite our sinfulness, worries and doubts, We want to have simple faith. in Ecuador, Ghana and Togo. God continues to give strength. He opens His Word for Jesus suffered in shame and ridicule and was hung on the Lastly, we heard special greetings from God’s children us and through the gospel grants strength to continue in cross so that no one would need to perish in their sins. Our in Finland, by Ilpo Saukkonen, who brought greetings faith. What a “precious matter it is to dwell in God’s faith is strengthened when we believe the proclamation that from the SRK’s Board of directors and staff. The Finnish kingdom!” he said. our sins are forgiven in Jesus’ name and blood. believers sent greetings from their Summer Services held  7KHWH[WWHOOVXVWR´IUHWQRWWK\VHOIEHFDXVHRIHYLO- Teri Simonson one week prior. Their services motto was, “Your sins shall doers.” I think of the evil that surrounds us—our soci- be forgiven unto you.” Saukkonen spoke about the time of ety is so corrupt! Yet I am reminded that here in the Pentecost, which is the birthday of the New Testament kingdom we are safe. We can trust in God’s care. FRQJUHJDWLRQ+HH[SODLQHGWKDWRQ-XGJPHQW'D\*RG·V “Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him.” children will be gathered into heaven’s home. He reminded $GHÀQLWLRQIRUWKHWHUP´FRPPLWµFRXOGEH´WRUROO us that it is through God’s grace that we can approach one off onto” as in a heavy burden we cease from carry- another and have our sins forgiven. ing. Speaking of worry, doubts and sins, we can Julie Lever “commit even those burdens and roll them onto the shoulders of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and He will bear them for us,” Laiho said. It is not of our own strength that we believe, but we can rely on the work that Jesus did for us. Jayden Byman PHOTO: OUTI OLLI This Is the Right Place to Be COMING TO SUMMER SERVICESDVDPRPRIIRXUWRGGOHUV,FDPHZLWKPL[HGHPR- tions. Feeling like it may be too hard to keep track of our kids, yet knowing we would regret not going! Being here this weekend, there is no question this is the right place for us to be. In Dean Simonson’s sermon, he spoke of the importance of attending services and Bible class, for it is in God’s kingdom and in the hearing of God’s Word that we are strengthened DQGXSOLIWHGRQRXUMRXUQH\LQIDLWK7KHWH[WIURPZKLFKKHVSRNH /XNH² LVD reminder to us to question ourselves when we get too caught up in the busyness of day- WRGD\OLIHDQGZH·UHQRWÀQGLQJWKHWLPHDQGHQHUJ\RUGHVLUHIRUWKHVHUYLFHVDQG events in God’s kingdom. The message that we heard again and again, from each sermon and the weekend of fellowship with so many believers, was “believe all your sins forgiven in Jesus’ name and blood.” What a comforting and uplifting message! PHOTO: MONICA KUMPULA PHOTO: KELSEY SIMONSON Lori Lever AUGUST 2018 PAGE 7

2018 LLC SUMMER SERVICES We Traveled to Hear God’s Word

“ARE WE GOING TO SUMMER SERVICESWKLV\HDU"µRXUÀYH\HDUROGDVNHG “We would love to go,” I answered, “but it’s very far from where we live.”  2XUSODQVKDGQRW\HWEHHQFRQÀUPHGDVWRZKHQDQGKRZZHZRXOGWUDYHOIURPRXUKRPH in the Toronto-area to LLC’s Summer Services in Seattle. We had taken all of our children LQRXUPRWRUKRPHDFURVVWKHFRQWLQHQWLQZKHQVHUYLFHVZHUHLQ6SRNDQH:HZHUH aware of the distance and the amount of planning involved in such a trip. There is limited VSDFHLQDPRWRUKRPHVRSDFNLQJKDGWREHHIÀFLHQW(VVHQWLDOVLQFOXGHGFDPSLQJJHDU food and clothes, and priority was made for strollers, bikes and a few toys. Non-essentials ZHUHOLPLWHG³IRUH[DPSOHZLWKWKHWHQFKLOGUHQZHKDGDWWKDWWLPHDQGWZRDGXOWVDPLQL- PXPRIWZRSDLUVRIVKRHVHDFKPHDQWSDLUV Special Memories Remain We all have great memories of our previous trip. It was adventurous in many ways. Learn- LQJKRZWRRSHUDWHDODUJHPRWRUKRPHIRUWKHÀUVWWLPHRQWKHURDGDQGDWFDPSVLWHV proved to be a challenge at times, which we now can look back at with humor. Learning about the limitation of the RV reserves of water, power and waste were good lessons prior to arriving at services. Driving through vast lands of ever-changing landscapes was beautiful and scenic. Some highlights included the Badlands, Yellowstone and the Rocky Mountains. We marveled at the beauty of God’s creation. Each day on the road brought adventure in new areas. New H[SHULHQFHVDQGPHPRULHVZHUHPDGHVZLPPLQJÀVKLQJELNLQJDQGKLNLQJ8QIRUWX- nately, the “old Adam” made his way along in the ride at times. Tiredness of the journey resulted in impatience, arguments and offences that needed to be cared for with the gospel. PHOTO: ANNA KOSKI The journey continued again with joy and renewed strength!  7KHGD\VPDQ\WLPHVHQGHGZLWKURDVWLQJKRWGRJVDQGPDUVKPDOORZVRYHUDFDPSÀUHDQG able to visit about the most important matters and encourage one another in our similar singing songs of Zion. Evening discussions were about adventures of the day and what the walks of life. The children made new friendships, played together all day and were able SODQVZHUHIRUWKHQH[WGD\7KHFKLOGUHQRIWHQDVNHGKRZPDQ\GD\VZHUHOHIWXQWLOZHZRXOG to familiarize themselves with the service site. get to services. That, of course, was the destination and the biggest highlight of the trip!  7KHGD\VKDGÀQDOO\DUULYHGWKDWZHKDGEHHQDQ[LRXVO\ZDLWLQJDQGSODQQLQJIRU Bedtime usually went well as the children were tired from the travels and went to sleep Summer services had begun and were being held in a beautiful location amid lush soon after bedtime prayers and the preaching of the gospel. When the silence of the night JUHHQHU\DQGEHDXWLIXOPRXQWDLQV7KHJXHVWVVHHPHGKDSS\DQGH[FLWHGWREHWKHUH fell and all was quiet, I felt like a mother bird with all her babies tucked in the nest, safe and God gave precious Words to His servants. As so many times before, our hearts were secure from the world around us. It was then that a silent prayer was sent to the Heavenly warmed throughout the service days. This was a special time again to be together with Father, that He would always keep us together in this precious faith and protect us in this many dear believers all needing to hear the beautiful messages from God, to be reas- evil world. sured in our walks of faith and encouraged to look forward to that destination that Trip Plans Began Again! awaits all those who believe. This year plans were different with services in Seattle, but with not enough time available Our family’s youth had many opportunities also to attend the services and the youth WRPDNHWKHWUHNDFURVVWKHFRXQWU\

Discussion Points: 1. Do you have memories in your life from special trips WRVHUYLFHV"6KDUHWKHVH ,I\RXKDYHQ·WEHHQDEOHWR travel with your family to services far away, have you WDNHQSDUWE\OLVWHQLQJRQOLQH" :KDWZHUH\RXUH[SHULHQFHV" 3. Tell of friendships that have developed because of meeting others at LLC Summer Services, or other such service occasions. Have these friends LQIDLWKUHPDLQHGGHDUWR\RX" 4. God’s Word says that we should gather together all the PHOTO: MARLEIGH ROIKO PHOTO: MARY HOTARI more as the end time comes 2HYPUH/V[HYPZLJVUKMYVTSLM[NL[Z[VZWLUK[PTL^P[OMYPLUKZ:LYHÄUH Nickolas, Alex and Noah Hotari (on the right) are happy for the chance to near. Why do you think He Nora and Susanna at services. visit with cousin Kyler and friend Kaleb on the services trip. LQVWUXFWVLQWKLVZD\" PAGE 8 AUGUST 2018

2018 LLC SUMMER SERVICES We Believe By Faith Tom and Carisa Hotari CAME TO THE SERVICES with their family from Mon- terey, California. When asked if there was a certain sermon that especially spoke to them, they answered: “Veli-Matti Heikkinen spoke from Hebrews of how faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Through faith, we believe that everything that surrounds us has been created by God. He said that researchers will try to understand ZLWKWKHLURZQUHDVRQLQJ$QH[DPSOHKHJDYHZDVRIWKHOLIHF\FOHRIDVDOPRQRIKRZ WKHÀVKZLOOWUDYHOWKRXVDQGVRIPLOHVDQGUHWXUQWRWKHVDPHEURRNRUULYHUWRZKHUHLW ZDVERUQ,WWDNHVDORWRIIDLWKWREHOLHYHWKLVZDVQ·WDFRLQFLGHQFH7KLVLVDSHUIHFWH[DPSOHRIKRZZHDUHUHPLQGHG through nature and with a child-like mind to have faith in God. We then will hopefully reach our destination in heaven.”  7KLVZDVWKHÀUVWWLPHIRU+RWDULVWRDWWHQG6XPPHU6HUYLFHVRQWKH:HVW&RDVW´7KHVFHQHU\DQGZHDWKHUZDVDPD]- ing!” they said. “We enjoyed our time here listening to God’s Word, singing, and making new friends. Now that we live LQ&DOLIRUQLDZHZLOOGHÀQLWHO\PDNHLWWRWKLVORFDWLRQPRUHRIWHQµ Diane Simonson PHOTO: DIANE SIMONSON A Good and Perfect Gift Songs Comfort and Uplift Precious Lance Clarke and Martha Ojalehto, both of Longview, THE ENTIRE SERVICES Wash., share their thoughts about the music at services. Memories weekend was a beautiful “HEARING EVERYONE SING is uplifting. It’s like reminder of how precious hearing the voices of angels,” Lance says. of Services it is to dwell in God’s “I love to sing. It strengthens my faith. The songs are Mary Maki HAD A kingdom. All weekend we comforting, like miniature sermons,” Martha says. heard the gospel, and HARD TIME sitting for “Singing lifts our spirits instantly,” Lance adds. the interview, for there God’s children blessed and “All of the songs are beautiful, but I love the old, familiar forgave one another. Steve were so many people at songs like Come, Savior Dear, with Us Abide (SHZ 164) services that she wanted Laiho’s Saturday sermon and Children of the Heav’nly Father 6+= 0DUWKD also reminded us of this to catch up with! Yet, she says. “The songs we sing in the evenings, like Son of My told about going to Sum- precious gift that we have. Soul, Thou Savior Dear (SHZ 503) are like evening prayers While it is such a perfect mer Services through the PHOTO: AMY WITTENBERG that carry us through the night.” Being at services and gift, we are not free from years, the differences Katie Hounwanou between now and when visiting with friends in faith the three-fold enemy who attacks us from the left and was a highlight for Mary the right. The strength to endeavor on the way comes she was young, and some of her favorite memories. Maki, of Clayton, Wash. from above, and we are encouraged and comforted by (near Spokane). Christ’s gospel. Mary shares: “I espe- “Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou FLDOO\UHFDOOWKHVHU- envious against the workers of iniquity. For they shall vices at Mariner High School in Seattle. Our central soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the organization at that time was called the AALC (Asso- JUHHQKHUEµ 3V 7KHVHUPRQLQVWUXFWHGXVWKDW ciation of American Laestadian Congregation). My our plans and all that man has to offer is like the grass husband Carl and I also won the drawing of airplane or things that die. They are temporary, pleasures of WLFNHWVWRWKH3KRHQL[:LQWHU6HUYLFHVZKLFKZDVD today and do not last. We need not worry, for when we fundraiser at that time. dwell in God’s kingdom, He cares for us. “We now go by the name of LLC (Laestadian Lutheran Church). God has blessed us by the growth Dennis Niemela of many more believers and many more speaker brothers to serve us. In our ongoing mission work, PHOTOS: KATIE HOUNWANOU God’s Word has spread to newly-formed congrega- Martha Ojalehto says that singing is a special part of the tions in 13 countries. services. Lance Clarke, here with his niece Autumn, agrees.  ´,WZDVH[FLWLQJWRWUDYHOIURPWKH:HVW&RDVWZLWK our family to attend Summer Services in many areas, I Understand the Sermons renewing friendships made over the years with many EHOLHYHUVDQGH[SHULHQFLQJWKHXQLW\RI6SLULWZHKDYH Better Now ZLWK RQH DQRWKHU 7KRVH SUHFLRXV H[SHULHQFHV ZLOO always be remembered.” Tara Davison (age 10), says: It was nice to hear Mary relate her stories about ser- I HAD A LOT OF FUN at vices over the years, and I marvel at the bond of faith services. My favorite part that believers have. It’s comforting to hear that the was sitting on the bleachers unity of Spirit has been the same and will continue listening to the sermons and over years to come. going to the candy store. A Amy Wittenberg sermon that I enjoyed the most was one when a minis- ter translated the sermon from Finnish to English. I’ve gone to Summer Ser-

vices before, but this year PHOTO: SARAH RUONAVAARA PHOTO: RACHAEL HENDRICKSON stands out because I’m older and I understand the sermons better. I loved being sur- rounded by believers, being able to hang out with my cous- We Were Refreshed and ins and meet new friends, and help take care of my Comforted in Faith younger cousins. IT’S GOOD TO HEAR God’s Word and to feel the Holy It’s Comforting Spirit through the different speaker-brothers at Summer Services. It’s reassuring to feel and hear the voice of the to Be with Believers Spirit. The fellowship has been so nice—it’s always fun to see friends from different places and meet new people. It’s Kelly Landa (Maple Lake, Minn.) and Madeline Jurmu comforting to see so many familiar faces gathered! The (Buffalo, Minn.): SERVICES WERE GREAT, the time singing is lovely, as songs of Zion are sermons in them- ÁHZE\:HPHWPDQ\QHZSHRSOHDQGLW·VFRPIRUWLQJWREH PHOTO: SARAH RUONAVAARA selves. The overall feeling at services is heartwarming, with other believers from far-away congregations. At the joyful and peaceful. It’s good to be here to be refreshed \RXWKSUHVHQWDWLRQZHOHDUQHGPRUHDERXWWKH+RO\*KRVWDQGKRZLWSOD\VDUROHLQRXUIDLWKOLYHV:H·UHH[FLWHGIRU and strengthened in faith. VHUYLFHVQH[W\HDULQ0LQQHVRWDZKHUHZHFDQFDWFKXSZLWKRXUQHZIULHQGVDQGEHDPRQJ*RG·VFKLOGUHQIURPDIDU Victoria Hall, Mackenzie Karvonen Sarah Ruonavaara AUGUST 2018 PAGE 9

2018 LLC SUMMER SERVICES Youth Presentation: I Believe in the Holy Ghost THE SUMMER SERVICES YOUTH presentation was given by Dave Edwards, of Dewey, Ariz. In the presentation, “I believe in the Holy Ghost,” Edwards spoke about the meaning behind the Third Article of the Creed. The Creed says: “I believe in the Holy Ghost, the holy Christian Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting, Amen.” He also broke it up into smaller parts for further discussion. Other highlights in the presentation included: “The Triune God,” “The Voice of the Holy Spirit,” and “The Holy Spirit and the Mother Congregation.” PHOTO: RACHAEL HENDRICKSON I feel blessed to have been able to listen to the Tuomas Rahkola, Jake Muhonen, Maddy Simonson and Bekkah Simonson are happy to be presentation, as it holds many valuable reminders. at services. One that spoke to me was when God calls, we want to run to His calling. And when a brother or United in Spirit, Faith and Hope sister in faith speaks about matters, we want to lis- ten to them, too. We don’t know when our last day Our Faith Is the Same What spiritual message did you on earth will be, and it’s so important that we take receive from services? care of matters as they come between us. Tuomas Rahkola (Reisjärvi, Finland): “IT’S NICE TO COME here after Finland’s Maddy Simonson (Cokato, Minn.): suvis and see that even though the services “WE NEED EACH OTHER to get to are a different style, living faith is the same heaven, because alone we’re weak. We’re here as it is in Finland. I was here last year, small and incomparable to God’s power, too, so it’s fun to see familiar faces again and He is in control of all things. I feel and also meet new people.” uplifted in faith and also encouraged to What did Christian fellowship at the continue in my temporal life doing what This presentation was relevant in services mean to you? God has planned for me.” my personal life of faith, as it It’s Our Turn to Host reminded me that when we forgive Jake Muhonen (Rockford, Minn.): those who have wronged us, our foot- “WHEN BELIEVERS are gathered Bekkah Simonson (Seattle, Wash): steps become lighter and our light of together it makes me realize that we are “IT’S BEEN FUN TO HOST services faith shines brighter. “Wherefore, all here for the same reason, to get to and see all the out-of-towners enjoying seeing we also are compassed about heaven. It’s also the best place to catch services like I do nearly every other year. with so great a cloud of witnesses, let up with people that I wouldn’t always Having to work at the services makes me us set aside every weight, and the sin hang out with otherwise. Being with appreciate the efforts that make Summer which doth so easily beset us, and let RWKHU\RXWKLVQLFHEHFDXVHZH·UHH[SHUL- Services happen each year. It’s comfort- us run with patience the race which PHOTO: MARTHA DAV ISON encing similar stages in life.” ing to see the willingness in everyone Tamara Niemela helped on various work shifts at the coming together to help.” LVVHWEHIRUHXVµ +HE  services—here she is (right) at the coffee stand with Tamara Niemela friends Rieka Lehto, Kayla Gordan and Lilly Niemela. Rachael Hendrickson A Perfect Place to Be We Have a Place in We Felt Welcome Here WHAT A WONDERFUL EXPERIENCE to attend Sum- God’s Kingdom FINNISH BELIEVERS Henrik Aulakoski (from mer Services in Snohomish, Wash.! As a busy mother of ) and Eemil Kulmala (from ) say that it nine, I wondered how I was going to hear anything while Stephanie Davison (Seattle) and Grace Dean (Spokane) say: was nice to be in the midst of the North American trying to track down kids amid the huge crowds gathered “A MESSAGE WE GOT from services is that God is great believers at services. “We felt really welcome here,” at the site. I needn’t have worried. Loudspeakers were all in all things and that we will always have a place in God’s WKH\ VD\´$V WKLV LV ERWK RI RXU ÀUVW WLPHV DW //& over and I was able to sit through many sermons, all with kingdom. It’s amazing to see how many escorts we have to 6XPPHU6HUYLFHVLW·VEHHQIXQWREHKHUHDQGH[SHUL- such perfect messages: help us on our journey. We realized while helping with the ence suviseurat the American way. Although the lan- services that the duties bring joy and are a gift. We also ´:K\DUHQ·WZHDW:HGQHVGD\QLJKW%LEOHFODVV" enjoyed playing volleyball and meeting new people.” guage is different, the message is the same—we Ask ourselves.” believe in the same way. It was nice to hear familiar songs of Zion. People here are open and friendly, we “Simply believe the message of the gospel.” want to come back.” “Christ knows our struggles.” We Felt Close to the Youth Swedish guest Aale Laurila agrees. “It’s been awe- “Keep faith and a clean conscience.” FINNISH GUESTS, Henrika Heikkala, Anna-Reeta some. I’ve enjoyed these services so much. It feels like Tyrvainen, Ella Jutola, Laura Korhonen and Salla Tak- D PL[ RI 6ZHGLVK DQG )LQQLVK VXPPHU VHUYLFHV , “Take care of one another and encourage each other.” kunen, agreed that the services here are similar to suvis in agree with what was said in the sermons and have felt “Keep childlike faith.” Finland, but they noticed an intimate feeling at services joy and peace here. It’s nice to meet believers from here. “We formed a closeness with the youth and enjoyed different countries. Now I know what these services “God is in control of our lives.” the youth discussion and activities,” they said. are like and I want to come back—it’s almost like I So many precious Loretta Dean have been here before.” reminders. At times, I They all say that they enjoyed the haps activities as would look around and well and made many new friends. think, “Wow—all these Tristan Ojala people are coming together as believers to hear God’s Word—this is so amazing!” Numerous times through- out the weekend I heard how important it is to take our children to the hearing of God’s Word. So even though I spent a lot of time ÀQGLQJRXUNLGVZKDWD perfect place to be! Diane Simonson

PHOTOS: TRISTAN OJALA PHOTO: LORETTA DEAN PAGE 10 AUGUST 2018 “The Lord Hath Done Great Things” Monticello Congregation Dedicates New Church “A SPRINGTIME SWEET AND GLORIOUS I dream of on this way; when all is new and wondrous, I will rejoice for aye—When God with might and glory, new heav’n and earth creates and with His light so holy His work illuminates” (SHZ 588:1).  7KH0RQWLFHOORFRQJUHJDWLRQ·VGHGLFDWLRQVHUYLFHVZHUHKHOG0D\²3HRSOH came from all over Minnesota and from as far away as Canada, Michigan, Colorado, Washington and Arizona! An estimated 1500 people attended services on Sunday. What a blessing to have so many people celebrating with us! The motto for these special services ZDV´7KH/RUGKDWKGRQHJUHDWWKLQJVIRUXVZKHUHRIZHDUHJODGµ 3V  It was a warm and breezy weekend amid the new growth of springtime in Minnesota. $SSOHEORVVRPIUDJUDQFHÀOOHGWKHDLUDVFKLOGUHQDQGDGXOWVDOLNHURDPHGWKHDFUHVRI giant shade trees and open land. The “haps” group played volleyball in between services, DQGLQWKHHYHQLQJWKH\KDGDERQÀUH It was heard over and over how thankful we are for what God has provided. This beau- tiful building and the space for our children are more than we could ever have dreamed possible. All glory goes to Him! Carmen Halonen

PHOTO: JUSTIN HALL God has blessed the Monticello believers with a beautiful countryside setting for their new church, with space for their many young and for guests, too, who come to hear God’s Word and attend other events as well. The Most Important Work Begins We Have a “Nest to Shelter and Feed”

AS THE SPRING UNFOLDEDLQWKHVXUURXQGLQJÀHOGVZHFHOHEUDWHGRXUORQJDZDLWHG 0RQWLFHOORFKXUFKGHGLFDWLRQVHUYLFHV7KHVLJQVRIQHZOLIHLQWKHÀHOGVDQGWUHHVZLWK the birds resounding brought a central theme to the songs, the Word of God, the music PHOTO: ERIKA PIRNESS and prayers of the many guests gathered to honor this joyous day. Reino Kuoppala delivers the Brainerd congregation’s greetings, which Monticello Board Thankfulness echoed in our building. It was a day the Lord had made, and we were members Daren Hendrickson and Bruce Keranen accept on behalf of their congregation. able to rejoice and be glad. As Ben Waaraniemi stated in the opening sermon, “It is a joy to welcome services guests to the building that was given from the hand of God. And it LVHYHQPRUHSUHFLRXVÀOOHGZLWKWKHFKLOGUHQRI*RG«UHVRXQGLQJZLWKDXQLWHGYRLFH Happy Hearts Gather at Dedication Ceremony coming before God’s holy Word with thankfulness and praise for His great blessing.”  -RXNR+DDSVDDULPDUYHOHGDWWKHFKDQJHVIURPWKHWLPHKHÀUVWVDZWKHWKHQYDQGDOL]HG THE LLCM CHURCH BUILDING DEDICATION consisted of a welcome and devotion, building, now transformed to its current beauty and suitability. congregation history, remodeling project recap, a joyous musical cantata, and greetings Many greetings and prayers were brought from other congregations—prayers for bless- from the LLC, SRK and North American sister congregations. The greetings were of ings to be bestowed on our new church and for the precious work of revealing God’s love, support and joy at the growth of God’s kingdom. kingdom to those of the community. The hope of calling prodigal sons and daughters to “Who Knew?” SHDFHZDVH[SUHVVHGQRWLQJWKDWWKHPRVWLPSRUWDQWZRUNEHJLQVQRZ³JRVSHOZRUN7KLV 7KHTXHVWLRQZDVDVNHG´:KRNQHZ"µ$QGWKHDQVZHULV´*RGNQHZµ*RGNQHZWKHUH KRXVHRI*RGLVÀQLVKHGOHWXVXVHLWWRWKHJORU\RI*RGDORQH/HWXVFDUHIRURIIHQVHV would be a congregation and church in the Monticello area on the Silver Springs property. with the gospel under the grace of God, forgiving one another. The Monticello congregation came about because of overcapacity in the neighboring Rock-  -XVWDV6RORPRQEXLOWDKRXVHDFFRUGLQJWRVSHFLÀFPHDVXUHPHQWVVRKDVWKLVFRQJUH- IRUG FKXUFK $W DQ $XJXVW  ERDUG PHHWLQJ RQH 5RFNIRUG ERDUG PHPEHU VFULEEOHG gation. God prepared a plan just as Paul writes, where God’s children are the building ´0RQWLFHOOR"µWRDQRWKHU7KHQH[WPRQWKDPHHWLQJZDVKHOGWRGHWHUPLQHLIWKHUHZDV stones each in the place where the Master has put them, with Jesus Christ as the chief interest in forming a Monticello congregation. Fifty-three people attended that meeting. cornerstone. We can rejoice, for we have a spiritual home where we can gather for nour- ishment and strength. Congregation Formed  0XVLFÀOOHGRXUVDQFWXDU\WKURXJKRXWWKHVHUYLFHVDQGSDUWLFXODUO\GXULQJRXUGHGLFD- 7KH6LOYHU6SULQJVSURSHUW\ZDVWRXUHGLQHDUO\2FWREHULQ7KHEXLOGLQJZDVQHDW tion ceremony. We heard how God has provided a nest for the birds, similarly He has DQGFOHDQDQGWKHUHZDVPXFKH[FLWHPHQWDQGWKHWKRXJKWWKDWZHZRXOGEHDEOHWRPRYH given us a home, a nest in which to shelter our young and feed all those hungering for His right in. There seemed to be many possibilities for this property. At a meeting on October Word. Surely this is none other than the house of the Lord. WKHFRQJUHJDWLRQZDVIRUPHGZLWKPHPEHUV7KHÀUVWVHUYLFHVDQG6XQGD\VFKRRO  $SRHPZULWWHQE\*DLO.RUSLUHÁHFWHGRQKRZWKH*UHDW.LQJRI*ORU\LVRXUVWUHQJWK ZHUHKHOG-DQXDU\MXVWIRXUPRQWKVIURPWKHÀUVWPHHWLQJDWDORFDOVFKRRO and our song. Under the shelter of His great wings we travel, praying that His Spirit, His  7KH 6LOYHU 6SULQJV SURSHUW\ ZLWK  DFUHV ZDV XQDIIRUGDEOH DW WKDW WLPH 6RPH Word and the gospel will carry us to the time of the singing of the birds in heaven. thought that God had “dangled a carrot”—Silver Springs. It wasn’t His time for a church \HWEXWIRUDFRQJUHJDWLRQ,Q'HFHPEHUWKHUHZDVDQRWKHU6LOYHU6SULQJVWRXU Aila Kallinen More vandalism had happened there, but it was still unaffordable. Others felt that the building was now ruined. It wasn’t God’s time yet. During this time God blessed new gifts into the congregation. Bible class teachers, board members, song leaders and many others were called to serve. New ministers were called and other already serving ministers joined the congregation. Two Monticello schools were regularly used for services as a God-given but temporary places of worship. God’s Plan Revealed ,Q0DUFK6LOYHU6SULQJVEHFDPH DSRVVLELOLW\DJDLQ³DFUHVSOXVWKH buildings. With strong support from the congregation, a loan agreement ZDVÀQDOL]HGLQ$XJXVWDQGVLWH cleanup began. Some wondered what we would do with 100 acres. God has also answered that question, with the VDOH RI  DFUHV WR WKH //& LQ -XQH :RUNRQWKHEXLOGLQJEHJDQLQ 0D\DQGZHZHUHDEOHWRPRYH in early this year. The prayers and support of all the believers has surely PHOTO: ERIKA PIRNESS helped our congregation, and we are Nate Jurmu presents the Monticello congregation’s thankful to have a church building to history during the dedication ceremony. God’s hand continue the work of God’s kingdom was surely guiding this process, for it was less than ZP_`LHYZMYVT[OL[PTL[OH[HYLHILSPL]LYZÄYZ[TL[ in this area. to discuss the possibility of a new congregation to PHOTO: ERIKA PIRNESS Deb Forstie when they now have their own church building. Sunday school kids joined older ones, too, to sing of God’s love and grace. AUGUST 2018 PAGE 11 LLC Staff Change THIS SUMMER HAS SEEN CHANGES in staff and KHDUWV,KDYHQRWHGWKHVDFULÀFHPDGHIRUWKHZRUNRIWKH GXWLHVDWWKH//&RIÀFH:DOW/DPSLZKREHJDQVHUYLQJ kingdom in North America. May God bless and keep them DVWKH//&3XEOLFDWLRQV'LUHFWRURQ)HEUXDU\KDV in His kingdom.” completed his “tour of duty” in that position. Matthew  2QEHKDOIRIWKH//&%RDUGRIÀFHVWDIIDQGWKH1RUWK Keranen has now assumed these duties. American Zion, we thank Lampi for his time of service at Lampi accepted the Publications Director position for a WKH//&RIÀFHDQGZLVK*RG·VEOHVVLQJVWRKLPDQGKLV two-year period upon Paul Waaraniemi’s retirement. During wife Avis in the years to come. KLVWLPHDWWKH//&RIÀFH/DPSLKDVDFWLYHO\VXSSRUWHG While wishing well to the Lampis, we also want to and participated in the publications efforts of the LLC. In welcome Matthew Keranen into his new duty as LLC particular, he has used his management and engineering Publications Director. The work of God’s kingdom is not background to put into place systems for planning and unfamiliar to Keranen. For the past 13 years, he has served PHOTO: ANNETTE JOHNSON scheduling periodicals and implementing project work in all as a teacher and administrator at the Christian folk school There is much to review! Matthew (Matt) Keranen, new LLC areas of publications. His support for the publications efforts (opisto) in Jämsä, Finland. In his duties there, he taught Publications Director meets with retiring director Walt Lampi. and all areas of LLC work has been greatly appreciated. English, communications, and global studies, as well as During this time, Lampi and his wife Avis have lived in serving as an administrator. During that time, Keranen has Keranen began his duties in July. He comes to his new Buffalo, Minnesota, returning once each month to their also participated in music projects for the LLC. SRVLWLRQDWWKH//&RIÀFHLQ/RUHWWR0LQQHVRWDKDYLQJ KRPHLQ,VKSHPLQJ0LFKLJDQIRUDQH[WHQGHGZHHNHQG  .HUDQHQH[SUHVVHGKLVWKRXJKWVRQFRPLQJWRZRUNDW lived with his wife Liisa and their family in Jämsä, Finland.  :KHQDVNHGDERXWKLVWLPHZRUNLQJLQWKH//&RIÀFH WKH //& RIÀFH ´7KH RQO\ OHQV WKURXJK ZKLFK LW PDNHV During that time, both he and his wife have made many /DPSLUHVSRQGHG´:RUNLQJZLWKWKH//&RIÀFHVWDIIKDV sense to uproot ourselves and resettle far away is that it connections to the Finnish Zion that will serve in the coop- left an indelible mark on my heart. I thank God for this must be God’s time and God’s plan. We go forth escorted erative work between the LLC and the SRK, the central blessing. I have enjoyed the free and open atmosphere, and by kind wishes and prayers of friends and escorts. I have organization of the believers in Finland. many times have been humbled by the sharing of both the served for over twenty years in an institution that does the  2QEHKDOIRIWKH//&%RDUGRIÀFHVWDIIDQGWKH1RUWK MR\VDQGVRUURZVWKDWRWKHUVH[SHULHQFHLQWKHLUSHUVRQDO work of God’s kingdom, and I am eager to do work in American Zion, we welcome the Keranen family and wish lives. I have felt great love, patience, trust, compassion and DQRWKHUVXFKLQVWLWXWLRQ,EULQJFHUWDLQVNLOOVDQGH[SHUL- them God’s blessings as they begin the new duties in the work forgiveness. All of these attributes, I believe, come from ential knowledge, and I trust that God will give the of the LLC and establish their new home in Minnesota. the love of God and the Holy Spirit that dwells in their LQFUHDVHDV+HVHHVÀWµ Jim Frantti

God’s Kingdom Is Love, Peace, Joy and Hope Drink of the Living Water THE SERMONS THROUGHOUT the weekend spoke in many ways of the beauty of God’s kingdom. When we dwell in His kingdom, we have God. God is love. He is everything, and He is timeless. We are just “fools and slow at heart,” as mentioned in one sermon. But when we have God, we have hope, we have peace and we have everything. We don’t need to be wise and full of wisdom to believe and be a child of God in His NLQJGRP:HFDQVLPSO\GULQNIURPWKHÁRZRIOLYLQJZDWHUVDQGEHOLHYHRXUVLQVIRU- given in Jesus’ name and blood. We heard that “whoever drinks of these living waters will become a spring of living water themselves, to share with others who want to believe.” Real forgiveness is found in God’s kingdom. We are small and fragile, like birds. God is the one who provides our strength and care. It is a secure dwelling place. We are blessed when we live in this house of God. God has made it simple. We desire to keep faith and a good conscience. We also heard how God is all powerful and is not to be mocked. Speaking against His kingdom is to be against God himself. We were instructed to trust God’s Spirit found in His kingdom and His Word spoken through His servants. Thanks to God PHOTOS: ELMER HILLUKKA, CRYSTAL LEE We thank God for our temporal building of worship. Even more, we thank Him for our Jon Bloomquist, of Menahga, Minn., one of the guest ministers at Monticello’s dedication services, served with God’s Word. Rockford congregation minister, Jouko Haapsaari (inset photo), spiritual house, which is built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets and for also served throughout the weekend. Jesus Christ, its chief cornerstone. We are the most fortunate of all people to be living in this beautiful kingdom of God, where there is offered forgiveness, peace and hope. We Felt Joy! Sue Grangroth Bruce Keranen us. God saw the need that was in this area (LLCM Board chairman): and guided the planning and work so we THE WEEKEND WAS would have a place of worship to serve Him. a festive gathering around God’s Word. It Barb Jurmu: was heartwarming to THE DEDICATION see services guest from SERVICES were such all ages enjoy the week- a joy! Seeing all the end. It was a joy to be people come from here. It’s so nice to have our own facility to other congregations to serve the congregation’s needs. The school share in our thankful- we rented served us well, but in our own QHVV DQG H[FLWHPHQW church there is plenty of room for our chil- was uplifting! God is so good to us, giving dren and youth. God blessed us with a us our own place of worship that we can home that serves not only our congregation FDOOKRPHDIWHURQO\ÀYH\HDUVRIEHLQJD but all of Zion. It’s been wonderful to share congregation. May His Word always be this facility with the guests. We warmly freely preached here, encouraging us on welcome you back and hope to see you our way to heaven as it was preached dur- many times in the future. ing this festive weekend. Nate Jurmu (Project Manager): Savannah Forstie: WHEN THE GUESTS IT WAS FUN TO SEE started arriving we so many people here understood the reason and to visit with old for the work, that we friends. Now that we would have a house of have our own church it worship for our congre- feels more permanent gation and Zion. There is and stable than meeting so much joy for the blessings which God has at the school. given. That joy was evident in the faces of Carolyn Ylitalo both Monticello members and the services PHOTOS: ELMER HILLUKKA, ERIKA PIRNESS guests who came and shared their joy with PHOTOS: ERIKA PIRNESS The services drew large throngs of guests from both near and far. PAGE 12 AUGUST 2018

2018 LLC SUMMER SERVICES God Was Present Skip Lang, Planning Committee member, says: “LIKE OTHERS ON THE COMMITTEE, I had the RSSRUWXQLW\WRSXWP\SURIHVVLRQDOH[SHULHQFHWRXVHLQ serving God’s kingdom. At work, my team puts on corpo- rate events, but I’ve never worked on planning something like this for church! I was impressed at how well people did their jobs with little direction. As tiring as the work could be, there was always someone that seemed to be working harder! Participating in the work is an important opportunity for fellowship. My relationships with those on the committee grew and I can better appreciate their strengths, personalities, sincerity and humility in faith.  ´,WZDVDOPRVWDVXUUHDOH[SHULHQFHWRVHHJXHVWVDUULYHDQGHQMR\WKHVLWHDQGWKHVHU- YLFHVLQWKHZD\WKDWZHLPDJLQHGIRUPRQWKV$WÀUVWLWZDVKDUGWRDSSUHFLDWHZKDWZDV happening overall because we were focused on making sure everything was safe and functional. As things settled down, I was able to listen to a few sermons and witness the PHOTO: NOAH PYLVAINEN, MR\RIWKHJXHVWV$QRWKHUKLJKOLJKWZDVVHHLQJKRZPDQ\JXHVWVFDPHWKHÀUVWGD\IRU Guest speaker-brothers Veli-Matti the salmon dinner. It made us feel like our efforts were appreciated and that it would be Heikkinen, SFC (above), and Ilpo an awesome weekend! Saukkonen, SRK (right), here with his “I loved seeing how the guests interacted with the service gateway. Our committee was wife Paula, served with God’s Word. blessed with inspired artists, designers, fabricators and construction professionals that PHOTO: HELEN HILLUKKA took our service motto to heart. We wanted to bring a piece of nature onsite to UHÁHFW *RG·V SUHVHQFH LQ We Give and We Receive what He provided as the WHEN ASKED TO SHARE his thoughts about serv- backdrop for our services. ing at various duties at Summer Services, Mark Lehto Although I wasn’t able to shares: “When the gospel is preached, when God is in visit so much because of my our heart, there is joy in serving our fellow brothers duties, even brief greetings and sisters in faith. We can help to make their stay easy of ‘God’s Peace’ were heart- to listen to God’s Word, serving them temporally so warming and a reminder of they can enjoy the services and be fed spiritually, and the Christian fellowship that to lessen the burden of everyday life. We give and we we can rely on.” receive. Jesus taught how to help and give as we can— Kelly Wittenberg some more, some less. The services always seem to PHOTO: KELLY WITTENBERG come together better than we could imagine. “The ministers related their hope and prayer that God would provide His Word, words that are needed Workers Serve God and by so many. Listeners have concerns of everyday life, H[SHULHQFHWULDOVDQGLW·VDJUHDWFRPIRUWWREHZLWK His Kingdom believers listening to God’s Word and receiving the gospel, to be away from the world and its ways.” WHEN ASKED TO SHAREKLVH[SHULHQFHZRUN- PHOTO: BRIANNA LEHTOLA Brianna Lehtola ing for the greater good of the services guests, also One of Mark Lehto’s duties at Summer Services was serving God and His kingdom, Mike Johnson says: working with audio/visual needs—an important duty! “The overall goal in serving is to provide a safe and secure environment in which to hear God’s Word and enjoy the fellowship of His children for all the guests at the services site. It’s important to serve Working at Services Is a Joy and to be obedient to what God’s Word instructs us Mariah Ojalehto HAD MULTIPLE WORK shifts through- and not become prideful in one’s own work. out the Summer Services. About this, she says: “It was sur- “There’s joy in serving. It gives opportunity to SULVLQJO\IXQDQGIXOÀOOLQJWREHVHUYLQJLQ*RG·VNLQJGRP visit both the younger and older guests and to meet Coffee shifts got busy, but everyone loves coffee so I saw new people. It’s a blessing to see believers from many smiling faces and happy customers. Mingling among many areas of God’s Zion attend the services, also the believers and chatting on photography shifts was uplifting, those who aren’t believing. It’s important to remem- as well as seeing the fellowship and festivities. Although the ber and pray for those who are struggling.” work duties kept me busy, the services that I was able to Brianna Lehtola attend were refreshing and uplifting. It was amazing to see everyone who traveled here to listen to God’s Word.”


• new arrivals • new arrivals • • new arrivals • new arrivals •

Born to Born to Born to Born to Nolan & Rachel Byman Matt & Megan Laho Bryce & Emily Pirness Tanner & Tiffany Halonen Longview, WA Buffalo, MN Outlook, SK Saskatoon, SK A girl! A girl! A boy! A boy! Hana Louise Molly Sara Ethan Ernest Bryer Donald 0D\ 0D\ -XQH -XQH

Born to Born to Born to Arttu & Liz Hankkila Jason & Kristin Grangroth Dan & Mary Grangroth Albertville, MN Silt, CO Columbia Falls, MT

PHOTO: BRIANNA LEHTOLA A girl! A girl! A boy! Mike Johnson (right) helped with security needs at the service site. Here, he visits with Phil Ojalehto Tessa Lori Mila Marie Davin Douglas and Aric Martin. -XQH -XQH -XO\ PHOTO: EMILY PLOUGH AUGUST 2018 PAGE 13


Remembered with love by: Remembered with love and longing by: Her loving husband of 65 years, Douglas His wife of 31 years, Lorraine (Ylioja, Halonen) Daughters: Carolyn (Glen) Byykkonen; Children: Jeffrey; Kerry (Deanna); Karlo (Peggy); Susan (James) Grangroth Kristin (Gregory) Waldack; Joni (Aimo) Vaatainen; Daughter-in-law Maria Bratt Janelle (Peter) Jarvi; Rebecca (Brian) Wikman; JUDQGFKLOGUHQJUHDWJUDQGFKLOGUHQ Darla (Eric) Korpi; Peter (Kathryn); Gina (Daniel) Siblings: Ellen Randall; James (Darlene) Wuollet; Haapala; Kaisa (Kari “Sam”) Wuollet Miriam (Robert) Jurmu; Daniel (Marilee) Wuollet Step-children: Neal (Jean) Halonen; Sisters-in-law: Betty Wuollet; Jeanette Wuollet Keith (Becky) Halonen; Leslie (Kari) Halonen; Many nieces, nephews, other relatives, friends, and a Perry (Melanie) Halonen host of brothers and sisters in faith Grandchildren raised by Ray and Lorraine: Stephen (Julie) Halonen; Daniel (Jess) Halonen; Preceded in death by: Jacqueline Halonen; Jared Halonen Son Gregory; great-granddaughter Heather Wisuri; parents Reino Sr. and JUDQGFKLOGUHQDQGJUHDWJUDQGFKLOGUHQ Agnes Wuollet; brothers Reino Jr. and Benjamin Wuollet; brother-in-law Siblings: Mildred (Ernest) Kallinen; Norman (Charlotte) Hillukka Richard Randall Sister-in-law: Norma Hillukka Many nieces, nephews, relatives, friends, and a host of brothers and sisters in faith The Bible says the saints of God have always walked this way. Oh, let us follow in their steps and rest with them one day. Oh, keep me in this kingdom, Preceded in death by: Lord, and let me not grow faint, but lead my way to heaven’s home, to You, +LVÀUVWZLIH'RURWK\ +DYHULQHQ DQGLQIDQWVRQSDUHQWV:DOWHUDQG and all the saints (SHZ 446:4,5). Lyylie (Hendrickson) Hillukka; brothers Ruben, Arnold (Francelia), Wesley —this song was written by Margaret, in 2004 (Florence), Kenneth; step-daughter Arlene Halonen

)XQHUDOVHUYLFHVZHUHKHOGIRURXUGHDURQHRQ0D\DWWKH0LQQHDSROLV Joy in heaven, joy, everlasting joy! Joy is the angels’ hymn! Alleluia! Laestadian Lutheran Church, and she was laid to rest at the Glen Haven (SHZ 587:1) Memorial Gardens, in Crystal, Minnesota. Sincere and heartfelt thanks to all who have remembered our family at this time of Margaret’s eternal victory. A heartfelt thank you to all who remembered our family during this time of loss.

Welcome to Saskatchewan Singles Singles—We Need REMEMBER Upcoming LLC Camp! September 21–23, 2018 Your Input! Service Men and Women in Mission Trips ;OL33*W\ISPJH[PVUZZ[HɈPZ Prayer and with Mail The following mission trips Welcome, older singles (30+), to Singles Camp at Prairie Shores Camp soliciting ideas for themes which Service personnel, or their families will be occurring in August. We in Saskatchewan! will be used for future writings in may submit the names and addresses wish God’s blessings to these the Voice of Zion feature, “Life of active duty members of the armed brothers on their mission trips. Register online (, by August 18. Camp fee: $60.00CAD. as a Single Believer.” A believer services to appear in this space. who is single experiences his Consider a gift subscription to the Questions: Contact Pam Johnson (306-717-4164) or her own joys and sorrows Voice of Zion or recorded sermons for ECUADOR or Loreah Simonson (306-371-4522) and perspectives on life that, if your loved one who is in the service. July 27–August 5 shared, can uplift others. Please Note: Mail to all service personnel consider sharing your ideas for uses regular U.S. postage rates. such themes. And, if you are interested to help write for this Charles Aho Welcome to Cali Surf Days 2018! feature, let us know that as well! MWCS-18 MACG-18 1st Maw Unit 37181 Monterey, California • Sept 28–30 FPO, AP 96373 Visit for details. Email suggested themes Forstie, Ryan D & Sarah and ideas to Lori Loukusa: 2270 Simmons St Unit C [email protected]. Dupont, WA 98327 Mark & Angela Hoikka PSC 41 Box 2692 Jon Bloomquist, Veli-Matti Heikkinen, APO, AE 09464-0027 LLC SFC United States Books, Just for you, [email protected] my friend, and me & [email protected] GHANA In all thy ways acknowledge him, 248-247-8124 August 1–13 and he shall direct thy paths. Child of the Valley LCPL Huhta, Blake PO Box 91367 Prov. 3:6 Yuma, AZ 85369-1367 218-539-9941 PFC Johnson, Matt MWSS 172 1st MAW Unit 37206 Motorhome for Rent FPO-AP 96603 Loren and Ashley Krey 2017 Jayco Greyhawk, 14349 Desert Point Drive 31 FS, sleeps 10 El Paso, TX 79928 $1,500/wk and .15 a mile Stan & Briana Laulainen Tomm Stewart, Vesa Tahkola, 8608 Unit A Onyx LLC SRK Memorial Day wknd–Labor Day Prices: $10.00 USA each Dr SW Lakewood, WA 98498 wknd (7-day min) $13.50 CAN each Briana c: 763-291-1229 Stan c: 907-315-2238 Text or call: Todd Anderson (612-267-1338) Available from LCPL Curtis Wisuri and or Unit #7003 Answers to Bible Trivia 2046 Barnett Ave. [email protected] Quiz on page 3. Au Pair Wanted in Loimaa, Finland Quantico, Virginia 22134 A believing family with four children, in Loimaa, Finland (northeast of 1. (e)/HY ), is seeking an au pair as soon as you can come and for any length New York City Tour! Rooms for Rent 2. (d)/HY of time (three months or more), until June 2019. September 6–9, 2018 Rooms available for rent in shared 3. (f)/HY² For more information, please contact: [email protected]. house in Waite Park, Minn. 4. (g)/HY Let’s enjoy a trip to 11 min. drive to St. Cloud 5. (b) New York City together! State Univ. Utilities included, /HY Considering Au Pair Work? The LLC makes no endorsement of host families VɈZ[YLL[WHYRPUNUVWL[Z 6. (c)/HY or au pairs who advertise in the Voice of Zion. Persons interested in au pair work Contact Paul Honkala for details: 7. (a)/HY [email protected] Contact Colin Huhta should consider arranging a teleconference using Skype or other similar media 8. (i) with the potential host family before making any commitments. Establishing the 586-612-5578–cell; (218-639-0849) /XNH² expectations of both parties will help ensure a secure and enjoyable time abroad. 248-399-8609–home 9. (h)-RKQ PAGE 14 AUGUST 2018 • SERVICE SCHEDULES • SERVICE SCHEDULES • SERVICE SCHEDULES • SERVICE SCHEDULES • SERVICE SCHEDULES • CANADA Laestadian Lutheran Church of Flagstaff MINNESOTA ALBERTA Meeting place: Sturgeon Cromer Elementary School :PS]LY:HKKSL9VHK-SHNZ[HɈ(A ࠮SSJÅHNZ[HɈVYN Brainerd Laestadian Lethbridge Laestadian Lutheran Church Lutheran Church Chairman: Todd Ylioja 403-380-3369 :\UKH`ZJOVVS !HT࠮:\UKH`ZLY]PJL!HT Secretary: Hannu Janhunen 403-327-7795 For visiting minister and communion service details, see online calendar. & Manor Sept–May *OHPYTHUJLSS!࠮:LJYL[HY`JLSS!  1501 S 8th St, Brainerd, MN Sunday school ...... 11:00 am 218-829-5745 Sunday service ...... 12:00 pm *OHPYTHU!   ࠮:LJYL[HY`!     1st Sunday communion Phoenix Laestadian Lutheran Church Welcome to our services! 3rd Sunday evening service ...... 7:00 pm 5YK:[࠮*H]L*YLLR(A  June–Aug Sept–May Song services 1st Friday of the month 7HZ[VY!/HYYP=HOHQ`SRRH ࠮WSSJO\YJOVYN Sunday school ...... 10:00 am Bible class Friday ...... 7:30 pm *OHPYTHU!   ࠮:LJYL[HY`!  Sunday worship ...... 11:00 am . . . 11:00 am June–Aug SERVICE SCHEDULE 1st Sunday of the month–Communion service Sunday service ...... 11:00 am Sunday school: (Sept–May) ...... 9:15 am Wednesday Bible class or services (alternating weekly) .....7:00 pm 3rd Sunday evening service ...... 7:00 pm Sunday service...... 10:30 am & 7:00 pm Last Wednesday song services ...... 7:00 pm (1st Sunday Communion, no evening service) ONTARIO Wednesday: Bible study...... 7:00 pm 1st Wednesday: Song services ...... 7:00 pm Sunday service summer schedule ...... 10:00 am Cokato Laestadian Toronto Laestadian Lutheran Church Lutheran Congregation 16144–20th St SW, Cokato, MN 55321 5579 Hwy 27, Cookstown, ON Laestadian Lutheran Church of Prescott Valley 320-286-2413 Mailing address: PO Box 1035 4V\U[HPU=PL^࠮76)V_࠮7YLZJV[[=HSSL`(A  Sunday school (during school year) ...... 9:15 am Cookstown, ON, Canada L0L 1L0 Sunday school: Sept–May ...... 9:15 am 1st Sunday: Communion service ...... 10:30 am Sunday school (Labour Day–Mother’s Day) ...... 12:00 pm Sunday service (Communion–1st Sunday)...... 10:30 am 2nd Sunday: Services...... 10:30 am Sunday service (Labour Day–end of June) ...... 1:00 pm Wednesday–Bible class (except July) ...... 7:00 pm Discussion...... 7:00 pm Sunday service (July–Labour Day) ...... 6:00 pm Church: 928-775-5030 3rd & 4th Sundays: Services ...... 10:30 am Communion service 1st Sunday of month *OHPYTHU!  ࠮:LJYL[HY`!   Services ...... 7:00 pm Day Circle, Children’s Bible class, and song services— 1st Wednesday: Song services ...... 7:00 pm Friday (Labour Day–Mother’s Day) ...... 7:00 pm COLORADO 2nd, 3rd & 4th Wednesday: Bible class ...... 7:00 pm *OHPYTHU! ࠮:LJYL[HY`!   *OHPYTHU!J ࠮:LJYL[HY`!J Church: 705-458-9568 (during services) Laestadian Lutheran Church of the Roaring Fork Valley Laestadian Lutheran Church of Elk River SASKATCHEWAN 8595 201st Ave NW, Nowthen, MN 55330   5Z[:[࠮76)V_ ࠮:PS[*6  Mailing Address: 551 Marcia Dr, Big Lake, MN 55309 Dunblane Laestadian Lutheran Church *OHPYTHU!  ࠮^^^SSJYM]VYN Chairman: Adrian Pirness 763-360-0820 )V_࠮4HJYVYPL:2 Sunday school (Sept–May)...... 9:15 am Secretary: Becky Randall 763-274-1454 Canada S0L 2E0 Sunday services (1st Sunday Communion) ...... 10:30 am Welcome to our services! Phone & fax: 306-243-4837 2nd & 4th Sunday evening services ...... 6:30 pm Chairman: 306-243-4407 Wednesday: Bible class, Youth Bible class, Day Circle, Sunday school (Sept–May) ...... 9:15 am Secretary: 306-243-4836 Home and Family, or song services ...... 7:00 pm Sunday morning service ...... 10:30 am Sunday evening service ...... 6:30 pm* Sunday school ...... 9:45 am (Sept–May) FLORIDA Wednesday activity...... 7:00 pm** Sunday services ...... 11:00 am *No evening service on the 5th Sunday; 7:00 pm (1st Sunday) Laestadian Lutheran Church of Florida **The 1st Wednesday of the month is either Communion service 1st Sunday (ɉSPH[LK33**VUNYLNH[PVU home services or song services. Bible class ...... 7:30 pm (2nd, 3rd & 4th Friday) Song services ...... 7:30 pm (1st Friday) Contact: Secretary – Russell Roiko 612-723-1422 or Youth Bible class.....7:00 pm (4th Sunday alt w/Outlook) Treasurer – Vesa Paukkeri 954-294-6567 Laestadian Lutheran Church No Bible class or song services June, July, and Aug. SERVICE SCHEDULE (ENGLISH & FINNISH) of Menahga Apr–Nov Dec–Mar 25 Juniper Ave NW, Menahga, MN 56464 Outlook Laestadian Lutheran Church At homes– Sunday–4:00 pm  ࠮^^^SSJTLUHONHVYN Contact above St. Andrews Lutheran Church *OHPYTHU!   ࠮7HZ[VY!  4J2LUaPL:[5 928 South E St, Lake Worth 6\[SVVR:2*HUHKH:35 Sunday school (Sept–May)...... 9:45 am Phone: 306-867-8950 ILLINOIS Sunday services (Sept–May) ...... 11:00 am Chairman: 306-867-7530 (cell) Sunday Service (June-Aug) ...... 10:00 am Secretary: 306-867-9632 Laestadian Lutheran Church of Illinois Communion services 1st Sunday/month (Sept–May) ....11:00 am & 6:00 pm ZLJYL[HY`633*'NTHPSJVT Communion services 1st Sunday/month (June-Aug).....10:00 am & 6:00 pm *OHPYTHU! ࠮:LJYL[HY`!  Wednesday Bible class, song services, or home services.... 7:00 pm Sept–May June–Aug Sunday school ...... 10:00 am Sunday services...... 10:00 am Welcome to our services! Sunday services ..... 10:45 am Minneapolis Laestadian Sunday school (Sept–May) – 9:45 am Communion service 1st Sunday of month Lutheran Church Bible class last Sunday of month Sunday service – (June–Aug) – 10:00 am 13030–47th Ave No, Plymouth, MN 55442 (Sept–May) – 11:00 am ࠮^^^TSSJO\YJOVYN Communion 1st Sunday MICHIGAN NLULYHS'TSSJO\YJOVYN Sunday evening service (1st & 3rd Sunday) – 7:00 pm Bible class (Friday) – 7:30 pm 290 Fairground, Song services (1st Friday) – 7:30 pm Plymouth, MI 48170 Welcome to our services! Youth Bible class (4th Sunday, alt w/Dunblane) – 7:00 pm 734-451-0500 Regularly scheduled services are held every Sunday No Bible class or song services June, July, and Aug. at 10:30 am and 6:30 pm. *OHPYTHU!1LɈ2\TW\SH   ࠮QR\TW\SH'JVTJHZ[UL[ Sunday school begins at 9:00 am every Sunday (during school year). :LJYL[HY`!7H\S/\O[H ࠮WH\S^O\O[H'NTHPSJVT Bible class, song services, or home services are held on Wednesday Saskatoon Laestadian evenings at 7:00 pm (Sept–May). Services are held June–Aug. LUTHERAN CHURCH Sunday services 11:00 am (Communion on 1st Sunday) All Sunday sermons and special services are webcast live *OHPYTHU!࠮ZHZRH[VVUSSJVYN SEPT–MAY: Sunday school 9:45 am from our website: Sunday school (Sept–Apr) ...... 10:00 am Bible class 7:00 pm on 1st & 3rd Wednesday Song services 7:00 pm on 1st Wednesday Ministers serving our congregation: Sunday service (Communion 1st Sunday) ...... 11:00 am 1VOU3LO[VSH2LP[O>HHYHUPLTPHUK9\ZZ9VPRV Bible class / Song services – Tuesday (Sept–Apr) ...... 7:00 pm alternating with Bible class. Youth Bible class 7:00 pm on 3rd Wednesday UNITED STATES Day Circle 10:30 am on 1st Saturday Laestadian Lutheran Church of Monticello Ishpeming Laestadian Lutheran Church ALASKA 1860 County Rd 39 NE, Monticello, MN 55362 Alaska Laestadian Lutheran Church >HZOPUN[VU:[࠮0ZOWLTPUN40  ࠮    Chairman: 763-286-3097 Sunday: Sept–May Sunday: June–Aug Secretary: 612-298-5095 ,:\L3U>HZPSSH(2 ࠮*OHPYTHU!   Sunday school ...... 9:45 am Worship service ...... 11:00 am Labor Day to Memorial Day Memorial Day to Labor Day Worship service ....11:00 am 7:00 pm Sunday school ...... 10:00 am 6:30 pm Sunday School (Sept–May) ...... 9:15 am Sunday service ...... 11:00 am ...... 6:00 pm *VTT\UPVUZLY]PJL¶-PYZ[:\UKH`࠮5VL]LUPUNZLY]PJL¶3HZ[:\UKH` Services (1st Sunday Communion) ...... 10:30 am Bible class Wednesday ...... 7:30 pm ...... 7:30 pm 2nd and 4th Sunday: Services ...... 6:30 pm Song services 1st Wednesday ...... 7:30 pm ...... 7:30 pm WEDNESDAY: Sept–Apr Bible class ...... 7:00 pm Song service or discussion – First Wednesday Wednesday–Bible Class (except 1st Wednesday) ...... 7:00 pm Song services on 1st Wednesday* ...... 7:00 pm ARIZONA *Home & Family Discussion Evening–Oct, Dec, Feb, and April Laestadian Lutheran Church of Glendale Pelkie Laestadian Lutheran Congregation SERVICE SCHEDULE Wolf Lake Laestadian Lutheran Church Wednesday Bible class ...... 7:00 pm *O\YJOHKKYLZZ! 7LSRPL9K7LSRPL40  ࠮  Sunday school ...... 9:00 am Mailing address: 22399 Broemer Rd, Chassel, MI 49916 >VSM3HRL45࠮   ࠮^^^^SSSJO\YJOVYN Sunday service...... 10:00 am Chairman: Albert Hongisto 906-482-0878 June–Aug Sept–May Secretary: Roy Pikkarainen 906-482-2166 :\UKH`ZLY]PJLL_JLW[[OLÄYZ[:\UKH`VM[OLTVU[O ...... 4:00 pm Sunday school 9:45 am Pastor: James Frantti 906-483-0712 We are currently meeting at Desert Sage Elementary School, Sunday worship 10:00 am 11:00 am Sunday school (Sept–May)...... 9:45 am >(SHTLKH9K.SLUKHSL(YPaVUH 7SLHZLJOLJR[OL Communion 1st Sunday each month 10:00 am 11:00 am website for any location changes. Sundays: Worship service ...... 11:00 am Friday – Bible class 7:00 pm 1st Sunday: Communion service ...... 11:00 am >LIZP[L!O[[W!^^^SSJVMNSLUKHSLVYN࠮,THPS!PUMV'SSJVMNSLUKHSLVYN Communion 1st Sunday even numbered months all year 6:00 pm 2nd Wednesday: Bible study ...... 6:30 pm 2nd Sunday G.P.A. Nursing Home service 2:00 pm *OHPYTHU! ࠮:LJYL[HY`!   AUGUST 2018 PAGE 15 • SERVICE SCHEDULES • SERVICE SCHEDULES • SERVICE SCHEDULES • SERVICE SCHEDULES • SERVICE SCHEDULES • Rockford Laestadian Lutheran Church WASHINGTON Seattle Laestadian *O\YJOHKKYLZZ!0IHYYH(]L5,)\ɈHSV45 Lutheran Church Church phone: 763-497-8211 Longview Laestadian Lutheran Congregation 22420 - 102nd Ave SE Sunday morning services...... 10:30 am 76)V_ ࠮3VUN]PL^>(  ࠮ Woodinville, WA 98072 Communion services on 1st Sunday ...... 10:30 am School Year Sunday school (Sept–May)...... 9:15 am Sunday school ...... 9:15 am Mailing address: PO Box 981, Monroe, WA 98272-4907 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Sunday evening services with a 1st Sunday: Communion service...... 10:30 am & 1:30 pm Finnish sermon on the 1st Sunday ...... 6:30 pm Youth discussion ...... 6:00 pm Sunday school (during school year) ...... 9:15 am 4th Sunday youth discussion ...... 6:30 pm 2nd, 3rd & 4th Sundays: Services ...... 10:30 am & 6:00 pm 1st Sunday: Communion service...... 10:30 am & 1:30 pm Bible class on Wednesdays (except 1st Wednesday) ...... 7:00 pm 5th Sunday: Services ...... 6:00 pm 2nd Sunday: Services...... 10:30 am & 7:00 pm Song services on 1st Wednesday*...... 7:00 pm Wednesday: Bible Class...... 7:00 pm 3rd Sunday: Services ...... 10:30 am *Home services in Oct, Dec, Feb, Apr 4th Sunday: Services ...... 10:30 am Summer Youth discussion ...... 7:00 pm 7HZ[VY!1V\RV/HHWZHHYP࠮   ࠮QOHHWZHHYP'YSSJO\YJOVYN 1st Sunday: Communion service...... 10:30 am & 1:30 pm Chairman: Jeremy Glynn 763-439-0413 5th Sunday: Services...... 10:30 am & 7:00 pm Youth discussion ...... 7:00 pm Wednesday: Bible class ...... 7:00 pm :LJYL[HY`!1LɈ/HUZVU  2nd, 3rd & 4th Sundays: Services ...... 10:30 am & 7:00 pm 5th Sunday: Services ...... 7:00 pm *O\YJO! ࠮*OHPYTHU!   MONTANA Wednesday: Services ...... 7:00 pm Website: (Sunday 10:30 am service webcast) Laestadian Lutheran Church of Spokane Flathead Valley Laestadian Lutheran Church (KKYLZZ!5+HS[VU9K࠮*O\YJO!  4LL[PUN7SHJL!,HZ[:PKL.YHUNL*YLZ[VU9K2HSPZWLSS4;  4HPSPUN!76)V_ +LLY7HYR>( ࠮^^^SSJZWVRHULVYN *OHPYTHUJLSS! ࠮:LJYL[HY`JLSS!  *OHPYTHU!    ࠮:LJYL[HY`!  Summer Schedule - June-Aug Laestadian Lutheran Church Sunday school (Sept–May): ...... 9:15 am Sunday service ...... 10:30 am of the North Sound 1st Sunday: Communion service ...... 10:30 am 3rd Sunday evening service ...... 6:00 pm Service...... 1:00 pm Wednesday evening ...... 7:30 pm Service Location: Highland Elementary 2nd Sunday: Service ...... 10:30 am & 6:30 pm Song services 1st Wednesday, Services 2nd & 4th Wednesday, 3220 113th Ave NE, Lake Stevens, WA 98258 3rd, 4th Sunday: Service ...... 10:30 am Bible Class 3rd Wednesday Chairman: Paul Jacobson 425-280-4240 1st Wednesday: Song service ...... 7:00 pm 2nd, 4th Wednesday: Bible class ...... 7:00 pm 1st weekend of the month (Aug–May) includes a visiting minister with website: services on Saturday at 7:00 pm, and communion service on Sunday.

NORTH DAKOTA Sunday school (Sept–May) ...... 9:15 am Sunday morning service ...... 10:30 am Laestadian Lutheran Church of Williston Wednesday Bible class (last Wednesday song services) .....7:00 pm Editor: Matthew Keranen, [email protected] 4LL[PUNWSHJL!AHOS*VTT\UP[`*LU[LYYK:[YLL[^LZ[LUKVMAHOS5+  (school year) Assistant Editor: Lori Loukusa, [email protected] *OHPYTHUJLSS!   ࠮:LJYL[HY`JLSS!   2nd Sunday/month service or discussion ...... 6:00 pm Layout: Annette Johnson, [email protected] Sunday school (Sept–May): 9:45 am AREA PUBLICATIONS DIRECTORS Services: 11:00 am (Live internet service) Wendy Agbowada, Rockford, MN ...... [email protected] Visiting Minister & Communion service: 1st Sunday of every month Heidi Aho, East Coast ...... [email protected] Jolene Anderson, Alaska ...... [email protected] Deanna Byman, Longview, WA ...... [email protected] Vanessa Byman, Williston, ND ...... [email protected] Publication Survey Results Peggy Glynn, Menahga, MN ...... [email protected] 7KLVWDEOHLVWKHÀQDOUHSRUWRXWRQWKH//&SXEOLFDWLRQVVXUYH\,WVKRZVDVXPPDU\RIWKRVHLWHPVVRPHRI Christina Jacobson, Ishpeming, MI ...... [email protected] 2LPSHO1VOUZVU-SHNZ[Hќ(A ...... [email protected] the readership would like to see ‘less of’ in the Voice of Zion and the corresponding staff response. Some suggestions Keith Kariniemi, Cokato, MN ...... [email protected] IRU¶OHVVRI·ZHUHWKHVDPHLWHPVRWKHUVZDQWHG¶PRUHRI·7KH)HEUXDU\LVVXHOLVWHGWKH¶PRUHRI·LWHPVLQ Bridget Karvonen, North Sound, WA [email protected] greater detail and the March issue shared the survey questions, along with the responses received. Survey questions June Karvonen, Minneapolis, MN ...... [email protected] Andrea Lahti, Roaring Fork Valley, CO ...... [email protected] also included these topics: Shepherd’s Voice, LLC books, electronic publications, podcasts, blogs, cost, etc. Brooke Loukusa, Seattle, WA ...... [email protected] Thank you to all who participated in the survey. May God continue to bless and give His increase to our Eija Mikkola, Toronto, ON ...... [email protected] LLC publications. Kendra Parks, Saskatoon, SK ...... [email protected] Russ Roiko, Florida ...... [email protected] Less of in the Voice of Zion Action Plan Martha Rousu, Phoenix, AZ ...... [email protected] Tiina Savolainen, Lethbridge, AB ...... [email protected] 1 FRUHLJQ0LVVLRQ7ULSV $PRUHFRQFLVHIRUPDWZLOOEHXVHGLQPRVWVLWXDWLRQV2IWKH Lynn Siljander, Detroit, MI ...... [email protected]  PLVVLRQWULSVLQRQO\DIHZZHUHUHSRUWHGRQ Karin Simonson, Dunblane, SK ...... [email protected] Kolet Simonson, Spokane, WA ...... [email protected] 2 Sermon Summaries Sermon content will no longer be covered in detail but rather Leah Simonson, Outlook, SK [email protected] for overall meaning. Rachael Smith, Glendale, AZ ...... [email protected] SUBSCRIPTION RATES 3 Less about people Will increase somewhat as overwhelmingly most readers want Voice of Zion & Christmas in Zion:  PRUHRQSHRSOHOLIHDQGFRSLQJLQWKHFRQWH[WRIIDLWK North America Print Edition, $51/year 4 Services Schedules Will continue for now, even though they are available on some websites. International Print Edition, $76/year They are convenient in hard copy form, too. Shepherd’s Voice: North America Print Edition, $29/year International Print Edition, $48/year 5 3LFWXUHV :LOOQRWGHFUHDVHDVWKH\FRPSOLPHQWWKHWH[WLQWHOOLQJWKHVWRU\ The current issue of the Voice of Zion and Shepherd’s Voice may be 6 $GYHUWLVHPHQWV 7KHFXVWRPHUDQGYHQGHUEHQHÀWIURPDGYHUWLVHPHQWVDQGWKH\ purchased as a PDF download under eBooks for $5.00/each. help generate revenue for publications. To order and renew subscriptions, go to the “Subscriptions” tab on the LLC’s online store, 7 Repetitive Coverage We have several reoccuring events. How to cover them is a Address Changes: Go to Under Publications tab challenge. We agree. complete “Change of Address” form. Also update your address in your online store account to ensure continued delivery. Note to U.S. 8 Full Event Coverage We are changing to a Flash News-type coverage for events and trips, residents: Subscriptions are sent bulk mail and are not forwarded. especially repeat events. The event will be noted but not detailed. Submit change of address information as soon as possible. For subscription assistance, contact Kathy Laho at [email protected] 9 Articles that continue to The number of such articles has decreased greatly, but still happens or 763-479-2422. DQRWKHUSDJH RFFDVLRQDOO\$UWLFOHOHQJWKLVQRZVSHFLÀHGLQWHUPVRISULQW ADVERTISING RATES space. It is a work in progress to accomplish this goal. Regular rate: $4.00/column inch (Minimum 15 euro charge for advertising bills sent to Europe) 10 ([WUHPH(GLWLQJ 5DUHEXWLWGRHVKDSSHQ/HQJWKGRFWULQHFRQFLVHQHVVJUDPPDU Announcements: vernacular are all part of it. We strive for continuous improvement :LY]PJLZ¶ JVS\TUPUJO and are working with our writers on various issues. )PY[OLUNHNLTLU[^LKKPUN JHYKVM[OHURZ¶  +LH[O¶ Z[HUKHYKPUJOLZJVS\TU¶   SHYNLY¶HKK LHJOHKKP[PVUHSPUJO Friends meet at services: Ads must be submitted by the 1st of the month preceding the these six couples attending month of publication. LLC Summer Services in Advertising, Death, and Service announcements: Send email ads Snohomish, Wash. are all and inquiries to Lori Loukusa at [email protected]. celebrating their 50th Birth, Wedding, and Engagement announcements: Go to Publications wedding anniversary this tab at, and submit form from “Voice of Zion year. They were able to get Announcements.” Contact Annette Johnson at [email protected] together there for a visit and with inquiries. photo. (L-R): Gordie and LAESTADIAN LUTHERAN CHURCH (LLC) Loraine Kumpula (Loretto, 279 N Medina St, Suite 150, Loretto, MN 55357 Minn.); Harley and Marleigh Phone: 763-479-2422 • Fax: 763-479-2133 • [email protected] Lang (Snohomish, Wash.); 6ѝJLOV\YZ! !¶!4¶- Chairman: Carl and Liisa Martin Visit the LLC website at: Jim Frantti (Menahga, Minn.); Tom and Site includes: home: 906-483-0712 Irene Redman (Plymouth, • Live sermons [email protected] Minn.); Steve and Judy • News and notes Byman (Longview, Wash.); Executive Director: • Publications information Sandy and Ken Huotari Eric Jurmu • Online store (Monroe, Wash.). cell: 763-402-3695 • Articles and presentations [email protected] • Camp activities enrollment PHOTO: MARY ANN WIKMAN PAGE 16 AUGUST 2018

DOCTRINE AND LIFE – Questions of Our Time :K\'RQ·W%HOLHYHUV'ULQN$OFRKRO" DWWKHZLQHWKH\WKDWJRWRVHHNPL[HGZLQH«$WWKH In each generation God’s grace working through last it biteth like a serpent, and stingeth like an adder. the Holy Spirit has taught His children to deny Thine eyes shall behold strange women, and thine :K\'R,$EVWDLQ" ungodliness and worldly lust in order to live KHDUWVKDOOXWWHUSHUYHUVHWKLQJV« 3URY  TO MANY PEOPLE in our time talk of “the horrors soberly, righteously, and godly (Titus 2:11-12). • 1RZWKHZRUNVRIWKHÁHVKDUHPDQLIHVWZKLFKDUH RIDOFRKROµVHHPVOLNHDQH[DJJHUDWLRQ1RZDGD\V $OUHDG\LQWKHÀUVW17FRQJUHJDWLRQDOPHHWLQJ these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lascivious- people usually wish to approach the alcohol problem the believers discussed an important matter con- ness, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, through enlightened discussion. The usual theory has cluding that the decision “seemed good to the wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, envyings, murders, been that the problem of alcohol in Finland stems Holy Ghost and to us” (Acts 15:28). drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I from Finnish people’s poor drinking customs, e.g. DURING OUR PERIOD OF VISITATION, God’s children tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, GULQNLQJXQWLOLQWR[LFDWLRQ7KHUHIRUH)LQQLVKSHR- have been guided by the Holy Spirit to abstain from drink- that they which do such things shall not inherit the ple should learn better drinking customs, by using ing alcohol. They have understood that alcohol leads to a NLQJGRPRI*RG *DO  milder alcoholic beverages as people do further wounded conscience, causes sorrow and harm to others, Laestadius’ experiences with alcohol south in Europe. According to this viewpoint, advo- cating unconditional sobriety is useless fanaticism. and has led many to a lifelong battle with addiction. In the mid 1800’s, Pastor Lars Levi Laestadius battled Sober living is a part of Christian morality against the strong effects of alcohol (“the devil’s drink”) in Laestadius’ Experiences 7KH//&SRVLWLRQVWDWHPHQWDGRSWHGLQFRQFLVHO\ northern Sweden and Finland. He witnessed the destruc- From the beginning, Lars Levi Laestadius, in his pas- states why believers don’t drink alcohol. tive forces of alcohol in the lives of those around him and toral duties, had to battle against the destructive SHUVRQDOO\H[SHULHQFHGKRZWKHVSLULWRIDOFRKROPDGHWKH effects of alcohol or distilled liquor among the Lapps. Sober living has always been part of Christian morality. Holy Spirit within him sorrowful. This occurred shortly 3RYHUW\FUXGHFXVWRPVDUJXPHQWVÀJKWVDQGFKLO- The Scripture warns of the dangers of alcohol and other after his conversion when he participated in a farewell dren’s suffering demanded a change. However, tem- intoxicants. It teaches that the power of alcohol wars toast with a group of pastors. He related that he felt SHUDQFHZRUNGLGQRWVHHPWRSURJUHVVDWÀUVW against the will and power of God (Is. 5:11, 12; ´H[WUHPHO\EDGDQGIRUWKDWUHDVRQ,NQRZIURPP\RZQ  /DHVWDGLXVÀUVWVWRSSHGXVLQJVWURQJDOFRKROLF 1 Cor. 6:10; Eph. 5:18). H[SHULHQFHWKDWWKHÀOWK\VSLULWRIDOFRKROPDNHVWKH+RO\ EHYHUDJHVKLPVHOIWRVKRZDQH[DPSOH%XWZKHQ The use of intoxicants causes immeasurable suffering Spirit sorrowful when the latter spirit has begun its work he heard that those opposed to the temperance and hardship in our society, affecting not only the user, in the heart of a person.” [1] He noted that drinking the movement insinuated that the pastor himself drank but also others around them. Individuals in the public punch gave him a troubled conscience and stated that “the wine at weddings, he decided to also stop using H\HLQFOXGLQJHOHFWHGRIÀFLDOVFLYLOVHUYDQWVDQGHGX- ÀOWK\VSLULWRIDOFRKROGULYHVWKH+RO\6SLULWDZD\IURPWKH wine and also promised to stop drinking beer, “if cators, can teach the value of a positive, unimpaired heart of a person.” >@ this bothers the consciences of those opposed to lifestyle by providing an example of sober living in their Blessing in sobriety the temperance movement.” In this way, uncondi- tional sobriety became a method of battling against own lives. Sobriety and abstinence from alcohol has been and still is the wrong use of alcohol. Instruction from Scripture a good path. God’s children have been preserved from the The Bible contains much instruction about the dangers of destructive force of alcohol and enjoyed the blessings of an “From the beginning, Laestadius had DOFRKRODQGUHYHDOVGUXQNHQQHVVDVDZRUNRIWKHÁHVKDQGVLQ unimpaired lifestyle. to battle against the destructive effects • Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whoso- Carey Simonson of alcohol amongst the Lapps.” HYHULVGHFHLYHGWKHUHE\LVQRWZLVH 3URY  References >@+ROPD7DSLR:K\'R,$EVWDLQ"Päivämies,QRS • :KRKDWKZRH"ZKRKDWKVRUURZ"ZKRKDWKFRQWHQ- The Holy Spirit Becomes Sorrowful (English translation on this page) On the other hand, information has been preserved WLRQV"ZKRKDWKEDEEOLQJ"ZKRKDWKZRXQGVZLWKRXW >@/RKL6HSSR6R/DHVWDGLXVWDXJKWSiionin Lähe- FDXVH"ZKRKDWKUHGQHVVRIH\HV"7KH\WKDWWDUU\ORQJ in Laestadius’ own notes that, to him, unconditional tyslehti, no. 3, p. 3. sobriety wasn’t only a method of battling against the destructive effects of alcohol. 2018 LLC SUMMER SERVICES During his inspection trip in January 1844, when he found living faith in Asele, Sweden, he once took part in a clergyman’s farewell drink. He relates that Believers Are Freed from Sin WKHJODVVRISXQFKPDGHKLPIHHO´H[WUHPHO\EDG A MEETING FOR LLC ministers and DQGIRUWKDWUHDVRQ,NQRZIURPP\RZQH[SHULHQFH board members was held during the WKDWWKHÀOWK\VSLULWRIDOFRKROPDNHVWKH+RO\6SLULW Summer Services, on Friday evening. sorrowful when the latter spirit has begun its work Jim Frantti, LLC Chairman began the in the heart of a person.” evening, praying for God to “be present In Behalf of a Good Life through the Holy Spirit.” John Stewart, During this time of visitation, complete temperance Seattle congregation pastor, read the has been practically a general agreement in the presentation, “Christian Freedom,” believer’s battle in behalf of a good life. A certain written by Antti Paananen, which was important viewpoint is yet connected to this. An ÀUVWSUHVHQWHGDW6/&%LEOH&DPSODVW alcoholic, even though he would like to live soberly, fall. Paananen’s complete presentation has had a change in his body system, which means FDQ EH IRXQG LQ WKH )HEUXDU\  that even a small amount of alcohol can cause an Voice of Zion and on LLC’s website. unquenchable desire for alcohol and cause him to Christian Freedom start drinking again. Therefore, he can’t take even a Having faith in one’s heart a Christian small amount of alcohol. Unconditional sobriety, is free from the slavery of sin and the PHOTOS: OUTI OLLI therefore, is also a support to those who are recover- pressure of the law’s demand. Faith Many services guests attended the Minister and Board ing alcoholics. It shows love, which helps the one brings joy and peace to the heart. The Members meeting on Friday evening, which is also open to anyone who needs it. presentation’s author reminded us that who wishes to attend. The presentation topic was “Christian Freedom.” Phoenix From Fake Experiences into True Joy going on the way of one’s own will pastor Harri Vahajylkka (inset photo) encouraged the listeners by portraying a ship Through alcohol, as through other drugs, people seek always leads into losing freedom. and Jesus’ disciples in the middle of a storm. “We often forget that Jesus is with D QHZ ZRUOG RI H[SHULHQFHV ZKHQ WKHLU SHUFHLYHG Christian freedom is freedom from us all the time,” he said. world brings disappointment, has no meaning or is sin, not freedom to sin. We are free GXOO2WKHUVKDYHH[SHULHQFHGWKDWDOFRKROLVWKHRQO\ from the bonds of eternal death. and have asked for the light of the last heresy, remaining humble, faith way to ease the suffering that results from depression The essence of the throng of believ- Holy Spirit in their lives. versus understanding and accepting RUDQ[LHW\([SHULHQFHVDFTXLUHGWKURXJKLQWR[LFD- ers, God’s kingdom, is righteousness, The presentation reminds us to con- the spiritual care of the kingdom. tion can, nonetheless, only be compared to dreams; peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. In tinuously seek our way towards the In closing, John Stewart reminded us WKH\ DUH IDNH ,Q VHHNLQJ H[SHULHQFHV RU LQ HDVLQJ this throng, we have an atmosphere of secure voice of the Good Shepherd, KRZ*RGKDVQRWIRUJRWWHQ+LVÁRFN suffering, there is the danger of “getting hooked,” or IUHHGRPWRH[SUHVVRSLQLRQVDQGDVN and “the closer we can be to that voice, According to the Bible there can be becoming the slave of alcohol or drugs. Therefore, questions. An individual by himself is the more secure and free we feel.” differences of administration and oper- WKHUHLVQRUHDVRQWRJLYH\RXUOLWWOHÀQJHUWRHYLO never able to understand all mysteries ation in the work of God’s kingdom. In Comforting Discussion  *RG·VFKLOGUHQKDYHWKHLURZQZRUOGRIH[SHUL- of faith. God is the one who opens the fact, the children of God at this time The presentation created a discus- ences, which the children of the world can’t know. understanding in the congregation are working in different sister organi- sion where over twenty persons It is joy which the Holy Spirit brings and the peace through the Holy Spirit. zations around the world. Despite this, asked for a turn to speak. They of faith. Why give yourself up to the danger of A culture of open discussion cannot all believers are in the one kingdom of seemed to give answers to worries God. We may have fears and worries, H[FKDQJLQJLWDZD\" be taken for granted but we can learn people have had in this time. Several together. Through all ages and cul- but Jesus is with us as He was with His Tapio Holma comments brought forth the topics of disciples in the storm. tures God’s children have battled Christian love, keeping faith and a Translated from Päivämies,QR against sin with the gospel’s power good conscience, childlike faith, the Outi Olli