The Voice of Zion • 279 N Medina St, Suite 150, Loretto, MN 55357 Volume XLV Number 8 August 2018 And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths Isaiah 2:3 2018 LLC SUMMER SERVICES Let Us Make Summer Services Why Don’t Believers Peace and Edify Coverage Drink Alcohol? Editorial, Page 2 Pages 6, 7, 8, 9, 12 & 16 Doctrine & Life, Page 16 PAGE 2 AUGUST 2018 editorial Let Us Make Peace and Edify AS ESCORTS, LET US TAKE ON the responsibility to seek that which makes Whereas love builds, knowledge can cause one to become proud (1 Cor. 8:1). SHDFHZLWKDQGFRQÀUPVDQRWKHULQIDLWK 5RP :KDWGRHVLWPHDQ"+RZ Knowledge is not the same as faith and if not tempered with love can be harmful GRHVLWWDNHSODFH" WRLWVVHHNHUDQGRWKHUV7KHSUHDFKHG:RUGLVLQWHQGHGWREXLOGH[KRUWDQG *RG·VRZQDUHDEOHWREHSHDFHPDNHUV 0DWW EHFDXVHWKH\KDYHWKHJRVSHO FRPIRUW*RG·VSHRSOH (SK&RU DQG*RGKDVJLYHQYDULRXVJLIWV which is “the power of God.” A peace broken by sin can only be made and main- LQWR+LVNLQJGRPIRUWKHSXUSRVHRIHGLI\LQJWKHERG\RI&KULVW (SK tained through the preaching of forgiveness in Jesus’ name and blood. Peace and The opposite of building is to destroy. Paul warned to “destroy not the work of love open the heart to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ. *RGµPHDQLQJDQRWKHUUHGHHPHGVRXO 5RP IRUWKHVDNHRIRQH·VULJKWV :HDUHDOVRXUJHGWRHGLI\RQHDQRWKHU 5RP ZKLFKPHDQVWR (freedom). Rather, God has given the power of His Word and Spirit to build His WHDFKFRQÀUPRUEXLOGXSDQRWKHULQIDLWK,WLVUHDOO\WKHZRUNRIWKH+RO\6SLULW KRXVHDQGQRWWRGHVWUR\LWQRUDQ\RQHRILWVLQKDELWDQWV &RU It can take place in quiet private conversations at home, with friends or publicly Not everything is constructive, for the individual nor God’s congregation even by discussion in God’s congregation. WKRXJKLWPLJKWEHSHUPLVVLEOHWRSDUWDNHRI &RU :HKDYHEHHQFDOOHG Building up in faith is always based on the teachings, admonitions and instructions by the gospel unto freedom from sin, not freedom to sin (Gal. 5:13). This freedom found in the Bible. The lessons are always “dipped in the blood of Christ.” The pur- must be used with care while taking others into account and in love serving them. pose is that one’s hope of salvation would be “built upon the foundation of the apostles It must never become the reason for causing another to stumble by violating his DQGSURSKHWV-HVXV&KULVWKLPVHOIEHLQJWKHFKLHIFRUQHUVWRQHµ (SK RUKHUFRQVFLHQFH &RU Such building can only be done with brotherly love for the undying soul ,Q SHDFH OHW XV FRQÀUP RQH DQRWKHU LQ IDLWK :H DUH FRQVWUDLQHG WR GR VR 5RP DQGPXWXDOORYHIRU*RG·VNLQJGRP6XFKORYHLVLPSDUWLDODQGQRW because love is fragile, easily broken by sin, and we are under constant attack by the same as human love. It works in humility and truth. Love can be described RXUDGYHUVDU\3DUDGR[LFDOO\WKHZHDNFDQVWUHQJWKHQWKHZHDN,WDVNVRIXVORYH by both what it is and what it is not (1 Cor. 13). It is longsuffering, kind, willing humility and a forgiving heart. Let us not become weary in our calling as escorts. to think well of others and enduring. It is not self-serving, neither thinks evil nor HQYLHV/RYHGRHVQRWVHHNLWVRZQEHQHÀWQRUJORU\ News & Notes from LLC A AROUND 3500 GUESTS gathered for LLC Summer • $GUDIWDJHQGDZDVUHYLHZHGIRUWKH0D\² Song Services this year at the Glacier Peak High School in meetings between SRK-LLC-SFC, in Sweden. The of My Heart Snohomish, Washington. The weather was beautiful, and %RDUGDSSURYHGVHQGLQJÀYHEURWKHUVWR6ZHGHQZLWK the school is in a wonderful setting with views of the additional plans being made for them to travel to Fin- Cascade Mountains in the distance. Many families were ODQGIRUFRQWLQXHGPHHWLQJVDWWKH65.RIÀFHDQG able to camp within walking distance from the site, at possible service trips. Willis Tucker Community Park. LLC Annual Meeting, July 7 PSALMS 89:5–8 Most important was that God blessed the services with His Word. The motto, “Be still, and know that I am God” • LLC delegates reviewed and gave support for the (Ps. 46:10), was woven throughout the sermons. Services SURSRVHG//&2SHUDWLQJ3ODQDQGDSSURYHGD 5 And the heavens shall praise guests commented how comforting and uplifting it was to PRQWKLQFUHDVHLQ//&GXHV7KLVZLOODOORZ attend the services. We thank the Heavenly Father for this support to all areas of LLC work as demands in the thy wonders, O LORD: thy time of refreshment, and we also thank the believers in the work continue to grow. Delegates also re-elected faithfulness also in the hosting congregation of Seattle and the supporting LLC Steve Haataja, George Koivukangas, Keith Waara- congregations in the Western Area for their service and niemi (Midwestern Area), Peter Kuopus (Eastern congregation of the saints. labor of love. Area) and John Stewart (Western Area) to three- year terms on the Board. 6 For who in the heaven can be LLC Board Meeting, July 5 • )XWXUH6XPPHU6HUYLFHVKRVWLQJFRQJUHJDWLRQV² compared unto the LORD? • Visiting speaker-brother, Ilpo Saukkonen, relayed 5RFNIRUG ²,VKSHPLQJ ²1RUWKHUQ 0LQQ who among the sons of the greetings from LLC’s sister organization in Finland, ²/RQJYLHZ²0RQWLFHOOR²6DVNDWFKHZDQ the SRK. Saukkonen spoke of the importance of mighty can be likened unto mutual work between the organizations and how it • Delegates will be prepared to give a detailed report helps to foster unity. He also gave a glimpse of the to congregations when meeting minutes have been the LORD? magnitude of work being done by the SRK, with 48 ÀQDOL]HG FRQÀUPDWLRQVFKRROVDQGVWXGHQWVVFKHGXOHGWR 7 God is greatly to be feared in DWWHQGWKRVHVFKRROVLQDQGDQDGGLWLRQDO the assembly of the saints, and camp events with 18,000 attendees at the various SRK camp facilities. to be had in reverence of all • Veli-Matti Heikkinen also brought similar greetings them that are about him. from the SFC in Sweden. Although much smaller in number, Heikkinen mentioned how important the 8 O LORD God of hosts, who is mutual work is between our sister organizations. a strong LORD like unto thee? • Board members reviewed planning updates for the current Summer Services and future Winter and Sum- or to thy faithfulness round PHU6HUYLFHV7KH3KRHQL[:LQWHU6HUYLFHVZLOO about thee? EH KHOG )HEUXDU\ ² ZLWK WKH VHUYLFHV PRWWR ´)LJKW WKH JRRG ÀJKW RI IDLWKµ 7LP PHOTO: LORI LOUKUSA Summer Services will be at the Silver Springs prop- LLC delegates convey their congregation’s wishes and offer HUW\LQ0RQWLFHOOR0LQQ-XO\²KRVWHGE\ support in the work of God’s kingdom. • Work crews continue to pound away at Stony Lake the Rockford Laestadian Lutheran Church, with the Camp. The new bunkhouses and bathhouse are PRWWR´,WLV,EHQRWDIUDLGµ -RKQ Updates on LLC Activities framed and dried in, and rough plumbing and electri- • 7KH%RDUGRIÀFLDOO\UHFRJQL]HGWKHDSSOLFDWLRQIURP cal work are being done with plans for completion of • Visiting minister, Veli-Matti Heikkinen from Sweden, the newly formed Coastal California Laestadian the buildings this fall. Also, planned for completion who is traveling with his wife Elina and two daughters, Lutheran Church (CCLLC) as the 34th LLC congrega- this fall is a pavilion that can be used for outdoor din- served at Summer Services in Seattle, and at various WLRQ&XUUHQWO\WKH\KDYHPHPEHUVDQGFKLOGUHQ ing and an additional teaching area. LLC congregations in July. The Heikkinens made the • The Board approved the following personnel changes: trip from Spokane to Minnesota by car, giving oppor- • 7KH 6XPPHU 6HUYLFHV SODQQLQJ FRPPLWWHH LV ~ Matthew Keranen was welcomed as LLC Publications tunity to enjoy the beautiful scenery that is often QRZLQIXOOJHDUPDNLQJSODQVIRUQH[WVXPPHU7KH Director, taking over from Walt Lampi. We wish Walt missed when traveling by air. At the end of his trip LLC property at Silver Springs will be utilized along and his wife Avis God’s blessings in retirement. Veli-Matti will travel with Jon Bloomquist to Ecuador with the Monticello church facility. A large tent has before returning to Sweden in early August. been reserved along with smaller supporting tents, so ~ Jessica Nikula has assumed the LLC Coordinator it is planned to be another outdoor service event. • Saskatchewan believers are enjoying the fruits of their position. We wish her God’s blessings and thank There should be ample camping possibilities, as plans ODERUZKHQWKHÀUVWFRXSOHVFDPSZDVKHOGDW3UDLULH Rod Nikula for his time served as Christian Educa- are being made for 300 RV sites. tion Coordinator. Shores Camp in June. A full camp season is slated there this summer. Again, we marvel at God’s ways Remember to spend time with your families before ~ The Board approved hiring Maria Fredrickson and and blessings. Brita Fredrickson, each working part-time as school begins again! Administrative Assistants, replacing Jessica Nikula. Eric Jurmu AUGUST 2018 PAGE 3 The Sabbath Word 1 A text for the 1st Sunday of the Month Times of Visitation Spirit, using the mouths of His own people. Then began he to upbraid the cities wherein most of his mighty works were done, because they repented not: Woe Through them, God preaches the forgiving unto thee, Chorazin! woe unto thee, Bethsaida! for if the mighty works, which were done in you, had been done in Word of reconciliation. Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes. But I say unto you, It shall be more Humility of the Spirit tolerable for Tyre and Sidon at the day of judgment, than for you. And thou, Capernaum, which art exalted unto It seems that God praises some human heaven, shalt be brought down to hell: for if the mighty works, which have been done in thee, had been done in characteristics over the others. He seems to Sodom, it would have remained until this day. But I say unto you, That it shall be more tolerable for the land of ORYHREHGLHQFH 6DP KXPEOHQHVV Sodom in the day of judgment, than for thee.—Matthew 11:20–24 ,VD VLQFHULW\ 7LP DQGWKRVH ZKRIHDU+LP 3URY *RGUHVLVWVWKH proud (James 4:6) and those who have od’s visitation is a precious time -RKQ +LVVSHHFKHVDOVRWHVWLÀHGRI long and wise writing, Solomon ends with grown in their own thoughts and hearts in a person’s life.
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