2018 LLC SUMMER SERVICES Let Us Make Summer Services Why Don’T Believers Peace and Edify Coverage Drink Alcohol?
The Voice of Zion • 279 N Medina St, Suite 150, Loretto, MN 55357 Volume XLV Number 8 August 2018 And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths Isaiah 2:3 2018 LLC SUMMER SERVICES Let Us Make Summer Services Why Don’t Believers Peace and Edify Coverage Drink Alcohol? Editorial, Page 2 Pages 6, 7, 8, 9, 12 & 16 Doctrine & Life, Page 16 PAGE 2 AUGUST 2018 editorial Let Us Make Peace and Edify AS ESCORTS, LET US TAKE ON the responsibility to seek that which makes Whereas love builds, knowledge can cause one to become proud (1 Cor. 8:1). SHDFHZLWKDQGFRQÀUPVDQRWKHULQIDLWK 5RP :KDWGRHVLWPHDQ"+RZ Knowledge is not the same as faith and if not tempered with love can be harmful GRHVLWWDNHSODFH" WRLWVVHHNHUDQGRWKHUV7KHSUHDFKHG:RUGLVLQWHQGHGWREXLOGH[KRUWDQG *RG·VRZQDUHDEOHWREHSHDFHPDNHUV 0DWW EHFDXVHWKH\KDYHWKHJRVSHO FRPIRUW*RG·VSHRSOH (SK&RU DQG*RGKDVJLYHQYDULRXVJLIWV which is “the power of God.” A peace broken by sin can only be made and main- LQWR+LVNLQJGRPIRUWKHSXUSRVHRIHGLI\LQJWKHERG\RI&KULVW (SK tained through the preaching of forgiveness in Jesus’ name and blood. Peace and The opposite of building is to destroy. Paul warned to “destroy not the work of love open the heart to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ. *RGµPHDQLQJDQRWKHUUHGHHPHGVRXO 5RP IRUWKHVDNHRIRQH·VULJKWV :HDUHDOVRXUJHGWRHGLI\RQHDQRWKHU 5RP ZKLFKPHDQVWR (freedom). Rather, God has given the power of His Word and Spirit to build His WHDFKFRQÀUPRUEXLOGXSDQRWKHULQIDLWK,WLVUHDOO\WKHZRUNRIWKH+RO\6SLULW KRXVHDQGQRWWRGHVWUR\LWQRUDQ\RQHRILWVLQKDELWDQWV &RU It can take place in quiet private conversations at home, with friends or publicly Not everything is constructive, for the individual nor God’s congregation even by discussion in God’s congregation.
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