Displacement Tracking Matrix | DTM DTM Sudan Shamal Jabal Marrah, Central UPDATE 1: 20 JUNE 2021

EMERGENCY EVENT TRACKING Data collection: 15th June 2021 CONFLICT The DTM Emergency Event Tracking (EET) is deployed to track

sudden displacement and population movements, provide more Kutum frequent updates on the scale of displacement, and quantify the

affected population when needed. As a subcomponent of the new As Serief Al Fasher Mobility Tracking methodology in Sudan (Round One), and activated on a need basis, EET utilises a broad network of key 16,898 Individuals Kebkabiya informants to capture best estimates of the affected population Households 2,414 presence per location – a useful tool for humanitarian response Saraf Omra planning and design.


Event Overview Shamal Jabal Marrah

Wasat Jabal Marrah

Zalingi Dar As Salam 16,898 2,414 Gharb Jabal Marrah

IDP individuals IDP households Zalingei Nitega LEGEND Sharg Aj Jabal State capital Al Wihda State Locality This map is for illustration purposes only. Names and DTM teams activated EET to monitor the displacement of boundaries on this map do not 10 Kilometers Kas imply official endorsement or . acceptance by IOM. Mershing individuals affected by inter-communal conflict between Fur and Shattaya Arab tribes in Shamal Jabal Marrah, Central Darfur, on 12 June 2021. The first update estimates a total number of 16,898 individuals (2,414 households) seeking shelter in Borgo (35%), Shelter Indicator Sangara (28%), Watari (22%), and Jemiza and Kaya (15%) villages in Shamal Jabal Marrah, Central Darfur. All displaced individuals are Sudanese nationals. Field teams indicate one individual was killed 100% and another individual sustained injuries. 2,414 There are at least 1,337 cases of additional vulnerabilities in need of Households assistance and support. Based on a ranking scale, the three priority Open areas needs across the displaced caseload are non-food items, food, and emergency shelter.

Priority Needs Vulnerabilities (Ranking scale) 1 2 3 4

Non-food items Food Emergency shelter Health (Medical needs) 444 355 120 112

Pregnant Lactating women Child-headed Single parents households Demographics

Male Female 46% 54% 79 56 52 35 Elders providing Female-headed Malnourished Chronic illnesses 7,774 9,124 care to their households households individuals individuals

? 60+ Years 716 (4%) 831 (5%)

18 to 59 Years 3,530 (21%) 4,210 (25%) 34 28 15 7 Physical disabilities Mental illnesses Unaccompanied Missing Family minors members 2,082 (12%) 2,354 (14%) 6 to 17 Years (19%) 1,524

0 to 5 Years 1,446 (9%) 1,729 (10%) IOM DISCLAIMER The opinions expressed in the report are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the International Organization for Migration (IOM). The designations employed and the presentation of material throughout the report do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of IOM concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or of its authorities, or concerning its frontiers or Return Intention boundaries. Data collected through the return intention indicator suggests that all IDPs in IOM is committed to the principle that humane and orderly migration benefits migrants and society. As an intergovernmental organization, IOM acts with its partners in the Shamal Jabbal Marrah (100%) intend to return to their locations of origin upon international community to: assist in the meeting of operational challenges of migration; improvement of the security situation. advance understanding of migration issues; encourage social and economic development through migration; and uphold the human dignity and well-being of migrants.

DTM SERVICES & CONTACTS Tel.: +249 157 554 600/1/2 E-mail: [email protected] Website: http://sudan.iom.int https://dtm.iom.int/sudan For further information, please contact IOM Sudan