Santa Ana Unified School District 1601 E. Chestnut Avenue Santa Ana, CA 92701
Santa Ana Unified School District 1601 E. Chestnut Avenue Santa Ana, CA 92701 Annual Organizational Meeting and Regular Board Meeting Minutes Santa Ana Board of Education Tuesday, December 17, 2019 CALL TO ORDER Board President Amezcua called the Annual Organizational Meeting and Regular Board Meeting to order at 4:37 p.m. Other members in attendance were Dr. Rodriguez, Mr. Palacio, and Ms. Torres. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION The Annual Organizational Meeting and Regular Board Meeting recessed at 4:37 p.m. to consider student matters, existing litigation, anticipated litigation, personnel matters and negotiations update. RECONVENE ANNUAL ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING AND REGULAR MEETING The Annual Organizational Meeting and Regular Board Meeting reconvened at 6:45 p.m. Cabinet members present Dr. Rasmussen, Mr. Tauer, Dr. Jimenez, Dr. Stekol, Dr. Allen, Dr. Llamas, Dr. Helguera, Mr. Roychowdhury, Mr. Williams, and Chief Smith. Dr. Martinez was absent. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mr. Roychowdhury, Assistant Superintendent of Business Services led the Pledge of Allegiance. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Certification of Votes from Orange County Registrar of Voters and Administration of Oath of Office to New Member to Santa Ana Unified School District Board of Education Mr. Tauer acknowledged the Certification of Votes from the Orange County Registrar of Voters for new Board Member Carolyn Torres. OATH OF OFFICE Mr. Tauer called Ms. Carolyn Torres and Albert Castillo to the podium for the Oath of Office. Mr. Castillo administered the Oath of Office to Ms. Torres. ANNUAL ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING Annual Organizational Meeting: Election of Officers, Establishment of Date, Time, and Location of Regular and Special Board Meetings for 2020, and Designate Board Representative(s) to Serve on Committees and Commissions Ms.
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