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BULLETIN BULLETINThe Connecticut Association of Schools The Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference Affiliated with: National Federation of State High School Associations • National Assoc. of Secondary School Principals • National Middle School Assoc. • National Assoc. of Elementary School Principals VOL. 82 / NO. 8 MAY/JUNE 2008 MANSFIELD EDUCATOR CSAL STUDENT LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE A HIT NAMED 2008 NDP By David Maloney, Assistant Executive Director ver 300 participants from twenty tially could be life changing for their high schools descended on Wes- school communities. Everything got Oleyan University during the last started in electric fashion as national pre- weekend in March for the Connecticut senter, Keith Hawkins, kicked off the Student Activities Leadership Conference. weekend by encouraging students "not to One participant was a surprising just consider what might be good for addition. Housatonic Valley Regional themselves and their school, but to take a High School Principal Dr. Gretchen Fos- wider lens and consider what might be ter accompanied her team of student lead- good for the greater community." ers for the two-day event. Foster was not Hawkins instilled the ethos of service disappointed. "The positive energy and right from the "get go" and the students enthusiasm from these leaders kept all of responded enthusiastically to his mes- us completely focused and engaged in sage. Newly elected state president Whit- some wonderful activities. The weekend ley Dozier noted, "Keith Hawkins was was an excellent opportunity for me to phenomenal. He motivated us to take spend time and listen, not only to my own stands on several difficult issues." NORMA FISHER-DOIRON students, but to other school leaders from The break-out presenters at the con- 2008 National Distinguished Principal urban, suburban and rural schools. Sur- ference were a "whose who" of well- rounded by creative and caring faculty known national service-learning associa- ongratulations to Norma Fisher- advisors and students offered all of us a tions. Included in the all-star line up Doiron, principal of Southeast chance to find ways to make a difference were Habitat For Humanity, Doctors CElementary School in Mansfield, in our schools." Without Borders, Peace Corps, United who was named Connecticut's 2008 Dr. Foster couldn't have summed it Nations Volunteers, Red Cross, Ameri- National Distinguished Principal. Nomi- up any better. Under the direction of corps and Global Service Corps to name nated for the award by a committee of Executive Director, Sarah Jones, the con- a few of the more than fifteen associa- seven Southeast staff members, Norma ference committee launched a new theme tions in attendance. Martha Giammatteo, was chosen for her dynamic educational -Service - and linked a series of learning Director of Student Activities at Holy leadership and her single-minded commit- activities to that core objective. Student Cross High School noted, "Our students ment to high levels of student achievement. Council advisors are no strangers to ser- and I came back energized and ready to Mansfield Superintendent Dr. Gordon vice-related activities such as clothing share many new initiatives for service Schimmel calls Norma "a very dedicated and food drives, bake sales, and car related activities with the Holy Cross leader who is always focused on what is washes to help those in need. Although community." Considering that Giammat- best for children." important and in need, the leadership cur- teo has been the driving force behind ser- A 38-year veteran educator, Norma riculum implemented at Wesleyan guided vice projects for many years, that is quite began her professional career in 1970 as a participants to take the next step through a compliment! special education teacher in the Bristol the process of making change by design- continued on page 6 Public Schools. In 1987, after seventeen ing action plans that have a lasting years serving in a variety of positions with- impact. in the field of special education, she The research is clear. Instilling civic Ann assumed the role of instructional leader for skills and values into action plans that Malafronte, the West Hartford Public Schools. In 1988, allow student leaders to engage in mean- Director of she was appointed director of pupil person- ingful work on serious issues are some of Unified Sports, nel services for the Mansfield Public the most worthwhile initiatives. When retires after Schools. She then returned to the West high school students see positive results thirteen years. Hartford school district for four years within a reasonable time, the results are before being appointed principal of South- infectious. Rather than textbook learning, See story page east, the position she now holds. participants at the conference got a taste 13. continued on page 8 of highly engaging activities that poten- 2 CAS Bulletin LEGAL MAILBAG ct news & notes By Attorney Thomas B. Mooney, Neag School of Education, University of Connecticut O Newsweek recently posted its 2008 list Editor’s Note: Legal Mailbag is a regular feature in the CAS of top U.S. high schools. The magazine BULLETIN. We invite readers to submit short, law-related ranks the nation's high schools according questions of practical concern to school administrators. to the ratio of Advanced Placement or Each month we will select questions and publish answers. International Baccalaureate tests taken per While these answers cannot be considered formal legal graduating senior. Called the Challenge advice, they may be of help to you and your colleagues. We Index, this ranking is designed to recog- may edit your questions, and we will not identify the authors. Please submit your questions to: <[email protected]> nize schools that challenge average stu- dents through rigorous course offerings. The 1,355 schools appearing on the 2008 Dear Mailbag: A parent of one of Dear Seeking: Go slow here. You list have achieved an index of at least Q. my students is in a bitter divorce. A. are right that public school officials must 1.000. Congratulations to the following Whenever he has tried to suck us into his fight, avoid promoting religion. But that prohibition eleven Connecticut schools which made we have politely told him that his recourse is applies to school officials, not to private student the list: with the courts, not the school. Now, we have speech, and you must be careful not to single #157 Farmington High School received a subpoena of all school records for out religious speech for special disfavor. If #226 Weston High School both of his children. The last thing I want to do clubs are permitted to include symbols on their is spend the day in court while the parents' posters (e.g., elephants for the Young Republi- #412 Conard High School, West Hartford lawyers fight it out. Can I just tell the father that cans), then on what basis would you prohibit a #415 Satples High School, Westport we can't be bothered and that we won't be going cross? The poster would clearly be from the #689 Greenwich High School to court? club, and other students would not be likely to #750 Fitch High School, Groton - Neutral Territory attribute the religious speech to school officials. #797 Darien High School However, you can exercise editorial rules of #814 New Fairfield High School Dear Neutral: That would be a bad general application. You can limit the size of #967 East Lyme High School A. idea. The subpoena is not a request posters, and you can even prohibit all symbols if #1178 Joel Barlow High School, Redding from the parent, but rather an order of the court. you wish. However, special rules for the Bible #1301 Hall High School, West Hartford Lawyers are "commissioners of the superior study club may violate the free speech rights of court," and they may exercise the court's juris- the members. O Attention Principals: The Association diction by issuing subpoenas. However, in an of Teachers of Mathematics in New Eng- appropriate circumstance the recipient of a sub- Dear Mailbag: My school is "in land (ATMNE) annually sponsors a two- poena may seek court protection by moving to Q. need of improvement" (or at least so day fall conference. For the 2008 confer- limit or quash the subpoena. That all said, there say the feds), and I am busy trying out how best ence to be held in November in Portland, is some good news here. Section 10-15b(c) of to improve student test scores. I would have Maine, ATMNE has added a special pro- the General Statutes, provides that the custodi- expected that my teachers would join me whole- gram for school principals on November an of school records that have been subpoe- heartedly in this important effort. However, it 5th. For more information, contact Jackie naed can deliver the records in a sealed enve- seems like every time I have a bright idea, the Mitchell at [email protected]. The lope to the court along with an affidavit. By fol- union tells me why I cannot make the change I association's web site is www.atmne.net. lowing that procedure, school officials can avoid propose. I understand that the union has a role the need to go to court personally. However, if to play, but I didn't realize that it was that of the O Based on data collected in October the subpoena is for a person to testify, he or she spoiler. Can I ignore the union and tell my 2007, the Connecticut State Department may be required to do so. teachers just to suck it up and do what I say? of Education has designated the following - Fed Up endorsement areas as teacher shortage Dear Mailbag: At my high school, areas for the 2008-09 school year: Q.