
Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW Horticulture and Landscape Architecture No 38, 2017: 43–50 (Ann. Warsaw Univ. of Life Sci. – SGGW, Horticult. Landsc. Architect. 38, 2017) DOI 10.22630/AHLA.2017.38.5 chinensis in the collection of the M. Grishko National Botanical Garden of the Ukrainian NAS in Kyiv NADIIA SKRYPCHENKO, NATALIA KUSHNIR, GALINA SLJUSAR Department of Fruit Acclimatization, M. Grishko National Botanical Garden of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Abstract: Schisandra chinensis in the collection (NBG) is a well-known center for the in- of the M. Grishko National Botanical Garden of troduction, acclimatization and selection the Ukrainian NAS in Kyiv. Results are presented of unusual and rare fruit crops, among from research into the history of the introduction of Schisandra chinensis at the M. Grishko Na- which introduced species from the tional Botanical Garden of the Ukrainian NAS in Far East are of particular signi¿ cance. Kyiv, the creation of the collection, and charac- One such species is the magnolia-vine teristics of the introduced population. Phenologi- Schisandra chinensis (Turcz.) Baill., a cal phases of growth of S. chinensis introduced in member of the genus Schisandra Michɯ. the wood-and-steppe zone of Ukraine are demon- strated, reÀ ecting signi¿ cant displacement of the in the family Blume ’s rhythm of growth compared with its natu- [Saunderth 1997]. ral habitat. The paper summarizes the results of The genus Schisandra includes 25 selection of S. chinensis, carried out with the aim species distributed in tropical and sub- of improving the fruit quality and plant productiv- tropical regions of Asia: in north-east- ity. The pomological and biochemical character- istics of the fruit cultivar Sadovy 1 in the years ern, central, and south-eastern 2014–2016 are given. The plants of the acquired (), in Korea, in the Far East collection will serve as a good material for further of the Russian Federation, in the east of breeding programs. Thailand, in Cambodia, Vietnam, Nepal Key words: Schisandra chinensis, history of intro- and some regions of India, Burma and duction, introduced population, selection, cultivar, Japan, and in North America. The mag- phenology of growth, biochemical composition, nolia-vine is a relic plant species, Japan- morphology, biologically active substances, yield Manchuria endemic with fragmented East-Asia areal, the only member of the genus Schisandra which occurs only in INTRODUCTION the north-western part of the habitat area of the genus [Kolbasina 2008]. Diversi¿ cation of fruit trees with new Magnolia-vine has great economic species and varieties introduced from value and is used as a valuable food, or- different botanical-geographical regions namental and medicinal plant [Ko et al. is essential for the enrichment of cultural 2015]. It is widely used in the decoration phytocoenoses. The M. Grishko National of pergolas, gazebos, and walls of build- Botanical Garden of the Ukrainian NAS ings. Its fruits have a distinctive taste e-mail: [email protected] and contain 3–5% sugars, 6–8% organic 44 N. Skrypchenko, N. Kushnir, G. Sljusar acids (tartaric, malic, citric, succinic), 15– MATERIAL AND METHODS –20 mg% vitamin C, and a rich mineral composition [Slobodchikova 1989]. The NBG is located in the southern part Magnolia-vine is a medicinal plant of Kyiv on the Kyiv elevation, and its which is widely used in medicine as a area is geomorphologically associated valuable source of biologically active with the large Dnieper elevation. The substances (BAS), such as vitamins of main type of soil is dark gray ashy. The the ɋ, ȿ and Ɋ groups, organic acids, soil surface is very blurred, with clay pectins, and aromatic substances [Chun loam texture, and is characterized by et al. 2014, Szopa 2017]. The major BAS low humus content (2–4%). The climate in magnolia-vine are lignans, mainly of the area in which Kyiv is located is schizandrin, Ȗ-schizandrin and schizan- moderately continental with an aver- drol, which can be found in all parts of age annual temperature of 9.4°C. The the plant [Wang et al. 2003]. Thus, mag- reported studies were conducted in the nolia-vine-based preparations have been years 2014–2016. The mass fraction of used since ancient times as tonics for dry soluble substances was determined physical fatigue, exhaustion and nervous by a refractometric method as in [GOST overload, neurasthenia, and hypotension 28562-90, 1990]; acidity in terms of cit- – Chinese and Tibetan healers used them ric acid was determined by titration with as early as the ¿ fth century AD [Lebeda 0.1M NaOH as in [GOST 23555.0-82, 2004, Kolbasina 2008]. They restore lost 1984]; ascorbic acid content was deter- performance, eliminate fatigue, increase mined by an iodometric method [Plesh- the quality of night vision, stimulate the kov 1976]; total sugars were determined regeneration of tissues, and tone the res- by a ferricyanide method as in [GOST piratory, central nervous and cardiovas- 8756.13-87, 1988]. cular systems. The fruits of magnolia- -vine are recommended in the treatment of bronchial asthma and diseases of the RESULTS AND DISCUSSION liver and kidneys; the À owers, shoots, leaves and roots of the plant also have Schisandra chinensis is a monoecious, medicinal properties [Kolbasina 2008]. rarely dioecious, perennial plant. The In China, magnolia-vine has since the deciduous, woody climbing vine reaches 16th century been included in the ¿ rst 8 (15) m in length and 2 cm in diameter category of drugs recommended for re- (Fig. 1). The shoots in most cases begin cuperation from fatigue and to improve at the sympodial stringed brown-red- vigor. dish roots which irradiate from the root Due to the reduction of natural popu- collar of the parent vine at a depth of lations of Schisandra chinensis, the pe- 10–15 cm. The roots have additional riodicity of fruiting and growing demand roots, scaly leaves and numerous len- for fruits and seeds as a medicinal raw ticels. Young vegetative shoots during material, cultivation of the plant outside growth rotate to the left and entwine the its natural habitat area is of great interest trunks of trees or branches of bushes, [Kharkevich and Kachura 1981]. climbing clockwise up to 1–1.5 m during Schisandra chinensis... 45



FIGURE 1. Schisandra chinensis the growing season. The bark of young shoots is glossy, red-brown, rarely cov- ered with rounded lenticels; the bark of old shoots is reddish brown. The leaves are alternate, simple, entire, elliptical or obovate, 5–10 cm long, 3–5 cm wide, FIGURE 2. Schisandra chinensis À owers: ɚ – fe- acute, with wedge-shaped base, mildly male; b – male dentate margin, dark green, with red pet- ioles up to 3 cm long, and with slightly of the plant have an odor that resembles pubescent veins on the abaxial surface. the smell of lemon. The plants are ento- The À owers are dioecious (rarely bisexu- mophilous. al), with a simple spirally arranged peri- Establishment of a botanical-geo- anth, fragrant, up to 2 cm in diameter, graphical “Far East” section was numbering usually 3–5 in the leaf axils planned at the NBG as early as 1938– on drooping stalks up to 4 cm long (Fig. –1939, according to the general plan of 2). The perianth consists of 6–9 whit- O.I. Sokolovsky and G.O. Stepunin [Teh- ish segments, with numerous stamens norabochij proekt... 1961]. However, fused in a column unilocular ovary. After World War II hindered the implementa- À owering, the receptacle greatly (40–50 tion of those plans, and work began only times) extends and reaches 7–9 cm in in 1945–1946. The section presents the length; it bears red, very juicy, spherical, main À oristic complexes of the Far East: two-seeded follicles (Fig. 3). All parts Manchurian with cedar-deciduous, oak, 46 N. Skrypchenko, N. Kushnir, G. Sljusar a According to Y.K. Gotsyk, nearly 16% of seedlings began to bear fruit in the third year after planting. In ten years, magnolia-vine plants became thickly woven in the trees, reaching a height of 3 m [Kharkevich 1972]. Today, there is a stable introduced population with all vegetation ages in the “Far East” botanical-geographical section, where S. chinensis reproduces both by seeds and vegetatively. This introduced population was a source of promising forms for lo- b cal reproduction, which later became the initial selection material. Selection of magnolia-vine as a fruit crop was begun at the NBG by I.M. Shaytan in the 1950s. The seeds were obtained from Ivanovo (Russia) and by local reproduction. As a result, a col- lection of S. chinensis was formed, now containing more than 200 plants. The col- lection is represented by highly produc- tive forms characterized by resistance to pests and diseases, winter hardiness and FIGURE 3. Fruits (a) and seeds (b) of Schisandra large fruits. The promising form Sadovy 1 chinensis was selected from the grown seedlings (in 1959); after testing it acquired the and À oodplain forests (the area popu- status of a cultivar and was entered in the lated by Schisandra chinensis), Okhotsk Ukrainian register of plant cultivars. The spruce-deciduous forest, and the East Si- plant shoots grow intensely, and fruiting berian forest with predominance of larch is abundant (3–5 kg of fruits per shrub) and Daurian birch [Kushnir 2010]. and yearly [Klimienko and Skrypchenko Seeds of Schisandra chinensis were 2013]. Flowers are mostly unisexual ¿ rst obtained in 1949 at the Khabarovsk (male stamens or female pistillate), Research Institute of Forestry. The sec- actinomorphic, and single with a simple ond successful attempt was made in 1951 perianth. They bloom in early or mid- in the Suputinsky natural reserve of Pri- May. After pollination, the female À ower morsky Region. Later, in 1966, the sci- receptacle is extended and takes the form entist O.O. Pirozhenko brought from an of a spicate inÀ orescence (polyfollicle). expedition to the Primorsky Region the This inÀ orescence contains on average seeds of nearly 100 species of Far East 24 ±6 roundish berries weighing 0.5–0.7 À ora (including the magnolia-vine). The g each, the average weight of a polyfolli- seedlings were planted in the botanical- cle being 10.7 ±1.7 g. The fruits ripen in geographical section [Kushnir 2010]. Schisandra chinensis... 47 late August to early September. The ber- of differences in the phenological devel- ries are very juicy when ripe, soft, with a opment of S. ɫhinensis plants in different unique taste: the skin and À esh are sour conditions, the results of the observa- and sweet, the seeds bitter and astrin- tions in the wood-and-steppe of Ukraine gent, and when stored, after some time from 2015 are compared with a reference they acquire a ¿ fth, brackish taste and [Kolbasina 2008]. It should be noted that lemon aroma. According to our analy- the climate of the Far East of Russia is sis, the fruits contain up to 15.5% sugars temperate monsoon. Winter is dry and and 79.2 mg% vitamin ɋ (Table). The cold. Spring is long, cool, with frequent acidity of the fruits is 1.6–4.1%. Nota- temperature À uctuations. Summer is bly, the sugar and ascorbic acid contents warm and humid; maximum precipita- are signi¿ cantly higher in the introduced tion occurs in the summer months. Au- Schisandra fruits than in the fruits from tumn, as a rule, is warm, dry, with clear the plant’s natural habitat (9.5% and 22– weather. Precipitation is 550–920 mm 35 mg%), while the fruit acidity is three per year. The duration of sunshine is times higher. The seeds of magnolia- more than 2,000 h per year. By com- vine are large, kidney-shaped, and high parison, the Kyiv climate is temperate in oils (33.8%) [Jurenko et al. 2008] and continental with mild winters and warm essential oils (1.5–1.7%) [Skrypchenko summers. The total duration of sunshine et al. 2014] with a rich mineral complex per year is 1,927 h, and average annual of macro- and microelements [Skryp- precipitation is about 619 mm. chenko et al. 2017]. The plants are found to be highly Later, a promising form of magno- adaptable to the conditions of their place lia-vine with exclusively female À owers of introduction. The data given on the was selected from the locally reproduced successive phenological phases of the seedlings. plants in Kyiv conditions reÀ ect a sig- Long-term phenological observations ni¿ cant shift of its rhythm of growth in showed that the plant’s vegetation sea- comparison with natural habitats. Thus, sons from early spring sap À ow to com- in Kyiv, the vegetation of magnolia-vine plete defoliation are almost the same, 185 begins more than a month earlier than in days on average (Fig. 4), in the Far East the natural habitat. A similar pattern is of Russia and in the wood-and-steppe of noted for other phases of plant develop- Ukraine. As an example of comparison ment.

TABLE. Biochemical characteristics of S. chinensis fruits Dry mass Titratable acidity Total sugar Vitamin C Cultivar Year (%) (%) (%) (mg/100 g) Sadovy 1 2014 16.1 ±1.3 4.1 ±0.3 11.3 ±0.9 46.3 ±3.8 Sadovy 1 2015 14.9 ±1.2 1.6 ±0.1 13.5 ±1.2 59.2 ±4.8 Sadovy 1 2016 16.6 ±1.2 1.4 ±0.1 10.9 ±1.0 44.1 ±3.7 S. chinensis in nature [Kolbasina 2008] – 15.0 5.7 9.5 27.5 48 N. Skrypchenko, N. Kushnir, G. Sljusar

number of days from 1st March FIGURE 4. Phenological phases of development of S. ɫhinensis in nature and when introduced in the wood-and-steppe zone of Ukraine (2015)

Introduction is associated with the ac- 200–203 days in the wood-and-steppe celerated À owering of plants, which ac- zone of Ukraine (on the right bank of the cording to long-term observations starts Dnieper river). at the end of April or early May and ends in the last ten days of May. In na- CONCLUSIONS ture, magnolia-vine blooming begins in late June and ends mid-July. The time of 1. In the “Far East” botanical-geograph- blooming is mostly the same in introduc- ical section of the M. Grishko Nation- tion and in nature, lasting for about 18 al Botanical Garden of the Ukrainian to 20 days. The period of fruit formation NAS there is a stable population of is increased from 67 days in nature to Schisandra chinensis containing 137 days under introduction. In the plants of all ages freely reproducing wood-and-steppe zone of Ukraine the both by seeds and vegetatively. fruits start ripening by the end of Au- 2. The Schisandra chinensis collection at gust, while in nature this begins only in the NBG is a foundation for scienti¿ c the last 10 days of September. The intro- research and a valuable source for the duction conditions allow the full cycle selection and creation of new magno- of development of the magnolia-vine to lia-vine cultivars of high economic conclude. The length of the vegetation quality, as proved by the selected period from the start of spring sap À ow forms and the Sadovy 1 cultivar. to the complete defoliation of the plants 3. According to the results of pheno- is 180–183 days in the Far East, and logical observations, magnolia-vine Schisandra chinensis... 49

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