Nepali-English Dictionary Compiled by Karl-Heinz Krämer South Asia Institute, University of Heidelberg (Updated: 14 April 2007) Aba Ca Adv
Nepali-English Dictionary compiled by Karl-Heinz Krämer South Asia Institute, University of Heidelberg (updated: 14 April 2007) aba ca adv. now, from now on abaddha cfa$ n./adj. bound, tied up confined abela ca]nf n./adj. lateness, late aber ca]/ adj. late aber bhayo ca]/ eof] comp. it is late abhas cfef; n. glimpse, shadow, reflection, vision, faint memory, inkling abhav cefj n. non-existence, absence, lack, scarcity abhaya ceo n. lack of fear abhibhavak cleefjs n. guardian abhilekh clen]v n. inscription abhinaya clego n. mimicry, imitation abhiprerit clek|]l/t adj. motivated abhipret clek|]t adj. planned abhiram cle/fd adj. extremely beautiful, sublime abhiruci cle?lr n. inclination, earnest desire, liking abhivriddhi clej[l$ n. development abhiyan cleofg n. expedition, march, exploration abhiyog cleof]u n. accusation, allegation, charge abhiyukta cleoÚQm adj. accused abhrak ce|s n. mica, talco (a soft mineral) abhyas cEof; n. practice abrak ce|v n. mica, talco (a soft mineral) acamma crDd n. surprise, wonder, amazement acamma lagnu crDd nfUgÚ v.i. to be surprised, to be amazed, to be astonished acamma parnu crDd kgÚ{ v.i. to be surprised, to be amazed, to be astonished 1 acamma parnu crDd kgÚ{ v.t. to surprise, to amaze, to astonish acanak crfgs adv. suddenly, abruptly, unexpectedly acano crfgf] n. cutting board for meat acanu crfgÚ n. cutting board for meat acar crf/ n. hot and sour pickle, pickles, chutney, salsa acar cfrf/ n. conduct, behaviour acaran crf/)f n. conduct, behaviour, practice accer cRr]/ n. letter [of the alphabet], [written] character, [except numerals], alphabet, syllable acel cr]n adv.
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