Design of a Blended Wing Body Aircraft

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Design of a Blended Wing Body Aircraft Design of a Blended Wing Body Aircraft A project present to The Faculty of the Department of Aerospace Engineering San Jose State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering By Randhir Brar December 2014 approved by Dr. Nikos Mourtos Faculty Advisor ABSTRACT Blended wing body (BWB) aircraft is more than an idea. NASA in a joint venture with Boeing, has recently completed a highly successful and productive flight test program of experimental BWB aircraft. These successful flight tests have opened the doors for the further development of BWB aircraft for potential full-scale commercial aircraft in future. Being very efficient and quiet, the BWB has shown promise for meeting all of NASA's environmental goals for future aircraft designs. This configuration incorporates design features from conventional fuselage as well as traditional flying wing. In this concept, wide airfoil-shaped body is smoothly blended with high lift wings, which means that the entire aircraft contributes to the generation of lift thereby potentially increasing fuel economy and range, while at the same time, massive increase in internal payload is obtained. This report presents the preliminary design of large transport blended wing body aircraft capable of carrying 586 passengers, with range more than 9000 miles. It is also intended for required mission aircraft to meet FAR 25 requirements. 3 ACKNOWLEDGMENT I would like to thank all people including family members, teachers and friends who supported and motivated me throughout my graduate studies. First, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my advisor Dr. Nikos Mortous. His guidance has helped me not only in this project but throughout my graduate program. Without his technical and personal support, this project would not have been possible. He is simple, humble and welcoming to students for any problem. I could not have imagined better advisor to my master program. Second, I want to acknowledge my brother Manpreet Brar and sister in-law Manbir Brar for their unequivocal support and motivation throughout my studies. Third, my deepest gratitude goes to my parents, Mohinder Singh and Jeet kaur for their love and care. Throughout the hardships in my life, they always stood by me and helped me. I still remember those sleepless nights my father worked to financially support mine and my brother’s education. And I cannot express enough thanks to my mother with just words. She is simply awesome. All the credit goes to my parents for what I am today. Above all, I would like to thank my wife Preet Brar for her personal support and great patience at all times. My mere words cannot express kind of support and motivation I got from her. She suffered a lot, worked double shifts to support our living and I can never pay her back for what she did for me. I appreciate her for maintaining patience during phases I was not able to give her time because of my busy study schedule. Last, but not the least, I would like to thank almighty God. I do not exist without him and I always believe that whatever he does or happens with me is for my betterment. 4 The Designated Committee Approves the Project Titled PRELIMINARILY DESIGN OF BLENDED WING BODY PASSENGER AIRCRAFT FOR LONG RANGE By RANDHIR BRAR APPROVED FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF AEROSPACE ENGINEERING SAN JOSE STATE UNIVERSITY May 2014 Dr. Nikos Mortous Committee Chair, San Jose State University 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 16 1.1 Motivation .......................................................................................................................... 17 1.2 Mission Specifications ....................................................................................................... 18 1.2.1 Range ........................................................................................................................... 18 1.2.2 Payload ........................................................................................................................ 19 1.2.3 Speed ............................................................................................................................ 19 1.2.4 Service Ceiling ............................................................................................................. 19 1.2.5 Climb Rate ................................................................................................................... 19 1.2.6 Takeoff and Landing Distance .................................................................................. 20 1.3 Critical Mission Requirements ........................................................................................ 20 1.4 Sketch of the Mission Profile ............................................................................................ 21 1.5 Market Analysis ................................................................................................................. 21 1.6 Economic Feasibility ......................................................................................................... 22 1.7 Constraints ......................................................................................................................... 23 2.0 Literature ............................................................................................................................... 25 2.1 Blended Wing Body Related Concepts ............................................................................ 25 2.1.1 Burnelli RB-1 .............................................................................................................. 25 2.1.2 Westland Dreadnought .............................................................................................. 26 2.1.3 Northrop YB-49 .......................................................................................................... 26 2.1.4 Northrop B-2 Stealth Bomber ................................................................................... 27 2.2 Blended Wing Body Prototype Aircraft .......................................................................... 27 2.2.1 Boeing X-48 ............................................................................................................... 28 X-48A ........................................................................................................................ 28 X-48B ........................................................................................................................ 29 X-48C ........................................................................................................................ 29 2.3 Comparative Studies of Airplanes with Similar Mission Profile .................................. 31 2.4 Three Dimensional Views of Aircraft with Similar Mission Profile ............................. 33 3.0 Mission Weight Estimates .................................................................................................... 35 3.1 Data Base for Takeoff Weights and Empty for Long Haul Transport Jets ................. 35 3.2 Log-log plot for weight data ............................................................................................. 35 3.3 Comparison of Calculated Regression Coefficient with Roskam Data ........................ 36 3.4 Manual Calculation of Mission Weights ......................................................................... 36 3.5 Calculation of Mission Weights using the AAA Program ............................................. 39 6 3.6 Takeoff Weight Sensitivities ............................................................................................. 39 3.6.1 For the Sensitivity of Take-off Weight to Payload Weight ..................................... 40 3.6.2 For Sensitivity of Take-off Weight to Empty Weight ............................................. 40 3.6.3 For Sensitivity of Take-off Weight to Range ............................................................ 41 4.0 Performance Sizing ............................................................................................................... 42 4.1 Summary of Performance Sizing ..................................................................................... 43 5.0 Center body and Wing design .............................................................................................. 44 5.1 Airfoil Selection ................................................................................................................. 44 5.1.1 Center Body (Inboard) Airfoil ................................................................................... 45 5.1.2 Outboard and Tip Airfoil ........................................................................................... 46 5.2 Center Body Design ........................................................................................................... 48 5.2.1 Cabin Layout ............................................................................................................... 50 5.3 Wing Design ....................................................................................................................... 51 5.3.1 Inboard wing ............................................................................................................... 53 5.3.2 Outboard wing ...........................................................................................................
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