1 GANDHIJI IN SOUTH AFRICA Reminiscences of his Contemporaries Compiled by: E. S. Reddy [NOTE: This compilation consists of selected articles and short passages in books. For additional information, please see appendix.] 2 CONTENTS ANDREWS, C. F. “The Tribute of a Friend” (in Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, ed., Mahatma Gandhi: Essays and Reflections on His Life and Work. Fourth edition. Bombay: Jaico Publishing House, 1977. Originally published in 1939.) CATT, Mrs. Carie Chapman “Gandhi and South Africa” (in The Woman Citizen, March 1922) CURTIS, Lionel “Two meetings with Gandhi” (in Radhakrishnan, op. cit.) DESAI, Pragji “Satyagraha in South Africa” (in Chandrashanker Shukla, ed., Reminiscences of Gandhiji by Forty-eight Contributors. Bombay: Vora & Co., 1951.) GANDHI, Manilal “Memories of Gandhiji” (in Indian Review, Madras, March 1952) KRAUSE, F.E.T. “Gandhiji in South Africa” (in Shukla, op. cit.) LAWRENCE, Vincent “Sixty Years Memoir” (extract) MEHTA, P.J. “M.K. Gandhi and the South African Indian Problem” (in Indian Review, Madras, May 1911) PHILLIPS, Agnes M. “Recollections” (in Shukla, op. cit.) POLAK, H.S.L. “South African Reminiscences” (in Indian Review, Madras, February, March and May 1925) “A South African Reminiscence” (in Indian Review, October 1926) “Memories of Gandhi” (in Contemporary Review, London, March 1948) “Some South African Reminiscences” (in Chandrashanker Shukla, ed., Incidents of Gandhiji’s Life, by Fifty-four Contributors. Bombay: Vora & Co., 1949.) 3 POLAK, Mrs. Millie Graham “In the South African Days” (in Shukla, Incidents of Gandhiji’s Life.) “My South African Days with Gandhi” (in Indian Review, October 1964) POLAK, H.S.L. AND Mrs. Millie Graham “Gandhi, the Man” (in Indian Review, October 1929) SMUTS, J.C. “Gandhi’s Political Method” (in Radhakrishnan, op. cit.) WEST, Albert “In the Early Days with Gandhi” (in Illustrated Weekly of India, Bombay, October 3, 10, 17 and 31, 1965) YOUNGHUSBAND, Sir Francis “Gandhi - after Forty-seven Years” (in Radhakrishnan, op. cit.) APPENDIX: ADDITIONAL SOURCES 4 C. F. ANDREWS1 [The Reverend C.F. Andrews described Gandhi at Phoenix Ashram one evening in January 1914.] The strain of a long day of unwearied ministry among the poor was over, and Mahatma Gandhi was seated under the open sky, tired almost beyond human endurance, but even at such a time he nursed a sick child on his lap who clung to him with a pathetic affection. A Zulu girl from the school on the hill beyond the Ashram was seated there also. He asked me to sing "Lead kindly Light" as the darkness grew deeper and deeper. Even then, though he was much younger, his frail body was worn with suffering that could never be laid aside even for a moment: yet his spirit within was radiant when the hymn broke the silence, with its solemn close, And with the morn those angel faces smile, Which I have loved long since and lost a while. I can remember how we all sat in silence when the hymn was finished, and how he then repeated to himself those two lines which I have quoted. 1 From: Andrews, C.F. "The Tribute of a Friend" in Radhakrishnan, Dr. Sarvepalli,Mahatma Gandhi, fourth edition. Bombay: Jaico Publishing House, 1977. 5 MRS. CARRIE CHAPMAN CATT2 [Mrs. Catt, a prominent American suffragette, met Gandhiji in Johannesburg in 1911. An account from her diary was published in 1922.] An English lady insisted upon giving me a letter of introduction to an Indian in Johannesburg, assuring me that I would not regret any trouble taken to make his acquaintance. By the time I arrived here (Johannesburg) I had forgotten what she had told me about him and I was not particularly interested to meet him, but I sent the letter nevertheless and asked him to call upon me at the hotel if convenient at a stated time. At the hour named a pretty, intelligent young Russian Jewess3 called and explained that she was Mr. Gandhi's secretary and that no Indian was permitted to enter a hotel to call upon a guest. A prominent lawyer to whom I told the tale offered the use of his office for the purpose of an interview, so again I wrote, stating the time and place when I would be glad to receive him. Again the pretty little Jewess came to the lawyer's office to say that Mr. Gandhi had come but the elevator operator refused to take him up and he would not so far demean himself as to walk when the European was carried. This challenged my curiosity and I told the young girl to tell him to go back to his office and that I would call upon him. Directly Miss Cameron and I, escorted by the secretary, were on our way. She took us into quarters apparently occupied exclusively by Indians. We found his office much the same as any of the less prosperous sort. The outer room was filled with Indians awaiting their turn to consult Mr. Gandhi, who was a lawyer. We found the man seated behind an American desk - a small very black man with his head wrapped in a very white turban. He was not particularly prepossessing in appearance, but we soon engaged him in conversation and were amazed at his excellent and correct English; he was a gentleman. He told us that he had been in prison because he had evaded signing a registration paper which is made compulsory for all Indians for police purposes. He then spoke of his hope that India would be independent one day. His eyes lighted with an inner fire and he spoke with such fervour that we recognised that we were in the presence of no ordinary man. Directly he quoted from the Declaration of Independence, from Emerson and Longfellow. Proud, rebellious, humiliated, he may earn his livelihood by law, but he dreams of naught but India's independence. 2 Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt, “Gandhi in South Africa” in The Woman Citizen, March 1922. Reproduced in Blanche Watson, Gandhi and Non-violent Resistance, The Non-Co-operation Movement in India: Gleanings from the American Press. Madras: Ganesh & Co., 1923. 3 Apparently Miss Sonja Schlesin 6 LIONEL CURTIS4 I have a vivid recollection of my first meeting with Mr. Gandhi about 1903. I was then a young official under whose department came the vexed and difficult question of Indian immigration. I have since been privileged to meet a large number of Indian and Chinese friends, but Mr. Gandhi was I believe the first Oriental I met. He was dressed in European clothes except for his Indian cap and gave me the impression of being an exceedingly able young lawyer. He started by trying to convince me of the good points in the character of his countrymen, their industry, frugality, their patience. I remember that after listening to him I said, "Mr. Gandhi, you are preaching to the converted. It is not the vices of Indians that Europeans in this country fear but their virtues." In my subsequent dealings with Mr. Gandhi, the characteristic which most impressed me was his tenacity of purpose. I have since come to think that few qualities count more in this world than tenacity. Years later, about Christmas 1916, I again met Mr. Gandhi in the Congress camp at Lucknow. The contrast he made with the smart young Johannesburg attorney I had known in the Transvaal is something I shall never forget. He was now dressed in a ragged Indian garb, and had on his face, which was considerably aged, the marks of an ascetic. The morning was bitterly cold and we talked by a brazier, over which he was trying to get some warmth into his hands as he spoke. He was doing his best to explain to me the inner meaning of caste as viewed by the Indian mind. Few men, if any, in any generation have commanded so great a following, have so changed the course of events, and so influenced thought in more than one continent than Mr. Gandhi. I must humbly confess my own failure to guess that such spiritual powers were latent in the alert young lawyer I met in 1903. 4 Lionel Curtis, "Two Meetings with Gandhi", in Radhakrishnan, Dr. Sarvepalli, Mahatma Gandhi, fourth edition. Bombay: Jaico Publishing House, 1977. Lionel Curtis was an official in the Transvaal after the Boer War. When he wrote these reminiscences, he was at All Souls' College, Oxford. 7 PRAGJI DESAI5 [Pragji Desai was a satyagrahi in South Africa.] It was in the year 1906 that I went to South Africa at the age of 22. My sole purpose was to earn money and help my family which had seen very hard days because of poverty. But fate seemed to have ordained something quite different for me. Within three days of my landing in Durban I was led to throw myself into Gandhiji's hands. A well-known doctor of Bombay, Sir Bhalchandra Krishna Bhatavdekar, who was a friend of my uncle, had given me a note of introduction to "Barrister Gandhi." I had imagined that I should be able to earn money with the help of this barrister. In Durban I came to know that Gandhiji had just returned from England to Durban. At about 1 p.m. I went to the house of the late Haji Omar Amod Zaveri where he had put up. I peeped into the house from the window on the verandah, and saw more than a dozen Muslim gentlemen having a lunch at a table, at the head of which sat a man with a peculiar black turban which distinguished him from the others. I at once guessed who he was, and sent in the note of introduction with a servant with instructions to give it to "Barrister Gandhi." The servant placed it into his hands, while I kept on looking in from the window.
HUMS 4904A Schedule Mondays 11:35 - 2:25 [Each Session Is in Two Halves: a and B]
CARLETON UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF THE HUMANITIES Humanities 4904 A (Winter 2011) Mahatma Gandhi Across Cultures Mondays 11:35-2:25 Prof. Noel Salmond Paterson Hall 2A46 Paterson Hall 2A38 520-2600 ext. 8162 [email protected] Office Hours: Tuesdays 2:00 - 4:00 (Or by appointment) This seminar is a critical examination of the life and thought of one of the pivotal and iconic figures of the twentieth century, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi – better known as the Mahatma, the great soul. Gandhi is a bridge figure across cultures in that his thought and action were inspired by both Indian and Western traditions. And, of course, in that his influence has spread across the globe. He was shaped by his upbringing in Gujarat India and the influences of Hindu and Jain piety. He identified as a Sanatani Hindu. Yet he was also influenced by Western thought: the New Testament, Henry David Thoreau, John Ruskin, Count Leo Tolstoy. We will read these authors: Thoreau, On Civil Disobedience; Ruskin, Unto This Last; Tolstoy, A Letter to a Hindu and The Kingdom of God is Within You. We will read Gandhi’s autobiography, My Experiments with Truth, and a variety of texts from his Collected Works covering the social, political, and religious dimensions of his struggle for a free India and an India of social justice. We will read selections from his commentary on the Bhagavad Gita, the book that was his daily inspiration and that also, ironically, was the inspiration of his assassin. We will encounter Gandhi’s clash over communal politics and caste with another architect of modern India – Bimrao Ambedkar, author of the constitution, Buddhist convert, and leader of the “untouchable” community.
Gandhi Sites in Durban Paul Tichmann 8 9 Gandhi Sites in Durban Gandhi Sites in Durban
local history museums gandhi sites in durban paul tichmann 8 9 gandhi sites in durban gandhi sites in durban introduction gandhi sites in durban The young London-trained barrister, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi 1. Dada Abdullah and Company set sail for Durban from Bombay on 19 April 1893 and arrived in (427 Dr Pixley kaSeme Street) Durban on Tuesday 23 May 1893. Gandhi spent some twenty years in South Africa, returning to India in 1914. The period he spent in South Africa has often been described as his political and spiritual Sheth Abdul Karim Adam Jhaveri, a partner of Dada Abdullah and apprenticeship. Indeed, it was within the context of South Africa’s Co., a firm in Porbandar, wrote to Gandhi’s brother, informing him political and social milieu that Gandhi developed his philosophy and that a branch of the firm in South Africa was involved in a court practice of Satyagraha. Between 1893 and 1903 Gandhi spent periods case with a claim for 40 000 pounds. He suggested that Gandhi of time staying and working in Durban. Even after he had moved to be sent there to assist in the case. Gandhi’s brother introduced the Transvaal, he kept contact with friends in Durban and with the him to Sheth Abdul Karim Jhaveri, who assured him that the job Indian community of the City in general. He also often returned to would not be a difficult one, that he would not be required for spend time at Phoenix Settlement, the communitarian settlement he more than a year and that the company would pay “a first class established in Inanda, just outside Durban.
Gandhi e le donne occidentali Di Thomas Weber* Abstract: This paper is the Italian translation of an edited chapter of Thomas Weber’s Going Native. Gandhi’s Relationship With Western Women (Roli Books, New Delhi 2011) in which Gandhi’s attitudes to and relationships with women are analysed. Many Western women inspired him, worked with him, supported him in his political activities in South Africa and India, or contributed to shaping his international image. Of particular note are those women who “became native” to live with Gandhi as close friends and disciples. Through these fascinating women, we get a different insight into Gandhi’s life. *** Il rapporto di Gandhi con le donne si è rivelato di irresistibile fascino per molti. Molto spesso le persone che non conoscono praticamente nulla del Mahatma commentano il fatto che “dormì” con giovani donne durante la vecchiaia. Gran parte di questo deriva dall’interesse pruriginoso promosso da biografie sensazionalistiche o libri volti a smascherare il “mito del Mahatma” (Ved Metha 1976). Gandhi parlava spesso delle donne come del sesso più forte (e questo è stato visto come una forma di paternalismo dai critici, soprattutto di orientamento femminista) e di come desiderasse essere una madre per i suoi seguaci. Non sorprende pertanto che le collezioni delle sue lettere e dei suoi discorsi “sulle donne” siano molte. Ciò che meraviglia è quanto poco lavoro accademico sia stato intrapreso sul suo atteggiamento nei confronti e sulle sue relazioni con le donne. Nel 1953, Eleanor Morton pubblicò un libro intitolato The Women in Gandhi’s Life (Women Behind Mahatma Gandhi nell’edizione britannica dell’anno successivo).
1. LETTER TO CHILDREN OF BAL MANDIR KARACHI, February 4, 1929 CHILDREN OF BAL MANDIR, The children of the Bal Mandir1are too mischievous. What kind of mischief was this that led to Hari breaking his arm? Shouldn’t there be some limit to playing pranks? Let each child give his or her reply. QUESTION TWO: Does any child still eat spices? Will those who eat them stop doing so? Those of you who have given up spices, do you feel tempted to eat them? If so, why do you feel that way? QUESTION THREE: Does any of you now make noise in the class or the kitchen? Remember that all of you have promised me that you will make no noise. In Karachi it is not so cold as they tried to frighten me by saying it would be. I am writing this letter at 4 o’clock. The post is cleared early. Reading by mistake four instead of three, I got up at three. I didn’t then feel inclined to sleep for one hour. As a result, I had one hour more for writing letters to the Udyoga Mandir2. How nice ! Blessings from BAPU From a photostat of the Gujarati: G.N. 9222 1 An infant school in the Sabarmati Ashram 2 Since the new constitution published on June 14, 1928 the Ashram was renamed Udyoga Mandir. VOL.45: 4 FEBRUARY, 1929 - 11 MAY, 1929 1 2. LETTER TO ASHRAM WOMEN KARACHI, February 4, 1929 SISTERS, I hope your classes are working regularly. I believe that no better arrangements could have been made than what has come about without any special planning.
Quiz 1. What Is the Full Name of Mahatma Gandhi? Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
Answers for Gandhi Jayanthi Day - Quiz 1. What is the full name of Mahatma Gandhi? Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi 2. Where was Gandhiji pushed off a train? Pietermaritzburg 3. Who gave the title Mahatma to Mr. Gandhi? Rabindranath Tagore 4. What is the Tamil version of Mahatma Gandhi’s autobiography? Sathya sothanai 5. Where did the attire change of Mahatma Gandhi take place? Madurai 6. What is the message he gave to the World? Satyagraha or Non-violence 7. Who was the political guru of Mahatma Gandhi? Gopal Krishna Gokhale 8. At which place was Gandhiji arrested for the first time by the British Government for sedition? Ahmedabad 9. This march was launched by the Mahatma Gandhi in March 1930 to produce what? Salt 10. When was the Mahatma Gandhi - Irwin Pact signed? March 5, 1931. 11. When did Mahatma Gandhi given the slogan ‘Do or Die’? Quit India movement. 12. Which book did Gandhiji translate into the Gujarati language? “Unto This Last” by John Ruskin. 13. Gandhiji confessed his guilt of stealing for what purpose? Smoking. 14. Although he had the support of Gandhiji, he lost the presidential election of Congress against Bose. Who is he? Pattabhi Sitaramayya 15. Which is the weekly run by Gandhiji? Harijan 16. Congress President said “never before was so great an event consummated with such little bloodshed and violence.” Who was he? J B Kripalani 17. Motilal Nehru said “Like the historic march of Ramchandra to Lanka, the march of Gandhi will be memorable”. What march is that? Dandi march 18. At which place did he undertake his last fast on January 13, 1948? Delhi 19.
1. JOHANNESBURG Monday [April 11, 1910] SENT TO DELAGOA BAY Mr. Achary and 37 other satyagrahis were sent from Pretoria to Delagoa Bay on Saturday. Six of them were certainly not satyagrahis. I cannot say whether they have become so by now. All of them who bear Tamil names are satyagrahis. Thus, the Tamils have been keeping the flag of satyagraha flying. I have given the Tamil names in the English section1 and therefore do not give them here. SHIPS REFUSE I reported in the English section2 last week that some ships had refused to carry those persons who have been deported. I cannot say how far the report is true. But it appears that they have failed to get a ship so far. If India exerts sufficient pressure, no ship will dare carry the deportees. There is strong reason to believe that those who have been deported this time will rouse the whole of India to protest. CHETTIAR 3 [He] was today ordered to be deported and was taken to gaol. Mr. Chettiar is about 55 years of age. He suffers from a chronic ailment, and yet he is facing deportation with the utmost courage. He is to be deported to Natal, from where he will return immediately. OTHER ARRESTS Mr. Chinan Diala4 and Selmar Pillay were arrested and they, too, have been ordered to be deported. 1 Vide “From ‘Transvaal Notes’ ”, 12-4-1910 2 Vide “From ‘Transvaal Notes’ ”, 4-4-1910 3 V. A. Chettiar, respected old Chairman of the Tamil Benefit Society, who had been arrested on April 5.
1. SATYAGRAHA IN SOUTH AFRICA1 FOREWORD Shri Valji Desai’s translation has been revised by me, and I can assure the reader that the spirit of the original in Gujarati has been very faithfuly kept by the translator. The original chapters were all written by me from memory. They were written partly in the Yeravda jail and partly outside after my premature release. As the translator knew of this fact, he made a diligent study of the file of Indian Opinion and wherever he discovered slips of memory, he has not hesitated to make the necessary corrections. The reader will share my pleasure that in no relevant or material paricular has there been any slip. I need hardly mention that those who are following the weekly chapters of My Experiments with Truth cannot afford to miss these chapters on satyagraha, if they would follow in all its detail the working out of the search after Truth. M. K. GANDHI SABARMATI 26th April, 19282 1 Gandhiji started writing in Gujarati the historty of Satyagraha in South Africa on November 26, 1923, when he was in the Yeravda Central Jail; vide “Jail Diary, 1923.” By the time he was released, on February 5, 1924, he had completed 30 chapters. The chapters of Dakshina Africana Satyagrahano Itihas, as it was entitled, appeared serially in the issues of the Navajivan, beginning on April 13, 1924, and ending on November 22, 1925. The preface to the first part was written at Juhu, Bombay, on April 2, 1924; that to the second appeared in Navajivan, 5-7-1925.
ANARCHY 42 (Vol 4 No 8) August I964 225 Contents of No. 42 August 1964 Indian anarchism Geoffrey Ostergaard 225 On government Vinoba Bhave 237 Indian anarchism The saints in session Gaston Gerard 240 Attitudes to India Tristram Shandy 245 GEOFFREY 0ITERQAARD India, China and peace Jayaprakash Narayan 250 254 Buddhist anarchism Gary Snyder TO A SUPERFICIAL OBSERVER OF THE INDIAN POLITICAL SCENE an article might promise to be as brief as the celebrated Cover by Rufus Segar on Indian anarchism chapter on snakes in the natural history of Ireland: there are no anarchists in India. Other Western ideologies, such as liberalism, nationalism, communism, democratic socialism and even fascism, have Other issues of ANARCHY clearly taken root in modern India but anarchism appears to be con- spicuously absent. The recent publication of Adi Doctor's book, VOLUME 1, 1961: 1. Sex-and -Violence, Galbraith*; 2. Worker's control*; Publishing House, Bombay, Rs. 8.50), 3. What does anarchism mean today? ; 4. Deinstitutionalisation ; 5. Spain 1936*; Anarchist Thought in India (Asia ; Prison 10. 6. Cinema t; 7. Adventure playgrounds*; 8. Anthropology 9. ; Mac- however, shows the error of this view and at the same time accounts Innes, Industrial decentralisation. it is because they tor it. If there appear to be no anarchists in India, ; the anarchists? VOLUME 2, 1962: 11. Paul Goodman, A. S. Neill 12. Who are ; are ranged behind another banner imprinted with the word used by 13. Direct action*; 14. Disobedience ; 15. The work of David Wills ; 16. Ethics Welfare of ; social philosophy : Sarvodaya, the of anarchism, Africa ; 17.
Selfsame Spaces: Gandhi, Architecture and Allusions in Twentieth Century India. A DISSERTATION SUBMITTED TO THE FACULTY OF THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA BY Venugopal Maddipati IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Catherine Asher, Adviser May, 2011 @ Venugopal Maddipati 2011 i Acknowledgements I would like to thank the following institutions and people for supporting my work. I am grateful to the American Institute of Indian Studies in Delhi, The Center of Science for Villages in Wardha and Kumarappapuram, The Indira Gandhi Institute of Developmental Research in Mumbai, The Gandhi Memorial Library in Delhi, The Center for Developmental Studies in Trivandrum, The Kutch Nav Nirman Abhiyaan and the University of Minnesota. I would like to thank the following individuals: Bindia Thapar, Purnima Mehta, Bindu Rajasenan, Soman Nair, Tilak Baker, Laurie Baker, Varsha Kaley, Vibha Gupta, Sameer Kuruve, David Faust, Donal Johnson, Eleanor Zelliot, Jane Blocker, Ajay Skaria, Anna Clark, Sarah Sik, Lynsi Spaulding, Riyaz Latif, Radha Dalal, Aditi Chandra, Sugata Ray, Atreyee Gupta, Midori Green, Sinem Arcak, Sherry, Dick, Jodi, Paul Wilson, Madhav Raman, Dhruv Sud, my parents, my sister Sushama, my mentors and my beloved Gurus, Frederick Asher and Catherine Asher. i Dedication Dedicated to my Tatagaru, Surapaneni Venugopal Rao. Tatagaru, if you can read this: You brought me up and taught me how to go beyond myself. ii Abstract In this dissertation, I suggest that the Indian political leader Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi infused deep and enigmatic meanings into everyday physical objects, particularly buildings. Indeed, the manner in which Gandhi named the buildings in his famous Satyagraha Ashram in Ahmedabad in the early part of the twentieth century, makes it somewhat difficult to write, in isolation, about their physical appearance.
Kasturba Gandhi Aparna Basu Published by: Gandhi National Memorial Society, Agakhan Palace, Pune Kasturba Gandhi Preface This small book on 'Kasturba' owes its origin to the thought that the younger generation of boys and girls should come to know as much as possible the struggles, aspirations and hard work of ordinary simple women who have given shape to present day India. There was an extra ordinary galaxy of such women and their efforts should be recorded which will constitute a unique legacy for the future. Kasturba was one of these women who have left such an imprint on society. Gandhi is known all over the world as an apostle of Peace and Nonviolence and volumes of literature in almost all languages is published and followed on a world-wide scale. But very little is known about his wife Kasturba who played an important role of making Gandhi Eternal. Kasturba was an embodiment of simplicity and compassion. Bapu often used to say that his best workers had passed through kitchen fire under Ba's supervision and passed her test Kasturba took part in every satyagraha campaign and went to jail several times in South Africa and in India. Kasturba died on the evening of 22nd February 1944 at the Agakhan Palace Detention Camp on Bapu's lap and was cremated in the compound of the Detention Camp on 23rd February 1944. Bapu sat watching the funeral pyre till it was all over. Someone had suggested that he should go and rest He replied "This is the final parting, the end of 62 years of shared life.
THAMBI NAIDOO AND HIS FAMILY The Story of Thambi Naidoo, a lieutenant of Gandhi in the Satyagraha in South Africa, and of his family which sacrificed for five generations in the struggle for a free South Africa E. S. Reddy Thambi Naidoo and his family were honoured by the Gandhi Development Trust at its annual awards ceremony in Durban on 26 August 2013. 1 CONTENTS Foreword, by Ela Gandhi Introduction From the Mahatma to Mandela: An Overview Struggle for Freedom and the Role of Indians Satyagraha of Indian South Africans, 1906-1914 Thambi Naidoo A Family of Satyagrahis From Indian Resistance to Alliance of all the People The “Four Pearls” of Gandhi Narainsamy Naidoo Barasarthi Naidoo Thayanayagie (Thailema) Pillay Manonmany (“Ama”) Naidoo Armed Struggle and Mass Democratic Movement Shanthivathie (Shanthie) Naidoo Indrasena (Indres) Elatchininathan Naidoo Mithrasagaran (Murthie) Naidoo Ramnie Dinat Premanathan (Prema) Naidoo Kuben Naidoo Bibliography 2 FOREWORD South Africa’s history is as diverse as its “rainbow nation” and the history of the Indian community is equally diverse. Much has been written about the Indians brought into South Africa in the 1860s as slaves, indentured workers imported from the 1860 and the whole system of indenture, a new form of slavery, the traders and artisans who struggled along under the oppressive racist regime. But there is also the history of the great satyagraha led by Gandhiji from 1906 to 1914. There is the national liberation struggle from the 1940s: the campaign of defiance against unjust laws and other non-violent actions followed by the underground movement, the exiled community, the collaborators and those who opposed them.