THE GANDHI STORY in his own words Condensed and Compiled by Mahendra Meghani From M. K. Gandhi’s two books An Autobiography and Satyagraha in South Africa LOK'MILAP TRUST TO Charles F. Andrews (1871-1940) The greatest interpreter of Gandhi to the whole Western world, beloved of both Gandhi and Tagore FtiMsfoi by Gopal Meghani Lok'Milap Trust 364001 India P.Q,Box 23 (Sardamagar), Bhavnagar r e-mail: lokmilaptxustZOOC (ft Phone: +9 1 278 2566 402, 2566 566 iMyrnt & Typeset by Apurva Ashar, Ahmcdabad, India Phone: +91 2717 215590 * Email:
[email protected] Printed Riddhish Printers, Ahmed abad, India Phone; +91 79 2562 0239 Btjok-bmdmg Kumar Binders, Ahmedabad, India Phone: +91 79 2562 4964 Intemcitforkii edition March 2009; 5,000 copies Pages; 12+220+24 (photographs) = 256 R 50 [postage extra] $10 [including overseas airmail postage] Gandhi and Tagore: two faces of modern India. It was an Englishman who was the link between these two great representatives of modem India: the ascetic and the bard. Few felt their joint impact more sensitively than the saintly Englishman, C. F. Andrews. Let him estimate them whom he loved so well: completely “I have never in my whole life met anyone so under- satisfying the needs of friendship and intellectual standing and spiritual sympathy as Tagore. Side by side poet 1 have had the supreme with the friendship with the , His happiness of a friendship with Mahatma Gandhi. as character, in his own way, is as great and as creative religious that of Tagore. However, it has about it an air of that modem.