Clinton Independent Clinton Independent mi (wimiai . tv tm Mtvn ) •ATM M ADVERTISING. ------p la. iUTTUTWc nTToJ. Our *Nk ...... ft aM$1 Rrffl«*•$*•*§$•» $* uu • **" »nk* l t *& a m> « at* 7 anix «•* Tfare# waplH iwtiuali mjio mi is in OOKBIT 4t E8TEB, Kunr wrnrtm t » Tb, 4 to • au^if uni* in -L no Clinton Independent. Thrum aotlkl. I bo 6 no 7 oo tt fleflu in JO uu Mix aotdi.... • ftM HMI0IUI4 HO W (JO-46 Mtae month# . 7 eo to eo it eo ao to it oo>« as Twflrt month* • *1t «MS «)M ont» o»ao « iMhiVtM >irt»t«, |1K. la limtAlbr Mpm Logoi Aduf tiwan ti at •taut* raw*. ti Mi7 tW»Mly.u4 pJkrlUkiti Marriage aud Death MoAaaa free »«•! b* la baud VOL. X.-NO. <;. Bu 8 bmi Card*, fee Mar* or aadsr. fi prr y*a publication the ST. JOHNS, MICH., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18 , 187 .5. WHOLE NO. 474 . Local Bu*i or** Nottoee 10 east* a Ha* la* flrst, I aad t

moralag aj the llth aad hi* speedy recovery was The Pacific Rlnaster. am aiers ay irm«. IS THR 0 ARHRT. haul's foadol Ii«>|k *s, it bring nothingclw Kve, as perforiucvl hv M«>rmon* lirfore DfilMTIUL LATEST NEWS. ronddeatl) expected. The net amounts received fr«»tu all sources than the conversion of the Polynesian they are truly uniUvl in marriage, lake* Forged. coupon ticket*, purporting lo Maa F»*n« lsco, Nov. *. mi Internal rnesiut) during the last As< al veer Whiri the slender w**|>* oa the windows rare to Mormoai*ai. The work was to place. This comedy Is one of the most Uk*. iu tba several HUUs Is given SS follows . from• 111 w mills aud evaporators are iu have heea Ids M by the Ilhaota Central Rail row 1 A dispatch |fr«*ni Port Townsend this crawl, coiunsrare in the Hniulwich Island* and TW Prince of Walea waa fee recipient Alahams...... fill,MIS Missouri...... $4 VM.N’iS extraordinary fcaitires of MormonIsiu. To full bla*l all over Uk * West, turning out Company al* ( hr.»go, ware offered fur sal* la evening oavs : And the spiders «t«c| . oa the time worn wall; continue southward. Uitmon had cruised tire Kanaka It wa* the grandest and most mi a aapttcMi wr Woar at Bombay oa fee 8th. Art/.<>!>• ...... iu,saa M«main ...... M h«S hundreds and thousands of gallons of m«»- New York cify )|« llth. Henry P. Jclley, suppoaed to lm the ArXsDMs. ,. 7. IMS Nebraska. ... iV4,4.Z among tire islands of the Malay An hi* natural idea they ever heard of. It Uirew lasfxw. The crop of rane grown tliia year Among those participating acre aexeatv »»ih« sole survivor of the Pacific, brought here lit the dusty attic I sit and gase «sHf4.n»is '/> Nevada ...... ’$.14: At the rutty relics of other days; pelago, in which are some of lire largest them into ersta* re*. They went to w«>rk is larger than any crop ever grown be Prtaeaa aad Chtefe Ow Rfti.UU) spectator* wit A State ConventjdP New Hautp- yesterday by the *h)p Messenger in a C’e4«rs(U . . N. Hampshire WM.S1X ahire Frwbib Uonlsf* Wl(,^»rk la (J Dcurd on the (•aMClirat.. («.W New Jersey.. fl.wa.rjs and finest ialaads in lire world, inrltufing with a will, and in a very brief time the kre. wretched condition, having been nu a raft and worn, they are Mowed away llteh. A <1 Kendall w«* p'seed la aomlaailoa Dakota ...... *»%«•New Mexico . «t «s& Broken Borneo, Bumatra, Java, Olelies, H»-. lie foundation* of the temple were laid, with According to a Singapore dispatch ol thirty-six hours before Wing picked up, Under the rafters rough and gray. Tuk manufacture of plate glaa* in Mis­ f«»r Governor Delaware...... see VII New York ... Iflaat.aas had acted in the capacity of Prune Min Iuipaio^ and solemn r« reiuonieH. fiver souri has liven attended w ith such sucre*** the ath il»* Malay* *«rt orgaalalag lo •rear* the says the Pacific collided with some other D Columbia 111,CRT N (Sirolioa ,. l.S IS W4 later to oar ot the native Princes, waa 1.UU0 Kanaka*. men, women and chil­ ** let tea of IW Brltbk from tha ooaatry. Thomas A. Doyle (ltep > has been ft - veaacl whoae lights he saw, but in his Florida ...... 1*4. f 47 Ohio...... I4.fl2a.*1 All things her* hsva a faded hue; since its commencement that that indua- Oswnfta ...... M87.IS4 Oregon ...... 47 SB All Main olden, and nous are a*>ar. well 'enwri in native character and na ­ dren, all drcaaed in white, with Bible* in try, though only some Uiree year* old, ia A London Jwpatch of the morning of sleeted Mayor of Provldeace. R. L, for lie truth inten ieam with GHkey, Captain of the Mafao...... 11.1s* Pr trnsy hanta. fl.IW.MM ture, and had some know lodge of the dia their hands, wrn- In attendance. Among time. Messenger, lasting twelve hours, he made IIIluols...... !Y.fl*:.aes Rhode Island. mi.JB? now on* of the movt lm(x>rtant of the tha ath mji th# great powers had determined la Clothe* that our ancestor* used to wear I ret and general information well fitting Indtaua ...... (Vi).SW H. Carolina .. 1S»,NIS the religious work* imbedded in the cor­ State. uk Turkey If *hc had aar guarantee* to o€rr for The new Minnesota Legishitnrr |g po no mention of the lights of the vessel, and ftileally hang in the stifling air. him for the ambitious work in view. He ner ate me were the Book of Mormon and Iowa l.Ofln.USt Tsaiieasec. .. SHVfl.O Some iilanters in the San J«feqtiin Val­ Um raldilmeut of har often broker promts-* of Htlcally divided a* follow*: Mcaate (R-fishtteans, •ome think him laboring under hallucina ­ Kaasas .... 1JIS.MM Toss...... wa* besides a warm admirer ol Use Poly- tion as to that. KxperTenmd navigators l»r.44M B»g* of feathers, and herb* long dry; the Bible, iu the Hawaiian and tire En ­ ley, Cal., have U*e.u exj*criiuentiug iu •4; Opporitl a. IT. Hoa*a RepakUc^,^, S5; Op- Kettiackj ... t. Vt.lWft Cut)...... • 41. MA nraiaai* a* a race, and the Sandwich 1* 1. glish language*, and the Koran, in the na ­ l.ouUlsua. ... Vermont ...... 41.M1 1 Kile* of newftpapar* long laid hy, coUon culture, and liave raised from one- posiUoa. 41. here think it more likely that she struck a ander* he considered a* the Romans of tive Arabic, a* written hy tlie IToph- The Turhiah Ambaasador at Vienna hu sunken rock. Jclley makes a statement Maine ...... ior,mi Virginia ...... 7 NAS.AW quarter of a lode to four bale* per acre, boon NaamMl to 1'CHMtaatiaople to aaoaue tke The New York Legislature stamD at* Marriand *.7tlV84 Washington ,. SI.I4S I Telling the new* of a by-gone sge that race. While talkiug over the great et. Alter the ceremonies were over to the follow ing : Masaac buaetla Z.S70.4S1 W'**«sl Virginia On each musty and yellow page; 500 pounds to the bale, on lauu tiiat was Ministry of Foreign Affair* follow*: Scania K< pnbluan*. *1; Deiuocrais- 11- Me.ivu ente rprise he did n <4 tail to places Hri,igliNtn a ftplcndld feast followed. The Took cabin oaaaagt* on the Pm ifit from Mtehixaa ..... 1 avi.NK W'i*T4H»sia .. 4.7TS* MSN as the great central figure, upon whom not irrigated. lloase KepahJU an*. SS; Democrats, SO. MmntKota ... M v: ! choicest fi*h in the sea, tlie Uvt Additional letter* bare been received Victoria, leaving aliout a quart*-r |>ast Wyouiinx .... 1I.S4J , fi pools and spindle*, in uoe no more— m far MUstsalppi .. tfft.)«V the glory aud renown of the work would i ciN-oanut* ou the inland, oranges A as we can learn from our ex­ from oiaaWy. the Afrlcaa nylurer, giving the r*- Accortling to the Chicago papers of fee nine on the morning of Thurmlay, the Thickly are strewn on the dusty fl.**. change*. the manufacturers west of the i*isti i i.BHira. fall, but in hi* *ocrct heart he cherUhed from Hawaii, tons of nutritious /W, fat •«it of kl* cualMiiu* of the *hor«* of tha Vic­ llth an arrangement had heca mad* by th* ^lh lust. There were about 300 isoph Alleghenies are ex|>erieacing more of a toria Njranaa. lie coaVrm* wpckc'a new, (hat Lskc Shore, the Mlchigaa t'mtnl and the I The number of distilleries registered dur ­ A cap, with a tarnished plume and chain, the idea that he hiiuseif would be hailed dogs and the flesh of other itniinal* were n l« Mini Steamed all day against That grandfather wore wbeu he went revival of btiainea* than those further tha great lake la oa* hudr of water, aad not a *e ing the year wa* 4,7Nfi, and the number to a* the mighty prophet of tire Polynesian*, spread in abundance. Kipikona, under- Fort Wayne Railroads to pool their earning*, j a stiufheaster, the crew cea(:lies- aad woes artdoatly a part of the crow of aa trna aar* of the Itemst atic htete ticket ia elected by ers and rectifiers of distilled spirits, lie A quaint old bonnet still betrays good praving, and in hi* genial moment* Noiurthing fall as if rucks had I alien on the (Hily glory for which Ire cared on would tell his follower* that a Kanaka of them at $:Vi (w*rd4»ren, many at •hip whkh had sank a car the shore. They had majorities ranging Ovra 130 to is. except Kuchn the NlarlNmrd twrer. The »a*ll was struck gives an account, first, of the checks, guards The pride of rraudmother ’s girlhood days. probably dlod of stare all oa. for Treeanrer, who would have from K.hO to S.0U0. sod protections against frauds established by earth would tmhlaron him with iiituvor with a full stomach could always make a from $24 to $*2h per doz’ extent of these frauds; fourth, tlie checks re Her old red cheat, with Its curious till, unwque and charming city of Honolulu. ami laugh heartily. 80 Gilison wa* the of the present local yaar had been fZflftOo.© In ocotly established to prevent • recurrence of filand In s corner mute and still. A new white pigment is demanded hy of Brooklyn. w»t»* colorevl ; hut (mid little attention. It is A deliciou* morning, one of those typical b»Do of the day. Tire reader mu*t the exigencies of modern industry . The etcaaaof tha aallmat* Returned to the rahiu and noticed the the same, and, fifth, suggesfe legislation Thu irfficial return^ of the Pennsylvania which, in his opinion, L necessary to insure Of all the relics that here I see tropical mornings which intoxicate the not think, however, that Kipik«>na paint should fw- a* good aooverera* white •hit) took a heavy Hat to port. Went on Russia has annexed the territory on the election, published on the !*th. give tfartranft a fuller collection in fulutcuf the taxes up­ The trundle tied is the most to me. *oul w itn a M-n*uous aroma never expert- ! achicvml his conquest* thu» far without lead, not easily discolored by the chemical right hash mi the Syr Daria, from the Na*»lau 11,843 piaralily over Perahlug. The Prohibition deck to the pilot Iiohw , and heard aorne on distilled spirits. enced in colder clime*. Crowd* of natives »tr<»ug, powerful «*|»po*itiou. The white action of gaaee and. when mixed with oil, frostier to the Riser Nesoea, formerly balvnctur vole was nearly IW.UJu. one say: “Shu is making water very The Commissioner gives It as his opinion Rudely fa*hioned by father’s hands, are on the replatntde, laughing and chat­ j Mormon nu*»ioiianeH faithful to Brighsm, should work easily under the brush. The to Khokaad fast." The Captain was coming out of There, by the chimney, still It stands. The craft which t auseil thl loss of the that tlie only law necessary is one that shall | ting with all the innocent guile of blessed w ith their followers, were alarmed at the white (feints in gent-rnl use are white lead, A London telegram of the 10th nays the his room. Asked him If there were any make the requirement* **' stringent and the liulc children. White) men, in official advances of the new Prophet They had Meant*r Fnclflc prove* to have been the berk penalties for defrauding the Government as I Manr s night, by mv mother’s chair, sulphate of hanta, frpanirii white and war la Malacca had assessed a religion* aspect blue light* Or guns. He said the Idue- 1 knelt to utter mv Infant prayer. (NmtpxisuiM, are idling about, and now written U> their master. Brigham. detail zinc white. The latter does not become Orphee*. whkh wae afterward wrecked on the light* were in the pilot-house. Got them, severe in the case of the rectifier as they j rocks. lKr crew esca(>ed- No more sarvtvor* now are In the ea»e of the distiller. The I and then cm up, oat in the were trying to get the long In tat out, but which the establishment is )ocat«*d should be procure the late M new* and »*njoy lire sen Idke an avenging angel the Idon of the j sulphides, destitute of color, golf It wae not wun bed Up to the 1*th no Of eoQftt According to London dispatches of Uie could not W>nt to the port boat for- forfeited to the United fitatee in rsaeof fraud *ping aMtiou* of the HMVMBt. The natives, who laird riripireil for action. He Ur»t irwued in adilition to it* desired advanlagt-s in the llth heavy storm* had prevailed daring the pre- sign* of thiwe on hterd had been found, and nil ward and helped five or »ix women into He should not tie allowed to handle any In the village11 are*.* n, the present Mormon Delegate which ceased the death of tea persons and the Think it was alxynt an hour after the made and guilt fixed. As the apparatus in a 1 one ol lh( joy* «»l their lives. Anion - ‘'------* ‘ * ’ ’ manufa<*ture of human hair into various motel K hcxeaiea of hi* articles of use and Ornament, these finding sorts aa Injury of 100. The Payni*stcrt}cner*] t»f the Army steamer struck w hen nhe liittetl so much reetlfying-house capable of refining the Lies thickly over the creaking floor; Uie paniM-nger*•ngei by the teasel juM arrive* d rivalrivni ami face ms an u market in almoat all (uirt* of th* worhL The Sublime l'orte has issued an ortlcr •how* that during the veer tb* « had bern die- to |*>rt that the Umt waa in the water. 1 quantity of spirits upon which the tax would l* a man uretinedu«v to shake tb« Hawaiian impotdor. Great jreonhet* hare liecn *0 bnr**d to the army |1t.«?*,ltfcl «8. and to th* Mil­ waa in that boat. Cut Ioonc from the da ­ •mount to tlOu.UUo a month may t*»t be worth Where the slender wa*|H* on the arlodour* In England young women who have dotachlag the district* of Treblgwo. bllots and Kingdom to It* foundation. He step* f denounced, but they yielded not. UitiHon itary Academy f*M. t*> 04. The number of de*#r vits, when the boat filled and turned over. more than $IO,nuO. It will readily tie seen that crawl. on shore choice ami iiound int trcsscf* are often Flva from Harsegovlna and orgaaU’ng them s* under the present law, which onlv forfeits And the spidots cre*-p on the tiare worn wall. and all eyes are turned met them lace to face Fortunately the tlou* •wlUl, agninat 4,404 for tbeyear previod*. i»n her l*oU. The cotton mills at Glasgow, Scotland, frauding the Government of flOO.iax) and tem The hair merrhaut* in rsri!< -end The Otmmisshvncr of Interna! Kcvrnne The m- ly inte-MfU*t in tin- nrnvjil of the stningxr, fxrtions continued the flght for three 1 of a particular distric t lo lie worth a few THR NEW W OKLII. He also ad vise* th* adoption of the plea of pah preservers, floating near, anti with their grilled t»v fraud is not sou* more per pound than that of a dis ­ cori»e f , U.\ ' ,U v °P* 3r • , i<*tng them to coom * bat k again to tearh have been bu-ilv engaged in conversing years, Gllison lc<*din" his gallftnt little The official t an vat* of the votes caat in Ik sale* heretofore practiced bat now abandoned, re*|»es lashed myself and companion to the Having concluded their brief trict thirty or forty mi!«- away—a fact collusion with turn h...... uwm.u Ir.wl, l«’m k<* iu>*l «l«c» KTnUni to | kua. iNsnri of toIlowiTS witii masterly tacticM which naturalists would ha long in find- Prnaerlvaai* ptve* Hsrtmaft, for (Governor, a Ue rvc imaaentl* the repeal of the Prr bouse. Saw thrre rafts; the first had one ’ him in a dream. The Hawaiian* b interviews, a carriage convey* him to the and against great odd*. Brigham a forces , thry wUI, a* s matter of policy, Ire boue*i. ing ouL It is estimated that some hun ­ majorlry of 14.M0. emptloa law*, and adviee* that the bom-deaf m.ui on it, the next had three men a * ” * i As an Indication of the cxt4-ut of the frau< lieved that Omk was I»no. and “the hotel, and the natives depart lo loll umb-r |i fraud* irciUKxi him, men and money were scot dreds of thousand* of pound* of hair are The official ranvam of the Massarhti- system be made th» only method of woman, could not make out the other for alxive described the CoiumiMiooer reports •lat e of sacrifice,” near Ksud akekua Riyll.iv. li*c ui*ugo or recline on their mat> fiWmi Salt Lake; outrageous Htories wire ac«|aiiiag title to agricultural lead* The ; annually obtained in ibis way. The agent** setts Gnberwaiortal vo*e ylves Kic- (Rep.) ffcf,5£1; the distance except that there were people that documcutary evidetn e is iaI po**e»si.)Q ti» now point/*! out by ohl______nativ« * __ te)____ trav I and dismiss the irx idenUof theday. Tlrev 1 concocted sgainri him; paid st)ies lived in aumbar of aerr* sold daring the year was 7.078,- < j scud the hair to their employers, bv whom t.nston (Dvm.)T».*44 Maker (Pro.) H.W». Adam-. on ii. Think we were* thirty or forty of hisofbte which ha* warranted the actrure eiers as the *|N>t wh«*re the ancient inhab- hi-urd that tlie nsun* of tlie ^imager wax ills camp; yet he fought the battle brave ­ ff7l, being V.4eo.on acres lews thaw the year previ ­ * AA A • as.A tiff .• if.. L . X . / ...... , it is drtNMcd and sorted and sold to the 1.774; PhlUlpa. «•!. miles south of Cape Flattery when the of J4 d aUlkTN-s aud HJ rcn Ufying houccs, and 1 tents worshiped the gn at Kaglisli navi GiUwm, and this they translated ink* ly. But in every human contest there ous. Of Ihte amount *.338,03. acres wvrr home- ! Implicated over 30 Uuite*d fitatce Gaugers and , hair-worker* in the chief towns. —S. Y veaicl sunk. I^anscd Uie light on TatUNwh gwt4>r. The tragic death of t«iok die Kipikona. a* being the sound ueanwt ap- muat be conqueror* and vanquiahed . there 1 l/.* " The postal cards Issued by the Poatoffit e stead mine-, aad 4.I9..IU wvre certiflrd to rail­ Island l*ct«*een four ami five in tht* fib»rekeepers. Thi* ex Idmce also show* the Issue tretween July 1, l»C4, and M»y 1, 1975, |n !l»d the delusion of the Kanakas, though proaching the Fmglirii. it waa intruded must be an end to the airuggle. Gilreoo ‘ *' Dr pan meal daring the last Anal year sjrarvgate road-; Ji-V'dl *< re# were sold for rash. The cash evening. Hyaelf and coiu|Minton were to tie Higniflcant alto, aa kipi mean.H a U“,*;»(ai, Nest year's eetlmate Is lSt,S47J)Si. receipts daring th* vear wvre $1.7*4.891 of fraudulent spirits, by duplication, of Jtl.oun to this day he ia ooly knowu to the na after three yeare. finding Insin* flnsnccennance* * x on tlie pilot-house all ol Friday r* In -1 in tuc Hawaiian language, and kona Ml LTUM IA J’AKVD. The number of poet *1 stamps iaswed to packatrrs, roulainiug i>roliai4y 1,AM>,UUU proof tivra by Uie uame of Lono. They i»e hiukted, hit fill lower* decimated and his A - regular Arculnot ocrurrevl at tht* until about four p. m., when he a at or 11»; so Walter Post master* last year waa MM.J4a.77S. val ­ fsllonsi and by aid of false gauging to the lieve, however, that their gval w ill return Murray Gitiaon w-os t vh-t4»r* *till strong in men and money, died, and 1 cut him Iuom . The mx waa additional amount of l,UU0,(Vk> proof gallons. (hriati-ned l v the natives f |U»e Storm I carried hi- im< apturt-l banners from the It is not »4) uiuch trouble for a man to ued at fta.J71.47S The »aiac of sew* Detroit Pallmaa car works oa the p/temoow ot and that he will come in the ahape of h the loth. A targe air tube, six feet sqaare, ex­ running wry high all day. the wave* This, he says, i« but • fN>rtion «»f (b«? fraud Rciiel (meaning the uiau who creates get rich aa ft is tq tell when lie’s got rich. paper and pertodteal stamp* laeu-d war white man. This lingering superstition fieid and the enemy quickly tiM)k poaaen- tends from th* basement te the roof te carry up washing over us 8 »n »o alter be dietl I actually commuted, but in ilaclf indicates ffflS.MR. Offdil stamp* were Issacd aambertnx has be«*n u**ed to advantage by advent ­ storm* or diaacnsions amongst his fellow hi«»n. T1m- ambition* rmphetof I’olyncvia A •‘Ti* x man at Austin, Tw.. Is raising the dost of the pi an iag machine to the capota sighted s vflml. Called, and hear I tin* tlie Its* of tax to Gove* nuo-nt in tern months ta* n). Horn well they read the character camel*, and has h 4>1<1 a lot of young ones lMSS.tOBnad valued at frt»t,»70. The number of of an amount not lew* (ban flAKl.QDii. urous white** who. at onetime or another, retin-d to hi* e-tatc on the I-Und «d L.inia, etamp* of all binds was t7X.S7h.Wt. of a vaine of While twelve or fifteen men were sweeping du-t pevple <*n the other rafts calling, but the have attempted to regain the religious of the new-comer remain* to )*e seen which now shelters him, a- did once the for $4o(> each. rKHwr.*rr.i* Liqt°K* fSh.47T.M1. Of the SSS.4Bi registered p«mchev from fee cupola down fee tab* te be carried vr*Hei did not come near. Friday night niaatcry of the Hawaiian** And in tw*) in three month* Mr. tflire-n *(H.)ke Uie lale 41| Ogygia aheltcTtbe h(rrowholed lh<- Why 1* h prosy (»nachcr like th*' mid • wav, th* fin* particle* took fire from samidrr we had but little wiud, but in the morning Th* receiute from ail ai urrve relating to instance* shrewd natives cast off all mis­ Hawaifen language quite well; in aix seat to rnstmast< re tea parkagr* were lo*L ot an h-roM-otrd liquors for the t>s< al yrar Mere (ireek* in the Tfrijan war. die ol a w luted t HtxaUbc the fellow* aggregnu vwiaa of ft.O There were mailed of lag ember* near the foot of the la* and exploded the wind and sea nan* Wa* then within sionary influence and vl Dpi relig i<»n *4 monUia lie addrenavil native congregations The shepherd ot Ifenai, a man of brill­ round him are tired. with a burst of flame, which burned several of ♦8,144,004, s d«vr«a*e of $100.(17.% a* c ompared foretga letter* lt.3C0.tSV). and 1US.SUB of three a mile of the shore of Vancouver Island. with IM74. The numiier of brewers inanu- ; thelrown. more ad a pud. as they believed, in their language with astonishing fluency. iant education. |»oli-hed and refined the moa fre-fully, *om« of them deegerously. Sighted two vesuri* on the American A mr n marriage a woman gets broader were retarded andcHeered. The number of fs4.-t«arlng fermented liquor* Is ‘J,7M. to the wants of the Hawaiian* Those Other in is* Mui .tr u-s hail on the manners with literary talent* of a high views and broader (ironuneiation. First fomtga letter* rwneierd was ll.aOS.oy), of whkh Col. Joycr, ax Su(veryi*or of Intrroal Hhort*. which pasaed on About teu o’clo* k The Comniiseic nrr expressr* full confi. Kannka prophets married Christianity ; islands for twenty years, and but few of order, an impassioned epmker and a gen it’* ”md withdraw his aaotioa for a new Jclley Mated, informally, tiiat there was i The number of c-sscs rompromM during the sensuous children of the tropics. oldest I'rukstant misaiooariea on the the heart of the Heart of U»e great l*a( ifi< National Bank nf Galena. IU-, has been discov the year la 744, snd the amount rerrivtd by 1CJF6* laM. ,*'• (H)liti( al pleasure would be wanting. It trial, end di manned that sentence be passed in no tem»r or confusion on ’ the part of the ! islands —could not sneak it al ail. Gib- ered 1s the lUdamption Agency at Washington- com prom Ur I l Their ambitious sc*hemcs will be devel- i He ha* awakened front his1 ^ * t?>c would be inipoosihlc to conatruct ” pyra hb case C J. Moeller, s Milwaukee Ganger, wa* passenger*, and that if tire lioala t ould mod 's ma.-u.-ry of the lailanguage in There la so awch bank ia eatsteace The aot« Toaxcco. oped ia time to our readers, but first we i so short dream*, retired fnrni the; ..ItiorUl <-b*ir I mid*." —Deirvit fm Prtu found guilty a j fee lSth of making false returns have hirer, launched and jwr*>pcrlv manned, was evidently altered from the plate of the The total receipt* from lobscro were $A7,. will honor them by Introducing the mod. i a time waa proof to the native* that he waa and the struggling w-orld to lead the life to the Government. Ute aea U iug Comparxhvrly smooth, all Tiik explosion of a kerosene lamp set Trader* National Bank of Chicago. .kKi.ted, sn increase ovrr 1«74 of $4.W10,%n(V, cm Sandwich Island Mohammed in the inspired, and they pointed to the fart of a shepherd. Gilaxm, in whom Uie would have been saved. snd an Inc resse over any previous fiscal yesr person of Walter Murray GfW»n. ed- i when hi* enetmes brought charge* against , reader must by Uiis time have taken a fire to the hotiae of T. Mack, in Toledo, The news of the UK rI Ions of the THR MAM of F«1.V17,15H The total amount of tax col- | itor of the AtmAow. This remarkable I him—for he already had his revilero — deep intenwt, is one of thooe remarkable Ohio. His little daughter in l*-d hod her •Wamahlp Pad Ac. running between Port N rw Y ork , N ov . 1*. —Flour—H*hltc The statement of Neal O’Haley, Quar- lected on totmcc*o and snuff from fiept 1, inan waa educated for the Catholic priest- | w ith the same zeal that the Mohammedan- men whom you occasionally find living a 1 clothing act on fire, and before fee flame* load. Ore . aad Baa Fraarieco, hy loan Winter Extra. $A.13#S.'tO. Wheat No S Chicago termaxter of the Pacific, rescued by the 1*872, to June 30, 1K7%, is HBJBMIB. The hood, but a sweet wmled Eve walked in did when their proplivt was revilexl, w>»o *emi savage life among Uie barlmrians, or could be extinguished waa fatally burned. dering at sew, waa rwoelvod at Hwa francisco Apriag. |l.fl$l £i No. S MlJwaakoe, $; revenue-cutter Wolcott on the morning of to Lai coUections on cigars, cberoola aod cic the gardca, j*ointed at tlie fofff>i0 people 00 board the lost steamer. Ulyrnee lie wandered about on the great is but one God, and Mohammed is His ways alu-ltcr great savage** He waa the a* ahe u»k up the kerosene can to start Meary D Jelly, wee picked ap hy the Americas sessment* of tax on tobacco will tm largely Cora—Western Mixed. TlfeTSc. Pork M-*« He says : Increased. The whole amount of taxes a* deep, trmnest toa-sed, until he discovered pnqilwt ” Kipikona hxdted upon this champion who fought against the cession the fire, and 4‘ A burning shame” w as •hip Meoeeager after having floated oa the pilot |Ri» Drv»*od Hog*- Ik. Lard-New, lac. I saw a large vessel under sail, whiah *es**d during the year was $H.‘Jffll.0tn, in his Isle of Ogygkfl and his Calypso, This idea of inspiration like ail learned men of Pearl Harbor and conquered the t»and what they chiseled on the tombstone bowse fw flfty howra. He atatee that eeveral Cat tie - - M arkwt s«bt; HfeU^e. for Good to they said struck the Steamer; *aw her crea*e over the previous year, $344,43% part of the romance is plstonic. of course, I who know that inspiration means cenae ' of ’* renegade Americans ” who attempted which stood over her cin 4hv*i. Hog* York ■ engineer, got a port boast forward into the distilled spirit* produced during the year, fl0.fB0,4*» gallon*; total, tot41 was a "” prophet,immhet. ” seer and rerelator” had delu*i<*n. He made convert* rapidly. najK-r, the Souftnu. expo»«l the whole 1 pose of forming a mail line between whleky dealer* rough t la fra ads a poo the Gov ■ •ra. PkliadciphUm, $7 4ufe7 JO; $7 *)&* At. w ate r and got fifteen women and six men in withdrawn, fi\Siy.Ul, having In bond June manyly follower*,followers. who looked upon their The fir-t four years of Molunumed's lab»^ fraud with great lioldne**. GU mm»I) him- ) America and Europe, fee whole distance era meat 8 keep—$4 miOAaa her. She was capsized by the frilling of 30, 1975, 13jfft7/i>Vt. spirits removed from leader a* the Ron of the Lord. His dot brought him only four followers, while ! self is an American. l>eing a South U-aro to lie traversed Ijetween sunrise in one Heveral additional Chicago partim gave ( nicxoo — Wheal—No. 3 Spring cloned the ship. 1 *aw none of them afterward. warehouse for export f«»r the year ending trine-, although detested bv Ui« Christian the first four months of tHhaoii*s misaion- linian by birth. Hut he i* an American hemisphere and sunset in fee other. boll oa the tth to answer for fraud* apoa the rev •« $1 «N«*l4 cash fora -Closed at S8'*c for I supported myself by a floating sky light Juoe :«>, 1M74, 4.UQU,k« gallon*, while only world, were preached by himreJf and his ary work g»U.« nd to the fbld 1V» Hawai- 1 who never prostituted his hon*>r, man | j about fifteen minute*, and then gut on a | %N7,4IS gallon* werr thu* removed during the isn Ar.dfr He went Tiik Glasgow Tima w*>uld appear to anna. No. 2 and Vf‘%e for Rejected, rush Oat*-No. 1 adherents w ith peculiar power and a rough. on proselyting, but Iuxh I and intellect for the crumb* which ha%e figured ont tin 1 thing pretty accu portion of the hurricane deck w ith some last fiscal year b«it capeivafing. eloquence which were All this time he^onUnued to act under the tall ffr>w the royal Hawaiian table. A* The last of the indicted 84 Louis distill ca*h; December option* sold *1 XI Sc. The quantify of lolaoco removi*d for ex- rate!y wben ft remark“ Tin* man who Rye—No. fl, MH$47t. BorW-y-Ro. A MSfeA c eight other* On looking for the steamer wortliv of a boltertx'tter causecause. Con vert- dispensation of the Balt Lake I*ropbd. he is a fatoli-t, he neither complains nor era—Jow.iu plead faUty oa the fltk. which 1 found »he had diaap(»carrd. leaving a >rtatl«m in boad without paving the taxes, Briglumi had already sent his nnsaionari)-* is curious to see how fee world could get mode thirty thro* ptem* of galltg in th* ’ city Me** Pork flJt 7'4RX! on cash Lord- $11 Wfe I7B,*1% pounds, a decrease <4 I d >1,011 ti«M-k«d to hi* standard frminrnd« n«»rant men and women, but strong and oa wa* to consolidate and increase the thi* w-orld ’* good* and so can laugh at hi* sight wae dl sceemwd to I* min. Therr choice. $1 8304 fl Mvoud cook, aod four psMwenger*. the passage of s law authorising fifteen hralUiy. the very material to ” build up a number, prepare native Hawaiian* for enemies —fynn Vmnetmco Chronicle Tiik Waco Examiner of a recent date bwty-eight p-r»>n* oa hoard. A heavy wind prr including a young lady. At one more, lie thinks further consolidation of kingdom in the name of our Lord and miaeinnarv latior* in the island- farther sm-aks in terms of severest criticism of vailed, and the steamer anon burned to th* Stanley*s Ixpioralioa* in Africa. o clock the next morning, the Mh. there collr<-Uon districU can be made without af- *ouU», and build up the kingdom of the the in order* which have become so fre­ water's edge Up to the morn lag of the farting the revenue, and that the system of Savior. Jeeua Christ,** aa the ajxmtlea 11 iff Own Doctor. blew a gale from the southeast, the sea u-rnied it. They were poor, an«l Uiey Lord amongst (lie barbarians. This he quent throughout the State, and close- Kith nothing hod been heard of th<»*e oa N tw Yoaa. Noe 19. gauging wholesale liquor-deslers’ packages wiih a strong appeal to its readers and con- making a clean break over the raft. We by I’nlted flutes Gaugers can be <1 ;<■)*• need were promised plenty; powerlcus, and oontinuswl tod.., but kept *tro.lily m mind A vi an of high.llK„ intelligence,,.,T. wellwr.i -edn- board, aad It wee feared th.t ail hod The HmtaUl publishes this morning a lashed ourselves Al*>ut four a m the temporaritw to “ make Tcxaa too hot to perPhed. though some hoped th. peesrngwr* uu s irn. /% i">u 1 four a m me withith andand sa simplesimple *systemTst<-m ofof che«rherkc k* hy they were promised power, moneyleoa, hi** daring ambition He worked hard ' rated, and of vigorous understanding in telegraphic 8vn-»psia of letters received in sea washed merboard the UapUin. second sfempe sutisUtuted, which will prevent over- and they were pn»miae4l inooev Hi* and waited patiently —waited for Years be- moat thing* wa* neverthelm* given to the hold a man who wantonly take* the life of hod takea to the beets and had heea blown owt a fellow-man.** tata the golf. Ixmdoo from* Stanley. He »*y* Dr Liv | mate, the lady and another paa-enger issue. Natanic iiojety could win convert* b sure he wa* able to make his la>!d strike practice ot self tormenting in regard to lngste»ne wh * wrong in reporting that About nine a. in the second cook died It Hr recommends making the violation of Trk latest instructions published on fee Henry R Mann, for the last fifWn pr* achingg six Ii doctrine* to huBgry an J for supreme iH.wer. The time came and the state of hU health lie was fairly ro the Victoria Nyanrn 4-onsisted of ffy« cleared up about four p. ta. 1 M« land the law relating to fri. tion matches a dual- Uo|»eleM humanity. Bui there wne -till an he acted Nddly. bust, ate and drank well, slejg easily. subject of “ table etiquette** contain an ywess Tree ear* r ar herwhaga • 'ownty . N. T., ha* lakes Hp«'ke correctly state* that Vic­ ffft**cn miles dUtant, . HCand a_ jflec* ’ of tha nri off* n#*, |>MiiisUat)fe hj flue and imprisoo- other powerful element in human nature admonition to “ sec that thuae about you ment. Hr alao dr*ire* that I* tons* I revenue Haring determined to caat oft the wafkedwitbremarkableenerg>,waiiea(fe- proved to be a dematter ia the earn of flV0.D0S toria Nyanxa is one lake, but Speke's two wrec k with two or more on it Afeintfire to !«e appealed to, and the astute prophet •hackies w hich Umnd him lo tirigluur, hie of severe aod long-sustained mental are heljH-d before yon commence eating A paparr collar m*na8ntlei j la whkh hi* sow was islands are peninanla*. The River Sht- agents be empowered to demsud and obtain P m. Mother died. On the morning of the inspection of books and papers uI distill ­ and his disciple* knew full well that ap Kipikona announced to hie followers that labor and of much physicphyaical exertion. yourself.” The theory is probably that tetterrstod has hitef. sad Is sappoerd to nova ab meryu is the prim ipal feeder of the lake the fith another died, leaving me alone. after you commence ” eat ing yourself’you sorhml a large pwnaaa of the missing fund*. ers, rectifiers, brewers, whoieeaie liquor-deal­ peals to this element wonld bring them I»e would retire for seven days and m-ven Unluckily for himself he began to study •*J pr youeomniem aod extreme*! source of the Nile yet dis About lour p. m a large, empty box ers and manufacturers of tobacco, snuff and men of wealth amt intellect. They had nigtila to a -<*cluded spot on fee 1-land of ilomeatlc medicine, and straightway a too w,i’ finable to a that others are helped. According to * New York dispatch of covered. fl»fete*l near me . Got It on the raft for cigars. captured the hopeless poor, m»w they ra*t Lanai, where he inteod«wl to commune active imitginafmnimkglnation led him to simulate In 1 7 nAuae. Stanley had several confix te with slave The Commissioner estimates the • oh ret ions fee*h the order of Celled Irishmen Refftvtvi shelter and slept soundly that night ser their wilv snares about the rich, and with his own sou) and tlie * hi hh 4»wn ease tlie syni(ffoms of almoat ** We\k , unconscious criminality, ” is had tried Patrick M. Walsh, owe of It* member* denier* •*» the lake. 4>a one occasion he era) hours On the morning of the Tth saw of the present A m al year from all sources of many fell into the net, among them the tea*, or prophet of heaven (God). Tlum every disease lie happened to read of. waa attacked hr !?0 natives, armcni with internal revenue at $12‘J,(Xfl),(Vgi. what the New York Prison ln*pt*t*)r s(xv far ueeawa aad condemned him to death. land on both side* and waa surrounded hero of thi* article Polygamy, which | he would return and bring feem glad tid ­ He was apoplectic, paralytk , rheumatic, spear*, in thirteea canwo*, who were re cifbv as the < auae of Frank Walworth’s The Moody had Han key revival meet with float kelp, which made the water they profanely tormwi < nteattai marriage ing*. He did return, pale and emaciated, he had heart disease, his lung* were af- |iarri( idal act. This is quite as giN»d a* pulsed after a severe fight. Three natives smooth. It continued calm all day and Grinning for a Mager. wa- the prize oflkfud. from foaling and _praying, _ _ and callingw Ms letted, fee liver w as congestid ; gout la Bewoklya ow the fen end Kb were largely were killed. emotional insanitv, providrxl the *' weak night. At three a. m. I waa rescued by the Two remarkable characters are ted ; followersfollower* to|together he announce! that Ire threatened biiu; his vision became en unconscious criminals ” ore *0 restrained religion* He arrived at the Utesal hunting camp cutter. The first meeting of the Mite Society of in the reception-room of the Lion , had received new revelations God h»«S fivbled , ohacufr sensations alarmed hint the Second Presbyterian Church waa held of their liberty that the rest of the com- at Nisayura April lsi, where U»e King di- House,’* Halt Iakr City One of them is commanded him to obey Brigham Young os lo the stife of his brain ; fire era of one raunity shall not suffer from their weak U was (hanght oa the #th that Bigelow, reeled extraordinary feadvttkr and dis ­ IntemAl kfVMio Report. in the tfeaemcat 14 Hie church last night. the proprietor of the mansion, w hk h, sur- ! no longer, Kipikona waa to U* the onlj. kind or another were (* r|M tually hatch ElElMaBAAhlf flst Racsaiary of Suite As ii had lmen previously rumored that dcmr or uneonsCHMisneas. —• jMrvtt Fra plays. One feature waa a naval review on r ou ruled by manv other building-, all or- ; Prophet; and there; and tlicn ann.ainced , ing in hiss)stem The man ’s life be­ Press, la New Task, waste tear* na««t )*/»■■ iBsjerRj the lake of ef rhty four canoes, manned by W(Ml>«r grinning quite a the'public gore by high stone walls, eon- 1 amen*, in oolemn chant, grretre! thu an ­ 1 batf-klllrel himoelf wife terror and nearly Hkwk h a w arning for men too mean to laff a hath At the Cfepleal ta WMfctertoa VSr« Lion to lh«- naval maneuvers, there were ompleifli bis report for Um Her si year end*^ large and curious crowd awaited the dis ­ riflnte lire apartment' of the Pfr*phet'- nouncement. Giheoa readily pervuived succeeded in goiting poieoued by a fee* a«lvertiiie: One of this description wanted rare* in which eighty-four canoes were June 30, 1873. The document la very volum play of Ivoriea. Afts r ronie fine singing that he ha.) male a ten strike, which he to) to sell ooRie land, anil «i he put a written WHs**« fell fe a fai soar St .ad ra I nous. harem. The lord and master of thia para- i iasioo of varied jum I uwptMiog remreiies IS S te»l -.*r*wd.e, aewdoion engwyd, each pro(ieHed by thirty oarsmen, id a few minutes ’ general (-onvefrteUmn I was inquiring Tor a small f wer* atesnasM *1 Midnight the King loading Uie fleet personally, in Tb# report shows that the actual ai_____ tem iu lb« heart of a Chririian nation, is the wav of naming his twelve disciple* totiin of a cotidiflon front whten It ia*|»hy- feat Ins esaiMo* **«W lapem toy *unt spnaae. Hirer bltzskinc youth* walked farm was referred to tire written n*itiee, rslni the presence of a great crowd of ns look *r«*. <*f rereinu into the Treasury from all source* advanced in year* but hie menus! vigor is These hu s«lei trd from ti»e wealthiest ami aiologii allyly impossibleimp*** that men should flf fee life including the dOO w ivex of the King. On from snd after June 80 , \m\% lo Juoa 30, 1874. remblingly up and with wa-iniitg enilmr strong and keen, his ambition unbounded, moat intelligent_ notivew, for he knew full I suffer he foundand to his horror that each when he retd ted • “ I ean ’t buy land at a Another of the survivors of the steamer the th i m] day< Uu-re was bird shotMing and eiclwsive i4 loans and Treasury notes, was as rsegment look their plecew in a n>w oq the lie drewtns of new eonqueats and prays for . well that wealth and inteTlert are p.»wer particular symptom wa* distinctly marked fair price of any man whodoashteadvvrtis pAmfiorm. ing ia this way, HcM steal fee fence, the Pteette, sawed Heal 4> Haley, was picked ap oa target-practice by H Otg) troops and on the follows: men of rnergv. zeal and burning ndighm- ' among the awqffe as well a* Hvilirrd in hi* ow n case He went over tlie gfr wind tke Moralag off th* (as toms...... $t.V7An wss Awsdag oa a rafr fr„m WfJ* J™* ^ MRJR iWbjecfl* ...... i.sfeim.:*) grin first, it was settled, and one of the Atafrtflm Solomon, wwtetl in s rapai u>u- Islands of the archiptdago and they itemma only served to bring *)Ui the symp he’ll give up poaoenslon ” Dtrert tea ...... 14.ate 18* party maile a ghastly attempt, which was which k* say* riayt Hew-i! had Heea w»*h*d off Mi" • «*»•■« man.bns great iRlelligemw. Patklic lead* ...... AAI.M fed arm chair, is Mstening with intense ewger- preached with great aucceae. Gibson umis with wore alarming distlncfeess A voiTH was rushing arottn«l the •ad drswaad. He »e|a tke Htfe wa* me dawn and Ins d xninion affoois the heM augury MhtrlUwsM ...j...... -am. ai.sfrs j imitated vflry well »nr tiir seixmd grinoer ne*a to the (tropoKiUon* and schemes lieing artrel as the true and «mly reireewnUtivc Then the affair lie* awe t*«o Indicnms ; a corner, saying: ” All I want In this world hy a vaseet aad*r felt sail Twe Haas* got away for the poaaibk clvillxatKm of Africa ' rmnoaam en lease • n<1 sates uf The third irrinner -trmk out on a new of 8*. IVter on the Mwndwir h Islaadn or heaiiy fit of laughter dissipated not only gold cwta...... It JA7 .1I7 developed hy the other t harweter. the is to lay my hands on him”* He present from fee wreck. Uy te» tke Mh tve d*ad hafflae (•ath. and gave the audience a brand new stranger who' sits oppnaite to him and w ho etenwbere. and hehl tire key* of heaven in that particular ailment, but all the rest, ly came upon a boy weighing about ten ^ K7*Xh w ,lTliina •rewuefmnd a grin, wlik-h none ot them hud mvb liefore, hie grasp, so tar as ••arthlv mortal (-onld KZfuSftZ? '* J.™100 »»*|k TetaJ...... f4.Rfr.« kMl is onhr known to the Prophet by letter- »»f anti the sufferer was cured .—RngltoK Com pounds more than'himself, aod rushing Several important failures were report ▼ns rw«> u«t riecaL msi. and wae gre« t»-d with stamping and clap- intronuetion The stranger reads the 1h »I<1 the mysterious ariteles Hte ambi­ grof *4 sew titmi at him he exclaimed: “ Did you lick my that had lees standing over night and •d fas fee Bast mm the IRI, aesoag ifa«ai the Arm whin tb.’ milkman m.fa- ki. ufu.i I The ewHertkms for the Aaral year smded . . Bund of the Prophet with unerring arcu tion ao far was realised to its fullest ex­ brother BenT* ” Y’ta, I did." said fee o 4 James Wtekbam A Bom, New Yurfc mnate June Ml. 1UV4. were $|Ofl,ft44,74 fi, lor tbs seer *•*** WWW I****. •* the cod of racy. Hu cornea with zeal and a burning tent After a tew ywofr* ol preaching he Ljt'RfRRsTh h is said by a IferBegovln- bov, dropping hh» bundle and spitting on h,,m* rwt,• lh. errmm ceding June SB, Mfft, Allo,54A,l$fl. The ia whkih the two gentlemen y iffidrd. think thirst to take up the cause of the P.- pte-t had over 1.000 converts and many thou- snd Haul: I never expected ho tee this • ian correspondent to <*retu to he a men bis band* ” Well." roatlaued the other tafetteowMShcUm of rreeae idling the ksl meal ytBr Is i»wteg ta ing tliuy couldn't ** smile ugly ’ after ail, and preferh •* the evertaoting gnepel,” sawds of dollars Another tmlliant ktea i aingvilarlv dried by nature to till the punt- lad, harking dowly away, ” be naedh a ! Tk« man looked at the cream, winked W tke Ijmeuejof Ite d'ltte* teM ter the and the i«*dgw» a worth 4 tit# pfi/e, a silver *4 <<»rding to the revelations (f Joseph came to kb mind. Now that he had ! tbm (ff liht nsti»i ac*J suites the miim at tickin ’ once a week lo teach him In be Earty on the morning of the 10th a Se­ wisely and solemnly, scratched kin bend mauaflwmjwd jjihm?i'i'YTjTljxn U*„ r>t*i 1 10 * r I ”»»»• TdlUrht, Who had mode Smith, the founder of Mornsoni».n lie weaned so many Kanakas from the thrall imfewant in Um followers a- Garibakli, • 1 I vern OflHMwafae-shaeh *U fell te portion* of ansi replied t »* Wdl, i (bm’l kmm wbal _ dom of Brigham, that be bad a fair army Mtewmri ate EsasM At faflepsudenee. Mo . aiis k, but vou rau throw it n«t and T’1| \ ££3 ms|ai out his field* of eonqueat, uxplala* whom he is said to resemble in manner. Tub * *lrer day a Y'k kstmrg negro was several briek fan tteftam were roesldersl-ly rxireordtearv rfforts having been put smite»l (me again al ita mvist thu forms with which he is to conquer, ef followers aod coin ia hh coffer*, he re- He is handsome, (n naive, w ith a winning drmwlag a big d#»g around the street liy a give yon a fresh pint ia Its plnrer* 7 >e UThuto eetlsut del I squeal taxes due fr«»m b*ik kia seal amid Lite audible grin* solved to (Hit fee Idea into practical shap*- th* rltlsen# being arwmmd from Uteirslei troii AVer Promo. grow* eloquent over the mighty result, 1 -mile and manner of addreee. and has •trap, and a citizen inquired: ” Is that thtekteg )h#>r boaeeewwva tap>blU« >»«i»ks and (maker*, railroad and other corpo- °f audience. and is then as silent an the grave The Kiptkona determined u* build a grand dark brown ayes, whose ordinary exprvo- yourffmrr* “Y'ew. sah.” “ Do y«m want olios. *ad due ow teeomra, bfsrte After more general rimvenuitlon, pnuiie tbelr bead* The *WA waa few al Tnpafas awd It was a diplomatic husband who pro Lion of the Lnrd Is ailent also, but for a aod nu|Mistng religion* tetnnte, and an »*«m4 i» dreamy and wotaanitke, l*«i» wife to sell him?” “ Y«w, nab. 1 wont to *rii oadiug and singing the society adjourns*! m-»meat, when, rising W> his ft*et. he ez eflBer pteeas ta Ksasa* tented to his wjjh: ” Mr defer, If It doesn't . •dteti opt* toMAunn, -NnJf+lo Amirii** le* ted the Island of Maur being the moel a glint and flash quite startling when ax ray -herr ol* him." * ’ Y*<»ur -hare t How’s Vie* PresidmD Wilson was taken mid make any difference to you, don ’t say A KWawi Is |ri*eo sterwteg feu rw**M* • taints ? “ l et thu wrtll M God hu ( one . go central of the group, as the pia* e for his cited, and In the vet. strong mouth there thatT” "Why. dU dog am divided into ueder tbs set of Mart b *T forth and preach aod conquer *• Neud art sacred edifice This temple was u> be is indomitable rewdution • igjite* o sheers Ite sheer holders am a flentf 111 on th* morning af tha UP fa jaat after he * Brute P and ’ Doltr Use terms milder, U Outers rv" 4074 , up to and In —- ^ . 4 w s hath as 1 ha OapHei te Was* not lees incisive. 1/ 1 must have curtain of Jum BR Iflfl, trom dlffirret aril- * “*** Arenue Baptist Church, add that feu two conspicuous figure* her* modeled after Solomon ‘s, as far aa It was little down in the nremf on count ob de ele* subject»)e< t to an im rraaedf^d tax,ia*. iteaWowtaengfl u df rtenton, bad stricken ont from its dec- portrayed art Brigham Young and Walter possible to da so It was *0 ham an m —Mowadavs mammas nrw dryng vppias hard timaa. aa* i/e depuuttixad to sail fee Sllma Us friends feesed feta! re ni rntflihi mmmknwr* Israiion of faith »be clau»e which make« •nits th was rsperiefl mnefa hetier an the tain aMCraaj9Bff£fc____ bfl- Murray Gibson? dowmeet-h'>u*4 aad a grand hnuhiir and daugktare pressing Inaras for wintm kayuine for fee sum oh two dollar*.* ’— 77 U.7 W immersion a prerequisite in < ommunion The pi an uB#f»W4Nl by OUfeop $$et Brig where the religious cot■teoy of Adam And Frritshurf Bermld ‘Tutstlr** ■ttskflrsa The Detroit Veatbal compiled a « Nairn Ceealr le ita Mpnn Uart. abpiavi uu . hud** BUSINESS CARDS sarhAbi; * 41.1.. IMimui M»* Mf IM* (Bo kl.IHln od li. 6>*»*M The (oliostug bit tk« opuiiutM bu .,**,* ««.| ir.I1 11*1Mb b 1*73ISIS b) Parser I as probably Republican is lb*» 1‘resi­ fogs of Jfttlgoo io tU OuprrOB* Court, m OR. GEO. E SURE appualad from (1uiti« Circuit UMkOl'AIHIC III KTV a-of ‘fc* Mf 1,4•» the flni ff*f on. . t < liWfeo O id P*r regis ig •1 ib« uafef ibunedM, is* »*a w «•»*•* Mil* hare a uiajoriv of the sUdoral ftrUh MeM| ■ |ouVi'*iiiM t la »he viTIeee of PI Xeaae * • “* 1 ' * It very eeolj *lls Qslifgtoi* a lfepuk | * rtahktiMeanaMtsSna sm»*«» *aaastaffiwtaM Sm-.•«*<•. tap*h . “ Ttoe Vwry U« plainUIf « te Igvr, W«.. r.. |. Make no Mistake. TbeWrei l^lf oflhe ooef h **•! v**#Ui wf **•' The recnt decision of tbs 8«premc liens Stats, though it tM recent etc* -nibjht a burm of us* ilar r !>.?• ior uMn AVTiW^at .\ l„rteea(iaiinTewasbi«i*oveapiK W*et. M» bbuina eo«M), Mlct.»#-f Ctort of lbs Usited 8 totes is tbs cm* i! didate received a majority over hit Re­ Georg*, to whom Shepard paid fiO ot the r-n*t •!>!* < Im>u i proverdiaa* •* lae wr In r.,o»i, luvlu, Imnn lii.O- of tbs Ft nun sod Mechanics Nation price and made his itufto to him bi the bal­ ceroei M .lu Utrvte. Mayo* llapiu*, Mick. hi ^ * vied loi»cc%** »utill |HiriiHin ui tb*ll 4. I.l miur*d bi publican and Independent opponent! 01 I Noe, ibeivltOf. bj unit* u| ibt tiaafSleMi od Minor* si Bank of Buffalo bss s very inpor ance. This note was afterward* taken up |H*W*f of •« « Im Mill Wl>ll|«|* t*llt*ll)««lLA nn*l»a4 ofI»l £ _ combined, ia the beevie«t aggregate L. A. LAWRASON, M. i iu n n iNNias A R b 4 0 1 II I . Uni bttfiuf upon tbe usury lews of til and on* made in Iwu of it by nhapaid to Ibe lUlul* lw aurli t«M ui* 4« bid l4*4w, N«»-1 ff J ■tut #« ubs “ of W Uileei Mi traul. Mrs. Love upon a jrnu i time, with interest. |>in.l( l.t.N A til) Pl> liSt* «HI lkblihti«li)|it,it|bbt uu lb* 4lB dmji VI. the ni tswlfSC4 km}ton Urc vote ever east is the State. The l>em f gain Uu*«f, Fu» i**r . M 1. h *4*l> rrawber, I *1 A, •! wn* «'*<«h 4 U lb* »n«rBw*. lAwml tboee Sluice is tie Colon which coo •plicieird b|h JtJeri __ M. <’rm»e«s_ Jedu«e cf 1‘ivtb • oerstio vote wss nesrly doable that of Mrs. Love transfer red this note to oue Du it •l ibe Wm froel 4*»,r «f |be Ceerl lloumm *1 demo tbs Inker of wore then the legal tap, who ruoovorwd judgtnanl upo#. it heferj JURY P. HAVENS, M.O , for *be e.Hii fy «.ft'delee Si*ie ef ■ Mu «... the Republican!. But sn election si- C'bniee evenly, Hu-kimmu, 1 n lb* »il •** «*f Si. •nf— li-i—*~ loreci l*« ,*!*»•*•»** n«l e)eelb*l44seee e*4 ,Uo baveL) Kite vrndn* le lb* hi|b*tl M44*f,lbt »rrn>lM*iM wN the into reel illegally takes. The par­ most uou-paxtiaau ia ila character has pteoed m the bands uf Cross, who was a |>riN*fU)r iU«ii4y, i.'ai >,U m,| Uivh -DeleU Mept *ib, 1ST*. • Dim. the lllb do ef Atpa 1* 7 * -1 rendered was ose which arose under wife, rapt*vied. The j.wlg. vo'efeta *. *-ef tbc pHrpo*. Republicanttepi was choeeu Superintendent iy«oicui tii) ilvivivi. Citato* Atu* II4* muw mu h4*4sltrr?*Bd urlnl M*rfliu»ul mt WILLIAM F. MOO|K. Mort#*fe«. .1 re- «f*io«end - >,axing b » h>e.* . the lawa of the State of New York, whom the rwfUovuB waa tried Icnml kkllM I t«A(*E 4Ald. (< (hfibit baiiog d*r*«*e4; .«.') 4k*. •*..! of ?ublic Instruction the Poet stye the X nuv.oirr H.J WtwAnil'i, M.Juliii*. Mirk lb* K*el brinJ* of U and sta aaeota* Ires* 1 b« ■ which provide for the forfeiture of the fatae as abov e ost forth, and aloo the l •node in tbe een4i|l« ef a wfUiN 1 (MoboAlflk O U« I MM V|*S m1 by aelU Ce^MOUi I Republican! ere etrouiIrongect ia that State. the horse was exempt except tor part-lurne Boots A wortange.cveceieA July 1UI by Helen K. J fumrAliortLo |»r*wbMl#irfl*ln»furbiJlu»ie . I entire Ucbtdebt upon which usurious inter R. STRICKLAND, Kicbar.Tb.Hi io Wa. V M K.p . l»J. It also calls New Yoiw '‘probably money, and held that the plaintiff* were |A W »htl ttuov«i> Su »iui »», 1‘afitv trial al- ifd ie<-oidui4rd»4 la the 1 nndsdewenee.' i*bl«4 (hwbtr Ifth.lSTA is ternaryrod. t It was tried originally Re- offlee of lb* K*«i«ui nf Dw4 tor « Union c«o*i)f fffl ------.1 DOTIf. not entitled to recover. Judgment hav- i«ufl>o given >»* il*c examination and •«ill»- hkblgbn. um tbe IMI. X ^ J U M publican" when New Yort has just &■ m«Bl •( SU| i*ItIiMI«<*Iu k«el Kilalr, l. 1*71, in Mff r JkxNiaux. in the Superior Court of Buffalo, and Mg pomn l fur defendant for the amoant of L on wbleb mortgage geO:Wd ______UoUIUBto*1o i.r.« on 15,000 majority agsinat the oorabinibi iuri*|«lou« villi il**t»4ti k, Ayrni lor aaleau.! Shoes. __ ol lh* dole of lt*B« 00- there being no dispute aa to the fuel has lien, the plaintiff* bring error. purchase «fl«*4. oW ««i residence ¥ k.Vornmr h Autin Mil. > od forces of too Republican party and ‘ III# kum ,m» ^.IftulfnlboodroU orxl 4fl>-o*\«n dal-j •o4 la poroosoeo of il that a rate of interest greater than that Held, I, That the recovery by Dvinlaji u t’ouil H*NwS<|iir«,M Ju*m,lli«ii. 4*1 laseaad mDSinB.**fib.** »*»*, . «*SlcS 1 on ode* tbe five* thot by vliM** the corrupt canal ring. Wisconsin ia transferv-r of the note o.tnm* he aonl t>> •am of Ivddi Ip, «eu dvIUti *n.l Alti-dl real* COOMSS.IHUM *0.1 •uikotlty.f>*a(ed*OllM)li! V,Ui*0*ri| l*to meoatk*toe oo I be let do > allowed by law had been reserved by m ol November, ISVs, of tbe Judge of Pn>b*ie of far the pnrehaee price <4 the horse levied OENTISTRY. Ol ike awool deolrnhlr gallerne. pold by * a,1 Ike uix of IS73 *i.d 1S*,4 Clioloo county, Mltdagon, to aril real .■wAote L, the bask is discounting the note on another of its “probably Republican" rpilK ISKNY in TM hi < M 6 . 4 ft* i : H | ! atMl lit!errot ou lbe »«nt« J wUk .utrreot ot ten States; bsl the latest returns from the apon ; that ti it were ailoealde for the or­ 1 m> oor rent , k, •••L-* au ottornry Ire of twenty 0v* ioitging to Uo«»b Sun »n4 lhut Boot, X umjii , 1 which the suit was brought, the court iginal ve nder who had taken a note for part OUE STOCK IS COMPLETE dollor* In *toid Utortgawe etlf.oltoU4 to W pe>4 lu willI *rI! at yukltc audios to tbe klfheot bidder, on election show that the Democrats have Mil) bv pro. orvd el 1>K. U. t.iOkblN for m room *••> proreodleg* skould bo Iskeit to b.rrvlooo Tutiroday, lb* *<1111 day m€ Sere ns* decided that pay moot of ike note could <4 the purr he — priee to waive the notv and little money aa at any ofiicc tu MleklgaB, 11 ur«l « b*r,r« _____1114,_____ o ebek P. M , at tbe Tronotr probably elected a greater number of recover on the original consideration a Building.Ml John*. 334 1) A Nl» . tk* *04,1, oiel 00 ouit or ymndluit »i law or la not be enforced, or, in other words, Ti havltof boon loslUotod to recover mny pert oflliw. Is tbe viiUge of dt. Job•*. Is *«14 coanty of State officers than the Republicans. r of the note who is a *tr**ufor hi 4*bt m>r urod by ■oldold Btorteti-,Mturq.,,, Now,____ , CTtnfoa, *'t tbe right, title oud tsl«-ie*< of Mid mt that the bank, by reserving usurious A.STOUT A *«!.» rl» ll-* * mt nor* to and to lb* AN lowing imilWd real eei ate, Exception could alao be taken to its | twig real roiMadorfitiun has no such ibil. t r*'. by value of lb* power of *elc io e.i.1 via: Tk« Weol half of ter ioD twenty'oo vo o [|7)i interest, had forfeited its right! to re­ right. .•'*•** ''ouiei)»• 1 eud of (be *ut ut. iu eat b rmmm iAc* In Btnk lllork, south door. Id floor. ,od« end nrovldrd, Motie* l* beteky five*, Ik*l oo tbe Wool half of tbe Nortb-oact uinilrt of *ectlon cover the prineipal. Thia deciaioo was clamitieation of Nevada, New Jersey Maid, tf, Thai hers the note iranuforntl A« We Will Not be Undersold. tbo 4BM dny •« Svcrnter, 1475 , now iW fOi j wan <«7>: sad ibr Noetn-w.*K and North Carolina as probably Re­ was not even the note given for the home, Glass-ware r elorl ia Ibe •ttornooto, at tbe Weet front quarter of aocuon Ibirty-toor «*4>, nltin Ueoaialop afterwards affirmed by the New York BATHS A COOK, door of lb* Coart l!oo*e for Ctleloii roooljr, Mab mi («), North of range oue (1) lied, la UlBU.n Court of Appeals. publican, and also to ita claim of Lou­ bat another taken ia its place, amt that a TTUKNKYB and Conneelior* at Lea end i**o, ia tbo viUoao of t*t. John*, io aoid cooniy, I coevtjr, Mabtsau The interest of aaJd minor* a, isiana as such, unices it assumes, io the right to trace sn 101x11011 consideration A riotlrttor* In Cbanrery ,Mi. Jobne. Michigan. and ttoero will b* *uBd *1 public veodoe to tbc b%bt »t tbe above land* being the undlvidod one f..aril. The Supremo Court of the Coiled through *0 many change* in order to bind Utcberd lit) IU, Circuit Court Counni«bk*nrr. M* ladder, tbo premier, Io **!4 morig*«r deoctibed, | poll tkrrro: --!>•>• «l November lllb, il’Ui, States, however, after an elaborate ex­ case of the laat mentioned State, that Vis- Th. oortb-woot snorter of the *o*lb owot | loyal sta ft k, the property for which the first note was L. W. FASQUELLE, M D., CALL AND C US Stone-ware, iliMiler of oerUoa srvoo , wnl tbo north-w«et quor Uunrdlan of void Minora amination of the point* involved, re­ Packard, Caaey 4 Co. will repeat io given cannot be aaataino.1 tor of tbe nortb oo*t quMr«i r of *ect*oi ' m >utsiciab a *d vrnekoa. odlwnlhU rvelUeaee |)MOM4TI OUUI.U. rtiare „l Mlcbi verted the deciaion of the New York 1876 their counting-in exploits of 1874 Jt is ityel that if the h >n*c wa* eteiupt I, on Welkvr blrcet, re*t uf Clinton Avenue, Ot. t% «• ifeun IIii*Iim'%%. townekip •»* north of re* t Of* w. *1 , l (H.t .l, J«»hn», Michigan. Celle promptly nit -nded to. |2A4 Aiwa)• 01. b*M)l, Ui4 4«> AT LOW PRICES. UMmkk *ALL'-li«l»ult baTaig tbr tear on* thou tandoigM hubored and rerent* 1864 , the ouly penalty to which a na ­ Diuat sue ahme. Heitor* In Chancer) . All bnbtocee.'ntru*ied to ____M bora Bwdo ia tbc * oixtiiloas of * reit*lu Mr*. when the Republicans lost Mamis*ippi A Hi. John*. April ttd, ItTX. AM tional bank can be subjected for the Held, That thu point 1* mt well taken thelreare will he piomptly *ih 1 failhfully attended 447 tf St. Johns. • mumoMre, doted Fobrwory |3th, 1*71, aod rxoco’ed Prevent ,Joel II fmnoo ti .dodge of Prnbwir to. «I01ce with rrubcenllitg Attorney. Is tbe >uaX * * * lo lb* uniter of tbe ka ....e ! V“ttrl ,,0"#r-*" J‘*»*»**. Mu-hmei. - - | FAV VWIUNdKMK.VI Amheil IIu-toa, and tooorded February lllb, Is7X M*l UONtr and KttXlN A 14 L I ULHJLU.. Mino.. ful rate ia a forfeitors of the illegal in ­ State io years—and of the pomibility n IS the oStco of the iirgtel'M' of L>eod* lor UllBioe On reading aod filing the petition, duly veiided,■sf im-nitH-r of it, au«l tho object ot tho suit 1* i-:tv N countity, Mb kigan, lo Uber M of Morigsg* • oo ; t*ynthtai’yni Sheldon, Ouerdlss of »sld __Minot nor*. of recovering Texas—which is at strong­ A. J. WIGGINS, ).*<*» 31; o* which mortgage liter* I* claimed to be bra> log for root terest It held, also, that while the to pn*s«*nrs this benefit which the law uuc- llVMlClAM AMlBlKliKO.N (MU'ic« . over i therein set forth that she mi) ly Democratic as Kentucky —©asnot bo do* at the date of tbia i.oilco Fo*r Hundredi tod red ood LuU imonordit to at U ceruds ruoi eBlole budotglig rate of interest which may lawfully be tdons j that the objwt ol the statute aa- |Muuc«-r a l>ur.n * slot*. All profv**u>Monal rorl* | I I ■ Afly-tkreo dollar* and eighty bln* , Ueide* an aa id Minor*. niftii or 4i)', )>ro«DU)f a U dih IwI lo I'ar reserved differs under the banking RCI(expected to get things particularly ac­ thorisuig the wile to ■**> without her hav Attorney fee uf thirty dollar* stipulated to *ald ‘ Then upon It 1* Oidered. Thai Wedncodoy, V4«b r• Mention fiv*a t#Cartcao.i (tmitcal Mortgage lo be |»o»d ab»oid say promoding* be lo- day olNoveubrr.A J». 1*76. , st mno o'lloc* referred to in the several States, being curate. ban«l was not to piodude the husband (nun — —■ - m ^ m - keb lo foirciout- laid luortgnge And Wo adit of lathe forenoob, be aeeigned for tbe bearing of suing or to ciajwi either to *ue alonr, hut SPAULDING A CRANSON,r-IHarnessShop proceed lug at low or lb equity,rmving boon iuatltu aaid petition, and that the neit of klo of eald dependent upon the laws of inch States, Michiuam htatk uhaiiui .—Articlm ita pnrpoee was to make tbe right morv TToUN kYHaud Coon*eik>r*al Law,andSUr! tolaMailt r " tod to recover any port of Ibe debt aeeored by auld Warda and oil other peraona lotereoted lu aaid the forfeiture is governed by the same of incorporation of Ibe Michigan State remedial and to me rowan the facilitie* for i tore Is Chan«-«*» jr.Ht. John*, t Mint on t*n. Mir I mortgage, H»w, ibervluvv, by virtue of Ibe power «-at*t«, arc required to oppoar at * triowi of aaid d .i. inri Diiu. I J n.c*4*»o* of *ol*Tu •* id tootrgnge eooioioed, and of ik* *iat- Court, then to bo hoiden ol the I'robale Ofhie, In rule in all the States, and does not de Grange have been filed in the oflioe of guarding it, and a jniat suit nas not forbid ­ IN ST. JOHNS. ! ol* lo *uck rear mad* and |Hrovided Notice to 1 the village of Hr. John*, aod abow ranee, |f an> pend upon the local provision in respect the Secretary of State, wgned by J. J. den by it ; and that there is no valid oh- bevabi given, tluvl on tba Met d*> of lieeember, ot there be. why tbe procer of th* petitioner ebould jrctioa prwoetvsd t» a joinder in such a case. rpHB CKNTKR uM o clock lo the afternoon, si lb« orei Inxil door uot be granted . A nd It I* Furtbor Ordered , that to forfeitures. Woodman and C. W. Young of Paw Judgment reversed and one entered hrn of lb* Coon If.tuae for Clinton count) , Michigan, uotoe be given to the petoona In*creeled In aaid In tbo v 11 logo uf Ml. Jobs*, to aaid county, there relate, of tbe pemlewey of aotd petition, and tb. Tbo decision baa, of eourae, no bear I ho I’lnri 1 lu Hit) I irvl-rinvv H*r- Paw, James W. Burlington, of Porter, for the plaintiff* ut error, with coot* «»f both olil bo sold al pobilc vendwc, to th* blgbeat----- Md- | ------hearing------thereof,, b. coueiug o eop* ofol tbi* tng upon contracts for unlawful inter ­ Van Burcn county ; Malachi Cox and sasrh. ranted H*rk at der, tba pr*iBke«*,in aa id, mortgage deerrlbod,| oa order to be published In the CTioton I ndrpc ndent. Jan ten lAuk ve. Alexander H. Kunyui et MEAT MARKET follow#, via All of that portion mi ef land, corn rue or log at tbo sorth-coat corner - ■ - ■ ■ provided for by statute ia tbe same in hnnn county , George W. Van Aiken art aside m fraudulent, a deed made by | Firth, Dri<*d and Salt Mints. of aoctrvn eight, nod running weal twenty-ore, o [ v v||OH I'f li ON HUI 8ial* of 61 Ichican character as that decided to be lawful of Girard aud J. 11. Jones of Quincy, Alex. H. Ilnnyaa, a judgment debtor, to 1 A a heretofore, and II *b* II be rn) furl her aim to i.jda : tbr-nce running • juth i,. lb* Looking glua* I r,„inty r*r IClinton, »• Al a erosion ot tke his wife, ami a subsequent mortgage from river : torn*-* running mat along tbo bonk ut card 1 ProbateCokrl- forth* county of Clloton hoiden by tbe Supreme Court. Tbe deciaioo Branch county ; Fred G. Bailey, of deviae menu* of b##t serving try ruatomt ra, *11 of river to tbe coat line of aaid arction eight husband and wife to defendant The donl whom will pl«-wae accept my virnr*t thank* for at tke ProkatvOince, io tk* rulageof ait John*, ia of interest, however, for the indica ­ 1 Vernon, Shiawassee county ; C. L. rwontng north to the place of beginning , oil of ouu Monday, tbe lllh «lay of October, in j|,»- was mads November 1st, I#73 . end the tkelrXtnd and libersi patron*** la Ikepaal, and I B. BENNETT, •otd dr-ecripttuna being in Townakip Five Nurtb. , truet by keeping good meat* and dealing ahkennto earotie thooaand eight hundred andaerenly r»r tion it affords of a tendency toward a I Whitney of Muskegon ; N. W. Arm­ mortgage November 15th, 1873 , for 81 ,000,1 of range two weot, In Michlffon, — L>otLi Ilrrraar J. Oa reading aod flllr^ t he p- ought to govern the reserving of inter- Bloomingdale, and Wm. W. Bass of terest. The execution was levied on No- I tii ton, 4nl> vortAe«l. of Elvira I- Umdra. pr avb.g vmWr I(4th, 1873 . it aeems to be oxicrl- rtt Jokna. M vrrk ?ld. 1176 174 If cat upon money loaned. There is no I Lawrence, Van Buren county. These 0 04 ill l» pi ai.if itiov . (or n-aeons tkerclo set forth lOoi aim o*a> U sd the mortgage is |»aid nr *etlied. The O18tato of Mtcktgaa Tke Ctreolt Coort |*»r Ike pxotrd Admloletralnx of aaid rotate. single brauch of our legislation which tlemcn were chosen a committee to * ooBly of ClirtfOD lat'koneer) . John Vance to . 'rhmeopon it la • intored. That M adny tke t»1 validity of the deed is the <»nlv impirtant HOIMiK III IMIIVG ? stands more in need of reformation i WtiHaiu Mann. Al a aeoadon of aaid Court, hekl •Uy of >’ovc*nWr 1*76, al go'etusk iotke torvitooa , Cft articles of association by tbe ex question ia controversy. The «l*«d was First N ational Bank al lha Court iloaae, ia Ik* % I (lag* of 8t. J.»kna, oo keaaalgncd fortke haoriug of aoid petition , aod than that which relates to thia clam of ecutive committee of the patrons of made during the pendency «>f the suit on ’ Head »f C'kiH * Avenue, aide FI YE JEWELRY the flMh da\ of Hep teas her. A f) 1*71. that the kHr* at law j.f raid deeraord, and all %jy NT JolINK. l*re*eot, W. II. t’nalel, Clrrolt Coart Coniml*- <8 her persona Interested In aotd rofao, ore contraota. It is assumed in every husbandry. Tbe purpose of the cor­ which com|4ainant obtained judgment and oa the eve of the judgment, and was w ith- AND PLATED WARE *k>ner. rtqolredtn appear at a aeaaion ol «otd Coort. tke i. State in the Union that the borrower la now prej guolit) ,f I. libel It *#t•*(*• toil.r ap)>*nr>rtg to tkl* Coort tkal tL* tohrbotdeuol the Probate Office, In tho village poration is to advance the social, mor­ cut doubt made to save the land from lrvy, CAPITA I sno.fioo and latr«t atyle nf Ttimminga. to •old defer«laal, tVtlihm Mann , tea non reorient of Pt John*, aud ik>* eaaae. if an f t here be, n k needs to be protected from the rapacity al, intellectual interests of ita mem­ and it* validity depomts on whether it wa* Hurplne. •iO.OOO j ii.entifer ’ ure < ItM’liM, of ihto (Mate, hot la a resident olf tb* t'tat# (A Sow • the pray ei of tke (wtKfooer ekooid sot he granted of the lender; but there ia really no mad* a* claimed, on an equity jmor an 1 1 Np«M*IHHf*W 41 IB < t < -ribB**M, York. , And It* Futtkei Ordered, tkal notice he given t bers The office of the secretary is CHAKf.Ka KIPP. Prealdenl. Oo motion of Mo*e* ILfiov, flalldtor tor tl.e tke pet sons lnt> rested iu »aid r-etaie.of tke more ground for the assumption than tbo business office of tbe corporation. superior to couiplainauta and to a p«r«ou J (111 N IIICKd, Vio- Preuideni Hovolvora, aaid romplalimait. It la ordered tkal the 4»rco4*t>t dencr of aaid jwilfl. o. aod the Hearing f here..f, | > William Mann eaaae klaoppoaraaco latkiacauae MBtiniaropi of tkl* order to te pobMokof U there i6 for a similar one as regards entitled to rely on that equity. Mrs. Hun- j J J. WALKKK.Coskler Poolrot Cutln A: f The members of the corporation, be­ yan claim* to have had a prior agreement . to ha entered or bio three inwoiha Iron tl.e > charge anything for tbe uso of money, cles of amociation sre masters of the which were fair and for a nnney considera ­ CaaaitaKirr, AlliB It Walt**, MPKClAL ATTENTION OlVMN To filed, and a copy thereof lo he aorved oa the Com WBL It t. .i.l .\ » i.\ .loBli or why the prico should be fixed by the buabsmlry of Ibis state, an«l their tne deed was given Tbe contract *« t up Fine WatfliPN der. aod la default thereof that tke mid Mil 1 )MOM % • • ) * It Mt • 16 • ' > < "I it , in the ameer was a written one dated Keb- ken oa confessed bj th* tatd defendant William ■ Coooty of CNototi •• Ala aoaeion of ! he State than there is why the price of (iecelvedepo*lt*,ba) and a,-It eicbonge on all I »ht|i *!■*)• keep a promt line r>flk<-).- hall r»m A nd t bt purckaaiag of the same. Mono. wives who are rastroo*, are also tn«m- nary 2d, 18«*, for $1,000. payable m four hand, l eetdro • go«Mf aangt meni «»f 1‘roKote Cceontor tkeeouaiyorcnoU.B.koldeoattkeri point*, deal lo Hold, ffttvwv, Canada Mosey, ‘ And It to farther or.l. »»d tkal vllklo twenty Ibe Protete Office,ia tke village ol Hi .John* beef or flour or potatoes should be fix­ bert. The principal officers of the year* ami subject to ail mortgages, and on < Uaving bad many ; t-artelpsrlenct In tke mat* daya, the -al l rvmptalnanl raneea notice ofihtoor- Foiled Sf ate* B'-ndv. Sc , A* ilecelve depoails Monday, tk# |#t day of Nevevnl«-r, In the year or r ed. It would be regarded as an out­ corporation are a master, who eball be payment she was to have a quit chum deed, trig and repairing of Watckre, Clock# and Jew- der to he pohtiahed In lh* CtlMoa lodt-peodroc a thooaand eight hundred ood e***aty-«%c In th* I dry.give* me many advantage* oxer tknao ark* neoopoper poMtoked in this rooaty. aod um rageous interference with personal right presiding officer, a secretary, and a rhe dee-1 actually given purport* to I* a Preoent,J«*el 11 CreoaoB Jvd|* of Prokote. •iced of gift for a good ami not for a valua ­ have h jt a eery it tailed knowledge of aoek Ihi nga. I puhiieotLoo ho coniioord once ia mi k, luf nt In the matter of tke fca'atr of IIKNH6 if the State were to enact that coal treasurer. Tho annual meeting of the leakfoi* share oftke p o Lite pat roa age ~caai re work* or that be reoae a copy of 11.1* . W IIKhl.XK, fieeooaod o* roodto# at-d fi.iog ble ci lef t la Moca. niU should never be sold for more than sev ; association ia fixed on the second Tact- ■ GOKTTK. the contrac t Aeoor ling te the written » Of uni .%• #oi*U a* oa* dollar, or. a kick ti.teita ho fwrniaiied a I tli« price, on eery abort , H en dollars per ton, except by a written wa ontiee. 1'artlcular attratton gt«ea to He pM 1 r- da? in December, aod the first annua) < terms the contract * "psvwW* in full in alike raleofdvr f»er cent pee onnain le paid on Ml lob** Jnn* l*ih, 1*73 . id* tf bcmii o 1 ib g . Cknrgio *!«*«• r« n*.iaab!e fauJ »«li*fae- l contract, and then not for more than meeting will be held in Lansing, when Dbiury 1873 . Tbs pertie* I hare the ftr»t dayaof Jo-jean*! lV»m!c, on all«uma I lot. guaranteed. . — ____ Pi iday , ten doll^s; and an enactment which officers of tbe corporation will be elect­ | been married in 1807 u ben Mr*. Itunyaii u on Jepoalt pse nionlk prrrtou* totkee* H I^W AC- **** •*"* graced lo me, it# noder-ign- r j to appear a; a *e«ai0n of aalJ C'onrt then to i < 1*F“School I>iatHcl* In thie an«l adj InUy eoan 1) house would be*icgarded iu the same Isakstla Tsl 1 huabmvi a in Kohuary at March. 18 d*H, vf '«BUMI«Biirriilfff 4B>41( WllClOlKi^l /it AMft V f• <>fvd. rr on°b*t# tke 1Mbof the day cunoty of October, ofCMiotoa. 1*76. Platek) Ike nf Mick ; loldeoat theprotete "(B^ n thevlilageof Hi Ilea -leal ring to procure iti«-an»lo bnlld koiaeaky u John*, aod »hnw cano n , if an? tkore bo, v »l> light How does it become any less We extract the following from a let $281 . Tbey moved «*o to the lend m quar­ • 19 ■ Him* ■ * uan.loaeU rrel estate helot gi g io Kliaa Ja .* Iheiaaarof hoto it Diaflaon all place* In Knglatid John* a* ander; note. Mr*. Kttnyan pctMieee* crquo* of CO 130 Wl ST- and the house owner are governed io “Of this noted little Tillage, much throe alleged rwootpU, the lir»t lor $250, France «id (Jcraaany, aod iranaart a Uenera Tkraugb freight at tr-m a. m their charges by the relation which ex­ can be said of its past historic record, dated Jane 2, 1868 ; the sevood ter 8170 . HanXiug Unaine**. 331 Mixed at Idas* lor Ora nd Kaptd«only. Night Kxprc««. a ith -i*-epmg car. at 4:1* a n. ists between the demand for what they alike its prospective future. She was January ;!, 1872 , and the third for $250, October 12, I $73 for Orand KapiU* an I Oran>1 Haven have to supply and the amount there born iu 1866 , oo the lioe of the Detroit C. TURNER * SONS. Mail Bil> p.ui . for Orand Haven. IfrU, That according t<> their own aitow- <»rand Itapid* b\prc-».lv*tO n. ta is in tho mark<^ Is there any reason A l Milwaukee Railroad, in Cliuton 1 tug Mr* Hnnyan owed more than $300 ou : OOIXO KAhT- •vhjeri to tbe dower ratal* ihrredn oftketr mother why the money-lender should be sub­ I Ornnd Kapid* K\pree« SR’V*. m. Jemima C. Arthur OMT4. %«.| BAS-ft:. - HetooH hav!. * countjr, and christened Isabella, after ! tho lnn.l when it a a * deeded to her sold* Maill.ldat p in. f<»r l»et n»if. M MON Ilk AN, ■ been mode in lh* oowddtuuwof o oretoin m<*r jected to any other rule ? her great, great, grand parent, Isabella, from the mortgagt- hardens provided to be I M ii*d at elk p.m. for U*« nh >. 7w (iurdoh of oald Minor*. Mease, exernted April ?*h, 1»74. by L. W Hill aod aesaaaed by her, there being no shewing te Night kxpro** at id.A* a m lor |i. irmt nltb Mary Hut. to Taslor, Modgrr* to t o , aud racer d*d As a matter of fact, the money-land- Queen ot Spain, who furnished the out­ lut».a»ffl.ewf i ho Keg.aiec of ItocU f,» Ci* Ktprrt*. l atnrriv PProbate Coon fortberonnt SUof t’ltnlon hol- *n page iu], u». The rate of interest, in spite of the tion io the iliscovery of America, and that her hneband had n<> right to give knearn a* the *" Sr. J»kne Ae- nmru>-iati«>n. ” den at tk* Probata O Ice. in vIHogr of 8| whiih movtnano there |* rlaime In be doe at th»- usury laws, ia regulated quite aj much away at against his erwditar*, any titie 1 now leave* Ornmt Itapid- al COv a. m and St. John*, oa Monday, the 1*4 k day of ticlober, I* | ?*•** »k*o natter, U>* of Ft** li undo d at J by the relation between supply and de- the territory he might discover. ” Her which be pooaeooed, and that howe.vr the i noon - ramming, leave* hetroit at A.4* p m., or- live. l-aale« an attorney toe of twetify fire dollar* -Or. title, auhject at beat te an executory, loo* , firing in St. J. hue it Mm Hr thi* train pa**rn- Ureoent ..loo lit .Osnaon ^udge of Probate. Uiated to rani m<>rigagv to b* patd »teu>d any dm .- mand aa is the price of coal. When,t’1' 1 early a ivantages were limited aod her In ilv* »iw-f> foroMil) oetayivd by o. W A* r ket eeedlnga be taken to fnreeioa* eh id mongaer ; ami than half performed j end that a levy uj»*o ger* cau leave . aod -j-. r I 4 are prepared pi fuimvh ui> vkrrt M«» In tb# matter of the Kaiaie wf XLl/AfikTU money is pilontifu! the competition be­ struggles were great, but under a foster hour- and return Ike rent ke Hepot. l nlll and testament of aoid dreea-cd. and or tke Matut* m vorh eaoe madeand prcvldcit When money ia scarce the competition historic name, alike presidential honors. ance by Mr*. Hrtitea, that a* Mrs Ila*. Alormimp Vmrm on off Viy6< Frodos. Thercnponitia Ordered That Monday , tke litb Nolle* )• hereby given, that on tW gpito d»«v •ft Jsnnary , A. D. isid, • owobVloc* between borrowers to secure it makes you, before ahe can chum the land, uiust Wokbtob aplradid M.W IflCAMHE* kefre-hmt nt« at Dnlroil. O».«**«» and tiiai.d day of November, | t o'clock t* tk* foren«K»n By him she bore an offspring, whom {■ay more than three-fold the <*un plain ant e , sod or* now prepared to attend fahersl* Hiker |h ' Horen, and up« n C'-mpan) ’» Kerr) ^(corner «>n Wagons and b* assigned lor t ko bearing of aaid politton and iffvr aod n, at tk* W«at front «to*r of tk. the rate of interest high. Tbe only she christened Fowler—a name w hich thselttage or eoonlry We keep a good a**ort- Hirer. ('rafflniMe kotel sKrtre depot , that tbe heir* at law and rpoo* of sold dwrogi « ourl rfnuae tor_CHotog ranniy, Michigan, H. th. claim, ahe hoa no equity, apon her own | '" entof at Orand Haven. saw aiioth*r pereonaloUreated in *atd will, are 'Wpalk.fABi.n three will te noteworthy effect the usury laws have will be handed down topoet.*iity as tbe shoxnog, winch juattne i her h»»hllng the ga _ a* j n _ i j «,ea«fAi ininIblml. ir. withwith t.featOrest vtoet-West- repaired toappoor al a session of said Court .1 hen aw»d at public vrndoe. to tb* bkrto-M biddc lh. deed as againoi the levy. Kf AdJ-llldf I Outfit Ofl nana. eraaud Orand Trank Hsilwar* fur all p. int- tekn*to b* Holden at tk# Probate Offer, In th* village |.rvrar>»arao d.-arn'-ed IB Mil moiffag* a* fi.itoo. is to injure tbe borrower when money great ex under of phrenological Ml Sleighs, I!* mveoty Pea 6P1«§ acre*. * r »te Decree rrversed, with reuti uf bote Fi**t and Mieb. Central and klicb. Smitkern KV .»f8t .1 abas, and *b«wcane# If any ihore te.why ia scarce, by making the rate usually a •nee, an lines name and wealth the All call* p roiM p 11 y to. Paasongei. f..r Ur»*t W«afern lUtlwoy. go «;n the will skonld not be approved. And It ia Forth ItowBk bolt «d Santa raw tr gwwtor of Vera mo No. r: courts, and docreo oouqdom- ntaetron.lo ---- ' remlered for Hiker dia? er nigki. te. 6 the J - Fw Simmer all). A M 7i fc. er Ordered, That node* te given to the prraot.e w l«»w»*al>»p A«c. Nwtk of iUog- »tee little higher than it need otbenvine be village now beara io ita steady strides A too. are fn |*n 4 to do interested Ib aotd ootat*, ot tke pendeoey of th# ff^Llgab - Dated Ki>« ant. __ n .__ z_ ___ T? ... _____ . ___ , D d «0 ' fund* f>*r toaotng wo Faro* I'roporty io aura, lo t ly, aboil sell at pnkUeancrioa or vendor, to the who are instrumental in their evaeioo Cider per gal W * ■hi auli and for time a* Jc*i««*1 bighorn tedder, ol tbo Went front door of tbe run that year, 0. Gruler, who has been llraui F.nglneB ao.| all slsda of Mariuavry too Cnoi.ty Coart lfouge. to th* village <4 Mt. or disregard. There ia neither joatioe Carrot*par bo.... —...... M Ob Repaired on eborl notice riatiatoettea handling wheat in mail quantities h UU hi • 60 CUTLER WALKER. guaranteed. John*. In aoid eoonty of Cliatoo, on ibe Immrf II or sound sense in imposing the eotire Praaaad eklckeoa per Ib...... d u$ H m John*. June nth. 1ST6 461 4ay wf December, A. D. 1R74, at <«r •one eight years, constructed aa eleva ­ Droaoedtarte)* per Ik ...... 13 •8 13 o'aBocb In tb* arteraooo, the premlara derantwd In penalty for usury upon the lender when tor addition to bis ware-house, aod np Mggaperdos...... *U ub 30 HICKS & EASTON, Preprieters. fit. Jr,b««*. Atifu»t Idth, 167 ft. 401 tk* deem* In mid rev*#, m: Tk# undivided one the bo«Towcr is as much to blame for Mans#...... «6 «p tfO half of villas* *o»6 **ve* and eight. Hi iMo. k tone to tbe present time has handled over ti boulder* ...... IU Wl US teon, |n tk* Tillage of Maple Rapid a. Citato* rerera- promising aa the lender for exacting a 42,000 bushels of new wheat for the lisypor too...... • um 1*14 00 ty. Michigan. Rlt IIARI* MAYT.If*. ftt‘le#,trimbmed per Ik...... 6 41 For Sale! Cirratt C oort Cowimlamooer. usurious rate of interest The Supreme year 1875 . A mat, if not greater, Hooey perlk...... 1ft li Cllotou Co., Mick. Court decision does not qaite come up Mopo por ik...... IU 13 k We Study to Please. Br vtinBv A Caaaeoa, Compl t* Bolr*. portion of this wheat came from Gra­ Btssoryunteper kn ...... 1 IM 3 OU W taking to ebaon* Hiovo**, I a • I rail In par -la A D«l3l6tRATMlV 8 ALE* —Nutlet to this standard, but it takes a step in tiot county, and well may the farmers lord per Ik...... l« to out t or ail Ingot her, my 11U R • » on. i-nog of l* hereby given 'hat by vtrtn# and in pur-*, V 146 or re*. 1 hrev 4# acre lo**a which li«*lu* adjoining ] the right direction ia declining to per­ of Gratiot rejcic# that Liv* lings per 1*0 lb* ...... iff •to A u te an#* of Ueeaoo and authority granted to me. the thej have bow Oolepar bn...... » <4 36 ; Ibe village of Nt J»bn*. and I Tf acre* of village jm.»- | noderaifTied. «m tke Uik day of O-tobor. 1476, bt mit the lender to reap an exorbitant opened to them a market for iheir cer- Ontona j»#i bu...... 69 d ap , petty. A too, my rntdrier gad my etorfc <>( IIor- " ibe Judge of IVebate of Cllaton eoonty, Michigan, profit from a disobedience of law, ia IVila...... 60 d 1 te . 0*H», Ooiiie. Buggies, Cutler*. Il^rnreore amt , to sell real rotate belonging to the aatale nf John •ala, of easy access, with six miles sav ­ Now Vote tne* ...... 36 Farm Implement*i, h at low Irrvw* for ca«n, rer ui> W. Fux, Deceased. I wifi aril at pobHr auction to ■4 reaaowable th a tntjvr. which he is eqnally guilty with the ing in transportation, and a market, too, Tallow per ib...... d g tbo btghaoi bidder oo tbo Ttli day mf per- other party.—Detroit fYm P Tnrslpo por kn ...... tu a •■••♦r, IITft, at on* o'clock P. M^ at the! equal in prica with that of 8ft. Johns. 9 slant a por bn. .#••••...... I ta (M « BProbot* Offcg. In tkg village of Ft. Johns. In aotd ' Wood, 111 oil I nr hr* por cord..... I uu 9 I raonly, ml tbo following itooetlbed real e*«ate. vis I Facilities brings trade ; to make rke booth half af the M«»oth-on*t goori< r of Seel to- 1 G uam Picaiio.—The question moat It re per bn ...... A money you mweft invmft money. Thia wheat - Kitr* pet kn ...... d uu A I A. 9 IR( H IV9t Prsp’r. aeveoteen <17>, in Townakip ctgM (4; North m frequently asked is : M How and when fall Mr. Gruler will add larsif; to his •• Nn. 1 per ku ...... 1 14 9 I Bang- throe Weal, lo Clinton concty, Michigan •« No. t “ ...... I w. A I rr.joHN* Mien. — Iteied IMete idtk. lRTft shall I prune my grape vines?' ’ We present facilities, aud iu 1876 will offer ALUM J. FoX, S*tbftl PflctB. Tkta 6»bn I* ventrslly 1«veafod lo ike bmduee* Ad tain let ro*< is OlBb tke w HI ohOaned *1 raid answer, you can prune them with safety to the producer advantages which can Ball pet nb| . .. t 1ft <9 • — vrt oftke ullage, aod ba« tn ronneeMoa a good not be over-looked. In oouueeiiou Floor per kbi...... s ta 0 1 — tmple IteowB tor tbo tae ««f aonamet DftftIA r S •»£■. ^Btaic at Mitbtgak, at any time before it freezes up. It Is Corn meal per MW Ik*...... 1 Tft BIN Caim. b to** It*, which tantr* poaaangen* to MT Cnnoty of Clinton, so At a aeaoioa or tke ' impomikle to gift anything but general with his ware-house aud elevator, be Rian* It me per Wa ...... 46 from all regolar train*, and c«mc«-*lt*nl and c < Prokal# Conrl tor' ko roaniy of Clloioo, hnldea I has a large uMrehandixe house, which Water lime perbkl...... 3 36 9 3 00 furtabie eiaMmg for krerare 4<"• I *1 tke Probale off*o. In the village of m John*. instructions because varieties of the Bteoborgkaoal pgr tew...... 14 M nv.«ration of Ft. Jnkoe Tkr-enpoa Ilia Ordered. That Friday, the 3d Chapter, N# 46. B. A M., on Ike following dole* t rA«MCii<6r.m traixn iw.t# dx day of Decern teg. Jf7 f, ol • o’clock latketoranoon pruned beretofoia, should hav# the last work at tb# mouth of Grand River, for Taeodoy, Jag lft. 1*76 Tuesday. Joiy It, Ifta TMOIT 1»AILY. tor Po.pen m»n bridge. Kuf kooriftg of aaid petMton. ond jmn* growth cut back to within two « Fob. ta •* A bb lft, “ Bockoater Albany, New York. fW—io*, and that ike brim ot law nod kwntee* of raid dr**w**d tba past thirteen yean, has tuned •• Mat. 11. “ Mept 14. M a^l^oiint* imbe Kmgfwrm btatevand 4 at*. i and all other persons interaoted tu sold win ara or three bade of tbo old wood aud sev ­ lac subject - Apr 11, M “ «tot If. - I rewnlred to appear at a omaion of ra.d Coart, t •* May 14, - - Nor ft. “ Allanilr Exprwnu 4 in a. m. l:; ’ud.,- FURNITURE EMPORIUM ta beholden at the !*roho'e <>«<-*, In tb* rallag er more than three main vinos should v J ou# is, •• Don. t, “ taiocjwned L, from fcei nf Third street, arriving a> Wood Work Nuaperveiao I 1 ft p m . Mew Tort 7 1#** m llavtogtemovodourvtorX of F omit are lo tk# F'u mat end corner wvaaft tbe at lent ton of Ikryabll (R Jnboaond akow cans* . tf any t here te.wby bo allowed to grow. Tbe great trouble he dtceourera. Herajre theft denng the B« Oassaot vns M F. __ •*** W taftraved. And It la fact bee c p. wrcffff.ffvffy ■r roMm on Patoce < « > through BA Mm Ynrft to nor large vartet y of Ordered, That not toe we glwa loth* person* In TO 99 RAD AT OCB MIU. with persona not eccustomed to grow iUB# he hae be an tkm train *u engaged si work at Bmw Exprvss -*ftfta. m. fn#t n.lrd •tree! lUVUnled Insaldysatate. of tba pendency of tke bear tbe grape ia that tbey are afraid to eat the Bucth, he he# BM4 ctrtoia ofew •t. Jaftm L* 4ge 6*. IS6, P. 6 A.M. dally {en mivy* excepted) # SB a. m■ami ■fttatoff by con st ng a copy of tkla order lo be Cbll mad gut Prlots. Mridgo I ta. Mew ffffdbl lu tba iVIkBas tkdrpoadent a oawapa the vines enough, hot people cannot IB with hm raUfeta street, at it ring at Cnta^" —11* Mrtdg por printed ond Hreotatedte aaid otvwoty of CM* Yorft ISJfS m»_H.w'o ». 4 -M |» ton, tog there aaeegooiv* Week*, prartoo* looold A oil Biota of Lomter and grow fine grapes nnleaa they prune vig­ the iwdi theft deriag Bnffaia r.xwreoo*» i3 3ft non*. ft«ot day of baorloa. tasSal, Very orously, they get fewer bunches, but Tbi id street dolly IM*l Monday* eaaetf* cdl 113* inw f »rd*rs by »F i tad foBa preeedtBg aevere wraftera ithat dc Monday. |taft^|i. Ita Moadoy . Jnly 1 J, IV7ft ' “ * “K m aitoeb-■ VTI*atimar> a Draw- JiiRI. II CBANMON, . lodge of Probate Mtlibn to gua ran lord the grapes ripen earlier and grow n white lab era ewaght wear lh# tng Room Uw* I com Detroit • 6alo Mono via < A «roeeepy, - BeptU, Aw Idne tkraagb lit. Tb«o«« 1 era Interna 06 WI4 MI44AN. The Ctraott ■lie * cBnrsBLi greet deal larger. 1/ vines are allewed hnft oaft April 1ft. ■ Oof. n. ttowni Bridge, arriving al Vtafiato +1 ft ft p CowM tow tk* Oowaty of CMotna -In Attack- Nov. •e grew without any atten tion to prun- that the coaftrary ia the " Pta »7 . Vsw l urk Fxprsaa Tiup m. loot Third OF KVKHY DCIIOniPTION. It. Roary K Htogg sni Oenrwo W Baker ro. Mww. Mwa . Sept afttb. ** Ja»a 64, / >♦ stnrof |la>4B)«wreytH| dftft p. m. foot Rcu«k hf they hoeeme unmanageable, eouee- > r.» Maonn Dray, both* t* knraky gfvoo that on the falls Mlewed hy anld wialera Alee Rt Oaaaa *# vaa w. orvet, arriving at Raanrn otou Rri 'gr 4*0 a. m. Ta Wki-b we are constoatly adding I Tib day of Angvmi, A D »rrl. a writ uf auoek qneatly worthless — Grand Rkw Hn- in the former case (Wl IW era Ita of tfeu O.P. WICK*. Bee y. m*NHrn«fi ,i teat Weeping Car* on tbi# train moat waa doly Wooed eot of tke Ctrawtt Coort tor ek through lo Baktator aod MornofMvMlov tk# county ot CttaBao. at tbe aoit of Henry ktilom fieh are very mach cerUd nf, and la Be. li, X. T. Trftiaa arrive at Beirull from tk* aod dooms W. Bake- tko sbavo named pi alotlfla. Thee# win kg ft Bogntor Uaad ovo of Bt. John* ltoet 7 ftb a. m. S6U a m , ft 4ft p. m.. f •• P m. New Styles of Chamber and Parlor Suites. agntOM ibe loads ond tenement*, gravd* and rb.t * 100,000-',WBBf the latter slant aftraight. Thia fall s nod edort* of Moeon Itoty. tk* okavv VaM, K. T^ at iketg Any loan, oa Thrsftfh TlrButfttoall H»" Mom and tofts. W* ar* peepnrte to fwrolok mokey no —A i who ana tk* aUto M Md I Car accovn modal loo* mb ba bod at tbo odoat, tor the sow ef One Mandr il bered Improved farm oemrltt In rnarn *< WBIW BP* PICTURE FRAMING A SPECIALTY. Party ala Dollar* and Fra'yrtonr coot*, which t. ItTft avwgt Weoiwn TleteB ,0,,“t“u u«rlJ coaipleuJ v u lb* Max , iIn >BM4( Th* following u» • list id IM piewInoM s«u«t«t Clothing for all, •XIHIITMATeX«a BACSu.-B*,___ tfit been no Butih contention. On Momliy Episcopal < 'httrrh, itld very much to now' offered t h**Ap by tue of e Ueeeee to me grenied by tbe J ude>- i,,4l £** IB* price* tor framing picture'. Max ' l Im* Moan i lothiet *4 o«r l«U County Fair Whrrr lh«r* vm rj Nf] rubete of ibe • ount « of Ciioton. luu of M let. - INSURANCE A8ENT, ' Iaj I Mr. bcrlvon, tcconpiiiM hr the :#« ______•___ _ A Max, the >h •aa. for he’s the Bonn ptmirn framer. M 4x, the Hoe* C lotbler. iherifl and umhr sheriff of Cllutoii Co., ,U txautjr ami conveuieoco. A receaa eaApalilloM NO |irruMnnia arr« ivardnl i•«»».1, I will. o« Ibe S4lli 4a>if atal Brcrai- fl*pr***»(n th* fwlWnla* nitUiaa A,-€laM I. brr, A. S». HU,»« AtMie o'cliel P M el tbe —The Cotgregalional Sot it! wiH U * Max , the Boa * ClothMr. i |iror.‘«ni»il to the premise* ami forcibly cbaucel 10*23 hat been added, forming J trout 4uui ef Norite* IlitHcl. IN be rUiege of Lie tauatfcaaaaaaa —An old lady residing in a neigh* Wut. eeid c«*nmi y ef IMataa. sail at pNbha m OLD MOUTH AMKRICAN, l_,i .. .1 i. u , u i, . . Max , the Rosa Clothier, rj«»«l Mr Mojh .. ami famllv lh. ro- , oh.ofl proper 12x13, aa nraan and | iMf. <*• held el tl»« i*m4«rau * of Mr* Petur A MaX b^i QMtihfer boring town loot the companion with U3Mfboi*um«ei, rifbt btaMuM im. from. fJ rat lot Journal. , . ,, ,, A uioui. Imi mu* i jrwMit,...... ft * f end title, oI Perker Webtwr, deecaeed. iete of Kauler, Tuesday crewing, Mot 23d. M a X, the Bo* ClotJiier. v. |. . v * vestry room on either aide. Later- a h n ifiu. * aa whom aha had jogetd for many yeara. ** ‘4 «o«««y. In end t« iHe following dc^ nhed AAA Alt A , Now Bob. ‘Vive ua a rcat. No1 .. * . - _ . . ' ciiMt-ubuii »oa m w»i|. J * . piece* ef land, le-wU ; Tbe Wret It mil ml tier HoiiUt —WcUntt framed In the latent style# | •• 3* u . 4. , .. . 4 , nally, the clinreh extends 21 feet be- 8hc neglected to mark the spot of bis !--»•* *i »*eiier of Hrciioa tbiny-twu tttt ia Towa- AHOtNIX. OP DKOOKLVN, of moulding*. at fern U*u * 4bed-fotlt M j 1 KiaK in \\ «*»TMiaLi^ a .—Hetw»i-u 8 transaction of tbia kiudM ha*. transpired.... irc<|. ■ Ueorg.- HarKrrt, t«•»* o*d.. S . , , " eblp te> Xortb of Banae twe (X) Went. Xiao, i joed the organ and veatry room walla, ** 44 bataM* i >*■*< 04,. s burial by even a atone Not long after : ••• aenre of lend bownded Kortb by Rocb«eUr prints, a* Barkers Fhotograph Gallery and 9 o’eloek laat flisnday evening On Thursday laat Mr Sertvrn did SCIMI _ . . : _ EdwardK4warOBS INNN. S'am ImiAitRea mw« aa **» JOBnoNa, Id pr.en fl OS for Daniel? ” Her answer was a set- ( JL» t/tft/OUoMnly uni.u y oiof Clinton,tn„^ ee.•. Atai a. eemiuNortberib* piir|>«*e*. Kx ** 1 of tbe church. Konr windows have cum S.- »BAfT aoaaaa. la tbe matter of tbe Xatete of KBKUKXirK At McParUa A Oranl ’a Hardware- X X Trowbridge, beet eiaUlon 4 yen re L HALL, lbcNtfnl. Oareadlnfettdfliiogibepe- Trs|t4y at LaR|«laN»-A tllion, duty verified, of Mery O ilell, praylae for 441 Xf at Newton Hall, thin Tburaday tri* jconewrninyr thw intelligence of a boras f‘ toC^ta been added, ooe in the organ room sod old end oter...... po W ...... poo Shat Im Mwlf-ISnlrnae. rtmeoaa tbereln eet lortb ibet abemay be ap|Kdiiled xiiia'."!"1 ing. Tiekoio i»nly oU ^ tita per coop <*., belonging to Mr. J. Harrington, of ,s. *° 1 m#n nm woman w 0 j tbmo in tbo ebancel. The windowa in K X Trow bridge, beet i }t. old eiaillou S «0 AdmifilatiNtrlx of aaid Xaiate Thomne Hall,...... too Thereupon it ia Ordered, t hat Monday, theAtl, —Hr. Jerry Mandigo, of the K**'f| fWn 0*k, Livingston chanty. Not ' CU'CD. * * CI1^ er*» rfJ,ni the right and left angles were removed ** beat brood end eott, .. Ne Cone. day of December A. 1>. 1174, al S o clock la tbe J W Xnneet, beet peir boraee,...... T 00 A special dispatch to the Detroit foien»on,beaMignedfortbebeana« ofaaidpe(iU«n kc independentchange Hotel, ia aetive ia making prep | thrs gentleman had a horae *° * ’ * 1 r * . . . from tbe rear cod of the church, to Merlin Ftaber...... 4 00 and that ibe be ire al law of said dreeae 0 Froo Pitas, dated Greenville, Nov. 13, Cher I re Morion, beet S yr.old etelhoc, Ho Comp. cd, ami all other pereoueinlereeted inaaideetete I’ablUhcd e**rj Ttturaday . hjr arationa to dedicate his new hill on *td!ca from his stable. He and a neigh-j * 0 VtXe 1.**^ *.» make room for Memorial windowa. are reuoirrd to appear at a aeeaion of aaid KHTKM, Diwlalwat E.-Claae «• says: “A mournful tragedy was enact court,tnento He bolaelen at t ______be 1’iobate Ofitf, la cottsrr Thaakagtvmg evening The public arc, k Parted in purauit, taking the nna»- . *** 1 W* .»• The center angle contains a window of 0 B Sfr aoepariee, ^ ,,, on vaoTnaa4 evoca? ^ ed laat evetting at the village of Langs 1 ?-B,r* ileMM CORSIT. I AN a# a. aatba ton, ten miles north of ureenvillo, Ifr* “,y5J And U »• Further Ordered, ibet aoiice I , , , r «.« Mi.*hW. *» Pu. upon |ime >1#Be ,fc# h w, wJ#t ,uJ pittcrii *nlKr «'■»• «» .i(h whtU Umdt ; ibe ..her th. Crom Wbi. Dotv, Id pi tin., fl community and which resulted in the thrrool•roof by raaein* a cony of tni* order tobepab O W Koblneofi, treat mare or griding 4 9> ll»hibi d Inim th*use Clintonv iiiiof) Iud#|»*nd*ati iiii<*|>**nurnt , a newspapern*wer>a|>*r herdwarc *u>r« of Tt-Nw A Berry, of I* ,* 7 ^ . TT. , "|^r»4 (be bmmt «b«n Umibl. .row .. . Judson Hbaver ...... S 00 death of a young niau, Herbert Totes, *nuted and elrrulaladineald county of Clinton, HOME MATTERS. , beast led tbe part\ into tbo w >»tL \uth , , . i •*•'» the \ me and grapes,grapes. I lie Me- Wm. Lyon, beet maleb*d team,...... 4 SO twenty-three years of sge. The par­ For three *ucc **lv« vreki previoue to eald dai Oeo. Y Jamca,...... t «0 of boortua. SrnuUi Lynne, was 4rutcrod by burglar#, • belwecu them about poaseoaioo, and no- . ticulars are aa follows: It appears that JOEL n. CXANrKiN, Jodgeof ProHato. tiaaiai ef Main. •»«! W*«« **<0 ~»d |SW) aoril. of foripu* f|*c 4, •"h)|g Ml fullOWl . I gotnU, uiobliy cutlery And rcvohcr% npou tbo thief, who, discovering bis ^ m Mooto uj Scrivcn down when °bC ConUl0in * a C#1U hUy w,lh * Oeo W n wager I, beet “ * “ Dlilalwm H.-Cuttle, lows brothers, came to Langston yester­ yHOH ITi: OHDI K dut* of Mlohigaii <**•• «- ““‘rlVL’i- M aoXn* , toffMO ,wir day for the purpoae, as ho Maid, of hav ­ rountr of At a eeeelon of tbe 'l\"W%r •' 1 , 11 a.ngcr.atppoJ off tbo bon* ...a hid. a*,*.., mu c4lna iu 44J iitM R^»« «4 tb. from filled mu i—eaoav Roane ... >•*>•«» Court for tbo e«moty of CliatoN, boldea OfFlCB H01!W-IJ»A M.MWr.S --Th. u.,tm.ol,n K «Mhe Sor-Cl,. Owing ,»,hod.rk,.^U man.*,.) to H(Kl(< M..r4) liar> in *• kcd. The, 7 "^ ** ?* (i Greco. Heel half,...... So Cotmp. The first part of the atl the Pr«»hat* oflie*. mtbe village of «t. John*. ing a big time, 1>g a r „ n _ .1 | ' ®" wedneodey, th* 10th dar of Noveniber, In tbe lor tbs“*" I1 ’rotuoUour°muUO,‘ or°f iruth1 ru,h willW'" 'im,C !------last tha -iiorac------wab- securetl-...... finally deo.rUd, .hen M »ote ca.oe iu to b" ‘"l * 0,0', ’* “b * m*» 7 -aaenae abv limn programme waa carrietl out and left«n« th.ju«ai,d eight bundred and aovetity Krancia l»r«wn beet ball J yra old,... No O . Tole* gloriously druuk. Tbe last part "^f . --Beat bargain* i» MtlUnery, 1n town, held at tlaw icaidence of O. W. Staph- • — ——------; * U P/I la I la AI 41 amt aNn TheseI it r»e» re | QJ p ^ (A V (! ' Parker W'etera, ‘Jnd beet cow,...... 3 (10 . * J x , 4 |. » r., Precent, Joel II. Cranaon, Jodgeof Probate, on Sund.x .Makgamt Can Nm«..*Tk. Co!. .«h.mN.r«w »•*. «. mmr ^nlpltU) lUe ctl40cel fnd '0, lh> I Stephen P.vrk», /i beet pt if* r y y old 3 00 was in progress when he met his death. ! in th* metier of the eetato of WAkklH at Mrs. M. Case’s. 9 00 . 7ttVrl 8 “bj cl; - neffred, Th.t the vco.ld i lu»"‘* c** r* be,ur' JaM,r* S‘°»' °“' ^ *" r* n ‘ lu ' l''° '"rtd chnrch, end we hope won io «e . tower L . _ •-«—•<>»-• H. fir*t .tucked the United rn at...... would be heller off if «le Bible ... '»•' P~« —b wl** T T he.r lb. too., of .nolb., 1^"—^-^'""4'’'- Mail carrier, and after pitching out for re**.,n* tbe-reln ul forth lhal ebe may boap- trunks and other things proceeded to f>The^e^^ii^.'oldi^.^B^Midoy tkeWh Ur., .« 8«ephen«n ’. Low Price Wore, a.wr.rdw.).*' In the ••.nil end hntlcrjr of »rr«ted_mJ fdwrd >* joil, "here he W| c to ,ho houw of Dlvlilaa €.—€!••• I. maul tbe carrier. Parties interferetl l>*reniHer,i«7 *, at a o’eloek io the forouooa •riataa <11110 miir. ■ i m i * . . , . bo ae#i*ne*l for tbe heann*of eald peittlcn, and er., Trimnit-tlSoweTTln"ornan.ent. hata for Al ,..twith Mr., froth- M. -It.rr.y CM ton, of lU.h Stotien. g„V\ mu(4 H. r,.Mootc , n.n, va.F r~t*,Lbarlva ... rrstt, eo.cred ia*l remainetl0eil d.y. overIf., n ’ghthe. andbeen partdieelu.g*! «*l the ,f ‘ ,'* C1>•^ ,b* “h# *?*"■* * and Toles left this in an and began an that tb« beir* at u» of muTtWcoeed. and another ult UDOU another man an'l after P* r,on * »n t«-re§ted In acid estate, are le^uired U» 3 00 " ,HWIUW »u appear at a eocotoN of eald (oart.ibea to be hoi t'aac’a. | was. on Friday laet arrested by a dc- , by tbo Prosecuting Attorney, aa several tn j Srrivm arrested f r irtupass an! c* ,arth w,‘‘ * ,e ^••<>pvnt»d for service “ beet pen o< *wee, ...... s tw tearing hia coat from bin back pitch denai the Probate OIBc«, In the vlllafc of Nt Jobes „ J TiSTr ^"!r^nforV. m?or ‘"^r I * “J '**• '» for «v co«4•, , a ' rw.poperprlnimtand MaiUlalid ten AM IUNW lib mVpbenM..'. of m.nnf.eturiog end peeing eo..nler- ,cUinK .a by defendant ib.t Oil. „( ,|.e Ooor. C T < ’anise, beet buck lamb...... So Comp real estate recorded iu the Reglater’a lest pen of cert...... oprague, and spying ‘‘Andy Mill US. !*n •*><* county of Clinton, for three eucreaoive beat pro of lam He ...... • OH tu 111 _ ___ _ 1 - A-^__ I. weeka j.revloue to aatd day of hearin« Id>w Trice Store. cent nickel*. li*ou spit in bis face, *or which dirty ------<»»------with whom he bad some difficulty a .jokl u .cxaxhojs . Jnd«e oi Probet. Office, for the week ending Nov. 15: Class 4-»viii -riiirii waive — .^lephniM.i. A Son Utrejuil re- —The Villege Ua rebel ha. juet ie- offr-nce Hem* che-tiecd him. e. he Iluv your Clothing of year ago, be commenced to abuse and , A tru* coS7 »- 44: 3w C banner Lott to Foster KcVIloMt, e <**o. WilJwi, b*-et boar Under 1 year. 3 00 , elre.1 the .econd Urgeet e...lrUe«,r ^ , 1( ell ...i *ho..ld here doe I lerrie J-leed|»IH> Max. the Ikai. id largest and rkaap- i .t / n - »i ait f Of . u f4. wire. 38 . I>eWitt, $JU0. ! tam*e Wool*. 1 uu insult himhi and finally struck him twioe.ce* I IJKOBITK OltOEIt - Stateuf, ._ .n d kfU ’a SUC'l lh-‘ foIluW lllg lUittCC I AM «...mi , . . . c i n »~ ' Ituy your ( lothlng of cat- stoi'k- _ «>f ukii ‘4* ' linn TK*> to the charge and w.»a fined f 1 lw-id't n , • | .. »»-*»•• (l«-o WalttewN, beet aow u nd« r 1 yewr bia » countv of Clinton. •#. At a ereeion uf th-- Max, th<* lio««. Abraham I«*iieich to Leo. \\ . I ri|>- j,m„ Nouu-,...... 1 uo ^r- ^plague ordered him to leave cltHblug, aud ollVr them td»ca|>rr,^roa j uiaU found running «t Urge »*» 1»“‘' co#| Gf gqJi hag«‘ti, w )j of u e *4, und JO acr«aa on . . 4 1 Probate ( *urt for the county of CHnton. holdt-n , *.H. thin ever Ih ... offered before I >|rr<|iio( thf „,Ur; of s, John*, by ' The People re K.lmuod K. Sever — Buy your Clothing of cum a ion, store, Whereupon ho turned upon btm »t tb* Prohair omCe, in the vm***of «h .John., Max, the Bott. carl side of t* of ll W l4,sec. 23; also tt n Canm. >*e.t breeding . » «i | *nd *pplied Dtimcro... opprobrious epi- j d* 4.Vd 2j!S'2r«iiVrh.* for roar* ltwt* nod Shoe**® itrrpolro4*#,V "T hI night, from ihw dele oe til eed Jemce W. Hteitelph for eeneult eel - Bu> your Clothing of w of > c 1,, and 34J acres 011 the east ** b**t .tu< r of pig# ... . side of e of aw (4, xc. 24, .til in Meet boar No Comp theta to him. Mr. Sprague agaill Preeent.Jo«III Creu*«n,Jud». ofProbNte gt baulord ’a. tha first of 3Tav next, will be pit>tnpt- j vhicb Lk A; place id a t«w nail! Hlax, the f>»*rd. lee aev under | year ordered him to leave the at-re imrnedi- ! Jidt'^l^alJIflki^ui lh*ngal, $11,000. 2d b*et do ...... ■■■■ f'tiiHt the peti 0 ,* j in iirecubusli, on the 11th, was tried llaruion L. KobinMon to John C\ Fox, i brat hunt wodrr 1 year ately, winch be refnaed to do, and step- 1 tl*P. duiv «<-r>ri»d.of Wtiiiam lUtrt*. Adminlmre- — Th- tw«t, »ti«l nio.t f*.liiou»l.lo , j Bt oxtor M NORTH RILEY. 1 .4. 4, • 4 torofeala K«tat«- praying for r j»erX!W r” e ' by jury on Moudsy last. A verdict of 4onth 30 acres of c J4 of u w *-4, sec. 21, •2-I t« #t ni *(1 yr. or over Cl *»l »— rOLSBD CBIff* forward with the mtcntioo, aa Mr. f.^th that hi. nmt au.f to*i account may be »et ysnl-t iin-at St^ilieinan < Ix>w Prlcajj Upe Board guilty' was rendered and the Court lined ;tl«i nouth 111 rod* In w idth of w lv of Sprague thought, of throwing 1 heavy 1 ...... 11 w L ..I -• < li'.n . tirc-ubusli * , rr l2H No Ct*nip Onl.rfi, That W*$ln of l>«e*iau>r,4^MMXMriMfitk« ii;&. *t*» o’eloek ia 1 for* > — Thornton make* the lineal re­ r,l,J • Hvt «ow | yr. * o»n, th^f Trof. ,f. K. MeTstlWnc. of (*ltl- *aa. ll appear* fr»»m the lestitnony [lutdap of Matiialee, arrived at tlitia counter. Mr. 8 Pr*gue tbi.kiuff th.t ^T,.r.7 ‘r.*. ’7 .":^.L”.' poUttoa, touched Thou* In Central Michigan. Kbeuexer Nethaway to charh-a A. cum ia-rovLvav. . P, I . XX and all cgn. bvormtoy k.i.wii tor hi. «loru- j elicit*! that there i* now pcoliog .«it ,4„ ,0 „kc c(ll vf lhc w|nUt Howe, loti 5 und 0, block J, Ovid. $300. he was about to assault hint drew his oth*rpnra9nslat(raai«d La Mid ** tai«, are repair • Ue also makes the llueat tintype*. I he II A Monte*, beet pair (e«-ee ...... So ■ j e j .. Lt . • J . , I* best w ork I* alwajra the cheapen In ticuary powers will give one of hh in chancary coocertiing a certain inte- . . Mary J. Ualhbun to William Suili- W II l.)ua. best evop pertrt 14* corbtn revolver and fired at him* $ i in twicetwi in rapid hoidrnat n»r Prvbat* oSr#, in tie tiiiii* of hi , ______. , . ,,, ___ . . , ; ,» * 4. l__ . u school in 1 Patriot number one, fraction van, iiofr. *• btffi coi>p cnirkene, ...... Portraiture. Trading* In fhl* v ill a gp, noute time in rest to the prop* rty know u aa the oevey i ^ l4, sec. 4. I«t*hniit»n, 130 II A fWtulee. beet lot of brahma* ...... succession, one ball entering hia left a»»daLow *a*<\ if say t»**rv bv.why th* acres, $G5n. ! prayer <>f |h# petitioner‘ should Notan He (ranted* _Another case of dark colored sixsix ’ thethe latter latter part iwtrt of this or the fir*t of next mill, two thirds of which waa awl^ to »l. Hiley, Olive and Watertown. John H*ie. tml lot of ellvrr beiubnrfe ** shoulder, another his right lung. He An 1 It ta FartherOrJi-r»l, Thai$1 notireaotlre Wffleen(iven Lmiie Hiualer to Authouy Wieber, III vision D. t’laan I. fell Imt retrained kia feet and m a Iked i ,n 'hr !**' •*"* ’' '»•' •••■« 1 *a.*J »state, of tbrtwn nny prints, at Stephetcwm’s Lo* 1 month. More definite notlew will lie Kentield and Buttoiph. Sevty. at the Recently, the Good Templars of this 11 w 4, ace. .11, Wratphalia, )0u acres. , fell, l)Ot regained nia icet an waia<*»»» he fell and wa. carried t.y hi. friend. u S,«!h ,* t»r*t rora eh* I lev, .... . received and selling cheap at Tadley**. — Buy your <-|»• " ' M’ "'‘* t' aeroe the Kiel to th. hotel, where L. **,_■ iiAy^o.v°."V,. 4‘,r . , Max, th* Iloa*. ordered to leave tha premiaea. from "* ^ o®M“toiif . C. T., .Ira. . «>hn phalia. $2.»W). bent wheel call!valor ..... — Taper Collars ten Cents a box. or Parker Water*, heat baggy rake...... lingered twenty-five minutes 44waw J for 25 coots at 'Stephen-on * 1 beet (rain tneseurre .. — Wa lcaiu from our exchange# that which a free tight sprung, and in which midretb,^ V . I. r. JV^Hhaa, XV. ^ OJ|dlfMW ^ of n e (f ^ ^ 4 Heat Ihrrahtnf maehlu* Tho affair has created intense ex- ! - — Trice Store. ** teal reaper A mower jciteoicnt. Mr. Sprague ia one of the Porter, M atklus A Hlddfa, —Good 5-ringcd Haher^ fnr $2Ao, ul a__ strange infart______ban on, $770 . Uwt *1 ns te mower...... , » «r 4 tirv'R bis head from a saw dust scrnn-T Houghton \V • Olm IlAiia U' l*et«r bwiilh to Abram llyler. land* ! C w Lyon, be«t (rain «trin attashment first hnainem men of our county. f«*r Tadley*- *a...... f ,r .1. tra lo for “** <'* l'W M ' lnB °‘rn ** Ut* ■" ihr h.nd ..f Srrry 4 , ... , , ’ , '' . ’ ' 'l«orlbr.i by .ooM, .n—i off qaiU rapMIjr. ------...------, ’ ' ,b.r' ' ' f ' h' F‘ *• J* “h- , , u w , , j e.-ci... i. !two years has been Treasurer and Sec­ —inn — retary of tbe Flat River Log Running Superintendents. -binfoxi • V.»o, ofn w«*. *«. to. K mc*. **.»». :: , 2 held a grudge against him for some in«trument«. * ^ . * . tv x vi . i ;n:« ii.iu .,1. \v^ n \i 4 hama Chick to I* runcta . Red- waidron ...... time on account of bia discharging a — Go to Thornton's and get your old head* against every sharp object and Loremo Dancy, but niora commonly »• -•• •* 1 ( re » ' . I . . I. ffrn> w i? of n w l4, set*. 2S, K«s*x. w t Har.1 Lyon, boat bn. w bn* u»u ... 1 oo gang of men to which he belonged. pictures enlarg' d to any wia'i, and flu- • continiaa until tb y literallv hare the known a* Jack Dailey, was riding ou '4 he total nuuib* r of primary school $2.ouu. I "M \"i£wiiUoin.'.Y.l u* Toles was a desperate character. Mr. M»ed ii* th« fincat style of the art in ^ an 1 d*a th etiHue^ — ho rat Ur k the h«r»e Mumbled and diMricts supporting * 'huols in the town- i * Nr'% mal! 14Try lo ^Ph«»J D. Brook- , j°t,« v ang*r. b«t ^ y*.iow «««. m oil water colors, India ink or crayon. ; oow* or we neati, »au aeam nmurv — iivrmiw a, iuo *» rm muwuini BUU | » * ® any, n W '4 of ii w '4, »<*c. 16, except- J** **<*u!«.a, Urns intiMUbtovtu. j Sprague immediately gave himself vp ,, . . _ aiiitff)** harness No rrmcdv ha* vet he* a found to conn- thrrw Mr. Dailey to (lie ground, his »hip of Riley, is .^-ven The number ing one grist mill and machinery, Ks- oiviaimm e.-CIsm a. to the authorities. STEPHENSON & SON, fro. |14 tofW,rt PMtoy *. l»r.rt it. tool rrm.iuio,. f*.t in tkc Mirrap. of children bcl.wn the * gr* of j *ud, „ |Iow, u, «llll.o. T. M. c»p. m y t...... *. Xl tlXEM IIUm illA. Proprietor* of — Don ’t forget M» eEamiue ^anford * «... .ilt, ,n j wherL-upon, tbe boree became frightened ye«r». according to the late census, | Howe, n e »4 of a w »4, aec. 27 ; also, " * **•• ***** In* l>rh*. WforTS;, ln C U-t. .nd Shoo. , -* *••»« P»“‘“K sod ki^’ Mr „ b* io ' i, 8 s«. Th. r.tim.frd . .luc of School' « A of • • 4j. «. tlMw, $1,150. : ^,W" v> Ko. IxDEfindent :—Bro. Ruse »ay% & I bare Hold organs and pianos for too — Get vour RiMita and Sh/»e* rejtairrtl clothing emporium of Max. Heaven- * na a «r. a# , oreaamg urn wg iu WilUam f. Howe to Jeremiah B. John Hb.v*r, * t* .miy nm ...... io *t S»Bforir*. rreki T„lrrd.», •• ... «h< «•« Plae" b'l°" r lM> •»«> ,oclu'1- Howe, n w >4 of n . >„ ««. do; ,l«.; : » *•; ie small a profit. This is why he does u» not like me for a partner. WilUay to __ Hattie t'lwrk calf ■tiMes., h.tid ; ... . . , , . ... c»IUd to repair lh« broken uicmbtr., e'*i »''>°uuU to 8 l.v i o. Of th ■ fren «» etwaiMflM by ■nf.nd bound. - ‘J.un.mrr h...... 25 Tie Low Prim Store, M |^» Prloal *olo»dto( two lo^l. ..f Ikixi ., which,j...... V . . lju ;...... ______I** mt. W, all I* OHw. *JM. |a ato«.to*« ■*. ■■,■ > the public: I am prepared to and will N.r». | upon enquiry, we wcr. informed »*. Mr iMSWjr MWtto. » UH. to.Njr,afid ~b~‘ hn.ld,,.^ five ... fr.«r, one. ^ , j Uetoe and IH / V. a- No wap. sell for less profits than ever before, ut. joins. “ ■ ' •------*-*visit —»- to “ bisa^ ifriced*—: nrif-lr in thia and vi mm brick, log—valued and one all the way Rohe. Rlekmtuiil. s of a w »| of n vr |>oW i.5on. jpnmpkin* ...... 25 if people will give mo tho chaoee. 1 — L. W. Thornton atilt continue* to k ^c,) tUiktag. Thw is the atcond * ’ 1 * •IM y 11 ' J 'PC. 11, \ ictor, S'* i0. «WWHJohn niw.n,Hliavrf, u.wwdoari tomato*..WH.IUW .... No ronp. from $25 to $1,30U each. W H,e r*«» --I of thi. kW which thi. cn- f’n,t J I ue luiiow* | N>|Mn ,„lhy to Ai^rt p. L’pton. n pay no office rent, and board cheap. • \ • . -uMr. T. *fJohn nun Wilber,W liver, HOCone of* *i theirrv rarilC*>earliest ’'H"D named------teacher*------have* - been engaged w !. Ol n W ‘4. **«*C. 14. ^ i« tor, $-*(#». 4 - rnkryva ...... Respectfully, very best. Urpruuug J ustness rasa has fi caited in tlurimr tka wiri.„r :n /rti lAringston R«*ckwcll to Jmnes Ad- 14 ¥ 44 NevhaMmck .... S. 0. PkENCli. We are now receiving ~O^.N.l»rhr.’$Nato*jr,fro«*.»► *° during th« winter, m the W-. Th|',|(>f „ of , e w. 2, Kl|cy. j« * “«• Agent for tbe Packard and Mason A daily our Fall Stock of , , ___ _ . , • ; ,, - i r«nt*d Iu. f.rui, -old ..ff hi. .urplu. deejn.tcd d„tri«U; Kinc.d, ,400. ■' a # ... to 33 cents each. 4 White Turaip Noroiap. Hamlin Otgan, Stanley A Son, Weber, Into • very townan»p tn fi s . . • vi: „ ^i|* w Houtb RiUv Kitnnmna' lH»nt»U B.irbcr to iicorg»* XX. Chap- Dress Goods, comprising — Ladle** and Misar*' fur can# of tha J«Mt fi° f*ria.i*r U.gttUr will. I.. MmJihtn Hmtth, . I mnn . IK) ,rrr. on .cc, U, LcUnoli. Dit laion F. Koabe, Stemway, and other Tiaoo«. I a tost n tyl** at St^|»b#»Rnn’a L*'v TrlcW sod Gratiot countv. P4iar a in itfoiaoii. all the new styles of hnd an improved F. \\ . Dunlap, Manistee; Jooea, F. yioo. St. Johns, Oct. Huh, 1875 . iTOtf Storm . stock, of whtek Im Mr* J C Brannon, h Ibt tuiUr In roll.. 1 ie —Arrange menu are sow being per . iuUodn moving hi* family Jomw, Grand L^dgc ; Van Dykes, Geo. W. Chapman to VTllbart Dunn, Mrs I N Var»(»r...... 50 ATTENTION!—*i; Q|KK! Worsted Plaids, Plain — A cMcaadvrUucut of t.U>tlis and , ) vaucty. atnl crwr-L butler...... | . ) • a« i< a* ,l i> i i , ' *«me as above, $350. Tba luararr la aadaJ, r^MNtmervm of the latest stylet sad the] fected for a grand Thanksgiving dinner L . . Mr* J C Rruoaoa, leal n beat HraaJ No P-; Th* bimii is p*ai, and Clouded Poplins, lowest cash price at fitaffisSMi'u D'" ^ aerved to al) who wish to parti I to Lake county for a year or two, ex- >*»## MoBneaux, 8mith Ktley : Jason s, John Baron to Alonzo LcBaron, e Mr* J I> llatra, loaf Indian bread ...... *1 " loaf Ora ban* bread.... i* Tbe bum of tbe threeber is beard in the Black Alpacas, Empress Trice More. 1 . ra ___ l..... i-. yj r P_ee,,to_____$_ I>) .» O^o*. tu ini|>rov» hi. ’ •(. S., Shi.wwe; PietiV,\\i «f » w' V >-o. 10. Olive; *Ik >, the w MrtJ C Branson, tpor apple jeiley... a* land, as well as the eleinor of creditors. -fto. 1-MtoF*. WNf ...a Buff.lo «MP»“ ««b. b> *• —d } iMMltk ,-MiMV.n Fleet,; BoNfWeeV. ° * ’ Mr* Wot Hairy, ep-c «urr*ot or In# .. Su Cloths. Ac. Mr* W m Hobart...... So let all who would atop this clatter 1is. — We have waited patiently on Notes D A M ll R it arranging for some pVOktahl«. Begin now to prepare for 40 call the attention of the small deer as the proceeds of tbeir hunt. ; beck u|K>h bis not very distent antccc- 7 b the Seeretery of the 44 Society for the «• and Accounts past due, and cannot do new car* to lake tbe place of the crip- Hie day. Mr. W. L. Ilanc baa commenced denta simply because they rovnif st tbe / romoiim §f Tndh : 2 WmanStUtTT*. V.V..'. CO so any longer. We therefore advise Ladies to our large as­ 40 pled and worn owl owes. —Fourteen street have al- ™ ^ timbe.a for bis new* mill, I traits and'characteristic pec.liar to a Your* being as iu title proclaims, Portar.... 40 those who are owing ua to call sod pay sortment of Tak Laces, Be»i aad pica taut »»rt»iy the name immediately. On account#, - Never IwmU e man because »*! ready been pfceed in poaitioo upon d»f- wUlch „lU m juUht be completed tbe afatc from which ne himself has bat ^proLu^tioa •! tr«th! I nTh^itat growo h* pshiMtor...... t on Bead Gimps and Fringes, cal Uuxnurj Koaeau.... Ih* if they cannot be paid, we must have poor m purse or ruimewt, for bcii^tn a| j#rCTlt gtreet« in our rillagr. Ill* us Worsted Fringes of all coming scasoo. Mr. H.fl* actively lately been evolved sod to which he is ingly address you, and oo a matter, I til vision II -C'lass 4. settlement* by nottw, or wc ahall be raggad soat perhaps there tieee sod f#f th^M |tmp„ fc„fe #lcfacd colors, and the finest marshalling his torccs for the pine constantly liable to revert. By the1 aaaurc you, ol deep import to a v waoobb , CABBtieas abb aLBiaaa. obliged to plaoe the same in the hands Mb* HWlto - heed * p.,d („ b, Pri..t. i.4i.U«l.w . he nptft . ,0 pul A Brown Bras., 2 eoatad batgy...... No way, 'Tarter scema to derive infinite portion^ of the human family, viz : The •lifhopn Hugrer...... of the proper officer for collection. Wo line of Ladies* Silk Ties '•*' the oldcek max \m the busmeea ^ ^ppi^d 4tt,l kept iu order by the uti.f.etion in A^MAgA jAm| *\ hereby give fair warning in time. ever offered in this mar­ Urge stock of pioe logs McFarlax Sl Choi l. **■ Ed»h village. Tbia »• an iuiportaiit and ket. couBfort of your «%lkfr«*n. and ta doing Y 1 ... On the 12th mat at an early bour grown m tt... place, .rvi eonriude- tb.t .. (tul m,oy ,btl £ru 114 , fit. Johns, June 4, 1875. [450. #0 do not forget the Mount that may praiseworthy enterprise, and oot which tbe streets of *»ur little village became it must be a formidable rival to the W H Tripp, Voa MlaSan Plano .... 1 so last, and the list shall be first' -81. rv> “ ea a aiwj , ll a i srv •**•••••. . , N otice .—We must hare all notes b*.e T*4 jtf U’lwtpr o^r-o.1-. v , M |wt|wt wi|| m«i m l. th« a m> filled with teams bringing tba aympa- Ril«7 Common tatcr. Measnred by Mark. 10-31. 1 John lllcka, Ikomaatt- Sawing Mach.. 2 SO and accounts paid or settled before wWi howd«. for wny# and . ontM. ... . • M V Brown, American ...... i oo rwvwlvcd bv Mux^thc Boas < lollilcr. hearty approval of every hbciel and tbiaiog friend* of Mr. Herbert Reed, , hiv favorite standard of greatness, rix on **»« ^c“,#^.lhl11 lhd . ^°f.e Dlviilsa l.-riaM !• October lOib. or we *bail have to *. —Str5LB5SJ2r2fS...... — Tbe yowug man who lifted hia hat enterprising citizen. The rrsult ta a nofflM ABB ABTIfiT WOPS. make costa. Hoping you will do so at A X IJaJlj, (OM work...... 4 once and save trouble, Ova a* mto«*l* of* Men's se mealy tn a Ht Johns girl before he onmmofi go*»d, and k i« hope«l that ol Justice Covert, at the bour of 10^ thing toutaina, w» gr*nt him all hi i ace of people should have allotted Mr* Jaa Cpion, boqaat *f flow#™...... h» We remain youra, mid iloyn* Clothing married her, has caused bis wife $0 sp- every newly elect* d member ol the A. M. And wlievi hit name was called | »sk* or insinuates. Couvi >x-tate • to it a period of glory and greatneu#. U* “JT0** ”.. '*.* {>5 A. Tiacbovt A Co. wttm never more* com­ plete, helng enabled ply for a dirorce because lie liBed tH« ' Bo«rd, will jiee eneour.gement for tbrn tl0lO, {rom ,be ro.rt room door | ♦ be succeeded by one of igoorauce, an- ** rl * Sowara. (V m i St. Johns, Sept. 22, 1875 . A Little brttTxo.—>Th# Oeid lleg j peratitioo and depeodence, bare wt as i m$* fP^SViuvy.aei.hooaapUnu.... to fit tlio furgeut of Ul.l* M •io*l) th* other d.y wW lb. ibe exleo.'on of 'b- good work, aad re^>o»M, tie wo«be|ont look, men nnd tho nmulleet clam S-saanL* wane, *c. •tinner didn't aaut him ol*Iloyn, nnd nt pri­ Mia* NollU Smith spar rrocka wotk. f5 ce* lower than ever — Abram Tew Kick, will otbi for dl« ** “ lot6*4 art..,...... l>ia 44 44 M4x ...... 35 before. Mia Wm Bralaf, log rahla qaiit...... Ih*. Mr* ft*xana Uotmea. 24...... Lha X. F. Saunder* A Co. kie eeii, Simeon Ttu Kick, ia Beugel, mor« light* wU-nult ^ n * ,,n * n ^ •nhueqwently Secretary OI wm rant u* in the belief that tbe—eood Mr* I S Yartgar, |«td work quilt.... I «o o. HtimAtf, JUth to*., Hat *,. c»U. "------“*• di.Wo.8to. of Mre Wm M Rnsaall, ...... DENTISTS. epoch of grcatucNa and glory is about to Mr* H A Soalaa, rag haakot ...... fha. Swr Baas At rplow's Stsrr, »>(-<«. .I»i*kt, f.rai n* laylto.*.,) < ounj.r.xTtiir . - O. W .Un.vl.j »o hi, Aerre.o ‘oeo oe Mtod«T l»* io coni- dawn upon ns, while a corresponding Mr* H W fUiaa, wpkfr work...... lha. . , * a i At ^ vooisviait Mr and Mr*. Mareband, I !n V rany with bia Wtfe and child, from £1- pin keB...... Iha FiliMfif a apaataltf (473) BT. JOHNS. b* J ffjSk ofBukMHkba Uouw. Invited U«e Tat^ y Uollmiur It xxito sick “*• wh#r# ,bev ,low r°* ld* period of dependence and subserviency fil oerpoi...... 1 fL ta in store for the fair portion of hu­ lira W R l.yon. kail bad opraad ...... 75 Call aa 4 look over oar — f ill4>ei r* Iron, or iU.l)r.n» u. iMirUkc of .. „ . .7!! 4tok, WUr lUrtifif tor born, mill hi. Mr* P l.raa. knit hod apraad, whit* . 74 HENDERSON k BROTHER'S manity. Mr* H B llmntoaa, hoot alippav «a*a... Ih*. largr slock of fottoa Flu- •* 3J l«Url •*( ...... In* finch ie the nature of the problem ** mat-...... 15 alt. Hat lag boogkt a Of 110,000 toc^nl iff .,1, |,r.fMr*it f„, Th. v .IW ^, W ,b** lrt 1,0 w * ^* *** ** | him to torn , eorocr Io the ngi.t .nd which by ao overwhelming vote of tbe •* hrath>(f hah* aark•... Tia. for gl'j.ww 11—pa eai Mvevaiv. -j iy prepared far tin —. Tb^l • Pair o$a> ulSar.... m*. large lot wc ore prepare* «m iw the bead receive*! by falling into with mtich plcanwre to all fonreme*!. return to tbe village. Ilia wife took *• Anglo African Society of Historical j m$*j Diu«i*,we »!£"*«*...... N* In Sloa Flouiag Mi I uc UwM ixxr. bold of the reins to prevent Me design, It. «-*reh." I «.. ordered to rapeeUall; iJZTJZSZ.’ZtSL^: to oler extra iafaeeneats. a bole iw ike street some two yeara ago,. “ — *f JPW.’ when he resumed hia bold upoti them, ■ptw4*4 an 1 raady Im Uosiwa** Having submit through you, ite Seeretary, to ; coit*e workinm- . IS* a*rr1f aa of an* of th« to**4 Mil lea* i* Ilvoja oo hoof, • large got X verdict of $500 and eoel. Rhout ( %me\ aeiouwxj—1The follow lug are the cuaee li*pnaed of up (A yeatenlay ing. Thu British Liuo >e at (be asm** time striking the hove#, tbe profound delibcrutiom of the “fio- - 7 m!* ”* .! i lh« stsi*, ih* proprlviAv* at* prapara* to 4* rouring ia lodix. The Anur •wortMcat of Ihe eelekrot- $700 iw all, in the late tr-aiou of the noon, in the Circuit Court n«»w In ses­ and made the (urn at e lively puce ciety for the Tromotion of Truth.__ \t *o*W Btrehaei A Cuatea Srladinf e* Gookei flaaoelo, Plaia 9 On ahart aotiaa. an* Io r*arant*a parSwt Mtlahc- ! Supreme Court sion i ioEU FUgk it tKowiug iudawn to | Iu doing ao, however, tbe buggy wa* id conclusion, while tbe results of thw ta aorh lo*ln*oal Re* Flannels, Cheek Skirl­ — Bo eurufnl how you manipulate TS# Vvopila to. ,M*n Oaory f.aroaog Ttom Hrmin. Bui witll Xll the noise, npeet, and it* occopanta precipitated vi your keen research and precise caleu lioolMnelO 4aI tlem K. ItlltoktoM Trial |M the ruaaUmgrumldioR of theU— huuvvhexvv laden ofentlyolewtiy to tbethe grground. »un'! The child waa ing, Flnnnek he. autumn leaves for pro— rraLon A *n**4 get It} la ties ou Ibis moments — quest ion ef —New that the holidays are coming Custom Grinding TkffhuV w. M<«aa ISaOaltom * Vtoah Otork train of ran to iu*rd ato.f. them <»ly W.aLUy iajurad, bat tb. moth theological lore will be locked for with ou and our dealcrv will be looking A IPECI ALTY lady iu Worceoter, Mas*, freoa^d a Koe* E. (UHaaion* ao* J.O. S»4$*. Mmitot. .11, with it. Work of holBny goods OT * h" Jg •|mA la Sarmati oa Argos* ao* oovaMilo*. great lutereel by tbe saembers of the Swam won bring lered to hw workera in fields of eeey epinio — to afterward her bauds and wr»«U broke rvaeme«*we auovmj . advice them Io Iry tbe old and well FLOUR AND PKED Furvftne wUhlee flear WII ri W'liltow yjaw-tJ-tJ. WadLar | Xf usual ^ 44,1 ®*d efkerwurda a »rnaif driver neglect to ap—k of vii : Your futere. known firm of Anthony Garman 4 rtwha mill An mnU tn glvn out with on erupt ion of a scalding bu Aaoompati. CittitoJ OO Otoi of isaWo—ee jnum pvuunitB of nil kinds for CYurr- j tees aubetitoted und Ihe mother und WMrh wtD he Ml* al th* kwwl p^alhkjl* — ■n a trial, OO 0*0*1 •( Wc predtei one loop atory ef unbroken nrnftt. Th# MtttotoW of to now f* *n* * What * Faith* Bum Fhr C FARM AMR BOlllHIA XTCXIOAlt STATE SEWS. Dull, heavy hesdsdia, obstruction of the A poitieu the figures ol tha last Treas­ ♦ Faith and credit are pretty -IthiM thui a 1_.______eessl pees ages, dischargee falling from the Turns, iww lv* I»)m of snow and ury re|***rt and i*thec« |>r«., P. public (leM and pen*tons for the tlx years enable* that iwrt to pass from hand #to and lees beat has s nassl twang, tbe breath Is offensive, smell and taste arc impaired; there is a sen ­ lilrsn il Co. ami GraiU A Taylor m»*lr tmmedial* ly prcciiliug the rcbclltou aod hand and salisfY <4her debts tiefore It Is — T1# pretty safe to say that none of our miwied to satisfy this iMrtlcnlar del 4. If sation of dlaxlness, mental depression, hark­ usaiguments on the Id. lha Inal aix years under Grant. readers will ever live In see frost-proof ing cough snd geio-fal debility. Only a few The follow ing figure* give the totals for A sells II $10lt worth of good* and requires corn, fur It luu been pretty well shown by The *!wlraU of Michigan t’nlwrally of the aiNive-nameirsymptouis see, however, rMrnwwg*xivaga. r» wm*e- tot the army, nav), Indian* and miaccilsne- itayiuent in cash, H must hand over $100 those who have studied what are known as likely to be present In say one esse. There bvf UteA. teclwdiss Uw- Kagvsvt**. pwas- liavv formed a boating saaoriation. All ou* civil exponaaa combined in each year m currency, Hut if lie lakes It s not*-, the laws of evolution that In all the is no disease more common than Catarrh, ihr (h|iMtii)(iita arc represented. atstiil; due In ninety days, the $100 that wouhl changes ol form which plants or animals and less understood hy physician*. VuTALa. otherwise tie paid at once may |iaa* from may have undergone in the course of ages UK. SXUB'S CAT4MMH KBMKDI IH kimo tha o*f*mh of October (Ur IV I !KW...... fEMTSftn ao B to C, C to D, eU , and lettle a hundred Is bevond sit comparison the best prepara­ Agents Wanted Everywhere. iroU rarrlrxa delivered 407 ,»m letters, tth,. tm; ...... strviwa it the power of reelsting c* 4d ia almost or tion )*»r Catarrh ever discovered. I'nder the isos ...... ;i ts»wis «* ncTounts la-lore B uses It, or Its eqalva- entirely unchanged. — VktinitlythM JVess fill po*lni-rard» and |i«|«r« iw* ...... •» us nw • lent, to nav A- When credit is ao com- influence of its mild, soothing and healing iUsi ...... ia«*i vu m —Many n good wife and her poorly-clad properties the disease soon yieids. The Bsnain UOCMT Im (wo Board* of Ku ;aai...... ai. • in<>n sail tha* serves, iu many rases, aa llolden Medical Discovery should be taken currency, it 1* not strange that many peo­ children wonder why at the end of the to rorrert the hlo<»d, which It always st fault, jH-rvlaora, una holding iu meeting in for sit ye*r«...... fwss.m • ple should confuse the two, juat aa ona year they do not receive the little comforts snd to act at»*< ideally upon the* diseased aece/ vro rttr 1 lankhnt an«l (Ur «dber in Beazonia. Anas 4 s*«r*a»...... pt.aj.wi a school «4 economists confuses credit and prom wed them. The editor of the Pro Unds and lining membrane of the n*»*e. A Or me an ntumil ITeifTer, liiin^ nmr Passiag ovrr the pcrkal of civil war and capital, snd imagine (list a permanent yrwssise Farmer says it is a little delay in he Catarrh It* ti*«-«ly should be applied wins tin* Administration *4 Andrew Johnson currency may he pit by simply using securing the crops, a little care leanness In fwith Ur. J’ttm'a U*>n death. al rsuMi and Uierefore camuU be tairly however, lo reuirtulirr that credit in the system of feeding and a Rule indlf- ^■■RMofikference to the stale 01 the n(HM- from which discharges praess4> 1 MEDAL. A Mns, Wuj) Uad I10U1 leg* lakrn oil rotn|*nmI with a time of normal peace, exist* simply because U ia tod fxrmtinrmt. market. These mt-dW lues are sold by Druggists. at (»rand Kaput* on the morning of tha we coutc to the era of OmnUstn, w ht*u the If B's n«»te were never to be paid A would —To make French pancakes take two YiiffffA, wa. ■Ik, by getting under the «lt«vU of a people North and fcb»ulh were stvking never take it. Il the t niled Stato*should eggs, two ounces of butter, two ounces of RrvBNcm ’fl Prutontr Smirp, for the announce that the greent»m*ks were never silled sugar, two ounces of flour, half a freight train * *>rdi»d rcconcIHalton and wet only kept Cave of Cousempttsn, Conghs sad Colds. The apart by the forcible Intervention ol the lo br redeemed, the prtrarious credit they pint of new milk. Beal the eggs thor­ great vtrtos of this medicine is that it ripens the Tmk Menominee Herald .*ays that pres­ ' Prtsidenl and his » shun t iu their effort* have uow would utterly di»ap|M*ar, anu oughly and put them into a basin with the matter and throws It out of the system, pnrtflw* WARRANTED FIVE YEARS! ent imltcsUoiM are that more lumber will to uphold the * arjwt-lmrfp’r* and their they would tie worthless, except for euri- butter, which should lie beaten to a cream; the blood, and thus effects a care. Xt nflilm M Znstnfftittui to v«& it. It on mot fot omt of be g»n om the coming w inter than for aer- coufcdrratoa wh«* were i*|q>re*aing ami naitiea. The Confederate “gra>backs” atir in tlie sugar and flour, and, when Eenssen's Bis W bsd Tonic, for the Cera of plundering the Nnitlu in Btatm*. Ursine valueless siinplj because they these ingredients are well mixed, stir in Xt will Ao ffTtry o Iam tad klrnd of wo*k. REDUCED RATES! rral |wlsI wasons. Dyspepsia, Indigestion, etc. The Tonic prod sees TO SUIT TBI TIMM TPtsas- will never be redeemed The credit they the mint; keep stirring and beating the S healthy setlun ef the stomach, cresting an appe­ It will flow from TU bwo hp« to Sosaots XsMtfcor. Mu moan took every premium offered iwr* ...... ftaswu au *a ask is an eternal one. But eternal credit mixture for a few minutes. Serve with a tite. forming chyle, and earing the must obstinate j tmi...... MUSS »! '•* Xt U m te la iflnioi cf otAflr 0owl&f Kictilw ia thi mofnit uAi of at the infer State Fair in laiiaii(j"*lif» on cannot exiM. Giving credit to a man is cut .emon and sugar, and pile tlie pan ­ eases of indigestion. itff fluptrlor lapYOTUMAtff, A0 * itMM 0i» OBOtUO iM AC&iffTt»ffIltfl $2.00 Per Day to $2.60 ! isrs ...... t .*».«* att u believing thal he will pay what lie promise* professional displays of apples, j tears, ik i ...... tw. t ** a« cakes on a dish, with a layer of Dr«servt ffenmum a MssunAKB Ptu*. for the Cars of Aow r lto* is loceOea ef rnsms iki ...... IX Wi XiU u to pay. If lie declares that lie will never or marmalade between each. Liver Complaint, etc. These pMU are ihmilo tho old flAihlfmod FlAfO OotoV quinces and grapes. , lh75...... i«n a* 1 05 snd produtr a health? action un the liver without do so, tills belief, this credit, of course —Allow me to suggest to all thrifty 200 Booms, with Board, at 12.00 m k ai t the least dancer, a* they are free from calomel. and Prloes made to suit tbo Times, IU a , has bwu Ibttnd in the lied of vanishes yet more eMcarions in restoring a healthy ectioo A^/rvgaf* it* >r*i* ssfler (irsuipo*tponea the use of money. It These remedies era a eerlstn cure for (Vinesmp PILUIO * ntUBAHAM. 1* icons *4 pure sail as large as heuV egg* Or, In amaiicr form: pages numbered cam be obtained for a tlon, as the I’ulinonlr ttyrnp ilprna Ih* msller snd have been taken ewA Hit tmmuii W lirvi.t ...... #s*8.|t' KM XI does not obviate its use. For tin# reaeoti, filial 1 sum fmn any dealer in stationery'. nnrlSos the blood The Mandrake PtIU not npoo I *0£NT8 WANTED. NSW SMI BEAlTirt L IMHTHL'MMHT. Hi* fit*ui t tit* inn ...... sns we .a a fl then, credit can never take the pUre ot Ik. not write any reci|tes save those that tbe liver, ereste a heehhy Mia. end remove all dt«- •Ioiin Hire was cnnrtcMd in Detroit on money absolutely. esse* of the liver, often n case* of Con-nmptlon. Ku n>< ui«4u limit...... pa.lTflfJ 14 have ls*eo tried by yourself or friends AddraM< WILSON SEWING MACHINE OO. the -IUi of robbing the Inited Htatra mail Credit is neccs-arily limited in time The Hea Wsed Toole giver too* snd elrrngth in Or Have it arranged systematically, by being the wtomseh mekee a rood dtgertinu. snd rnshU in August last, while in ting in thecJLparity Permanent credit is an alisuidity. For divide*! into (fiflerrnt department*, as one the organs U» form goud bl<*»d. and ibu* crealee a SbBVBLAMS, 0SZ0, CEWA00, ILL., MEW TOSS, M. T, Aaussl svrrsf:* nn*t«i (Irani .... |lV'.St,|8l M this reason then a |« riuanenl ctirreucy health r Hrrelmlloe of hrsHhv Mood The com of PoMai/TU'e clerk. AaBKil ivrff outlsy during these six department, foHh there and in the laxly of AGENTi (sirlr* PtoSu lereo. Cmeelaes right, taking out sixty fuel and throwing B lo A shows that A ha* faitii in H‘* Dr Hchenck ia profe*eiunslly at his priori pal 're*. A44rm(iLO f CRAM, tY*a> Hotel, CABINET ORGAN. yespi of Graiitism is nearly equal to one the book, in whieh to make entries at office, corner Hi ith sad A m *tw.. Philadelphia, AGENT; rs lisp sn 4 Pteiure Depet, i Aa et«i«to(meotnMasUon. adSisemth* tapeltr *4 the toil house into the river. i«atrth of the whole national 4* 14, while ability lo pay it on maturity Ihere are future times. Any obliging housekeeper •very Monday, where ail letters for advice meal he >»tr#*t. Oiieae*. Ut. tbr uessn Biech of (hat uf the pwum-f»rt« s*4 *i*ry two elements in this transaction, one tangi­ addressed. _ With a doubt*-ro*»1 orgaa. ai.4 per fort »• ev ­ A laky nametl Girriwe created some the annual rxcesa ia tlmut thm* tourtha ol will lie u(4 <»nly willing but glad to give 76c. Per Day to S2.60. er r r*#*ret, S eosiUued m new luH rutw. ■( Ihr PI A Vf S the yearly iutercst on the enlira d* l4 11 ble. the t4hcr intangible. Thu Ar-I is the Oorscr VsaH«r«a *nd IsAsItr SI* . srUXIs tkrrr inis HARF the loom »f *rhh h see se*/Ji>eea by *10*1 excitement at Jackaon the other night by you her recipe* and rule* for making dif " All Bus flaws." oir*' *rik of th* totno* rrsirr, < hMik*r of Ch >- W«srvm or hors. rWSUly ■*« la *«ee> pUi^**m*n 4 Lo a there ass anything substantial to show tor n«He. (lie se« ond is the state ol mind which mere#, rsliroed SrpvSa sad pier** of Miurmnl . Thr sneeSlaa Ml. amt strsck hy hsaimee*. oTVikr plooo going into a saloon and asking the privi- im!u< «ta A to receive It. The latter is the lerent dishes; then write them out defl. This is aa rxprnealuu that we hear from rt*n>emar««f**«r«.*Hvery, bell like <|«al- tliis a.Uoumling iiH'rea.'*e in the regular nitely. —Cor. Country Umtirnmn. doctors when th« r are in doubt about Oflljf l lrtl-eiass llre-preef Hsxtrl lit. very h—*u«4fui is cuuiMaatloa or slteroBitu* oils l«*gr of holding a prayer meeting. | more im|M>rtaut. F*»r if it exists, A may ex|trn«es it might lie puiiiated. Bnt in ­ —A correspondent in a late number of thr nature of the dleenae of their patieuta. lnv«*t#«l is W*|| HtrceS urrxaise rnx fullowiss asra*I: (br orcaa U.n*s The oress may be mod st-*»e. **4 Is stead of king improved and made more take R i rpokra promise instead of his The country arena to be flut'd with au< h OS roots*. srtUmet Mri...... Mr U every re*poet o roiifhlcte sod prrfrrt sa urns, m The Rcgcn's of the university have con tbr Cliidp) /Urr (V aia , and a scientific liwl. Cl forinn* A room*. »m»«*ut tv* - - r-i ttihei (br MAK^HAHf.w may be med with the ellicient the publk* service has talioo far written one. But whether the promise h rases, snd they are trying first one remedy $10 0500 pse* pipUislng PtAWtvIlAHT: U»* latter may he sssd srooRWe y or h rred tha degree of A. M on Mias Sarah man withal, writes: Now is the time for r.rrtfMn* *nw the worst former expci itoce, and is sfmken or written by *u in«lividual, or snd then another, hoping in vain to And rius, stth tx>sc«l •i.'l bs(h * omiMndi'S *Uh say of all the t-*Io ufof (IPt orgaa, farmeis to gather oerd-coru They shuuld relief. They generally have the following tiHT Fill. «b>nni » Hllit symptom*: A general depression <4 spirits, Tile 6»* Teas* is wers Kxtravsgance stimulated corruption and ears, taking the upper ear on stalks with with evU foreboding*, a whirling sensation W(»fc e*rfrct eomb>rt. l**ot*cne*»*, and the Republican majoritl«»s piomise Li fulfill, even for an instant, the UM so* (My. AdapN f*' • eeaUT •*•*** The shipment* of copper from Portage function* of currency. And this mental tw o or more on the <«ame. Knotigh shock in the head when rising up suddenly, foul $15.00 SHOT-GUN U*«if Lo svwjf mottos «i isppsy : sn tl Lake have been a trifle over lO.HHd tons iu Congti as. w ho either shan >*i in the should be left to tie two or more together breath, with n had leete in the mouth, the toxty, retstntRR t‘*p •n urrmSos So adverfioe tt awfseslseito. M« r « s|M>iis or iwofited poiitkuilly by the abuse state ia wholly dcjiendent u|»on the sup especially in the morning, pain In the aides In;* i-bder :** XsrSas) pertaru-d farlllfles tor * »*rgc •apply,riibry «#er tt since the ofieninr of navigation. A little |M»*rd chauce of the ultimate redemption Thev should then be conveyed to the Sirefb# Of for pohtlcpat ohh ruoadswee. of pMtrouagc, created the profligate system and back, urine scanty and high colored, Strata oo'.l wriiiiMiulj ( ifcsitn. with 4>a* ins* sod tall 4*m rjt»st«.n*. free. over 2,248 tons of mineral have also Uvn of the uote. Thus, (•croons w(i«i lielieve smohe house and hung up, smoked with frequently vtdded with difficulty, frequent ean- 4. 6oM cheap Gy th* of ei|K*nditures l»v wii|r|» the Imrdena of f-r Muoterr. Show*. KrltfluU HASOh A H AW! t* (»HOA» CO.. 1M Tremont SL. shipped, that a bit of Government paj»* r, rrditmc tlie meat and left uulil planting time. headaches, a distressed fet ling at the pit of msiTOH; aa rai»*mi*era. >sw Touk . mt a ni the people have been attHUUItad. and the (.Vrn treated in this way will never fail, the stomach, food affording 110 nourishment Tim^r ramps, «(« Administration ot (irtm has heimne a rr- , Me. if at ail, only in other p*|*-r that is **■»• X *n-1 ll'.in i ..,fn lm susne nua c&, 1 me idtiginaw Countv Board of >uper- , redi-croabie ouly in it, can ritvulate n** a and w ill lie more vigorous and grow fast­ Tbe patient feeia tired all the while, and pr«.v^I tt ATKIt-PKlNir Um (M3 Brsadwar, X. V. 1 Alt, proa* h snd a standal. lia*l as all war, sleep affords but little resL After a time a (TENTS f^lTHIVU l-r Mit, >l»r*r iiiA Mm Iim1W, IsaeShy maU. C* Ol .'-rMl o.rr rr..u*rn*.i V < vist»rs has dec Hied that it coats (no much *rnnanmt currency prairat. <1 rlrrwtar to o f. FUsTXH. m>\* The nSh e ( * the •*!« « M»t»- »«r^.-r *. »*t Ate rlrrst*r t«r J MKrp to hury paupers in the cemetery, ami will feet on public morain, the so i ailed state 1Is note will buy A*s g*»*sts. when A time with ex poc to ration, hands and feet cold hereafter inter them on the county poor- knows that li will never take up the note and have been compelled to resort to the and clammy at times, a general wasting of Mil! WITXRUb tar to ru from of paare which has existevi under Grant crib to fluixli out a field, tiiat the smoked *<>■ U> lot JsnMsry >>* Lrla), Uer farm, h:e» proveil to be a far worse calamity tlian < save with another, and will never mleem the hod?. In such esses we need a rrmedv rhost* i *Se distinguished by rows from that will art upon the liver,>kidneya, stomach ttallv Market Kep-'rt* of Prodac*. fcnwr* A ckkm was drowsed at Jackson the rc*i rcttorUo •trt rtl-onkw effiN’tuallv di*|»(. es «mU lo kw of M<* 4l sad S*n>ey *# •e tl»e night of the 1st lie was crossing <>f the (alia j that < r* *lit faith ' ( an more hardy, and darker in color. What use sueh a rwSaedy It afford* relief. The work. Sstwrrlbe *(.osee. Office, | C'abiuei, (»f the oh lot ag**nls of the Govern • I* the philoU 3 ■■ . J rency. — ChtfOj/o 7 nbuuf. not aide to sav. * But all fanners will find Liras* t of Roots , solo by A J White, Jilfl stepped to one side, miraed his baiting aim\ of offioeboMeca has cue ou raged tunas Pceri street, N. Y. Agents wanted. K.Y. it to their advantage to try it. We have who look up to them tor guidaiu'e p«»hti> STOVE POLISH iilii and fell into the w ater Inflation .Not a Means of Relief. tried It for ten years and find it pays. ffM t .TR.TII'ABXMSBiit H<»l VtUUIII **Tle ifr-«arH<»ld rlw« (ally and **•* lallv to disregard duty, to A cask of chronic rheumatism of iintiMial 1 MsgaalMe • r v - - :• ••-nsl thwim is is?r>. DrntNo (Vtohrr thirty-four convict* ar —The .Vnr England Fanner gives these • SCLMI.PM LlfPK^ hy Hr*. J«ll*< K ta-rT. despise inti gtity, and to act all healthy re- Col. Grosvenor, under the auspice* of severity, cur« (t*t.y John*"*'* .tnoffyoe /.ini. rived at the Htate Prison in Jackson, nine ­ sensible directions to a corres; sin dent who ot-MlKlia." hy T. S. Arthor Ml TTKM- ahixtx WAirrro n w n»w bww •* si mint* at defiance. They have protected, the New \mk Hoard t*f Trade, gave his mtnt, is notic'd hy one of our ext hang*-*. ( K*s Vewe-1 j'tttrrw lit every u'Hnber Tt«»»- teen were discharged and two died. The aa net faffed, and certified n«4ori*H»s rogues, has tried everything to cure a x’aluahle A large bunch < ante out upon the lirit-t of H,Lt»r*-t im! .1- -r r|A "i. ■ ml.t M-ik ffffl | -r? views Monday uiglit at tlie Cooper Insti ­ hone of the scratches: " Wash the sore the sufferer, and aP|«-ar. d like )>art of tlie »■ ie*>- -I nm >.-*-• v, ...... *•*/«.• * lie, MOODY and 8ANKEY |i«S| month of September closed with 78 * and upln Id haret.ic* *1 frauds on the 'rreasurx’. T. *. VKTIII M AMIS, I'l.llsd r. P«. tute on the all-iiii[H>ri*nl subject of the heel with castile-soap as long as the dis ­ brt l'*« tl iut«mally and ctlcr- And T\'H \Tork om ftnth A-dr. mf th* Sra October closed with 801 . patnuur* ex City A M Paul ti*l!r<«d u4 « a th* M< - Paasv ► <>m is. ot Sbe soi rs W s*r a * v I »n o*i tlie platform w* re IVter Chojrr, Isaac tend to the general health of the animal (trerr A Mbw.arl (ttyr I tall rood IkrrnJ tanre TV: “ S. II. •tuUkc. irvrvM who w e* the landcalk tike* AM. sApply tta lUsAulph Street, i bienso. ftL e no answer. —A. J . * sv«. corn or corn-mcnl, but give short or green /afire /*•//*. for coughs, colds, sore or lame te tunpaON Sc ...... (S S^.I mrnta wrre 6.1,818 tons, against 4*i,*>-Vi last Lond«H>, Ihniamin II. Well*-, Henry fodder, or other gently looseningfoou. and stoinaeak* r’s addm-* e&rmwtiy ting a horse ui a chate stable, without giv " hex juu go to Chicago stop at the 1876 . Postpaid. SI .60. 6UARANA BITTERS! a*lv*H ateil )iar«l m*n»« y ami c<>mbat«*d the “Barnes House,“ corner of Randolph and A VEGETABLE TOfflO AMO un Oct. $7 was $l,nraj.ih>4 4l<; rerelpta ing exercise, is a poor way to cure scratch Lanai street*. The fare is excellent and ev ­ HRALTHPUL BEVCRACR. i wlf It i* an nnpreced* nted sneer** Xo kleaf of Mr. Kelley and Gen. Butler on ew or other diseases. Work the horse rare during the week ending Nnv. g were $*>it. other fwdilic-d puffy in the l nifed fitate# Iwhalt of the .1.(11 btml issue scheme. erything In the house is nrw Only 11 .Go to Tlie Nursery. A ffpeetWe See flsest Complaints, iwS%se- fully even* day, feed lijfht food, but plenty to uo per day for trausi*nt. A Monthly Mag alias for Yoangsat KeaAers Hon, nervous AffsoHonS, UCflliCH( 949 76 ^ payments during same time were ever l«efi»n-*4akcil it* own riislrimt ii|w»n He showed clearly that the loss which of it, wash tbe heel* in soaiaiuds every* Immi In ' Mitni. |g*v.M 1 o rent* fur a Burnett's Cocoaine $1**1.789 17 : lialaxne in Treasury Nov ii, reforms within iu ow n constituency. 1 t*at mmt come fn»in the issue *4 new green- morning and night, using a little gr***-*• lie a vm a Cotoaikb Is tbe best and cheap­ Snnif !r XitniH* r vu Im rIK. VOW', »«<1 jr*t tbr RHEUMATISM 9 and a preventive of Pss rasas the Bair fKsn FaUuw has now twin* Iren n the whole |Ksqde, est Ilalr Dreaming in Uie world. rv-mnlrttne sumbrrs 4 Otte >«»r d*A Fit KR t 1* 75 , $!V9,7 d.fh, decrease for the scclc pros* «ng most hardly ii(v>n llnie who after wishing, and at the end of two linn I4K 41 rncy ot New York. Fmt, in the fight to iu*Hitlis report the case again to the Farm JOHN L. 8HOREY, Fever and Ague. Burnett ’s Cocoaine eX|>W the IVnoicratic ineintwr* <4 the have saved a little ui**ney, de(»o*iied i»er* Thn Tt si’LLn La vr is a wtmderful thing. I 36 Bromfield Street, Boston. i it* Healthy Growth. haps In a savings bank or invested in a er and. if no relief has hern obtained, w«* Read thr advertisement, sure. Fill returns received from the Detroit Tweed ring from the Democratic party, will republish several receipt* recommend ­ inunir»|ial election on the flfl show th;d which out it Ik c«mlroi of tin* Stan for a life insurance. AGtHTS WANTED FOR THE term. Scxond, in the light to expel (lie lie discredited the n*Hi**n that the *lel*t. ed tor curing scrah lien by the iwol drugs —A lady, who in 1871 was in the Coo- April «. ISM i Burnett's Cocoaine vfcc Ihq'iitjir.tna carried the city by afomt and ointments ” gross Park at Saratoga, was attacked bv a A biOg-fcH wwat a la not Greasy not flUrky. Ih tuo* rwtic nirtukra ol the canal ring, or t luss l«»nned the larger |»*»rt»**n of the ENTEMNIAL A c«-r»cf f“i (how* who i'Mk<>l »MI majority Alexander I^ewls (Demo which has bora carried through trl < omniunity, and ridiculed the idea of in ­ slag there thal was in a fierce slate and it cvronaewiuhte silk* for rktMrra. erst * was rlevied Mayor over Thomson Top-Drrsslug Meadows. injured her Imdltr. H.e sui*d Uie 0»ngrcMi Kitvt. i« »n * ••tiimi* Tli«' Democrats elected the City Attorney ing nothing tut the loss ot one branch ot the honor of thiscreat nation w ith 10,000,. Tiik ft'stilla of a single tup elrrsaing on ronnlry m*k«* LSI* tSr Ihalmt *rUlu* bosk ever geb- Br* ** 1 *v U th* b*w< com rt« *1 rngrmr- te* tatwrrs s mrmot and Burnett's Cocoaine an«i two Jiedh ’ a . the Male Legislature. It is thus a success lag* sn*1 WAApnera. vUX * fall seroaat ot Ukr i|» wsl*i I hev* ever ****. hart as tb* Bobdaes Rwfractorv Bair. unprecedented in the Itistory of the Dem­ gold Itouds sold for !«**• titan se venty * cat# aamly , warui soil of t>ur State Agricultu park as an ornament and ohiecta of inter- >ronrhlnc rv*nn- AL PtmsHIXU cT).. Chirng>». lit . or M L»eta. ts.> wfvrW ( klMteBy E a; NM*, p(*tftl K*v* Irrw Ek p*r1*wr* 1 LM) Cwxwnn m4 Agrat* lliarleroix County : Greenwood Furnace, ring, ha*e nevrv barn expelletl (mm the nne 89, U m nUMBl pvilMl gras* was rut twice each ncaaon in 1W1 «» • >■«« wm>» ,» f>*. wr * sale4 bco4 tarcatai«ws«. A0dr*so f'bslv'e: *' Nor shall tltn u*ul amount of and UJftV and once in IWU The produce Fair the premium of a saddle and bridle t IS* kMl Btelkl r.v». I* aw _____ Otto PROST a To .MB WohwsbNV.gkteae* Burnett ’s Cocoaine Marquette County. K*Uhli*d»cd —Cn»fU»n. Republican party Tin* altcnqu to ex|*r| IbamM. Hills Ah Wlck.r- them has never t>r«*si made. Tliepropoqil nitcd Mates n*>te»* issued or to be b-ued of each rutting and of rail lot was w ns bestowed up«>n 44 Uie iwat fo»y rider win , f.rvrvr*. Botto m, Mom^rnagr Kalkaska (Vwnty. J. F. Hill, Postmaster, I weighed separately and a perfect record under seven year* of w." Tlie ?«>nng ' VterM»f »» •»»» h M r***Sr* Pua Co exja-1 them w as never !»r«»aeh«'*l by the ever exceed $4(gMM8 ,f(MI.*' On the It k*. |tn* MoltNI vMrlta. m4 It poftimuiier.' appointed —I»ngwood. Isa­ purest or the !mlde*«t men in " the (tarty ot strength of that pledge new issues were kept The results for the four season* Alexander thus fo-atriuitig the Iv axis as taiK<«M»n4 Nfnte t. **y »t.ow» Burnett ’s Cocoaine bella TV amt r, Frank C. McDonald; Sand- great iimral ideas.*' Nor wa« the atieuufi sjccjricd, even in those dark (lays. At were aa follows: On the plot to whkji no Bucephalus will grow to oe a crnlanr in fttit.f PNhi - Tvy It “ It. •" — WIFE NO. 19 Is aeS *. a L.IMU Wash. my t* * —<• r»*l : It *.»•• Mwfc, hr am, BY ANN ELIZA YOUNG. slone, Jackaon County. John McCall; errr made or a |»rop<»*a| vxcr broached in the vary first srw-Vm after the war closed, manure or fertilizer »a* applied the total time.—y. Y. Tribune. ri* . mm 4 r*\n M*. hot rmIn -* • thorn* tm flr(|ham Toeai1# Mstoetltoue Write. Dot*. IK, |Nt5. Uie Ifouae declared (Judge weight of hay yielded per acre was 8,740 , fliTiSM St.SUJ'.SLLTie < o„ Suuanarum, Gratiot County, Walter 8. the Republican party to expel from Ha Ita Dess* XL. Mew l srk TW woly terte I>rw «f Ik om* te ■*• OmmOm I* mm * wr »< lO.OOQ Mate, sa o*4 oommm mao Mre. l was watching kis father lead a i et-lmg ring, the kilckn isLmd rise, the Thk is ill*- same Judge Kelley who now applied the yield per acre was 12,1107 j SmI yr* •*-» i»V-te r<4.» • • r AOO |.r< hht large hog, standing on the gale which District of Columbia ring, io*tead of l»e- asserts that 'he legal-tend«*r " never was pounds, a gain of 4.186 pounds, ^liere j mr.\m*r m4 ik« mmiy morn mrrxm. * w pwMbkH In Burnett ’s Cocoaine to be redeemed. ”—T. T. Krprr»$. three bushels of salt were sown per acre ! Th* uwa of Oetorlm stay ba k*(k K.fiuk ..<( (irrw.a r*n ■,< »SM>y » mm&ismsieh to UM. •jfw-ned Into the pen At a moment when Ing eje< t***l from the lb*publt< an party, rvl from ear hstOv Sse*. hv# iMirnte m>«m< -t'' • H >i’mm4 • > ml < rtrn- II . ■- V »|.. BMtMwEL. lure risen t*> its c**utr* 4—cut pur»<« «4' its the yield wa* 13,ifliw i>ounds, a gain of silvi n hw-i AOIMTfl WANTlP * **•*• ” • **wv the father was oiherw ise engaged the hog hsitsrsi and Hard Monev. Hllffr Tipped Iwn *T«r,*«awi N •*• 'k' Lkaimry •( m* rmmy i empire snd its rule. I'tuuvMiao to Cabl pounds. W'here twenty loads of, T I IM>F I> * wifi »mrW'.a«- obaulaSS taw**, rwrr ->n» S»- ***W>. i s • •* WM L- B. fam "The Beet Thing in the Weet* left the trough and rearing upon its hind net appointm« nts, to Judgesiii)**, to for­ inuck per acre were laid on the yield per SHOES The, or* s n*is>nsl loxluiOos. mm m mro4 rt mmw te Sri S.i^tett^ rmh Ltavwl N Ml M legs, seimi the boy by hb clothing and eign embassies, has la-en the rrwanl be­ A New Kntland correspz>odent of the acre was 13,818 pounds, a gaui per ac re of1 Also try WLrs^JslU New York Drg R* di.NUKy-« JOSEPH BUMKTT 4 60. stowed l*y the head of the li'-pnldican 5,074 (wuind*. Where twenty loada of P ^ rr mm* Mff. .k*« >* an* *U ATCHISON, TOPEFAVsmAFER.IL polled him over into the pen Mr. at much length tl*e c«m*liti«>n and pros klmu of n S wAwr snuwrm-Ktel CAHLF. Karise h flew to the resc ue of his child, party upon the men whom its pruts t>«>n home manure were laid on tbe yield wax i«rrsi* »»«>wi4 prort4w iMrrKM 27 Central Street Boston. e*Miid not shield fr*>M the wrath of the I wets of manufacturrrs in thalsr-i ti«>n . and 14.888 pounds, a gain of 8.224 pounds. era* wtrh w»o»l* vch Uw SCR EW SEW KE'S£~g$llH(ib«J^*n 4 *WI pay fory* but before he could reach him the fero- referring to lularr and v ages present* Uie MmM iteUk i>cnpU\ Worse still, the vrry men who These are result* whieh indicate tiiat there j ( iblr Srrew Wire, VV 1 R t __ __ kSbiuM A NBAS. And Bold rtoua animal had bitian the child severely undonlfieii truth of tlie matter in the derl*. t*oM bewebt om hsd stolen the livery of IVmocrwry to are fl rtili/era which will produce as good ( AMe trr wiraUemra fl later**! (Sts $500. nt» the left arm and otherwise injured him serve the devil In. an«l whom the IVnmr I ration dial the resumption a4 EDM ta pay result* •* plaster For instance, the 0,000.000 A nieuts ” mif-t bring n <4 lower but higher r lUir, iDwcL lo aigbi Arsfta DONT NEGLECT YOURTEETII with his hoofs racy had eiecled fn*m their council, plaster yielded a gain of 61 per cskt., I ritf*HoWlwra saff CXIreertra Bt CKWALTRR Sh ttasken * | Of Kw (ml fsruitnR siwt AlTiciW'iftl Leads ta Asv wage*, lterauae r*suui| 4ion would bring altawtad tn ssd urmr tb* bfwwttta) ( «Mtoavw>d ssd Aifr in of incorporation of the 3^ich chandlers an*I their fellowship, were re­ while the hor*e manure gave au increase* era, I*. M Wall straws. Hew 1 *rk. K. J**r ArksosM VsJloys, lb* Csr-W-w of tho *'rr*. om activity, |H*z*peritv, an enlarged market of 71 |ier cent., or nearly a w»u more' igan Bute Grange have been filed in the ceive*! with ( ffuaive joy into the lhpubli •20 NFufMUm 11 Irarv 1 i rrdtt, vrtili 7 per cent. Inter* VflNBUSKiW’S FRAGRANT can rauip snd court. Yesterday a su< «’e*a and greater deman I. and these things have ra«s |ier acre in Utr three years.—Mtektgan I ret, wib4 80 per rent. IHwconwl office of the bacretary of twain, signed by is thus utterly w ithout precedent, citle r never in the world's histi»ry been known ’inner ittumkau&vKEsr, aiiaiEt HgrpMns Halm for lanpmvewBrwte. J .? Woodman and C W Young, of Paw a# a pr«*|ewal an attempt or a victory, »n n> lower wages The truth i» that if to day Paw , James W Burlington, of lN*rter, the hist*«y of the Repuldiran (»aity our currency were at a |iar with gold the Hew te Treat Tender Plauta That To I*vrrhs*er« <>f Land. Fall Kiver oj»ersti(es might aarcessfally Van Burra County; MaJacki Cox and 8 By Midi efforts, by such viet*»ries the Have Hereinc Frozen. (tar ot h<>ni«. Itiooeraiua) TSmreelaro. wt»x Map, rivtng tat! tntaraiviVsb Drusorracy are sntwluing the prejudice* of strike liefore three month* were ps*t, •5 s«« frwe'. Httw«o * A CYi.. tVCteta, Ms. eel tree. Addrraa t.p JOHfSlrt, P. Brown, of Schoolcraft, Kaiauiaxoo fliwvit.'.yOPIUM rated by DDA BKx K*8 odl^jknowejuvt Settmff Lome Ctewssyiteiliar. Tfoiekrt. fawn w liereas now it is even a question whether the war perhst, snd are winning the sytn- Thk ili*tatn>ui efftrta which tender •me ReroM# »• CM AM Ooontyt A M Pitch, of Albion: Nathan pstiiirsot llte, tha virtu*aui, all me mills ran lie k* pi going.*’ Tiiis is plbuts tiiat liave lierotne an subject $10-$25ru‘Lj^.r^?s^rs mattl cured. Call oe or addxew kl CBM**, of Baltic Creek. Cailtoun the natri(/tir eilirens <4 the l oiled Mole*. not written for iwditicai effect to a politi­ to ia generally known to cultivators; but Forsyth Scales ! cal pa|irr; but is a business view of the at Howe Cf*ut* wsatwd. (total sod County ; George W. Van Akra, ofGirani, An.f the eminence which ia*l<»ng*. to New how or why freezing produces the effect it •12.^S*fL. “ Addrrwi iTt r k a co. a aetwuk M *. Jf. If. Jones, ul Quincy, Branch f'<»unty; York in the Democracy (4 the I’nmu, tiy situation, written hi a strictly bmdu*-** doe# upon plant life u not so easily as ­ pa|H r and it ought to lie accepted a* an flAfA A MOUTH* —Agents wanted 44 b*wt-«r1l- TWO MONTHS FREE 1! Fred (1. Bailey, of Vernon. 8hiawaaee<* virtiie of her unn.atched vh toriea, she certained, and all attempt* herHofore 1 rill tag srUciws t* tk'- wurW. (to* Mmpl« fre. maintain* by a still higher title and with intelligent judgment. made by scientific men to aolve the quea fvJU Add raws J. rmONOOH, Pwtta-H. Nlrh. County; C. L Wliitoey, of Mnekrgno; — • — a more gi ncrous and uoforeed asM-nt, in .... llte country is sufleriag from the lion have lieen, at moot, only partially Eatrwordlnarr THE HEW TORE Till UIE. f-W. Armstrong, Waverly; 1. M llte moral character of those victories. — successful. In practical exiierienm it is TELEGRAPHY*mrats lo frarn st I effex'ts of a Ul currency. The evil is iu ruirrch a XMkwwi Tr,**».,.b * w«(^«w pwtd. <•• snr addrr** On the evening of the 3d James Hots I perativehr c.«l|e*| for. Tra-te i> •tlagnaut. I* wed affect them in proportion to the 1RXK Bowk. Bibl* sad Map CMceask ■sUI ■r f«»r S»i '• • > » that the result [in M;im*i liitH-tb] can duration and intonaity of theseconditi<»na *»; furSlUklrli fori, living at King A Rust's mill on the hardly l*c called a Demia ratic tererre, j gre:tf indnsiries are langui-hing. |*eople A t*n dollar Mtt w/ ITTS soft TNI lTHI Rt’XK, Sow York. are nnpoverisheil hv flic c«mtlnned fiuctc* whh li |iointa. therefore, to the speedy ft** tar Nma.n Addrrs* C flhgtna* Valley A Mi I« Railroad, left and rert.dnlv rann *4 be rlatine«| aa a re- restoration of a suitable temperature aa tilursSUji.VuMukl.V t insiatrnient of l(epuldicanii*n In its for­ ation of values. Ti*e only seu**ilde cour-* , ★ kit house with two children in bed. one a sanctioned by the whole financial histo­ the lies! means of reeterring plants that (LtkA IMIt Lo Aerate 0% avwr articles sad tb* ___ hoi Hgfct vran of age and a girl of four mer p*n>iti< n t*t atrength. It practically have bran unfortunately exposed to frosts ! leave# the ftehl o(»en frit the I’mddentlal ry of tlie work!, ia to get hack at once ^H|H.•*»#• taSal. year*, and went to C. 8. Pratt'*, a neigh (to s|«cie payments. V> rr establish an un- But (lie thawing out ahoulu, in all cases, ,W* y * _ t**. Tlf»* dt cam (ad gw *4 next year, with the neeeaaitv he moderately gradual, and one of the 1 a sswwlk bo antigen* m*a asd worn *a mt I* rwrrbeaer from ms State. SUSPENSION STOCK SCALES. bor, to spend the evening Between eight rxsting u|s»n llie more sm-m^ful Ib-puldi < fluctuating Stamford *4 value Ku delay ! *verj *••*' - • s* Ksr*k. is admitted of iirli hour's mntinuan* e beet thing* to do w hen plants hare become 1 Star V(T| cew in HU bleaawv. ( klraeo T nar chotee owt of FAMILY *< Al.ltta, and nine o'clock erica attracted tiieir at can** of making gmat their often in*.ffetL AND INTIOCNATYh AND iu prom inn of r» f *rm or of l«Ming the of tlie evil makes corrective measures froze©, either in the dwelling, conserve Merabi w* RaMl abwwlwtwfy and 4 S V KK I lin'm •« BCALSR I ten turn, aod looking out of the window m**re dUfirult. — i'ort'nu W ( l/< ) /'ms. t«>ry or in the tqie© air, is to sprinkle the * less :»o ra»Mc*- 70,000,000 ACRE8! they divers red the house •>« Are Pratt little they have gained Bit pe«q»le will For tall par ’tewWi** addrwaa Tbe Beat im Um The Boat SctloKiovi HARDENS THE 0UM8I hold thal (*arty to a strict accountability foliage with cold cistern or well wrater, as OPWls? WAl.KFRdk KKH*HAW. raw. bed th# burning bowse flr«w and rnshe*l ....Of the” Ideal ” nominal rirtVMj the U iuperaturr turns to rise. In thedwell- Tran Stated Assecy. M tears'bcai*. Ntlt*ra'Vetas. hvrbn Vsln. ll imparts a delightfully refreshing —/Aa/**s /W ,R*.« E.rwwrtk asrv*«. W. UaU,ffo. IW To Ok*>ip Awi* (ks ta B*hmht* Mt in to aove the gwl the boy having e*raj«e> 1 having no in1rin**ic value and irredeeu a* iugor conservatory will be net j taste and feeling to the month, remov ­ ble, the New York fi era tag /*.*•! says; earary to start the fire in the store, turn are ftl'TIOt.-l’senifSlra asd trr*aprw*iMe per He never came out alive. !*nt Imrned w ith -----ftfteakia/ the Mississippi election tl w sr* '.(fvria* swew* k*"s s* fyraiav. Xew e« ing all TAMTAM mad MTTMF from j OrrculHW’ks are ftdurtaric* ami agents, or flue the first thing of all, to gtrg the ■tee «stern tn*d* bf lultel TH OLALB Witifx* the child. The lather attempted to get in the UiKaji* Jn(* sad S .wL j. w. FOaSYTH • co., vfrtory hardly h«*|.l» water when the for several bourn, not be allowed to rise tit#. PifUrster* vsi Drfr**. Addroas (sfflMC wkJTlrnrr^pSmimt tb* gram of decay, and whitening such the flam*-* and terribly burned on the head u> r* |*rrwnt rrsl money, But let ( *« Jwtew *f Vtete teoteteS ohh lr«aT*stea fWartatewswd loo I. A KB RT .l NK AOO, ILL Attorney GeorraJli prc« *nihms ateboimt als*ve an ordinary suitable degree. Borne 82501 JoMM WOKTM a CO .ht Leeu. Mw. ■IM OslKaflkca aa1 ar*wrrlh*d hy flrtebte tar »bw aa have become black by decay and fare. in mind, He directed rliwe wat«-h In I cross «taa* t 'o • I that they never ihoM adrocale shading the plants from the anu r*eTs 4w**(te«. « wwtlteiBw. f»t »•*>■♦ ». P»tea, JUST PUBLISHED 1 every dialrlr t and in«4aait re|*orl ♦«> Mm If he re*lreine«l, sn*l lo morrow they wisihl and light for some length of time, but the il. tmertiB. R TKliEl • a«. U»“*. Ktd»*v.< kiteraa. Kt«^4a»d*M SeraoBw Twn Rats eeasqg foe lfl74 fa just pah fall, like our antiHiin leaves, wortUlea^ to ON. 11111’4’M, ISS Wwat klsdlaoa mhj M- rSite**** a*4 ~r»l • Si SS par bmvlw. IMPURE BREATH Hhbed The nwnl population at the time any ii«>lene w r * m . ■ of May) was l,IW,tBl, exrluatve <4 Man -—The iVvnorrath majority In New (Vnfodrralr*. which co|fo|»*«rd la-fore *»nr gradually Increasing heat In a great Opium Ealing. P. ft Bits *\ l.kf'OKrK. 1N0. ENGLISH SONG, r 1 ork State turn* *>ut to k far greater Ilian •yes, might teach os aa notch measure aids their recovery. There Is a 7fl iftrxi and FoxlsIan«l«, In Man I ton County, ^ m THRU r OO THff was sntn i|M(ed, and as full ntitno r**me great difference in nlant* aa regards their Stef S. Sara MS. IWptelOS; ftes WSSb b haa- k at Ira* gate* wted and of the sparsely aeftled townsliipa No. ....Once let a c**mplete ronfklcnee fa • - 4te - •• sas - - _ < Vtete. Will in H ia i<«nd s riowl 17 .(hit A»nmn- atdlity lo resist cold, and while some U m I tb* ostrsrifT* tn tea era i S0Z0D0NT taiSriM Trrm M H R. • and 4 E. la Oganaw County, the rate on ofhtatn the eirrufoting medium l*e established hy •lightest frost will ir^ure brynod cure tVra S*lj»r« awd parml with Ssrtv'sr? ______a. t. rasa e «n . e»rww—w ra i i<-»w*r*,(irarlua. HuDim. Mesa reels. It lo ao harm low* ao wmtor. Hie only territory from shirk no re tarns in 1*73 bahly about 300 people In the un Canal nag m «le* t Its Rriwtldh aa trlemla. agala with impunity. Avoid Haedlhq hfte (j. a trtt< I alt \ CO..T Fa New u . taoMt. Kmet. M|peMlk|Htas Gut* MaM er A One bottle will (met Mi mow the -t'bwy* C'svever . I law, and a wholesome revival would at plants ia a frozen condition aa aiach as SWsstfMatep, flax iffle. trpvht l territory, whlrh would make the once stimulate Into new life the dormant possible, as the tajunr to them will be d* ol Mv*a asd total popefta!inn l AM.881 An enminaHon ——The Foliiipon rorresj»on*lent of business I el err Ks of the country. — TrotUom wd bv P far m TUBULAR HAND LASP. (N J ) Stott down* heightened should the leaves become beat ______AMrw Li« 4 tha taMaa reveal# arveraJ item# which 4e the New Toth Tr.bonf *a>» th.«t It ia gen or he roughly brushed over. To restore isetoe flena . haw Tork •*( Ktewgo anrve notice They show: Total number erally a*ltnlde«l In Wadon?t<*t that Mr ... .What Is nee* led to make rotmiptl* ■ flowers that have Iwraw frozen, plate JFJYULSShTJS** “ • 4 male*. 807 .f*M: of fWmafe*. 888 ,847 ; I bandkt a™ryu#*l 4*. be* reVU)ship ot • rwnpwrauerly eewy Is the removal of the them ia cold water until they have thawed JA the Interior Tor two r* s-ou- Flr»y to n«e males forty flve and over, I If, 140; h causes which keep tlarcarmw y *lepr»* inf* out. —Home Fbrioi. lady teoM, f its iiniiM-nse machinery hr d«i him to lha sf snd the adoption of a |M»llcy which ■‘flflihftiBiyatfiT tea or ••hr* fprty and ovgr, IH.TW; populathm Senate w Ih*U the time eonn*s - amt seeond, viJI hrtug it to par w Ith roia. One *4 the - The death of fVmgTresmaxi Her! Fite, as rent v Ire amt on*. PWVij nwmlwr of to aid Gen. Grant in hie third term asntra- of TiUMmse, makes flve deaths lathe WANTEitar-j: ••Itpeddhn# oer * most important thing* is the restomiioa of t r*v*1 fharrieil males, 38 .141; anmlier of wkl ti f c*mfl*l» n* e tiy • cessation of talk which memlMuahipaf the next Oongives. Mr. £T AAdriw*n*U >nlTa i COi . Clsds »i.tstr" iwm /» and dir««r* c*l male*. lA.thM. singh* shoves a dtsptadlJnu to evade obligations — Fito'a predera —or ilan died before he Uw* to tkte e *nw*j*f rwrwwrtartar | FtryM fi Ta*fi\Ei> i^optt 4M1 ga to It lei Itrpfl $tr $lWr rr. er **ed tat a An rfoy*. t Bevfea Uiobt could take ht* eeat. vfn» rw*k*f i*k* *te thin ales. AttOfll: married females. fM.tffh; < hurth U> see a Iwntilifttl girl tnarrhif, but MBMWIW S WNBErga «. Cweal MJ if It rains an &und «v they MaJnT wd|/* reeMkg IMS Ocsbra. reraewawldlwk- flees iflsvaere. w raew. fer ato flMeROah tkiovwJ and divorced females. 32.trt4. K an was has almost a monopoly of ths o/ / f^wrsst'jzgrtsiz: goes of tegM, N IS a raefata dga tkal a »H4, Mletai aMMeuarians. 18 ; taxable lends, JM V.) - nhlvstloo of tbs castor bean A can ey uefl by KM W, p. June# al Knmton, am, ratafee seff • imK i w )aee«tra Is ratetrad, aad buss WaTWkSk »•wa fe hwi Mstel%p n x *Wint 5toToy Take it itu hi* a preseii toradl hnory has beau started el Fort A 4 • CA fv ana. A vast array of st iti4ki *r» [Hipnlatlon nr ffl ftflft - an inck-a**. of about III Jot Walking by the b>d ta4d»et marked ia. TarraeTi Cfforvreeeet Aefttar Aferleet •UTU MM t ft, CM It MM I ft. icon. oral v# la muiS, h attraettaf scholars mmtm sflraM he st sees rsewried to. •ftp Ftfremofy I»*ef8s*ing fi.OUO during the last two year* from all ffwarters term opens Dec-A AOtJ> flY AU DNFoei