Clinton Independent Clinton Independent mi (wimiai . tv tm Mtvn ) •ATM M ADVERTISING. ----- ------p la. iUTTUTWc nTToJ. Our *Nk ........ft aM$1 Rrffl«*•$*•*§$•» $* uu • **" »nk* l t *& a m> « at* 7 anix «•* Tfare# waplH iwtiuali mjio mi is in OOKBIT 4t E8TEB, Kunr wrnrtm t » Tb, 4 to • au^if uni* in -L no Clinton Independent. Thrum aotlkl. I bo 6 no 7 oo tt fleflu in JO uu Mix aotdi.... • ftM HMI0IUI4 HO W (JO-46 <M> Mtae month# . 7 eo to eo it eo ao to it oo>« as Twflrt month* • *1t «MS «)M ont» o»ao « iMhiVtM >irt»t«, |1K. la limtAlbr Mpm Logoi Aduf tiwan ti at •taut* raw*. ti Mi7 tW»Mly.u4 pJkrlUkiti Marriage aud Death MoAaaa free »«•! b* la baud VOL. X.-NO. <;. Bu 8 bmi Card*, fee Mar* or aadsr. fi prr y*a publication the ST. JOHNS, MICH., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18 , 187 .5. WHOLE NO. 474 . Local Bu*i or** Nottoee 10 east* a Ha* la* flrst, I aad t moralag aj the llth aad hi* speedy recovery was The Pacific Rlnaster. am aiers ay irm«. IS THR 0 ARHRT. haul's foadol Ii«>|k *s, it bring nothingclw Kve, as perforiucvl hv M«>rmon* lirfore DfilMTIUL LATEST NEWS. ronddeatl) expected. The net amounts received fr«»tu all sources than the conversion of the Polynesian they are truly uniUvl in marriage, lake* Forged. coupon ticket*, purporting lo Maa F»*n« lsco, Nov. *. mi Internal rnesiut) during the last As< al veer Whiri the slender w**|>* oa the windows rare to Mormoai*ai. The work was to place. This comedy Is one of the most Uk*. iu tba several HUUs Is given SS follows . from• 111 w mills aud evaporators are iu have heea Ids M by the Ilhaota Central Rail row 1 A dispatch |fr«*ni Port Townsend this crawl, coiunsrare in the Hniulwich Island* and TW Prince of Walea waa fee recipient Alahams........ fill,MIS Missouri........ $4 VM.N’iS extraordinary fcaitires of MormonIsiu. To full bla*l all over Uk * West, turning out Company al* ( hr.»go, ware offered fur sal* la evening oavs : And the spiders «t«c| . oa the time worn wall; continue southward. Uitmon had cruised tire Kanaka It wa* the grandest and most mi a aapttcMi wr Woar at Bombay oa fee 8th. Art/.<>!>• ........ iu,saa M«main ........ M h«S hundreds and thousands of gallons of m«»- New York cify )|« llth. Henry P. Jclley, suppoaed to lm the ArXsDMs. ,. 7. IMS Nebraska. ... iV4,4.Z among tire islands of the Malay An hi* natural idea they ever heard of. It Uirew lasfxw. The crop of rane grown tliia year Among those participating acre aexeatv »»ih« sole survivor of the Pacific, brought here lit the dusty attic I sit and gase «sHf4.n»is '/jm.ar> Nevada .......... ’$.14: At the rutty relics of other days; pelago, in which are some of lire largest them into ersta* re*. They went to w«>rk is larger than any crop ever grown be Prtaeaa aad Chtefe Ow Rfti.UU) spectator* wit A State ConventjdP New Hautp- yesterday by the *h)p Messenger in a C’e4«rs(U . ra.vu N. Hampshire WM.S1X ahire Frwbib Uonlsf* Wl(,^»rk la (J Dcurd on the (•aMClirat.. («.W New Jersey.. fl.wa.rjs and finest ialaads in lire world, inrltufing with a will, and in a very brief time the kre. wretched condition, having been nu a raft and worn, they are Mowed away llteh. A <1 Kendall w«* p'seed la aomlaailoa Dakota .......... *»%«•New Mexico . «t «s& Broken Borneo, Bumatra, Java, Olelies, H»-. lie foundation* of the temple were laid, with According to a Singapore dispatch ol thirty-six hours before Wing picked up, Under the rafters rough and gray. Tuk manufacture of plate glaa* in Mis­ f«»r Governor Delaware........ see VII New York ... Iflaat.aas had acted in the capacity of Prune Min Iuipaio^ and solemn r« reiuonieH. fiver souri has liven attended w ith such sucre*** the ath il»* Malay* *«rt orgaalalag lo •rear* the says the Pacific collided with some other D Columbia 111,CRT N (Sirolioa ,. l.S IS W4 later to oar ot the native Princes, waa 1.UU0 Kanaka*. men, women and chil­ ** let tea of IW Brltbk from tha ooaatry. Thomas A. Doyle (ltep > has been ft - veaacl whoae lights he saw, but in his Florida .......... 1*4. f 47 Ohio............... I4.fl2a.*1 All things her* hsva a faded hue; since its commencement that that indua- Oswnfta ........ M87.IS4 Oregon ...... 47 SB All Main olden, and nous are a*>ar. well 'enwri in native character and na ­ dren, all drcaaed in white, with Bible* in try, though only some Uiree year* old, ia A London Jwpatch of the morning of sleeted Mayor of Provldeace. R. L, for lie truth inten ieam with GHkey, Captain of the Mafao............ 11.1s* Pr trnsy hanta. fl.IW.MM ture, and had some know lodge of the dia their hands, wrn- In attendance. Among time. Messenger, lasting twelve hours, he made IIIluols.......... !Y.fl*:.aes Rhode Island. mi.JB? now on* of the movt lm(x>rtant of the tha ath mji th# great powers had determined la Clothe* that our ancestor* used to wear I ret and general information well fitting Indtaua .......... (Vi).SW H. Carolina .. 1S»,NIS the religious work* imbedded in the cor­ State. uk Turkey If *hc had aar guarantee* to o€rr for The new Minnesota Legishitnrr |g po no mention of the lights of the vessel, and ftileally hang in the stifling air. him for the ambitious work in view. He ner ate me were the Book of Mormon and Iowa l.Ofln.USt Tsaiieasec. .. SHVfl.O Some iilanters in the San J«feqtiin Val­ Um raldilmeut of har often broker promts-* of Htlcally divided a* follow*: Mcaate (R-fishtteans, •ome think him laboring under hallucina ­ Kaasas .... 1JIS.MM Toss............... wa* besides a warm admirer ol Use Poly- tion as to that. KxperTenmd navigators l»r.44M B»g* of feathers, and herb* long dry; the Bible, iu the Hawaiian and tire En ­ ley, Cal., have U*e.u exj*criiuentiug iu •4; Opporitl a. IT. Hoa*a RepakUc^,^, S5; Op- Kettiackj ... t. Vt.lWft Cut)........... • 41. MA nraiaai* a* a race, and the Sandwich 1* 1. glish language*, and the Koran, in the na ­ l.ouUlsua. ... Vermont ......... 41.M1 1 Kile* of newftpapar* long laid hy, coUon culture, and liave raised from one- posiUoa. 41. here think it more likely that she struck a ander* he considered a* the Romans of tive Arabic, a* written hy tlie IToph- The Turhiah Ambaasador at Vienna hu sunken rock. Jclley makes a statement Maine ........ ior,mi Virginia ....... 7 NAS.AW quarter of a lode to four bale* per acre, boon NaamMl to 1'CHMtaatiaople to aaoaue tke The New York Legislature stamD at* Marriand *.7tlV84 Washington ,. SI.I4S I Telling the new* of a by-gone sge that race. While talkiug over the great et. Alter the ceremonies were over to the follow ing : Masaac buaetla Z.S70.4S1 W'**«sl Virginia On each musty and yellow page; 500 pounds to the bale, on lauu tiiat was Ministry of Foreign Affair* follow*: Scania K< pnbluan*. *1; Deiuocrais- 11- Me.ivu ente rprise he did n <4 tail to places Hri,igliNtn a ftplcndld feast followed. The Took cabin oaaaagt* on the Pm ifit from Mtehixaa ..... 1 avi.NK W'i*T4H»sia .. 4.7TS* MSN as the great central figure, upon whom not irrigated. lloase KepahJU an*. SS; Democrats, SO. MmntKota ... M v: ! choicest fi*h in the sea, tlie Uvt Additional letter* bare been received Victoria, leaving aliout a quart*-r |>ast Wyouiinx .... 1I.S4J , fi pools and spindle*, in uoe no more— m far MUstsalppi .. tfft.)«V the glory aud renown of the work would i ciN-oanut* ou the inland, oranges A as we can learn from our ex­ from oiaaWy. the Afrlcaa nylurer, giving the r*- Accortling to the Chicago papers of fee nine on the morning of Thurmlay, the Thickly are strewn on the dusty fl.**. change*. the manufacturers west of the i*isti i i.BHira. fall, but in hi* *ocrct heart he cherUhed from Hawaii, tons of nutritious /W, fat •«it of kl* cualMiiu* of the *hor«* of tha Vic­ llth an arrangement had heca mad* by th* ^lh lust. There were about 300 isoph Alleghenies are ex|>erieacing more of a toria Njranaa. lie coaVrm* wpckc'a new, (hat Lskc Shore, the Mlchigaa t'mtnl and the I The number of distilleries registered dur ­ A cap, with a tarnished plume and chain, the idea that he hiiuseif would be hailed dogs and the flesh of other itniinal* were n l« Mini Steamed all day against That grandfather wore wbeu he went revival of btiainea* than those further tha great lake la oa* hudr of water, aad not a *e ing the year wa* 4,7Nfi, and the number to a* the mighty prophet of tire Polynesian*, spread in abundance. Kipikona, under- Fort Wayne Railroads to pool their earning*, j a stiufheaster, the crew c<mstantly tralu; east. There are, however, many sign" of rlra of uall lake*, aa held by Dr. ljTtagetoor. It was also staled that all the other Hue* would operated. 4,fK)fi Of the number operated AVI lie was using Brigham for a purpowc, and I standing the Kanaka nature, «u aware pumping water into tlie lioats to trim were grain distilleries, seven molasses distill* the Prophet wa* using hi* new' and /cal Uoti religion to a hungry Kanaka wa* a a general movement.
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