
SUction Salt* tri Real gotott. «3iiaa-iom« -Dante--*-JgnvUtm Saerirnc.it©, c. P. I)*!y.-..iinlseiiarta_t Maller -Judgment for pUtnUff .?..Y000; An.unti. Ca., Pioooooj Oat, Kelby ag!, atiiplaftl.-Tlin naw Coila, section 1.2n7, provide* AVO_tM.aa_. 0OVERNES8.-By A Session. N. . Ifioh., MULl-rJU XLVIth CONGRESS.II«l i«liai.i).i.i: Hvraense, T #100..)'*'; M.irqucito, bu.* iiiejutlgnieiit i* to be dl-charfed by ibu (tramr clerk. RESIDENCE. AliJtJAjf'BL Lo cosKstedceanesred lae as tn a ia* p-enn.. Tyler. Tex.. oilier*..Th. NURSERYyanacrooog ~~loaf nqraery ya $lU4»..*a>; La.iciiaiei, if7S,(XH): nx jiii!-i* v tn tea.-ii Vny «tfL Uurn* and 1pBEAF»^ familyfamily; _oaoobiecaonolrtecaon to har"leaye tbe etty; 3»>>,OiH>; Greenville. f*. C., r|i-0,0«*>. Tl* comantte* ral T- i.,' t ,ls eanri rentl.ired In April, a* town, abont one AUCTION KI.fi RF.rORT OF PROCEEDINGS, bill iii their fsvur willi ItmTtr tor Mile mr re*ide-ce Tarry ULAR als sneed io n pur; favorsHi lbs BepaSe spproprl- l-*- , ci.Ulled -liedifimUiiit to.liidume.it on A largo alon* PEREMPTORY n in «i of th* 'rtaUon. Jlreadxvay. f,£s-^£^.wwfclt-M-Boxi>a-^> at wi st point covsio. otlng for tbe ef preparing cir-lo (1'ic.Ina :igi. Horner.."idi-r mUs^ontll u. -n home: nra ali.koko octuagk eid.osH) t-urpot-o .¦ benin* wi h belonglug slessat SALE of to lu* kn cn a* Dupont Martur loitrt.Chitviurit.Hv Juatice Goopp,. e«ryaVdntoicnl ami -.Utile, gr**,*-,- &c.A widow to fro out AM-.VD-D the (ny Washington, de by tl ' ERKD BY THU 8.NATK.THK CTT. DHL ls lu a braise siutuo of I>.tr. luster Unlni Freealone ag- DufTr..Motion u\¥tX'"ol"nr^rwrfoone*bmi** tho lawgrapery, tally dav to w_»_ or ira- ot do Ssas* MT Wast Circle," in which be erected xOonipaoyHMehn-iiu.-JW memoran¬ house. wiUifrult and vegetable garden*.; bauu-oraoesp.; OT WASHING, *lta-.ag. .A DCLI. SKSSIDN OF Tin: HOISK. Admiral Dupont MM wltno-at eoeta t/uict* sat jlne tim .iee* are larg.-, and lt la.iuoof tbe many 30th-s_, top floor, front. ^_ Pt Ile:* uh.nick dum. Fisk sgt. Mad.un"; Tanney Birt. ice; nlaco*. on the t***t li»uk of the Sat- Dnelgor nudaon._ 9 HOUSES AND LOTS . ¦- SENATE.WASHi.fQTOK, April 9, 18S0. tgf. Hnf/cnli. rg Bari ag. Kinney nytiDlne Ab.cr an nf shoutaeyeotsen years, I can guarsn X.i.MIWTION'S. I'lill...lt an.I Bonton Whiling Compuar agt* Walter! "xpcrmnco 1|,ha teen healthy. .,, .. ,. flitnaiione CUanuo.JOaUt. In tlie Senate to-day t-he Hmm bill relative Bean aa.. Tonne!* Mutton* grauiel. I.iacknr agt *A awi AND '.>..The President sent act. to Justice, of the Peuce In th.* Tefrilsrles was sassed. Washimuon. April leiili.-Motion dbnnlaaed. laoui'k* HngeliiHiin..MoUijnI*vlu ltx-_n_^atagrsatl^i|sle.. fA$jL^mjmmmim the io ike i-emue Hus afternoon i ceri int. liir llut/an (iranltn . n .ipany ant Mamore 227 VACANT LOTS. * eosehman who thor- The Hons- bill Hruiroprtatlng fri^O.OOO for a publ.c tunld- teargas aeaUaatioos ta ssa. sn abort calendar. Kear¬ .SEAT of 36 flores, situated tpOACHMAN..ById* "f to ta of thc ac.. Lyman..Onler* placing Haberman ur.. COUNTRY lt ml cs \J otishly understand* basl-ess: also ths esra sad tesla, Pa'ui wo* W. J. r White, l'liilailerpM*. r-toperx-isor ney art Kearney i Page »*t. Hough i between Harlem and New-Haven Italln.a.1*. CO, ins ot y. u_t» borae*: Uv* years' flrai^lsas cl.y releraaes frost ingat ah, Kv., pa-sort. etivii* fur Hu lal luirirl of rrtiU'rlvaiila. John W. lUrr. HeaUUU-: sdmicr Her am. Frans; lir.ix.iagt. On* rim¦Idi-ncc A bulbing*; three ''irhrtnl. o fruit; THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE nooMeotuato tAeeoanti-* atnted that the of Louisville, to ba United State* nisi- lit Judge lor tho Dla Well itruxxn Kent fiom Now-Yor't: plain fur WILLIAM. laatem-oyar-, -arrlMt no tssm Mr. MORRILL (Rp., Vt.) appropria¬ Waahinrtoa Inauraaee. -mpany t sgt- uci* land of O',a quality anliablu building. UT i willina; aad obliging. Address J. W- i» West Md-ss, ou by thc ir,ct ef Ktntiii'ky, anSccv.rnl pos.tnaalcr*. »*t. p.tgt'; Bower*agi. lisrni Kinslou. act. gramar, MATHEWS, Monti.. Vernon I'oat Oin rc. OF NEW YORK tions for public buildi gi favorably neted BUiddanl T racv Smith Hos j Miller tu «Ct. ltowl*.i.l; agt. Sgt air!. Zeller a first-class men; will .MMfttee during tbe pres* nt Congress amounted agt. Kaaoln..Onlt'Tanf tlivoiulliUsneo. c'lSm-ll _ T PLU8HINO..FINE HOMES.Omit im- WILL SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, OW pOACMMAK..By_.** come well recommended from bis former Hlato an- v. wafer Hot Iv Sys* sfsstorsra, Oas .1.026.SOO. C05F1RMAT10X& Holden agt Alcoi linnhe* sat »bnith.-Ale«aBdar i\ provemeui* ; abiuidaiu ry pun> (" be 531 Hd-ste- or by note to THOMASlt W. tx- ptiinicil gtisn-aa. Wadaworth ant. nnimlcv.-MoUou denlSdj tcm'ri- thtxioiigh*.tvera*o; elevated Incition : vorv licallll- aeen_st _ for of there- 7..The Sonnie, iu all frit* . oiivoinciicMll ii lu*.! il al let BC- TUESDAY, APRIL 20, 1880, Tbe ri-soluthtnt prinlln? lO.nno c.n,le* Washington, Ap.il tee opinion. ______« Mil; tl mr st reeta; g.*; to Vi, a married man aa first- thc following noml- ,, om snnrlae to midnight; commutation altst.. of the KBteaBstagteal Osauaisstea ob tao Kaeky ccn.ive ssastos ytt-t iday, coiiflimed ullin-fi wanted. Get AT 13 O'CLOCK, AT THE KXCH.VNOE SALESROOM, COACHMAN.-Byola** coachman! ls a good aad eseefal drrver. thoroa-hly iona Bte 7't Seut* ncr trip Juat the hnnt.cn particu¬ understands ni* bualnas* can be well reeora mended byArti. Mantels Loons! uinl 6.000 eeplse Ot the report aa So* natloas: ARMY PROMOTIONS. lar* of A. J. tsTj-VK.NS, 17ii Ilioiulxvny (Koo-i-H* NO. Ill BROADWAY, BY eisss familiea of thu city. Address M. C. D. .los 17. Tiikoae ology were passed. ( hnrles A. Adam*, of OOead*', tone Mlr.ir.liT IloAltlcnt ami V ;itown ofllce. l,'.»8 Broadway. MewYors. the of 111 1.1*1 '1 I'll* '.'. Itel! l-l Ile. lo Helix 11. LONG BRaANCH and vicinity.'I'o.let.. Tu.* Roues p'so'iition authorising printing COIII Lana .> to au rooina. to WM. ADRIAN H. MULLER dc SON. Auctioneers, 30,000 of the rep *l on Hie minmi.ernie of sugar sn ll mae. of Cali kirala, to be Register of Hie Washington*, April 0..Lieutenant-Colonel ATr'uriilslicd cottages. Apply a augie Swede ; 35 years eaptee "1:1,.* ul . LAM': .t co*.. Ki*. Lon/ Branch*, N. SITUATE ON from heals, prepared by Cora..'tattooer Le Dae. was fen-SUV!!'*, I-|, . Mass* I. Ocurge 'i linn. Corps n. Bngtnerrs, lo be Cnlnnoi. Major J._ THE VALUAHLE PROPERTIES COACHMAN..Byof ase aa coachman In the country t tea reata* ssa*** tu,' resolution for tbe printfog of Postmasters Piano** I'. Vine nt at mnage Cit", i.** a de- eueej good reference (Liit'ieran.) Addrsss H. NEILSON, 38* passed: riis*., Boase for the i, ii-re. bi llor-eliesd*, N.Y.i H. P. i"'f.v '" ReadlOir, BearyI* Abbot, Oorpe of Bag-were, to UeateasBt- MONTCLAIR..To let, .nrnl-lied, THE BOULEVABD, Pad-eat., fiiootlyn, N. lioo.ono ennies of im* report (*f ihe Commissioner at Middletown, (ih'.o: Oeorc H. of llphifal conntry hume. 19 rooms, heridsomo grounds. Y._ mi; additional Mich.: Lewis Lawbrlghi Co one!. Osrretl J. !7() wa* passe !. ii.ir Lu atman' J..lui li. Lillie, of Malue, lo bu a Second- tn* captain. Beeo-it Lleattasal i« a USONS, 70 ce lar-at and Montclair._ ST. NICHOLAS AVE., a calling *x f'"ii>-iof _agtnorTS,te Mr. LOOAN (Rep., III.) submitted reaolntloa I in lin* ll fl.Kl lo be First-I.leit- bli o.-aye., harness store. tu reien ncc lo thc reenI mutilation ol of Osa¬ William M. Hlack. Corps of Ki.ginecra, A T ORANGE, M. J. (neighborhood specialty). 3D. STH, AND 1OTH.AVES., for info.' manon Tee Benaie Meeta il the fnliowlng neiuluationa ho Can- _A .iToiuitv fin-aalc and rent ail varletlea* gteat bar- one of the e-nleii al West J' 'in'. tenunt, FiistLleiitciinnt Murrin K. O'Dri^n. to HAMILTON. l»a fW .'*. NV- 61ST, M-Sr, WTH. Tf.TH. 77TH, 83D, 90TH. 90TH, pOACHMAN and GARDENER.-By a mar- Mrs-.ia (aOe.ii., Cona-I md .MAXKY (D.u.i., ma CnperviarT*; Cfivnlrv. 8ecnii(l-L'i*ii!eii:mt jurtn*L_ 12,ST, 13STH, 137TU, V/ Heil man aa coachman ana gar-ener ; la a goon groom ana BATON *4. Isl l>i*txict of Mfaisaippl: John Tx. lam 2d United Stale* .7TII, 1'JJl), USO, capable driver underatsnils the raisins of etable-* and tnt Tex.) ibmig >! tuc ic-ti.itioti premature. Jo>,n Barton. f<*r tbe to I..- ITWt-Lleutenant M Pulled LANDING.FOB SALE-FARM of A>D ref SO ns to rec, il, s' Ix nt l,. llltl !'isti..r ef Frederick-. Klnaburv, PROTON fi icsulcute; HOTH. 10STHSTH., caro ol noa era. or woald take chare* of a «cut.e_i»n'* place Mr*. I/.., AN niO(lUI,*,l bi* resolution Ball, to be Major 7th *U i'll acre*, tiiltnbln fur gclillciiiin's country Hi st aa to Addres* ialu bis Mis-:t«i!.pi._ Braics Cavalry. Cantain Bdward on ho wesialio o! tho Veal Hood, om* milo dasi roiurenre houeaty and captbUlty. fis the Pi,*..-.ii,-ii*- to transmit such Information Slate* Cavalry, hi cami Lieutenant Henry II. lu. ansi Albany INCLUDING THE ELEQAKT HOUSE ono week O. 9'J East wouiu not b-' raeeaiMtiole witb tnepuollc Mi¬ Hulled north of -tatton, munna.cling extensive VlCW* of tin* HuilNuu H., 14te-*t._ ludguie'it. 'JUE COURTS.' lu* to Fir't-l.leuicnai.t Dili United states C*v- the land 1* fully covered xcith appin*, pear* and oilier i irks on tbi te. "lu: iv: , Mr. L -iii saul the Wright, Biver te, ci s. I rem ullx. Kccond-Lnalterant LmiU Wilhelm, to 1.0 l'll'-t -mall trulls ned lt all andeecultivation tm* hui'.linga com- NO. 1,908 FIFTH-AVE., Pin.ii GARDENER.-By a reports recanting the outrage irer* meal exiraordiaary, ami other outhniiiiinga; tho COACrH\iANlandTsw-ile, married man, no children; Uioiooghly corns-Men. t Lieutenant l it Unlied Btate* Infautry. g od barn, lcc-_ou*e BETWEEN 85in. AND 86Tn-fi,*ui.. Ind.) supported tho r;*soIu- MBS, ou KOW .viii* clah--*. 'ino¬ A., 99, Omeo, Mr. VOORH-JM from ir-tiMuw in th« soaaooAT-'s an romalo mortgage, RAL VERY'DESIRABLE Bojc TrtOuneJDptoxTn tAtfS Broadway._ Hun. IIo regarded ilin;.rt ol Ibe Mi iinl w ll gi nu A. A. Anistin ls detached from the norfolk Navy hiK-'i''*. i year* mployer; geo. heea driven n-ny bj a svstvm of conduct on of wes on lbs EHiK SALE..A nw BRICK ABSOLUTE, ticmeii eau ab be *.-en If required. Address W. p., Box 37, i") t'ei* I '-i'.< ml t i ii nil Rlahop Praucla McNelrucv, Albany, SBd ordered io the RlebnuiBd. Pasaed-A*alafaBt tlirco-story a Tribune wu Ofllce. 1,238 tho SlUUeillb there disgraceful witt M a Merrill Turd, sad or¬ J noCHK; atora room below, 13 room* sliove i also, atnch ls mate by orilsr of tbo company, umlor the following In¬ !'pto Broadway._ mx aid, ti ill oceaaloua, to every fciud ot lnve*iigttion, at i".'t t -..ii v io som t ilks he had >i.ii.e,in lobu r*. Branston! from thc Blcbmottd, of Stove*, Un lin-, louis Se or v.iri ault store only. Thi* lias sn rm.i- I nm itel io «a*l*l some eooversa- io arrival. n ¦' -i.ia.l iur ttvei t xv. ely Imf owner moves lo structional a Swede, sin- mid t-> sxxi-l public opielou, In linn.!' several v. ar- ego. Ila narrated dered report r co rears. reference from lau In detag lt, io hiimun zr- mnl civ.lire, if Md possibly of ttaeharaeterof mai in ibt* Spring. Address J. H. HKLsrolt. 20- Stele- OF COACHMAN"ofOROOMi.Bynie man; country preferred; good Foin I. Toni onfftd le ta lieii* lawbleb abe gave ber opinion si. ot li -l r. N, MUTUAL LIITS .INSURANCE COMPANY employer. Adores* JUL., Tribune Uptown Offlce, 1,23d to Cblls.liiD se. Weal la her dress, A man was once asked liow lie inul Iii*. wife v._ Iiruaiiway. . lone, or Ih* institution nugh! lo n- »i>vlt*hed, Blsbpp Baron, lief..nnd a-thtng peeallsr rn .coiner*-. NEW-TORK, _ eonduci this luatlmtlon »u go! iilmiL' with sn little friction In thc amtly SALE..Al a biirffsiui a surmrban nti- If lt is Impoeslhle le un,i th.'U-i.f .sh,* .s.xiic raiioBal'y. "Well," said lie, - when we fl ra married x»e both I/"Oliden.nu .Psi nc. near Nowsrk; house ung-; esr- No. 146 bu. a nwAY. April 5,1880. steady younsr roan wants humane ll o.ij'li! to goaown. ss i bss had ra civilized uiui prrnelple*. I. .1. (.lux rr, ri r formei ly le this city, xv ,ni,al our own way. I wanted to sleep on 'itieii hon* ,n*i gronnd*. will rmi rt.riu*>hcd. Holli* K Qa.vn.lMT.V: Tho Finance -uinrnlttec of tula company bave SHEPHERD..Aemployment ahcclierd long experience in Hi's aemlnur* oj war to lB»pire lawyi praetlslng .'*. -J'-'.. nuncr Ht ..tlatti.l and four in lila country; undo, stand* MS There ls ronielblng ... Mrs. Merrill hv a lat¬ mv wire rottooi r,n.i we eonldn'i agree. WINANX H., Broadway, to .-ell am lion tbe a lui year* \oiiug iii ii x. ni: :t inri of la»te fur brutality and blo4»d lesilOed thal he was Introduced prrferred to tbe barclay-*-_ aut'iui i/a l you ul public properties boi-luco* tborooglilr excellent reference*. Addreas UHKP. nu in the Finaliv we talked Ihe inaner over, and canis ot thc l.a.io Broadway. that w amusing. I lake stock ter from Bis-ip Hint.n. nf Portland. In tho Spring of it in live in ooi.st.int ul; s.\ 1.C..A very desirable pirro in flin uf which ls lue I'.sO'i berala. Tlio Intrudions coniuilt- ilMth, Tribune Uptown Office, perfectly mau eu . ar< oft If ls (...nins!,,n that wa* unchristian Hbn Moa*, iluii-u bc«t ivnalr. tlioti'-iit teal tbi* y.iti*!!- bis a will she had made a ennuin ii, *e,l on linen, and have got I, Village ot kbrldge, roomy, tes am that von sbiill still owry piece ot proiierty pnt no mun ri ti* nix BUBO. lifespan .*. thal Inti si,e cline t. bbl office wita lil.Ut titi;, ao we mixdrrn convenience. ruinii-n, h itb-rnom and cloael, ho. inul fTSEFULMAN..By a colored as a pau- ao-iudui'i! Hen.('-us wth all ti* nt ever ainec." ixvu act-, a of laud. absolutely witfinnt any rcei-catlon wti.i.aocvi r, ami wiihoui \J try baud or to attend to a oe tor'* borae. or do any otbss ef ontmee* tUal ! bave known committed upon y,ar before. She said she was nol satisfied elong uer, Finale -Hex stalls) sad aboat that arch a syvtess I *>.-!; i-i. Hl-'tloP ti. intervention of .u"n- ny liidd.iiir, i.eiii'Vliiir kind of work; city reiereuce. gini Weat 37Ui-a... so floor. young men from mv own Congressional Its lt gave 9-0,000 to Tieket-holrler in n eoiiperativo society, ka sr u iii HTOCKBHIDQE SAVINOS BANK. coora* cannot fail to fnauro ouafldenee to nurcliascra. and Tfcxa*) levered a thorough, com- plOT-UOU*. ricket lo in in one .f tin* nih lia id houses r'ru te rea) estate Intere-ia lu (hi* city, a respectable Mr. MAXllY (U-iti.. '.ut- .»-*,<.,< no to Arebblebop MeCloskcy. showing sbopiu willala, be adTaatagsons WAITER.Ina" private family.by pb tc, :uil-care, nu- Investigation Into thia alleged Bacon, ef I.i.sin.-ss--" I lu-Hex-, you allow twopoi e In fin* »bll- CV)B BALE or to LET nt IRVINGTON. 'lld*, cu. pun x- i* rettrleied by law from liouiinj? real i-Htate T lTotc.-ian. man le a thoroughly competent waiter lias tu thc newspapers he true."he i*A.0(*0 le Caroline Salter, some small beejursts to of tho New Civil Brrvle<. Housekeeper's a limbed tune, mut, furtlcritiere, doc* not desire to exccbuni city reference tor auroral years. Addi*** EXPE rm:.*. MH thc reports Hue members beyond nt Hie valuable it baa ac- -road¬ Mihi, "ii is oi oui)' brutm, but n ii contemptible sud lo other friends, ai dall Ibe realdne to ihe N,>u-York c ,i"i|iei':.iiv.> snooty I" l»hopmaii." Yes, slr, bul we ELEGANT STOIIK ITOUSI (d'.xOfl Iliirn groBBdsover- xvn iii,old tnun lfu|ircvi*uii paici-la THENCE. Bot No. 108. Tnbune Uptown Ofllce, 1,3*38 however, bes tn tied l.v law a one ijinicd. Tm percent of the parebnao money to bo piiM.it way, for taree day*. ciiwaidir. Coi'gre**. g;ive lum dlree-tloae for drawlaga don't allow lt oa lesa than shilling." Tlortct-holijcr looktug the ltudeou River. Oas, wstor, .e. Every posstbls in lld on of dead, and vi rx- ef mokine y iu'o mat- iio-i'iti.i. Bbc then come io Ob. very well; luuo of 8 lc :u) per rent Uay-s delivery c mri fur ih*- purpose luquil (whose pureliii-"-* teupenre)." ll.,|.luVi 111, !!t. seal may remain i n bond ami moiiKaico.it 0 per cent¬ less hke Ihla. tr_enth.il report I* made we will have new xv,ii. ni.Un,.. Hill ap Bseea tl." residuary legatee. e.xe ino a twopenny pencil: that'll make lt square.". SUper ¦. Prcaident. ftiinicih'iir-' tani'ih in-lf a of pow*phih r rom r-." wan end i« tbe xviii Fun. . itv property or mortgage* taker, in payment. s', H. WINSTON, fjcip IDiinteo nev.-; to inv Tina wll; afterward executed, ______ts, itooin i. No, '., biti ix Mr. DUf-KSlD-iBep.. R. I.)..'.in 1,J lin- for some grap -i._ BOOK ile I on any cnn;*! offered for probate*. T.iey lathed together MAPS. hnowlediv l»*en |.i*i*|i.*t. premedi¬ »;ui; S.iLE or TO LET..Furnished for Sum- Kith full deacrlptlon ol th* ess bc bad at (ho Offlco f tho Auctioneer, So. 7 l'lne-at, on and aller April 10. hnt 100 net want i. i" _o i xx deni... !-»_* cv/rf possible wey. Thc icu voil irt bequests, M-. (.lover remarked thal she mikI lanr* iri'.'.n.ls. Cul five Minute* of Anyon eook and waitress tim. Ui-ft Pulu. .« w°or*e tbBO oilier Inat.tailooa. wa* v.-r. little to her relatives, Her answer xxiiiiiiuir a nu.sl beau.Ifni hu ii* Will cill OT emin ss 1'lth.O. oughl to be Stopped In all college*. leaving hu f), 18130. Il Ki lloiiveiiicur st., Newai-k, V. J. WANTED..Protestantfor fli-at-dana private family ; re'erenea required i of basins in 1 tia Ina priti-rtrto K-W-TOBK, Friday, April KHAN, _____ praciicr word thc xvas thai I*'r hus nol lefl Citn (Jo ttl. Wit.o* *'.'.i tn Min lum $10 to Sib i aiao a chambermaid.wage* Mr. munt; (Rep., Miss.).I Indorss .very re'utive-el her. The asked her shat ncr Idea tlie Kx- prouenn rrotu Itidiuria (Mr. V..orrie ?) bas intered. Tho lawyer Tlie following sain wow held at ifOn HALE or Ti) RENT-^URNISHBD-At tie. Ul. East aWd-eU_ B"nator wa* in making Bishop Buena her residuary legatee, Be 1 Ute .Nf K. uu l-oiig laiaiid Sunn,i. ibree-fonrtha of an luiowadvaue ¦.! tut Hil*man mntllitcd himself. us s aa Pab troon, todnv UNION^-A few U«_t, well-venti- men to re- theory '. I think supposed li wit not give beqaewto ordinary ebsngc hom's linc truia !'m ,. scci'inl Mire¦¦. Depot. A x.. desirable POOPER anani heat swrep streets, u*c a it ls entirely too tun." i*c. Her Was tliat Unnh X. ct,np. In liuu-ii nnd KJ ntpd oiKfi'Kr* to KRNT. with sud Crotan move the soil, carry coal, and make themselves gen¬ 'To vulgar phrase, it devotee little individual would idea, thc saul. F.u corin.ty n iilence. uni.llninc lour ncres plot, aster de*irsbls for stora/e orotnerwuo; rents reaaonsble. nTANTED..Two this gomm-wouid do we;I if ahon.d li xxotiiil lu* devoted to Bom* gen'ral charitable 3 '-'.story brick building'., end :i sioiv brick bundine. Uve ail, DI: I...um* c. it mi- thirteen ronni*; c<**l erally u.-ef ai: wages gi 21 per day. Apply to-day at Au west West Point. For i a ai tim other of tm* Co'.piir m. niue to civilizing and Cliri-t!nniziiig that thor.* were many With plo! ul lana. Il* No* 1V. f l.'iH llli-avc. W st..ii. natl uni .,:..¦ I,.uise i'o,.-. sci, .".un. Al-..in the *aroe \\i\ vultiiiiHrillv dui Hist winch would enable him In 1 4-s.otv I'rlcV '.ulliiiiiK, nv.-*, in ii. CAi'.l'WitlullT. 70 Centre at., betweon 12 and 2 man to leredawaVa lie ici.lhcr that lt waa a difilcalt thing U-xft ll ol ..I'll *I. lu '-.OxT'i; M.... a.-.ti ni. 10,1)00 i. A.**". '¦' I'll -st.. i !>i-cuurte ne wai unwilling te oe auMected the .o _ i. m._ 32 BBO-D-8T. AND W-tDSOB H0T_U I to leave leonid law tn draw snell a trust ns alic desiri d to n*nke tin- BOS-OWm M rgflg.]_nrllOMICIlM" I outiarci xvbich obtained in that institution. tin* lie * xx ii!leave, i.'.'.xllli'.l 1; >.kw.voua. Aprl, 1.1880. tliun to bend bim to Bishop; but he suggested tbsl money sboold 1 lot. aWrat l'i7ih ftr.a.-K ft ot |i*UKNI8HED COTTAGE noar the Hudson; LET..A cibinet Aaisbed house, an . htKlily xv, rsc fate to . retires from -.n-h bo cucuiy glVen ill's..'nie v tn Bishop Rae. U J Illili sin* altoillll Wilburn i* Ki mi .rn 'i.o'xi .1 atsble, tiLfll STOana i ono beef Irma Chnnibcra-ct. In- Nm Ih Hide of 72(1-*:., No. 121, between I'ark and Lenin?- WILLIAM K. KUCHEN Wei-t-Vl.it wilie tn lim. vi's lng ber wishes Iii leg.nd io the 1 lot i s -areal ll Mle-I, I.V, ft a of Stb-aTc. 2.-10 Ml; ll Wt tl I'O ME.oar firm tIU day. A WILLABD. qnlroi! .au-at,_ on-Bl -.! has buller'* pantry extc.n-ilou watcbu.au alwayaon ______TON izlng occurs In the first . 9,000 Mr. HO..U (Rio., Ma-1).H t*ic ma'ter, uni be bad no noun! that .hey would be cor¬ fame buyer. .rcuiiMe.; no permit* reomre.1. Apply io H. c. pedder, at no. 18 Nbw-st., New-Yobs.) not lu .lu* third rear, in our colleges. colored He te ..rc,.arc a he inn an, Hu Menora P llimeli. BURNISHED HOUSK with B ncr.',* of land, it-old. Conatabla A Cu., Sih-avo. and April 1, 1880 I year, the there ned out. pr..nus,.ii draft| 1 brick urn k lot Ne .'¦-'.'. Water tt n a. 1 ix, >i* Iii-!ii uni Nottiicrn ItaHrosdof Nciv-.fcrs.-y ilitb-st._ boy who cite!* West Point.unless practice un l .ni the will waa read to lier at h ¦ S-story h1io|i, fustian, a s year or two.la in as complete April 4,1871. ll al lt will Mi>n.|li.|tii-ry st, ¦.'o.Vxiil.li'; M.'ll'iat- le or tor-nt llmiae well ahaded : good barn. Apply to 785 near unrlersi-Tied this day have formed hasrhanrol wltuln office, on 2 li wa* exe.uni al tba Clti Bank. *n. LET..No. Loxiiifrton-sve., Arin name of BOU VlTR A WAL¬ tun- he eaters neill his* eraduailon, May tau >. Instili.tl J. a. win.rn, t.rex.-t iiiildii.*;. Sew-York.____ dla. at., four titorr broxvnstone. aOxSO; rent, $1,500 per TUEcopartnership under the ts,.ittd.' from tbe Toe ("ulicli glvln- Ibe reoidnsry est ile io Cardinal Hu V. A. J. lynett. 1^0 .our ad-Irons LACE, for thc ususscllou of a general banking and brokerage a* Crasne was oe his desolate island. The « fi^ ' :iei<* or moro mn.' ixixi ii io; Olio year or moro. Apply Robiuaou Me< nisti a,; nf Bishop Bacon, Wll" ll id died, I frame dwelling, wirh I'd No Igs Kat! 117th- "4 KM <'OITA(.K..Ono j .. man ab basilio**. SI. OL BO 0 VIE it, .» lett t,l>...ilutolv without an iiv-ie*'.itie. Nobody 'in-key --Story KULAN I) _ WHITl.NO. Beet -ey no* drawn ni> lax-tn.- wit..-.a al Part* la 1x7.".. lina cull- »i. s *,. 11 fi .( 4tl, nie. lui 20.100.4 1 Mary J i-,, mn-tun. hliail,-: near Liku .xtunri lulr lUll-ay. »hort Member of ihe stock Exchange. in b ni, nobody calls upon him in lid room, cu maila, *....>. ooo. rte-aatow J.llI.V WALLACE. upcttki bb_ lu sickness or sor- cll xxai drafted after Intrudion* received from Hr. II HluLe. wall. UiUi!|ml iwo narama LET..Second floor, No. 2,18- Stb-ave., bsniy nff nils auy sympaioy to at On Mi. Glover omen. PHILLIPS a WKLUJ, 180 Broadway. f nu refo rene us eau bo soon bo¬ Member of Ute stock Bxtuange, tao or examination- ..'ballard, Booie. cross-examination. 110tu a amall ly ; required, Branch Offlce at Broad war. row. When he eutors rrettatloa sud ibat ne waa a momberoi Hie lt.mun t'etbole AL l-l \ IK TBANrJKEBa ure I or after ti p. 1,12$ reom and lakes In* seat on Hm bench, tba! bench ls va- KJtl DKHKII BK /'KM'KN'WK'II.-House, IO rooms; lunn; 0 m._ ('lunch, ..ml bini achd us cunt! al fur Arcliltisliop in minimi; One dow* eant. Nu*, woo would not rniher flgbi his wax ttaroneb uni oilier dt-Tiitorie* of \nx -T'.eK irtTr. \I re* tioeilrnl Beigbborhoo.li i.lgh LET..Tho upper portion (two floora) of hazing 'han four years of Ungle-, Cardinal McCluskey ii. ar iii p 'I price. r-4a."iS) Mil, rf40x). ATWATKH. 1, chntuu,. brick hoiuo lu genteel neighborhood ; a dozen attempts al spend thal Church. Jamr* st. No C2 Arno. Tl f;no and wife to Haine n K ¦..I Hark-mw. 1^0private £oet anit Sound. ii us thai I _ runt 150 han l24tb-»t. bis growiiig boyhood ni such solitude ii". $10 ll iinumvciiieuU ; low. I am tho Instructor* at Wes! Point lmvi. rot iriid I.BS. '-'' I'." fl Will Ax- A. l.r.-Tl'Hi.lll; Isaac SALK-A hftnd- afraid tue baseet WITHDRAWING a WILL C0NTE8T. H Minith. MONTCLAIR, N. J.-FOK LET..West houses s proodneiirlibor- BOOK L0ST.-B.ink Book No. to i_>i>r< si on the classes there tba! thing E Wright and wife to Joha 8,500 lll ,.*-1..u!-in¦" of about three arre*: lawn, be. ween Pib-sve. and Boulevard or I'ub- a colored nan inti -i. **...'(! ¦:-!i »i xv of IM iva r.s. \.i-.'i; Charle* property ire fruit I'OIiimkI; ".td Mt, BANK37i;.i0'< of tbe flowery seri uga Bank la musing. Tbs they c rn do ls to lieut younj; yoatb jx'- Tbe eoBteat of thc will ..f Isaac C. Kt'inlall i, .xx i i. ,i i, rroqiiet ground*, large »li win *. choice it¦ north utile of flu* strom ld three story and D lour- return lt to tbe Wt . I3,i*;t:. ftc. firivn Under is requested to bou to bs exiled from ul) thc aympuiby and ssooemttons Cn'ookstoJoveeh I Que veiieta.ili* gnnfen and atabli bouae I* buUiatoiualJ nu nra.-clasa dwelling*. Brick aewer, ea*. bank._ baa e settlement nude. ll axe. ll xx ,¦*.!¦ I Killi.st. SlslOO.lt J U slevin in v, duli nioop, Of buiiiiinnv on acennt of tl,c color nf his akin. Tin* beea withdraws, baviagbeea . "i"1, lia * I.' ;. sun., bim and elly iinprorrmuiiui perfect md lilah sendee croton watar la th*, street I'luuibiugper- No. issued waa wife to Nannie B O'Ni-dl B.50U I ." vin I iiiiut* . xxulk lo d"".i G8.004, by Will gi iud Ibut institution to powder When tho will waa first opined it thal anil i.r.Jt __ 11 work, Furnaces, ranees, chaude- tan of tb* Anieric.i'.i Republic supposed rntli *t. »*. IDHI w nf i'.lhnve. ..-...c.x ino ti...ie., M .t AKsnXs, 7!" Cl.tr st., \. V. ct. aVIl put up ny ny'a I'OST..BiinkBookJ tin* Mauli it iSa-lng* Institution, and payment uni.*.-* .his abuse is ci rel. to HOWE lera unil cu* tlxturea all in. aantn boo been the Belate waa warta scarcely more thea enough pay Urave* and other* loW vf i*m.th. 21,500 .*!)uo stopped._ Ti... mwalas haw havras expired, the resolution real Thc llih-ast. .»..*j:il Wi-.I. J5in'. . c II r-iinni .,.x an,I wife N. J..For sale, com- Ht ni of ihrci-siiii v booses. per year. anti ll.e sc ie ta stuned tho consideration of Hie i£Ji'0.000 of inor.giigcs tipon tbe properly. Ctiuic.li. 'iH.Mil \fbXTCl7\IR. jua*ima i'.ei.t o'lour smr. lum tea. Sl,i)ti.)i**r vc ir. OSTa.Bank book No. 108,972, of ti.e Ger- went over, toHu* North liapll*.! .tl pi. iel. a tiif cia*.- resblence, licautiiuiiv health- «ton» ea the cowar lo Int. $7 j mooth. I1 J lt nm reatored to tbe tin* Ute agreement. inert ase In tl.e valno of .ht* real estate In this city, how¬ at. VVlOTll'lr'l KA Hay iu, - ll leoma Al*.., pur tiiii'i'Savin-a Bank, New.York, U:e bi'i ratifying lilli No?:M We»t, UtIIC; lui. .,i. *.t i,*..* rn* lu tig* ;.iul BVorsrccu*; lol int tiler ui'iuv to wiU be made fer a new ('hiirrh .... piiflii'Uliii.i Hank by Juno 1,18*0. application Mr. TELLER (Rep..Col.) said tbe nttemptato edueaU ever, carried Ihe value of ll above 91,0004)00. Hy thc and wile tu.he .N.ii'.h .iip.Nl 7,40(1 un', rn,! lanndrV: IiihIxxok! Ilnlsh on flret floor; JAMES MK KHAN. Bs mton aonare. book. thc Indians bm! proved f murta, ile tbcloiure opposed ltd-*!, *«. .'..'.". ft w of (..xx i-st, .',.1 ij xx,s,.i moa.el*, grata-i iiltiini.tng and veiilllanon perfecli xxas (o receive .*.".0 O a a cod¬ ta I . il'l I>.vwe.s*8 nmeudeiDcllt. Will the Widow year. Tty pBiTd Lehman and wife Pr.esner 1,500 ll, *.-s. A Kl, xxiii l.e **!CI -letell 111 Apill, LET. willi r, two ilooiM, 50x100. Mr. - ,,r 71-t-t.t. '.'.".xii.n Helen Laug- ,-n-res: I'O powa Mr. PLC MU (Rep.. K.tt'.) t>a:d the Italian waa in¬ icil thb BBBultywas reduced !.> 92,000, aud tbe four Ave-A, w ... To... fi I,..,,.-* ainu xi'ii l t nne Urge grove; 1 l'.'.lnn.t 133 Went ..Mb st to he could i!uli tn TlKUn.isM.M'Iiuii -,1.1)1. arpo.utnieiu* iiihI *urrouu.li»g* nuaiirnaaead. Al*oabou*e. (Suction Notices. capable of being i dm-.-te I a point where eblhlrea the second wife received much amaiier be¬ 117- William T Horn. n*cul< r, h. noe sere In lawn mil white .11*11. As .1 hy lJrouhi*.. nearly new. perfect; D l'EK MONTH..Partially furnished .erins . cuiupe'e 'ti .qui rfllh practical a Tlie and I'tli.Tnto l'.iuiine A M rn-'ii.t (..l.'.i) grove. All art* ultcred »t itiucfi li».*t (han tr ey can lu* built fm fn (fury cellar i all war Mme he would sup- quests H..ni tbs children hy former wife. ground xv -. -R* ~t\I '.' basement and cotU^o lm,ii"ovo- and REIBEAT.-At an nu aime io prevent a at thia it-.-tin-I* s s. l'.u.i, i! ,,f ::,! l2.Hx)li'.llxl)7.Rs ,x. '1 .ii..s easy tu good panie*. I>. T. WA UH KN. FUND tu* bill. of Hie en.not was undne Influ nc en rici 34,SsSl.Si7&.8*\i: Metritt I'nai'il* and xviii* lu s 47u Broadway. 11 ma. ui ula. ol'. Kat-tH-Jd-ti- SEAMEN'Sannual meeting of the Trustee* of He.men's Fund mid porl would vote for thc lull. Ik- elder children. Tic sett lenient thai has been strived fi..'.Oil Kefrcaf, held at their offlce. No. 12 Old-slip, on ihe Mb day of Mi. Dl.-MNK (Rep.. Mc.) off a a Vansing.. it xvoitlii nt lc.^r>! a wara He denied the ni re*.ores tbe95,000 annn.ty tn the widow, pays Ramo properly i spencoi A Fanning te John li Inane 5,515 N. J..HOUSES and COUNTRY April, 1 *--io, liurttumt to tbe notice for organizing the Hoard Reving pretest some real io and u in in j thc nanni nfflcers for tbe the fol¬ assertwa thai u.o ladl-ins would disappear in leo s}*2.,i,<)0i) roortguge up-n of her estate, and san,i. p;uiany Join! ii Heans sud xxl!,* ann B ORANGE,~i..\i tu let and for aale, furnlaheu and uufuriiUlioii. tionscs anii Rooms ©anteo. aa; ensuing year, ail tin- cxi>. use* ol tho litigation on! of the estate, . . fl.iiO) i; 1*. *. iteutlemen were unanimously elected : statistics show tlia: tl.ere ere hs many Indian* in |.»x-s iiaTi* in \( wp li. A smith. 34.1 Protdwsr sod orana-. lowing Prealdent. psora, con- II. Choatc, eort_s«"l fur tin' contestant*, made np- liithhl. f k. 75 ft wof 1st nv,*, TJSlOU ll Hon. CLARKSON CROUCH. >mirtna now us when Colamtsudiscovered tbe Joseph l.uxv Ii"tch Chiirrhof Hiiriciii to -in uni \ I .,n ANTED lo BENT for ONE YEAR.A Dr. C. HEN KY KINO. Phvalnan in cale?. plication beft'ie ihe Harrogate yet >rday mr payment of CENTRES nnd RKACKET.S, new mn.lubed uuntrv ur Hilaire residence in WcrU-hiwler Kxeeutlve cominll.ea: UUiUU Thc . was sot .lr. VIVI PLAKi'EK.nd at*, ns.uit. ...nt lo low- w amendment the President discre- allowances for leroi services. op¬ \ i! i> uno 1 eic deilgm. largral Cl.yat neil tho illy. I'.l'SsKLI, UAS'tlNOt-i, YVesiwuiMter Duse-* H. XOKVSLL, Mr. DawL'B'is giving us ..I counsel for the exocutors. Hann-pr.pertrj Kpeneer rannlngtoJolm li,7U5 .1 nt.i is 'Vt r "ll' n d c pu ."! »n.l »-nt to all pat ts 'ounty, Capt. *jl0.0iiolor by D. P, Barnard, '. of 1 t ax 7.. .'I'"... ".'. ,' *. IA! \ iretBily i ij lei, city. Mr. WiLi.xrr S. H.xW-ins, tion tod. v .ie of the Aliemiii appropriated 1*1.11* ..[.ll H. 17." Il I*, ll xN I'-* A rt 1*1 Miii minni, bl Wes! -8 lt f I*. A VALUABLE Ca rTOTBY^BEAT, New- IrouiirJiHj 16*300. stealing jcxx-. lr, ami u.h«r e* thc Hrovoon. I*-, ana *>Mi**r lo Mwunl CPtlL AllflX III lt. H. lllCKaVIIK. I-' 1 llllst, tSnitco onii renders. that wa* poa- Wu: r 1. York Slate, anil be eirhann-il. flee and clear, forNaar. Mi. MORGAN moved an amenduieni provlriiag House and Wiod-ot Hotel, pleaded amity and 'I'll* ai|i<"!i -1. Nil I'-. 'J-'ill'Hl Jo tu J I limul* ...! lu 'nra nr lirnuklyti properly lightly tnor.aaired. HU* ,.ct or iicrtiuii-nt *hii!l lw* coo- IO lour and au mouth* nine-it. "I dry iii.uk vontuiu.-.l in tni- teaeod year* inipr.a . ::l* a it Ki'll'-X l-lilniV" t,. I',.'. fPARRYTOWN..Honso ol rourfeon rnntns, AND .- WHITING. S KATES AND PENDERS."" Iiili.u. lu remove from eui 17.1'.'i*.."inri! cn li. altliv. tine liver lleeamail-at,_ (..ru-d sn ii- to c.mi|*el auv Ute wlio w;ts Iii*, wife 116Ui-*«, u *. l-l ft uli-.ixe. j I ni ige linn-.-, kimi ncr'-, high uiui. G or John Cody, bj ainu l.a'ur amt liiw'ii'iil Io Lax.! Rn Il.oo.i J Wi.l.li.K. Mi lluxx, Weal a lauds cm.ui il i*y bun ia severalty, to deprive say ii*.iii charged .In OWN ry. EXCHANGE..For*boase. Side, The larguat manui.ictureraoi low and bait low Orates for *li:n iii i'n.ina wi.h nu vms n her uud .btcateurd to take N.i !:. Ut*.i, '.' .Vi*..ri, Alli, ri I. H.tx, a ni Ju- 1po rc blcuo*, 10 nen*, at Greenwich, Conn.: ffotal or or ii.ia.a- aile* Iieli.iiixxli.ish.il refase te t:n- ag.ecuieut rinaiii country tither haul tofLual, wita dumping ah-kin* li r life with a i>l«iol, conu.el lng ber lo on the Iii S Ni xviii..i. . . . .'['..COI. I.1,; I.-A furiiislitd Kiiinu'e ttl ncart.ie fuinUiicit, atockud. bu.et bu in st if! a Ireei of land lor agneBltural par- 'I'n Oyster lluy, -Miling*: plenty trnlt; depot; ment brans open lireplacea, with andiron-, mud right roof of th' lr home, N't*. 511 Broome-' f au en.Ire night, l.'ai'r I.aa, 141 fl w ol Mof.-avo. IS.i;«H)'i Mary A 1 I., j.j ,',.,, i.i loom*, ai able*, lawn, .baili. Irtut, Ac; re am! clear. i'UVS K H. aMU Wei: 1'itb-at. ate* fur wood hie* itiraa* tenden*. Fir* beta audCo-1 Hula .*¦... .ii ix'.d years from th* Boscage of ibo Act ¦.. gi jii*-c nf lu wa* foin.d guTiy and sentenced by Recorder Smyth ti Tan,. :iad 'i ir-ba'iil t H ht 'I .¦ -!.. 6,00.1 -hurl di. a., c lt..in i. a- i.n gn !*,r ,;,.*.*; ..., il.v healthy oi anti(|Ue amt luiMtern designs, whole*.le and retail. und r ti.1 siip.il.nli'i: any existing treaty say part for 'ix me I Sa r.th :.vi,.*'.iiifi n ii ioi.-, .*. '.''lin. Mary I" enn¬ I,.,alum; laai elli gi* tvi x nat doMtralne; real Intimates elven io builders eotitr-aclo-* amt arclnteeUL tuc lae Penitentiary io v. aud s*i- u; i l. i..x I.U--utsil. xiuu,. i;'nh of Ute Reservailoi). uin, i.t utii', bte, rglalaTaylor on. Applj ftunationo UJonteo---femaieo J. S. CONOVEll . CO.. HMS sud Mo Caujl-sU. X. Y. Mr. . on this nm ii'lmirn EDMUNDS shot L. n'p. i . V.. ..ru' lu Ibe debate George C. BandolVh, who Wm. ava. N. . « (lt. ;>., Vt.) axreed with Mr. Morgan's vic xv ih-t n,e tull Plui|i*oi, In hlsptiwitshop.it Nu. '.'7'j liatli itn-i s i* Hsoie prnnertv Wary tn Chillon to same Vf. aV. TOOK Hit, 7S!> llruai! sf.. .\ vaik. N. J. w s iiih iiiisiiiutioiiiii ea iBfriaglag on thc in no u.iK.ue tak* n yt sterday before Jmig* (iii lersleeve in t ac Court -.',1 -U VC. XX' *, iii ii tl III 1.5 i -uiulll .!, ru. -i»i:ori:si'ANT servants' BUBeIlu! KoticM. .. Iii rooms; \ iwxxei. Of (j'llel'al r-'s-liu,., nli'l !.;(. id li Ont gullly. III* CuUU- man sud wife to A Ullman 1 rVQ LET..Astoria, lionw, wntrr, \» .(iKikn, lairndrsstsa chaweenaslds, waiireami*. Corporation sin.I- i. cit-. : Ahraham 1 llmtnto beginsCUn tn 1 1 ,..., .i.e., iu ir t .L. t Kiri*. (>. i-man. BwaOUU- Mr. OaKLINO H an example s trial when the pr fairy. riVE«a.jtdW»ll N-.V-._ .irrc*. honM'trorkera tt.iy yonug (IU-P..N. Y.) thoaghl said (bal bc would bu prepared for a s. .'i.e. fi a,,, i. box jii'j.a: or eouu- snd ibereforr valui. \. is ni xx..* Kitii*l, -of John i* 'li'li, Ei.Kli.ir., American and colored help ; for city of certain Piers and Bulk¬ ol Couria ini'iiial icgi-lation. compiutuaul H'de to appesr court. IIo '.'.. ii-T-mi x. i:. iu iitfoW I. i (M. r. I-.500 Ovstcr l).v, Lr»n« lalnnd.tiir- mi'iiTim nra! 01 Mr. Morgun's Hiueddu.cni ending led :o .ij^OLET..At .v: ftiu! .milo help; ~asea protesta.nt NOTK'E..Lensenheads xvi 1 be offered at public sal* to oe held by order of Tue part " iciH.ii the Tombs. w*. SH. 1«... fI «of "Pulrt..*r 1 i,Km-' .,!¦,:¦!!! lied r-xnvculciit bona.-, " Ful.'.iiiix'e. aplcnaantand l.'MK l.ij hlxorau Wu. xx .-*.->-.;. xxa* il COB) Bl'RE4U, litli-avu._'__ Hie Doinii I mem of Hocks, at inc t t-i.icaiouni, Wttl ii.e eld all) ucx-.-pt. liy.ii- ..'.ilx.'.u x_. 11 i Anna .xl uni ant ,,.is,n,.,| i. nairn*; Uta dher xx-ri:. lartc gardcua, lil ou TUEaiiAY. ia, leSSn. The of thc 1tmct.dnit.i1t Charles Brockway and Charles F.iiren, alias ran iou if. IO WM. 07 Bii'B.'.way, April tallier and adopted. remainder " la ul- Kn li Apply JOIINS'fUN, I.Ai»Y wishes 11 situation for ber w_4trr*ss; Kid* lu.1 InfoimaUon am tbo "Lily liecoid," for salo at Na wno had unlleted for r \ Wa* rei* ted. vt .a. 6i tiav*. 4.V the Big Duke," boen lorgery, -'. .No H'l, ¦J"\ il; I. ll x'.-,-....r*iir .'.': i \ Ibt x .:., lit *in -'. A iii.iiiiratsmla her bualnei-ti lu all Its bram hot. 123 Eau '.'(,'lty moved fol uti were iii-ch.tii:> d from ibe Tombs liv Res Il i* cul Mil.-1. l^ HUI Ju, u|, Val; ier* Ii.v.1._ A', (i p 111. Mt. LUI Hu (li-in.. 8. C) yesterday la \li.I'I".I-.'VC, fm* ono »*. Duiiiiiicrmaol or nurae for mont of I'ub.lc Works until WEDNESDAY. April 14. Int* i. on First National Balah ol thal iirv. n is alleged proprrivi i.iimuiitt E Pries io KU/abcthMc- .arrisgt *. m-o largegarueu. ruxx ii ai ll Kn*t 40f Fi r bill in'ormatlon tee Rocord," tor a-le at No, a on M< tb<* - r-r k'u|. -e. Ma<-. iilltlrcn^ Apply ls--it._ "City n¦:<:. and Farren are member* of a gu,.- of Koot .1 |i lim . Hy Hall. A. tbcSenn'c went Into rsi entire *csnlon. that Brockway .', __ 6:li) i'.m. os from inls t" Bald *!. n t. SI55 ft e nf Ill, I xe IZIDUH*.) W III, na ll T THE LABOR BUREAU (German nod whoa ibo do,lr^ were re adjourned until M..u- forgers sub se operation* tended elly xx Hu tu.! lt ---j Uiui in Kliznlhofh. N. ¦!..A fwo-storv \ in*ar lld ave. will bo funnd na sad .pened liopion. Baltimore sad und ty Klnipunn and ¦JM)" LEI, .'» fruni A Swedish). 1S1 I3th-at.. PROPOSALS for two Wiisdingi'in, Chicago, nih ax.*, wa. 100.51. uof .iiitli i.B*)slon; IVIIIiataP frame bm te, ar>aim*i m.untra' walk Cm*miepol j a number of wommeuded a^rvan.*, cumin » day. wore to a i- Cent rc mm! Uruo highly NOTICES-SEALEDnteam tin* will berecelrei. at the ofHce of the whom various bank* defrauded very larne i,*tt, inul ni,., it, j n i:,*,-ki.*nn ami another lifaai-i re. '. ". *i mouth. Apply ... J. lt. nuul._. nt,. diic is.**, chambermaid*, nsrsea lanmlruaaca. flrst cia** Fire Depaitment until Wedneadsr, April 21. lSMo. amount. s ;.ai ti ,¦ ul Tin.i a, ¦.'.'. nu..-,, j,. .Tit. *' NxvciINIi ; Scutch ROUSE OF BEPBBBKllTATlVEi*. i",7l' a, ,, _ iukr.. Ottnisn nnd sapeelsltr French. For lui! uiiui-uiatluu .-*. city Becord. tar taie at No. 2 City Mcagber Snd Wife to Augn*.a II uini.i- 3H.CC0 ci tins, x-ortbx Hirvan.a of otLcr natloualltlea; female holp refnised to with *l. No ii, 1.1*1, ..'Oil,m.,, I. P flt-nu -irani- ,,i.i '".'(I LET.Iii While l'lriiiis-A fully furnished EUU._ The Hooae liavinc (liiiju'ii-se r.NITKI) COURT. llit!.. iii nly. MHB. to cal. thu BTATE8 BUPBRMR aimil.er. trusteo. etc. in lt nil picul. .0.C00 I uni is*-' n.unif, modem Imprnvenien.stlocation very LOWML_ lo a sealed for the m..!'ung Iiittir. tee SPIAKLK pioce lcd Urtu nixai (rlle.n in a* ,:,,| healthful. B_len»lve gtonmla irnit, ahado. caril 'aa* onvelope 9..Thc lui i- .annie itr.'i.i-rrr cl' and ] high Ail.lreaa K. C Chambermaid, &c.-a vVei.ih #nri, wnh ^J^TICE..Pron~siilsI ISTOP-i OCKS, STOP-COi OXE-. BYBRaSt and commit icoa fm renoi U of n nature. Wasiiinhton, April followini; l.iOih si. **. *_'J(J.!i lt « nf Wil.i- are. 'Ji'Vllil.; *4 yj,. lilt,.*e, staid! -.: neut d' i-'' mil moderat* .f sayers] year*' refereBess from one fatnilv ia a t_ty HYDKANT BoN_r4 will Oo received ut thv ofllc-of the He- pilrats xvus Coori of il .'! iltiut Kill H. winn* I* au,*. N. Va eily srere nea* transacted lb thc iSupr*auc tho r n .ind xx If.-;*i ai.i,..!, I 7l,ll PK lamhiTinaltl nnd cnmpctciil xraiir, ai ; xtIiIIiik to sssl*t Alb pa. imin. of rubilo Work* until monday. .p.-il ll), ihm). Sstweeb fl'iy and seventy-ive bills reported ad- Vic rim* ni.,.n| tl, 11 ia want* United-tate* to day : 43il*ai. Bo521 West, »»»100.5. rVt) and with a»lilin4 ami IruiiliiK if c 41 tl: ii ateady phire that *ho For full luforuintlon seo City lieeord, for sale at .*>o. i Ciiy were .*.. . early vciK.iy fitnii tue Committee on I\at-Chums aud Juill. I.ll 4.ISM. LET..Very reasonablyarid turulabctl in rftiiln will lin all nhs can to please; city or couniry. 'f.n No. 12!)..winiam M. Fpnnser. plaintiff In error, ag*, the 71st*sf s a. linn ft wot Hih-arr, :'- xIhi :.; r .\ j gow 1 ptuie.* a*ioii. a vcr* ploaaaul liinuboiiuily iii ave., near lrtlh *t Hall._ Isl l on Thc ratdc. rintel istat a. ni pimr to ihe Clrruit U'.art of the ruit'i Irrand wife .« a ii "nu! and snot it r (l-jfio i.-.ii i!ti,!.<... N. v. Allaire** ii. h.. i'.iix :;**L_ _ Th* btu tor .he cnrnplrtlnn of the ar-iabtngton Mcuii- state* fur tim Kiiiitfiern imiiT't of TV"OT ICE..Proposals will be r»*coiv*ftd at the Iiuuoi*..Argo* ouin.Mt. «*. i.min wm sibave. 5mil4.ox');i.3x!).'i.i i- nr residenca a enuipotent col- BMat w»s bach and referred to Uteciinmltteo ni»iit continued liy Aaa.stint Attorney-d* nit.i.1 >:ulili J I'oxxxler ami wH" tu ;V ll ScotI and aunt her 000 r|,i') 1.1.1 I'iiIx SALE..Country ~y^HAMBERMAll>\~&c..Bya* I'lmuibt'i'iiialil ami atwlnt il ottlce of thc Department of Public ChsHUca and Correc¬ reported TB 10 .*su mi nu to* from mal Ol cd K'rl Inundres*; city No. notll of Hie Wlio'c. and Atl«in*.v Oeneral Dr-rn* .'ur ni feiiilunt In TOtli-*.. «*, I.VI ft ix of elli ¦¦¦¦: e *J t1(I"V T .N J I on Cir md fifty e'.ty ftepo!: finely . au at uk West *i7iii ...., tinrd rio.ir. tion. efl rbi-ave., Friday. April itt, i**ao, lorgrox-e- *in Ina* law ll. shaded willi lurao irces good garden. ifereneea ls. lumber. Ac. For tall lufornuilou. ace n bill in ro- error, (inti c lielci! Will.au M. r-nrlugt.r fur himself linn tu a *-cott sad . lotait rd. H.*-, dry-oe city J!r. NKM'BKRRY (Rep.. Mich.) lutrolu-od hy Koxxler wift, B another 0.000 Uni '-'.). for sale at so. 3 Han. tn ti.e trnnaforttHit.n of gcods. .-4o, a"i3..Bnwllng l.tntity. oppfllnnt, agt TM- l'ii)t*.l rstat,*; Kingil.rl.ig.' Ilojil, ns (13th Ward.. U5a4.ilxSe2.Uslr lance runt: stable*, nutbtiirillna's. A, Ilye, an Baiiuta, City gorrl imported fi om the -our. c.. J. fl. Km Orv and N. Y. Chambermaid"'nnd"waitress..By of tue Whole on thc Claim*..Argue.! hy BBOnnertoA M ii»v,**. ..'! msi _ J Kneb*!i Proteatnnt very respeclahlo and weil rec. Tne iieiist- went into Committee fljii*al lor .ml Au-ut-iio. aiiin ra) 1leven* rsgaisri Kir!, pnvale calradar. W. H. x'.i: |.miler aupellaul CHlIl-*.,**. VDU ft wo. AVf.A ^6x.'.."i 4 ; J.Um MtaSWsrd amended; competent in Hiker capacity, aa chambermaid TO CONTRACTORS.-Proposals fur appellee Nu '.'.14..Dciphiim ln-ulnr. iniiulnlsiratilx, J:-, aud ol tier* bi Margaret K Hillier 670 'PO MANUFACTURERS nnd OTHERS.- wattie** i ainu undcrnf-nd* all about children. Hbo Ulh- NOTICEfor PAVI NO several atreets ami avenues will be re- Th** lor lue relief of L*. Madiwin of Louisiana, . Md Diy. eic. et al., p Laintl S's in error, agt. laat.flla P. Rtnatf: In rrur Ham* piiuiertv Flotence Huller mid wife to ThomsS I Por sale. a. Oneida, N. V, Una baildlagB aad largs lot: re., boiwoco -^'.'d ano '.'Hil ceivul ut the Office of tim Depai-tman tot Public Work* anni after a oebat-e o; two hours and a bair,wu* panned.yeas, lo ih" Supreme Coori "f Alahanis..Aruu.siby 1*. l'lilliluMaiid aVlurphy. r,no prliuliisl bUlldlOS of brick, four stories, und isinivaieut to au._ WKDNKSDAY, April IA l-sHO. Poe foll laloruiatlou tee 72; nay. 22. aiihuilln-il liv Vf. H. Phillipa for plaint.fT* In error, ai.il sir. 141 I'V 4I> feel; WIlllM. tllSir* Slid WlllllO llllltlllllg MlllllOIlll ^Hl.MB_R-l.ATD and VVAITRESS.-By a " City for SBjS at No. 1 City HalL_ Mr. lilaOUNT (Dem.. On.) Introduced a bill for the mu ted br John T. Morgan sud liioinaa tl. liorndon for rte- RSCOBDKD LBA8K& Mib l.tnUiil; Int has a frontngo ou ttirco atr.-ts of HO.' feet In J reapccUbla youna girl at chambermaid and waitress tn _____* erection u: a public building ut Mai an, Oa. Rcfc: 1 eil. louilanl in tiror. . Bli; convenient to Nata-York Central and .Midland Halnoa.l willina and obllidus; will help with tho ? . F.ilarahrth to N Henry, No flll'J (llb-ave, st) Hie of N. privitto family; TO CONTRACTOR8.-Prorjo.wls in a sealed Thc IloutaC then, ul 4.:4.t 1, ndjouiiicd until to-morruw. Itrodt BiatieM: pm:.*, iii-,non. !ui| lUlllN UOl'IIAM, tah ; bett city reference^ Cai! at .i-'s Kaat afttb-a-_ J envelope tor laving CHOTON WATER MAINS la year*, inn. el,SOO .. THF. COURT OF Al'PEALS, Dclann, r* U and othei*. Inuit, cm, ric, tu o st, lui,ie V._ ' E R nnd various ttreela and avvuuea will be received at the ofllce ot ciier. n a lld 1 l.i.ll Iteef lal ave, .J.'x'.iil'.' II A M B R W 0 K WAITRESSES, the Deiiari meat of Pu abc Worka until MONDAY, APKII. WORK OF THE COMMITIKIIS. at, ' 20 rPt) RENT..A nianiifnrlurln* nroporty, with -J i.ACSDlilissiis, with aoiHl reftrenoo*. Can ho aeon at Alhant, April 8..lu tho Court of Appeals year*, runt. y'5 I waler twemv tciuiiicn'.a. titcil aa a Hi. itSRO. For ral lnformsUon sss Oity Mocord, for asl* at Oom- .ul) tu iiiiweriunl fonueily lePitoTKMTANT HOME IHJKEAU, HS bthave., foixrih N 0. WashinoTON, April 9..The House to-day thc foll .wing lui«iiitrs« xvii* >ruii*aetcd : Ehrliart. F «A ahllieimnr. pint liullding* w'cVif woolen mill, ui In.,' In Ilia, kxioodloxvii. ( uuiilin Co.. N.i. lu- iiuhix abovo loth-at. *_5Uf_H-_L_ a to a del- iM-ava sad 4th-at, 6 year*, mu . l "oo J. tlVI HMOKg. »lrUf ou Por«lgb Affairs gave hearing to-day No. IBS. fSBSS M. HedcrtT. appellani. sgt. Peter Vonrhla qnlreof _ loiii'nlssioner. cfc rea-niuileiita C. I'. Fcrii*, Warren to J Veg*. Ni,.', I.!'-, Oth-SVO 1 J'egral "MIAMHERWORK, WAIT- WATER PIPE MANUFACTURERS. eeatbtu ol New-York gentlemen, wbo urgtd tho pmoi-Rc ami other*, , arriicil hy 7bo with 8 rooms HOUSEWORK, l'ltoi-o.-SAla-i foi furninliina- and aelivenn*; to tm. De- lluffiiuiu for Hanni*! J. Crook* for reais.n.leiita. No. M /\ No '-'(I rent.]*'. rpo RENT.*.A pleasant.cottoo- J INO. Ac.Hy tidy, naefnl yuunif stria for city orcoun- TO for tbe celebration of the ono *pi*o!l»nt.Di*ii*w and etc.. Krcllgh. to Holli.*, Dh-MiBt, xeiirt, JI lliimUll'd If d*MI.I), un Bcbooley'* Mountain, g. £, c.iii kiuJ nf houaewurk and be uni. um-fiil i purimcnt oi Public Worka l,3o0 lon* ol ai ral. lit Pipe aud 103 of Hie bill providing ID!..Tnnla anoiher, exmruuira, appellant*. pot) " ib.* jl diiauy r.illy Blanche*aud la a staled Sgt. Toter Voornl* and otlor*, ronunmintier, eto., rtsMpt.nt!- rrnt. ix Ullin -.'IM yard* of ttit- Heath IIuiikc." ami overl'toklog nv wui(t*a; a-ouil reference*. At the ritoTESTANT HOME tnuaot hpeciat caatiogs tucK.scd hundredth, anniversary of the TTealyof Pence snd the for Haley. Thoma* to William Kelly, na 47ihi*t, i.'i.i ft hotel lo Icu .raina daily t» Nt w-Yurlc-tlme, envelone will be received ut the ottl.... ot Ute Departine.i uulll . n'a argued bj c. P. Hoffman appellant*. Samuel J. w of .Mn 5 gronu.l* Slsbl ll REA C. I33 tHhave,, lour d-ootajtbove^lOth.*., " American by holding an for .No. 1 .'*4..Ja nea K. 11 tieave, 1(10.5. year*, rem. *.*|n '.".j I.rs: icrnis rsaaonsbw. Apply to WILLIAM Vf. April 10. W80. Fur full informa_un tee City lteeord," fur recoguitiouof Independence drooka reapunilent*. hnslilrlil, np- Henderson. J (* to M rsrhaefer and another, a w cor of isrlifKilev'a .Mountain, N. salo at No.'. eily Uall. of manufactures and i.cllaiit, agt. Kiancla ft. Perinc, laspoadssl: srga* ln- and 6i)i s ac MAUMU, .1._ ^OOK..A flrst-elaM Scorch Protestant eook; International Exhibition urta, J. for John A. Vautin 1 fur re ;iU-uvt> h.at, lota, lo1* y rs, rent.... 7,11)0' J iiiiileistaiul* all about Urat-claai mena ('tiarle* ItKsoll apnepant p Kal ike. J W to A No 0i4 hi li aviv cooklna; aoups. the products of tbos.ul sud mmes lu the City of New- apuii lent. Nc ti..Jolm Flanagan, leaponileut. agi. John H. flumps, Syeaea RENT for tin- REASON..A roomy old no a ko".I pntttrv cmiIc licit ol referenrea i xvaKe* moderate: i Jame* lor "!,000 Ol ciii.ifry tlfhave.. beteen 1'Jtt und *.':.,nat*. York In 1S63 Thc committee instructed Representative M alili n,apooliant argued hy a.Dawey amt Hani, Kelly. F A aud nthora. irnatee*, etc. tn V I*;iirlia*-t, No TOcountry bona*, romforiaiiiy sud la*te.ally lunusued; to ly ;30ii CTurooean -Vooeniscmcm*. S. c. Mil,ard for respondent. ii7'-',1-ayi.. 5 rear*, a fsmlly w.thoulyoans'-bileran: Ite-n.lfnl Urlvoa sud rsm- the lull to tbe House, and ask for ita pa* rent. 1.400 liles horses fur biri* i,.*ar »' luw an i-xcellcnt Scotch Toman; for Cox to report Tho following ls the day calendar for Monday, Bellly, H to H N* bon. halliling n w cor Dth-BVa nnd In ImmrallatS Vicinity; by ''OOK..By GRAND 4i,!h-»t. ft rate*; within live minute* ol p.ki ofllrc iimi rallroadStaUuB. J city orcoontrv iiiiiVr*tauda ber bu*lnca* perfectly; ls ENGLAND.-THE Amil 12: year*, n-nt. 1 -l(,(j ''., Nd xxlcli. 'ber, honest amt lndu*tiaoua an tue. lieut baker, iimi tn BRIGHTON,HOT-L, one of the rtneet bi Oreat , in centre of ¦Tue Ilunno Commitleo on Appropilotions took up tbe KonUimaxd. 0 K aud otbera, (mst, ..*. mc. to I, il,,i,';'. ('mn*_ xv av III lo lill a hist clutr* ailuaiion ; mot.erato clo** to the Pier. Americans vi*lt- No*. 156,160, 131. 157, ldfl, 187. ISP and 170. stidwlfc. na 5th -j ly wa_ea siiiauailo, *>luipro|o*e bid und voted to concur in thc »te:n lat-ave,'.'I.Ultael st, 1.7 -ro RENT for th.* SUMMER..Rumson all at Sdi Otb ave inK lirighiou, that most celebrate.! and attractive *. Eugitab Immediate Deficiency It waa onleiori that when tbe court adjourns on Fri¬ xft7.2. 'Jd yearn, rent. 3,-0 Neck, aasrista-st._ ¦ea able resort*, are lnfortue.l (hat tbe above nu_niflceui and i.iii.-iidtnenu. those In C ilcOovuiii. No I Nuvernlr.k and Miirewsl.uiy Uiver*, HeabHgtlt. lied Hunk majority of Ibo Senate Among day, April 10. it will adjourn to meet In New-York on VnW lint. loiiomgu 1,12. ililiiv* ;') a*,l m.! hhrowaburr, N. I. iiiiiidicl iiwcllliigs. Uiver "^OOK..By competent women; neate, ooaps, convenient hotel 1* managed on th* American plan. Terms are the item of Aprll 10, nt 10 ii. m., and wilt thou proceed gssts real. i.ono Pot Ha; to J bread, blsculta, dc.i*cin, .vc.; excellent cook*; for elly tor board ano lo*, dd., or rf'2 3 rael- u*v. t.nnng which they decided not to concur Monday, Kieeta and Ocean Views, appix lodtdng* sud race with thc call of the present calendar. RKCOHDl 1) I) lt. Ki*. KL I. lt. lr.. UN I! road xx-a}-. countryi best of nfcrt'iicea At the PftuTEST \>T Spring and Hummer (Eaator, Whitsuntide weeks 82^6.500 fjr tho completion or thc north wing of tho MOKTllAOn, QME BUREAU, I.ih Ul* axe. murtb houaonbovo loth at. excepted.) aw Elevator io Each Floor. new War, Btste and Navy Department* building, and Atlrrmirr. OlWa snd bnsbaiM. los Merrlbew, cur nfliinf-ton HHahts,.Furnished honso to lot, No Extra Charges. the Senate nmendmeni reducing the appropriation ror Madison ave and 67ih*tU I year. SI non VV May to ."uTember B. U. rilAT-B. IOU Ifstasa-sfc ^OOK," WASHER. IRONER. By Geruian i'nblte purlnrs. Heading, willing, drawiuc, oniUd and DECISIONH-Arnn. 0. Rarfctto. (I Mto.i Vaiulciiiui*!. ii c cor Lcttnginii ave J help cook,wiuibaiiit Iron well fur city or oouiiti.>: (rood am. king room*. Fine «ea brittling, dcll:iiHiil niles, and other printing from Sr4.10.Ofio to ?300,.)00. .-inn aHroeiioua. la .i.ioii(»u buufs fide from London public Court.Chamber*.Wv Judge Dotiohu.*.. and M'Uh-at. rear. 1 e, '' on Ten-ncca. Can be evan at tho PKoTEsTANT HOME Brighton by Tho Renate Kxodu* Cuiniiiittea ex iiiiln. tl A. 8 John¬ Supreme to the Nea Vbrit n a for griln Loernat nu ti.e Londuu and Itabway. tb- und Farmers' and Mechanics' National Hank agt fi teen,-Plaintiff Camp! ell, J savings Hank, -titi'. llilland ralisatleatfi*., li.'l fwt on cacb. J.'.-l fcc. deep, rui-.Ai, tatteihave.. fourth Loose aborc bat. Brighton son, land co.nmlasioncr«' Atehlsee,Topeka take the risk of within an hour. Ireland li (! Of I.ISITl*. I CHI. J \rO.\'KKI!>s..Re.-hlonre -ad. Mr. John*on said that most of the may trying sgt. Hup* K and lui*:,and to J II Hc-uin iniliiinliig Urn ho.nu of thu hilo 1. M.islugeri thu hoOM tn uno fs*n:a Ft- Ha.lr llulc fl'.', twolaat baas*. The Heapia ex re*. Hatxtl Davis. Anti BSllSth-aL . French, Swedish, Oernian, I0HN FRANKSEN c- CO.. cattle salcmnan. m were nnd pin*..Kee w il-avtx. a of tin* illicit n iii* lilac. everr.hing completei bot-bonae, ^IRST-CLiASS ou colored en igia its ermine ToiM'ka panpers, ant. Hall..Uiilcr rtiamisHisl wlthont coat*. Fntnara agt. f mui.tlih. H 500 ' torrscM ami mieii xyitu scotch. Irlah und KiitH-ti sixrvsn.a for all cipm nie. tl iimi. KiikI.i.iiI, win be glud to recetreconalgninimiaof them were »obh*h, t binreu und W lind hu*ha.id to it T * * graperlos. il ible, Aa: groutun nicely iaii; Y rt neb nurse*, nod bullers or .hat a lases poi non of Mayer..Order granted vacating ur 'ero' April ,v, Iftso. l»nt- Weill. Knppr*.' 12oth-*t"w t of iruii trees. Tm sbova xv.i* taken ly tureeloears l.ulya-niaida foi etty ca-11« .rom America to aell on romnuaaion; a.l coa*isnnients fteiile old men. Thc u.asa of them were uiukiilcd ia- nam art. Meyer..order granttst vacating order snd atrikmg Ot Hdave. 5 year*. 3 500 of nmrtg.iaii'and win besoLIcheap. Apply to >uutry a aiiuouilliy. Milo. I. PoKGKS. 1,SM Druntixvs intriisiCtt io .Xiem will have »U1ci attvulloui re.erencea: at all suited for faun work as now con auctiil ont Hame of vx'Uham flora tin* record a* vlaiutlfl ami dale, Carnlliie M In Mair A Turnor, a a 15i.th.st, vr of Tl!!'." D'll'.'*: itweon rtlsi. am. 32d-sts. Hull old and the London aad Yurkai.ire Banking Co¬ bocer.i, mt Darling Moft-avn, 2 niortitage*. 1 7i0 MACKNRT, Bank, alth Implements In Kaunas. Major A. J. liiaertlnalt ia defendant, etc. Powell agt. H!ok«i.-,'ee Ilulu ' lau Held-1., Ni wara. N. J. if Ull;_ inproved auld bad 52. laat two line*. agt. Kallly.-drante* : arc memo. Oonlrt. N and wife n> Ann W,*od*, w a Un xv r sve, t German, Swedish and Irish mils jgts sn attorney fr Kansas railroads, be Ohadaey rear 200 ^RENCii,nu-ali capaxitua. niau mal.i aeri'nut* for ibo country. with a nuiii.er who wero dlssatiatlrd wlth Kansas, ranrtnm. The Maror, etc., sgt. Tavlor..Moilun-culed ; aeo rana COMPANY'S EXTRACT m*t meniiiranduui. ngt. Jil inti; UMfor.l act. FIcMh ; Hardy. Wllllnte ami wife lo T II Tappin, e_ecuror,eie 4_.>fX PER MONTH.Old style bonsf, n r.th.ii,.*., i.*iix¦.cn :i:,iii I'.n.i :njt -ata. to their homes, near Johnson, Jr., ¦> ; room* xxiii. LIEBIGOF MEAT. PINE1*T AND CHEAPEST MEAT «nd ucs.reii to return Shreveport. hage Lawrence- Dee memorandum. Walter.ct. Fowlert a t lS.'ht.at. w of 5tii-a a, 1 year..' ooo tj5-^»# onibalhUiifr*. aaudco. aadpaataro titi agt. io u * l,,i-il, .-un incl iiii.Rt):* If ncc'c*i, with'H two mlle* nf FI.AVoUlUNii rxloCK Viitt t' 1*3, MADE La. lu .In- umtTtri ol ihe New-York Central and Hodson lllvir Hav*. Alex M lt Bonner, ' Klnfabr-lge Itead, tami. IIOUSEKEEPER nod COMPANION.-A0 in- au (ii' ai. ,;o '.dani, iit,ii rr an N- ¦* Yoi a* DIlmHES AND 8AUCKH. The lloiiae Cemtuirtee on Wave and Means took uj> the Hai'.ioad rouiii.iuT.iit'lers grunted. Jarrett ngi. hioan : In x I -th xiar.li. Mveir*. iiiono depot a te llK-iu, refined yoiiria-lady wuillllkt ap.'rdllun niau. hoej.-iron uiieiiinn again upon the report ol Represent- toe matter of Ura.nplcr..Motlnusdinleti. ])«i Wilt, jr.. agu lao. fll«r. 0 XV ami wife tu lui, r. i h M'.tii.st. xx .( u.i, lr i's; -ec, lally iidipusl mr pl 111 cir: I xv mt r.nir lion*xetef,er in it pit-a-aiif, «t nial family, t.r na cm- LIEBIG <'0.>lPANY-*« EX IHAOT h -1 ii,cull,. li.-alu.ful tun view, anti horse sod .1 " Tucker, from the nulM>oniiiiltt-*e to whom the mal- Jack Junes net. Tr. lilian M'l.cka sgt. llimmai In tl.e imf ave, li iuumk.fi . 15 MXI luclliou. coui'hiiiit. ruxv, .ullin lur littly or tiiirsu lui an mialla x*capable ot Ulllog- OF MEAT. Is a auecesaiuui a feoow tor whys uatio-i* nixo w * .h., ki .'.*¦. .illili.*.* iii.sii,:..,(.. uni,*,, jj.,-1 as " " cd. Oarflcld ,,ffer.-..i n kii'i- tero! tlnr !!oss Chem cal ; lu Hie mattum! Hulton KCMab I', T te li* ca l.iiu_,loii, Axc-A. m.! 71 ,t- ii*. P.ntll iv ii il,er 1.1.ci nu, a pln.uaul Umuna* much of antill)*.-, cuni. abouid tesl graUifiiL".Sea Menieal pre**.'* Lae* tar was refer; Repreaeuuitive Company .. Kiniii llevt.k, N..L " tote that the law should lie coii*iru»d to embrace lu Hm matta-r of Dtulles* agt. Kol.tir Bnweraagt. Boyd j Jlucil st. 1 ynr. ()00 S4.S, nanon. Ail,...** xxltri naititular-4 Mis. H. K. TAYLOlt, eel." Brinah Meuical Journal." Ac. et '' L to/. A ir jackaoir, t a 23u nt, w nf rook ri. y. " aa-Town*. n.l; (Inti, etc.. act. Hall* Marotiki av:, lirauul* Mason, Lydia lyn. _ with U*» cut biK.p* as anbjoct to tbe sptcitlc dnty imposed matter of sinter: In fiih-avc. 12U00 CATJ'ITON.-Ocnuliii* only fac-alialle nt Uara*. " but tout all contract* ont.-retl into gao i In tba the matter of Wallace.- l.libig'* atguavuiu lu obie ink acroas tim la'aeL U|i'ii boop-lcon." Orautod. agt. llaTila_<--»*« Bolo 6*J. Uat two North BapH.xtClinrrh to K A Day, No230. West Ut!,'. a Dhnish irirl. able to March and baaed upon .lux nd valorem Taylor .I. 1 (Tfinntrr) Rral -Cctnte. -|OUSEVVORK.-ByJ aiid ad ix e. xx lc. h irunK.i.Tnni!er*riiii.!aa!lklnd«of¦ll-under*' ho-.tso ia UMireaae- uuteU in tea prior 12, .¦ linet. rear. 7 400 ID^ilcb. '(.onsuinptioa EugUma linly, should be pititi.t.sl by admit nu-,' the emt Oiieeial Trrio.nv Judge Van V(.rat.-Conrtrsr and another mniuli, laouiaa c to p liinh.ir.l. w * broadway, * o'f ll .lillies, li.iiiiuliiM null* ali'l buller, ano ls kimi io clitutrou yeera. ¦ hoop* " under that rate. Upon this proposition a vie ag). JnMaii T iiiCiiugi of lac; arl c inciustcus of Utr algueii. Mint *t, 1 Tear. .eu, lirANTED..Farm, south wide Lon/r Island, 11 lake a ulai .ai mi u; city h.- cuiuiry; bes! references Ll MIK. t'OMPANVM EATHA CT 4. M**s-rs. M01- Douehue. ¦Htirtlnii.n. r.obl.i»on. lVllha.ii M and elle to A J I.og, rs, Ne :'_4 V f iibuiit. i.e. in mitt iiiio a constant home Hall nt alir.' otn-aTc, near lsrh-at sod wa* taken, and rextilfed.yeas, (1; naya, Hy Judge eic. agt. Hit.liaau aud oth¬ imo acres, asobBnge fer shotoe broukju piep> OF MEAT. To bc Unit of ail aiotv-kecpsr*, grocer*, wero aud. a* wid er*.. Plntling'. West lb.b-st, I year . HOYT, so.N ,v Mr. i..-.u:,;;, -jr, »ea*an st. elietiust*. Molo Basalt for tlie Ualte.* State* (whole. risou, Ulbson and Pelion absent, they aigiii-i!. Marv and huili.ini! ro J-.lua .¦xty. a neut, int.lli- lie to record their votes, the action ot the oo'n- .SapenorCoHrf.Special Tens.By Judge Sedgwick. schtick, Wiener, trust-e ' |0rSEW0UKER.-By tidy, aalBOOly), C. DAVID &-UO- ii Untk.lxoo, Landa-.. . 1. will ne permuted etc, s e rnr'.'tl-nvc and l.tl *t ... 1", ooo Rent Pratt liam yoangftrli aeneralir useful tn Kn tnM.ee la not yet determined. -Mtin*c.ll Hgt. Fauoil McIntyre agt. Kadmut i -onuvaii agi. T an.! oin* rs tai ii xx uw cor Sdavs lamilv-... c«n >o co and la a efloS uland. to waa Mc i Lawrence act. Weiner Kmitii. eli, aad ny lapacltv got*! iking Sold wbok-aaie by I'srk A Tilford, wraith A Vanderbeec, .ibe 8u!>**f''.vnmlttce on Piclflc RillroarK when Alpine Cudlip..Urdera algucd. ll I th-t-r. i -ear 7075 it-li r nn;l trouei xxl'l trire bo-t of rwoinnirndiiiioua; A Koonin*, tl. K. a K the time accorded thc North¬ act, K.'g.ra ct ai..I:* ft r nccoitbitd, Ltclc* (uti. T)atr_*li. Croohlnn for Sale an- 3o Cct. aeeu al 34id mar Acker, .Merral! tk Cmjtlli, MeKe-aou reforr d .he blU extemilng eau*., to Multli. W W lo (.large M Orovcs.s a .'>llh-*l, xr ot 4th- Propcrtn suss u.oderain. Can bo tith-ave., »'3n.-)-: B. Tliuioer .it ami J. Milhau* A tn xrbieb to. fulfil rbe conditions .order let.orlng cultndar. McDowell .-i til. nut ll Ij 0*00 ll llt-tir. Om, ftul.._ ern Paciilc Railroad Dray ct al., O'UHeu mi, milly ; Mame agt aamr.-onur* of ave, e:iis. ' upon which ita laud granta aro baaed, uecliicd advemely dlaiMinu-niuice. iilackwed art. Rnrack. Order its) and Sqn.er. J ll and wife tn Hie Mutual Lifo lasursncs Co npo i.kt or rou ,, w lime The wa* gian 11 «'..:',: ~t. .* of 4.have, 1 vear.7 00(1 J. iiic,,sni.: tiourxt, mid «tiro '.!) ann "il u-o AUNPRESS..A !ir-r-c!.iK» colored laundress ORSlo IA>-NDON.-VVOOD'8 SOMER. to extending tbe ten year*. proposition nnile.rtaktagnppruve... ."..rriub agk KeUIr..Cnaertoaln-ap- West Naaaanat.; 4 SET H diie.'tly the Kuaion to extend tbe time als years; but pending llijdni.1 ntl. lo.hii'B.--i)rdi*rit aobttitailon. To! cen. J In A Steyenmii. NnWl 4'd-»l, 1 ."__.' a'uOO li,H ittnisnuit- UOBI.OM L. yoiai. U7 (Ink ul., Ur toklyii. nub in fnulli aiaa'a sad family wa*SI_aai TS cent* nuU VLSI! iTLL, npp.>*lt~ Railway then made proved, Ken- Hamel" V lllsr-ell. Not .'.-'I and ViX Wett 43