Astitljiaa CATARRH

Astitljiaa CATARRH

SUction Salt* tri Real gotott. «3iiaa-iom« -Dante--*-JgnvUtm©, c. P. I)*!y.-..iinlseiiarta_t Maller -Judgment for pUtnUff .?..Y000; An.unti. Ca., Pioooooj Oat, Kelby ag!, atiiplaftl.-Tlin naw Coila, section 1.2n7, provide* AVO_tM.aa_. 0OVERNES8.-By A Session. N. Ifioh., MULl-rJU XLVIth CONGRESS.II«l i«liai.i).i.i: Hvraense, T #100..)'*'; M.irqucito, bu.* iiiejutlgnieiit i* to be dl-charfed by ibu (tramr clerk. RESIDENCE. AliJtJAjf'BL Lo cosKstedceanesred lae as tn a ia* p-enn.. Tyler. Tex.. oilier*..Th. NURSERYyanacrooog ~~loaf nqraery ya $lU4»..*a>; La.iciiaiei, if7S,(XH): nx jiii!-i* v tn tea.-ii Vny «tfL Uurn* and 1pBEAF»^ familyfamily; aoobiecaon_o olrtecaon to har"leaye tbe etty; 3»>>,OiH>; Greenville. f*. C., r|i-0,0«*>. Tl* comantte* ral T- i.,' t ,ls eanri rentl.ired In April, a* town, abont one AUCTION RF.rORT OF PROCEEDINGS, bill iii their fsvur willi ItmTtr tor Mile mr re*ide-ce Tarry ULAR als sneed io n pur; favorsHi lbs BepaSe spproprl- l-*- , ci.Ulled -liedifimUiiit on A largo alon* PEREMPTORY n in «i of th* 'rtaUon. Jlreadxvay. f,£s-^£^.wwfclt-M-Boxi>a-^> at wi st point covsio. otlng for tbe ef preparing cir-lo (1'ic.Ina :igi. Horner.."idi-r mUs^ontll u. -n home: nra ali.koko octuagk eid.osH) t-urpot-o .¦ benin* wi h belonglug slessat SALE of to lu* kn cn a* Dupont Martur loitrt.Chitviurit.Hv Juatice Goopp,. e«ryaVdntoicnl ami -.Utile, gr**,*-,- &c.A widow to fro out AM-.VD-D the (ny Washington, de by tl ' ERKD BY THU 8.NATK.THK CTT. DHL ls lu a braise siutuo of I>.tr. luster Unlni Freealone ag- DufTr..Motion u\¥tX'"ol"nr^rwrfoone*bmi** tho lawgrapery,ula tally dav to w_»_ or ira- ot do Ssas* MT Wast Circle," in which be erected xOonipaoyHMehn-iiu.-JW memoran¬ house. wiUifrult and vegetable garden*.; bauu-oraoesp.; OT WASHING, * .A DCLI. SKSSIDN OF Tin: HOISK. Admiral Dupont MM wltno-at eoeta t/uict* sat jlne tim .iee* are larg.-, and lt la.iuoof tbe many 30th-s_, top floor, front. ^_ Pt Ile:* uh.nick dum. Fisk sgt. Mad.un"; Tanney Birt. ice; nlaco*. on the t***t li»uk of the Sat- Dnelgor nudaon._ 9 HOUSES AND LOTS . ¦- SENATE.WASHi.fQTOK, April 9, 18S0. tgf. Hnf/cnli. rg Bari ag. Kinney nytiDlne an nf shoutaeyeotsen years, I can guarsn X.i.MIWTION'S. I' an.I Bonton Whiling Compuar agt* Walter! "xpcrmnco 1|,ha teen healthy. .,, .. ,. flitnaiione CUanuo.JOaUt. In tlie Senate to-day t-he Hmm bill relative Bean aa.. Tonne!* Mutton* grauiel. I.iacknr agt *A awi AND '.>..The President sent act. to Justice, of the Peuce In th.* Tefrilsrles was sassed. Washimuon. April leiili.-Motion dbnnlaaed. laoui'k* HngeliiHiin..MoUijnI*vlu ltx-_n_^atagrsatl^i|sle.. fA$jL^mjmmmim the io ike i-emue Hus afternoon i ceri int. liir llut/an (iranltn . n .ipany ant Mamore 227 VACANT LOTS. * eosehman who thor- The Hons- bill Hruiroprtatlng fri^O.OOO for a publ.c tunld- teargas aeaUaatioos ta ssa. sn abort calendar. Kear¬ .SEAT of 36 flores, situated tpOACHMAN..ById* "f to ta of thc ac.. Lyman..Onler* placing Haberman ur.. COUNTRY lt ml cs \J otishly understand* basl-ess: also ths esra sad tesla, Pa'ui wo* W. J. r White, l'liilailerpM*. r-toperx-isor ney art Kearney i Page »*t. Hough i between Harlem and New-Haven Italln.a.1*. CO, ins ot y. u_t» borae*: Uv* years' flrai^lsas cl.y releraaes frost ingat ah, Kv., pa-sort. etivii* fur Hu lal luirirl of rrtiU'rlvaiila. John W. lUrr. HeaUUU-: sdmicr Her am. Frans; lir.ix.iagt. On* rim¦Idi-ncc A bulbing*; three ''irhrtnl. o fruit; THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE nooMeotuato tAeeoanti-* atnted that the of Louisville, to ba United State* nisi- lit Judge lor tho Dla Well itruxxn Kent fiom Now-Yor't: plain fur WILLIAM. laatem-oyar-, -arrlMt no tssm Mr. MORRILL (Rp., Vt.) appropria¬ Waahinrtoa Inauraaee. -mpany t sgt- uci* land of O',a quality anliablu building. UT i willina; aad obliging. Address J. W- i» West Md-ss, ou by thc ir,ct ef Ktntiii'ky, anSccv.rnl pos.tnaalcr*. »*t. p.tgt'; Bower*agi. lisrni Kinslou. act. gramar, MATHEWS, Monti.. Vernon I'oat Oin rc. OF NEW YORK tions for public buildi gi favorably neted BUiddanl T racv Smith Hos j Miller tu «Ct. ltowl*.i.l; agt. Sgt air!. Zeller a first-class men; will .MMfttee during tbe pres* nt Congress amounted agt. Kaaoln..Onlt'Tanf tlivoiulliUsneo. c'lSm-ll _ T PLU8HINO..FINE HOMES.Omit im- WILL SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, OW pOACMMAK..By_.** come well recommended from bis former Hlato an- v. wafer Hot Iv Sys* sfsstorsra, Oas .1.026.SOO. C05F1RMAT10X& Holden agt Alcoi linnhe* sat »bnith.-Ale«aBdar i\ provemeui* ; abiuidaiu ry pun> (" be 531 Hd-ste- or by note to THOMASlt W. tx- ptiinicil gtisn-aa. Wadaworth ant. nnimlcv.-MoUou denlSdj tcm'ri- thtxioiigh*.tvera*o; elevated Incition : vorv licallll- aeen_st _ for of there- 7..The Sonnie, iu all frit* . oiivoinciicMll ii lu*.! il al let BC- TUESDAY, APRIL 20, 1880, Tbe ri-soluthtnt prinlln? lO.nno c.n,le* Washington, tee opinion. __________________« Mil; tl mr st reeta; g.*; to Vi, a married man aa first- thc following noml- ,, om snnrlae to midnight; commutation altst.. of the KBteaBstagteal Osauaisstea ob tao Kaeky ccn.ive ssastos ytt-t iday, coiiflimed ullin-fi wanted. Get AT 13 O'CLOCK, AT THE KXCH.VNOE SALESROOM, COACHMAN.-Byola** coachman! ls a good aad eseefal drrver. thoroa-hly iona Bte 7't Seut* ncr trip Juat the particu¬ understands ni* bualnas* can be well reeora mended byArti. Mantels Loons! uinl 6.000 eeplse Ot the report aa So* natloas: ARMY PROMOTIONS. lar* of A. J. tsTj-VK.NS, 17ii Ilioiulxvny (Koo-i-H* NO. Ill BROADWAY, BY eisss familiea of thu city. Address M. C. D. .los 17. Tiikoae ology were passed. ( hnrles A. Adam*, of OOead*', tone IloAltlcnt ami V ;itown ofllce. l,'.»8 Broadway. MewYors. the of 111 1.1*1 '1 I'll* '.'. Itel! l-l Ile. lo Helix 11. LONG BRaANCH and vicinity.'I'o.let.. Tu.* Roues p'so'iition authorising printing COIII Lana .> to au rooina. to WM. ADRIAN H. MULLER dc SON. Auctioneers, 30,000 of the rep *l on Hie minmi.ernie of sugar sn ll mae. of Cali kirala, to be Register of Hie Washington*, April 0..Lieutenant-Colonel ATr'uriilslicd cottages. Apply a augie Swede ; 35 years eaptee "1:1,.* ul . LAM': .t co*.. Ki*. Lon/ Branch*, N. SITUATE ON from heals, prepared by Cora..'tattooer Le Dae. was fen-SUV!!'*, I-|, . Mass* I. Ocurge 'i linn. Corps n. Bngtnerrs, lo be Cnlnnoi. Major J._ THE VALUAHLE PROPERTIES COACHMAN..Byof ase aa coachman In the country t tea reata* ssa*** tu,' resolution for tbe printfog of Postmasters Piano** I'. Vine nt at mnage Cit", i.** a de- eueej good reference (Liit'ieran.) Addrsss H. NEILSON, 38* passed: riis*., Boase for the i, ii-re. bi llor-eliesd*, N.Y.i H. P. i"'f.v '" ReadlOir, BearyI* Abbot, Oorpe of Bag-were, to UeateasBt- MONTCLAIR..To let, .nrnl-lied, THE BOULEVABD, Pad-eat., fiiootlyn, N. lioo.ono ennies of im* report (*f ihe Commissioner at Middletown, (ih'.o: Oeorc H. of llphifal conntry hume. 19 rooms, heridsomo grounds. Y._ mi; additional Mich.: Lewis Lawbrlghi Co one!. Osrretl J. !<vdee_er, Corps Engi- AT within -.(Iking dlManco of 1W7U. Thc hm,.nu.oj foi-prim 3.O00 I'nicv al !'. i.ei u ; Krancl* _. Piles at Ueurge* Captals s'luile, rmi., nnd garden oth-ave.. Park,) pern tho au, oreg Mallory. owner alu ead. HoWi*. & (Central .Mias of tbe report ol ihe Naval Observatory -sa low ix.'I tata*. ncrr*. to bc Major. Fhst-Lleiitenfnnr John C. never tieen ranted! going eclipse of l->7() wa* passe !. Lu atman' J..lui li. Lillie, of Malue, lo bu a Second- tn* captain. Beeo-it Lleattasal i« a USONS, 70 ce lar-at and Montclair._ ST. NICHOLAS AVE., a calling *x f'"ii>-iof _agtnorTS,te Mr. LOOAN (Rep., III.) submitted reaolntloa I in lin* ll fl.Kl lo be First-I.leit- bli o.-aye., harness store. tu reien ncc lo thc reenI mutilation ol of Osa¬ William M. Hlack. Corps of Ki.ginecra, A T ORANGE, M. J. (neighborhood specialty). 3D. STH, AND 1OTH.AVES., for info.' manon Tee Benaie Meeta il the fnliowlng neiuluationa ho Can- _A .iToiuitv fin-aalc and rent ail varletlea* gteat bar- one of the e-nleii al West J' 'in'. tenunt, FiistLleiitciinnt Murrin K. O'Dri^n. to HAMILTON. l»a fW .'*. NV- 61ST, M-Sr, WTH. Tf.TH. 77TH, 83D, 90TH. 90TH, pOACHMAN and GARDENER.-By a mar- Mrs-.ia (aOe.ii., Cona-I md .MAXKY (D.u.i., ma CnperviarT*; Cfivnlrv. 8ecnii(l-L'i*ii!eii:mt jurtn*L_ 12,ST, 13STH, 137TU, V/ Heil man aa coachman ana gar-ener ; la a goon groom ana BATON *4. Isl l>i*txict of Mfaisaippl: John Tx. lam 2d United Stale* .7TII, 1'JJl), USO, capable driver underatsnils the raisins of etable-* and tnt Tex.) ibmig >! tuc ic-ti.itioti premature. Jo>,n Barton. f<*r tbe to I..- ITWt-Lleutenant M Pulled LANDING.FOB SALE-FARM of A>D ref SO ns to rec, il, s' Ix nt l,.

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