Jewish National Fund of Canada
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ROOTSJEWISH NATIONAL FUND OF CANADA The Stephen J. Harper Hula Valley Visitor and Education Centre PUBLISHED BY JNF CANADA | TISHREI 5781 | SEPTEMBER 2020 740-5160 DECARIE BLVD. MONTREAL, QUEBEC H3X 2H9 [email protected] WWW.JNF.CA JEWISH NATIONAL FUND OF CANADA CALGARY - ISRAEL 2020: CONTINUING CARE CHANUKAH EVENT TBD MONTREAL - NEGEV CAMPAIGN LAUNCH WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2020 OTTAWA / ATLANTIC - NEGEV 2020 TBD REGIONAL ONTARIO - NEGEV 2020: TOGETHER BUT APART SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2020 TORONTO - NEGEV 2020: A NIGHT OF 100 DINNERS SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2020 WINNIPEG - NEGEV 2020: A NIGHT OF 100 DINNERS SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2020 INCOMING NATIONAL PRESIDENT & CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER BETH S. PRICE LANCE DAVIS NATIONAL PRESIDENT CHiEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER It is hard to believe that another year continue to have an obligation to Israel. past number of years. There are thou- has passed and what a year it has been! This is personal. Israelis are our family sands of individuals who are delighted to 2020 has presented us with a reality that and even though they are thousands support projects in Israel, but the reason no one could imagine. Everyone is af- of kilometers away, caring for your they do not give is because they were not fected adversely by the pandemic and family transcends distance. We will asked. This is our time to reinvigorate we all know someone for whom the im- proudly continue to speak to Canadian those connections again. pact was horrific. There are no satisfac- supporters to invest in our projects in We hope that you enjoy reading this tory words of comfort that we can offer every corner of Israel. magazine. As a supporter of JNF Canada, to those whose lives have been shattered Now that we cannot hold large gather- we want you to understand how your by COVID 19. We hope and pray that ings, we need to pivot and to dedicate donations are directed. Your donations 2021/5781 will bring much happiness more time and energy to individual have a return on investment in terms and most importantly, good health. meaningful conversations with our do- of the social good that we facilitate. A new Board of Directors and Executive nors. Thanks to wonderful technology Although we often help build capital will be elected shortly for a three-year we can engage small groups of people projects, JNF’s success is not measured term. It is a superb group of people who and families in a personal way. Of by developing a certain number of are dedicated to Israel and prepared course, face to face is the best format, square feet. Rather, JNF is focused upon to work diligently to advance JNF’s but we have learned that we can achieve how did the facility in which we invested mission. We are an optimistic group! a great deal using technology. enhance and enrich the lives of Israel’s We could approach the current situation Some of you have recently received a citizens. We want you to know that your as a nightmare. Instead, we choose to call with respect to making a planned donations help real people, your family perceive it as an opportunity. We have an gift. This is a conversation about a gift in Israel, in a profound way. We are opportunity to consider - where do we that will come to fruition many years inspired by JNF Canada’s work and we want to be as an organization by 2023? from now. This is a great time to ad- hope you are as well. How can we develop as an organization vance our efforts in our planned giving Wishing you and your family a very to better connect Canadians with Israel? strategy as many people are starting to happy and HEALTHY new year. Even though there are many needs consider their plans for the future. Shanah Tovah! here in Canada that are important and This is an opportunity to contact sup- must be addressed, we believe that we porters whom we have missed over the 4 BRAND STORY 20 JNF PRESIDENTS 30 JNF HAPPENINGS 6 NEGEV HONOUREES 22 VENTILATOR CAMPAIGN 36 LEADERSHIP HIGHLIGHT 8 HULA VALLEY VISITOR AND 23 JNF EDUCATION 37 HISTORY OF THE BLUE BOX EDUCATION CENTRE 24 CLIMATE SOLUTIONS AWARD 38 JNF FUTURE 12 JNF PROJECTS 26 THANK YOU TO OUR DONORS 39 WALK WITH JACK 18 JNF HIGH HOLIDAY CAMPAIGN 29 MESSAGE FROM OUTGOING PRESIDENT WISHING YOU A SHANAH TOVAH! The paper used for this magazine is 100% recyclable and is produced in an environmentally responsible manner. 3 OUR NEW BRAND & VISUAL IDENTITY ARE MUCH MORE THAN A NEW ICON AND TAGLINE, IT’S ISRAEL’S FUTURE. Over the previous decades, d’etre. Together, we have con- ing on our environmental mis- many of you have grown up with tributed to Israel’s successful rise sion, we have also identified the our logo featuring three colours from its once fragile state to a need to address the lack of chari- - blue, green, and brown. Blue technological and environmen- table social service infrastruc- for water, green for environmen- tal light among nations. ture for the people of Israel to talism, and brown for land. They As Israel has developed, JNF survive and thrive. defined JNF Canada’s raison Canada has also evolved. Build- 4 Why did JNF Canada redesign its logo? We did more than just redesign was to purchase land for the early service needs. our logo. Guided by the consult- pioneers. After the state was estab- The new JNF Canada logo is not a ants at Blueprint, we spent many lished, there was a focus on for- rejection of the past, rather we em- months reflecting on who we are ests, gardens, and lookouts. As the brace it. The values at the core of and what our core proposition was population grew, Israel experienced JNF Canada have not changed. The to our supporters. What makes JNF water shortages so reservoirs were key message of our new visual iden- Canada unique? Our answer is that required. These needs have been tity is that we are forward-looking, JNF is the only Canadian charity addressed, thanks in part to the dynamic, creative, and modern that, together with our generous success of our work. More recently, while respecting our beautiful past. donors, are “Building the Founda- JNF Canada has become more in- We are inspired by the founder of tions for Israel’s Future.” We help volved in social infrastructure pro- modern Zionism, Theodore Herzl, build charitable projects that are jects like community centres, play- who dreamed of an Old-New Land essential to enhance and enrich the grounds, rehabilitation facilities – Altneuland. JNF Canada will lives of Israel’s citizens in every part and youth centres. While our en- continue to honour the values and of the country. vironmental mission will remain a traditions of our past as we turn our In every generation, Israel’s needs priority, we are excited to also sup- eyes forward to building the foun- change. In pre-statehood, the need port these vitally important social dations of Israel’s future, together. OUR BRAND MISSION Building Israel Together The Blue Box (Pushke) JNF builds strong communities for Israel’s future. JNF Made up of the four pillars and the coin slot above, this projects help people live better by linking the generosi- modern representation of the Blue Box is a powerful ty of Canadians to the environmental and social infra- symbol of JNF Canada's long fundraising history and structure needs in Israel. We have supported commu- the enduring support of our donors. nity growth for generations, and we passionately carry The Pillars our historic mission forward for a strong and sustain- The four pillars represent strength and upward growth. able future. JNF is the go-to organization for those who This will also be used in our design system to represent want to connect with and build a better Israel together. buildings, as a core element of our brand “Building Our Visual Identity Israel Together”. Our new logo is made up of an icon and uses the ac- The Leaf ronym JNF. This reflects how most people inside and We replaced the tree from our previous logo with a outside the organization colloquially refer to us. We young leaf sprouting from a branch. It is a nod to our will still use Jewish National Fund of Canada on formal environmental history, our ongoing commitment to and legal documents. environmental projects, regeneration, and new begin- Our icon is full of meaningful symbols: nings. We have been connecting Canadians to Israel for decades, but still perceive ourselves as young and The Colours dynamic. JNF Canada’s new visual identity conveys Israel With the new branding also comes a revitalized ap- through the use of blues and white. The focus of our proach to fundraising and many exciting and mean- work is exclusively directed toward Israel and no two ingful building project opportunities. We look forward colours exemplify Israel more than these. to sharing these (and more of our new look) with you in the coming months! 5 Diane Colley-Urquhart JNF CALGARY 2020 / 2021 Diane Colley-Urquhart, a 20-year veteran of Calgary City Council, has time and again been a voice for Jewish Calgary. Most recently, she brought forth a motion to Council to adopt International Holocaust Remembrance Day, observed for the first time in Calgary this past January 27th. She is also working on the adoption of the IHRA working definition NEGEV of antisemitism. Diane gained significant insight into antisemitism as a Police Commissioner for 13 years, and feels very strongly about educating youth so they understand HONOUREES antisemitism as it manifests itself today.