MAY 3, 1985 30E PER COPY Women Rabbinical Students Prof
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R. I. Jewish Historical Association 11 Inside: 130 Sessions Street Pullout Section Providence, RI 02906 Springtime Celebration THE ONLY ENGLISH-JEWISH WEEKLY IN RI AND SOUTHEAST MASS VOLUME LXXII, NUMBER 22 FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1985 30e PER COPY Women Rabbinical Students Prof. Weisbord Explores Black Maintain Optimism Reactions To Israel by Marlene Goldman movement, and the Jewish religion as a by Robert Israel whole, around this decision. (JSPS) ~ If Amy Ei lberg's description KINGSTON - Robert G. Weisbord, of her class's entrance into the Jewish Debbie Orenstein, one of the students in Professor of History at the University of Theological Seminary (JTS) is accurate, this year's revolutionary class, describes Rhode Island. recently published a book the Conservative movement should soon her fi rst semester in the rabbinical school with Richard Kazarian, ,J r. entitled Israel prepare for an earthquake. as "overwhelmingly positive In The Black American Perspective " It fe lt like the place was reeling," experience." (Greenwood Press). The book investigates Eilberg says to describe the fall semester Befo re the academic year began, Black-Jewish estrangement and the at JTS, where a historical precedent was Orenstein explains, there was a certain erosion of Black support for Israel. Topics set when women matriculated as amount of pressure registering fo r courses include the response of Afro-Americans to rabbinical students for the first time. "The because of the "flashbulbs going ofr' and the early Zionist movement, the attitudes ground was moving beneath our feet." the "people waiting for interviews." With of Black leaders such as Marcus Garvey, attention focused on the incoming female W.E.B. DuBois, Paul Robeson and others Eilberg, one of the 20 women accepted students, "the (21) men could have fe lt as and Black reactions to the Arab- Israeli by JTS, will be the first woman ever less a part of the group." But in conflicts in 1948, 1956, 1967, and 1973. ordained as a Conse"rvative Rabbi in May. Orenstein's view, "The men have been Changing Attitudes The Rabbinical Assembly (RA) - the more than supportive. After all, they too "The Middle East question gained more international organization of are part of a historical class." importance for Blacks after 1967," Conservative Rabbis - recently passed an Most JTS students believe that the Weisbord said. " Blacks, before 1967, were amendment by a vote of 636 to 267, that women's presence in the rabbinical school pro-Zionist but after the 1967 war when will guarantee acceptance to any graduate, triggered a fresh atmosphere. Eilberg the Israeli victory was so swift over the male or female, from the JTS Rabbinical explains that since the average age of the Arabs, many Blacks became less School. women is above that of the men, "Their sympathetic. This is due, in part, to the Although women have been enrolled in life and academic experiences have fact that Blacks were becoming more Robert G. Weisbord undergraduate and graduate level courses brought interesting perspectives into the identified with the third world at the time at JTS for decades, the academic credit school. The women brought a cooperative and they looked upon Arabs as the Ethiopian Jews. They looked upon they received went towards a bachelor's style and an openness of questions." non-whites. Blacks also had the Israel as David rather than Goliath in that degree or a general master's degree. Eilberg Susan Grossman, another member of conception that most Israelis were of And they looked upon Israel f\S an will graduate quickly because she, as many this progressive class, explains that "The European descent and did not know of the of the other women rabbinical students, women are concerned about putting more existence of other types of Jews, let alone (Continued on page 9) has credits that are finally being applied to ruach (spirit) in the school." Women have a rabbinical degree. ' instituted programs that "instill The decision to admit women into the spirituality." One product of their efforts Rabbi Sholom Strajcher Is JTS rabbinical school in October, 1983, is a support group for couples with caused much communal tumult. Tension different spiritualities. R.I. Jewish Citizen Of The Year and "debate still exist in the Conservative - (Continued on page 9) President Mark Mandell and Executive Director Lola Schwartz are pleased to .announce that Rabbi Sholom Strajcher has been named recipient of the Jewish Community Center of Rhode Island's 1985 Jewish Citizen of the Year award. Rabbi Strajcher, who currently is Dean of the Providence Hebrew Day School and the New England Academy of Torah, will receive his award at the JCCRl's 60th Annual Meeting, to he held on Wednesday, May 8 at 7:45 p.m. This award adds one more piece of recognition to Rabbi Strajcher's already distinguished career in education and community service. Among Rabbi Strajcher's awards for his many past achievements are the UOJCA/NCSY Meritorious Leadership and Achievement Award, commendation by the Governor of Tennessee as a volunteer for the Shelby County Suicide ·• and Crisis Intervention Center, and presentation of the Key to the City of Miami Beach, his hometown. Rabbi Sholom Strajcber The Jewish Community Center of Rhode Island is proud to honor such a Rabbi Strajcher is ma,, ,.,d to the warm , outstanding individual. Rabbi former Elaine Goldstein of Memphis, TN. Strajcher's commitment to youth, family, They have fou r daughters and two sons, education, and the furtherance of Judaism and reside here in Providence. provides us all with an eumple well worth Rabbi Strajcher is a graduate of the emulating. Mesivta of Greater Miami High School. In Rhode Island, Rabbi Strajcher has He received his ordination from the continued to serve the community Yeshiva Rabbi Chaim Berlin Rabbinical through his work as a member of the Academy of Brooklyn, New York. He also Board of the Jewish Federation of Rhode holds a BA degree from Long Island Island and the Bureau of Jewish Unive rsity with a major in Psychology Education Educator's Council. He also is and a minor in Sociology. His MHter of on the Board of Governors of the Union of Arts in Education is from Memphis State Orthodox Jewish Congregations of University. America and is a member of a number of Rabbi Strajcher baa deeply involved its national committees, including the himself in many educational and civic Tripartite Comminion on Jewish Funeml projecUI and baa created many worthwhile Standards. Rabbi Strajcher provides programs for youth, synagogues, and counseling services on a volunteer basis to educational institutions u well u thOAe of · Jewish inmates of the ACI. He was interest to the general community. In N•'amal•Pioneer Women, the largest women's organization io Israel, is recently selected to serve on the Board of Savannah he wu a member of the Board conducting a nationwide public awareneg campaign to involve men in family Day Schools Principals for the Nt11tional of Governors of the Jewish Welfare and houtehold respon.eibilities. Translation of adverti&ement: "Every day is Society of Hebrew Day Schools and is Federation, The Board of Ttuatees of Mother's Day. Give her a band. 1985 ia lhe year of Family Cooperation. Chairman of it.e committee for the Savannah Hebrew Day School, Volunteer Spon90red by Na'amat-Pioneer Women, the Movement of Working Women and furtherance or Jewish education at the Chaplain of Hospice, Savannah, Inc., 811d Memorial Medical Center. Volunteer ■ , " high school level. 2- THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1985 JNF Green Sunday May 19 Robert Clary At RIC May 9 On Sunday, May 19, the Rhode Island Council of Jewish National Fund is once ] Local News again participating in Green Sunday , a nationwide phonathon which will reach Jewish communities throughout the United States. The goal of this sweeping appeal is to add acres of new fo rest to the BJE Sponsors Teacher Workshop more than 200 rit illion trees already planted in Israel by the J NF since its On Thursday, May 9, 1985, from Community Center and held in the inception in 190 1. Funds contributed from 7:30-9:00 p.m., the Bureau of J ewish Bureau Library at 130 Sessions Street, Rhode Island Jewry will be used to found Education will be sponsoring a workshop Providence, the workshop will provide the Rhode Island Forest in Israel. for teachers, entitled "Building a Cohesive practical pointers for teachers in creating On Green Sunday, JNF volunteers Group: An Introduction to Group positive groups and containing negative will place calls from the Crystal Room at Dynamics." Led by Vivian Weisman, ones. For more information, call Carol Alumnae Hall at Brown University, across M.S.W., Program Director of the J ewish lngall at 331-0956. from the East Side Post Office. They will be calling on Jewish fa milies to urge them to plant at least one tree in Israel fo r each OUR FOURTH YEAR ANNIVERSARY! family member. Robert Cla r y The event chairman, Joshua Teverow, Esq. stressed the crucial nature of JNF's For those of you unable to attend tree-planting program in Israel. "Not only actor/entertainer Robert Clary's do trees beautify the landscape and appearance at T ifereth Israel Synagogue provide sites for rest and recre<J.tion, they • in New Bedford, Mass. two weeks ago, you SttANG ttAl also halt erosion of arable land, combat will have another chance. Clary will speak - noise and air poll ution, and increase at Rhode Island College's Gaige Mandarin & Szechuan Cuisine security fo r border roads and settlements." Auditorium at 2:30 p.m. on May 9 about -- Bernard E.