CMFRI Booklet Series No. 19/2019 2019 CMFRI Booklet Series No. 19/2019 \\_Ii--/}// \<�\\:I,. t.;w1 Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute !1�= Practical Hand Book on CMFR Seed Production of Cobia and Silver Pompano Prepared by Dr.A.K.AbdulNazar Dr. R. layakumar Dr. G. Tamilmani Dr. M. Sakthivel Dr. P. Ramesh Kumar Dr.K.K.Anikuttan M.Sankar Mandapam Regional Centre of CMFRI Mandapam Camp - 623 520 Tamil Nadu, India 2019 © 2019 ICAR –Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute CMFRI Booklet Series No. 19/2019 Published by Dr. A. Gopalakrishnan Director !CAR-Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute Kochi - 682 018 Typeset and Printed by Rehana Offset Printers, Srivilliputtur - 626 125 Phone : 04563-260383, E-mail :
[email protected] PREFACE Mariculture – the farming and husbandry of marine plants and animals of commercial importance, is an untapped sector of sea food production in India. Mariculture has been contributing substantially to the global fish production in recent years. It accounted for about 29.2 per cent of world aquaculture production by value. It is a fact that India is still in infancy in mariculture production in the global scenario. Since mariculture is the only hope for increasing seafood production in the coming years, the research and development in this sector is of paramount importance. In fact, such thrust was not given in India and hence, it was felt necessary to develop viable seed production and farming technologies to develop mariculture. The R&D efforts in this direction yielded commendable results within a few years and Mandapam Regional Centre of ICAR CMFRI succeeded in captive breeding and seed production of two high value marine fishes namely, Cobia, Rachycentron canadum and Silver pompano, Trachinotus blochii for the first time in the country.