Port Botany Expansion June 2003 Prepared for Sydney Ports Corporation Visual Impact Assessment Architectus Sydney Pty Ltd ABN 11 098 489 448 41 McLaren Street North Sydney NSW 2060 Australia T 61 2 9929 0522 F 61 2 9959 5765
[email protected] www.architectus.com.au Cover image: Aerial view of the existing Patrick Terminal and P&O Ports Terminal looking south east. Contents 1 Introduction 5 2 Methodology 5 3 Assessment criteria 6 3.1 Visibility 6 3.2 Visual absorption capacity 7 3.3 Visual Impact Rating 8 4 Location 9 5 Existing visual environment 10 5.1 Land form 10 5.2 Land use 10 5.3 Significant open space 11 5.4 Botany Bay 12 5.5 Viewing zones 13 6 Description of the Proposal 28 6.1 New terminal 28 6.2 Public Recreation & Ecological Plan 32 7 Visual impact assessment 33 7.1 Visual impact on views in the immediate vicinity 33 7.2 Visual impact on local views 44 7.3 Visual impact on regional views 49 7.4 Visual impact aerial views 59 7.5 Visual impact on views from the water 65 7.6 Visual impact during construction 74 8 Mitigation measures 75 9 Conclusion 78 Quality Assurance Reviewed by …………………………. Michael Harrison Director Urban Design and Planning Architectus Sydney Pty Ltd …………………………. Date This document is for discussion purposes only unless signed. 7300\08\12\DGS30314\Draft.22 Port Botany Expansion EIS Visual Impact Assessment Figures Figure 1. Location of Port Botany 9 Figure 2. Residential areas surrounding Port Botany 10 Figure 3.