Hrvatski Institut Za Istraživanje Mozga Medicinskog Fakulteta Sveucilišta U

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Hrvatski Institut Za Istraživanje Mozga Medicinskog Fakulteta Sveucilišta U 25 years of the Croatian Institute for Brain Research Hrvatski institut za istraživanje mozga Medicinskog fakulteta Sveucilištaˇ u Zagrebu 25 godina1990 - 2015 — 1 — 25 years of the Croatian Institute for Brain Research Sadržaj OSNUTAK, IZGRADNJA I SVEČANO OTVORENJE HRVATSKOG INSTITUTA ZA ISTRAŽIVANJE MOZGA ................................................................................................................ 4 HRVATSKI INSTITUT ZA ISTRAŽIVANJE MOZGA DANAS ............................................... 14 PROGRAM RADA .......................................................................................................................... 58 POPIS I RAD LABORATORIJA NA HIIM-u .............................................................................. 70 POPIS RADOVA, OBRANJENIH DIPLOMSKIH, MAGISTARSKIH I DOKTORSKIH RADOVA, POZVANIH PREDAVANJA I USAVRŠAVANJA U INOZEMSTVU ................. 132 Table of Contents FOUNDING, CONSTRUCTION AND GRAND OPENING OF THE CROATIAN INSTITUTE FOR BRAIN RESEARCH ........................................................................................... 4 CROATIAN INSTITUTE FOR BRAIN RESEARCH TODAY ................................................... 14 WORK PROGRAM ......................................................................................................................... 58 LIST AND ACTIVITIES OF LABORATORIES AT THE CIBR .................................................. 71 LIST OF SCIENTIFIC PAPERS, GRADUATION, MASTER’S AND PHD THESES, INVITED LECTURES AND RESIDENCES ABROAD .............................................................................. 133 POGLAVLJE 1 CHAPTER 1 25 godinaOsnutak, Hrvatskog izgradnja instituta i zaotvorenje istraživanje mozgaFounding, construction and Grand Hrvatskog instituta za istraživanje opening of the Croatian Institute for mozga Brain Research OSNUTAK, IZGRADNJA FOUNDING, I SVEČANO OTVORENJE CONSTRUCTION AND HRVATSKOG INSTITUTA GRAND OPENING OF THE ZA ISTRAŽIVANJE CROATIAN INSTITUTE MOZGA FOR BRAIN RESEARCH Svjesne činjenice da je razvoj neuroznanosti Keeping in mind that development of neu- transnacionalan i multidisciplinaran poth- roscience is transnational and multidis- vat od iznimnog značenja za unapređenje ciplinary endeavour with extraordinary zdravlja i ekonomskog blagostanja svih influence on the advancement of health naroda, vlade razvijenih zemalja Europe, and economic wellbeing of all nations, the — 4 — 25 years of the Croatian Institute for Brain Research Sjeverne Amerike i Japana proglasile su governments of the Europe, North Amer- posljednje desetljeće 20. stoljeća „Desetl- ica and Japan declared the last decade of jećem mozga“. Početak Desetljeća mozga the 20th century as a “Decade of the Brain”. (1990.) poklopio se s početkom demokrat- Beginning of the “Decade of the Brain” co- ske obnove i osamostaljenja Republike Hr- incided with the beginning of the demo- vatske, što je Medicinskom fakultetu omo- cratic changes and liberation of the Croatia. gućilo da izravno, učinkovito i u punoj These processes enabled the University of mjeri iskaže svoju ulogu čelne biomed- Zagreb School of Medicine to directly, ef- icinske ustanove i poticatelja i predvodni- ficiently and fully demonstrate its role as ka svih ključnih pothvata na unapređenju a leading biomedical institution and driv- biomedicinske znanosti u Hrvatskoj. I pri- ing force and a leader of all key ventures je 1990., Medicinski fakultet je bio sjedište on the advancement of biomedical scienc- svih glavnih skupina istraživača u pod- es in Croatia. Even before 1990 School of ručju temeljne i kliničke neuroznanosti te Medicine was the centre of all leading re- — 5 — 25 godina Hrvatskog instituta za istraživanje mozga — 6 — 25 years of the Croatian Institute for Brain Research Slika 1 (prethodna stranica) Slika 2 (dolje) Pismo predsjednika Republike Hrvatske, dr. Franje Početak gradnje instituta (ljeto 1992.) i polaganje temelja Tuđmana, kojim prihvaća osobno pokroviteljstvo nad zgrade. Vidi se da zgrada nastaje kao produženo krilo projektom izgradnje Hrvatskog instituta za istraživanje stare zgrade Zavoda za patologiju. mozga. Figure 2 (bottom) Figure 1 (previous page) Beginning of the construction of the Institute (summer The letter from the President of Croatia, dr. Franjo 1992) and laying of the buildings foundation. Note that Tuđman, in which he personally accepts a sponsorship the building is constructed as a new wing of the old over the founding of the Croatian Institute for Brain Re- building of the Department of Pathology. search. imao kontinuiranu i vrlo razvijenu međun- search groups in fields of basic and clinical arodnu suradnju u tom području. To se neuroscience and had continuous and well posebice odnosi na osnivača i utemeljitelja established international collaboration in Hrvatskog instituta za istraživanje moz- the field of neuroscience. This is particu- ga, akademika Ivicu Kostovića. Stoga je larly true for the founder and originator of Fakultetu, na temelju poticaja i jasno obra- the Croatian Institute for Brain Research – zloženog prijedloga Ivice Kostovića, bilo academic Ivica Kostović. Therefore, it was lako prepoznati sljedeće ključne činjenice: easy for the School of Medicine, based on 1. Da se istraživanja mozga diljem svijeta the incentives and well justified proposal ubrzano razvijaju kao odgovor na kritične by Ivica Kostović, to acknowledge the fol- medicinske, socijalne i ekonomske prob- lowing key facts: leme, jer mentalne i neurološke bolesti te 1. Brain research throughout the world is bolesti ovisnosti predstavljaju golemo hu- rapidly developing as a response to the key manitarno i financijsko opterećenje za sva- social and economic challenges; such as ku populaciju, što je sve izraženije s pro- mental and neurological disorders as well duljenjem životnog vijeka i poboljšanjem as various addictions. They represent enor- općeg životnog standarda; mous humanitarian and financial burden 2. Da ulaganja u istraživanja na području for every population; which is even more — 7 — 25 godina Hrvatskog instituta za istraživanje mozga neuroznanosti predstavljaju s jedne strane highlighted by the prolongation of lifespan tek djelić ukupne društvene cijene men- and general living standards. talnih i neuroloških bolesti i poremećaja, 2. Investments in the field of brain research a s druge strane jedinu nadu za uspješno represent just a small fraction of total bur- rješavanje tog problema; den of mental and neurological disorders, 3. Da je, u okolnostima u kojima se nalazi and provide only hope for the successful Hrvatska, tijesno po-vezivanje temeljnih i treatment of these problems. kliničkih istraživanja s jedne strane, a čvr- 3. That, considering the circumstances in sta integracija znanstvenih istraživanja s Croatia, intimate connection between basic nastavnim procesom s druge strane, pris- and clinical research on the one side, and tup koji jedini jamči bitno unapređenje hr- firm integration of scientific research into vatske neuroznanosti i njezino uključivanje teaching process on the other side, is the u svjetske tokove znanja; only approach that guarantees significant 4. Da je u vremenu, u kojem su financijske advancement of Croatian neuroscience an mogućnosti objektivno ograničene, sred- its involvement into global flows of knowl- stva prijeko potrebno ulagati na način koji edge. omogućuje optimalno iskorištenje uloženih 4. It is of utmost importance that in the sredstava; times of limited financial possibilities, in- 5. Da, s obzirom na veličinu populacije Hr- vestments are used optimally to allocated vatske te broj postojećih istraživača i pro- funds. jekata u području temeljne i kliničke neu- 5. That, considering the size of Croatia and roznanosti, okupljanje vodećih stručnjaka number of existing researchers and research i materijalnih resursa u okviru jedne mod- projects in the fields of basic and clinical — 8 — 25 years of the Croatian Institute for Brain Research Slika 3 (prethodna stranica) Krajem 1993. godine, zgrada je već bila pod krovom (dovršena Rohbau kon- strukcija). Figure 3 (previous page) At the end of 1993 the building was completed and put under the roof (fin- ished Rohbau construction). Slika 4 (gore) Tijekom izgradnje instituta, aktivno su razvijani i znanstveni programi institu- ta (naslovnice 3 uzastopne publikacije o ciljevima i programima instituta iz 1991., 1994. i 1998. godine). Figure 4 (top) During the construction of the Institute the scientific programs of the Institute continued to develop (Front pages of the three successive publications about programs and goals of the Institute form 1991, 1994 and 1997) Slika 5 (lijevo) Svečano otvaranje Hrvatskog instituta za istraživanje mozga na Dan Medicin- skog fakulteta 17. prosinca 1998. bilo je praćeno znanstvenim skupom „Novija dostignuća u neuroznanosti“. Figure 5 (left) Grand opening of the Croatian Institute for Brain Research was held on the 17th December 1998 (at the 80th anniversary of the School of Medicine) and accom- panied by a scientific symposia “New achievements in the neuroscience”. — 9 — 25 godina Hrvatskog instituta za istraživanje mozga Slika 6 Predsjednik Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti, akademik Ivo Padovan, svečano otvara skup “Novija dostignuća u neu- roznanosti” u Palači HAZU. Figure 6 The President of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, academic Ivo Padovan, official- ly opened the symposia “New achievements in the neurosci- ence” at the Palace of the Croa- tian Academy of Sciences and Arts. erno opremljene zgrade (Zgrada
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