The Future Fund of the Republic of Austria Subsidizes Scientific And

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The Future Fund of the Republic of Austria Subsidizes Scientific And The Future Fund of the Republic of Austria subsidizes scientific and pedagogical projects which foster tolerance and mutual understanding on the basis of a close examination of the sufferings caused by the Nazi regime on the territory of present-day Austria. Keeping alive the memory of the victims as a reminder for future generations is one of our main targets, as well as human rights education and the strengthening of democratic values. Beyond, you will find a list containing the English titles or brief summaries of all projects approved by the Future Fund since its establishment in 2006. For further information in German about the content, duration and leading institutions or persons of each project, please refer to the database (menu: “Projektdatenbank”) on our homepage If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected] Project-Code P06-0001 brief summary Soviet Forced Labour Workers and their Lives after Liberation Project-Code P06-0002 brief summary Life histories of forced labour workers under the Nazi regime Project-Code P06-0003 brief summary Unbroken Will - USA - Tour 2006 (book presentations and oral history debates with Holocaust survivor Leopold Engleitner) Project-Code P06-0004 brief summary Heinrich Steinitz - Lawyer, Poet and Resistance Activist Project-Code P06-0006 brief summary Robert Quintilla: A Gaul in Danubia. Memoirs of a former French forced labourer Project-Code P06-0007 brief summary Symposium of the Jewish Museum Vilnius on their educational campaign against anti-Semitism and Austria's contribution to those efforts Project-Code P06-0008 brief summary Effective Mechanisms of Totalitarian Developments. The 20th Century in European comparison. Project-Code P06-0011 brief summary Publication: Austria's Righteous among the Nations Project-Code P06-0012 brief summary History of the Austrian Community of Inmates in the former Ravensbrück concentration camp Project-Code P06-0014 brief summary Commemorative event at the school Wasagymnasium in Vienna (research by students and publication) Project-Code P06-0015 brief summary Pedagogical communication concept for the Jewish Cemetery in the Währing district of Vienna Zukunftsfonds der Republik Österreich 14.12.2020 page 1 of 219 Project-Code P06-0016 brief summary Nazi tax law and post-war restitution Project-Code P06-0017 brief summary 6/44 - 5/45 The forced labour of Hungarian Jews Project-Code P06-0018 brief summary Bilateral research project: Transfer of knowledge from Vienna to Jerusalem Project-Code P06-0019 brief summary The Jewish Cemetery in the Währing district of Vienna. Its historical development, destruction during the National Socialist regime and present state Project-Code P06-0021 brief summary Totalitarian Experience, Authoritarian Potential and Democratic Values in Poland, Slovenia, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Austria Project-Code P06-0022 brief summary Education Center of Beit Terezin (workshops for 9 - 12 grade classes' pupils, instructors, students and teachers) Project-Code P06-0024 brief summary Centropa: Witnesses of a Jewish Century Project-Code P06-0025 brief summary Nachklang-Widerhall: a monument of sound in Leonding near Linz, Upper Austria (memorial for the persecution, expulsion, and annihilation as well as the resistance of the Jews, Roma, Sinti, Jenische, handicapped people, members of different religions Project-Code P06-0026 brief summary A Letter To The Stars, Flowers of Remembrance Project-Code P06-0027 brief summary The Cossack Tragedy in Lienz 1945 Project-Code P06-0030 brief summary The Benes-Decrees as discussed in the Austrian parliament - changing attitudes to a a controversial issue Project-Code P06-0031 brief summary The Lost Key - Jewish Survival after the Shoa in Oradea-Nagyvarad-Großwardein Project-Code P06-0032 brief summary Deportation of Austrian Jews to Minsk- Maly Trostenec concentration camp Zukunftsfonds der Republik Österreich 14.12.2020 page 2 of 219 Project-Code P06-0037 brief summary Building Bridges - former forced labour workers from the Ukraine between returning home and staying in a new home country, with special emphasis on the Vorarlberg region Project-Code P06-0040 brief summary Attempts to live in truth (a conference to commemorate the role of the 'Kreisau Circle'/ 'Kreisauer Kreis', a group of dissidents around Helmuth James Graf von Moltke) Project-Code P06-0041 brief summary Property and Gender. A socio-historical study of asset formation, Nazi expropriations and restitution in relation to Viennese Jews Project-Code P06-0042 brief summary Women's History and Gender History of National Socialism. Questions, Perspectives, current Research Project-Code P06-0043 brief summary Hungarian-Jews as forced labour in Austria, 1944/45 Project-Code P06-0046 brief summary Art trade in Austria under the Nazi regime and its role in art looting Project-Code P06-0049 brief summary Forced Labour! French forced workers in Austria and their lives today (TV-documentary) Project-Code P06-0050 brief summary EU-Project Oratorio .... and all the dead passed away peacefully Project-Code P06-0054 brief summary The girls of room 28 in Theresienstadt Project-Code P06-0055 brief summary Deposited Past. The clients' files of Dr. Michael Stern's law office in the years 1938-1945 as documents on the persecution of Vienna's Jewish population Project-Code P06-0059 brief summary CrossingBorders 2007- an educational project for youth, including meetings between Austrian and Slovenian young people Project-Code P06-0060 brief summary DiversCD (an educational CD on diversity management and visualization of sounds for people with special needs) Project-Code P06-0061 brief summary Albin Windbichler - A French forced labour worker in Wiener Neustadt, 1943-1945 Zukunftsfonds der Republik Österreich 14.12.2020 page 3 of 219 Project-Code P06-0062 brief summary www.***.at. Sources on National Socialism online: expropriation, restitution, compensation Project-Code P06-0063 brief summary Servitengasse 1938 - Life histories of the people who disappeared Project-Code P06-0064 brief summary Forced Sex Work in Nazi concentration camps Project-Code P06-0067 brief summary National Socialist persecution - expropriation - restitution Project-Code P06-0068 brief summary The Life of Aaron Menczer (documentary; Aaron Menczer was an Austrian Youth Aliya activist who took care of 1200 children deported from Bialystok and accompanied them to Auschwitz where they all, including himself, were murdered) Project-Code P06-0069 brief summary Theatre texts from Theresienstadt Project-Code P06-0070 brief summary Free2Choose Austria (a touring exhibition organized for young people by the Anne Frank Huis and shown in several EU-countries with specific adaptations according to each country's historical background) Project-Code P06-0071 brief summary Handbook of Austrian Exile Literature Project-Code P06-0073 brief summary Nazi crimes in court. The Nuremberg trials as displayed in visual commemorative culture Project-Code P06-0075 brief summary Archiving of oral history interviews with Victims of National Socialism Project-Code P06-0076 brief summary Edition of files concerning Soviet prisoners of war during World War II Project-Code P06-0077 brief summary National Socialist rule in Styria: power - persecution - resistance - daily life Project-Code P06-0078 brief summary Judaism and Freemasonry in Austrian history between 1919 and 1945 Project-Code P06-0083 brief summary Schlurf - In full swing out of step (documentary on young people who, similar to the French 'Zazous', practiced a lifestyle opposed to Nazi standards) Zukunftsfonds der Republik Österreich 14.12.2020 page 4 of 219 Project-Code P06-0084 brief summary The Austrian Heritage Collection: Written and Oral Memories of Austro-Jewish Immigrants to the USA Project-Code P06-0085 brief summary The flight of Jews to Latvia and their further emigration Project-Code P06-0088 brief summary It is better not to look around too much (documentary about the 'Arbeitserziehungslager' (literally 'work education camp') at Reichenau near Innsbruck, 1942-1945 Project-Code P06-0090 brief summary Let's go to Wonderland! The Life of Alice Rühle-Gerstel Project-Code P06-0091 brief summary Train the Trainer-Workshops: Betzavta - Talking beyond borders in the framework of the NGO-network 'Central Europe' Project-Code P06-0092 brief summary The Children of Etzelsdorf (documentary on children homes established by the Nazis for children of forced labour workers) Project-Code P06-0094 brief summary Forced labour and its work schemes 1944-1945 in Austria's border regions Project-Code P06-0095 brief summary International Conference: History. Power. Rule. Project-Code P06-0096 brief summary Not child's Play. Children in the Holocaust - Creativity and Playing Project-Code P06-0097 brief summary Deaf Austrians under National Socialism Project-Code P06-0099 brief summary Vienna's Lost Daughters Project-Code P06-0100 brief summary Exhibition 'Menschen über Leben 1945 - 1995' (Adaptation and transfer of the commemorative exhibition to the Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies) Project-Code P06-0103 brief summary Ernst Berger, persecuted in childhood. Children and youngsters as victims of Nazi social administration Project-Code P06-0104 brief summary Shot in Moscow.... Austrian Victims of Stalinism, 1950-1953 Zukunftsfonds der Republik Österreich 14.12.2020 page 5 of 219 Project-Code P06-0105 brief summary Talking Objects - An exhibition
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