EXTENSIONS of REMARKS 2555 Individuals on Its Staff and to Make Such Behalf of a Commission Employee, and Reg Presiding Officer Appointed Mr
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February 7, 1968 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 2555 individuals on its staff and to make such behalf of a Commission employee, and reg Presiding Officer appointed Mr. SPARK rules and regulations as are necessary for ulations of said Administrator for the ad MAN, Mr. PROXMIRE, Mr. MusKIE, Mr. the conduct of its business, except as herein ministrative control of funds shall apply to BENNETT, and Mr. HICKENLOOPER con otherwise provided. appropriationsof the Commission. The Com SEC. 306. ADMINISTRATIVE ARRANGEMENTS. mission shall not be required to prescribe ferees on the part of the Senate. (a) The Commission is authorized, without such regulations. regard to the provisions of title 5, United (e) Ninety days after submission of its ORDER OF BUSINESS States Code, relating to appointments in the final report, as provided in section 304 (b), competitive service or to classification and the Commission shall cease to exist. Mr. BYRD of West Virginia. Mr. Pres General Schedule pay rates, to appoint and SEC. 307. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIA ident, I suggest the absence of a quorum. fix the compensation of an executive direc TIONS.-There is hereby authorized to be ap The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clerk tor and the executive director, with the propriated such sums not in excess of $1,500,- will call the roll. approval of the Commission, shall employ 000 as may be necessary to carry out the pro and fix the compensation of such additional visions of this title. Any money appropriated The assistant legislative clerk pro personnel as may be necessary to carry out pursuant hereto shall remain available to the ceeded to call the roll. the functions of the Commission, but no Commission until the date of its expiration, Mr. BYRD of West Virginia. Mr. Pres individual so appointed shall receive com as fixed by section 306 (e) . i.:ent, I ask unanimous consent that the pensation in excess of the rate authorized TITLE IV-SEVERABILITY order for the quorum call be rescinded. for G&-18 under the General Schedule. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without (b) The executive director, with the ap SEc. 401. If any provision of this Act is proval of the Commission, is authorized to judicially held to be invalid, that holding objection, it is so ordered. obtain services in accordance with the pro does not necessarily affect the validity of any visions of section 3109 of title 5 of the other provision of this Act. United States Code, but at rates for indi And amend the title so as to read: "An ADJOURNMENT viduals not to exceed $100 per diem. Act to safeguard the consumer in connection Mr. BYRD of West Virginia. Mr. Pres (c) The head of any executive depart with the utilization of credit by requiring if ment or independent agency of the Federal full disclosure of the terms and conditions ident, there be no further business to Government is authorized to detail, on a of finance charges in credit transactions or come before the Senate, I move that the reimbursable basis, any of its personnel to in offers to extend credit; by restricting the Senate stand in adjournment until 12 assist the Commission in carrying out its garnishment of wages; and by creating the o'clock noon tomorrow. work. National Commission on Consumer Finance The motion was agreed to; and (at (d) Financial and administrative services to study and make recommendations on the 5 o'clock and 24 minutes p.m.) the Sen (including those related to budgeting and need for further regulation of the consumer ate adjourned until tomorrow, Thursday, -accounting, financial reporting, personnel, finance industry; and for other purposes." February 8, 1968, at 12 o'clock meridian. and procurement) shall be provided the Com mission by the General Services Administra Mr. BYRD of West Virginia. Mr. Pres tion, for which payment shall be made in ident, I call up this matter at the re advance, or by reimbursement, from funds of quest of the distinguished Senator from CONFIRMATION the Commission in such amounts as may be Alabama [Mr. SPARKMAN]. At his request, Executive nomination confirmed by the agreed t=.pon by the Chairman of the Com I move that the Senate disagree to the Senate February 7, 1968: mission and the Administrator of General amendment of the House and request a Services. The regulations of the General Serv NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ices Administration for the collection of in conference with the House thereon and ADMINISTRATION debtedness of personnel resulting from er that the Chair be authorized to appoint Thomas 0. Paine, of California, to be Dep roneous payments shall apply to the collec the conferees on the part of the Senate. uty Administrator of the National Aero tion of erroneous payments made to or on The motion was agreed to; and the nautics and Space Administration. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS U.S. Dilemma in Vietnam Corps, finished a year of duty in Vietnam In "A virtual dictator," Dr. Brashear ex September, 1967. He finished his active duty plained, "the chief is able to keep power so at Ft. Campbell and has returned to Central long as he is not killed by a rival, V.C., or HON. THRUSTON B. MORTON Qity to resume general practice. what is worse, becomes so corrupt and so The physician said the U.S. government overbearing that he is rounded up by the OF" KENTUCKY Is confronted in South Vietnam with three Viet Cong and killed in the vlllage square to IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES main problems: the hand clapping of every peasant in the Wednesday, February 7, 1968 Unsolvable weakness in the central gov district." · ernment in Saigon. INNOCENT SUFFER Mr. MORTON. Mr. President, not long Tough guerrilla forces in rural areas. The chief, if he is effective, keeps the Viet ago Dr. James S. Brashear, of Central Aggression and support of guerrllla forces Cong population down by offering a bounty City, Ky., returned after 2 years' service from Hanoi. to informers-The going rate was reported as in Vietnam. His impressions of that serv The government weakness and the effect high as $150 per Viet Cong. The problem ice, as related to Dr. M. David Orrahood, of the war extend into and disrupt all facets here was identifying the V.C. Thugs· were of civilian life in Vietnam. known to take advantage of this situation were contained in an article published in For instance, a prostitute makes several and who was to say whether the people they the Owensboro, Ky., Messenger and In times as much money as a college profes killed were Viet Cong or not? quirer of February 1, 1968. sor, physician, soldier or government official. Most of Dr. Brashear's time in Vietnam was I commend it to all Senators, and ask WON'T WORK ON WEEKENDS spent at the 12th Evacuation Hospital at Cu unanimous consent that it be printed in "The Vietnamese lack personal pride and Chi district about 30 miles northwest of the Extensions of Remarks. respect for life," explains Dr. Brashear. "The Saigon. Considered a model example of the There· being no objection, the article Viet Cong can severely beat a South Viet U.S. pa.ciflcatton program, the area 1s desig namese Army unit on Friday noon, but come nated militarily secure. Yet it was the site was ordered to be printed in the REcORD, of a recent mortar attack that killed 20 peo as follows: Saturday, they (the South Vietnamese) still take off for the weekend and do no work ple and wounded many others. The Viet Cong MUHLENBERG DOCTOR SPEAKS ON U.S. or fighting until Monday." sustained no losses. Thus, despite two years DILEMMA ON VIETNAM Dr. Brashear pointed out that the village of major effort, the U.S. and Saigon govern (By Dr. M. David 0rrahood) chief, as the only arm of authority for the ments have not been able to say to the peas "The U.S. dilemma (in Vietnam) steii15 Saigon government, collects the taxes and ant~ "You are safe to go about your daily from a rice-growing peasant who make $1.00 pays hi3 own expenses by taking a "cut", affairs." It is the same situation in the rest a month in a country that has been at war :which could average as much as $700 a of the country. for 20 years or more and who is thus fiercely month, veritable fortune there. a FRUSTRATION COMPOUNDED BY SNIPERS indifferent to his plight." · With this money, the chief buys loyalty So stated Dr. James S. Brashear, a Muhlen for himself, the Saigon government and the Seeing comrades fall as a result of sniper berg County physician who completed two U.S. government. And, according to 'the fire or hidden land mines 1n relatively "se years of active duty with the Army Medical Muhlenberg physician, the more ruthless and cure" areas is another source of frustration Corps January 29. · .. corrupt a v1llage chief the more effective he to the military. This ls especially true since Dr. Brashear, a captain in the Medical is. it is impossible to tell the friendly v11lager 2556 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS February 7, 1968 from the deadly Viet Cong, and search op Lake Sharpe eastward to enhance the velopment of the nation-one area of mod erations are almost always fruitless. future development of the natural re ern ac~ivity being found in the Reclamation O]:>serving casualties taken in this manner sources in this area. Aqt of 1902 and subsequent legislation re day after day frustrates the military and lating to the development and construction disturbs the peasants. As a result, the popu The resolution passed by the South of multi-purpose water use projects; and lation is extremely slow to rally to either Dakota Legislature is ftled.