Toul!Ism Development
MAGR GOVS MN 2500 CDMI-5668 Rural TOUl!ism Development Minnesota Extension service· p . r: University of Minnesota L I r CD-EP-5666 CD-Ml-5668 1991 A Training Guide for Rural Touristn Developtnent . > ~ ,': . ,- ·:-~ ~ • ; . ~,i tft ,. ,.I,~ ; 108 CINTIR Minnesota Extension $ervice University of Minnesota Rural Tourism Development Project Project Manager: John Sem Authors: Barbara Koth, Glenn Kreag, John Sem Research Assistant: Kathy Kjolhaug Funding: Economic Development Administration, U.S. Dept. of Commerce Northeast and North Central Regional Centers for Rural Development Southern and Western Rural Development Centers MINNESOTA EXTENSION SERVICE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA This training guide is a publication of the University of Minnesota Tourism Center. It is ~ of an educational training package which includes a video highlighting the case study communities of San Luis, Colorado; Dahlonega, Georgia; Sandpoint, Idaho; and the Villages of Van Buren, Iowa. Additional copies of the video, the training guide and the training package are available through the Minnesota Extension Setvice Distribution Center (see order form on page vi or call 612/625-8173). Printed on recycled paper. 0 The University of Minnesota, including the Minnesota Extension Service, is committed to the policy that all persons shall have equal access to its programs,facilities, and employment wilhout regard to race, religion, color, sex, national origin, handicap, age, veteran status, or sexual orientation. Rural Tourism Development TRAINING GUIDE AUGUST, 1991 Authors: Barbara Koth Glenn Kreag John Sem Kathy Kjolhaug, Research Assistant Tourism Center and Sea Grant Minnesota Extension Service &Jitors: Nancy Goodman Louise Jones Art: Sue LeMay Graphics: Nancy Goodman Additional Support: Joyce DeBoe Phyllis Jenks Dave McAllister Pat Roth Educational Development System Minnesota Extension Service Program Leader: Beth Honadle, Community Resources Minnesota Extension Service Funding: Economic Development Administration, U.S.
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