Copyrighted Material
Index References to notes, figures and tables are entered as (respectively) 21n, 21f or 21t. Phonetic symbols are filed (in order of articulation point), at the beginning of the index. /b/, 81–2 Aaron, Jesse, 277 /Ө/, 61–2, 114–16, 311, 718 Aaron, Jessi E., 158, 159, 496, 497, 583–4 /tʃ/, 116 AATSP (American Association of /s/, 18, 19f, 29n, 38, 64, 65, 73–7, Teachers of Spanish 99–106, 114–16, 216–17, 219, and Portuguese), 603 311, 331, 358, 361, 404, 405, 480, accommodation, 42–3, 44–5, 581, 591, 482, 583–4, 709, 710–14, 718–19 592, 593–4, 708 deletion, 43–4, 104–5, 106, 189, definition, 579 232–42 Accountability Principle, 151 word-initial /s/, 82–3 accusative a, 130–7 /d/, 44, 80, 81–2, 112–14, 220–4, ACTFL (American Council on the 265–70, 716t, 720–1 Teaching of Foreign Languages), (ž), 217, 218t, 223–4 600, 603 /r/, 362, 712 actuation problem, language change, /ɾ/, 41, 64, 77–8, 107–9, 265–70, 286–7, 292 331, 341, 342 Adamson, H. Douglas, 268, 305 /l/, 64, 77–8 address, 42–3, 44–5, 210–14, 246–8 (cˇ), 217, 220 child-directed speech, 272–5, 278 /j/, 358 tú-usted variation, 192, 194, 210–11, / λ /, 61, 81, 107–9, 331, 244–60 342, 712 COPYRIGHTEDcross-dialectal MATERIAL comparisons, 249–50, /ɡ/, 81–2 256–9 /r/, 362, 404–5, 483 adjectives, 365 [h], 74 administrative languages, 326–7, 399 [ʔ], 360–1 adolescents, 41, 45, 219, 220–4 17th–19th century Spanish, 153–9, acquisition of group norms, 276–7, 247, 297–8 315–16 The Handbook of Hispanic Sociolinguistics, First Edition.
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