Surf Life Saving New Zealand – Sport Policy Statement SPS010
Surf Life Saving New Zealand – Sport Policy Statement SPS010 Subject: IRB Racing Personal Protective Equipment Endorsement Date: March 2016 Endorsed By: SLSNZ Review Date: June 2016 1. Introduction Surf Life Saving IRB Racing is currently one of the few motor sport events in New Zealand that does not wear helmets, and the only water motor sport/extreme sport not to wear lifejackets in New Zealand. As a leading water safety organisation, we should be leading the way in reducing risks where appropriate for our members, as well as setting a good image and example to our communities on the beach. The introduction of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is one area we look to reduce risk along with the following key safety measures: Eliminate, Substitution, Isolation, Engineering, Administrative. There is increased pressure from organisations like Water Safety NZ, Coastguard and Harbour Masters regarding the wearing of Lifejackets for all boat users, power or unpowered. IRB racing has the highest injury rate to our members, and we are required to make practical steps to reduce risk and increase protection where possible. 2. Objectives of this Policy The objective of this policy is to provide best safety standards for members competing in IRB Racing and outline the requirements for personal protective equipment required. 3. Rules The following rules have been developed by the National IRB Advisory Group and National Sport Committee. With the one exception below, lifejackets are compulsory for all IRB Drivers, Crew and Patients in competition and competition training from the 1st January 2016. Prior to the 1st January 2016, the wearing of lifejackets is highly recommended.
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