SATUBDAY. SETTEieHn S8.1»M Tha Waather Autrlifstnr Cvniina IHrraUk Average Daily Circoktlen Fetaeaat: e f U. a Waathi Per the Meath o f Aaguek 18W donation of madical and boapital U gh t ahewara t ^ M suppUaa urgantly ntsdad, tbs cleariag Tneeday menriai Red Cross Here American Red Crooe baa approprt- 8 F K n A L FU E L Scandia Lodge on. 6,150 late taolghti awMh oaeiei About Town British-American Club atad $50,000 toward meeting tUs I 24-Hoar Senrice! Mm A ov if tha AiMIt aad Tueaday alghk need and will at once aeeuie a lunwipriiic Bweaa e f CTrcMattia i Ready to Assist quantity o f hospital tents, blankets, L. T. WOOD CO. ____ MancheMterr-~A City oj Village Charm \ Picks Officers and drugs for shipment to Poland, ia m n y t U i B. Goto r*rlaui«d To Celebrate Tonight Phono 4496 M ft afteead Tftftr fttodftnt at the chairman, Norman H. Davia. MATTRESS sU U a MANCHESTER, CONN, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1939 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS tlM UMvanttr e ( OoMMetktit. Min -a» W ill Aficept G»ntribu* VOL. LVIIL, NO. 303 Adverttelag aa Page it ) Ita m tr tte Ooift Iftft Ttinnday and M n. John E. Johnson Formally Open the New la anroOad aa a fteahman at Jaekaon Engaged to Wetl lions for War Relief; Oellafa, Mftdford. Man. Elected Qiairman; Big $ 1 2 . 9 5 AUCE COFBAN Home on Maple Streel Is Strictly Impartial. B A LV A 'nO N ARMT INVITEH District Meet Tonight. SPIRITUAL MEDIUM Allif!^ Fear Flank Attack Rally day win bt obaervad at the To Large Membership YOU TO ATTEND HUNDAY Seveath Daagbtef of a Seveath Soa galvadaa Arm y citadel tomorrow The American Red Croas has an­ SCHOOL W ITH THEM Bom With A VoB -Mra. John C. Johnaon of Clinton with a apacl^ nrrlca of aong at —Supper at 5 p. m. nounced through its’ Central Com­ Special program! Jmiler Bknd KEMP'S RaadlBgs Daily 8 A. M. ta 0 P. M. Nazis Announce Sub ■treet will be installed as chairman French Open Attack V;80 a. m. by the Toung People’a will play! William Perrett wli; Or By AppohitaieaL la the Servleo of Scandia Lodge. No. 33, Ordar of mittee, that contributions for relief Stnctiig Company, entitled. "Send Wheraver s British subject goes play a coraet solo. -Imlor choir of the People for SO Yean, Vaaa, on 'Thursday evening, Octo­ In connection with the preeent con­ will render service of aobg. m ChBicb StreeL Hartford, Coaa. Out Thy LUr at the Masonic Temple.' The In­ Hultln, treasurer; Viols A. ’Thoren. Red Croas la maintained by reason BRANFORD Impatient at Longevity about three hundred. The formal Bombard Main Fortifica­ British Airmen European W ar Dispatchea stallation of ofllcers will follow at chaplain; William Carlson, master of the fart that It will be willing, • Tree Moving Warsaw Radio ports U'Boat Destroy­ opening of the new clubhouae on After His Wife’s Death ------) 8 o’clock and will he aeml-publlc. of ceremonies; John Miller, assist­ as conditions warrant, to receive For Yoort of Low Cost C A LL 8619 tions of Siegfried Maple street will 'lak e place this funds designated for relief In any Every government Involved In ing British Destroyer; M in Bernice Wilson will be the In­ ant master of ceremonies; Evan Strvico O Licensed Tree Work Lebanon. Ore.. Sept. 25.— (8^— uiTUkHtPoaita evening at ^ o'clock. of the countries Involved but In For Kingsbury's Line; Shells Scream Survey Enemy, the European war and soma not stalling worthy advisor; Miss Beulah Johnson, Inner guard; Rudolph Weary of waiting for death, Describes New^ WATCHINatMIVtnX How Organised general It will not be the policy of OUST CHINCH I engaged In It are operating No Details or Identlft” Robb. Installing marshal, and Miss Carlson, outer guard; Frldeborg Five yeara following the World Across Rhine; Hit at William R. SUnton. 81, disap­ Doiis Gibson. Installing chaplain. the Red Cross to receive funds for O Stone W ork strict press censorship. It Is Im­ ’Thoren, pianist; O. Alfred Johnaon, Jersey Creamline peared. Police found his body In cation Given; Eight War the majority of British war transmission and expenditure by Drop Leaflets possible for Ameiicsn corrs- trustee for three yeers; Herbert veterans here attended meetings of 14 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE Mountain Road; Ap­ municipal swimming pool. Cannon Attack • fwmsL’fcfftB All local church rervlccs tomor­ Johnaon, manager of degree team; BWsabetb Mary Polyott other countries abroad. spondenU to send to this coun­ French Planes Shot the Edith Csvell Post, British War MILK When hla wife died In 1933, row will be on standard time, a Henning A. Johnaon, repreaentatlvc Relief has been given in the parently Believe Weak try balanced accounts of avents Vetcrana In Hartford. These meiet- (Nataral or Paaienrtzed) he had his own name carved be­ to enable their readers to obtain Down During A irfigh ^ check revealed today. Standard to Hall Aaaoclatlon Svea for three Mra. Herts Polyott of 103 Coo­ form of fimds set apart for repatri­ A telephone call will otarl de- Inga, held weekly, worked quite a Spot Found in Ger­ side hers on a tomb.stone Ofid One Flight MbHc in Dsy- an aecurata plctura of tha prog- time becomes effective wherever years; Ernest Dshlquiat, auditor to per Hill street announces the en­ ation of stranded Americans but a Hvery at yoar home at once. Bombardment Kills More daylight aaving Mme has been In hardship on the members from gave 1936 as the year of hla r*M of tha war. Much of tha End Polish ^m paiii^ Hall Association Svea for three gagement of her daughter. .Miss situation has not yet developed, It yoa ore a aewreanjer to E. A. BERNARD mans' Defense Plans. light. Second B t Night; vogue, at 2:01 tomorrow morning. Manchester and one Biinday morn­ Elisabeth Mary Polyott. to Walter however, where the Red Cross death. Than 1,000 Civilians, newa aa Influenced by Uw cen- yeara. ing, along about March 15. 1922, at Maachester we especially invite 35 Garden St. Manchester Mrs. Joseph Hughes. w*ho Tonight ScamllB will be host to B. Metcalfe, Jr, son of Mr. and deems It necessary to make general PrepBrations for Fin­ sore la propaganda. ^rlln. Sept 35.— — French cared for Stanton, said he fre­ Announcer Asserts; the district lodges of the Order In Mn. Walter B. Metcalfe of Bar­ solicitations for war relief funds. It Telephone 7585 Tha MancbMter Evsnlng Her­ a BriUsb destroyer by a Oeraqa ' group of veterans gathered togeth­ quently expressed Impatience at ish Fight Intensified. a huge Initiation ceremony at the rington, R. I. will be glad, however, to accept troop* itruck at German poeltlons Encouraging Residents ald auggesta to Ita readan tha submorins waa sniwiincad in oa of* er by MIsa Jessie Reynolds, her­ hla longevity. advlMbillty ot making dua al­ Masonic Temple at 8 o'clock. A Mias Polyott who la the daughter contributions as Indicated above to in the Haardt mountaina today un­ flctal eommuntqu* today os Oto- FinmacesQeaned self a British veteran, discussed the of the late Arthur J. Polyott was meet such needs aa are arising and London, Sept. 25.—OP)—The Min­ lowance for theM oondiUona In men’s degree team of Boitoo will der cover of heavy fire by artillery Budapest, Sapt. 25 — (jD - W *r- drive to Hartford scheduled for the graduated from Manchester High 3 THINGS TO REMEMBER following Uw program of tlw man mUIUry Isodsn wore repeetoS work the Initiatory degree on a as may arise. which French diapatchea lald wo* istry of Information announced to­ class of some 100 candidates from jiext evening. During the course school with the class of 1935A, of When CoiuiderinE the .^aw’s radio atofT, for day* the Po­ war through European dispatch­ preparing for proloagsd war . on dr the ronversaflon the matter of Arcepm Donations bombarding main fortification* of day the Royal A ir Force had car­ 5.00 throughout the state. which she svaa aaliitatorlan. On Purchase of An lish capltsl’a last link with the out- es and parUculariy through ra­ wsstsrn front $ having a local branch was mention­ Heptember 15 she waa graduated The Manchester Chapter will ac­ Germany’s Siegfried line. Airmen Bomb ried out new reconnalaiance.illghU dio. Until verified from asver- Mde world, stock by it* micro­ The communlqu* did not Withoat Fuss or Mum . . ed and within the week a meeting from the Rhode Island Training cept donations and all contributions The 'entire western front api’ai’ 8 over Germany yeaterday. al aourcea It Is uoaafa to accapt WBB called and over thirty attend­ School for Nunes. received here, as elsewhere, will be to life. phones again loa|. night to describe It Mid the planes had dropped as conclusive fact any atotomant th* dcstroysr and govs ns With Our New Vaenuin Hospital Notes ed. Thus was bom the Brltlsh- It Is expected the wedding will promptly transmitted to the Na­ Military advices said sheila German Plane a new German bombardment an­ more propaganda leaflets. emanating from any country of the staking, but dodorod Amerlcan club of today with rooms take place In the spring. tional headquarters with clear | OIL BURNER screamed across the Rhine for the One flight waa made In daylight Um* warfare was "ylsldtag . Cleaninc Equipment nouncers Mid had killed more than 'The Allies have cost anxious eyes toward the northern and southern now dIrscUy conosrncd In tlw In the Bowers block at 1009 Main statement accompanying each re­ 1— Quality of the Product! first time oiqcq the first two dajrs of (ipn ot the Maginot, likely spot for a German flanking attack. Although over western Germany, th* com­ JCuropcan conflict or llkaly to JM resulto." 1,000 civilians. street. mittance Included therein which 2— ^The Company Behind the the war. The Siegfried and Mag- the neutral countries, Belgium. The Nethsrland*. Luxembourg and Swlts- munique said, and the second at soon invoivsd, or from nalghbo'r- U w sonw aanouneemant M T. P. AITKIN & CO. Admitted yesterday: Walter Motor Plant sight Franeh pUnrs Iwd boan rii Henry. 40 Starkweather street. AT Within a comparatively short pleasure. About the time the mem- | may be designated for use In any inot llnee ore separated only by the Neither continued shelling nor in­ erland, are protected by their own armies. Franco waa reported bolster­ night over weetern and northwest­ Ing countrlca In which propa- 246 No. Mnin Street pnrllcul.or country. Product! down during on olrflght la I bert Oreenwoon- weight of probability. mained at thia building until the Hervlee From One of Manches- C trST^tosT* to Uw high' For A Good 78. of Marlborough. clubhouse. Chafing under the ilelay terrain of the western front. A con Open Fire on Fliers. danger, announcers continued to fettl ralda” waa announced aa Brit­ Discharged today: Ijiwrcnc:e new i liibhouse, alarted this spring, the members wonted to go abend t((r’s Most Reputable Firms! tinuation of the Vosges range, the hurl challcngea at the besieging ain Intensified her preparations for mand pointed with pride to the i Me/il Toiihey, 105 North Main street. was finished. Tonigh, will mark the with the plans for the present Hoardta cover a 30-miIe sector be Nazis and ^ v e encouragement to a fight to the flnleh— that being her rtod dsetnietien A oaa formal opening of the club. Priced: Action on Neutrality or t>nsiisi 73 pstlenta. building but the farsighted official ' tween the German town of Plr Domanahorn, Switzerland. Sept. the etty’a civilian population. answer to Premier Musaollnl’s aug- A Holld Building French Battle coupipled with the Snack. family managed to gain a stay iin- ! masena and French Wlaaembourg. 25.—(/P)— One of Germany’s main Acknowledges Olty Resisting gaatlon to end the war on Ger­ A t one time yeaterdsy the hoapi The new club representa the aolld til times looked better. Late In 1938 Apparently the French believed many's military eooqueat of Po­ BrlUiili Iotreraft carrier airplane motor factories was import­ Despite silence today from the la' census reached 88, seven less foundation that all Biitlahers the executive committee waa sure ' D ial *195 to »225 they had found a weak spot In Ger land. last week, hod Stop At The acquire. It la a sturdy building, ed today to have been put out of Warsaw radio, a German broadcast Delayed to Thursday then the all-time record of the In- that eondltlons were on the upturn. ! many’s fortification where they had Tha acattcrlng of pamphlets by Nazis’ Forces foeUveneoB e f Genaaay'a calculated to serve the needs of the Complelrly Installed— No Extras. In Polish acknowledged the be­ stltiitlon. brought the matter before the club i 3230 depended on rugged country as a action by bomba from French or the R. A. F.. geiMraliy bsUsved te warfare. membership for many yeara Uj Terms As I.ow As sieged city atm was resisting. The condition of John Hiilllne, star and got started without further dc- | Clean, Comfiirtable Carl protection. BritUh plane* staging a raid on the have bscu Priroa Mlnlatar Oiam- (Looa ef Uw come. Therefore the first step was $6.24 Per .Month. PRINCESS renter and Captain of the ManchrS' lay, I Coarteoas service At All limes: Military dispatches from tha west- Zeppelin works at Frledrichahofen, The announcer praised the "brav­ Senate Foreign Relations L e n r i Q u A d v i s e d btrlaln’a own Idas, bagan in tha knowtodgad effletaQy' to get property near enough for the On Long Line ter High school football team was The present officers are Fred am front reported today that Germany, lost night. ery” of the Polish capital’a defend- flrat WMk of tha war whan mllltoDa Brittab I ------membcrahlp and at the aame time Committee Agrees to 9 reported today to be satisfactory. Dickson, president; Gerald Dono- i French artillery had begun a dlract (The. German high command, a ara, but H id It waa "futile” for of leafieta wsra dropped over Oor- day Garaaa sutaaortaea Restaurant with a price range that the club Hiiltlne was rushed to the hospital van, vice-president; Ellis Callls, ! CITY TAXI LT. WOOD Co. bombardment it tha main forttfioa- dio^tch from Barlin oold, fiotly de­ them to bold out longer and appeal­ Request by Borah for many In an effort to tali th* peo­ about 40VBritttb awretai Canwr Matai aad Pearl Mreeta yeaterdsy afternoon for an emer­ could afford to pay. After some treasurer; William Brennan, finan­ nied that there hod been any air ed directly to them to surrender. To Help Peace Heavy Fighdiig Reported to dots. dickering the pre.sent alte was DENNIS M IIKPHV, Prop. SI BIrm-II SL Tcl. 4198 tlons of the German Siegfried Him. ple their Isadora wars taking tlMm gency appendectomy. cial secretary: Fred Baker, record­ raid on Friedrichohaien.) From their Uttle studio high up Time to Study Measure down Uw rood to ruin. (T b s OonragOeatt ' a ' bought through the Mancheater Drop Large CaHbre BheB In Heart of Western ing secretary; stewanl, George Heavy French batteries, the dis­ ITie firat alarm In the Frlediich- in a modern skyscraper in the aeort Tbs Air Ministry, Iwwsvsr, ook- erutoer taiUt ia Udd, w as- Truat Company. On the pro|Krty at Bhofen area—five miles acrow Lake Pools. The house committee con­ patches said, were dropping large of the shell-scarred capital, the ra­ Woshiivton. Sept. 35—( # ) - The With Defense •d today Uiat British atwapapan Front; Too Early to Uwlargataetrl^ r t t o t a ^ the time waa a tiimbled-down sists of William Shields, Albert Ckinatonce from here — started dio staff chroahJed in calm, unhur­ carrlaro, aad noutc. ThIa waa torn down, iho esUber shells on the west wall case' saarehUghts sweeping the akias at Banats Ferelga RalaUons Oommlt- make ao w fsraacs to Uw pcovious Eagleaun, Patrick-Mooney. Joseph manta in an effort to Maat German ried voices sn )iour-by-hour storyjof Judge Attadu* Reason property cleared up and made Jolinston, James Kinnegnn. John 8:15 p. m. (3:15 p. m , a. a. k ) and W an sw 'a defens*. 4*0 -dstuysd oettsa until Thursday ' defenders from their -pootUoas m a number of anti-aircraft batteriea Government, State and An auuAritoUvs commsotory on ready ft)r the building contractora. HeiT'in. Charles Trotter and Wil­ With no trace of personal amo­ today on the odnUnlstration's imw MusaoUnl’s spsseh in Roms Satur­ Baaal. BwlUtrtaad, Bspt M.—(F) SSTawrehaat oiridea.** Shortly after March flrat of thts the heavily fortified aone. on the German aide epened fire. Ex- liam rhilllps. tion, announcers described streets ncutraUiy legtslation. Civic Leaders Join with day dselorsd Prims Mlnlatoc Cbom- (Tbe AdaUrolM laai f Announcement year David Chambers, the general German guns replied to the bom' ptooionB of a few bomba could be —Thousands ef Ftaaeb soMien. Supper Tonight bardment, it wsa said.' but tha "ruiming with blood” and Uttsred Tbe delay was agreed to at th* btrloin’s otatomsnt of Brttaln'a Uw ttaUtal tald i n of the contraetor, started to erect the heard here. Officers in CounBcIUng backed by tanks and eorapleto of­ eriw ef 1355 bad bemi taS THE PACKAGE STORE AT 314 MAIN STREET Promptly at live o’clo■ scored, but because the border was (CcMtiBnsd * s Pag* Four.) BO disp^tlon to lock tbe biU up In tod^sf tha JIUtjWMiM^oi» Ivan Maisky to bis offlea for ob dge from lepotto wbither tbe cloaad thao* could not b* coofirm- (C YES—irs TRUE! Members Aaalsind commlttae, but added: jffim was Uw begtoatag ef a Much of the labor, such aa ex­ elL ”I have always hod a prejudice mmeo ot 11,585 Lsglsn N s » « on Pkga rwo.) Freaeb effendvo, or merely a eon- cavating and grading waa done by Ihaa* reports said tbs attack ap­ against voting on a bill befor* I have bcH aad wommm o f ttta AuzU- eeatrmtad effort to roeastura poeU parently was aimed, not only at the members. Th# large lot Just POLICY PINE AND PAHCE Russians Open read It." tary iltod tbs OsMomm^ wMeb Uoos wpleb. It was eald, German Case $ 1 . 7 5 Flashes ! ntadrlchohafsa but also at the litU* WM Isvtskly draped wttb the oouatotottadu wroetod from Uw Tropical Stoi east of the clubhouse extends to town of Mansell, about throe miles PretifiM OongrcM Ckeeli* Spruce street and It needed a lot (Late BuUetiBs at the UP) W IN ) uutlsusi colors. Americas Begin pdlus In tlw poet woek. Newcomers recent­ m the lok* from Frledrlchahofaii. ’The new blU carries out President of attenUon. All of thIa work will Estonian Talks Roosevelt’s recommendation for re- Ovor tba wodt-end, reports raid, ly arrived in our DANTE'^ESTAURANT Oraad twrt ImtksU Eight Tha Za|mUn Works, reoantly con- Chicago, Sept 35—(V)— Oovsrn- bo completed by noon today. It la vertsd uto a factory for oirplaB* pMl of th* arms embargo but pro- fuUy-ooordtaotod Frsneh and Britiab Ends Hot Wavi planned to Install two horseshoe community: Wel­ 10 East Ceater Street Odd Fellowe Bolldlag tarlufieM, Maaa, Bepk 85.— iqcnt, stats and civic Isadsra Joined Peace Sessions avtation eetpa reedvod erdtn to Automatic —Tlw nampBea Nuaty gnwd Jwy mbtora and other psita, opeiMd an> vktta powerful congressional cheeks 9 pitching courts, a volley ball court come and a smrees- FEATURING OUB SEA FOOD BAB: other plant at Monarll. on sxscuUv* discretion. with high officsrs of tbs Amarlcon keep Ctarmon alnasn out of Freneh- Serving Soft Shell Crabe ClaiBa fha the Halfahell raturaed 88 ludtetmeata today Detttila Not Diacloaed; oeeuptod torritety for 4g boura at aa*l a softball diamond on the It vras not known If any of th* Members sold there was no objec­ Legion today In counseUlng the ns- Five K noim Dead and grounds. By next spring all of the lion. A 11 e n I io n Freoh Shrbnp Cocktail Clam Frle* Crab Meat Cocktail agaiM t eight peraoaa rharglag all eosU. thefts aad aUegad brlhaty after oa raidara—whose number olao was un- Significance Attacbad tion to Borah’s rsqiisst for daisy- tt Preliminary Talks Indi* EAT and DRINK outdoor plana will have been com- should be fiven at Orobeotm Every Tharaday aad Saturday Night WATER-HEATER kBonvii—were hit by tha antl-alr- tloo to buttress its pooc* with on ObosTvsra bora sold Uwy bsUsvsd Reported Droimod Invastlgattou of aBegad Irragulart- wss szpsctsd thst tbs legUtatlon tmprsgnabis dsfsns*. pleted and wheh finally finished the once to certain de- We Cater — Bavtoll, Spaghetti or CWekea To Take Oak eraft fire or by fighter plana* wnt To Visit of Turk Envoy would bs rsnortsd to th* Ssnst* by cate Little Divergence Heavy CoUfomia club will have a valuable property. tiw hi d ty hualBaaa. T h m aC tha up to maat them. Uncompromlsteg asutrsHty and on m g* Tira,) taib of your insur­ We Deliver! eight WON arraigaad badaaa Judge tbs and of this weak. (f Qualifications for memberah^ are WINES — UQUORS AND BEEBS 8wiw frontier patrols along Lake prsporadne* formsd Uw tbsms of On Mitjor ObJe^ves. T H E BEST ance polkica now Wnaam C. OUm la au8«wr Osurt Mooeow. a*pt. 35— (ff)—Sovlst Bersh told rsportars bs thought addnsaea dslivsrsd to thousands simple. A candidate must be Eng­ Constance fired axy rockets to warn Russia, with hsr position vitally tbs Issue before the Foreign Rela­ Ballttia! lish speaking and, on the male aide that you have aoau after tha graad Jury teport- of veterans and women’s Auxiliary Panama, Bspt. 35—(O —With pro- At The ed. Fraak J. Dowaey, farmer auper- ■trengthensd Iff the first weak of tions Committee "boils down to two BepL V h-oep- of British extraction. The club la moved. May we go (Coatlauad Ou Fogs Four) membsn gathsred in tbs COllssum Unfinary toUu IndicaUng llttl* brtendeat o f the departaieat at war, opened commercial sad diplo. points—whether the aim s embargo Publisher Shot Wttb Svs ra land and 54 strictly non-polltlcal and non-aec- aver them for you? for tbs first ssasion of tbs Lsglota’s dlvargance of vlow* as to major ob- pubUe baUdbga, pleaded guUty ta matie talks today with her northern should be repealed and bow much 31st national convention. tarian. One o f the principal alma Drop in or call us. Estonia. discretion should be allowed the JacUvM, dclegatoa to tha In U r- o f the club la to Impress on Its two lodtctaaeata. Bobeit M. FeM- Tbe views of SscrcUry of War Anwiiean Nautrallty Cfonfarsneo dt- UMO. a aporfa prameter, aad Vta- DstoUa of coaveraatioBs between president in administering the taw.” By Doctor Kin tlw eafriy of i Armory Tavern membership the necessity o f be­ J------1 ■ Battle at Sea Horry H. Woodrtng, sclisdulcd os clarad themMlvas praporsd today eeut Carta, a d ty eeuadller. plaad- Soviet offtelsls and Estonia’s For­ SeiMtor Barkley of Kentucky, the coming an American clUaen as one of three spsaksrs intorprstlng to begin formation of a program ds- 306 Main Street .\lbert Tantbornini. Prop. ad laiMoeak eign Minister Ka»| Belter were not Democratic leader, expressed hope the Legion’s tbras-fold ssrvio* to soon as poaalble. Many of the pres­ — NOTICE — 1 • • # disclosed, but signiflcance was at- that the committee-would send the signed to keep war from the wastorn community, stats and nation, war* ent members served under the col­ hsnUspbfffffs Representing Son o f As* Ruppert Hallantine Narragannett On Tap JOHN L. Tw o Die la FhuM Crash Shakes Island todied to the fact that n Turkish legtslation to the Benats floor by presented by bis raprasentatlvs. ors o f both America and Britain In envoy would come here clooely aft­ next Monday. A t Ihs flrat plenary aeaston, dais the World War. Baa Satooio, Tex, Sepk 85— ) Brig. Gan. Frank M. Andrews. Bttilsnt ot Q iarge o f DELICIOUS SPAGHtriTI —A United StatM Army Air er the nrrtvnl of Belter. gstoa from 3; American rapuMIca Depremdoa a Set-Back Delay tor Study Ouly ’^ s r e ore tbooe In this and other Spaghetti and Hot Sausage Jumbo Grindem Corps oaioer aad aa oBIcar af the 1110 ccoferenee ztoitod nz Russia will dselds whather full dslagal Slaying Step«Mother. eraft At the atart it waa a long hard JENNEY Inhabitants Report Heavy "There is no disposition on the nations who proclaim that neutral­ Tha Schaller’s Cider Mill ... y - ' Argeatlae Araay' wen hilled today bsimed forslgn sblpo from travel­ or only tlw Itadsn will debaU, pull but under effloient leadership laaimaea and Boada part of anyone, so far os. I con sse, ity Is not possible,” Woodring said Try A Hoi Sauaage Sandwich la the crash at a traloiag ploae ing tha Rlvsf Neva, which Sows late tatUr nwtbod Is being urged for tbe beat wave ta eeatb CoSfwrata’e the club gradually grew and ea- T tl I 8k XeL I Cannonading Off Coaat to delay consideration of the ques- In his prspored oddraas.'niisr* ore B B lIctin ! eight BdiM Borthcaat ad Baadelph tbo Bsitie. Tbe Httio Baltic coun­ sake of spatd. With Fried Peppers. You’ll Like It! pended to Its present alae. For Baatoa. Sapt. io n I Sq. TeL I Field. Ih e dM d: Seeaud U euk Boh- O f Norway Ihiring Day try wbieta Belter represents was Agrao a* Noad for Stood nL, tSe-OPh- about ten years the leaden had OPEN—Saturday^ Sept 23 (CeuMausd on ttsga Bight.) (Uonttnusd om Fogs Two.) Jailer Jabs Beoeordin laid Or. ert a O’OawMr, 88, Nertiwplee. Russlsa tsrritory before tbs World Informad aoiiroM sold virtuqlly an Loe Apgelee, Sept 35— (F) — confidently hoped that In time it war. of Uw dslagatas are ograed on Uw Oeerge W . Gere, 55, a Benton tropical storm which brought would have Its oem building and Maw; Oapk Huge M. Ftriarl Bergen, Norway, Sept. 85,— V P h - pbyalHnn, was bold In tbe Jauraqol, 54. The awn w o n an- Inbabitonta of Algibl Island report­ Bukru Bsrseogttt. TurUsh foreign vital nsod for defining a coattaentol mile-an-bour wtede wrote a place to meet for both buslaeaa and Cider Made On . . atapd agaliwt war Involvemtnt, but comity Jdl bera today after THURSDAYS gaged la earryiag out u iigulur ed thia afternoon that unldeatlfled mlalster, was sxpactsd toniCbt or finale today to aouUwrn TUESDAYS SATURDAYS tomorrow. Diplomstie eireiss pointed bold va^n g viawe as to what form ibeettag aad eriUeoBy wonod- worst beat wav* of rscerd. truldug aight, wHh ' Uautauuut ships had .baan engaged in heavy Supreme Court Will Face Ing Ckri Chdaaar, anhSaber ef HAVE A BETTER TIME at the OAK CHILL From 9 A. M. to 1 P. M. NO investment necessary.. .RENT j y C Uuuer uctlug aa fawtruetar, of- caimonadkig off tha coast of Nor­ out tbst the Soviet lisd tremendous It ehould taka. Five persons wen known bargaining power over Tuikey oow Tha sonw Infoimant said all dale- Tks Benton Bveaiag New*. and at leaot 35 oUwra war* way siaeo 4 a. as. (midnight f.s .t ), Chalaaer was dzlensw eamwd Excellent Food — Best of Service! SWEET CIDER FOR SALE AT THE MILL the electric water heater.. .get all laaiUng them to svpreN tho beUof that Germany and Britain—her gatea art detormlaed to oaek eo- drowned aa th* heavy rataa A- stieagast rivais for Turklah trade— Fewer Important Cases operaUvo meana e f maintaining tor Dr. Oare's sen, Oosrge W . aouthsrn California aad parts ROAST BEEF BROILERS FRIED OYSTERS EVERYDAY! a naval battla was uadar way. Oars, Jr„ af Oops Oirardeon, the hot water you want.. any time .(IVasday)— (A lgrol M aud la, sis ndlas w w t wera eogegoff ia wer. nwrketo, obtaining recognition of Arlscna and Nevada. Uw H05IE MADE RAVIOLI AND OTHER TASTY DISHES TELEPHONE 6432 neutral righto from bdUgerents Mo., who also was in Jon bora ended a wash of 100 d*grM-| raparta tsday of B a m n .) 8Yam nerfcn iffsi Washington, SspL 35—(O —Tlis^prsatnt H* is seriously ill wttb awotthig trial Oet. 15 on n Tonight Th* natUo—if such it was—ap­ Fateign etielea anpaetod Russia to maintaining peace and axartlng tempsratuns In Lea Angels*. kidney ailmsnL Fine Wines — Liquors and Boer you want it.. .at low cost with the number e f cosss awaiting oetlMi nmna tnflucnca on oondlUons undar dw rgg af mnrdzr. Jailer Boe- . Sheriff Howard Durlsy ef Vi parently was moving ciooer to tho soak s guaraataa from Turkey to Mara Tkoa 4d5 Ooseu Wottiag Dine and Dance To the Music of the OakXiriU Swingsten elooe tho DordanaUea to any ships when th* Supram* court mesU next wbira peace tornw may be reached enrdto aoM ha learned that tura counto said thera was am ' night-tim? rate and its ooaot, they oaid.' Concussion of f More than 400 cages luv* aecu- C M aaer sad Dr. Gera bod large caUbro guns shook bouses on oppessd to Ruatlsn iatereats. Clos- Monday will b* larger than usual, •vw tuslly. that Uw 55 paraons aboard We Cater To Banquets mulatsd stnee the Juatiess odjourn- U w United gtata*. PenTand Cues qnorntad over Uw dd enss of plsosuro fishing boat Sunday, tho island. o f tho Stack ass to European 'but among them ore fewer impor­ *d for th* summer on June 5. ’nisa* DANCE (Cannonading last waak ia tha marehaatnMB would give tbe Soviet wera expected to preeent thdr vlewa ysmig Gera. espatasd ta Uw surf noor tant controvsrslsa than in rseont 30 Oak Street tnduds: thia afternoon after Uw formal dee- would bp found olive. ICattagatt. a strait bstweaa Den­ spaetal trading pdvIlegBs. ysora. ' ' Benton, HI., Bspt 25—(F)—Carl TcL S894 ELECTRICITY 1. A govcrnmsnt appsol from a tlon of Panama’s foreign mlnlatar, In addition to tbora known OAK GRILL •tty mark and Sweden, later praved to lb return, dlpfamntle sources said, Most of tbs nmjor lagiatatioo in- Chohswr. publistasr of Th* Benton tbo Bovist uaiim ndght giro Turkey dsetaioa dismissing its anti-trust Norctao Garay, am parmonont prael- and reportad drowned, 80 to 55 hM* Oeta- bo target prsetieo by SwodUh bat- itloUd under the Bsoaovslt admin­ Bhrenliqt News, was shot thro* times COOPER.STREET tarlas;) gnnrnatsen against German nttnek. suit against the American Msdtcal dont e f tlw coiwultatlona committoe. ootiq slMiard the flridag booto D l Hotel Sheridan istration already has been passed Aosoctation and others. in tlw stomach today by a man who firtaf stoppad tamperarily at Diploiaata apoeutatod on the poa- Under-oecretory ot Btoto Sumner p st^ aad Indiana were umipattai on by the court, thereby ohlftlng 3. ’Tbs government’s effort to con­ stopped from behind a telephone about 1:45 p. m , (T:45 a. m. 0A .t)> Bibto offsets tbsM talks might have Wells was to apeak for the United pole to fire at tlw attorney iwws- Coast Guard cutters of H g gnus IWdag M hB rUnnm oeelag (rioada and attsndtag tbe which oirsody baft boan uphold. One pritttta bonking sources in the his step-mother. turcB 335.184.15545; nal NOMINUfUM! NO COVER! Free Delivery Telephone 5771 eould bo board botwoun S sad SdIO Red tooepsn raported taking Wotld’a Fair. Ha paaosd Uia oum- of tlMSo Involves on AFL appeal UnttedStatoe. A second deputy who deellned to 584374SSJ34.05t euribonn REYMANDER’S RESTAURANT FINE FOODS > FINE DRINKS u. m , (8 and S:SS a. sa. ag.t.). « maagr FsBtti srleaMn aad arms as mor ot-SInr Tap, Franoonta, from tbo Lobor Boord’a cortlfleatloo Obaarvers sypraerad belief that give his name said Dr. Gor*. well- for month $S5.560y04«Jl Si-OBk S tm t Chas. Royaumdor, Prog. Hagy\waattMr amda it ImpoattbU they puttMd to wltblB about 55 N . H.; and Jaopsr Pork, CMioda, of a CIO union aa oxetuatva bor^ Uw United Btatoa. Bdivta and Can- to-do Benton phjraietan, had b for fiscal year. (July 1) Wlien the court masts. Justies gaining agency for Pocifle coast 45145; sxpsBdttona ^ aa Maa twaa FtacM B u U ir ta aot saoactad to bs tc oa e a r n ffwoa oa IU5J05. ■ ■ i— MAWCHE8TEK EVENINO REKALD, VANCRE8TEB, OONIf, KONDAT, 8EPTEMBEB », 1981 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 25,1939

tb« adga of tba Rhlaa, a t that plana wtakR ytohlblta tbs M is ct • 138 of tba 8aa otlginkUF bnpoaad. ThtoTes Stesl Animals a rough but namw rivar. ‘fbara En(|gaf ed to M an y •quipmant to belUgeronta. Coottnne Ones False Teeth Like Natural Ones again, camaraa wart foibiddaa, as British Airmen Legion Advised Boine Ltglon Isadera inclined to Are Siirpri^d Branch Breaks, Inoeafaited with Diseases Big Gathering Says The violation of rules of the road England and France ena could ace pillboxes of the Magl- the view that the organisation aim- Ne\^Home Dedicated cose of Loren H. Bartholomew, In­ Now Within Scope of Dentistry oot Uoe on our tide and of tbo ply would take a vehement stand Phoenix, Ariz., Sept. 23.—(JP) Siegfried Une on the other. ( Surrey Enemy, T o Help Peace for neutrality, believing it beat to On Anniversary Sexton Injured volved Saturday In an accident at —Hospital officials expectantly Of Vasa Order • Center end New street waa ordered "Everywhere In the train! and' leave determination of the moot ef­ By British Americans awralt tha thlavaa who stole six Awaited the War Calmly stations one saw soldiers going on continued to next Monday on motion San Ftaaelaeo, Sept 8 8 - Iff) I S r . MoCuUom eontendad tlMiO fective means to coagrcsslonai rabbits sad 18 guinea from Lois False teeth that look like natural aaore natural looUag dsatnraa eeuld leave or returning to their regi­ Drop Leaflets With Defense Judgment . of Attorney George C. Leaner, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Condition of George Beer counsel for the defendant. More Orunow Mamorial Cllntc. Over 500 Attend District ones and serve almoct aa wall are be turned out with the ordtoacy na- ments. Scores of dlatingulebed Legion­ Tha animals hs|d been Inocu­ MIm Jeanne Low, Teach-1 "It was In England, however, that Over 200 Members of Brothers. 51 and 62, Meet 1 wltneisea ere desired. Session Held in Ma­ now within tha scope of dentistry. teriala at )iand in the dental labora* (OoatlBiMd Fratn Pags Ona) (Coatianed From Pago Ooo) naires were llstad as speakers be­ Wickham Gueats of For First Time In Lives Is Reported Improved lated wrlth disease germs. Dr. B. B. McCulIom of Los Angelae, toriea, and that the secret lay in tba seeing soldiers seemed strange, as fore an estimated 100,000 school Local Organisation En­ Continued to Wedneedey morning at er at High School Giveft ' in ordinary times, there are very Honor at Celebration. At Memorial Hospital. was the drunken driving caae of sonic Temple Here. today told the Golden Gate uantal technleian's knowledge the neutk bour'a inUrvlew Saturday night those who persist that in these times children today as'part of a city- Congreju. > aa a physiological factor. wide Americanism rally. At the Lancaster, Pa., .Sept. 29.—(A3 Cheeter Gottfryd. 39, of 82 Union Kiwanians Vivid De»- faw to be seen. had requested clarification of So­ a demacratic fora of government— joy Byupiet and Hear By studying tha mouth as a whole' The last week In Aijgust after the same time other speakers carried Mr. and Mrs. Irving Wickham of —Two brothers—Luke Rineer. George Beer, 59, of 123 Wells street, Rockville. The accused was Mora than 900 persons from Con­ ‘H is ocientlflc baota of danUatry,** viet alma In eastern Europe. neutral or unncutral —must fall and Addressefl by OffifNfrs., 91, of Dsyton, O., and Daniel and Its functlone as related to the ha sold, 'is a real knowledge of how •cripdon of Dire Day«. Russian-German pact waa iw- Meanwhile, these war develop­ In the end giva way tn aome naw the theme of “Stand by America" 71 Bridge street were honored with atreet, custodian of the South taken from his car Saturday eve­ Gardner Street necticut and Massaebusetts gathered DouDced. England began to put Into Rineer, 62, of Lancaster—met ning on Center street by Policeman rest of the body, dental ipeclaliaU tha Jawa and teeth operate aa a ments wart disclosed: Ideology in government. With these to adults over the radio. a aurpriae celebration of their 25tn Methodist church, suffered severe at the Masonic Temple Saturday sre beginning to duplicate more EnfUixfi f*v«rUh preparmtimu' action the mechanism she had been Convention gaiety spread from wedding anniversary Saturday eve- Over 200 members of the British- ; yesterday for the first time in Edmund F. Dwyer, according to the whole, and the abUlty to dlagnoaa 1. British expeditionary troops 1 do not agree." Injuries, not regarded now aa criti­ night for the district meeting of the scientlflcally and less mechanically the condition of the nxmth. for wmr In ipitc of > jmerol br- , preparing for months AH the ter­ are moving toward battle positions the loop to many outlying areas. ning at the Hale House, Glaston­ American club enjoyed a supper their lives. report. Dwyer noticed that Gott- Being Widened ritorials wars called up. Stores lost Same Cry Raised Before Virtually _ every downtown street Daniel, then ^ven, decided cal, when he fell from a breaking fryd’s car had been damaged, and Order of Voss, which wna featured the appearance and usefulness of SbouM Make Cleee Dlagnoela h if that there would be no war. a)m g side French PoUua who al­ bury. Their daughter, Miss Ruth and social Ume Saturday evening aa natural teeth, he (Bid. and France'e almost fatalistic ac- their clerks, trucks wers com­ Th» same cry, he said. Iwd basn wM"'the c ii^ 'e l fo”r" a ’l ^ d e ’ “ ^ he’d stay be . I und work on a questioning of the accused brought by the Initiatory degree ceremonies ready havq carried operations onto Wickham, had proposed to treat limb of a horse chestnut tree on worked on a large class of candl- “The leas tha dentist finds wroaff eeptaaea of the circumstances that mandeered, stores ran nut of black German soil. raised at trying momenU In tha n a -' denced by bands or drumand bugit them to supper and the theater, but they celebrated the formal opening farm when family moved out that hla machine bed overturn­ "It Is even possible," he said, "to of their new clubhouse at 79 Maple ■the church latvn Saturday at 4 oates from throughout this state by with the teeth the cloaar abould be plunfed tbs two countries Into cloth and paper with which to black 2. Gilbert S. Bzlumper. general tion s history alDce George Washing-1 corps. At numerous IntersecUone when they arrived they were much west. Said Brother Luke: "I ed, but It was Impossible to find out W PA Crew Is Now W ork­ reproduce exactly In appearance the hla diagnoslat tn order to detect, if ton's day. but such fears always had | traffic was hopelessly snarled street. The new building haa been p. m. the men’s degree team of Klippnn natural teeth, but It Is not always ooDfllct srith Germany, were vivid­ out windows School teachers were manager of the Bouthem Railway, surprised to find 42 of their friends reckoned It was about Ume I got where thla accident had happened. ing on One of Oldest lodge of Boston, Moss. possible, any extremely alow n - ly described at the weekly noon­ recalled from their holidays to as­ who was senior transport officer of proved unwarranted. j while Legionnaires danced In the already assembled. A delicious tur­ open Bince early In the summer, but acquainted with Dan." Beer waa taken to the Memorial (3orrfryd was suffering from an ear advisable. It le more likely tbat the no formal dedication program had 'The degree team, which presented trogreaslon which may not other­ day meetlny of the Klwanls Club sist In evacusllon rehearsals in l/>n- the British army In the World war, "We .^an be thankful In the street, swarmed out to go through key dinner was served and cards ,4, ■ii hospital and an early report Indi­ Injury. Roads in the Town. dentist who understands the struc­ wise become apparent for five or been held. Saturday night marked a highly Impressive and colorful ture of the mouth wquld produce a t ths Coimtry Qub today by Miss don and other large centers. has been assigned to dlrlect all mili­ kno3>/ledge that our people hat# the moUons of dlrecUng motorlsU, and other social pastimes enjoyed. cated he had been critically In­ Found asleep In a shed In the rear ceremony, waa^ accompanied here hy even ten jrears.” Jeanne Uaw, Instructor In French rhlldren seemed tn enjoy Im­ war, Woodring continued, "but w# j everybody, including the stall- the official opening of the new jured. He received a severe shaking artificial dentures containing soma tary tran.?port by land and sea. Mra. Rollin Hitt made and decorat­ of the L. T. Wood Ice plant on Blaaell Starting at Fern street end work­ some 50 persons and all the visitors Dr. Mc(>iUom ta one of the found- at Manchester Hlfih school. mensely these rehearsals. One 3. The British fleet and air should Uke mora comfort and saUa-, «d driven. Joined In the fun. The ed tha wedding cake for the sliver quarters and the success of the up and suffered possible fractured of the charactertatlca of the natural party augurs well for the success of street Saturday, John J. McKeever, ing noutb towards Line street, a from Massachusetts were guests at era at the gnathologtcal aodaty. * A native of France and also a small boy In I./)ndon even said to forces sre widening their warfare faction In the realization that If war. discharging of explosives continued wedding, and the friends pooled Nine Cars Crash riba but after X-ray examination 39, of North Main street was pre­ a supper early In the evening, served teeth but not the major Imperfec­ ■ resident of England for several hla mother, "When are Hitler nnd St should be forced upon ua, an aggres- through the night. the club In Its new home. and treatment yesterday appeared force ot WPA workers are widening tions they might have had." group of speeialists coocentn^top sea, trying to cut off the escape MIm Dorothy ('. Miller their contributions and gave Mr. sented on an Intoxication count. He by members of Scaadls lodge of this on mouth structure and funetioii. years. Hiss Low has spent many of Mussolini coming so we can go to of raiding German submarines to sor win not find us In the same state | _ . ______and Mrs, Wickham a purse of Shortly after five o’clock the as­ much better. Depends I'pon Proper Picture semblage gathered in the lower hall was found guilty and was eentenced and putting Into passable condition town. Among those present was her summers In Europe and was the country?■' hideouts. of unpreparedneiw In which we i money In Four Mishaps Protective Meaaure Gardner street, one of the oldest Hugo KJellson of Itxhury. Mnas., dis­ Faithful reproduction, he added. The congress opened today with Mr. and Mrs. Alexander A. Mil­ for supper. A fine roast beef dinner to jail for 10 days. fharo durinf the iiomentoua events Everyoae Oalm. 4. Plant have been made tn found ourselves In 1910. f Ten of the guests who were pres- The accident ocetirred when the roads in Manche.ster Gardner trict master of the Bay State Order.

PHOTO MiMO- Warsaw Radio Airmen Bomb French Troops Hit Priest 1$ Burned Trying At the Circle Tuesday a | id Wednesday Obituary To Save Jeteiah Scrolls To Increase Boards to Act Monday Parleys Plan to Continue Surplus How. To Teach German Positions; Chinese Forces Balk • •> Describes New German Plane Neatness Paaaale, N. J„ SepL 38— OP) LYDtA OHAT BttAWm National Guard Food Distribution Program Deaths —Tba Rav. William V. Dunn On Three Items To Be Dropped Artillery0 Is Active nursad today slight arm bums racalvad when he triad in vain New Jap Offensive Gumon Attack Mr*. Mary O. Blanchand. Motor Plant to sav* Holy Habrow ocrolls W oahlngt^, Sept. 25.—(45— Agrl-<(;abot up. Cubs and other w *a t*n Mrs. Mary C. Blanchard, 79, of Co. K AskAl to Enlist Selectmen, School Group Roosevelt to Discontinue (Onttoaod from Pago Ooe.) from flaming Temple Emanuel, culture Department official* aald to­ hemlaphcr* cuatomers whleh ordi* lO M tin w i from Fugt One.) 237, Center street, widow of An­ ( OwiHmw< frwB P ig * o m l i * 20 Additional Men; norily buy targ* quantltta* ta th* thony J. Blanchard, died at the an imposing whlta granite Prevent Coordinated Air, Meet Tonight; Hear­ Conferences with lA>n« day they would gt, ahead with on comparatively quiet along the fuitlre building In the heart of th* city. Overnight News Orient tum*d to th* Unltod Btatra Manchester MemorisI hoepltal this the bombsrs against Invading Swlos Howitzer Vnitfl Out. expanded diatrlbutlon of *urplu* Bonodnir thftt *‘Glrl ficoutA front MM the Germans failed to re­ The temple waa destroyed yes­ fju id and Naval At* ing on Jean Road. (Kress Lieutenants. for ■uppllca, ConoequMtly., th* onr- wasted for Uret \ld work." aflemooo. She hsd been In poor territory. new aaoaulta they have been launch­ O f Connecticut food to the nation'* relief famtllea plus problem taui’ diaappsoirad. health for a long period. She bad Bwlaa shore watcher* said they terday in a four-hour blase that tacks from Developing Appeal* For Allied Help ing during the paat few daya with caused damage estimated by The National Guard o f Connecti­ The Bohrd of Selectmen. In a soe- Washington, Sept. 25 )>P) Since despite an expected Increase In At th* same time the deportment m ere aUo were frequent appeal* I been a resident of Manchester for saw the German anti-aircraft guiv* small bodies of troops between th* By A880U1ATBU PBCHh Included lard under lU food stamp over .lO years and was among the fire tracer bullet* into the sky Uki Are and police officials at 1150,- cut has bean ordered Increased by Into Major Drive. olon acheduled for 8 p. m. tonight In the administration's program for the Furo|iean demand for American to Great Britain and France for I Rhine and Moselle rivers. 000. plan deapita a poteoUsl sharp ta- first natives o f Italy to live here. powerful Roman candle* and that 877 men In an order issued by Danbury — Albert H. Stock of % special congresotonai sessions calls farm product*. help “before I f* too late," but with Earlier, the French, taking advan­ Father Dunn. pastor of th* munlcipnl building. iX1ll bold n creaa* th European JemoiuL .Surviving her are three eons, they heard tenrlflc detonation* a* Shanghai. Sept.---- 38—(fib -C h in es*.' I Danbury awakened hi* three young­ Although war ha* tended to light­ tbem went word of Wamaw’a Inten- i tage of the lull In German thrusts, It St. Nicholas Roman Catholic Brigadier General Reginald B. De hearing on the proposed acceptance only for revision of thV neiitrallty Expeetod T* Bs Aggravatai Nicholas. Frank and Cyrus Blan­ though from bunting bomb*. est children n- I 'cd them to safety en the burden of mo»t agriculture tion to hold out "to give the world was said, assumed the initiative A t church, located a block from Lacour. tbe adjutant general, acting iieporting they have nearly I.IWO.OOO , law, President Roosevelt has de­ In the coaa o f oome Am ericM chard, all of Manchester and a Bwl*a authorttles opened an In- several points to consolidate posi­ when fire b: ont In their home of Jean road as a public highway. • > surpluses here, they said, the war farm products the surplus oltuattaa a new proof of Polish herol»m." daughter, Mrs. Adel Gross of Lynd- the Hebrew edifice, ran Into th* under orders from th# W ar Depart­ men In the field, declared today j TTie street Is one which has been de. cided to discontinue Monday morn­ AM If reading nothing more Im­ veitigatton to determine whether tions and thwart Nazi preparations here. Mr*. S; ,)iloted seven other .-'A- ing conferences with House and ileniand Is not expected to show 1* exp^ed to be aggrarated by tks hurst. N. J,, also 13 grandchildren for new attacks. building, but said he waa driven ment Most of the new strength they bad balked Japanese efforU to children froi.i .a j house as soon os veloped by Frederick Pitkin and •1 "V • much change for several months. war. Included or* some freak fnitta, portant than baseball scores, the Swiss territory had been violated. back by flames and smoke be­ Senate lieutenants. and one great grandchild, a slater Fire For Two Hour* French dlspatcho* said th* aeUon will be concentrated in th* 343nd coordinate a new major offensive In they became aware of tbe fire. Stock Everett T. McKinney on a tract Tlic Agriculture Department's particularly apples, dried fru ity "ikl broadcasters told Warsaw resident* In South America and two broth­ fore be could reach the temple TTie decision waa announced laat The German batteries were said oxtended from th* Wamdt forest on Coast Artillery with heqitauarters Buffered a badly cut arm In hi* res­ north of Porter street near the Por fnoil stamp plan lor distributing tbe so-called “luxury” ftxxia. Al* “there now 1* plenty of rorse meat ers In Italy. altar to bring out the Holy China's Interior. night before the preslilent left hi* to have kept up their fire for two th* west to th* Blenwald forost In at Bridgeport. cue effort. ter street school. The developer* surplus fixKl throuch regiilar com­ ready tbe withdrawal of Oroot Bri* to eat because of what has hap­ The ^lneraI 1s In charge of T- P- Torah, most sacred poMcsalon While Europe was occupied with have satisfied the town regulation* home at Hyde Park, N. V.. where hours while searchlight* criss­ the east, and that fighting occurnd The 169th R e g lm ^ . of which Rldgefleld—Beatrice Mead. 14, wo* mercial channels Is now operating tain from the American oppls aur> pened to Polish cavalry units." Holloran and arrangements, will ,be of a Jewish house of prayer. Its war, J^an apparently sought to regarding grading and drainage, it he had spent a reatful week-end crossed over Frledrlchshsfen. near th* German citlea of Saar- Company K and tlMilowltzer Com­ critically Injured, and Catherine In six cities Rochester. N. Y., Day- ket has put produc«n ta a praeori- Running accounts of German at­ announced later. The burial will bruecken, Zwelbniecken. Ptrmaaan* pany are part, w ill receive 340 men. strike a major blow In her 28- ta stated, and the road la regarded with hls mother, to return to Wash­ ton. Ohio, Birmingham, Ala., Seattle, tacks on the city told of incendiary The roar of what were believed to Scsglia, 20, wo* treated for a frac­ ington and resume his leadership la surplus Mtuatlon. be In. St .James's cemetery and Bergzaberg. the total itreqgth then being 1290 month-md conflict wrtth (Thlna. by Selectmen an ready for accept­ Wnsb., Dca Moines, Iowa, and Shaw­ DistrlbuUon to relief fsmiltoa may bombs setting fire to crowded hospl- he Invading warplane motors' could tured wrist and other injuries, when The Holloran funeral home will Reconnaiaance flights were car­ enlisted men And 66 officers and one The Japanese Arm y reported lU ance. In a campaign for lifting the em­ nee, Okin. It will be startetl noon In help dispoie of eupplies held at boms .tats, of air raids wrecking museum* be heard only a few mlniitea. an auto in which they were passen­ be opeft after 7 o'clock tonight for ried out “with success," the French warrafit officer. Iroops were within 50 miles of The final aeaaonal meeting of the bargo on shipments of munitions to .Springlleld. 111. Several dozen other because of closed markets ahroad. and of shells ripping through apart­ Since the border Is closed end the ger* collided with a truck here. Both relatives and friend". reported. Weddings Htavltzer Oo. EUmlnated (hangsha. In Hunan province, south Joint School Board also will be held warring nations. cities are under consideration. On the other hand, a.rtetag eoot lake Is five miles wld* at this point of the Rldgefleld girls were taken ment buUdlnga A morning communiqua (7:06 Oq September 30 the Howitzer central China, after a thrust down tonight In a short session when final Cnnfereoree .Almost Routine By the time war buying showed , When thing* have looked blackest to the Danbury hospital. of living U expected to rrault In Mrs. Anton C. Carlson It was not possible Immediately to a, m.. e. *. t.) reported 'local Im- Coifipany of Waterbury, attached to the Canton-Hankow railway. approval for the education budget The Monday morning conferences any sizable Increase, officials said, some r^u ctloo In dometalc coB- tbs radio ha* made proud boasts of New Milford—Game Warden W. Mrs. Anton C, Csrlson, a former make any direct Investigation In royement” In French posltlona. Chinese authorities, however, de­ for the y#ar la established. Such ap­ with Vice-President Garner, Speaker Amertcan proiluctlon could be ex- sumptlon. This would toad to p w " the glory which again will be the 103nd Regiment will paas out of Bradford Klbbe of New Milford sold resident of Manchester, died early Germany of possible damage. S«rman artillery waa aald to have Annouuce Engagement existence as far aa unit designation clared their force* had prevented proval Indicates that all minor Bankhead, Senate Majority ly'ader |iecteil to have expanded sufficiently tlally offset effecU of any taerosoad .Poland's. yesterdsy morning at her home on Ths giant Zeppelin Works, which been active In the area southeast of he arrested Harry W. Fitzpatrick, Barkley and House Majority Leader Mr*. Ann Uahooey of «0 Maple Is concerned. Instead o f the sepa­ coordinated air, land and naval at­ changes have been completed and to meet the extra der.and In the foreign buying, officials ooid. Throughout the brouclcasta. the Homs Terrace. Fast Hartford Born turned out all of Germany's lighter- Zwelbniecken. Posquale Muccl and Lorenzo Tomas- Robert Donnt and lovely Greer Oorson above the stars of "Goodbye Rayburn have been almost rmitlne case of moat cropa. announcers have made no mention street announce* the coming mar­ rate units the regimental baodquar- tack* from developing Into a major aello of Waterbury on counts of that the figures are officially ready in Oland, Sweden, she waa 61 year* than-sir dirigibles, had been con­ He«k To Leom Secret Mr. Chips" are shown In a pose from that picture This loveliest of In tbe loot few regular semlnn." (iiiuigm Mind O* Rice Moot men go out and n t What « f their personal plight, although of age. riage of her dau^ter, Mia* Doris ters of both regiments will be In­ drive from the YangUe river south­ jacklighting deer, hunting on Sun­ for recommendation to a town meet verted Into an airplane motor fac­ The French attacking units. In­ creased from 61 to 118 enlisted menj ward toward Changsha, objective of Ing. It la Indlrsted that there may screen masterpieces, holds the feature spot at the Ni-w Circle tomorrow They provided an opportunity for an The war haa caused the govern­ the family needs, e s p e c ia l the sound of air raid sirens and Mrs. Carlson leaves her husband, tory and working day and nIghE formed quarters said, were seeking Catherine Mahoney, to Carl E. Hul- day and hunting without a license. and Wedne.sday. The companion feature Is "Tell No Tales" with Mel- exchange of views on all sorts ot ment to change Its mind about dis­ crashes seeming to come from ex­ and will then Include th* anti-tank-' drive since Tokyo reach­ be some more discussion of the pro their wives sand them. Anton C C.orlson; a son. Nels Carl­ Special bombproof ahrltera had been to learn the secret behind the recent tlne. son of Mr. and Mra. Ckirl M. The trio were placed under bonds. vyn Douglas. legislative problems. tributing rice to relief families, how­ ploding bombs sometimes have pro- platoons. Until the National GuaYd ed a truce with Ri-oala regarding posed change from coal to oil heat son of Hast Hartford; five brothers, built for the factory workers deep numerous German assaults on ad­ Hultine of 44 Hackmatack street. Inasmueh ns these problems may ever. Before the conflict developed, Vtdsd a weird background for their Ernest. Emanuel, Carl and Elnar, _. ,__ receives the new S7mm. anti-tank the Monchoukuo frontier. at the central school plant. vance posltlona. The ceremony will take place Sat­ be narrowed to one aubjeet neu­ the Agriculture Department made Carlson, all of M.inihester, and P''*"' gun. these platoons will use th* gun Report* Japaneae RepulsMi Wont 41.100 ,seloea. There was some speculation urday, September 80, at 11 o'clock hsm, presiding. rinns for coming trality—Mr. Roosevelt apparently plans to buy large quantities of rice Recall l.egn>d Of Hugirr Ellis Peterson of Sweden- s stitex, ! Brlttsh homher* part cipated In now In use In the Howitzer Com­ A Chinese Arm y report said the The change, agreed to be a good -as*.. . . . __ ___rAnnrfAfI nffrhf rAln hu^nrv \jfill whether Uje Nazis were putting on at th* rectory of St. James's church. months were illscusaed. has mode up hls mind they are un­ lor distribution among needy fami­ klany Pollah refugees, hearing the Minir^nt PrfprHon of Pnn Krnnrl*co,1 the reported night raid, history will panies. Japanese had been repulsed at a State Will Ask proposal, would thia year call for a show for the benefit of Fuehrer Both young people are graduates Delivers Talk necessary during the special eeoalun. lies. If Is A Good Tim# beosdeasta, have recalled the legend CftUf., Hiul Rovcral nlcc«'« Hnd have repeated It.'elf for early In Wont I.'nmarrled Me* point 60 miles north of Changsha the expenditure of *ome 84,400 In (tlves Travrloguo HIM a British plane carried out one Hitler, who French "ourcea reported of Manchester High achool; Miss Mias Gertrude Llddon gave on In­ The war changed things. Price* of the boy buglar of Krakow, Ac- nfphewR on the front, or whether the Ger­ Company K has been authorized with the loss of SO landing boats a special appropriation. The Select­ of the first World War air ralda Mahoney waa graduated from the formal talk on her recent trip to To Toko 1t cording to the atory banded ilown The funeml will b*» held tomorrow to enlist twenty additional men, the and many men. Death Penalty men, seeking to keep within the mans were masking hurried troop comptometer school In Hartford {from generation to generation, he re- nflernoon i%t 2 o’clock at the Whit­ against the Krledrlchshafrn works, company Increase being from 63. th# present tax rate, refused to recom­ On Recent Trip California, which provel«r so far the public has been given no (A Japanese report In Hongkong theatrical director and radio script been cancelled because of hls Ill­ territory near Hehaffhausen. in the the Swiss border. Indicating great ber has been advanced as above In regular non-commlasloned officers ers by offering an amendment to the church held Its first meeting of the can tray, pottery vases, band-made tions operating on the same wave­ The funeral of Mrs Carrie actual figures. sold Japanese raiding 'plane* had writer, today was the central figure ness. north westernmost part of SwlUer- Has Sunk Warship; aerial operations were likely soon consequence. staff besides many of th# privates school budget as proposed by the Mexican lace and numerous anap- FUNDS (Malhe-wsi Taylor of 223 Wood- Approximately eight United dropped mixed load* of bombs and of o courtroom drams In which he Fall season Friday evening. A cov- A communique said hls condition length. land. to overshadow the "fortreas war­ and fln t class privates. town fathers, this to be done from .aliots and cards. Following M lu FOINT O0 ‘ lASt night's brosdeast said ths brldgt street who died Saturday States consular officials, about 58 propaganda leaflet* to the west and was cost as the slayer of a girl to ercd-dlsh mipper was enjoyed by the was brought on by the strain of CONCIVn It wheeled away Into Germany, fare" on land. Under the present setup ea* the floor at tbe time of the annual LIddon's talk the ".Shadow Lady" 8«t "B4 If ywi Binttf lrti ,|agt fsw hours hsd been "the moat night St the Memorial Hospital af­ Plan for Long War other Americans and mors than a north of Changsha. whom he had posed as a talent scout recent weeks. He was stricken with the announcement aald. when Swiss Interested la Oomsnent. Shower Tendered platoon o f the Howlteer OompoBy and promised a movie career. meeting next month. member* at 6:15 In the parish gift* were distributed. bnlMinc aMWJhMBjk •tsrrlbls since the siege began." ter a short illness, wsa held this af­ thousand persons of varioua na- (Chinese In Hongkong reported a heart ailment Baturday. anti-aircraft batteries opened fire. In this connection observers win remain In Manchester under State Attorney Phil O'Connell Keep Ooete Down house. Various dishes were served The next regular monthly meet­ WMMDM ■ "But the ^ in t of our troop* and ternoon at 2 o'clock at the Holmes tlonnIill".s who were p-'rmlttcd to 3,000 Japanese casualties In on un­ showed Interest In comments mad* command of a Lieutenant. D tepo^ sold he would ask the death penalty The Selectmen have gone on including meat loaf, scalloped po­ ing of the club will be held Friday Nn CmbbiImImm • dtlren* are undaunted.'' the Funeral home Rev Watson Wood- (Continued From Pag* One) leave V.'.irsaw are expected to arrive Marjorie Wilson successful attempt to advance to­ In pvrU by Anthony J. Draxel Bid­ tlon of Captain Horace F. Mutph for the killing Aug. 8 of pretty record os opposed to tbe granting ot tatoes, macaroni and cheese, scal­ evening. October 20. at the home of Nn Strrki CMrfM cnuoimcer declared. nifT of the Center r'onprcgatlonal A I f In Berl n today Th"y were remov­ dle, Jr., United States ambassador ward Changsha from footholds on Ptam Ta frighten lints 100 Oons BombM^ (.aplUI company commander of th# Prances Dunn. 17-yeor-oId Miami any concession In connection with loped oysters, cold slaw, rolls, apple Mrs. Dorothy Turner. Misa Nora church, of which she was s member ed from tv.arsa' to Koenigsberg, to Foland. who eitlmated Oarmany the south bank of the Sinotong river T t ly More than 100 hiihvy guns had ^ 11 ; von Frltach. former commander-ln- Miss Marjorie Wilson, daughter of Itzer company has not been high achool girl. the budget they have completed. pie and coffee. Scott will be co-hoetesa officiated, Flobert Gordon sang' East Prussia, under the care of the bad used 5,000 plane* in a five-day and Lake Tungtlng.) Sabetba, Koa.— UP)— Phil Brunner In MancliMter By Th« Tho Manchoifor, bssB bombarding the capital Inces­ "Nearer, My God To Thee," and "In | ------chief of the German Army who Mr. and Mrs. James B. Wilson o f 80 but la expected shortly. Indictmenta charged Jefferson took They feel that the taxpayers do not A t eight o'clock the meeting ho* a new acheme for ridding hla was killed in action before Warsaw Germ.en Foreign Office, last week asrault on Pollah production and A "latge force" of Japanese and Miss Dunn and Jeon Bolton, 16, to santly sines Saturday noon, the The Garden" | The Manchester Btsrnp Collecfirs' Alton street was honored with an­ want higher taxes, and that the opened with a abort devotional serv­ Both Winners Wrong Hex produce plant o t rats. Brunner ho* last Friday. after Ge-msn and Pollah command­ communication lines. 60 Chinese division* 'with on esti­ • lonely road after a promise or Manchster Lnmber Trust Compemf ’ radio said, adding that hundreds nr Mrs Tavlor wh i was 77 years old ' cliih will meet tonight at S at the other shower, Saturday evening, at sums they have laid down for the ice In charge of Miss Ethel Madden. Paltonaburg, Mo.— (45— Doyle set traps. As soon os he catches a [dtlren* had been killed or wounded I Reports reaching Parts from the ers at Warsaw hid arranged for Biddle, wiio arrived her* yester­ tbs home of her aunt. Mra. Fred­ mated strength of 950,000 men were having photographs tsJeen here as various departments are tbe great­ A F u el Go. was the widow of Wllford .S Taylor. I Hotel Sheridan their e-odtui. day after a hazardous trek from Po­ Church and Grange Miss Evelyn Burrell read the scrip­ Brown. 34-year-old former, won a few rati, he’* going to dip them In ■When they rmitured from cellars to western front said Hitler waa In erick Rogers of Wellington Road. sold to be participating in the first the first step in their eoreesr. The est that can be granted without a ture teraon. The business meeting crocheting contest with a bedspread. whit* piilnt and release them. The She was a native of Southington and Borne light on how the German land, during which be said he fre­ state contends he slew Mias Dunn fjlween Pgnl, Mot. go to ehurch. I that area Saturday.) Relatives and closa friends who at­ major military action In *everal rise In the tax rate. It Is the view of followed with the newly elected Mrs. Fannie Davit then won th* painted rata, h* vow*, will frighten well known as a music teacher. She Mis* Ann Rashtmas of 1« Knight- Von Frltseh's hrilv «HII K, government expects to finance th* quently waa under fire, declared after ravishing her. ' ’ HI. 4141 Ths announcer said "the Opera leaves two stepsons. Clsrence I, Ion street wss guest of honor at a ■ - ...... ^ * tended showered her with kitchen Unite in Services monthf. the Selectmen that any larger ex­ president, Mlaa Florence Ctocker- nail driving evenL all other* away. Bouse, Nstkmsl theater, and Poly- to Berlin tonight and taken to the war was given by the current laaua Nazi planes shuttled constantly utenaila In aluminum, chrome, py- Up “Feoc* OffeoMve" A venire of 188 persona was sum­ penditures than those that can be Taylor of this town and Arthur W shower given at the home of her ats- I constantly from north to south and i War Ministry building where officers of Die Deutsche Volkswlrtsehafte, A t the aame time, Japan stepped moned, from, which a 13-man jury tschnlc school are on lire. The Ger­ Tavlor of New Britain. '-r. -Mr*. Stanley Murawskl, o f! rex and other w are* also electrical made under the present rate should man srtillery now Is concentrating will stand a guard o f honor. Fu­ Nazi eroromic monthly. from north to south and op ber “peace offensive" through will be selected. The bearers were: Gustave A n -, night, which j Poland, "making tbs whole Interior appliances. The gifts were con­ Sundav. October 8 ha* been set be voted on the Initiative of the tax­ Its flrs on ths center of the city. neral services will he held In the H ie publication aald a special cealed all over the house and were apart at’ the Eastern Btatea Exposi­ propaganda for a new government payer* themselve* on tbe Independ­ derson. Arthur Gibson, .loseph Halo-1"'** attended by 2B of her friends. eqiiare before the memorial to'World a front." He estimated the Ger­ "Planes era dumping bombs on The decoration* were In yellow and levy on Income* was expected to found by the ringing of alarm tion os emurch-Grange Sunday, and foi China under Wong Chlh-Wel. ent motion of the department* con­ the workers' district as well as on biirdo and Arthur Holmes., RtirlsI war dead. . mans had lost 300 planes In the Po­ green. A lunch was seired and Miss yield 2.600.000.000 marks annually. lish campaign. clocks. the day will be marked with a aerv- former premier of the Chlong Kol- Laemmle, Famous cerned. museums, public butldlnga and artis­ was In West HIM cemetery, Rri.stol, Newa of the sinking of the Brit­ lee In the fair's New England Orange Shek government of China. Rushimas wss given many useful (P ar value of the mark Is 40 cents.) Meantime, French military writ­ On* of th* amusements was a Tkinlgbt the Selectmen will draw tic monumenta,” be declared. ish destroyer came as Informed Contribulloijs by cities and com- mock marriage, the principals at­ building at 11 a. m. Orange mem­ The "Chine*# People*' Peace Pro­ and approve the call for the annual Mr*, dnhanna Noonan gifts. Spe la to b* married to Erick quarters reported that German mili­ ers asked the public to "be patient" The broadcad said that one of the Rautenberg of Emerson street Oc­ munitlea were expected to bring In tired In clothe* from different at­ bers of all New England and their moting League” said It telegraphed Producer, Dies meeting which will be held folldwlng dty'a newipspera, Kurjer Poranny, The timeral of Mrs. Johanna tary leader* apparently were con- because no general offensive bad tober 7. it was the second shower l,5OO,O(X).0OO mark* and taxe* on been opened on the western front. tics. Refreshments were served In friends have been Invited to attend President Roosevelt asking support th* election October 2. fSili was publlahlng. and nserrted Noonan who died Thursday was held viced the lightning conquest o f Po­ this service which last year drew given to Miss (tashlmna. tobacco and alcoholic beverages, an­ Many observers believed French the dining room. The table decora­ o f W ong and dlsconttauanc* of any Other routine bualnea* which ha* that "despite continued attacks this morning at S .10 from'her home, land could not l>e used as a stepping nearly 1,000 W’orshippers. other,000, Total revenue tactics had been designed to lure tions were In yellow and blue. Mrs. old for Chungking offietela. accumulated since the session of there Is still order” In the city. 11 Bummit street, and I) o'clock at stone to a posalble peace with France The event will be conducted by Beverly Hills. Calif., Sept. 38.—(IP) Chief Albert Foy of the Bouth or Britain. from these source# was estimated the Germans Into an offensive. Rogers wa* assisted by Mrs. Clar­ Many observers believe Japan the Board loot week will be taken up SMOKERS: SAVE THE COST .Bt. .lames' church. Rev Vincent the Rev. CJharles A. Downs, chaplain —Carl Laemmle, Sr., who started In Hines was ccl-hrsnt R .v i department Is on Tlwae quarters said the high com­ at 5..3.’>0.n00,O00 marks, or about Some French nources asserted the ence Smith, another aunt of the secs In the European canflict an op­ tonight. bride-elect. of the Connecticut State Orange, portunity to deal a cnublng blow the film industry os s nlckleodeon Ftnrr.irX«ron.n^‘n.!. "'hlrh he Is mand. which announced the Pollah 1 S2.1'i0.ont),000 at normal foreign ex­ German army was not a* powerful proprietor and became the first man R am il, ' ." strert. laneous shower for her at the Y. M. must stand or fall on her own re­ yesterday to witness the coon and cape mountainous ground swells. thur Waddell, Stephen Mahoney, be a second short service. Hla daughter, Mrs. Stanley Ber- •linJDeR.~MBLL0WBR""JlOWaU one ot the men I* now in the regu­ to be Invulnerable to enemy shell­ Dlsihar. cjl Haturday: Mias Grace 25th Anniversary C. A. Friday evening. September sources.” fox trials held In Coventry under the Missing Boat Reaches Port Harold Heffron, Austin Slattery and gesmon, and two phyalclanB were at lar army and court action would r*- fire or bombs, will be used to direct 15; Thursday evening Hartford bis bediide when he died. A son, auspices of the Manchester Coon B U R N IN O I Natnnlljr, Ca— b have The boat Sunshine, with SO Flsh- William Shea. Miller, 162 Spencer street, George Aeeldeat Victim DM* Here’s America’s Shrewdest Cigarette Buy*.. sult In hi* overstaying his leave operations along the entire western Wogman, 21 .Stone street. friends gave her a personal shower Flaoatag Ooaoolldatloa Carl Laemmle, Jr., two brothers, and Fox club. Forty-nine dog* were non fragnace —aod testa baUtrvto, •rmen aboard, put Into the Ban Rev, Edin\ind Barrett read the front. It was said. and dinner at the Round Table, run and the final beat was conduct­ with consequent court martial pro­ Death: .Mr.a, Carrie Taylor, 228 Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Fuller of 102 Norwood, Mass., Sept. 25.— (A1— Tokyo, Sept. 25 —(>P) — Wang Slegrled and Louis Laemmle, both of Pedro harbor early today after hav­ committal scn-lce at the grave In I'ntil now, Nazis had. expressed Hartford; Friday evening, her of­ Loa Angeles, and two grandchildren, ed In darkness. Thsrt’a oo fast bom inf to aur tbe ceedings, the men were freed after WoodlirUlge street. Kent street. Hartford, held open Rita Gallagher. 19, of IVlnthrop, Chlng-Wel, former premier of Oen- ing been mlasing more than 12. SI. Bridget's cemetery, assisted hy j hope that once the conquest of Po­ fice associates In the legal depart­ Stanley Bergermon, 7, and Carl Ber- The fox heats brought together marrrioaa pleosera o f tfadr ioer. aMira hour*. Rev. Frederick Clark. a reprimand. Admitted Siindav: Mra. Ella house ye.»lerday In honor of Mrs. died yesterday at Norwood hospital, eroUssimo Chlong Kol-Sbek's gov­ The quality cigarette every smoker can aflford land was accomplished France and Bartholomew. North rovenfiy.-. Mrs Fuller'," parents. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar ment of the Connecticut General where she was token after being germon, 9. also survive. Hls wife oome high class doga that should The Spray wai a 48-foot fishing ernment, woo *ald today to be moke Old Reynard look to hla raptoiive tobeocoal Y e t Camafa cooa* It was reported that this morning Britain might listen to peace pro­ Anasisala Ktshonls, Brood Brook. Mathlaron of 691 Hartford road, Insuranc* Company gave her on- struck by on automobile Saturday died In 1918. hoat, and no list of paisenger* wai Guard Caribbean Baers formulating plans rapidly for con- laurels at a future date. The first some one made off with a delivery posals. but the high command ap­ David Hadden, 121 High street. this town, who wer* married 25 oUier mUcelloneoua shower at the night as she walked on th* Provl- Funeral services for the former Dor Mboccoa coot loos to anwha. N o kept. AM aboard were believed from Ban Juan. Puerto Rico, .Sept, 28__ soUdatloo o f the Japonese-CJontrolled heat was won by "Smudge" owned peared sotiafled a prolonged war waa Herbert Weber. 299 Middle Tum- years ago yesterday In Manchester heme of MIsa Ann Pugaell ta New dence-Boston rood. producer will be held tomorrow at woadsr CoBtob on &aaoM aa Amatka’a ■euthem rallforola. Mra Earl OP) —The first American troop* to of good* left by a baker In the Inevitable. Peiping -and Nanking governments the WUshire temple of B'NsI B'rith by Archie Palmer of Manchester by Rev. C. H. Beckmann, at that Britain. Steckel. wife of the skipper of the land here since the Spanlih-Amerl- 'doorway of Petar's chocolate shop T^rre^ w-er. ladlcUon. neverthe- Into a ringle Japaneos sponaored- in Los Angeles with Rabbi Edgar F. who la a veteran fox-hunte* and the Whmterer price jrou ptjr per p«ck, It’t ihrawdast dgaraCM dkoiotl time pastor of tba German Zion Bpray. who was among the missing, srrtved today to guard new on Main atresL reglme in (Jhina. Mognln officiating. second going to "Blue Ribbon" own­ church on Cooper street important to remembtt this fu c-l^ said " "at ■ ■least **28 persons were £*'"'*'hean Army and Navy bases. hml't ‘?wtmt1e?VJJS'.'t « I ^ A daughter to M r and Mr*. Wong, It was announced recently ed by "Pepel Cola Pete”, of Jewett aboard the vessel." I Batteries A and B of th# 89th Coast The regular monthly Inspection of much Mr. and ktrs. Mathtason have City. Since It waa too late to run a I Sunday. visited Japan In June and diacuaaed bumimg 25% flo w e r tbem tba eaarega Two of those aboard the fioundsr- Artillery came here from San Fran? Om pany K wiu be held thle *v weaning th* French away from Brit­ continued to make their bom* In the projected administration with final In this event the owners agreed "Od craft w-ere rescued. They were I cisco In command of Capt. W. F. nlng at ths state armorv by Major ain. • Discharged Sunday; Walter Manchester since their marriage. Dies Sees Mauy to split the prize money. a f tha 15 atbar a f tba igrgatt-tallimg Henri’. 48 Starkweather street. Prince Fumlmaro Konoye. Observ­ Abe Agins. Los Angeles, and Miss McKee aboard the transport ship Frederick Q. Relnke. Third Bat­ PreparmtlOTS In th# west, inform­ Present at the celebration yester­ THE MANCHESTER ers expressed belief that If Japan'* The final coon trial went to Admitted today: Mia* Margaret day In addillcm to Mra. Fuller, on- brmiub tastad^thwar tbem any ^tham— Oenevlvc Force, Lymwood. Chatleau Thierry Antl-sircraft talion Commander. A fter the In­ ed quarters aald. apparently were political program goes according t* Persons Indicted "Smoky Joe” owned by Earl Mocht "W e had had good lucl; fishing equipment wss carried spection a turkey *upper will be directed chiefly against the Brittah MeVev. 23 Btnrkweather street, E d -1 other daughter, Miss Laura ktathla- o f Baltic. ward Keeney, Olaxtonbury. | son. and two son*. Thorvald and schedule, she will b* abl* to present C A M E LS ^ p a e ttmabimg p lo t aqmel ta and were heading for shore when the served and an entertainment will be | h »t» that Eng- PUBLIC MARKET the world with an occompUahed fact The final Free, the last event of onuall struck ua." Aglni related. llsh troops wer* being landed Birth. Today, a daughter to M r.' Ru.xsell Mathlason, all of Manches­ STORIES IN STAMPS gtven. Officers of the Howitzsr In before the end of the yeu. tbe day, went to “ Sliver” owned by " » t were on the afterdeck and man­ Company and staff have been In­ Franc* In Increasing numbers. and Mra. Earl Goalee, 17 Huntington ter, attended the'party. The home Woohington, Sept 85.— UP) — (3iuck Lawson of Watertown. street. These sources said the plan coll* aged to Jump clear when the ahip vited to the affair. If German tactics on the eastern of Mr. adn Mrs. Fuller was deeo- for ' a ' supreme effort to emaoh Chairman Dies (D-Tex) predicted capsized. Nearly fvcrybcvly cl.vt* v Discharged today: Mrs. Antoin­ 41 front are followed. It may b* expect­ of Mr. and Mrs. Fuller and a purre Chlong's armed realatance and for today that "lots of Indictmants” In th® pilot hoij9c. u'hlrh ette Ingraham. 13 Moore street. Wallace Behn of Haddam, em­ ed that th* German air force will of silver waa presented by their Tuesday Meat Specials the Installation of a strong central would result from hls committee's ttred and swept awny ' Miss .M argaret McCormick. 182 Public Card Party ployed by the State Highway de- Btrik* In th* near future at British children, while gifts o f silverware government fkvorable to Japan. Investigation o f un-Amerlcon^|tettvl- When the 37-f t San Pe­ tle attention to activity on th* Ger­ Census: 83 patient*. out would charge perjury and Income Tomorrow Evening while at work this morning. He waa or chicken fricassee...... 79c and 98c each feiuiive position along border* of dro, Rasrmond Bernhardt and Donald man-French front, oaylng merely tax evaotan as well as other offenses. given emergency treatment at th# Guest* wer* also presoDt from Fancy Rib Lamb Chops...... ,S5c lb. the area already occupied. Rupert were drowmed. Mr* Dorothy that "In the west there waa heavier A handful of common WInated, New Britain, Bristol, Hart­ JusUee Department agents already Memorial hoapital and discharged. Sterling. 35, died os th- 3.1-toot artillery Are at certain points." They | worth a bushel of laoming. ford, East Hartford and Manchester. Nice Pieces of Lamb foi S ie v in g ...... 15c lb„ 2 lbs. 25c Few Troepe far Defeaa* ora buoy ta New York, Dtes sold, SL Horgorat’a Orel*, Daughters cruiser Jolly Tom craihcd to piece* added, "local enemy attacks were re­ Fresh Made Lamb P a tties...... 25c lb. Japanese otrateglata believe fewer checking bonk dopeotta oad ether Installation of officers of DUworth- ot toohetla, will bold a public card in the Jetty entrxnie at .NVw-pori pulsed.” , ...... Special On Chack Beef Ground for Harobnrg, all lean troops win be neeaeoary for def anoe reeoeds ta rriatlon to teaUmeoy of party .at ths K. ot C. ehib rooma to- harbor. Two youths were dii'-.v-ned Cornell Post and Auxiliary, Ameri­ While Warsaw fold o f tbe boundaries, thus releasing numerous witoaoses board by tha la the surf off Long Rea,-ft Donrig Returns to Reich; can lAglon, will be held Monday eve­ m eat...... 25c lb. mon rar niglit at 4:80. out. an official announcemept taui others to conduct a drive against commltto*. Ths membara hsva the privilege Temperature Urupa 20 Degree* ning October 2 In .Masonic Temple. Try Oar Home Made Meat for Sandwiches...... 25c lb. guerillas now ta the occupted sooes. Tenth Change in Status Nazi troops wer* moving "along the Young Director Going Places In the n*er future, tb* ooaamlt- ot tavlttag a friend. Bridge and The storm brought a 20,depree The installing utficeni of th* Legion entlr* aastem front" towaM the Simultaneously, Tokyo Is expected te* plana to bead further testimony aetbodc gomes will be played and drop In temperatures geiiernllv 0 N September 1 the Free City I >'*1 been selected. demarcation line splitting Poland to recognise Wang's govemmenL AT OUR BAKERY DEPARTMENT from D. H. Duhfowrity, formar pttoea sifkrdad ta soeh oecUon. Re- throughout Southern California. The of Danzjg prorlaimed its re- between Germany and Soviet Rua- I $ \iBCiuwr(Nettber tbs Pelptag nor Nonkta* Soviet agent ta this eountiy, who Marcel Donze. Harold Olds and Native Green Mountain Potatoes, nice and m ealy...... fraobmento wUl ba served. I*l*< and rain wreaked havoc lyit.i turn to the Germnn Reich. Three * 1*. imments have been recognised teotUted Saturday shout voitous Flank ruggeit left Saturday to at­ H ca.'P. S. Bnumiek head* the power lines, left many- communlUes day" later war began. Arm y authorttlaa said th* German , 29c peck j ^^■Honnally, oltbougb they or* more mathoto by which ha sold ths Rno* Without lights for long period*, tem­ Thus did a little Baltic port, 754 tend th* l.,eglon National Convention ooldters were withdrawing westward ooam itto* ta ehoigs oasUted by; In Chicago, Mr, and Mrs. Joseph McIntosh Apples, hand picked, extra fancy .... 6 lbs 25c ^^VWhan a yeary old.) rion govennnont gets American porarily disrupted main railroad square miles in area with a popu­ wHh ciocklike precision whU* the Mrs. J. MeVolgli, Mrs. W. Hunter, llcBl and son also motored to (Chica­ Fancy Green Beans, new crop ...... 2 qts. 15c With BhuopeI St war and a peaqe money Into Its treasury and spreads systems and closed highway*. lation of 407.000. again bscom* a Russians were advancing toward the agreement formed with Russia, the. propaganda which “Amotlcaaa owol- Mi a M l Orugaratr. Mrs. R. E. Car­ The rains were described as ot go for the opening of th* National Fancy Clean Spinach...... 19c peck ney, M n . J. WUsoa and Mias M. pawn lor Europe's war lords. But parley of the Legion. line from Uie east. United States now ia eonsiderad tb* low and pay tor.’* * Cloudburst proportions In the elritii- toe experience waa not new for It was exp*ct*d that German and only unknown quantity. Official Zonkla. Sixtraa of tlte b ra** oolliwa dgarana bnods erara niraady oomporsd le ty of Kingman. Arlz., where 't-s. Danzig. In a lhou."and years th* Due to the extreme high census Russian forcoa would tako up thslr AT OUR BAKERY DEPARTHMENT quMtors or* keeping th* clo*eat impartial tcbntiic tt*a by a loadiaa ira*arcfa laboratory. Tha fraultt: w *«t highways wer* closed and posltlona tomorrow night on op­ si.iluj. of the cily ha* changed 10 at the Memorial hospital the recep- watch on American movtmants in trsme on the mainline of the Same times, posite aides of tha new A n tle r ex­ Home Made Cookies, assorted if you wish — ...... May Print Freud’s CAMELS were found to cootsin MORE TOBACCO BY WEIGHT tlon rooms on th# first floor are the belief the United State* may F# was disrupted. So'athern Pacific tending from East Prussia to Hun- doz,,2 doz, 25c Must Show Need than ths STarags for tha 15 other of the largest sslling bread*. railroad traffic was disrupted by Denmark seized the Pollth flsh* now being used for ward patients. Mwulder tb* burden o f guarding the 1 ng vlUsf# In th* 12th century. gsry. Ginger Sqaarea ...... 20c das. Britioh stoke ta China. Views on Hitler rains near Indio, Calif. Officials of the hoapital request A German communique said that CAMELS BURNED SLOWER THAN ANY OTHER BRAND ** Poland, in that only Immsdlat* relatives of - Fig Sqaarea ...... 18c dos. Tranofor of tbs aircraft earrter Every Six MonUig 1304 it w si captured by the Teu­ In the vicinity o f Tomssiow, Zamnse Longlay to Manila and reposts that TBSTED-2596 SLOWER THAN THE AVERAGE TOO O f THE patlsnta visit during this present and Rudoc "scattered Polish de­ Danish Paatn. Raspberry Filling ...... 35c doz. 2 tonic Knight* and held for moro emergency due to th* crowded con- ths snttr* Poeifle floet may 8s sent 19 OTHER o r THE LARGEST-8E1X1NG BRANDS! Ry bnreb u M * Expend 8:^ Million Ihiin a century. tachments attempting to escape Homs Made RoOs. aoeorted if yoa w ish ...... 15c do*. to Hawaii hsva p tioagth ei^ thia lob, Sopt dlUen*. doaghtar of tbs Anstrlab Waahtagton. Sant. 28.— (48— Fed- tlowcr,oatb*aTerag*,Caaiabgirafma)Mr*tba«qairaloMof 9 EXTRA In 1455 Dsnzig revolted and bo> southward wer* forced to fight. stew. . paycbo-oaoIyM Sigmund Fraud, who o n i roitec rodptanta henceforth will eame a free dty, nominally mytef "Part of theac enemy datachmants TUESDAY GRCNDERY SPECIALS CIrctea claaa to tba govemmant, SMOKES PElbPACKI For Crop Control Mio. Edoon BoUay o f Tanner were encircled southwest of Zomoac dtod bars Sotw day night, may odlt be r*qulr*4 to ohow need every six PoUsh rule. ThU status was r«e> street entertained at luneheea today while others or* traveling aastword Spry ...a.• • • • • * lb. esa ISc. 3. lb can 50c Tw w v ur. Of* ootivtaesd movoa wiU and puhUab U s vtewn on ths mental- nwntka in order to remain on the In tb* *ame tcits, CAMELS HELD THEIR ASH FAR LOSGEM tbaa ^ i ognized In the first partition o f for Mr*. Dorothy U McFodden of ha mods to fooeh soma undorstand- W P A Poland In 1772. ” where they niii run Into Russian Bab*0 a,•..,*•2 cans 21c tty o f A d o lf Httlor. xttU. ths oratage time for all tb* othor braadt. i Maplewood, N. J.. wtM wlU be th* troopa," tbs communiqua daclorad. tag with tho Unltod Btotos. Bbs waa bar totboe's donmt eet* Tlte S n t notlofiwid* check-up, 3 Wo^Mngtoo, Sept The Draae, opens dogged drains...... 21r «nnexed th* d ty In prtndpol apeoiMr at the annual (This region Is approiqinataly 278 UbofMoc* provided Cor In tho relief act. hoe Afrleulturol Adjuatraont Admlnis- get-togettiar banquet of the Man­ . 1791 end Napoleon again tfoed mile* southeast of Warsaw). Softasik Cake Floor ...., ...... Igt. pkg. 25c Tbs oclwrtlat'b nob, Ifartta, sold M M ordgred for Oct. 1 by Col. F. C. potieB roDortad today expenditures the territory, but It was returned chester Mothero dub this evening ______“ ■ * * » " ' Th* communiqua added that “the BaBc Shrtddod Cocoanat, ako and a w ist...... lb 23c today U s fotbor dtod ta s coma, hut Harrington. W P A eommiorioner. y MORK PLIASURK PKR P U P P - iMtiltng 8i8JlgO,40O on crop control to Prussia in 1814. The treaty of In'the gymnoaium of th* T. M. c. number of Polish deqerters from Tonute Joke, Royal Scarlet...... 12Fi ot. can Sc fFOgroiM. Including beneflt pey- VersoUles, in 1918. made It a ^ Intectar, a D,— Btaefc HUa that *Vs spirit w u ubeokea by Praga and Modlin Increased In the U s teoff and a**a Us adgra- H M ts to fonaera, during July and « t y again, under League of Na- Coca. Golden Baatam. Hoyal ScarleU No. 2 eaiia. 2 for 21c raoeals ooM soma poecupina eggs to tOmim MORE PUPPS PER PACKI last few days." (Prog* U a Worosw tloa from Vtenna at ths offs of S3.” Asguot. Administrative axpenaea wn* controL to provide Pob ^ Brtdgeqwrt Coat* Rise PUcako Synp, Royal Seariet, 16-oance Jog, a eoupls o f woman touitata fMm ths suburb.) la thg iafannal sttiM a BollFwoad awaoteb Ow sound oast, thoeohy Just shout •vantag tb* Frtqd was t etrad to mora to Eng- m n roForted at «,9JJ,104. ^ U i M ouUet to the sea. Dan- Wsohlngton. Sspt. 35.—iP)-opar. Awaittag OaoMMr Ltete at at Paacako floBr, R « ^ Seariet, 20-o«aeo pkg/—BOTH 25c IWrfteld. BopL SB. — ftP) — Ths atago, Jsek Hlvwy, not lone ago proaiotad Cram Um ambitioua score with Um d ty dlrhore Who aoM land a UtUs mas* than a year ago pgmiy fo r petttgji your best agareUebt^. ^toe^turoa by aUtao for New tig a future statu* rests iipof" tha atlon and molntuanca ot general Msanwhite, thongawda o f Oonaon lOe Packago B yd rn Gookko, town’s tatrantonary edebratlon dmartoNata of dty govanunaat of bat lurd drivta ranka at astigtant dlraeton to fuU dlroetarta) the Brookta b tito to vidtotu tram after the OarmaB-Aqalzton onerb- kon toi into Ito osoond day today with kReJeRS *he present eon fll^ mothsn who hav« net hoard from lOe Paekaga K ik m CradMga ...... BOTH ISc the wust Tbs ta & a peaudly uaeeU* im .fO r; Vermont W1.4M; Th* Danzig stamp, abovo. was Biidgaport. Conn., roaa from 843.78 sons with tlte army ta th* soot raaaonoibUitF. ebots with Id w a H W ig tad J. W «a r d Brambtrg aff'analytaa ot PolidaUrs h ist^ by Uem WMBpahtr* $86,337; Maaso-" P»r ta 2984 to 468.24 ta 2987. •wdoMoly swaltod posting of offleUl east ta princlpol relos oC T b r a t Sow.** wbiefa H ivnij it gnidiag. Klrlaaa«*a8oapCklpB ...... 2 Igo.pkgs. S3o od aevant pcleldy, oral ohieeta at OsotBsH. Marwin of Oiranfleid HlU il^“ itia*" \*** ^ '«»>»«inor*te tbs Ceniua Bureau calculated tod*' • ffIBag otatten and said: “ Poeuo* g — n M U : Rliode lilond $7,- m toratk n ot the city ta today. esouslty Itsto. oniacted within th* Schooled ihorotighly la tho pcaetleol Qipieti o f eootlon pietora as the (eotnr*. In opening cere- iBiOawMMeatllMn. r d r c o j^ n y m itta a raoo from 884.28 aokt f«w dags. praduettoa tho pouag dinetor has alraody pravoa his markod D IAL 3137 — FREE DELIYBRY M m MCBS* Mid onlF s ddQtf lyliiDd* Tokyo. Sept. 9A— The Japo* mantes iw to rd ay ,tho m v . John C. AsAvm gr abilitj with £ « « n l p le lM l in T O tb w h o n m to to r a a r ^ t t a o r a k o d . raw ot Tate’s Divigity Icboat 04 “riifiBt for COSTLIER T( ; w CAMELS-L0N4 , "■ MANCHE8TBB SVEMUIG HERAUD. MANCRESTTEB. O O m f. MONDAY, 8EFTEMBEB 25,19M PA G E S IX MANCHESTER EVENING HERAU7. MANCHESTER. CXINN.. MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 26,1939

right Lot than bs aa boo set dlo> had net deepsrsteiy fsarad aa anty ■-M Hbmrlffftrr euasloa e t tba aubjaet ovea tlieiigb rsvolt Vm m tach wBa allewad ib it ba axasparattDgly loag^wladad, tf fotalB bis rank but had aa asa»- Bankers Foes Believe Submarines Never Lift Embargo Asserts Communists Seek lEwnitiis thers are no obstructive taetles. Biaad. Hs was "honorary cohinal” * In New, York * Daily Radiio Programs Let Congress thoughtfully decide o t an artiUsry ragtmsnt and wbsn O f War Boom Can Win Control of Seas Women Urge Control of Labor's Ranks m U LD ^PR^^IN O OOilPANT. INC on the best and aafeat ceurM. And Poland waa Invaded It wta raport- Avoofo la a to rn tte m a M d c« a Xitsi Chancel It BltMlI ttrMt let there be an end ef this high- sd that he had gona to ths front Now T eS , Bapt. 3S.—Whaa Aloe thouaaad coaipotltoca. BORO e t — UaDoDMUr, CoDD. Waablngten. Bept. 35—(Fi—Sub-c Staking of Uia Britteh aircraft car- Ooacinnatl, Bapt 85— V'oten League Taking Oaaaral ticoaor athor-lBBao for what poepia have approachiag bto. martasa may harass and cballenga ' riar Couragtoua wga conaldered Frey told the eonvaattan e t Ameri­ graupa ef orgaatasd labor a 1IS4> rwa*d*4 OateMr I. Itll which Is going on—and which Ber­ Saturday ths nsws was psrmlttsd cheaan to call tha Ciraat Vaaaan MRatoal iaMfa a L n g M t riencing Better Times eomethlng o f a fluka *n N am rirclei. Action to Persuade the can Federation of Labor Metal 87-38. It to 'a rsoatloa to tba tb Bit- to coma from Bsrtta that tha for­ WDRC shipping, but preponderant Naval There are tadlcatlona that the Bvarr BTtntnt Csc«pt lin is so anxioua to eee go on ba- Audlaoea, ba la doing tha aaaa raaM OUM to blaifulekly. Tbo Just'4 more wnc opinion here believe, they never Trades unions today that tha Com- down atrlkaa aad tba maaa a ld n t mer commander-In-chief bad been thlag ba would do at a radtal la poeuUor ftotaro e t Tomptodea's tal- Since Last Spring. Courageous was taking aboard air­ “Cash and Carry” Plan munitt party waa "redoubling Ite lines of that period." , ■oatari ant Halidar* Ent*r»4 at tbt oauee it la working, Just now, ta the Trsvaters Bruadnasliag Nantae « DayllgM Savtag nine could win control of the aeaa by planes when she waa torpedoed Re« OffIM at Manrhaalar. Conn^ aa killed In action la tbe attack on Caraagla Hall or ta tha fUlahow •bt to bla eeaasfg VOTOOtiUty. Not efforts to secure b maasura ef con­ T unlag to tba togtotattvo Baeont aaaa Hail Hattar: tatereet of Hltlerlam. Roonis oentsat witb ptoyug tho p u ie liko Hartford, UaMk 185 Bartfoed. ttean. isse themselves. Proceeding, therefore, In a straight trol'' ta tha Federation ranks. Uon, Fred aald la b ^ a SAMgnlM0 InI tba Warsaw. Tbers ware so dstalJa, itMRW w. leaa to. u agj •$ SaatUa, Sept. 25.—'lng and often ax- Una at constant apeed, .he was a ‘Thouaanda of woman of Connec­ •UBSCRIPTION RATE! Taapiaton ia blind: all bla audt- •a u m L luid ooBDoil&ff. ht ticut. who ara mambara of ths 48 lo­ “Orders from Russia ware racaiv. last Oongreas wars Tbsrs bavs bsaa aona. HlUar or- at old price Eastern UayUgbt Bnvteg Ttate o7 tbe nation expressed optimism to­ tramely deatnictlva. the U-boat tergal as big aa.a barn door to a ad early this yaar,” hq said, "In- raooauMoGiG' UMt Ooagfoii OMOf Qaa Taarbi Hall ...... 1*^ aneaa are uaaaaa. lauac S d blmoolf bite a Bold of mu- Meaday, Sept. 85 day over a noted upturn ta buataees nevertheleaa baa serious dUadvant- cal unite of tha Connecticut League Par Maata^ Mall ...... I *<> Poland's Hero dared a state funeral and than baa TOaiplatoa, e t oouraa, la ao mara Mo aliDOot oomptoUIy Igaorod: so- popgun. of Women Voters have been mob­ stnictlng the party to pay more at­ laglalatloB “te anoouraga and attai> Sinaia Com ...... • «* tiro. Boeouoi of hla *"*«g aar. Mandsy, Bept . 9S but termed themeelvee foee of a war agta when matched against surface vl^eraas one torpedo usually will tention to the American Federation ulata business and tba CFMtlaB ot D^aaraS Oaa TAar ...... I»c« This srar In I nland wll] add at bean a great display of bomags to plaalat. Ka ptaya tha claaaloa and p. m. warcraft, tbe experts contend. dlipatch a merohant ship, an ar­ ilized to keep America out of war •wtag aa faw concart artiata ean Tamplaton eaa eateh tbo atyto of a PAI. boom at ths 63th annual convention by persuading Congreta to repeal of Labor than to tbe Congreaa ot waaltb." least ons name to thS Hat of that tha memory of tbe aoldlar who re- I 4:00—Just Music These dtaadvanUgea, they aay, mored battleship with it* hull divid­ Rafarrtag to tba AFL’a flgbt KCMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED play, but ba la nora than that. Ha oompoaar almeat bafera ba knovra 4:0(M.BackaUga Wife 5:00—Ad Liner of tbe American Bankers Associa­ ed Into watertight compartments tba mandatory embargo section of Industrial Organlzatlona." PRESS nation's sons enshrined by history, construetad Germany's anasd la tba graataat Uvlng improviaar on tba actual aotaa la tba eofllpotitlon. 4:1A—Btelte DaUas tion. make It unlikely that the German Frey's assertion waa oontelnad ta chaagaa to tba Wagner aet, r$ n p Tba AaaoelataS Praaa la aaeiuaivaly : 5:35—Hava You Heard submaiina fleet oould deliver a would taka five or six before foun­ the NentraUty Act at tha current ebm gea that tbele 'ffuioi aaUtlaS ta tba uaa ol rapubllcatlon along with tboss of Iflacsyslaw L forces. tha kajrboard, a eompoaar In hla Aa a Joka, to plaoao hto frlanda, 4:30—Vic and Bade 5:30—It happened ta Hollywood Philip A. Benson, of Brooklyn, N. dering. special aaaaion of Congrata. his report to the opening session of I ilidit and an amaalng mimic. bo bagaa to M y popular muito 4:43—MIdatream knockout blow to the British fleet. the AFL MsUl T r^ s s Department. Relations Beard prepared n "aMSi at all aawa Slapatehta sraSttaa lo l< John BoMeskl, Kosetusko, Pllsud- Hitler la a wtU known murdanr. 5:45—Seattergood Balnei Y., president of tbe association, and Here are some of tha reasons they At Mercy of Enemy Ttaa Laagua's national organiza­ j aad uaaouad" aaalyria or eat albanrlaa aradltad In thia Ha to tba Bballa Barratt e t tha In tho atyto of Bacb, Dabuaay and 8:00—Girl Alone 6:00—The E*io Reporter — News, Economlat Leonard P. Ayres, of Germany's biggest known under­ tion. tba state organisation and the Asks Propaganda Bxpeawa napar and alao tba local nawa onb- tkl and the living Paderewski. The He baa not healtated to “purge'' data and aharpa. Wagnar—and had hla audlaaca la (Cleveland, Ohio, chairman of the advance: The trade union policies of the of AFL proposed amandmanta. llanad baraln. 5:15—Tbe O'NeUla Weather The aubmartae cannot be sub- sea boat, weighing 712 tons, naa tlx local unite, atrongty believe that Tha Motet Trades ablaf tooebad All nsbta ef rapnblteattona at name will be that of Itafan Star- out of life former aaeoctatea who Blind alnoa Urth, ba bagan stltcbaa. Jack Hyttoa'a band, at Completely Eiiaippail 5;S0—Jack Armitrong 6'20—To Be Announced ABA Research Council, said the torpedo tubes, and probably carrtet the beet way to keep ths United AFL, he charged, had coma under apaalal dlaeatabaa baraln ara alao ra- stood ta bit way. Aa long aa Von plajrlag tha ptaao at two, and in tba baigbt of Ita popularity In 5:45—Little Orphan Annie country had been experiencing bet­ meragsd Indefinitely. Oulslng States out of the war now ragtag In tbe fire of the CIO and of ths Com­ on tbs failure of aona AFL unianB xynski, mayor of Warsaw, who 6:30—Edwin C. Hill ranges under water are from 75 to 12 torpedoaa. It might use all ta a to support tba wbola amandHMnt aarrad. started out years ago, when hs Arst Fiitscb was allvs bs was always a a yaar was so prodclant ba would Londoa, made him aa offer to 6:00—News and Weather 6:45—European Newe Roundup ter times since last spring, or be­ tingle aet-to. Then, virtually dis­ Europe la to repeal the present em­ munist party propaganda. Ha caUad program by aaytag It waa aet aur* roprlmand hla Matara whaa thay tour 'Whleb ba aeoaptad. T ot o 8:15—Strictly B ports with Bob 7:00—Amos 'n' Andy fore the war. The war, they aald. 350 mllaa. It must surfaca to re­ armed except for a S.5-lnch cannon bargo laglslatlon and substitute for on tba AFL International unions to all aarrlaa allant ef M. E A. Sarr- was chosen aa the city's chief exec­ poasibis rallying point for an army plenish air and power. Above wnter priMag, ta vlaw et tbe oppoaUlon. playad a wrong nota. jraar, ha appaarad aa a aaparau BENGAL Steele 7:15—Lum and Abner only added to the domestic indus­ and a onefi(>eund anti-aircraft gun. It restrictions upon commerce, which expose the propaganda aad racom- that aoma paraooa In tba tabor utive, to build tba most beautiful revolt Ha waa aa uneomfortabls *1 cannot boar to baar wrong entartataar with tha erebaatra and 6:80—Bernard _ievltow'e Ensemble 7:30—"Blondla" trial spurt. It la vulnarabla to a single well- pertiapt. it might be at the mercy would permit the sale of munltlona mended a "sturdy dsfanaa” of trade Pebltabara Rapraaantaiivaa: Tba DUAL OVEN RANGE placed shot. Ite virion, too, la Umlt- movamaat thought tba AFL awanit Jnllsa Matbawa Snarlal Aaaney—Naw capital ta the wosld, and who has person to have alive. notaa," waa hla aot-ao-cbUdish way cama to Amarlca with I t Tha fol. 6:45—Lowell Tbomaa 8:00—Tune Up Time— Andre Koa- Favors Repeal of Embargo of Ite natural enemy, tha swift and and all war materlala to nil bel­ union poUclaa aa a counter offanslva. manta ‘Vrould work tajurtoualy' to Tark. Chieaeo. Datrolt and Boamn. Perhaps bs was klllsd by a Po- of putting I t Not until ha waa Ova lowing yaar, ba cama back 7:00—Fred Waring In Pleasure telanetx' orchestra Colonel Ayres, also chairman of ad. Wear and tear on macblnary agile destroyer. To fire a torpedo ligerents under ' cash and carry" Ha said ths (Communist party had held tha people of his community yaara old, did bis paranta let him the ABA'S powerful Economic Poli­ aad man ara axtraordinarily great. effectively, ta the flret place, a sub been Instructed by Ite national com. tbam." Itab shell or maebtaa gun bullet Time , 8:30—Model Minstrels limitations. Otbar Cniaaa ■aattota MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU OP and Its gallant military dsfsodsrs know ba waa In any way dlffarant Ha bagaa braaeblag o u t Ha 8:35—War Newe cies Commlaelon,' said he favored One expart estimated that only one- must go within gun range of a war­ Aeka Bpaelal MeaCtaga mittea in 1088 “te withdraw thalr CIRil heat . . or back to gas! 1 ;SS—Nawa Many 4 tha bankers aald private­ tlon of wsr aad tha substitution o t great many Americana have re­ btlltlss that be may never have to of Aowara provided for dead Chica­ he predicted long before the popii 8:50—Tbs Esse Reporter — News, paaeaful change. Now that war has natlona: prasidaat, axplalntaf tha eum whaa ba gave bto aaaaa M harmony, fugue, composition and Uuizstton of “Reverie” that tha No-stoop broiler; Minute minder timer: Condiment set; Coverall top burner lids; 2:00—Silent ly they favored President Roose­ stand that tha LaaguaM M tamn la TforiUo Oambartala." B at t ta atoa cently received cablegrams from surrender Warsaw to tbs Germans. go gangstsrs—paid for. along with Weather velt's stand for repeal of tha embar­ ooma wa muat put our beat afforts in improvtsaUon under the best mas­ simpler melodies ot tha great ’Thermostat oven (gas) control. 8:35—Sboppart Special No. 8 anoa ha called tbe most tragic of hto aupport to tbs "oaah a n tn r produeafi papan attoatlag ha waa Berlin, evidently of s common orl- If the Polish capital strikss Its col­ such tiibutss ae "hs wae one grant ters. French composer would ba whistled Toaaomw*a Piagrma go clausa, prohibiting shtamant of keeping our country out of war, and rovisions, says, "Many paepia &a aargiaat-at-anaa aa the Maar 9:00—WDRC String Cnsamble arms to warring nations. 'Tha finan­ career. in pasting Uglalatloo which will ito aon gta, urging tba recipients to ors at last it mmy bs, tbsrs would guy." by the rivals who had bump­ Ths fact that all musical scores on tha atraat U popular musiclaas A.M. 0:15—Meet The Dlxone Floyd Gibbons Gibbons won bis first recognition S0 net raaltaa that tba quastton et Quata Mary, aad that hto naaw had not yet been published ta aver got around to him. 6:00—RsvaOle ciers fS'vered shipment on a cash make our neutrality conatruetlva. raaUy waa Narilto Ohaatoaitola. *^ppaal by tsiagrara for the full seem to be at lesst the shadow ef ed them off. 0:80—Tha Ease Reporter — News. and carry basts. aa a epacial correspondent for Tha Staoa the League of Woman Voters cbaagM In ambargoaa does not I Braille was compensated for by Templeton does not know what 4:80—Francis Cronin, Organist Weather Chicago Tribune. In later years, BMoa ebaaga ta ea r otntaa aa a aau- oaM MaOoy. dauatat eUp aialntaBanoa of tha neutrality law.” a chance, to ths etUI approaching •T—News and Weather 0:45—Bachelor Children newspapers and International Nawa tba Praaldaat aad eould bavt bean Because there ia somathlng very . Beethoven chamber music two or bavs witnesssd. Hs ia one of tha 4:15—Do You Remember tha week-end for tbo convention. wa ara particularly fitted at this Ueseow. Tha United States gov- Floyd Gibbons was only Afty-two use. Conault our Budget Bureau 10:00—Pretty Kitty Kelly Various oommlttes meetings were Service. grave time to give a ataady aad ra- proelatnad had tharabasn aoaA ammant has bsen put In potaetalon mysterious about thIa latast divi­ I three times and havs tha score few who can read BraUla both in for termi. 8:30—Radio Baxaar 10:15—Myrt and Marge oauad ‘nautnuity* not Many paeali but hs bad lived through more jf down pat. French snd English. Who knows 0:45—Rhythm of tha Day held jreeterday and today's saaelons Globe>Trottiiig W sr Cor­ Began Work ta MlnnaapeMa aasurlng band." of mahy such cplitles turned over sion of Poland. According to tbs WATKINS 10:80—HUltop House eonaiated of divlalon meetings. Born ta Waahington, D. C, July Nattonwlda MaeaoMnt also ara under tba falsa lavriMWM strain and danger and excitement And be won the British Broad­ —perhaps—as ons writer put 0:00 -MaTy Las Taylor newest tentative map drawn. It Is • ROTMERS I N e 11:00—News—Bob Trout Tbe first general convention m respondent Dies* at 17. 1887, be lived aa a youth ta Dee TTia CoonaoUout aanators aad rap- that tba pcaaMt aalbaifo proririona by dUasns uasympathrtle witb the than would bs compassed ta ths casting Company's Arst piiss for he was deprived of sight ao that 0:15—Food News 11:05—Rhythmalodles of tba am aafaguard up agitari la- believed, by the Busalant and hand­ the best original compoaitloo two bis artistic soul could satl 0:80—bfuale White You Work elan will be called to order Wednes­ Moines, la. and began newepaper raaaateUvea will be fully aequatatad propaganda. life of the ordinary man If It were 11:15—Brands Cuftte day morning. Pennsylvania Home. work on Tbe Minneapolis DMly by Conaaotlcut mambara e t ths ddanta Ukriy to toad to war. I t to ed to the Germans, Warsaw lias 0:45—Days OTteU 11:30—Big Slater IMaribla that tba e e n t t ^ la traa. A I t would bs unfair to assume, of extended to a thousand years He Little BaasM Far Alarm Newe ta 1007 at $0 a week after .League of Woman Voters with tba within the area which the Red 10:00—The Man I Married 11:46—Aunt Jenny's Storlaa Stroudsburg, Pa., Sept 85.—(Fi— quitting college. vaat majority e t our poepia an course, that there are no Ameri­ adventured all over the world and 10:15—John's Other Wife President Benson aald there waa Laagua's position on tbs neutrality army claims. And can tha Ger­ few weeks. That should keep Ru­ onca ths batoc causes ara ramovsd. 12:00—Joyce Jordan —Girl Interne little reason te become alarmed over Death baa eaaeanad tbe last re- He rode v1th Pancho Villa as a issue. Miss Ludlngton aald. This kaowB to faver tha Itoftlrii Fw aih cans witb Initiative enough to re- ran tba partis of many wars so that mania qulst and strictly nsutral this Tbe attack)usually comas on aud' 10:80—lust Plain Bin 12:15—When A Girl Marries beUlgaraata. both out to q r a | mans afford to continue a siege the recent drop in government portorial assignment of Floyd Gib- eorreepondent ta 1916 and a year pealtlen la tha same for tha Oon- aort to preseure tactics to induce people ta their homes might read fall. danly. following certain warning 10:45—Tha Woman In White 12:30—Romance of Helen Trent bonds. "United States governmrat later covered (Seneral Parshtag's aad out af eaarieltaaa which Is dally costing them an ex­ Unless Poland can protect her symptoms which the patient 11:00—David Rarum 18:45—Our Gal Sunday boos, 68, gtoba-trotttag war oor- nectlcut Laagua aa It Is for tha bast for driltaatlea. ft to OOBgrsds to adbsrs to tha arms em­ about tha tragic things that go on Maple—for informal living bonds ara tbe primary security ef punitive expedition Into Mexico be- Laaguaa In every state, and an e t travagant outlay In munitions and connection with Rumania by stop­ learns to recognlzs. Ths patient 11:15—Lorenae Jeneo. 1:00—The Esse Reporter — News, raspoadeat a quarter ef a eoatury. that If wo patriot ta bargo provision of the Neutrality far away. Ha lost an tye ta ths tbe world and I do not look for any fota going to London for The Chi­ tha state Laaguaa ara engaged In a certainly a good many casualties, ping the Germans In tha south, Ru­ Ands It Increasingly hard to 11:80—Young Widow Brown Weather difficulty ta the government selling IB tba mldat of plaaa to go abroad cago TObuns. of aaeaaaarF oonua WELDON M UM Act. Doubtless there ere a good mania may be compelled, out of breathe and may literally pant Maple, tha favorite wood of early New England astttera, 11:45—Tha Road of Life 1:10—^Musical Interlude nationwide moaramant, through tha of frustratlea or n f r a t M l ^ If when the only thing to be gained Is World War and bla beaJtb In Ethi­ bcr.ds." to oovar tba Europaaa war. the After tbe World war, ha covered National Laagua ot Woman Voters, many who have written or wired to opia; perhaps It may havs been fright, to be neutral a very long for air. Tha difficulty In breathing lends a glowing warmth to a bedroom. Naturally this 18:00 Neon—Luncheonalres 1:15—Life'Can Be Beautiful Ayres said ha had i.oted many re­ rituatlen btaoBMa diapan l a. a sorry saving of face? time. With Germany carenslng her produces the peculiar “wheexlng' TM. noted newappapor, radio and movie the Irish revolution, tha poet-war of whleb Mtaa Marguarite Wans la about wbat It waa aaoigl representatives or aenatora with­ that be never recovered from the wood adapts ttealf to tha rugged, honest of 1:80—Main Street—Hartford cant facte about the atate of tha nS' reporter died last night after a upbaavala in Germany and Russia, praaldant, to aduoata aad aUrit puto- out having bean egged on by (Jer- Germany la making many losses border with a row of heavy artillery aound heard during an attack of early New Etagtend; designs ta kasping with tha Riaa 18:15—Day Dranms 1:45—This Day Is Oura tioa's buataaaa, among them: avoid.” latter axpeiienca. Aaybow he she might have to remain neutral bronchial aathma. 18:80—Tour Family and Mina heart attack a t bla farm borne near tha fipanlah-RlS battlaa, tba Sbaag- He optaloa so th a t. Oongraaa win man propagandists. But tha bar­ and wasting the valuabls tima of who Arat used them. No wocidar solid maple tha 3:00—Doe Barclay's Daughters Tha buataaaa spurt baa bean vary bars. hal - (hiapai - Japanese war, tba adopt Saeratary HulTs pcopesato ra- lived furiously, many years ta ons, throughout tbs war. In tha beginning the patient may 18:45—Stagin' Sam 3:1A—Ufa aad L o ^ of Dr. Susan apparent taduetrially; greater ac­ rage of petitioning la too heavy to large numbers of bar troops Agbt- A swaabboekltag Sgurs In tbe Italian campaign In Ethiopia until gardtag nautrallty. Whail Ha Vntoiritot many a ‘time ever. It was the kind have aonsa troubla with a hard, dry ideal bedroom furniture for Informal living! Rara'a aa IHXV—Nawa and Weather 3:30—Strictly Swing tivity will coma ta the lumbar bust' tag the Poles els^bsrs, for ground Ibo Britteh Tommy cough, but at tba height of tbe at' 8:00—Not So long Age RIehard Hording Davis tradition. hli health failed, abd tha Bpanlah Tba lasua to ena wbleb goao ba- Naw Teak—(Ft-Oaersa 1 Hctod tlito Hanldi have been entirely spontaneous, to exclusive Watk'Jie group that la dtffarant from tha 1:15—Books—Sarah Whaalar naaa; Impievamant of building ma­ Gibbons parsonifiad to tba public tbe dvil war. that ths Russians art not going to of thing ha lovtd—aetlon, danger, If Poland, on tha other hand, tack the cough begins to raise 1:80—Oretchan MeMuIten 8:80—Newt. terial tadustriaa baa begun. Ha fora- admit of much doubt that at Isast a outalaa expartaBcea ta eutlandlab ordinary maple bedroom, yet te extremely low priced. romantic aopoots of foreign news re- Since 1030, Gibbons had appaarad large part of it has been Inspired let her keep even If ahe wtos those stems ths Nasi drive acrosa this sputum which carries small bits of Included la tha tal< post bad, large dresser base with 8:00—111# Story of Intimate Ap- 8:85—Story O t A Song east an upward trend In farm prieaa. portlag. places and under outlandish condi­ Rumanian road. It should reduoe mucus which look like beads ot paral but not a Mg tacreaaa ta food prieea. In aeoras of radio and movla by foreign Interests sharpening, battles. unique acrolled mirror, and chest on'fhsst. Ragutezly This liBptaaataB was balgbtanad ekatehas aa a nawa commaatetor m tions. And ta the end ba whisked German InAuen'cc throughout the tapioca. Thess are called “Laen 3:15—Nawa Fbr Woaten Only thereby, their own axes. Bo long as sbs kseps up this Balkans, an Important factor Just nee's pearls” and once they are rale 1107.00. by n white doth patch tha ruddy- and “headltaa hunter" who depleted away out of Ilfs as quickly as ha 3:80—Tha Oaraar of Alloa Blair Third Polish Suh hie own adventures and those of Poaalbly the Americana who. act­ proAtless warfare ahs muat main­ now. AU ths Balkans then would ed, tha breathing usually becomes 8:45—Mast Mias JuUa faoad 804-poaad, 4-foot eorraspond- might have at Cbateau Thierry if know that wrtater could be expected essler. Civil Service Exams ant wore over hto left aye. shot out ethera. Ha apadaUaed In a aUeoato ing on their own In this business, tain very conalderabla reasrvea m 8:00—Tba Story of Mary Marita delivery, and national broadcasting tha bullst that AIcked out hla eye to halt tha Nazi drive until the The effldsney of the fasting treat­ 8:15—Ite Parkina Crew Is Interned at Bellaau Wood during tba World aamestly, honssUy, out of patri­ her own little atiip o t Poland, ta British wars ready to sand aid ment will never be more quickly war when Otbboas l e a ^ up to pull effidala said ba waa the fastest had gona straight ta. 8:80—Pepper Young's FamOy talker on tbe fair, svaragtag 817 to Still Avaibble!- otic motives and secortllng to their addition to the foroaa actively en­ through Rumania. At that Urns aeen than ta Its application to this 8:45—Tba Guiding Light Tlis United States civil Samoa a wramdad aoldlar, Maj. Ben Berry, Hts waa not Just a full life—It Rumania herself might be willing to malady, but a careful diet will alao Commission announces an te MfSty. 835 words a minute. Tba standard lights, urge the retention of the gaged, because without such re­ OopAhagen. Bapt 38— m —A delivery is 145 words a minute. serves the withdrawal of hsr com­ had been Ailed to the brim over and step Into the fray. Then British bring about Improvement, although compaUtlvo axamtaatlow fbr n an r ai by Frraeb embargo section without change, troops could do directly to Poland's the rate, of Improvement la much third PoHih tubmartaa, the 080- Ha wrote tnnumarabla magoxlna will like the company In which bat troops might very easily be over again. He had thought of too Zbik, entered Swedlah territori­ tal attendant 81.020 a yaar (laaa Olbbens, wounded also ta tba artielaa and savaral books, Inchidtag spending Its evening quietly on his aid by way of Rumanian railroads slower than tf the Initial fast were duction of 8366 for room and board), Shoulder and elbow by machtaa gun they find thenuelvea. It la, how­ converted Into a disastrous rout. and river transportation. They used. In tomorrow's article 1 shall al watera today and surrendered to for filling vacanclaa In -taaai post- "Tba Rad Napoleon" and tha "Rad the Swedlah govamment. Itaa, was aieardad tba croix da Knight of Garmany." TJiis Brand New Universal ever, to be douhOed. "Btafan tbs Btubbom,'' his la- not-long-ago-acqulrsd Pennsylvania cannot go that way now. For Ru­ dtscuaa ths uss of tbs fast as- a Radio tiona at tba Veterans Administra­ gwaim aad mads a ebavallar ta tha farm. But who can Imagine bla mania to permit ^ tla b troops to means of securing relief from Day Tha Bubmartaa, with five offleara tion Faculty, Nawlngtoo. (joanaett- Ones, weary of travaUag, ba bunt It Is wen to imnamber that tha Anltely ooursgeous populace, bis and a craw af 40 aboard, was algbt- Franob legion of honor for this ax- a bonM ta Florida to ratlra to — getting any kick out of that kind move acrosa her land would ^ an asthma. I shall try to give you as cut. ptott. embargo section, as It stands, ta gallant soldiers and his dauntless act of war against Germany. much helpful Information as poaal ad by tba coast patrol which sent Tbe cloatag date for rooalpt e t ap- and lived ta It 10 mtantae. of a AnUhT out a A lp aasuBitag It might ba ABMBg Botabto news beats aeorad, very poor law Indeed. It reposes In broadcasting station have render­ Strategists hers expect moat o t his aad If you are a sufferer from Nsw Tork, Sapt. 35—Aasrtea’a pUcatiooa to: O ct 0, 1080. by CUbbOM during a raportorlol ca- It waa ths right kind of an and the expeditionary work by way of the PaUA submarine that aaeapad The necessary appUcatlca forms the hands of ths President much ed Incalculable service to the asthma, I suggest that you watch Town Masting wUl start Its fifth from Tallinn, Eatoola. raar thaf sent him soross four coo- greater powers In certain dlrecUone cause of the enemies of NasUsm. for a Floyd Gibbons. And what Rumania or elsewhere to be done carefully for this next article. and further taformatioa may ba ob­ Unants was aa axeluolTa taterviaw by tbe British. The British Tommy Thia coming article will deal with yaar on ths air next wash witb a Membora of tba craw aald tbay tained from ths saeratary, Board ef than should be his—and we mean If and whan Hitlerism Is beaten could this war hsva given him but bad bean at aea 36 days without wttb Joaspb Stalin and a 4,000-word Huntington, W. Va., Sept SS— iJn Is perhaps the world's best fighter facta, and not fancies, and will des­ dabate batwaaa Saeratary ef tba In. U. 8. CSvU Sarvloo Examtaara, at cabled aeoount of ttaa toipedotag ta any President It Is not to be over­ to earth and Poland la restored, more of the same after he had had fraab food and suboisttag on amer- tha post offica ta Hartford, Dr. GeorM Nlehotoon Waldaek, I Electric Range on alien lands. He is used to It. as cribe a method I have found effec tarter Harold L. lekaa aad Gan. ¥ anougb for a hundred adventure ganey rattena Saptosbar, 1017, ef Uis 8. S. La- died yastard^, proud to tbo and that looked that for two years a tremen­ there wUI be Just one man ta tbe old Etagland sprawls sU over crea­ tive ta literally hundreds of cases ta Hugh B. Jobnaoo, wbe wtU go Into nectlcut or at any flrst-elasa post coBla, an which ba waa a paasangar. ta bla 44 years ot modloal practico hungry men? banishing asthma. J Tha aubtaartas waa taken to Kor- office ta tha vletalty of HarttWd. dous war baa been going on In country deserving of being honor­ tion. Moreover, British army and the quaatloa ef a tblrd terra 0or tba aoo vad Bandhamm, ta Swadsn’a Ba also was tbo first (oralga ba never randarad a bill or rofussd navy officers ara waU-tratacd to tha Oannaetleut or, from tba Managar, nawapaparmaa to antar Sovlst Rue- QUna, and yet Mr. Roosevelt has ed by Its presidency—Stefan Star- Praaldant outermost akerttes, or late studded First V. S. avU Samoa District a call. During two yaara ba aaalatad task of moving aa expeditionary GaasMeRs aad Aaswars Tha Town Han win have Its usual watera. Tha crew was tatsmad at ria aad arad a first-hand aeeount of at more home births than any other fo r only Bot beard of It officially merely be­ z>’nikl. If by a miracle hs Is still force. .(Oaaoer of Btazaadi) Other WatktBS solid mapla badreema atert at WETfl. 1008 Post OSloa aad Oeurtbooaa tbo groat fantaa of 1081, aa OKpexi- pbyalelaa ta tba state. alive. Mahogany vanaarsd bedrooms, for smart Watkins hour a t 0:80 on Thursday algbta Vaxbolm along with other tatarnad BoUdtag, Beaton. Maasiehuoatta, cause there baa been no formal dec­ QussUoa: P. B. writes: "Is thero over WJZ-NBC; uatag a Hat M 78 Polaa. Among tbom worn tbo erewa laration. That might have been design, range from $70. Thera's Wstktaa Furniture AppUcattena must ba Slad with tha Washington say teat I oould give myself at home lo At every budget. atatlens. PraUntaary 4o tba atari of tbo Poltoh aubmailiioa Samp sad taltar on or hafbra tha otoatag data the case In Europe, right now, If to tall for aura wbathar 1 have eaa tAsy of tba aerlaa, Gaorga V. Dminy, Jr. Rys. spadSafi ahova the British and French had had tba Safely Out of the Way Health And Diet carr 1 am W years eld and have a the modamtdr, will nwka a 15-aata- Daybook lot of troubla dlgastlng my food, 'e r tjk,., ute tatroduetoiy broadcast thia perspicacity to omit signing a A Httls mors than elgbtaan with conMdsrabta pala and bteattag. Thuraday night couple of proclamations—and there months ago Celonal-gansrml War­ Advice Having no eoa to halp. I muat $O A .50 By FBEBTON UBOVEB Bacauaa of tha r^ddly-davaleplag wateb bow mueh I aj^d aag can « h . would have been no embargo at ner von Fritsch was eommtnder- By OE. FRAME MoOOT worid sitnatlea. Town Hall baa { all. Also It approaches the absvird in-chief of ths German army. Ha WasblngtOB.—Our atratagtot ad- not afford an cnansiva axamtaS' dded not to lay out itijaebadute Uon." vary te r ta advnnca. TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY when w# cAm under the existing waa a member of the "old army." visas us to keep an aye on ths Oar- Ansarsr: Tbara te no examination law, sell a tnousand war commodi- man drive la the aouth of Poiaad. Mony e t the salf-proserlbod you can make at home which wui He did not like Hitlerism. Neither With abort wavs Ustaaara tnatag SPECIALS AT Usa to bs put togsther ta the bel­ It has ao Important purpose. Xf It ramedlea used 1a tha trsstm ant of datermlna tbs presanca or abaanca did most of the other high officers aatbmo provlda temporary relief, ta Buropa with ecosldamUy nora ligerent countries—or ta neutral succeeds fully. It will cut ths Ru­ of cancer. Your symptoms might ba of the army. It has often puxxlcd manian road, severing the last ave­ but do not provlda o lasting cure. due to cancer, but It Is squally true raguterity thasa daya, barata wbat countriee, none of which have sny many outalders why tbs army did nue through which the British and Patients who hova raUed upon such that they might ba due to any ons tha exparts have to say about tbo EVERYBODY'S MARKET r « |y iBStsM b Aay PlfBi n s w such embargo law as ours—^but not upset HiUsr, throw him out al- French might send supplies directly remedies frequaatly conclude there­ of several other diseases. If cost wreak'a raeaptlon coadltlona: FREE DBLIVEBTI DIAL 1711 must not do the fabricating here. to Poland by way of the Black Sea. fore that asthmo te la the “incur­ must be considered I suggest that ‘‘Gansrally good raeapttee Is to LocsUoh. I U b ofsr is fooi SB|y together, as It could have dona at able'' class. ba axpaeted for tba aatlra weak." by American labor, before shipplnR. | u.ny time over a period of years Ex’en while the siege of Warsaw you try to visit a clinic. SB ths Bass of Tks CfltHL Pfiwsr Osb was holding tbe hcadltaes, the eyes However, ta my own axpariaaca I Armoiir'f Milk Lorgt 4cons25e. The cash-and-carry measure now i with acarcely an effort. But there of skilled strategists were diverted And that this dlsordar te raodUy ra« (lltoa MfRilaiB) Llstsnbig loolshtt fHfhtty hJ^wr OH ooMHi s a l th M tentatively prcpo'aed would remedy ; was a very deep-seated tradition In to the southern zone. There the litved and that ta almost avary easa, Quaetten: H. H. wants to know: Light baavywalght flgbt—WJB- C o ^ M I Soups 3can t25e raa--- -n at least one of these vital fault.s. the German army that It must have German right ffsnk had been ad­ the patient may be parmviaatly "What do you think o f using mus­ NBC 10, am y Conn va. Mdlb Bat* vanced far toward Lwow (caU It AhtreefAitCtlU w O F /> It would leave the decision aa to nothing to do with poliuca Tha help^ by the use of such maaauraa tard with m satr I Uka It aad would ttaa. whether there was a war up to Voof). It la half way through the aa fasting and dieting. approctete your opinion. I am i Kuropeab; achadutei WABC-CBS HomMl Spom "4iiirg« con25c army, ta fact, was contemptuous e t “eorrlder'' which connects Poland In the “cure" of any disorder, suc- healthy apadman." lad 8:50: WEAF-NBC 7:15: HMA Congress, not ths President. And poltucisns. regarding them as In­ with Rumania. Rumania, friendly ceaa depends upon removal of the Anawer: Mustard Is a eompaia- NBC 18 mldnlgbt; MBS 10., LocqI ^ ll« f Eggs doz.25c that ia a change that should be ferior belnga Deubtlass It was that to Eaglaad. could legally permit the cauee or causes producing It. This lively harmleu condiment, if It is UIF-NBC—4 TM iny lUgito This Amaziiigly Low Price For Slade ta any eventuality. dyed-ta the wool tradition that Frsaea and British to ship shells Is Ilkewisa true ta asthma. In the used at a meal consisting mainly of Batty Leu; 4:80 Margaret ASTHMA to ana a f ih s L „ „ ______aad othtr aaeassary auppUcs along many thouaands of caaes I have • iMty af dw tetncbtol aMriwtaaas (a naStnai aatori Inatead of meraly standing up Mvtd Hitler's bacon. meat and vagateblea. I do not SpaJes rstuma: 5 Doctor L Q.; 4:80 Rinio or Oxydol 2 pkgSa 39c Ite rail and rlvar aystsm to ths be- examined, tha taaslo cauats eould ba spaclally racommand that It ba uasd New Atoe Templeton aarlas; 10 ar ganria. tbairiidtair tonomfiSTMif tha l and ahouttag for tha rstantlon of a But wbsn Hitler set about oea- teaguarad Polaa. slftad down to tha following thraa: asaasMafitoM. WWIa laiftr toad, Aattuna to mast dkirsiw at a meal eeatalning starch. It's use Joaaf Paatamack coneart Jor Rubbors aq^teeM viM aad^ctemtacfca 0a gastric Juloas WABOC8S — 740 Btendte (west (S doz. 25c abouteni have ever read, the people of the Nasi party thsra waa daap Uaa of aufw aad aet out aarly to ths stomach which priaaii upward aad a good flow of thaaa Juices la of repeat 10:80): 4 Knetalanata and cut It off. X^tbay completely cut off against tha diaphra^ (or braath- Tunofith 2cont 25c dtSknliy to BXHAUNO. Tbt of thU country might well devou resantment among tbe aristocratic value whan meat la being eaten, but Martta: 440 Howard aad Bhattaa: Petiah eenteet with Rumania. Po­ muscle); second, axcassiva for­ not so valuabls la tba case e t starch. t Radio Theater ‘‘She Married Her i af iba bri nOi Mi MSMIE OfnOlMa WM Makes It Worthwhile To Change mors of their attention to seeing Prussian offiesr clam. When dtr land wlU ba la a bad pUgbt ladaad. Roth's Soutogts lbs alrwaaeafias af i mation of mucus la tba bronchial If you Uka tha mustard and find Its Boas": 10 Guy Lombardo. lb. 25c tatol Mbea aad alr-< to It that there Is no extsnsion of Fushrsr. remaking his cabinet, set If the rataa coma Arat aad alow lubM: umI third. wMkBtw of th# uaa agnM with you. it Is all right to WJS-NBC—7 Concert orebaatm; istad, lbs sas gawalt iw air te ibs lever part el lha credit, either by ths fedsra) govern- up Von Blumbarg as minuter of down tha Ganaao advanM. tha route diaphragm, which ptfvtate tha contlaua to uaa It to anaaon m a ^ 4 Order of advaaturas: 4:80 T »e or For Boilod Shouldort lb. 19c ) m m as riiaiaf, baace iba egaanMdla aedaa af iba NOW To Modem, Clean, Effort*, may ramaia opan an wtatar. That patlant from enjoying tha normal I MflnMad aa ASTHMA tamiitmee an eatoirad BMBt or by Individual or eorporata war. Von Fritsch and thirteen ethar would parmlt tba Britlsb to organ- Aa ear forsfatbarb eeoqnarqd the wlldamafs, aatahwahad v15 Falsa. freedom of inovament In braathlng »7 Futton Lanrto te> Foiicy Gropes «s HaaAriwnaw dtoi giawjmiteM ^^ ied axporters of war supplies. Thsy high-ranking generals dsaunded tea aa affaetlva Une of suppuei ta and out. Genuine tagaa, towns aafl. elttes, aura lateura and pro^arity cama ts lb. 5c would then be doing much more to through tba DardaneUes and Black tbam. Than it waa "that tbay loekad about for aoma way to ■; 440 Anlbar; Author. ATIC anatea aia afiaa I bU removal, making an sxeuse ef What ara usually catted aathmaOc * A Thought Wbat to expeet Tuaaday: Aasii* less Electric Cooking. "keep us out of war” than by thslr Bca, to Ruasaala and thane# to Po­ eausea, such aa Irritating dust, tha axpraaa this aaw am. Uoosa ware atlD of utmost Importaaoa Fancy Bononos lb. 5c tha fact that Von Blumbarg bad land. By aprlng it would be ready. to tbem. so It te not atmnga to And tba Colonlata rafundahtag eaa Lagtea. parade — WJE-NBC iny-taformed tastotanca on the re- inhallatlon of plant poUana, ate., ara AAahogany BMcWtaliiaB ootlMffciHmi AiiluM m 4 Gw iHMI oBifglf married tba daughter e t a earpao- It te vary doubtful If really effective In my opinion, only exciting cauaea witb mabognay. baaed ca daalgna than ta vogna te tba raotbar 10:48 a jn - WKAF-NBC 18:45 and NoHvt Limo Boons qt. 5c Gmmw Bwwa ocoMMa Mvwa aGgfoata oos omchw / tauttoa of a Uw wUeh, ancr aU. tar ta violaUoa ef tbo "oasta and aid eould ba atranged before then. IVtaan tha bronchial tubas are . so And Jemm aaM ante thaaa 1 am country . . England. Tbte baot»m group raflecte thia Colonial 4 P A . MBS 1:85 aad 840. CBS 8. orikto) afiriM kcaijag iba CAUSB at aeariileliy. aad m ai- takaa war-time PuslgB relations tbe bread af Ufa: ba that rimatb to tread . . Cbtppendate pteces In genuiaa mahogany, Uaa It Bnmpaaa aebadula — WBAF-WJB- awa»iwlaMaaatoailaa.aadleiaiiiaaaad izpiaH aa paSi- ciaas" tradlttans of tba army. Tbslr congasted that tbay are chronteally 3 Pieces agstaat flaaly im'wn waOpapara. or painted and paaaUed walla; McIntosh Apples 16qts. 49c tao MBVletely out ef tba hands e t A ftlgbliRad NaRtraUtj' aagorgad, than It may raqulra only W M l never hmifirt aafl hs that NBC aad WABOCas S aA. One To Three Year B^get Terms real roaaen was that Blumbarg was Tbara ara further faictora. Un­ bsBsvetb en m s a b d liw * tb b o l ^ wttb rtehtar pattemad Uaan or damask or lustrous plain dra> WBAF Batlbi SOS fbnwan ts L |to»S F 4i Mbohlao la thoaaRt, tba pamar to Mag on tba a tta ^ iiiiaiBii.. OSD OSC OSB LMdea Granulated Sugor 10 lbs. 65c m i b b i 30:a lite'lB tbo MUtla. MANCHESTER EVENINO RERALO. HANCH EEl'BR. OONNu MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 28,1989 > A Q i v a m ' >A EI aT MANCHB8TEB BVEHINa HERALD. MAMCHBETBR. OOMM.. XONDAT, SEPTEIOER tS. IM t 0 1 0 ■) Committee Delays • SERIAL STORY Engaged to W ed Neutrality Action News From Manchester’s Neighbors! | ^ Tvip ]\loVlClVtys to AllIlGX TtVl LGOf^UG TltlG WORKING WIVES co^miaMT, iM *. (Osstoiasd rrssi PS(to Oss.) 8YLOUIK HOLMES Ml* ■■RVIOC. INC. Country Club Team Loses tlon except for the purpose of study­ used as hla theme Sunday morning, Green Trounces Collinsville in Opener by 5-1 ing the bill,” Barkley seld. "The ChrlaUan’a Resources". The Kovis Hurls 3-Hitler > and continued. "If all the married Asked for his opinion as to how Stafford Springs choir sang the anthem, "Ood'a Love Winners Announced ; women's jobs W'erc vacated there many votes for the bill there were In Will Never Grow Old". The flowers To Avon Golfers by 19-17 Jobs a Nsito would be a ihortage of help. Capa­ the committee, end how many alm- were fumlehed by Mrs. A. J. Vinton. For Sweep of Series ble men with poor positions would ply for repeal of the embargo. Bark­ 41t, StoRnrfi Mlae Cora E. Kingsbury, who has Diamond Dust W O f B m I wMnwed For Fall Field Trials Help! Moidera Police!! Manchestpr Country club golferefp er had no trouble In coming be moved up to better onee. They'd ley said he thought the administra­ joined the faculty at the new Reginal Quartus Gives i l i f r !■ tew. By Jack Dwyer suffered a 19-17 defeat at Avon yea. make more money, their fathers tion measure would get more votes Stafford town expenditurca will be High school In Falls Village, left ---- f------through the first round of play m •Amerki End 5*Year ____ _ M y l ■ mm mbMUinb 7aan« would be pul h;i"k on the payroll, Saturday to atari her work there. terday afternoon In a team maten the rresldent'e Cup tourney at the than a proposal limited to repeal. approximately $33,000 leas during F . H . O a r k s o n ' s * * T a m a * at the Rockville City hospital on Sat­ Barbers Scalp Moriartys and the women \.( ild be jirovided A group of committee Democrats, Mias Betty and Clara VIsney of urday jilght. Up Three Hits Tony (Quartus got a real wel­ that Waa close all the way. ^Tie local llnka na he won b> default For Crown with Rons-J Title Conquest I the 1930-40 fiscal year, than In come at Nebo yesterday afternoon Johnaon-Veen and from Albert Dewey but his opponent fo r " meeting In closed session for more Somers spent Sunday viaiting friends lion” Wins All Chaags Date of Meeting inir Triu'niDht O d b * nmtmramjt BUiten tries to tea^ A g e when he strode to ths mound. Ths combinations proved the leading ing Triu'niph; Op» "And how, ■ .Marian aald Inele­ than five hours yesterday, decided 1933-39, If the board of SsMetihen In town. The fall meeting of Sabra Trum­ In last year's finals wasn't so for­ Mortorty oC tlw qaaml bat Dan la grim, to- gantly. Begining October 13, foi five suc­ Not content with providing a-ter of fact, the players ehlftcd po.M loud speakers Introduced him and a point getters for the locals eai n tunate aa Bill SIteman was eliminat­ tannlaeC Winn Marian aska him to Include two provUlona to curtail hold their spending within the fig­ Stake at Rockville Meet bull Chapter, Daughters of the And Whiffs 14 lachV Single in 6th ab " I t ’s an Idea, Marian" ures o f the annual tnidget prepared cessive Fridays, a training class for haircut and ehave. Paganl’e West tlons at will and played without wave of real applause swept over taking all three points frr.r their ed by Fred Bllsh, Jr., one up. (^ose to kiaa her, be tella ber that be hntoa < presidential authority. I American Revolution will be held at heart. The box score, what there Is Paganl, a a l...... 4 "And a dam good solution." Dan by the new board of finance. T tat religious work will be conducted in —-List of Winners. I EHllngton on the third Wednesday Side Barbers gave Moriarty Broth­ the field. He got a nice hand when rivals. scores marked a majority of the Provides Margin; Hol­ Fraher. cf ...... 8 bar beeooae abe haa made Mm hate Committeemen said they were de­ of it. follows: put In. budget to be presented for approval town under the Tolland County of October, the 18th. This la a ers the works at the West Side Oval the game w-os over. The summary follows; matebba In the flrat round, aa fol­ O'Leary, 8b ...... 4 hhnaelf. He toms away nlthoot ' signed to win support from opposi­ Tri-County Champs Un­ yesterday afternoon and the sum West Side* land Features. i by the voters at the annual town Council of Religious Education. Rockville, Sept. 31—(Special) change from the second Wednesday, Avon lows: . I Wylls, lb . ...,4 kJaainc her. I tion senators, some of whom have total of their efforts 'vas on amazing AB R. H. PO. A E. Martucci-Br>’eon ...... 2 i-2 Marian's eyes blazed at him So meeting next month cal|a for dis­ The Coventry Fragment society The all-age stake at tbe Rockville usual date f j r the meetings. Over 300 fnne journeyed down William Maver beat Del John, . , , . . i Thurner, If , ...,4 Chapter X V in declared ■ "hell to breakfast" fight leash i 2-Blow Attack 26-1 trimming that had the Gas Murrey. 3b . 4 2 2 I 0 1 he wouldn't kiss her so he blame6 about Dolly was that she had no dential secretary, told reporters that at $317,463.31. ble-header yesterday afternoon. placed third. Mrs. Hutchins stated that the socie­ and waa in trouble tn practically BIleh-Hawley ...... presented Itself to her. What bad Mrs. Rolda Martin of Center ■very frame. HU mates bobbled the eyes now and then with the result O'Malley, p ,...... 2 0 0 0 0 0 that Bychnlskl had touched the versals to both tha Blusflelds and Ides of her power ils a peacemaker. telegrams had been received st the Tliough this is the month that Wapping won the first game 7 to 6, The two braces o f the Junior all­ ty has a balanito of nearly $700 In runner after being pulled off tha Veltch-Booth ...... A two-way tie took place for top •Pongrate out twice, bunting en she done to deserve this? strccl.a, with her psrenta, Mr. and ball eoDolderably and some nifty that the box score of the game Is Blanchard, p ___ 1 0 1 3 0 0 Moriarty Brothera, and bartey He hoped that Itniuly would marry White House urging the admlnlstra- formerly brought the fall motor which tied the score. Hebron team age stake were not finished on Sat­ the bank, even after man> imforseen bag. In fact a whole bunch o f or­ Rommey-Btickland ...... 1-3 honors In Saturday's match play third etrike. Behind her lay conscientious Mrs. Frank Hayes, and Mr. and won the Second game 1 to 4, there­ expenses which occurred during the bass running by the Green gave somewhat Incomplete. Even Coach clinched third plaoa In the etandlnga Runs batted In, HoUud 1. Opa- effort and well-placed energy. her. Oosh. he'd be lucky. tldn to start a counter movement vehicle' InapMtors to Stafford urday and upon their completion on T o U ls ...... 32 1 4 18 1 6 chids would do no barm in thIa case Faulkner-Stlles ...... aganlat par with three-quarter Mrs. Merritt Salmon of Orchard .Springs, they are not to be looked by winning the championship in the year. Quartue a comfortable:^ lead iffter Jim Foley left the scene before the handicap aa both John Echmallan In the playoffs, however, the PA’S lacb a, Thurner It three base bite. Hirough circumstances, circum­ Dark aald amiiaeilly, "I have a against the mall pouring Into con­ Sunday the judges gave first honors firing ceased, completely unable to Score by Innlngi: and It goes to show tha* even If a nifty gray suit. It's left over from street, spent yesterilay In New for this year. The lane on West Blast Central Pomona series. Committee chairmen named at the sixth stanza. 17 and Art Knofla finished four down to blasted the Blueflelds out of tbelr HoUud; sacrifice bite, Haraburda; stance for which Dan was respon­ gressional offices urging the legls- to Express Agent, another of Tony believe the evidence of hla eyes. West Sides ______1384 91x—26 player Is sitting on the bench he last yesr but, with a few new ac- York City and Flushing, L. I. Mrs. Therp were twenty women In at­ the meeting were: hospital work, Obuchowrakl singled after one waa par. Echmallan took low gross with bid for a third aueceeaiva crown by stolen base, Wylls; double sible, she had been cheated sf a tatore not to repeal the erms em­ street where severs! thousand ears BIggl’a entries; second to June’s The only explanation of the out­ Moriartys ...... 100 000— 1 docs his part just the same. Rocky ceaamiea, a tie, perhaps a gray Martin in the forenoon called at the were checked at Intervals of six tendance at the all-day sewing Mrs. Elizabeth Natech: welfare away tn the third and then Mike Defending champion Ea.-1 Ballsle- an 80. winning 7-8 and 8-4, then wwt on Haraburda to Om Iu H to I ■’ nomiiU. happy life. She had been studio of Jack King, prominent bargo. Frosty Mary owned by Mr. Mlnney come seems to be that Moriartys, Two base hits, J. May, (Tanade, le some guy In or out o f the game feather for my hat 1 should look months has not been' In use at all meeting of the Community church work. Miss Katherine Ink; churen (the Irregular) Saverick slammed a to trim Moriartys leading ebaUeag- toft ra baaaa, IfoUah Aamfieaaa 10, denied all the things which Ixdong ilanclng teacher, and also attended "W e aren’t going to do It,” Esrly o f Ludlow, Maas., and third to book course commute. Rev. Mrs. after losing the Twl crown to the Robinson; three base bite J. May. and he la Durocher all over again era for the title, by 7-1 aad 8-1. Moriarty Brotban 4; baas ra balto to a woman by right. Protection, pretty nice." (luring 1939. Ladles Aid Society held at the (Country Boy Bill, owned by Guy hard hit ball Into right field and PA'S, simply didn't care. As a mat- G. May. In the coaching box. He Ukea to Marian worried her lower Up. the meeting of the Dancing Educa­ said. "W e are still standing flatly home of Mrs. Homer Lane, Sr., at Ralph Rowland. W. Ronan got sort of befuddled. He Sharing honors with Kovis tn yes­ off Kovis 8, naaehaffl 3; strnek out easy living, piids In her man, se­ on the president's appeal to the Horan of Springfield. jockey. Dolly laughed. Hhe asked, "What tors of America at the Park Cen­ Pleasant Valley Friday. A t the first fall meeting of the tossed to the plate and ObuebowakI terday’s tussle was Stem Opalsch as by Kovis 4; Bluehard 8; umptrso, curity—most of all, security. country for adjournment o f politics. The event waa well attended al­ • will you wear, Marian?" tral hotel, where she had lessons In Mrs. E3mer Stoughton has as her Mountain Laiiral Girl Scout troop m slid under Danila for QTa first run. It waa his timely sUigla la the sixth Bfaanaa and O'Laary, And now that aht bao adjusted tap routine from Jack Stanley, We are not going to stir It up." though the total entry woa a little the chapel Saturday afternoon a new Pongratz played the best defen­ Moriarty Eleven Tops her life to the circumstances. It "M y new Rlsenherg. Tailored guest this week Mrs. Ruth Rock­ Tbe ball bounded over tbe catcher’a that ended a one-aV deadlock u d graded children's work under The president had engagements Ellington below that o( prevloiu years be­ patrol waa formed, to be known aa sive game of his career yesterday was only to learn that she had de­ dresses arc smartest In the fall well. who will soon leave for Texas head in the bargain but even then gave tha PA's a lead they aevar re- Evelyn Jnntzer, and ball room rou­ with a number of repreaentativea cause of competing attractions. the Nutmeggers, and will meet on morning. Hs hsld up Blanchard In feated her purpose all along the You can wear them anywhere. The to live with her son, Allen R. Rock­ hs never had a chance to nail the Heat Is Now on Cards ilnquiahad. In tha flrat tudag, Ray aata ra Baraburda's anor. fussy things come later during the tine, ''Bomps-a-Dalsy'' and other and senators today and Early said Allan C. Enslghn of East Hartford well. Funeral Tuesdays at 8 o’clock instead of Sat­ nice style, got a would-be base Hofiud eaaw through with a Pongrat(te ouL buatiag oa tb M line. The least Dan could do was new dances by Mary O. Moore. moat of them had hearing on the urday afternoon. The first meeting runner as Ohle bit the ground feet stealer and fought every step of the Sons of Italy by 12-0 to show appreciation for her en­ holidays" ha* been engaged to replace L. Joseph H. Conroy of 308 New­ The funeral of Mrs. Augusta ahead of the ball. Ths Green has. ■creaming tglpto to right tbat soor- a t i & Pagaal Mtto short and Others In the" party spent the day neutrality Issue. He aald Mr. Roose­ will be held Tuesday^ afternoon in way. Hawk Is a grand team play­ deavor. The least be couid do was Dolly decided on a black suit Wentworth-Cross as principal of berry street, Hartford, and Mias Pauline Arzt. wife of Robert Arat of worked this play consistently all ed ObuchowskTwltb tha initial tally Blanchard w u ouL Haraburda to and frilly bloiuie Hhe frowned. at the World s Fair. velt had not yet seen a draft of the the form of a supper meeting. In Battle With Reds er, a swell guy on or off the field. Opalach. Ne ruaa, ao bite, pao to be loving and sympathetic. the Ellington Center school. Mr. Mary F. McGrath, Station 14, 94 Grand avenue was held on Sun­ ■eaeon. With a man on first the of tha contest aad tbm Opalach's "M y hat la pretty awful. I've new neutrality hill. Nlcholl Naumec, of Hop River dis­ outstsbdlng opponsnL Tbe lineups error, mm left. She had been horrid the night Cross resigned a few weeks ago to South Windsor, have applied for a day afternoon at tbe White Funeral batter hits behind ee the runner Murdock and Haefs Intei> for ytsUrday'e game: blow added two mors countan la tha looked and looked for a new one Early a.'.acited, too. that 4,000 trict, this town will be arraigned In sixth. before, she adm^ted IL But did Robert C. Terrill, of M Prospect take a position In the Parker high marriage certificate. Home. Rev. Karl Otto Klette. starts and then keeps going. In or­ Mareekt lb Jackie Fraber gave the support­ Moriartys—le, Haefs, Hsyee; K, They’re so fun-ney this fa ll" street. Is enrolled ns a first year man radio amat'nira In this country had Trial Justice court here Tuesday be­ Must Sweep 4-Game Ser- cept Passes for Touidi- Tbe origtaal PoUah-Anwrlcu la- not all married couples quarreled or. school at Clarence, N. Y.. but had Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Elmore of pastor of the Flrat Lutheran church der to make the play perfect the Tarzb, 3b ers of Moriartys a bad moment tn Clppota, DeCsntle; leg, Melntoeh; c, PaMah ABMrIm—OTAaiy aiado a "You can wear my little black at Yale University, as Is Francis organized themeelves voluntarily aa fore Trial Justice George H. (Jham- tbo third. ObuchowskI hit a line field that Mrformed so brtlllutly la occasion? Hadn't she asked Dan taught here In the meantime until Pleasant Valley, are out of town officiated. The bearers were Paul batter. If sucoeaaful, heads for sec­ Smith. 2b .. downs as Gas Housers Ferguson, Wolfram'; rt, Anderson, great eatob ef Vojoers foul bapb pancake. It look# ilarling on you. W. Miner, of 300 Porter street. "radio detectlvee." to llaten In. check pltn on a charge of breach of the ic6 with Qncy to Keep drive that esemed labeled for extra the 16S6^f7 aeaaona was Intact yes- to forgive her? Hadn’t She Ig­ hla successor was appointed. Mr. on a week’s vacation. Arzt, Jr., Norman and B rn ^t Hoff­ ond as they throw to the plate. Horn, p . .. Hslme; rg. Skoog, J. Staum; ra, Of tbo staads. Haraburda iMIfcad. nored his childish behavior In much better than on me. I'll lend ----- / up and report to the government on peace. He w m arrested last week by bases. Fraher judged ths ball nice­ Open With Upset Win. tsrdsy u d they took up right Enslghn is a graduate of the East man, Ernest and Kenneth Arzt and State Policeman Hairy Taylor of tbe In the fifth Barnard! waa safe on ‘ MuzynIksI Title Hopes Alive in Taggart Irish; qb, Bycbolskl. Mur­ Opalaob w u callad out ra — stamping out of the apartment? you a cunning patent leather hag. Oakland street, which la a state messages they are able to pick up Hartford high school and of the an error, rode to third on Obuchow-- ly and took It oo ths dead run. For whirs they left off last year, fiav- Kovla out ra n 6op to . H a ^ 't shs, like a silly fool, asked It matches the trim on the hat. which might be of Interest to offi­ Harold Rothe. Burial waa in Grove Colchester barracks. Justice Cham- National League Race. a moment It had all ths appear­ dock; tbb, MajewskI, (torron: rbb, •rick on third, Hsnihurda at short, aid road, was this morning bsing Connecticut State Teachers' college Hill cemetery. ■kl’a oeoMid hit and same home on 80 1 8 24 9 8 Moriarty Brothers unveiled their No runs, M hits, u otreta, ama him to kiss her? And had he done 3rour patent slippers will look nice" cials. plln granted a continuance Inst ances of going places. P. Staum, Solomenaon; fh, Krebs. Opalsch on sseood sn6 BycholaW oa given a covering of oil and oand. In New Britain. He also did exten Tolland The funeral of Mrs. Marjorie Thursday evening tor further in­ Saverick's third btngla of the game. Score By Innings l'J39 football array at Middletown Sons of Italy—Is, Fortuna, It, Mortorty Brotbon — ■/ nmaar so? No, he had not Dolly giggled. Bhe hsd the most Report Oermnn Activity Sion work at Trinity college and By Judson BsUey first. Tbsy sngtassrsd a Ughtniag walked. O’Leary got the iia t Mt Infectious giggle and It took very Lucille Kite, 11, was held on Satur­ vestigation of the case. In tbe seventh Jibe Green sewred up Manchester Green .. 001 010 Six—C Panasdak; Ig, Bulafla; < Cannatta; For a moment her Injured feel­ It was learned that the State De­ studied at the University of New Mrs. John H. Htotes OolUnsvlUe ...... 000 000 010—I Assoctotod Press Sports Writer But whan Ray Holland connected yesterday afternoon with a smoab- fu t doubla kUUnff la tha first franis. off Kovto, a Tsxu iWitor la right ings wers forgotten in a longing little to bring It forth. ".Shall I put The Hartford-RockvUle bus that day afternoon at the Luther A. October has been designated by tbe game. Bernardl single past sec­ rg. Caraflno; rt, Cu(tens, re, Slavlns; partment has received copies of Hampshire, while working on his Rev. Ralph Rowland and tbe church •Batted for Smith la 9th. for his triple In the first frame Ing 13-0 triumph over the highly ObuebowakI p ls ;^ bsads up bass- field, frahor evorran soooad aad to r Don's Mas. She loved the feel a white hanky In my pocket or was damaged when struck In the 1178-8, Rnrkiills White funeral home. Rev. H. B. ond and came all the way to pay The thermal statue of the National qb, Formica; Ibb, DlBtefano; rbb, ban u d W U OB tbs right spot tsrtes w u run down, VIot to Harabu fia rear by a trolley car In Woodland cablegrams from Germany, In plain master's degree. He has bwn prin­ officers as "Go to Church Month," dirt ahead of ObuchowakI who bit Two beae hits: Danila, Zwiek, Heefa ready made tracks for tha touted and heavily favored Boom at Iwanlckl; fb, Blanaaata. o f hte mouth on hers, his Mss had use a black patent leather one?" and commercial cable codes, being Olmatead, rector at St. John's Eplj- League pennant race ha« passed Italy of the Asylum City, a victory for Wjdls's bard bit Uasra. Hsd bs toSavarMk. wyiM again Saod out Marljui took her seriously. "No Saturday morning was not one of cipal of . the Voluntown CMter copal church officiated. The bearers with plans for special emphasla on Into right flald tbe ball getting Vojeck. Stolen basee: Saverick, ball and held the hitter to three Scots by Partofis asTsr lost Its thrill far her. sent to various persons In the Unit­ school, teaching fifth to eighth The annual session o f the Tol­ from the boiling to the exploding that stamps Coach Ludwig Hanaen'a bem playing a fsw faat tether way to ObuchowskI la osatsr. With hanky shoning at all. That's nut the new type buses. The regular were Percy L. Oooley, Charles R. church attendance during that away from Ronan to allow tbe blond Vojeck. Kauttau; Marceki. Left on baeee. It was the hardest bit of 'Worlartya ...... 0 6 0 0—IS Ones she had said, touching hla ed States. One of the messages gradeo. He Is an accompllahed land County Council of Religious point, and when the (jlncinnau Reds team as one of tha beet to represent Wylls would havs oobm Ibroun twn away aad UMmeuat tern aad Bps with her fingertips, " I love this season" bus won beinz used for other pur­ McLean, Richard B, Dawkins, and month. haired player to reach the plats. bases; Green 9; (Collinsville 7. Baas the game and skimmed juat over Touchdowns. Murdock, Haefs. which found Its way Into State De­ musician. Principal Enslghn will be. Education is to be held at the Tol­ Manchester since the halcyon days with bite. t«o,"t1uinMr eookad • aeaff- year moath, Dan—nice and bard poses and one of the older buses Thomas H. Dawkins. Burial was in A Well (Jhild conference, under BtR tbe way Quartus wrns pitching oa Balls off Quartus 4; Horn 1. Hit and St. Loula Cardinals collide to­ Wylie's head into right field, one Time of game, ten minute quateara. "Oh, my—oh, my—" Dolly atop- partment bands spoke of the con­ gin his duties here on October 1. land Federated church, Sunday, Oc­ the supervision of the State Board of those line drives that c a ^ a of the Cubs and Cleverleafs. OrtteMta fitoal fibsw lag OTxary aad am tha 6 hmw In' ^ ^ to n d s r. I hats men with soft ped laughing to squeeze Marian's was In luie when struck. The acci­ tober 1, at 4 o'clock. Dr. Mark Grove Hill cemetery. tbe runs were not necessary. by pitcher; W. Ronan. by Quartus. morrow eopiethlng Is going to blow. want to sssead. Hasfb A M oat ta dent took place at 5:S7. There were gressional sesolon and the neutral­ Misa Jean Dawkins of Ellington of Health will be conducted in Yeo- Vtottetes Lone Tally Struck out by Quartus 14; Horn 8. long way after hitting the ground. OspItaUM o* Breaks Moriartys w w t down fighting, hand. "Thank you. honey— I'm ity Issue, the sinking of the steamer avenue, Who has been In Europe all A. Dawber, executive aecretary for Banner Staff ivans H411 Thursday between the The thermometer gives a little Moriartys outplayed tbs fions all VaJadTla le ft O u run, two Doh had teughsd. holding ber such a waahout where style Is con­ no passengers on the bus. The bus Tbs visitors got thslr only tally Time: 2 hrs. 05 mins. Umpires howevar, and Kovta hsd to hasp on Athenia, and urged that the United summer, haa just notified her par­ the Home Mission Council of New William Richter of the clans of hours of 1:30 to 4 p. m. different reading now than at the the way and cspltslizsd on Impor­ ao srrors, a ss ifieaa, "Ah>h—so you are a con- cerned." was not being operated by the regu- la tbs aigbth sad It did not matter Pinchers. Sullivan nnd O’Leary. Blanchard pitched good ball but top of th# batters svsry inalng. But States not take any unneutral ac­ ents that she la staying In Ehigland York, will lead a dlacuoalon group 1940 has been named editor o f the The weekly meeting of the Chris­ first of tbe month, however, because tant breaks for a pair of touchdowns Gibbies Annex Fifth Istetog, MBteasv of Masss. Are you mak- "You always look good to me," Itu" driver at the time. much cos way or the other. Lam the ‘heat” la on tbe challengers as Kovis was In fine style yesterday. tits best tbsy ooidd do with him tion. and la teaching In a private school on the aubject; "Elements In E f­ Banner, the Rockville High school tian Endeavor society In the chapel as the stalwart forward wall of tha Polish Ing a ooBsctlon, by any chance?" Dsn rumbled from behind the paper fective Church Programs for Tol­ publication (or the coming year. hart walked wul stole second ms tbe the two teams rush Into their four- It was just too bad that the young­ In fne fourth w b u they knotted tha out to' Foagrata. And atm, brushing his cheek with The new bill was said authorita­ for girls 8 to 13 years. Mias Daw­ Sunday evening was In charge of Gas Houaera stopped the Sons eold ■core. P sgu i gpTS a flas Marian added generously, "And Mias Faith E. Splllane, local danc­ land <>)iinty" 8. C. Van Sickle, The following ataff haa been ap­ umptra Interferad with HoUmnd’s st game series. ster had to be pitted against the groondod oat F usat le tSJdto around tively to be acceptable to Mr. kins Is taking the place of the Miss Lucy Derosia. big pitcher on one of bis good days. on four occasions when the Middle- Y League Title on abort sbd m iM thras dsady you evidently look good to Randy" ing teacher, attended the monthly president of the Consumers' Co­ pointed: Business manager, Daniel Rev. Ralph Rowland conducted a tempt to throw. Two striksouta Leary Covers A few weeke' ago, Cincinnati’s VIM slao vrmt oift tha a roots. Two little stars flickered In Roosevelt. It drew praise (rum Sen­ teacher who has been called Into critics said the Reds would have to But at that Cy had UtUe to bang town eleven battled Its way insidw plays. Poagratx ate sobm klad of a No nms, M bits, no arron nans s e e conference of the Coi.nectlcut AffUI- ators George ( D„ Oa. I, and Van service. operative of Springfield will lead a Szalantal, '40; aasiatant, Eugene service st the Card Home for the toUowsd but Saverick pulled Ber­ the 30-ysrd stripe. Dolly's blue eyes. "I want him to nted Club. No. 18, of the Dancing group In a study Consumers' Crilly, '41: literary editor, Ruth nard! off tbs bag, Bsroslow was safe buckle down to stave off St. Louie. his head for. Ha gave bis best and record wbw hs want out two ttaass left That was when the chart of Nuys (D „ Ind.), committee mem­ A Home Program by the Home aged In WUlimantic Sunday after­ It wopid be an Injustice to pick like me." she said wistfully, adding, Masters of America, yesterday. It Co-operative Movement. Stanley at first and Lambert cams acroee ,They did—winning 16 of their last lost but came up smiling even In Turn Back Tall G?darfi« on third strixo fouls. But ths Mortorty Brotharer-DuSy their married life had many high bers who have been (requent ad­ Economics Committee will be pre­ Palmer, '40; aaslaUmts, Barbara noon at 9 o’clock. Mile in 4:27 out one outstanding player la the with a nod of her yellow head. "But was held nt the Soby dance studio In Kendig of the Connecticut Council 30 games and seven straight up to defsaL It's a true sportsman who busiste playsr m ths flsM w m this od a high tafiold fly ‘ ' spots, when even the low ones held ministration critics on domestic Is- sented at the regular meeting of Helnts, '41; Howard Heller, '42; George Peters of this town has tbs plats with the only tally. Quar­ victorious Moriarty cause for every 2-1, to Capture Dia* 1 mustn't let him know It ’’ Hartford. The memljers of the Con­ o f (Thurches will have charge of the and Including yesterday's 11-3 tri­ can do that Better luck next year ■sms eaxp Pcogrtts and bs gave d I M a ------■ oontsntment and love. Marian re­ siica Ellington Orange in Ellington Town book reviews editor, Catherine been re-elected manager of the tos was la rani troubto but ones man plasred hla position wsU necticut club pay for the New York group which wUI diKuss the sub­ Frank, '41; school life, editor, Violet Windham High school football team npd than msnagsd to boar down sf- umph over Pittsburgh. and If this ysar's pitching perform­ dem In Sof^all. Moriarty’o eupportom ptonty tolalk moved the eye pads and went acrors (To Be (Vintlniied) George, who voted to delay ac­ Hall Wednesday evening. Because Places Third to New York ances are any criterion opposition throughout the encounter. From about getting four foul Siaa. popped up to HsimbOida at ahott jlnatructors to come to Hartford of the dance sponsored by tbe Union ject. "Reaching the Unreacbed." Cobb. '40; Betty Rathke, '41; Ed­ In WUlimantic. Gaylord Mattlaon, tsk two srars gone. Dsniln bounced Mute Sweep Sertee the opening kickoff, which Pete the ball. Dolly was at the tele­ each month to teach the latest steps tion on the administration's neu­ will have to have lots of luck. right near tho aerasa la back of tbo and Feagrats fmaad. No rnam Agricultural Fair Asaoclatlon and Mrs. Norman Anderson and ward Sonega, '41; Cynthia Pelaer, also of thU town to a member of the n teffpjs off Quartos' shins, W. As a result the Oardlnals, win Gibblss captured ths TMCA Boft- phone, ber eyes bright a pleased and routines. Only members of the trality program last session, said A. C. Veterans in Staum ran back forty yards, the plate. no bite, BO oriors, aoao toft little smile on ber lips. Dan did the new measure "goes farther to­ Ellington Grange, which wlU be held mother, Mri. Carson, visited Miss '42. freshman squad. Ronan got In the way of a fate ball nlng 13 of 18 games and likewise rivals engaged in a rugged brand of cluh are admitted, hnaa Splllane Janet Anderson at ML Holyoke Ur. and Mrs. WiUlam W olff and Word from tbe West Slde-Hori- bsU Lsagus diadem isturdsy after- Ray Holland cleaad hto Tad toagua ' Sixth Bmlu. not look up from the evening paper. Russians Open ward protecting our neutrality In the Town Hall In the evening, the Sports, Martin Fagan, ‘40; Myrtle and Kauttu walked filling the ucka. Special Event. their late seven In a row Including football that was featured by tbe was the only tenrher from Manches­ College Saturday. son Merton, two daughters, Norman arty game trickled over to Nebo BOOB at ths "T” diamond by turn­ •sasra la a blasteol glory aad. It Felitei‘Amorim—HoSud gM hto Marian sat down and Idly turned than the mere arms embargo." Grange meeting will be held one Brendel, '40; Alumnae, James Bent­ The Urge crowd of QdlinsviUe fans a 9-1 crushed againte the Chicago fine play of the opposing lines. ter present. By special arrnnge- Mr. and Mrs. William Anderson and Evelyn attended the silver wed­ yesterday afternoon and ths results ing hack ths TsU Cedars In a waU- •aesMd u though the rival third etralght hit p u t ib o il Sbh the pages of a mag^ne. TIse "It Is well considered legisla­ hour earlier. t ley, '40; jokes, Morris Eisenburg, wars h^ipy nhout the whole thing SVanels Leary, torinar Manches­ Cubs Sunday, actually havs dropped Ths Sons had a forward wall that Estonian Talks nirnl her sister. Miss Marlon Spll- had aa guests Friday Mr. Ander­ ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. were announced. Finally the an­ playsd game, 3 to 1. The rivals wsra trying to outdo oaeh other In chelshi b u t eat a boat down tho magazine reminded her of the do<-- tion.'' said Van Nuys, "and I shall Mrs. Mabel Parker of Crystal eldtor, *40; (Christopher Lee, oaslst- until ObuebowakI come galloping in ter High and Setoa Hall Prep mlla a half game further In the last two averaged 190 pounds but tbe Marl- lanr, attended also, na she Is going son's brother and family of Wester­ Herman W olff ih Westfield, Mass., wetka. nouncer esld that O'Malley started, mat ssrUer la tbs week and battiad tho matter of dofsateva atraagth. first bSM Um . Vojsek bnntad but tor’s oirice, and she threw It down. to be an assistant teacher for the be glad hi support It, There Is no Lake has announced the engage­ ant, '41; art, Thelma Cantor,' '41; nnd snared MsreCkl's Ud for a Hit and cross country sensation, mode arty acrapperi more than held their Holtoad w u forood at third, Btoii- Dolly joined them. ly. R. I. Saturday. Herman Wolff is brother They must grab soch of thslr re­ Fraher, Duffy and Wylie were bat­ to a 4-aU tia, making anotbsr gams But tha offaatevo teiowlag auUy (Canttaiiied from Page One.) Faith Splllane Dance Academy. question In my mind that it Is de­ ment of her daughter, Leona, to Typist, Alice Slone, '40; (acuity ad- Summing up tbs ball gams It was his first start tmder Fordham Uni­ own against this opposition and want te HoUaad wbe got throe bite, ebsrd to fyLsaty. Haraburda Mt "A ll the happy family," she said, A t the annual meeting of the to William Wolff, and has many Quartus who dominated tbe altua- versity colors Saturday and turned maining gam }■—four with Clficln- ted around the lot until Nick An­ necessary. Leggett aad Wolfram signed to prevent us from getting Jerry Soukup, son of Mr. and Mrs. vlaers, Mlaa Partridge and Mlae friends here. withstood several driving assaults one a triple tbat soorad tha first run. a slow roller to short but P u aM giving Malian an affectlonste pat Into-war." Bartholomew Soukup of West Staf­ Union Miasionary Society held at Burger. Uon from start to finish. Hs bad in ■ eplendid performance In a mile nati and three with Chicago—to wm gelo took over the pitching duties. featured for the victors, Lsggstt mllns of Warsaw, occupying much 'The regular weekly rehearsal of the home of Mrs. Simpson, the fol Mrs. Theda Oehlera. Mr. and Mrs. in the abadow of their goal posts. HoUaad’s trtpla la tba first wi BMdo a groat slop aad threw, gst- on the shoulder. No Deal Wllh Opposlllon ford. Meellsg Tonight Winding spaed, a nice drop and good event that was one cf the features tha pennant by a half gams, should fs t U u a double aad two alaglsa of the territory formerly held by the Beethoven Glee Club will he held lowing officers were elected: Presi­ Norman- Welch and Herbert Oehlera Whsn the Collinsville rooters Tbs local bsckflsid of Msjswsld. fourteratb tiaw this year Us tiag tho n an o rM first Botbiaa- "Did you say happy?" Marian One Well-Informed administration Mr. and Mrs. Mason Ellsworth of mrppdrt aflWd. Mike Zwlck^msde of Alumni Day. peary finished third tbe Reds retuma their routs of ths •ad Wolfram a double aad a slaida. asked the withdrawing Oermnn Army. at the Emanuel Lutheran church dent. Mrs.. Ekiith Gunther, vice- The Daughters of Isabella will of Metuchen, New Jersey spent the ITrates. started to go ifter Quwrtus In the Krebs, Staum, Sotomonsen. Csrron, b u drivsa la ruaa or a r u n ___ son advaaeed OB tho eoL Opatotei lieutenant said "there will be no Orchard street, for many years two more plays tbat broughtUhteW In the fine time at four minutes and Tha Tan Oedan got their Iona A general staff communique eratlnDs aald the Rus­ terested In becoming a member Is secretary, Mrs. ' Edith Stmpsoo; o'clock. There will be a eoclal hour Mrs. George Champlin. to watcA tory or Mfoat Hto other graataot seoctag both raaaors: Kevto oat serted that every senator would be the home of Mrs. Ellsworth’s father OblUasvUto team to ao pushover no TIm winner at tbe event was To ter rooters answered. Kinds nice to two lafiald outs, while OfoUea tied Randy on the 'phone. The party sian force* "continued to advance asked to report st 7:11 o’clock. chairman of the sewing committee, following tbe meeting. A regular meeting of Columbia W. k Bshind Play triumph w u Iff tho Bhufited game Fagam toWytio. Twa tnao, thru given an opportunity to express hla who died a short time ago at his matter bow tbsy looked at timae Osorge de Oer<»e, veteran distance bear home town ball fans back tbs tha seora la tbe third oa a double Is growing." towaril the demareatlon line, having Mrs. Gertrude Miller. It was vot Ctenreh Reeepttan Grange will be held in Yeomans Hall Cincinnati .. .93 84 ------7 Tha eoefaa cama In apaetaeular wbw ha rs versed tha preeadaia by bite. BO arrora, OM toft views fully, but declared there home, located on the same street. runner of the New Tork A. C-. who home team. Danila got a double In ftftd ftJid ' thtt ftfiMftd th# Randy’a party filled Marian with occupied the town.' of Sclny A meeting of the Democratic ed to meet the first Thursday In the The annual members reception of Wednesday evening starting at 8 ysstsrday and boast tbat tbs Orsen 8L Louis___ 69 57 8 1-8 7 (x) faahloo. IB tha aacend quiwtar, Pat hltthig • teagls Umt aHniteatsd " Mortorty Bretbors FagaM fitoi Mrs. L. L. Hinton and son Albert, has been a leaging rival of Jos Me- ths sixth but died en second and in eUaeher la the fourth. Oibbtos eol- dlstate. More effort, more wasted iSeiinyi, Aiiguatov ( Augiislow I and Town committee will be held to­ could be m hide-bound agreement month for the all-day sewing. the Union Cbngregational church o'clock. win have plenty of trouble in win- X) One gams with New Tork ess- MordodL playlaf hla first game at town ebamptraa. out to Viet Fraher fitod oat to regsnllng procedure. and brother, Carl Schmeltke of CHuskw for the pate several yasrs. this Instsnes tha vlsitliig roOtsra leetod stv u hits off Itavaitsliy as VIot OTaaiy faaaod. No nma. energy. "Rounds exciting." she Crube.shov ( Hruhleazow I, they morrow evening at S o'clock at the Misa AUce B. Hall of the East will he held this evening at seven alng tbe next two gomes. cellsA •ami-pro baU. Intarssptod a Bomt Tba umpirtag w u also saesl Comwall-on-tbe-Hudoon, New York, Seieond plscs> went to Phil Graves, hsd vlsloBs at a rally but tbs tofU Pubsido held ths losers to four M bite, M orrets, aoao left said Indifferently. reached the line of Augustov-Kn.v- Municipal building. Members hav­ IJnder the new legistotion. com­ Haven High sch(X)l faculty spent thirty o'clock. Former paston at Msnelissisr Orswi Ctndnnstl’s triumph yesterday pass Off Middletown’s 40-yard ysstsrday sad both offleteto dsssrvs have returned home after spending also a New York A. C. veteran, while handed youngster on tbe mound blows. "He has asked Petet Thorpe and ehln (Knyarjiil-Bryanak iBransk)- ing tickets for (be supper and card mittee Democrats decIBed yester­ the week-end at the home of her the church erlU attend and q>eak at AB R H PO i waa tha fifth in three daya againte marlcbr and raead down tha flald to ■ lot ef praiM for tbs aappy n w day, foreign govemraenta or their several days as the guests of Hr. Street Extension Leary finlalind about 30 yards In h4u] other Ideas and provsd that hla It Is Mpsetad that tha csptslna * Folieh Am orfcs-.£raSA foaned, his new wife." Rosnu I Rasna -about 2.1 miles party Thursday evening at the An­ parents. tbe reception which also observe# Beniardl. l b ...... 5 3 1 U C back of the victor. He's hsd l( Pittsburgh and Paul Derringer's paydirt without bavlag a hand laid nsr they haadlsd tbs gsms. It waa agents could receive credits of not Mrs. Albert Schmelakc a t Ellington were right. The runner got no on him. Than In tbe fSurth period, of sU tsaau la tbs circuit will mast ObueboweM singled pest eseeml. "Oh, really? Til be glad to meet northwest of Brest-Lltovsky )-Pla- dover town hall, are requested to the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Con- Ohuehowaki. ef ..8 3 4 1 C than two weeks of prsetics this fsIL S4th at th t sesoon. Hs spaced seven farther. fast snd lbs amps h ^ Um pisysr her." * more than 90 days. These would avenue. gregatlooal church In Rockville. Savsrlek, ■■ ...... 6 0 8 i g hits while hla tssmmstes i-Ads good Haefs Intercepted a latoral paas and this week to make pleas for tbs bustilng svary ralauto. A JubUut VIot filed out to Hraraar to Isft chchsts iPlszczac ‘ about 12 miles make returns a^ this time. Is up Once More Leary expects to rank No. 1 on Faganl nipped Ronaad at first ra "He knew that Pete and Dan southwest of Brest-Lllovsk 1-Lyu- apply on all purchases, Including Mrs. Ruth 8. Ellsworth of Orchard There will also be music by the BoUsiid, c ...... 4 0 0 18 3 the Fordham cross country tai use of 11 passes Issusd by Amr ■pad 48 jrarda for tha aacend toneh- ■aausl bsaqust snd to srraags for gang of Polish rooters gstbsrsd arms and Implements of war. For­ street has been named executrix of down. Both trtoa for tha axtra tbo prise that Is to hs givra tht a nice ptoy. No rnae, o m bit no were friends and he's been wanting bom - Cnil.eshov - Unuv lUhnow) - Girl Scouts of Troop No. S are New GOP Electors Schubert Trio with Miss Mariette ■ ------Tlot, 3 b ...... 4 0 1 1 I whan tha Rams open thslr ■■■■ pltdMTft' SUCK DEFENSE bu k at first bsu w b u tbs gsam to show the bride and groom a eign companies and Individuala the estate o f ber father, John O. Zwtek, S b ...... 4 0 1 0 Max Lanier, the Cardinals' likely point failed. In tbe eloelng momenta tssffus champion. w uevsr, - arroiv, o m loft. Langv lahout 12 miles of reminded the first meeting of the FIteh as accompanist The recep-, I ■gsinte West Point on October 3. Moriarty Brothers—Wytla opea llttie courtesy because Julie was his Lwow I fall season will be held at six would be extended regular commer­ Forrest who died late wtok. tlon wU] he held la the church auiU- Once again tbe question of the B. lonrstt, rf ....4 0 0 0 6 looking leftbandad rookie, sUoered New Tork—Tsakse hurlers havs of the game, Morlartjrs staged a Ths box score: For m u y of tbo PA players It secretary before her marriage ' cial credits, but If these became Lead Dems By 3-1 extension of a street from the only four hits, and hts mates gte 18 whirlwind drive that endad on Mid- OlbMas •d tbs Iniuiig wftb a alagis. Thurner "Komarno. Drogobych i Droho- o’clock tomorrow evening at the torium to accommodate the large J. Lovett I f ...... 3 0 0 0 0 held opponents to two runs or Isas waa tba ssorad cbampionteilp tbsy’ve fsnnsd sad so did H a m DnSy "Hm-ra—It's a amall world." Ma­ East Side Recreation Center on top-heavy, Congreu could act to Manchester Heights section eouth In completing a sweep of tbe cues- dletowB'a flva-jrarder •• tha final AB R H PO A bycr.i and Beryalav were occupied audience. The occasloD wlU afford Vojeck. If ...... 1 1 1 0,0 raoTs than 80 tlmss this season with figured bi this sssson for savra of hit one.back at Kovis aad w m rian mused. "Haa she quit her School street. curtail them. across the brook to connect with Quartus, p ...... 4 0 1 O 'l go eerles. the enemy's scoring average at whistle btow. Ssvsriek. I h ...... 8 0 0 0 1 them postlmo with Mracboster Job'»" Southwest of the town of Lwow'. aa opportnolty for the people to Hartford road, is being presented. tossed out st first No raoa eao The committee Democrats assert­ North Coventry At the final seaalan this year for meet their former oiialteers and ac- Major League Dsdgstslfsivmrd three runs a game. CNdIt should ba tevaa to Haefa, Sehubi^ rf .....8 0 0 0 0 Oresn, tbo Trl-Cooaty/ Loagus "Oh. yes. Randy says she is "Continuing to clear the territory ed It woiJd be imnossible to have The street first given contederatlon hit, 00 errors, ons left Miss Ellrjibetb "nuck, Mlaa A l­ tbe making of new voters closed qualntanceo. ^ 6 13 37 10 1 Visiiwhlto. tbs BrattUyn Oodgsn CIppela. Meintoah. Ferguacn, Skoog, Lsggstt, a s ...... 8 0 8 1 1 ttUlsL aaaMly, ObuebewsM, Kovis, ■sghta laibig. the domestic t>*pe Aiiywsy, he of we.stem Kyelo-Ruasla (White 3 strict "cash and carry” neutrality was Packard street, which would Anderson. Taggart, DeCantis, Wol­ berta Wilkie and Miss Ethel Tay­ Saturday night the Republicans CtotMog Frogroto OeUtesvills dragged down thslr aseend Boums- O alfto,*f...... 8 1 0 8 0. Saverick. HoUsad. VIoL Vojeck snd Polish Amerks—Pagan! got un­'t employ marrleil women.” Riiaalal and western I ’ kralne of lor. of Manchester, went to New program, because cosh la seldom William Cram of Bastford to vis­ were exceeding their three to one allow for an extension from Hart­ fillghtlF fram, Irish, J. Staum, Helms and Mordsvaky, lb ...8 0 0 7 O' "He doesnt? Why not?" remnanLs of the I’ollsh Army, Red The Fan program of the Tolland Lambert, I f ...... 8 l 0 3 0 Leaders hssdsr In tiro days ftom ths PbU- der Bycholskl's pop fly. Vojoeh York yrstrntay and met Miss Doris In international transactions. ing Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Vinton. lead over Democrats In the mak­ ford read to a point near Wetherell Hayes for thslr.stsUsr Una play. Wolfnun, 8 b ...... 8 0 3 0 8 "W ell- he doesn't believe In It " County Farm Bureau win feature Btonchard. 8b ,.,i.4 0 0 1 3 lies, 8-1 snd A l, to movs pste the fouled out to nwgrate. Rara- Army troops In the course of liqui­ l»n g and Misa Barbara Long, both The Democratic meeting yester­ Mr. and Mrs. Henry SchslI nnd ing of new electors. The total tereet The aurvey showed that a San Frandseo—University of l^n Morlartya next atari wlU ba P- Dttbsldo, ef ...I 0 0 0 0 "Is that so?" Her mounting the ptoonlBg at a wardrohf. The Danila, o ...... 4 0 3 8 0 Cubs Into third ptoea. Tbs NsstTork n s r by Pisy sf ftoua burda stagled but w u out ateaUag. dation of a group of I’ollsh troops of New York City, where all visit­ day, which drew criUclam from daughter, of Woodmont. are spend­ count for all aeaaloiu In which new large cut would have to be made if Olsnta and Bosun Bass snllt t Frandseo freshman football team againte Windaor Locka naxt fiunday Olovsnnlal, a 0 0 8 0 anger crept into Marian's voice. southeast of the Hrcst-Lltovsk minority committeemen, agreed ing their vacation with Mr. nnd Mrs. flrrt meeting of Interest to residents Bnreteow, e f ...... 4 0 0 4 0 By Thff Affffodfftffd P k m Pongrate to Duffy. No ran. aaa ed the World's Fair. voters were admitted shows that Packard atreet was extended and a a a ■ player named Walter Sailor, and ths hems ■■■■■■ will bs In­ *'I didn’t think Randy was like that American vessels should be pro­ A. J. Vinton. of this part of the county will be W. Ronan, r f ...... 3 0 0 0 0 Amerlcss Lssgne games. New Terk taking first, Wteasi, tt ...... 3 0 1 8 0 bit, ne arror, d o m toft fortress, disarmed and took pris­ there were 200 GOP party mem­ ths cost was considered too high. 5-4, sad dropptng tbs nlgktesp, 6*6. augurated OB October fi againte an FeUili-AmerleiSSXiverlck out that, narrow-minded and smug, hibited from transport!^ goods or Mr. and Mrs. John 8. BlassU art held oa September 86th at the T bI- R. Ronnn, t t t ...1 0 0 0 0 Bsttlag^DiMsggls, New Tork. T. Dubtedo, p ....8 1 1 4 8 Moriarty Brothers — Btaaebsrd oner more than 10,000 soldiers and Edward O'Malley, president of bers made aa ogalnte 64 Democrats Since that time a survey has Tbs world cbsmpleii Tsaksss, ra a foul fly to O'Leary. Obuebow- still plajing with the lde.-i that It's officers, and In the area south and paosengers to belligerent countries. the proud parents of a bsiqr girl land Grange HnU at two o'clock. been made which would allow fpr Knuttn, M ...... 1 0 0 1 5 A84; Foxx, Boston, A88. ■kl raaebsd Snt on Ciuiffy's error. w u sofa vrhen HsraburM's error the Manchester Improvement Aaao- and 31 independents. In the new Runs—Rolfs, New Tork, 187; eager to pass ths mark of 107’Vlc- 37 3 T 81 0 0 a man’s world." Marian seemed southeast of Grubeshov took pris­ Tile prohibition would Include fines bom Sunday morning at the Ifan- Mine EUen Van Ctoef. State Ex­ the extension of Maxwell ' VIot OUL OuflT to WyUc. Holisn.1 pi&lled Bycbolskl off tbe bag. The clstlon. Is to call a meeting within voting claae, women exceed the men Foxx, Boston, 18L toriss ate IQT Joe MoCsrtby*s first Tan Osdsra to be forced constahtly to defend oner and Infantry regiment and up to $80,000 and five years' im­ cheater Memorial noepitol. Mrs. 180 to 131. tension Clothing Spsclsllst, will dis­ which U located a short. tilplod to rtenL scoring Obuebow- PA’S kicked ra tbs dscision bsltov- herself. the next week to have action taken prisonment for violation. Bisaell was the former Mlaa Gladys cuss "Assembling the Wardrobe." Runs batted In—WUliamo, New Tork psansot wlaasr la 1683, AB R H PO lag that tbs rumter bad bssa tag­ of a mechanized brigade." on completion of the roadway at In Saturday's aesslon ths GOP from Packard street. The chalked up No. 104 st tte eaepsass Johnny Layton to Appear •kl. Bjrebetskl oiit ra ■ fly to "Women have a place of their Contosd Prepoaki Vielstod Orcutt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mlae Van Ctoef wlU point out the ton. 141; DlMoggio, Now Tork. 13S,‘ VUtasr, Jr., as .. .8 l l l CLsaiy. One ged. Hs stsxred ra first Pon- Rovlet: Soldiers Wounded ' Depot Square, partly repaired secured 88 voters. Democrats SO, the cut would not be as much of ths Wsshington OsostorA 8-3. run, one hit ras own," Dolly said gently. "Randy The minority group contended the William Orcutt treode in FaU fSahioas and by means there to the question of a bridge or Hits—Rolfs. New Tork, SM:-Me- WUltiasoe. 8b ...,8 0 0 8 oas lift grats out for tbs ssooad tims ta thinks It’s a very important place. " The return of wounded Soviet when the curbing was nwved hack. Democratic oeasiona of yesterday Christian Endeavor societjr met and 10 did not register with either QutaL SL Louis, 15L Jos D1 ICagglo hit bis 40th hOBMr bi tbto gams en a foal buntsd third party. Four were rejected privi­ of models demoastrsto how to exam- n large culvert srhich will have to Nerrts, l b ...... M 0 1 0 Harlan ounced angrily. "What soldiers to Moscow, however, in­ With the winter coming on a drain and last week violated the adminis­ Sunday evening with a good attend­ Ins tbe present wsrdrabs and bring Double*—Rolfs, Now Tork, 46; ths ninth, sad Baba Dahlgisa dou­ At Bray^s Parlor Tonight Btavtxteiy, p ...... 8. 0 0 1 ■trike. Obudiowsiti ratirsd Fa- la needed also for the storm water tration proposal for an adjourn­ leges .because they could not read. be conaidered. Realdents of that • m * bled In the winning ran. does he have;,to say about the wom­ dicated the Poles still were putting ance. A very Interetelng meeting It up to date. section are to bring tbe matter to WllUuns, Boston. 41. Qulmby, I f ...... 8 0 0 -8 galn and Opalach got Fraber's high en who are dependent upon them- sewers. ment of politics on the neutrality was held with Mias Ruth Vtaton .ss A large proportion of the new N. — WNBO IsOtoffs Drap $s 4IA fly back of sscond. No nms. no up a fight. voters are new realdents, but those The plans tern the sessoa include the attention o the eelectmen; Trlpls*—Lewis. Wsshington, 16; Nlcholss, e ...... 8 o i l Hsraburds to Opalsch to Byteiol- aelves, and those whose husbands Issue. These Senators asserted that leader. Next Sunday Mlos Oert- Tbs Detroit Tlgora topplod tbo One of tha three msn tn the n e-xor eucceaafully defending it In chal- bite, OM error, c m toft Little time la being lost^ in at­ Jute coming of age, and newly nat­ clothing cUalcs on October 34 sad probably at the meeting of the fBO Btae Network MoCoteiy. OstrotL 14. WUks, I f ...... 8 0 0 0 skL No runs, no hits, no srrore, are not gainfully employed?" This It was announced today that such procedure had aerved only to Hide Anderson will bo In charge. 28 to ndileh snyooe may bring her Homs runs "Foxx, Boston. 85; Cloveiand Indtono out of U Ad placo egnlsed hlstotT of the game to bold Imga — matches, the records show aoas left Nbilh tsBlsg. tempting to Sovietize the newly ac­ registration of applicants for the uralised voters strike a balance bosrd tonlghL la tho Anorieoa Loogao with a pair McLsu, 8 b ...... 8 0 0 8 with a baleful glance at Dan who delay matters, because oppoeltlon The topic waa "What I Would Like own wsrdzohs probtoms. On No­ Bmp Orssnbsrg, Dstmt, 88. both ttttoa, twahra times ehsmpton that hs has bssa 18 times world’s Lute; e f ...... 8' 6 1 1 is eesf tanlsc. Polish Amsrk*—Opshm out to did not appear to be listening. quired area. The program. It la coming October CCC period la being members would need additional time To See Our Society Do This Com­ with the newcomera. Those jute of vIetorloA 6-1 and 6-L I& ik of the st thras euteilon Ml- Fraher. Kovis sbigtod. fiavstltei aald. Includes a campaign against made voters may partlclpato la the vember S thsrs win hs a ■■■■Inn for Stolsn bases Csis, Wstedngtoff. or national champion. Ha holds ths Fellah Amerks— Vojeck singled "D o you really want me to tell continued here and those wioijlng to to study the bill. ing Tsar". Many auggastloos wars slterlac psttsnis and entUag ■ cost CONN 51; Fox. Dstrott. 35. Qrosaborg and Rady Tork hft sue- lisrds ant world’s record bligh average for a walked. ObuebovraU filed out to. landlord and capitalist claases. coming town election. ceaslva homen la tho teteh to win 36 1 4 31 5 0 to center. Haraburda sacrlflosd, jrou, M arian?" Dolly asked, "or sign up may do so at the town wel­ One oppoeltlon leader proposed made whldi wUI be turned over to with a secoad session on Novambinr Will Have Auction vs. Meito Pitching—Bundrs, New Tork, world ■Ingle 50 point game, 3 4-38. and Blanchard to Wylie. Opslacb Thurner in dem toft field. VIot' ■ball we change the su b ject" Reports reaching hers say peas­ fare office. that friends and foes of the bill be the new officers to hs steetsd In tho first for Toauay Mdgoo. sad Layton IftftIftftS ebsbed Frabsr asek ba tba tua tor 17 for fltUag •ad flatehlag ths sas- 11-0; Donsld. Now Torii, 18-8. ths (dunomansl tournament grand Tan Osdara...... 1000 0(J0—1 walked. Kovis fanned Ssvsriek "O f course I want you to tell ants are occupying country estates given n brief period to state their the near future. Friday evsnlng. s ■Imi. Anyoas Intsrestsd la sttead- tho Bongsta elaatarod 18 hits In ftvo cue fans of Maneheatsr and vicin­ high average poInU per Inn- bis lofty fly. No nma o m M t no BETTINA Nffitoffsl iMgno at iJtd Oibbias ...... ,,,0011 OOx—3 fbulsd out to Pongrate. No runs, toe. I hope I'm big enough to see of former Polish landowners, and I t haa been announced that the views In the Senate and that the ■odsl will hs bald for svsnrons bitar- 40 Hours Devotion Ing thsss east sehoois to asked to Of Town Holdings laniags ef ths sseoffd gams. ity, when he appeare at Oanter Bu­ l a ^ Hto high tun raeord to 18. one hit no srrors. two left errors, two toft chamber then adjourn for at least Batting—Mtoi. f t Louis. A84; The Chteago Whtts 8 « took Two bass hite: Wotfosia, U m t t . both aides o f a question." that horses, tools and land are be­ contract for the new Temple Beth ested enough to conae. "nM faUaw^ send thslr nsaM sad address to tbe fk r WefMto U gM llard Parlors tonight in an exhlU- Whsrsvar enaa ara cbalhad and Moriarty Brotbsr*—Wrtla out ra Moriarty BroUteis fyLsaiy fitod -r"Well— be aeys there wouldn’t three days to permit thorough study M«6wlek. S t Louis, AS5. another double botplag of tbe «L Vlttficr. Hite off Dubsldo 4; Stev- ing divided among them. Sholom, local Jewish synagogue, haa Ing committeea srere appointed: ToUsad County Farm Bnrasn. Roek- BHns—Wsihsr. ClnclnnaU. lU ; an match of 100 pointa againte tvortoa ellek. Layton to known na a tins drive by Obuebowsn. Thurner out to ObuebowsH. wyila fea6tet Be narrled women dependent upon been let to Wennergren Construction of the bill and preparation of detaU- Osmet, Mrs. Bmete Oowtto, Phylte Now at St. Bridgets Fetffes Louis Browaa, 11-0 aad 4-A and ths lasky 7. Btolu hues: Osigls Lsg­ Pamphlets dropped from airplanes vffla. Rock, CktSKO. 106. ly plftjTGPe 'Ttod," to tail mates, casual so- out ra a b l^ fly to ObucbowekL aad Opalaob tbasod Thtnasr ool at themeelves if the men were allowed copipany for $11,000. The building ed epsechea. Qewdy, Clara Smith sad Rsjrtoond NoUcs of a pubUe nuction of lands Boston Rod Bob aeersd five runs in gstt Bass am Bans off: Dunildo 1; urged the peasants to "get rid" of Buna W to d In—Mc(3onalek. lilateb atarta at 10 p. as. ptompt- quslntsnsss, sadxus Cu b la gsa- Haefs bsekM Vojsek up la toft for first for ths final out aad ta erovra. to do the earning." will be located at Myrtle end Unden Bealdes repealing the arms em­ Stom; tafrealuneaU, Mis. A. J. ITisrs wta be na tonportont msst- now held In fee by tbs town baa i l t o * ...... ha eighth tobeat ths PbUadslphia ly. Layton flrat sscsndsd tbs pin- Stsvtasky L Struck out by Du- tha Pollsb Amsrteaae llfifi (Twl the upper claases. been Issued by Tax CoUsetor Samuel Clnclanstt. 136; Msdwlek. S t Louis, snl, sad foUowsW bis sxhlhltien tbb third out OB a fly ban. No " n a t 's aheurd." tercets and will be one and a half bargo and prohibiting American Vinton, Ruth Vtaitoo. Mis. C. L Tbe .annual ♦"ortv Hours Devo- Ing at tha Frank BsdMnshnsr Post, A$lkn] ith Is S ^ 6 .A nscis at OM bslfhtff wImb in m « balde 4; Btavlnteiy 1. Tims: 48 ada. ebamptono. Ne rnae; ao MtA ao •'No place must be left for them,” shipping to warring countriea, ths Nstooa, Jr., who will dtoposs at two 116. mntchss wtth n eenciss, astety an- nms, M bite, no trrora, nem toft “I don't think ao. It sounds stories In height, of brick. Ground IxMmis sad June Loomte; nomi- tlons opened In 8L Rridget’eBri< cburtfii V. F. W„ this avsnmg nt S o’dodc ba wcff tbs worn's pochst btlttord dsrstoed Isetura aad dsmenstratloB Umpias; Sptnaaa, Xssasy. VUtasr, Third fsslag. onwra, aoaalsft 9 m r togleaL Randy aays if aU tbs the pamphlets said. new legtalation would: nstlng committee, Mrs. L. U. Aus­ yesterday at the close of the 11 lots by suction this coming Friday. Hits — McOomtek. Ctnctoatl. will be broken for It this week,- and in the O. A. R. hnff. TIm members 156; Msdwlek, St Lonia. IMT ebsmptoffrtUp, dsfautag Basmstt at tbs pnraUte sagtas syntsm. whleb Sr. Pollsb Afoorks—FnuMr mad# a tenilito, especially pterrled women, It la planned to lay the cornerstone Authorlae the Precldent to desig­ tin, Mis. C. I. LsemIs and John o'clodi eoleean high mass. It was era urged to be praetst nt this meet­ Tha sole win be held tai tbe munlel- 016 OraMraidL MapL » —m — Blsaksnsblp in • thrts day ssateh nate combat sonaa and bar Amarican Klimblirv. Jr. pal building nt 10 n. au promptly Doubls»--Slsughter, St. Loula, Johnny Fasrtel. fstmor open champ, system uses tha dismeads u a guide Bics catch at Obuebowteti's line VDUld drop out of' bualneas, thou- One Deed ooljr glace at a map to December 10. followed by a proeeairian. This ing nt whldi time plans wto be dls- for the ttUa pnvlously won bgr for ptoy. snd b u b su rasponteMs aad s c t Jobs would be available ships and clUssns from satsring and nay peraonb who wish to enter Adam Hats 46; Medwiek. S t Louto. 48. eantured Indivkhial pro honors In a drive. Duffy teoood VIot out at se where our true frontlets Ue. Mia. Ralph Banton and san at Na­ ■aoning there were masaee at 8:80. leed tor tbe coming meatb'n aettv- lahlp In a tournamsnt eons- for tbo major part at tha adrnaeo- flrsL HellaM got bis oocend bit Cinetanatl U. tor toM. Tbs old tocn, who have tham. tick. Mass., are vitettag Mr. and T and 7;M. OonfesSioa wUl be bids auiy do so. TrIpla*—Rsnona. Cklcsgo. sad golf tnwrasToent at Hwianto Anton —Col Cbarlee A. Undbog The oommlateoner of the South AB Ofw Pricff- $ prtatng suca stars ^ Bsonla Alton, ffMBt oa amatteur and of tbo maata whoa bo boaaood a fit Lootol^ r- Baai MiOTid out, could nm eleva- Manchester Fire DUtrlct. with Prohibit eoUscUoo of funds for Mrs. Hsniy Bsmss for ■ fsw days. heard this sftanioaa sad sveabif Lots to bs dtopoosd of art lot 113 2.95 Oeodasa. Ctoetnnsti. lA dab as6 tsasrad wttb J. J. Noak af ytnali TabsnU. l U M OrngUstf bslligsrsats. > H&ms runs—Miss. S t Louis, sad flayan aUka. Tlosa , (to dff BIsaebard’s glove. B r- B r e e l ^ t tors, do tbs filisf sad sneouating la EMlectman Richard Martin and s Mr. and Mis. FuDar sf Bricksr ■ad tosasss tomotrow win hs esis. U mis wUI 1M ft nM Unn o f tlM McKoo Farm tract st tbe corner of Woodway In wta ff fiiat ^aea tto la and mn«y sOtor t ^ o g h t ocAaad- Laytw wm atoo ptoy a teMtt BrooMya at Pbfiadtephia m Require beUlgerents to take title Ott Iftev Tsilt 37. m W MUM to Poagratb who N o w T M SS.I MBes^ lots oCtblDgs ttks that." member of the board of eisreenrs town. SIS vitetlng thslr krothsr sad hmtsd st 5:10 sad sgsia st 7:50, DemocraOe Town1 CoroStee tbto Strtektond and Broad terseto. and tha pra-aantoar ovsfft FarrsO • » c6 that am. iwttehing to ths Boetoff fit N4w ttocil If we spproach to goods In ths United BUtss bsfors Btoteff hssss Hsndlsy,' Pttt»i ctd a tha bate the 06 poekte htmardST^Vliy” yoa i to ft ftMMftttOflftl ftiftft Ksrtan tewghsil scemfiilly. ‘"Hw war. must betedes E. L. O. Hohentbal. srUl wlfS. Mr. sad Mrs. «H lsid Otssa. ths IsMsr mass to hs a ligh mass ■veolag at 7:M o'Ctoek la tbn SnpiP lot 10 Ckpltsl View Hteghts.(prop- fit. thras snshlcff bOlsHI fisM, Lffytsa a n w aaaodotaa aaisetsdrcrem bin (OH|y ■agtos sehtdalsd.) bleaebei*. No ruae. eao hU, no Now Ttetkfi, ItoPley— wwdd Mbs tbaL A lot bsvs dictatorship. thay wars teiippsd. Ths Pwtsr U b n iy Assortetina to deee with a pseessslee. Durlag erty at WDlIsm M. Boyee off Nona. b u r ^ If; Rstec, CUosgo, lA »co6 and wtth Noffb poetoda64 to meet tonight at the municipal build. Oentlnus ths sslatliig sowars of itorOsnrtmam. Glenney's won ths titls nt that stpls for tha vartod axpartoffcffk gsaaraily errors, two loft Chleogo U-4. fit Wm OM bN1H~ —43mm. Hsgh MUs NKA Ing between 7 and • o'clock, Tliis will hold Its aaausl tossUa* this ess. the tiaie tbe devotions are bslM A i l etraeL Pitching—DsfTtngsr. Ctnetonaa, tto wtth Mtko TurMoa afid R. Hal- first ttms In 1616, and tether wta- utartabi ^ raasog St Loida at CUeaga (8). ths Mmdtloiia OsntrcJBosrd to U- ■ t e ^ t S:SS O'cladi at thsltbniy. 34-T; Waltsrt qaelffitsM. 87-lA ^Ifgtorty Brotbore—OuflT ItoPC Iptond tbs totsfi'iuiUisi bosrd wiu set as m Based sC rstlssr. hold, out at town prtesto wUI sailte r»m'ltenwlr sf Ogfe Tbopraporttas will n to tte Wgb- porta of Fslrvtow. ntag It ( O f f l F i i a Is hsatta ~ " filM n arwi.r*'’" rPAOB,TE!l MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER.’ OONN.. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER tB, 198S MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, C0NN„ MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 25/1939 Y A O H L I W r


gAFFLED TTCoultn’T PEOPLE BUT \w A r4W4unB.,BHK«t)PVi' B U Y SEI.L./;^REMT//^^////;r CL/m SSIFIED — Sense and Nonsense — 6 Y -THE Find NOTVbN' AR» rpAsme- TDirD fifiENdU* t(9Wljpu& flJT yiOLF IttAO OtL'BViA)' A WI^POOR WUBM i"iu<%oa%ioa BllERlFF' mm The Buslneee Man's Prayer Marine Corporal (at party)—Do And Now! yjDU* OH. LORD, 1 acknowledge Thy you know that ugly tap of on offi­ Hush, my darling children, don't CRBBK. existence and the exlatence of a lot cer standing over there? He's the you cry. CANVON, of other things, leas godly, which I meanest egg * have ever seen. You'll be paying taxes by and by! Sweet Young Thing—Do you VANC 3 B I^ ' con overcome only with Thy help an I and the help of my own backbone. know who I am 7 I am that officer's Friend— Ah, so your son is In col­ daughter! lege. How's he making It ? APfBALRK< announcements AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 4 GARDEN-FARM— Lots FOR SALE 73 LEGAL NtinCBS 78 I fully reollu that oa nil hands are Invlolble forces, which seek my de- Marine Corporal—Do you know Joe— He ain't. I'm making It— HELPdO DAIRY PRODUCTS 50 AT A COURT o r PROBATE HELD Reds Got Lead he's spending it. a r t h r i t i s s u f f e r e r s . — o «t FOR sale :—1938 Oldimoblle ledan, FOR SALE—3 LOTS 60x180, Nye atruction, and that, if I am to come who I am? at Manehaatar within and for tba Harvard's Prospects Poor I Sweet Young Thing—No. R tTje h from EdwMd J- Murphy or The 1938 t>^ge aedan, 1936 Dodge PICK YOUR OWN cannlni' tonui' otraeL Will sacrlflce. Telepbone Dlatrlct of Manehaatar, on tba ltd through unscathed, I must fight CWiter Phhrmecy, free InlereeUng ■edan, 1937 Chevrolet Town aedan. toea. 16c per bt^ket, and bring your 8093. day of fleptambar, A. D., IISL i every Inch ol the way. Marine Corppral Thank gx>d- The children always know when booklet on now CoIloldiJ Sulphur Each car ec i 1 with radio and own container.' 313 Birch Moun' Praaant WILLIAM 8. HTDB. Eaq.. Back Hard Way GIVE ME strength to llgbUy ness. ; there's company do«-nstalrs. They FOR SALE—AUTUMN street, six Judaa. But Coach Harlow Smiles metlwd to relieve echeo—palno ol beater. Prii for quick clear­ tain Road. bear my burden of living, and to can hear mother laughing at fa­ eboieg lots. Telephone 7029 6 to 8 Katata of Annta Scott lata of Man* There Isn't as much giggling ther's jokes. Arthritli duo to Sulphur deOclency. ance. Mani -Motor Bale* Inc. chaatar. In aatd Olatiiet. daeaaaad. ■mUe till my burden becomes a 612 We*t CoMici ..treet. Telephone FOR SALE—CONCORD grapea. F p. m. among the girls as there used to to take. Inexpensive. SUU- Tha Admlnlatrator bavtoff exh ibit* Five<^aine Sweep at Pitts­ By Bin Kiag i Since It takas so much time to joy. for verUy this Is ths secret ol Li££_ •f'la.EUiXULlLlTl PHO-KAPS eold on money back 4134. McClelland, 81 Lake atreet. Tale* ad hla admlnlatratlon aeeount with oil earthly gladness. be. Perhaps there Is nothing left in George—I thought your sister phone 3339. aald aatata to thla Court for allow* Cambridge, Mooi., Sept 38.—letrlct 4*f Menrhriiipr, on tha 234 Manchaater. b* and tha aame la aa Cincinnati, Sept. 35.— )—Say The Man—Nice work, old man. A man who has had considerable SNUFFY'S OUT OF 4 3 ROOMS SLIGHTLY ■laned for a haarinc on tba allow* iJP Dick Harlow mooning low and kicking until mid-season. Not before HELP ME lo live so that I can t w a n < f u l w e h a v e l i v i n g i n TH ' a f t e r his L Center—6493. 9T. A Ij . rJl9. experience says that about the only I I ME THE OLD TUNE bMTltAT U.SED FURNITURE 1147 ^ Pfeaenl WILUAM H HYDE. Eeq. ance of aald admlnlatratlon account what you will, the Reds got It back wringing hla bonde when they visit then does Harlow expect hit other lie down at night with a clear con­ I would like to give vou 810. but AM UNCLE WHO OWNG d a r k a g e s KIPS g o t < 'tC with aatd aat«(e, and thla Court dl* ttfng that cannot be opened with a Please donate HAS BEEN IN A NOTE .CLANCY — 1936 FORD COUPE *176. 1937 Original Price 8210—You aave 863. /u4|;«. the hard way and there's the meas­ the Stadium. first-string bocks— Bill Coleman, science, without S' gun under my all I have is a 820 btii. A FAPM--WE GET ALL BECAUSE WE m a r r ie d They Ketete of fx>ul«« V. Dituiren let* of recta tha Admlnlatrator to alva pub* Life Guard Well, go out and can-opener la s Jackpot. ' '*10,000 TO S(*AE WORTHY TRANCE lately, TH' WAJOR MAS Chevrolet coupe, 8399, 1936 Ford WANTED— AUTOS, Used 2 1-2 months—Looks like new llo notice to all peraone Intareated Instead, they And that astute converted center, and Charlie pillow, and unhaunted by the faces th i* f o r n o t h i n g , a n d HAVE AN UNCLE m Ol ED t o 1-2 ton panel 1125. Brunner Salea, Mancheatar, In aat4 f.iistrtct. Uarvai* ure of the team that's ready to lay ornithologist os effuslv^ aa a coach sink again! iCUARlTY TODAY, WALDO.' INVENTIN' A SQUARE DOPED OUT A MOTORCYCLES 12 Easy Terms Arranged—Free Dellv pd. therein to appear and ba heard there* the Cords on the table or over the Spreyer, sophomore—to do more of those to whom I have brought I’VE HAP TH' c a n s f o r ON A f a r m ; another st* te 80 Oakland atreet. Open evenings ery. Fully Guaranteed— Free Stor­ On motion of J«>hn E. Dnuifan of n by publtehlnc a copy of thla order who was six deep everywhere and than block and buck to bis satisfac­ pain. j Clarence I never saw such VEARS AND-- -- WHY? BECAUSE MERRY-GO-ROUND GADGET TO MAKE In aome newapaper havina a circula­ barrel. i l Tel. 6191. WANTED- REASONABLY priced age. eald Manchpatar admlnlairator no rivals to worry about except tion. GRANT. I beseech Thee, that 1 Man—Is that man rich? ! dreamy eyes. vou DASSN’T CASMIfR OB SOAAKTUIN' OF- AUTO FUMES SWELL OflDKIlKD:—That alx monlha from tion In laid Dlatrlct, five daya before Only lost Tuesday the PblUlea, Friend—Is he! He's so rich he ' Catherine You never stayed so uaed car in good condition, caah We sold these 8 rooms of fumitura aid day of heartna xnd return maka push-overs. How Harlow con face ^^b'’en Coleman went Into the may earn my meal ticket on the S hip n o fr u it TH’ KINO-*-^ T BEEN 1939 NASH DEMONSTRATOR, the 22d day of Hap(aml>er. A. D. 193'i humble as they should be, blasted doesn't know hla son's in college. lata before. LIKE PERFUME, deal, no dealers. Phone 8664. to a young couple 2 1-2 months ago, t>a and lha aama ara llmltad and al- to thla Court. a full gome off the Reds' 3 1-2-game the immediate future with such bockfleld, Charlie Ayres, another square, and In the doing thereof I KEEPIN' AN EVE ON 1987 PackarJ aedan, 1938 Nash de' W ILLIAM 8. H YD E stout courage Is a mystery. Perhaps nr' AN' IT SOUNDS r . but unfortunately, they.had to break lowad for tha rradttora w'tthln which lead In the National League-with a sophomore, took over the pivot posi­ that I may not stick the gaff where WIM SO THE squirrels luxe aedan, 1938 Ford Tudor. 1936 up housekeeping. The outBt cou to brlnv In their clainn airainat aald Judao* he has covered himself with a long­ OKAY ME.' Ford coupe, 1936 Dodge aedan. BUSINESS SEKVICES H-9-26-S9. 13-1 smash that ihook the very tion. Two fairly seasoned guards It does not belong. HOLD KVKKYTHING BY CLYDE LEWIS WON'T PUT HIM AWAV THINK TOWE OUGHTA Slats of s complete bedroom, living eatata, and lha aald admlnlatrator la term contract that has been kept a have been flanking him—Don Lowry, Meaaler Naah. 10 Henderaon Road. diracled to five public nolle® m tha foundstlona of Cincinnati faith. DEAFEN ME to the jingle of 1 FOR THE WINTER.' WAKE HIM SO HE OFFERED 13 room and Kitchen, ruga and numer craditora lo brin* In their clalina Now, os the boys take their flrat secret, or has beautiful vlslona of one of the alx available lettermen, tainted money and the rustle of oua other articles to complete the within aald tim# allowed by poailnif 1840-41. and Ernest Sorgeont. unholy skirts. WON'T MISS H« FRIGIDAIRE MILK cooling sys­ home. Here la an unusual value If day of. rest tn two weeks and pre­ Three Star Fleyera popy of this order on lha public pare for tomorrow's eupreme double- A pair of "H " tackles ren — JND ME to the faults of the SUPPER? tems and commercial Refrigera­ there ever was one. Any young ■Ihh poat naareat to tha place where Manchester Repair Roads struggle with the second-place Bt. On the surface. Harvard has about Tom Healey and Moses Hollett-n ^fellow, but reveal to me mine tion of all types. See us for qiioU- couple who Is contemplating going tha daceaaad leaf dwelt within aald three outstanding players, a half- one of them, probably the llons on new and used equipment. housekeeping soon should hot over town and by publlahlnv tha aame in Louie people, they are bock up there dozen others who ore promising and Evening Herald aoma newfpaper having a circulation and those Cords haven't lost a game must make room for Verne MIIjJ 3B ME 00 that each night Elxpert service. Kemp'c Incorpor­ look this big bargain. In aald probata dlatrlct. within ten 24 youngsters who mode the 1938 265-pound aopbomore. In the flrat CLASSIFIED ated. At Buckland all the time. I when I look across the dinner table 7 FREE "COURTESY r^UTOS" daya from tha data of thla order, and freshman team the etrongest Har­ string lineup. at the wife, who has been to me a ADVERTISEMENl'8 No matter where you live, we will return maka to fhta court of tha no­ Swept Pirates Aside DEMTIST FREIB WE t e s t radio tubea for tice vivan. vard has bod In a decade. Bote Are Nameroas blessing, I will have nothing to con­ call for you at any time, you Thla grand show of what the I Count au aeeraaa worat to a iins ahorta, as well as efficiency with­ WTDDIAM i, HYDE medlcoes call enteric stamina came Ordinarily, oophomoree would not Ends ore numerous but the most ceal. laltlala aaaabara and abnreviaiiona out charge. Latest R. C. A. equip­ to the store and take you back home State Highway DepL Is figure In Harlow's many plans that experienced one Is the emallest of KEEP ME young enough to laugh aaeh eoaai aa a word and eompouno again. No obligation for this service. during the Reds' triumphant march ment Call 6680. Kemp's Inc. through the live-game PItteburgh hinge on flawless execution and the lot, Bortlow Kelly, 168-pound with my children and to lose my­ words as two words Ulnltnuai cost Is A-L-B-E-R-T-S Rebuilding Approach­ spUt-aecond timing. He always boa brother of Shaun,. 1986 CMmaon cap­ Dries of tbrss linsa Hartford Store—43 Allyn St. AT A i^OT’RT o r PROflATK HEf-D series which closed yesterday with held that nswcomera, eapeclolly self In their plav. teeth Lias rales Dor dar for transient at Manrhentfir within and for fhe es to Hockatium Span. Paul Derringer's 24th win, 11 to 3. tain. He is by far the beet pass re­ AND WHEN there comes the ed a _ FIXIRISTS— f'latrlrt of Mancheater. on tha 2.1d those he bos seen at Harvard, need ceiver on the squad, but hla lack of PAINLESSLY Meetlee ■area It, lawt USED KITCHEN eet, maple flniah The series Included two double head­ smell of flowers, the tread of soft NURSERIES 15 dav of Heptemhar, A. D ers and tha Rede regained the lost a eeason’s polishing with the scrubs. weight iqay doom hlm'to be on un­ steps, and the crunching of the Caaa Cbargi table, 4 chairs, bargain. Also dqak Praient WILLIAM fl. HYDE. Eao Men in tha employ of the State Therefore, It was surprising when, derstudy for George Downing, a 306- EiatJACTED a Oonaocaiiee Oara ..i I aiai t ota r^c8d very low. Kemp's Inc. 793 Judira. Highway Department this morning margin by taking both while the hearss's wheels lo the gravel out I ODoaoenUet O eta ..I # atai il ote FOR SALE— SHRUBBERY and fi after a week of practice, he Included pounder, or Joe Koufmon. perennial plants. Inquire 21 Cedar tg|n. Eatata of Eleanor Tanner late of started work on rebuilding the ap­ Cards won single gsmee. In front of my place, make the cer­ I Daa ...... 1 II otai U ate Mjirjrheater In aald DIetrfet. deceased Say that the nrates were easy 10 oecond-yeor men on his 26-man "Pennsylvania will be our strong­ All ordera ror irregular ineertioni atreet. proaches to the bridge over the varsity squad. emony abort and the epitaph sim­ BLUE CUSTOM built davenport, On motion of Lucille n .Tacoh* of picking and they were, but remem­ est opponent and Princeton the best ple—"HERE LIE.S A MAN."— will be eberged at lbs one tints reie niaatortburv Conn.. R. T. D. So 2 Hockonum rtver on the Buckland Starting without capable ends, of the Big Three,” Harlow predicted. Bpeelet reies (or long term seer, used only few month... several ber, they bad a little bill to settle— ndmlnlstratrly. cutoff. This bridge was not washed seasoned linemen, competent pass- "We should be able to make a good Homer McKee. day adeeniaint given upon request HEATING - PI.UMHING — smaller articles. Phone 4276. ORr»ERED '—That alx mont'*s from out when the Adams dam gave all the trouble the Reds made lost Ade ordered before me third or dftn ha 5Sd div of ffaptemhar. A D. I'>31 year when I*lttaburgh had pennant era and kickers and only a handful showing against the others.” day will bo eharged only tot lbs as- away, but the water cut In around of tried carriers, Harlow has as­ ROOKING AND SIDING 17 •e and the aama ara limited and at- delusions. That bill Is still due and The schedule: Oct. 7, Bates; 14, STORIES IN STAMPS J.iPWilUAMs , AKE H IM ? OH, toal number of titnee the ed eppeer- owed fop the rredltora with'n which the south approach. 'Hila waa sembled hla unimpressive forces at Chicago: 21, Pennsylvania; 2A • e« •rfsgfkvrer •%€. ed. eh argln g at the rata earned nut WE SPECIALIZE In applying roofs, MACHINERY AND o hrtnr In thalr clalrna aralnaf anfd tilled In and the road reopened with­ payable and the Reds hope It's a WHV MOTH BPS GET GRAY . V- x» Give HIM FIVE MORE MINUTES.^ no allowenee nr refunds een be taedt with such sktH that they seem as­ Dartmouth; Nov. 4, at Princeton; 11, and asbestos aiding. Worgmansnip T(N)U4 62 'tfite. and Ihe aald admlnlatr.atrlx la in a week or 10 days after the flood. bad debt. sured of a fa ir ehare of November ea dts llaie adt atopoed after the directed to xU'® puhllc Potlca to the Well, what's the future bold? Army; 18, New Hampshire; 28, d fta dey. guaranteed. Blatimatea freSt)r)glvcn lltora to hrinir In thelp rinima The roadway leading onto the success. Yale. Do ‘ till torbida'i display llaea aai Also carpentry, palqting. A. A TRACTORS, SILO fillers, plows within a,nld tima allowed hr poatfn»r bridge, towever, was not fully re­ Mainly those four earth-shaking aeld. Dion tnc„ 81 Wells. Tel. 486U. harrows, gas englnea, ForUson copy of thla order on the pjiliMc paired. Because of the two bridges games with the Cards, two tomor­ B(M)YS AND HER BUDDIES Boot* Knows BT EDGAB MARTIN Tba Barald will not be reeponsibie parts. See us for your needs. Dub­ • Irn mat ne.ireat to the place where on Adams street being washed out. row and one each Wednesday and tar asora thaa ena Ineorrset inaeriton lin Tractor Company, WllllmanUc. ‘ ha deceaaed Uat dwell within aatd Thursday, and If the earth Isn't pair of tackles who can tackle . . . HE<9 SUCH AN at aag advarttaemeal ordered for own and hv puhllahinx lha aame in It was not possible to start the re­ Mel Hein, center of the New York L WilVdE. more thaa one lime. MOVING—TRUCKING ome newaoanar havlpa* a circulation pair work at once. Now that shaking tha Cincinnati fans are— G>nn, Bettina YOU io F AHtK'HOOG YOUNG from pure Joy at the "natural’’ pro­ Giants, became a father on the eve C008t*,'E . CHAP - UO Tbs Inadeerieat omisaion oi ineer- 8TORAGB 20 n aald prnhata dlatrlct within Ian Adams street Is again In use and of the start of his ninth season in ■A / POG HA*> rsdl pabtleelloB of adeerllsing will be WANTED—TU HUY 5h tai'a from the date of this o-der and buses are using It the work of re­ vided by the schedule makers. TO OO INHW , raaltfled only by sanesllstion ol me 'furn make lo thla court of the no- pro football. TOLO ME V cTwi TO AUSTIN A CHAMBERS building the road to the bridge waa Of the series itself, you can pre­ AVV AEOOT ebergs awds for ibe sorvlea readered BETTER PRICES for Junk now ca Hlven. Oh, Oh! Clash Tonight HSh HEUPtNG All sdeartlaaaieBit mndi eonform Local R Long Dlatarcr Moveri wilt,tam r started. A power drill is at work dict anything you like. When the w VAIM Call ua We pay cash. Wm. Ostrln- Reds and Cards get together, that's Here Is the way Eart LIngar of la atyla, eoay and typograaby with Tel—6260 68 Hollister St breaking up the roadway. Kingsport, Tenn., sizes up the Ten­ ?.t» nolbtloaa aatoreog by tba pabiian sky. 182 BIsaell street. Tel. 6879. The bridges on Adams street and all they get. They have beaten each HANRVf- tra gad tbay roaerva tba right la other nine tloiea this year and two nessee football team: Pittsburgh Terror to Risk fA'vafiOM adlL ravtaa or roKct gay aepy eoa the guard rolls have been complet­ Line by Moglnot; hips by Solly “I want the word 'imiiilcaaly' taken off. I nearly sprained BUSINESS AT A rnt'RT nr PRORATE HELD ed. There Is still some fllllng to games were ties. From- such a form HIM - TO aidarad oblaatlonaDiA ROOMS WITHOUT I M-'crhes»*r within and for tha Rand; facial expreasloni ^ Vic Light Heavy Title in Red Cross Answers Plea iny arm on u pnlieni thii morning 1" - CATCH C L M IN O ROURA—UteaalBad agi OPPORTUNITIES 32 r»l"tr1ct of Manchester, on the ?3d be done on both sides of Mtb chart they ehould divide the series, McLsglen; passes by Annie Oakley; ta ba pabllabad aataa day maat be re- HOARD 5» Inv of Septemher. A. I), l'>3!> bridges. While It Is possible to use barring rain, which hasn't barred To Relieve War Suffering aelved by 11 a'eloeb aooa; gatardaya mualclee by Charles Atlas; ruahea Return BouL OPPORTUNITY—LARGE Refining I'resent WILLIAM R. HYDE. Kan, the street and the bridges, the anything here for three weeks and by Theta Psl; blocks by Bill ^ ra h ; FLAPPER FANNY BY SYLVIA WiM. Co. offers on lease-rental basis, FOR RENT—LARGE room com Judea. the farmers are howling. T S ' : AaaoonooaoDto ••aabaagg******* 1 Apply at once. 172 Maple atreet. Oct. 27—Dance of Private Duty caused a first place tie with West all tha beat of it. scrapped and forgotten, but this , ^orooaolo aeeBaa4a#eeasa«abgaRR 1 FOR RENT—6 ROOM tenement. 29 count on facing the great pitching one remains Inviolate. Swift, W ocmI Pile Burns Nurses Association at Country club. Arm of Derringer and Walters, Haven. Waste liBote Boot P w B E f i AatoioaHoo WANTED—GIRIf FOR bookkeep­ Oook street, across from Manches­ Oct. 28— Hallowe'en party and world-wide condemnation follows AatookobUM for Halo ...... i ing and general office work, local. ter Green school. Apply 27 Cook which has beaten them six of eight "What do I want with one ot any real or alleged violation. AutOBobtUo for ftschanMO eeaa* I dance at Country club. tries. Bucky will pitch one tomor­ Tonington, Sept. 25—0P>—Gra­ those return things?" be asked the Auto AecRftoortoo—Ttraa ...... I Write Box N, Herald. street. III Local Cellar Nov. 10 — Minstrel show and ham Reid, Farmington pro, and The Red Crocs was organized Attto Ropolrlnow^PalotlOM .••e;g. 1 row and Gene Thompson the other, flsbbergaated Jacobs. *Tf I can’t dance of King David Lodge, Hollis­ probably against Curt Davis and Phil McDonald of Torringtoa, reg­ 75 years ago by a Ssyiss, Henri Auto Schools ...... 1-A WANTED—GIRL OVER 18 for FOR RENT—4 ROOM tenement on knock that mug out this time I Dunont, and its devclopBocnt was Auto*—Ship PY Truck ...... I West Side, modem Improvements. ter street school. Bort Cooper. Gene hasn't any record istered a seven-under-pmr 65 to win * J ‘'1 t »-11 , 1, 1 housework, general cleaning, light dont' want him doing me any fa­ rapidly advancad throuiei tha af- Autoo—Por HIro ...... I washing, some knowledge of cook­ Inquire 60 Holl street The Manchester Are department against them yet, but he’s been hot the final pro-member tournament of vors. All I want to know U when . Oorogeo—Service—SiorB«e ...... U recently. Then, If Lee Grissom, the Connecticut P.O.A. slate at the forta of Florence Nightingale, a MotorcFclco—Biorclo ...... U ing preferred. Munt Slav nights. was railed on an alarm from Sta I fight Joe LouU. rn fight him and '■ritish nurac, and on Amtrican, Wootod Auto*—HotorcFclM ...a II Write Box O, Herald. FOR RENT—3 1-2 ROOM apart­ K. of C. Planning whom they have beaten thrice, con Tonington country club. hU brother at the same time for tha ALLEY OOP ment with private bath: all con tion 63 at 6:18 lost night, calling show the goods he threw at Pitts­ Oara Barton, tha CivU War's Dawn o f Doom n ? . T . BeolMoee mmO PvMfoMtMMMl Bfrvloee the department to 104 Homestead fifty rand Pastor got" Buainooo Sorvicct Oftvrtd ...... il venlencea. Orford Building, 869 burgh. It's all over. "AngM af tha Battlaflelds.” Nursa Main. Apply Marlows. street The Are. the firemen dts U tin reader Miould infer that Barton wogad a long fight for QUITE SOME Time has elapsed WHATf JU9T LIKE THt\ HouMkoid SorvictR Offorod e e..ll‘ A HELP WANTED— MALE 36 Fall Activities All of which may mean nothing BlUy U cocky, that would be smart Butldtog—<^oiracting ...... h covered, was tn the cellar of the to the slugging trust of Medwlck, Amerlca'a participation In the *NCi OOOLA C n s * / s ASA rAMflvIWX ^AET ten YEARS Of Pioriato^Nuro«rlco ...... II FOR RENT—6 ROOM flat, second home of Cormelo Lombardo. Shin- League Standing reading between the lines. Tkldng Rad CroM. rANOTHER) pawns...TO RlVBALr PuaorsI Dtrocioro ...... Il TWO MEN OVER 21, neat appear­ Mlse, Slaughter A Oo. soeosss) and the Greek lCawn is, ance. fair education, capable of floor, 22 Chestnut, one bedroom on gles and ffrewood waa plied In the them pound for pound, BlUy possibly Tha 79th anniversary o f the ' a AAOB OF GREEKS, Heating—Ptumhlng—Roonng 11 Following the meeting of Camp-, CHIEFTAIN, ULYSSES, LAID NIGH^ IneuraDOo ...... li talking to groups. Must have car. third floor. Improvements. Inquire cellar and this took Are. The cause Standings U ths ebsatiest champ since Jcdul' L. founding of the Red Croso was d-J5 PLANS FOR THE DOWNFALL . .CAMPED IN OUR Mtlltnanr—Ureaamakthg ...... Il Write Box D, Herald. 43 Church. of the blase was not learned. The bell Council, K. of C,t tonight there Natlaaal SulHvan, and if John L. ever had *'j^,?i£xFRONT YARD commemorated by the i«o«at u n o ^ Moving—*Trucking—Storago firemen were able to keep the Are will be a roast beef supper served. Sports Roundup W. L. P.C pegged a spittoon at Conn ba would French semi-postal, above, show­ "What’ll I do? He bought aix but he doein’t want 'am d#* Fobtic Piaaengar Sarvica ...... »0‘A I'LL HELP YOU GET started In a confined to the burning wood In the The meeting tonight wUf name the Cincinnati ...... 93 54 .631 have had a fight on hla hands. /THOSE trojans Painting—Paparing ...... II committees for the various activi­ ing Florence Nightingale. livered until Friday night." ProfaaRlooa) Sarvleao ... flne-paytng Tea and Coffee Route. BUSINESS LOCATIONS cellar, although trooke m»de Its SL Louia .. eoeaeesa 67 •61C Though he woo from Bettina only iRlGHT OUT ON Rapairing ...... ti No experience required. Complete FOR RENT 64 way through the house. The Iocs ties of tha council, to serve from now By ■'AAi* littets Brooklyn ...... 78 65 .543 by a close decUtoo the last tims, New York, Sept. 25.— — Paul LTHEIX EARS' ' Tilloring—i>Yclng'^?l«anifit ... 1« equipment fumlahed free to re­ was not fixed by Chief Roy Gris* until January 1. CTiicago ...... 80 69 .537 the PItUburgh terror won’t talk TotUr Ooodo amS Service ...... tl liable persona. Immediate earnings. FOR RENT—DESIRABLE office wold as an Investigation Into the A dart league will get underway Junior, the Maine lightweight, has New York . eseeees* T2 73 TUUNERVILLE FOLKS BY FUNTAINB PUX Wanted—Buelnes* Service ...... fi this week and other oeUvIUea will Just completed a 126,000 apartment anything but knockout tonight Write E J, Mills, 7372 Monmouth, space, Bllah A Quinn building, cose Is being made by Policeman Pittaburgb ...... 67 81 .453 Johnny Pay, his manager, U b etti^ CdueallaMal Cincinnati. O. Walter Cassells and Chief Griswold. start Istar. It is oxpeeted the In Lewiston, bought with his savings Ooaroea and Claeeea ...... li formerly occupied by Manchester Boston ___ ...... 60 S3 .420 Bettina doesn’t go the 15. So are n Chamber of Commerce, seperate committee In chsfge of the carnival from 300 fijlits . . . Ths pitcher Philadelphia ...... 44 101 J08 TSl Private iDeiruetione ...... le WANTI:D EXPERIENCED meat held lost month, will be able to give losing the most gomes In the 30 Jun' lot of the home town fans. BlUy U Dooeing ...... consultation rooms. Apply A. A. Amerleoa so nmnsingly popuUr that there Muetcal—Dromailc ...... It cutter. Write Box X-YZ care of The Knofla, or Manchester Pig. A Sup­ on olmoet completed report. There lor world's series is Bob Orovs (now W. L. p .e Wanted—tneiructloue ...... io Herald, giving experience and ref­ ply Oo. Vo Change in Time has been on unusually jorga number with the Red Sox) who dit^ppsd wUI be close to 8100,000 wortb of erences. New York ...... 104 48 .707 customers to watch Mm go at PlaaMclaJ who have sin e d to take port In the eight and won four for BolUmors .692 S j/ Rondo—Siucke—Morigagee li acttvlUaa being planned. Boston University /gridders voted Boston ...... 87 60 Forbes field. Bualneae Oppurtuniilce ...... Il Chicago ...... 88 65 ,501 HOUSES FOR RENT 65 For Local Trains Cliff Battle! the beat |dayer they From oil Indications, Bettina boa Mooer to Loar ...... It HELP WANTED— MALE • ever saw. Bill Osmanoki was sec­ Cleveland ...... 83 66 .554 Mvip ana eifMetlMue Detroit . . . . trained well and is confident The FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Oeabtiiif Thomas BY MBURILL BUMSEB FOR RENT—BOTH SINGLE houses ond . . . Henry Armstrong's fight esssee'ss 77 70 J)34 southpaw stiU has a atiffer punch Help Wenied —Keroele ...... |» 9R FEMALE 37 Washington ...... 68 85 .436 Help VVenr«d^Meib ...... •• and two family flats, first class Railroatla on Parade picture la being held up by retakes than conn, even though BUly boasts Thert has been no ehsniw In the PhUodelphla ...... 63 95 .308 SaieecDen W^oivd ...... •I'>A WANTED—TWO MEN. one woman, condition, excellent location. Ap­ time of trains arriving and depart­ . . . North CoroUns 50, Cntodel 0. that be bos put on "two good, aoUd J umbB ON»r tckwib TO m akw Irb 8KW BetouBM TO 1 rA iJ Y B e ^ Hoip Wantedor gcmele.. I< alngle or married. Local people ply Edward J. Holl. Telephone Have they been hiding something SL Douia ...... 41 106 .379 YOU SOLSKM A arr**— SMB c e ^ H(AVW AW MY . «ait.____ iO M I WHO CAM Agente Warned ...... |I‘ A ing from the local railroad atatlon. At the World’* Fair pounds" alnee they Inst fought HOLD OUT U9NB/ BCSOBS.YbU AT_ MB — J.'VW kmS k Stiuetione Wari*ed — Ktmale .... 5» with pleasing personality prefer­ Manchester 4642 or 8026. The Aral train In the morning from down there T Also, Bettina wUI have Jimmy Today's 0«est Star SDU. MAVW TklAr CffMBW OALS <30r A RMM. 5 a ?* * VU*NT Siiuetlone Wentad —Male ...... li red. ns .sales and Oiling station Hartford la at 9:39, the some os In Bronson in his corner tonight sad PMONW N U M BB RiW M ^ TOR Mn SIKIV Emplorinani Acenciaa ...... workers and aa officera of a es- the past and the train from Boston, Roy Shudt, Troy (N. T.) Tlmes- Yesterday*s Stars Racord: T sea where Bill Terry that might prove Important lelva OiMrli— HoMMrr— Vcklclva tabliahed 810,000 buslneas. to be In­ HOUSES FOR SALE 72 going west, arrivea at the some time On Saturday, Septembor 30, tbs Metis Noi Tso Bmart Dog*—Rirda—Pete ...... «i corporated. Each must subscribe as before. 11:61. The train going Railroads In the oastorn port o f the may psddls ’Bananas' Bonura . . Live groch —Vahiciee ...... 51 FOR SALE OR RENT—Large mod­ United States will be eeleb rn t^ at isn't that quite a comedown for By The AisodsUd Prtm MeUo, U he wtU pardon tbs ®oooif Poaltry aoo Suppiiee ...... «i and pay for 160 shares of 6 percent east at night at 6:34 Is os In the erty. Is not recognissd os ens.i Preferred Stock , at 810.00 per, a ern Colonial bouae, excellent neigh­ the World’s Fair. Tbmt day baa guy who uaed to deal oxcluslvely in Ifox Lnaler. Cardinals — Held Wanted— Peto— Poui^rr—dtoeb «« post and the train from Boston at smarter flghUrs. ta his other ttiVAtF •vr* Pel Bel^—Mlecellaeeeee total of 81600 each. Can you OU.the borhood. Inquire at 17 Gerard St. night arrivea In Manchester at 8;59, been set aside aa Railroad Day, and Ivory T“ Cuba to four hits. Afticiae Poi Sale ...... «(, order. Ttie JOB ta waiting for you. also unchanged. There 4e a Blight a number of special eventa of par­ TTie Haskell Indiana who (is^ to Babe Dohlgien, Tonkeeo—Knock with Conn he at times badly Boala and Acceeaoriee ...... 55 See Mr. Grant, owner of Communi­ FOR SALE—SEVEIN room bouae change made In the train that goes ticular Interest to railroad fana baa meet and beat the best, now. ^plaj ed In winning run against Senatora ed someone to tcU him orhnt Ruildiog Materiaia ...... In line quiet nei*borbood, north ot been arranged. Arrangementa bava strictly a prep school schedule next He never did quite r—*y|* Ulamooda—WHtcheo—^eerelry 45 ty Fllimg SUtlon. 139 No. Main through Manchester on Sunday, the with doubla ta the nlatk mad atnrted Clectriea) Aopliaoceo—^adiA .. street, Manchester. Conji. Middle Turnpike, excellent condi­ train from Boston arriving at Man­ been made to have a apadal Mtow- Note to P. B. Selma, Ala.: If Ford- and flnlshed triple piny. out where s eertnia left Job was Puei and Peod ...... «l*A tion. modern, sun parlor, Are place, chester 33 minutes later. ing of "RaUroada on Parada" tor ham backers ore giving Alabama conUag from, though bs nppesrsd to garage, large lot 86000. Buy this Ira Huteblaaoa and Bill Crouch. Garden —Parro— IMlry Prodoeta he camera fans. They will ba permitted 14 points, ws 'haven't hoard about Dodgarn—Fortner aeaittared six bits ■upset ths referee. With Bronson Houaaboid Oooda ...... Il ARTICLES FOR SALE 45 and enjoy a perfect home. Addrcn to go behind the acenee and photo­ it . . . Some of tha sxperta soy the there to help Mm out I somehow Macblnery and Toole ...... Ik Homelike, BMofali Board of Relief Beverly HUlo, CoUf. — Carl tniy coach, soirs Frank Murray' Tork Ut suooesMve borne runs to this time, but 90 of ths town's Loemmle, Sr.. 73, pioneer motion ! Murray's U. leading clUaeaa wore on their way Roo m Without Board ...... o f Virginia team wiU be the class beat Indloiia S-L U flrat gome; picture producer and preoldent of For Two Bus Lines la n pair ef bugs ebartarod atr- -NOT H/waufi aw m Om y turnsoc Boarder* Waatad v...... -U-a ELECTRICAL of the

taal dictator. (• tew iV BraWas r«t) .w *ee»* 88 ka firom 1906 to 1909c travel sfeoeld ba mada hk < Bights if ba o o w get kin hands m s fPAOETEIf MAMCIKEffrER EVEinffO IISRALD, HANCREBtEB. COiOtn MOSDAT, SEPTEMBER SS; 19M MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, 00NN„ MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 25,1939 F A « l o m B r .


fiAVFLtO 1 COULDN’T PCOPVC ste«— b u t i r ' JUBT A HMU1B.,«IIKRl^r B U Y SELL./;^llEMT//f^////;r C L /m SSIFIE l> — Sense and Nonsense — 6Y m e Fin d NOrtW'M’ A R * f r a n t i c - YOU'D *66N-*4* fl'1l4IN6« VU im »l«0/ 9in vjoiy TkAo eiLiaviN* A 'eitjtrooe. yjU D M sauRoaftsio) eUSRlFF.' The BiMlneee Man’e Prayer Marina (forporal (at party)—Do Aad New! VjDLP OH. LORD, I acknowledge Thy you know that ugly tap of an offi­ Hush, my darling children, don't ORfiSK. I existence and the existence of s let cer standing over there? He's the you cry. CAerroM, 1 of other things, leas godly, which I meonest'egg » have ever seen. You'll be paying taxes by and by! Sweet Young Thing-Do you v a n c can overcome only with Thy help GENCS A4 land the help of my own backbone. know who I am? I am officer's Friend- Ah, so your son Is tn col­ u R eaN T daughter; lege. How's he making It T annuuncements AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE « GARDEN—FARM- Lots FOR BALE 73 LEGAL NOTICES 78 1 fully realize that on oH handa are APpPALRlR. Invlalble forces, which seek my dc- Marine Corporal— Do you know Joe—He ain't. I'm making It— HE1.P10 DAIRY PRODUCTS M Reds Got Lead WED AKTHRITIS SUFFBRERfl. — Oet FOR BALE— 1938 Oldamobile aedan, FOR SALE—8 LOTS 30x150, Nya AT A COURT o r PROBATE HELD I stnictlon, and that. If I am to come who I am? he's spending It. at Manchester within and for th« Harvard's Prospects Poor Sweet Young Thing—No. R y d e r from Edward J. Murphy or The 1938 Dodge eedan, 1936 Dodge PICK YOUR OW N canning toma •treet Will aacriflee. Telephone District of Min^sstsr, on tb* ltd through unscathed, I must fight Oester Pharmacy, free InlereiUng aedan, 1937 Chevrolet Town aedan. toes. ISc per basket, and bring your 8992. day of September. A. D.. IIS*. I every Inch of the way. Marine Corporal Thank gTod- The children always know when booklet on new Oolloldhl Sulphur Each car ee ;l with radio and own container. 313 Birch Moun. Present WILLIAM 8. HTDE. Eaq.. Back Hard Way GIVE ME strength to lightly ness. there's company downstairs They FOR SA LE — AU'TUMN street, sU method to relieve achea—palna of heater. Prii for quick clear­ tain Road. Judge. But Coach Harlow Smiles bear my burden of living, and to ran hear mother laughing at fa­ choice lota. Tetephona 7029 6 to 8 Kaiate of Annie Scott lata of Man* ther's Jokes. Arthritis due to Sulphur dehclency. ance. Mam . .Motor Salea Inc. cheater, In aaid Dletrtet, deceaaed. amlle till my burden becomes a There Isn't as much giggling B12 Weet CenUr .ilreet. Telephone FOR SALE—CONCORD grapea. F, p. m. among the gtrle os there used to w -«y to take. Inexpenetve. SUL- The Administrator having exhibit­ Five-Game Sweep at Pitts* By Bill Blag k Since it tokos oo much time to Joy, for verily thia Is the secret of *s<- 4134. McClelland, 81 Lake streat. Tele­ ed hie administration account with be. Perhaps there la nothing left tn George—I thought your sister PHO-KAP8 aold on money back Cambridge, 2teas., Sept 28.— all earthly gladneas. phone 3339. said eatate to this Court for allow­ master hU intricate teachings. It It the world to giggle sbo\it. and her husband were Inseparable. guarantee If 30 daye trial doei not ance, It la burgh Puts Cincy 3V2 TEACH ME that sixty minutes 1937 CHEVROLET deluxe town I.EGAL NOTICES There have been so many tears shed likely Harlow will be forced to de­ Agness- Yes, It takes about four t brUif noticeable relief. ____ ORDLIlED—That the Kith day of pend upon only captain Torble Mac­ make one hour, sixteen ounces one OUT OUR WAY BY J. R. WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE ...... W 1 T H...... MAJOR HOOPLB aedan. 1936 Ford coupe, I93S Dodge September, A. D., 1919, at * o’clock Games in FronL over Harvard's woeful football proe- A life guard rescued a from j people to get them apart. aedan. 1933 A'lllya aeda;i, 1932 Ply HOUSEHOLD GOODS fil AT A COURT OF PRORATK HKLD Donald and Joe Cardelb. for the pound, and one hundred cents one at MancheAtftr within and for tha f/;renoon, at the Probate Ofrice, In pects that obeervers expect to see drowning; ' OW-OOH-H-H.' ^ mouth aedan. Cole Motors at the Manchester, be and the same le ae- bulk of the running, posting and dollar. vou OUGHT TO Be vOU n o t i c e I s n u f f v t o l d ' SNUFFVSOUTOF automobiles f o b s a l e I 3 ROOMS SLIGHTLY Oistrict tj( M miu lirntrr, 23d Cincinnati, Sept. 23.— (JP\—Say Dick Harlow moaning low and The Man —Nice work, old man. X man who has had considerable Center—6463. day of BaptRmhrr. A eigned for a hearing on the allow­ kicking until mid-season. Not before HELP ME to live so that I can TUANICFUL WE HAVE l i v i n g in T H ’ a f t e r HlS L ' ME THE OLD BOY TUNC ON THAT USED FU RNITU RE »147 Praaant WILUIAM 8 Ktq.. ance of aaid adminlatratlon account what you will, the Reds got It back wringing his hands when they visit then does Harlow expect his other lie down at night aith a clear con­ I would like to give vou $10, but experience says that about the only AN UNCLE WHO OWNS DAR K A G ES KIDS G O T ^ with said eatate, and this Court di­ tifn g that cannot be opened with a HAS BEEN IN A NOTE .CLANCY — 1933 FORD COUPE 1173, 1937 Original Price 1210— You aave 168. Judae. tha hard way and there's tha meas­ the stadium. flrft-strlng backs— BUI Coleman, science, without a gun under roy all I have is a $20 bill. A FARM--WE GET ALL ■ C C A U S E WE M ARRIED T h EV Chevrolet coupe. 1393, 1935 Ford Katata of Isoulaa V. Douaan lafa of rects the Admlniatrator to give pub­ Life Guard- Well, go out and i-an-opener Is s jackpot. TRANCE LATELY, TH' MAJOR HAS WANTED— AUTOS. Uaed 2 1-2 months—Looks like new. lic notice to all persona Interested Instead, they And that astute converted center, and Oharlle pillow, and unhaunted by the faces TH IS FO R n o t h i n g , a n d HAVE AN UNCLE MOVED T O ' 1-2 ton panel $125 Brunner Salea, Mancheatar, In aaid lilMrlct, dar^aa* ure of the team that's ready to lay sink again! INVENTIN' A SQUARE’ MOTORCYCLES Easy Terms Arranged—Free Deliv­ ad. \ therein to appear and he heard there- ornithologist as effusiv. as a coach Spreyer, sophomore—to do more of those to whom I hex'# brought rVE HAD TH’ CANS FOR O n a f a r m ; a n o t h e r s ta te DO PED OUT A 80 Oakland street. Open evenings. 12 <>n by puliltahing a copy of this order the Cards on the table or over the Clarence I never saw such ery. Fully Guaranteed— Free Stor­ On motloh, of K, Don Ban of barrel. who was six deep everywhere and than block and buck to bis satisfac­ pain. VEARS AND-- - - WHY? BECAUSE m e r r y - 6 0 - r o u n d GADGET TO MAKE Tel. 8191. W A N T E D -R E A S O N A B LY priced age. aafd Manrh#mh»*r. A, I), IS.I'j the immediate future with such doesn't know hla son's In college. late before. ha and tha aama ara limited and al- to thia Court. a full game off the Reds' 3 1-2-game backfleld, Charlie Ayres, another square, and In the doing thereof ACROSS THE KEEPIN' AN EVE ON AN' IT SOUNDS 1937 Packard sedan, 1938 Nash de­ but unfortunately, they had to break WILLIAM 8. HYDE stout courage Is a mystery, ^ rh ap s luxe aedan. 1938 Ford Tudor, 1936 lowad fop tha rraditora wUhln whl^h lead In the National League with a sophomore, took over the pivot posi­ that I may not stick the gaff where STATE LINE I HIM SO THE OKAY TO ME.' up housekeeping. The oiitflt con­ to hrlna In (heir rlaimt airatnat aatd Judge. he has covered himeelf with a long­ tion. Two fairly seasonec guards Ford coupe, 1936 Dodge sedan. BUSINESS SERVICES H-9-36-S*. 13-1 smash that shook the very It doee not belong. HOLD KVKKYTHINU BY CLYDE LEWIS I WON'T PUT HIM A\NAV, THINK \ME OUGHTA sists Ilf a complete bedroom, living patata, and tha aaid a«lmlnlatrator la term contract that has been kept a have been flanking him— Don Lowry, D E AFEN ME to the Jingle of Messier Naah. 10 Henderson Road dlrartad to five pnhlio n'«ilr«i ro the foundations o f Cincinnati faith. lFOR THE WINTER.' WAKE HIM SO HE OFFERED 13 room and Kitchen, ruga and numer­ secret, or has beautiful visions of one of the six availabls lettermcn, tainted money and the rustle of ous other articles to complete the rredltora to hrln* In their rinirna Now. as the boys take their flrst 1940-41. WON'T MISS H « within aaid tlma allowed hy poitlnir day of rest in two weeks and pre­ and Ernest Sergeant. unholy skirts. ERIGIDAIRE M ILK cooling sys­ home. Here la an unusual value If Three Star Players a Popjr of thia order on the ptihlle pare for tomorrow's supreme double­ A pair of "H " tackles ren ------ME to the faults of the SUPPER? tems and commercial Refrigera­ there ever was one. Any young •Ian poat naareat to the plaee where On tba surface. Harvard boa about Manchester Repair Roads struggle with the second-place St. Tom Healey and Moses Hallett ;-fellow, but reveal to me mine tion of all types. See us for qiiola- couple who la contemplating going tha daraated laat dwalt within aaM three outstanding players, a half- one of them, probably the M l llons on new and used equipment. town and by puhllahinir the anme jn Louis people, they are back up there Evenins Herald housekeeping soon should hot over­ aoma new'apaper havlnir a elmilatlon dozen others who ore promising and must make room for Verne Mlli, )E MR so that each night Elxpert service, Kemp'c Incorpor­ look this big bargain. and those Cards haven't lost a game In aatd prohate dlatrlrt. within ten At Buckland all the time. 24 youngsters who made the 1938 263-pound sophomore. In the flrst when I look across the dinner table CLASSIFIED ated. 7 FREE "COURTESY AUTOS" daya from the date of thIa order, and I Swept Pirates Aside freahman team the strongest Har­ string lineup. at the wife, who has been to me a ADVEKTISEMENl'S No matter where you live, wa will return maka to thia rourt of tha no- vard has bod In a decade. FREE WE TE.ST radio tubes for tlca Blvan, Eads Are Nnmeroas hleasing, I will have nothing, to ton- ORMTIST call for you at any time, you This grand show of what the I Count aiB uvorttcu «or4a to a uua shorts, as wsll as efficiency with­ WTMaTAM 1 nrr»K raedicoes call enteric stamina came Ordinarily, sophomores would not Ends ore numerous but ths most oeal. iBltUlE. u u m ^ n untf aburavtatioot to the store and take you back home State Highway DepL Is figure In Harlow's many plana that out charge. Latest R. C. A. equip­ during the Reda' triumphant march experienced one Is the smallest ot K E E P ME young enough to laugh •Mb ooasi •• • vord and oonpouno again. No obligation for this service. hinge on flawless execution and ment. Call 3680. Kemp's Inc. through the five-game Pittsburgh tba lot. Bartlow Kelly, 163-pound with my children and to lose my­ k m worda •• two words MintmoB) oost tt A-L-B-E-R-T-8 Rebuilding Approach­ spUt-second timing. He olwayt has orle« of tSrs« Mns*. series which closed yesterday with brother of Shaun, 1985 Crimson cap­ Hartford Store— 43 Allyn St. AT A r o r n T OF rnoHATK held that newcomers, especially self in their play. TEETH L1b« o«r dsp foi irsosisni n( Mnnrb^Rif-r within ani for th#* es to Hockanum Span. Paul Derringer's 24th win, 11 to 2. tain. He la by far the beat pass re­ AN D W HEN there comes the those be has seen at Harvard, need PAINLESSLY •ds ___ FUIKISTS— T*!«trlrf of Manrhfkflt^^r. f.n tht> 2:1/1 The series Included two double head­ ceiver on the squad, but his lack of smell of flowers, the tread of soft Uootloo ■•rob lt» IWt USED KITCHEN set. maple flnlah /lav of A. P a season's polishing with the scrubs. Cs«S Cbsrf* NURSERIES 15 ers and the Reds regained the lost weight tqay doom him to be an un­ steps, and the crunching of the table, 4 chairs, bargain. Also desk, rr«*a#nt WILLIAM fi. lITD r, Faa Men in the employ of the State Therefore, tt waa surprising when, ^EiaPACTED • COBSSCUllVd PspS •#! t StSi * JudirA. margin by taking both while the derstudy for George Downing, a 203- hearae’a wheels In ths gravel out FOR SALE— SHRUBBERY and rlced very low. Kemp's Inc. 763 Highway Department this morning after a week of practice, he Included pounder, or Joe Koufman. t COB»*COtiM« DspS aal 9 •!•! ll «ta lain. FatatA of Klvanor Tann#r 1at/» of started work on rebuilding the ap­ Cards won single games. In front of my place, make the cer­ t Par ...... I II otsi l> perennial plants. Inquire 21 Cedar £ Mfinrh^at^r In afiM PlFtrlrt. /1*-rAa«e/1 10 Bccond-yeor men on bis 26-mon "Pennaylvonla will be our strong­ All ordsrt for irrodulsr inaertiont street. proaches to the bridge over the Say that the Pirates were easy varsity squad. emony short and the epitaph sim­ BLUE CUSTOM built davenport, On mntlon of LucM1/> P .Tacni.* of picking and they were, but remem­ est opponent and Princeton the best «UI M obsrdtd •! th* 0D« (In * rat* Oiaaionhurv Conn., R. F. D,. No. 2 Hockanum river on the Buckland Storting without capable ends, ple—"HERE UES A MAN SpMlai rai«a for lont tarn •••ry used only few month.., several ber. they bad a little bill to settle— of the Big Three," Harlow predicted. admlnlaf rnf riy. cutoff. This bridge was not washed seasoned linemen, competent pass­ Homer McKee. day advartiainl fiva o uoon raguaat amallcr articles. Phone 4275. all the trouble the Reds made last "We should be able to make a good HEATINO - PI.UMMINO — on Pu nR P —That alx mon from out when the Adams dam gave ers and kickers and only a handful Ada ordarad bafora tba third or orth ha .3/1 /lav of flapt^mhvr. A P, year when Pittsburgh had pennant showing against the others.” day will ba eharfad only for tba aa- Ho o f in g a n d s id in g n •a and fhr aamo nr^ llm ltri an/1 a!- away, but the water cut tn around of tried carriers, Harlow has as­ The schedule: Oct. 7, Bates; 14, (aal Bumbar of timar tba ad appaar* the south approach. This was delusions. That bill la still due and STORIES IN STAMPS JRWlLl'AHfl AKE MIM? OH. m a c h in e r y a n d nwr/1 for thA rrr/lltnra with'n nhlrh sembled his unimpressive forces at Chicago: 21, Penm^vonla; 28, -t. It,,... ..c •d. ebarvlnt at tba rato tarnad but WE SPECIALIZE In applying roofs, o hrinr In thvlr oTalma aaninti aaf>1 lilled In and the road reopened with­ payable and the Reds hope It's a W HV M0TH B (»S g e t g r a y ______e - 1 » Give HIWV FIVE MORE m i n u t e s ,^ BO dllowanca or rafunda ean ba raadr with such skIH that they seem as­ Dartmouth; Nov. 4, at Princeton; 11, and asbestos aiding. Workmanahlp TINHJi 62 ^iatr, and !1ia aatd admInlatr.Ytrly l9 in a week or 10 days after the flood. bad debt. .gg-!M,KHfn! pD all tlma ada atoppad aftar tba /ilrrrtrd to wIvA nubile notlra to thr sured of a fa ir' share of November Army; 18, New Hampshire; 23, guaranteed. Estimates freely given The roadway leading onto the Well, what's the future bpld? success. eftb day. TRACTORS, SILO flilers, plows, rr-difora to bring In thrir rlnlmn Yale. Ho **tUI forbida**! display lioaa oat Also carpentry, palqting. A. A uitbln anid tlma allowrd bv poatinir bridge, lowever, was not fully re. Mainly those four earth-shaking •old. Dion Inc., 81 Wells. Tel. 4860. harrows, gas engines. Fordion a ropv of thia ordar on tha pnbllr paired. Because of the two bridges games with the Cards, two tomor­ B(M)TS AND HER BUDDIES Boola Knowa BY EDGAR MARTIN Tba Barald will oot ba raaponaibia parts. See us for your needs. Dub­ • Ifin noat nr-irrat to tha plarr whrro on Adams street being washed out, row and one each Wednesday and for Bora tbaa oaa Ineorrsat inaeriion lin Tractor Company, Wllllmantic. •ba darr»aad laat dwalt within aaid pair of tackles who con tackle . . , af aay advartltsmsiil ordered tor it was not possible to start the re­ Thursday, and tf the earth Isn't L CAVWCE. HEba pobiiah- sky. 182 BIsaell street. Tel. 3879'. sl| they get. They have beaten each Kingsport, Tenn., sizes up the Ten­ «W. V4ANON - The bridges on Adams street and nessee football team: era aad laar roaorva tba Raht to other nine times this year and two •n ' k i s o m adit, ravtts or roloet any seay oea- the guard rails have been complet­ Line by Maglnot; hips by SaUy Pittsburgh Terror to Risk AT A ri)i-nT OF rnonATF iiEi.n games were ties. From- aueb a form "1 want the word ‘pniiilesajj'* taken off. I nearly sprained aldarsd oblsatlonabla BUSINESS ed. There Is still some filling to Rand; facial expresslona ^ Vic IS ROOMS WITHOUT '»t M'**Tbo'*»»T Mllhin and for tha chart they should divide the series, Light Heavy Title in Red Cross Answers Plea my arm on a patient this morning I” - CLOdINO HOURS—Claaailod OPPORTUNITIES 32 r»latrb’t of Monrhanfar. on tha ?3d be done on both sides of Mth McLaglen; paaaes by Annie Oakley: to ba aabllabsd ssata day wasl b BOARD 63 • 1,1V bridges. While It Is possible to use barring rain, which hasn't barred aalvsS by 11 s'aloeb aooa; Sataidaya of Sapf/'mitar. A P. 103'i muslcles by Charles Atlas; rushes Return BouL To Relieve War Suffering OPPORTUNl'TY—LARGE Refining Praaant WM.LIAM 8. IIYPH. Kaq the street and the bridges, the anything here for three weeks and by Theta Pal; blocks by BUI Borah; FLAPPER FANNY BY SYLVIA UM. Co. often on lease-rental baala. FOR R E N T -'L A R G E room com­ Jndaa. the farmers are howling. 'pHE firing of the first gun on l-'atrita of Jamaa MrVaIgh Inta of roadway was badly washed out and worda and music on the team’s TELEPHONE YOUR thoroughly modem, well equipped pletely fumlahed for light house only temporary repairs have been Further, both teams have Just won Pittsburgh, Sept. 28— rF^—In cau­ tbs German-Follsh war front M.irv'ba/itar. In aa'd Platrlr* /lara-'a-'-i chances sung by MaJ. Bob Ney- tious days like theee, when the av­ was the signal for the Interna­ WANT ADS gasoline service station with going keeping, steam heat. Grube. 109 Tba Txarntor hiving ayhIMfad t>l* made. Men are also working on seven straight, which cancels out land by special pemilsslon of the erage champion demands shout tional Red Cross to go Into action. Ada aro aassstad ovtt tbs Ulapboaa business. Requires moderate capl' Foster street flnni admlnUtratton arroiint with Adams street todsy. the confusion of all but second- co p y ri^ t ownere, the Am algam ate aS tba OKAROB BATB glvon sbo«o tnl Investment and wll. provide aaid aafita to thia Pourt for allow guessers. everything except s federal penslan Alree^ the American Red Crou aa a aoavoaioneo to advortioora, but anra It fa. Deeping Towel Manufacturere Asso­ tha OASB RATEa w ill bo aoeopiod oo good Income for ambitious opers' OlUiKHKP^That tha SOth dnv /, Now. should the serips go both ciation. and the lemonade conceeslon for has answered Poland's appeal for r O U . PATMCNT If paid at tba bual- tor. Address Box X, care of Herald. BOARDERS WANTED 59 A 8rt)t4*mbar A. P. 1'»3'‘. at •' oVlork ways, the Cards can pay demurrage risking bis crown, the attitude of help with a $80,000 shipment of aaaa al ao oa ar bafora Iba aaaantb foranoon. at (ha Probata OfflcA, In Manchester on their sidetracked championship this town’s BiUy Conn la refreshing. hospital tents, d r ^ and blankets. day M le w la a tba drat laasrtion ot W AN TE D — ELD ERLY people to ■aid Mnncbaatar. ha and iho aama la plans until 1940. The Reds would aaalgnad for a hvaring on tba allow, BUfy la making the flrst dafense Devoted to a single cause—“ to WASH TUBBS There She Blowal BY ROT C8AIOI Saab ad stharwisa tba CHAHUK HELP WANTED— board and room In home, with still be 3 1-2 games ahead with but of bis Ught-heavywelght tltls hers press forward, In a human and JtATB w ill ba eollaetad. No rooponoi- steam heat, and all convenlencea nnra of anId adminlatratlon acrount Date Book State Sports with Bald aatata, and thia Court dl- three games to play. tonight against swarthy Mriio Bet­ truly civlUasd spirit, the attempt blllty tar errors Is tslipbonod ado FEMALE * S& located at Bolton Center. Reason TM tNir w ill ba aaaasMd aad thalr aoearaey rarta tha Kgrrutor to giva piiMIr no If the Reda could count on taking tina, tha Beacon, N. Y., scrapper to prevent, or at least alleviate, aaaaat bo gaarsatoad. EXTRA MONEY—W e P A Y YOU able price. Telephone 8661. lira in all paratina Intaraitrd tbrrrin Coming Events. '’HimilS: to appaar and ba h'*ird tharaon i.y their laat three ghmea from Pitts­ By The Associated Press from whom be won It only a few the horrors ot w ar"—this vast or- $5.00 for Mlllnt ten II.OC boxes. AO Sept. 30 — Informal dance at burgh, they would need but one INDEX OF puitllablng a ropv thia ordar In Country club. West Haven, Sept. 28— (JT)— The months ago, and Billy doesn't avsn ganizatien of 20 million members beautiful aiaorted ChrUtmaa cards, aotna n/'wapafiar having a rlrrulatlon game from the Cards, but that New Haven Proa trounced the New works 0* both sides o f the battle CLASSIFICATIONS APARTMENTS, FLATS* In aaid Platrlrt. flv/* i4*iva bafora aold Oct. 1—Annual banquet of Sub- have tha promise of a return bout with or without name Imprinted might be Pie Tra3mor‘s chance to Britain Cremoa, 8 to 1, In a belated in case he loses! lines, in prison camps and refugee StftlM s a SRJSMSM s S s ••*•••• SJR sell 11.00— your profit 50c. Free day 4vf hanrlng and return maka to Alplne club on Eldridge street. TENEMENTS thia Cifurt, m ^ e a nuisance of himself. Tha state baseball league contest that Ha didn't wont oue, he' told pro­ centers. Ensbsaeasts ...... sample offer. Thomas Doran Co., Oct. 14-15— State Convention of Cards wind up with three against MbPflabad s ### as •# ## WILI.I.VM S. HYPF handed the loop's title to the West moter Mlqual Jacobs, who employes Sixty-two nations have signed 28FA. White Plains. N. Y. FOR R E N T—8 ROOMS, dll Im- Jiidga. Luther League at Concordia Luth­ Chicago, whom they have licked 11 Oaatbd a aoa a a a *sssssssas asassa a Haven SaUors. The teams clashed s fuU-tlme "house” lawyer for the the treaty which guarantees pro­ Card ot Tbdbka ...... provementf, garage, wired for elec­ if-K-?r.-3y, eran church. of 19 times. lb MaBMrtan saasaaaaaaaasaaaa WANTED— WOMAN TO WORK tric atove, 30 Rusaell. Inquire on Oct. 16-17—State Convention of In a postponed game and victory for aole purpoae o f writing water-tight tection of Red Crou workers. Face Reds' Aces Other International pacta are IdOOt aad HOOOd aMSaaabaaaaaaa* Thursday and Saturday this week. premise*. Knights of Pythias here. Ray Blades' little charges can the New Britain club would have contracts In which ebamptona get AaaOaPOaMMOta asaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Apply at once. 173 Maple strait Oict. 27— Dance of Private Duty caused a flrst place tie with West oil tha best o f IL acrapped and forgotten, but this FaraOaala aooossiaaa-oasasaaaaaR FOR R E N T—6 ROOM tenement. 29 count on facing tha great pitching one remains Inviolate. SwUt, WoofI Pile Burns Nurses Association at Country club. Haven. Waato LanlB Bout WANTED-<<3IRlf POR bookkeep- Oook street, acmaa from Manchea' firm of Derringer and Walters, Oct. 28— Hallowe'en party and which has beaten them six of eight "W hat do I wont with one of World-Wide condemnation follows AaiomobUas fo r Bala ...... i InF and genarsl office work, local. ter Green school. Apply 27 Cook any reel or aUeged violatloa. AutOBObllaR for Csehansa .aba* I dance at Country club. tries. Bucky will pitch one tomor­ Torringtoo, Sept. 28— (JT)— Gra­ those return things?” be asked tha 9 6 **1 )1 1 ,NOLY w m SnURAre Auto Aoeaaaorlaa^Tlraa Write Box N, Herald. street. In Local Cellar The Red Crou was organized ...... i Nov. 10 — Minstrel show and row and Gene Thompson the other, ham Reid. Farmington pro, and flabbergasted Jsootw. 'T f I can’t 0 Ante R«palrlfia—PsIotlDd 1 78 years ago by a Swisa, Henri E'OR R E N T—4 ROOM tenement on dance of King David Lodge, Hollis­ probably against Curt Davis and Phil McDonald ot Torrington, reg­ knock that mug out this time 1 P! |va67All6 10 Am Y TM TORCH. AQta Soboola ...... t-J WANTED—GIRL OVER 18 for ter street school. Dunaat, and ita development was Autoa 8htp t f Track ...... I W'eat Side, modem Improvements. Bort Cooper. Gene hasn't any record istered a aeven-under-par 68 to win dont' want Um doing me any fa­ housework, general cleaning, light rapidly advanced through the cf- K3 Aotoa— Por Hire ...... I washing, some knowledge of cook' Inquire SO Holl street The Manchester Are department against them yet, but he's been hot the flnal pro-member tournament at vors. A ll I want to know Is when Oaragea—dlervica—^ lo ra s a saae* U recently. Then, If Lee Grlsaom, the Connecticut P.O.A. slate at the farts of Florence Nightingale, a MotorcyeUo— Bicyolaa ...... a* II ing preferred. Must stay nights. was called on an alarm from Sta I fight Joe Louis, ru fight him a ^ FOR RENT—3 1-2 ROOM apart­ whom they have beaten thrice, can ■rltish nurae, and on Amarican, Wanted Aotoa—Motoreyelea 11 Write Box O. Herald. tion 63 at 6; IS lait night, calling K. of C. Planning Torrington country club. hla brother at the same time for ths ALLEY OOP DflWMsfDoom ment with private bath; all con­ show the goods he threw at Pitts­ CUra Batten, tha CIvU War'a BY ?. T. BAM Ull ■••!•••• and aerrteee the department to 104 Homestead Ufty n^nd Pastor got" venlencea. Orford Building, 869 burgh, It's all over. -A n gri e f the Battleflelds.” Nurae Bualnaaa 8 «rv ie«a Ul7«rtd ...... i l street 'The Are, the firemen dlS' U tne reader altould Infer that Hous«bold Bervicaa Offarad Main, Apply Marlows. Fall Activities All of which may mean nothing Barton waged a' long fight for @UrTE SOME tlME HAS ELAPSED -ruKi .-v#® WHATf JUST UKSTHES BvIo RE W EMI»TY^^_ . HELP WANTED—MALE 36 covered, was tn the cellar of the Billy la cocky, that -would bo smart vO f THEME T » N 7 * / \ 0 ”» A HOAM IT S afld toa—<^D trM tlD g ...... to the slugging trust of Medwlck, League Standing America’a participation in tha •MCE OOOLA CnSJNG ASA rjgw ^P A fiT TEN YEAR* Of rionatc^NureerUa ...... TWO MEN OVER 21, neat appear­ FOR RBINT—5 ROOM flat, second home of Carmelo Lombardo. Shin­ reading between tha lines. ThUng Rad Craw. a n d t h e g r e e k T R o l w f m i\AND •EA*.«Mm A W 0008N ffunara) Diraetora ...... MIxe, Slaughter tt Oo. a o p pe au ' raSai M ) DAWNS. TO RSVEAL, 4AV8 aONE^ WHAT* T lfA r v w s e m ra ance. fair education, capable of floor, 22 Chestnut, one bedroom on gles and Are wood woa plied In the them pound for pound, BUly possibly The 79th anniversary e f the CHIEFTAIN. ULVSSES. LAID GUAKOFOBr ' nwmV ^ mob of C Haating—PlarDbtna-^Rooflns cellar and this took Are. The cause Following ths meatlng of Camp­ HOC Insuranea ...... talking to groups. Must have car. third floor. Improvements. Inquire Staadlags Is ths chestlest champ alnee Jtdm U feunding o f the Red Croee was ■^CAMPED IN OUR ^ THERE ON TH9 bell Council, K. o f C „ tonight there 4- PLAN* FOR TH E DOWNFALL MllllnerT«»Or«aamtaind .... Write Box D. Herald. 43 Church. of the blase wax not learned. The Notloaal SulUvan. and If John L. ever had eommemerated by the raoant “ 3 k FR O N T SARD ^PtAINF flrerpen were able to keep the Are will be a roast beef supper served. V Q g I u o p « Moving—Truckins—(^toraf* W. L. P.C. pegged a spittoon at Cfonn be wohld French semi-postal, dbove, show­ Public PasBcnsar Herwlce .. conflned to the burning wood in the The meeting tonight wUl name ths Sports Roundup "What”! I do? He bought aix but he doean’t want 'am Hr I'LL HELP YOU GET started In a CJlnclnnatl ...... 93 84 .833 have had a light on Us bands. ing Florence Nightingale. Painting—Papering ...... cellar, although smoke mode Its committees for the various activi­ llvered until Friday nlghy* Profeeeional Mrvtcee ...... fine-paying Tea and Coffee Route. BUSINESS LOCATIONS S t Louis . easaesea S9 87 .610 Though he woo from Bettina only Repairing ...... No ex|>erlence required. Complete FOR RENT 84 way through the house. 'The loss ties of the council, to serve from now Bv Eddie Rrlets Brooklyn .. eeeaesea 7ft 66 .842 by a cloae decislaa the laat time, New York, Sept. 28.— — Paul Tailoring-*Urrtng—Cleanins equipment fumlahed free to re- was not fixed by Chief Roy Gris­ until January 1. (Chicago ...... 80 69 .887 the Pittsburgh terror won't talk i l Toilet QocMle and Service ... lliible persona. Immediate eamlnga. FOR RENT—DESIRABLE office wold as an investigation Into the A dart league will get underway Junior, the Maine lightweight, has New York ...... 72 72 JlOO TUUNERV1LLE FOLKS BY PUNTAINB FOX Wanted—Buetnee* Service • this week and other acUvIUea will Just completed a $26,000 apartment anything but knockout tonighL Write E. J. -Mills, 7372 Monmouth, space, BUsh A Quinn building, case la being made by Policeman Pittsburgh ...... 67 81 .483 Johnny Ray, his manager, la betting IM aeed eaal Cincinnati, O. formerly occupied by Manchester W’alter Cssaella and Chief Griswold. start later. It Is expected the in Lewiston, bought with his savings Boston ___ ...... 60 83 .420 Coaraea and Cleeeve ...... committee In change of the carnival from 300 fl^ts . . . Tbs pitcher Bettina doesn’t go the IS. So are a Private (naiructiona ...... Chamber of Commerce, seperata Philadelphia ...... 44 101 JOS lot o f the home town fans. BiUy is IB Dancing ...... WAN'TT'ID— EXPERIENCED meat consultation rooms, ^ p l y A. A. held last month, will bs able to give losing the most gomea In the 20 Jun­ Araerteoa * r cutter. Write Box XYZ care of The ior world’s eeries Is Bob Grove (now so smaslngly popular that there Mueicel—Dramatic ...... Knofla, or Manchester Pig. A Sup- Si an almost completed report. There W. L. P.C Wanted—Inairociiooa ...... Herald, giving experience and ref­ No Change in Time with tha Red Sox) who dropped will be cloee to $100,000 worth of ? 9 ply CO. has been on unusually Urge number New Totic .707 erences. eight and won four for Baltimore'...... 104 48 customers to watch him go at rieaaclaJ who have stmned to lake port in the 60 .802 66 sj/ Tteaiwesessassseacsa.^ Sonde—Stocke— Sunaagee activities being planned. Boston University gridders voted Boston ...... 87 Forbes field. Bualneaa OppurtuniMca . . . . . For Local Trains Chicago ...... 83 68 .861 il Cliff Betties the best |dayer they From sU Indications, Bettina has Honey to Loan ...... HOUSES FOR RENT 65 Cleveland ...... 82 66 .884 HELP WANTED—MALE ever saw. BIU Osmanskl was sec­ trained well and Is confldent. The H ele aeu •lia atlea e Detroit .... 70 J24 FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Doabting ThomaE BY MERRILL BLIMSER FOR RE.VT—BOTH SINGLE houses ond . . . Henry Annstrong'e fight ...... 77 southpaw atlU has s atlffer punch Help Warned —F tmale ...... sa OR FEMALE 37 Railroads on Parade Washington ...... 68 83 .426 Help W anted—U au ...... I f and two family flats, first class picture Is being held up by retakes than Osnn, even though Billy boosts Thera has been no change tn the Philadelphia ...... 83 98 J88 Saieamen Wanted ...... I I 'A W ANTED —TWO MEN. one woman, condition, excellent location. Ap­ . . . North CaroUna 60. Citadel 0. that be has put on "tw o good, solid wKjNES OM3f Tim »J* Tfo Irfc NOT Help W anted—M eif or Fem ale.. I i time of trains arriving and dapart- St. Louis ...... 41 106 .279 alngl. or married. Local people ply Edward J. Holl. Telephone Ing from the local railroad station. Have they been hiding something pounds" since they lost fought VDU SQUaiM A m r----->SH h a w M V ___ Agenta Wanted ...... l i ' A At the World’s Fair down there T HOLD our loum i aesoi AT tm — xvm Situaiiuna Wanted —Kcrnala .... I» with pleasing personalRy preler- Manchester 4642 or 8025. The flrat train In the morning from Also. Bettjns will have Jimmy 8T1LL HAV* TH A T arHBW OALS o a r A RMOL. Situallona Wanted —Mala ...... ttt Today's Onest Star red. ns sales and (tiling atatlon Hartford la at 0:29, the same aa In Bronson In bis comer tonight and PHONW NUMME, fO A t f y J O * Employment Acenctea ...... fv Roy Shudt, Troy (N. Y.) Times- workers and as officers of a es­ the past and the train from Boston, Yesterday's Stars that might prove Important. Lire arveh— Fete—Ponllry— Vcklclee Reeord: *T ooe where BIU Terry tablished $10,000 business, to be in­ HOUSES FOR SALE 72 going weat. arrlvea at the same time On Saturday, Saptembar M, the Melle Net Tee Smart Doga—Si rda—Pete ...... ai Railroads In the eoetera port of the may peddle 'Benaaos' Bonura . . lalve Stock — Vehiciee ...... ar corporated. Each must aubsertbe before, 11:51. The train going Meho, If ha will pardon the ■ m FOR SALE OR RENT—Large mod­ United Statee wUl be celebrating at isn't that quite a comedown for a By The Aaaociatad Press Poultry and duppiiea ...... ai and pay for 150 shares of 6 percent east at night at .6:24 la aa In the erty. Is not recognised aa one i Preferred Stock at $10.00 per. a em Colonial bouse, excellent neigh­ past and the train from Boston at the Wortd'e Fair. That diy hoa guy who used to deal exclusively In Max Lanier, Cardinals — Hdd Wanted— Peia— Pounry—Atocli tt smarter fighters, tn his other Pet dale ■MIeeetlaeeeae total of $1500 each. Can you flll the borhood.'Inquire at Gerard SU night arrives In Manchester at 8:39, been aet aside os Railroad D v . and ivery?” Cubs to four hits. Articiea For Sale ...... %t, order. 'The JOB la waiting for you. also tmehanged. There la a alight a number of special events o f par­ Tha HaskeU Indiana who used to Babe Dahlgren, Yankees—Knock­ with Conn be at tlmm badly' Boat! end acceaaoriea ...... aa See Mr. Grant, owner of Communi­ FOR SA LE —SEVEN room bouse change made In the train that goea ticular Interest to railroad fans has meet and beat the best, now ploy ed In winning run against Senators ed someone to tell him what Suildloi Matariala ...... at In flne quiet nelf. ty Finmg Station. 139 No. Main dpiborbood, north ot th ro u ^ Manchester on Sunday, the been arranged. Arrongementa have strictly a prep achooi schedule with douUa In tb# slath and started next He never did quite Uiamonda—Waichee-^ewelry .. aa Middle Turnpike, excellent condi­ Blecmcal Appliaocea—Redin .. a» street, Manchester, Conn. train from Boston arriving at Man­ been made to have a epodal Mtow- Note to P. B. Selma, Ala.: I f Ford- aad flalshed triple play. out- where a certain left lab was tion, modem, sun parlor, Are place, roej and Feed ...... as^A chester 22 minutes inter. Ing of "Railroads on Parade- for bom backers ore giving Alabama Ira Hutehlnaon aad BIU CMueh, coming from, though bo appsorsd to Garden —Farm— Dairy Prodneu ba garage, large lot $6000. Buy this 14 points, we haven’t heard about camera fane. They srill ba permitted Dodgers— Former scattered alx hits Ktspoct ths referee. With Bronson Botiaebold Goods ...... *i ARTICLES FOR SALE 46 and enjoy a perfect home. Address to go behind the acanea and photo­ it . . . Some of the experts aoy the thars to help him ou t 1 aomahow Mactiinary and Tools ...... bi Homelike, Box K. Herald. Reds' pitching will os the difference over eight tnninga o f relief pttchlag: Musical lostrumeota ...... ba graph the spectacle itom oU ongtaa. •xpect MeUo to give Conn his lumtks FOR s a l e :—MEN'S rebuilt and re- In that ssriaa with the Cords start­ latter limited PhiUiee to eame num­ Y S N lE T i . y':. Office aad Store Eguipmeni «... b« Deaths Last Night ber la nightcap. tonight Spaclala at (be Storee ...... ba lasted shoes Better than new cheap ing tomorrow . . . The Invitations Beacon’s two bonds were not able W aartns Apparel— P a rs ...... b’< shoes. See them. Sam Yulyes, 701 Haak Greenberg, Rudy York aad to Lon Ambers’ wsddlng are out . . to come here and toot for their hero W a a t a d - ^ Bay ...... $1 Main. Secures Agencies BOl Roftsiy. former Virginia mfli- Dlssy Trout. TIgwa—Greenberg aad SCORCHY SM irn M as OvErbofltA BY JOHN C. TEKKV ■ •• ■ a M iard— Ml Board of Relief Beverly HlUe, Calif. — Carl this time, but 80 o ( ths town's ■aain scM tn to iy coach, eaira Frank Murray's U. York hit suecsssive heme niaa to Loemmle, 8r., 72, pioneer motion o f Virginia team wiU ba the dees beat Indlaaa^ 2-1, In flrst game; landing ctUaens wars on tbsir way Rooaia Wttboui Board •• ... at picture producer and prealdent of For Two B i| s Lines In a pair o f hug# ehortsiod oir- -NOT Maws ssv m om v Tuanaaour THeWNOW, ^ •oATdara Waatad a...... aa-a ELECTRICAL o f the old dominion this jroar. Tront aeattersd three hlta to take MMU.— waMT, A aaAUTWUL flMMrr roaaaTTan* Oaaatry Board—Raaorts . South Manchester the Universal Pictures Corporation. Hete’s News the five-Inning nightcap. Pl“ “ - Beacon is vary proud of its Hatela—Raetauraoie APPUANCES—RADIO 49 Stroudsburg, P o .-F lo y d OlbbotM, fighter, too. 'M * . aAvf roa ssv l u n c h -— ndw/l jSBurMia T9Me./i Ths Arkansas Raaorbaeks, with Joe Cronia. Red S ea-H it his 19th 82, noted war oorreepondent, moga- Robert J. Dlckaon, proprietor e f tm T/uriN* wm t o o m n * Fet M«af EASY W a s h e r , reconditioned and Fire District a powerful line averaging 211, are homsr to Isad tsam to vittory ovtr Agortaania riata Taotmtau .. ■Ina writer, rodlo^nd movie short the center tra vel Ageney. onnoime- ready to rastga their title as the guaranteed, a very good machine. producer. B AUdstlea. aistsst uteatleaa (orJasai ... Priced exceptionally low. Kemp's Notice la hereby given to all tax­ ed today that his agency wiO hare- -poosingest team in the nation” In ■ oeaaa For Baal Aidnmre, Po— T. J. Sklllman, 62, after handle the tlcfeet btiMneea o f Paul Dsrringer, Reds— Got U s ■barbaa Far Beat .... Inc. 763 Main. payers in thb South Manchester favor of a more conservative ground 94th triumph o f ssasoa with sevea- engineer-consultant of the Pennsyl­ the Arrow Bus Line to Providence. attack. Quotations- ar BoaMS For Baal Fire District that a Board of Re­ vania railroad. U t pltdblag against Pirates. 6 to Rsat ...... This lino, operates aevera’ t r ^ OfiSdoI announcement o f where lief meeting wlU be held tn the London —Rear Admiral Barry Harry Gumbert, Giaats, and FUEL AND FEED 49 A Aaseeeora office In the Municipal dolly from Itertford through Man­ Frank Frlech is going may not ba Bing ham, retired, 58, commander of chester to the Rhode U u m oipttaL mods until oftsr. the ssasoc. but Georgs Bamlcls, B sss T otm et wot^ ^ A a y o n a has a right to nm for tbs Building Monday, Sept. 23, from 7 flrst gams oo ssv«n-hit huriiag; FUEL—RANGE oil 6 I-2c 00 gal or the ISth deetroyer Flotilla at Jut­ In addition, tha O w ter Travel e voiy body hare seams to think It's to S p. m., for the purpose of haar- land. and aide de comp to King over, furnace oil S l-2c 200 x b l or Agency holds tha decal tnuMhIse tee P ittsburgh . . Ooan vn. Bsttinn to- Uttsr’s rsllat pitching took alght- B arry s. ‘ (1 5 Ing any and all oomplolnta regard­ George V in IM l. cop. over. Furnace wood 1-2 cord 4 ft ing ths tax itat. Blueway TraUwaye whkh eperatae iilglit vriU bs-Mttaburgh’sTfirst 178- Ricnaemd. Va —P redeiick WlUlam Brie M cNair aitd L a n y Bnaswthsl, wood tawed stove lengrh $4A0. William J. Crockatt, to pointa In an eunwm dlng etatea. ' title match, although both Fireplace wood sawed to order Scott, 77, prominent Virginia flnon- Tha Center Tmeel Ag Grab and John Hom y Ltw is Whlta S«c—FOnAor drova hi thzos TO my mind the nentmllty hm PrdskldDt, citr. * $5.00 cash. Koppera Coke 1-2 ton E. L. G. H o h a n S ^ J r „ located In the Odd FeUoWs tha "Smoky C ity- home. nma with thrsa hits In flrst' gams; 6 > ^ t to be peoposed . . . wffl eo- Unpolii. Neb.-Brneet Mark Pol­ on Main atreet and the telephone $6.23,1 ton $12.00 cash. L. T. Robert J. Smith, Oeorsa Munger, kood coech at Penn.. latter aiaglad two horns la fo ^ n m tabHah our tSkH sw cuUv t aa . vlr- Cb. PbotM 4406, lard. 70. Oongreesmon from Nebroa- number U MS6. RieerveUene tor would bo alooBinff...... Oprtsiffff #8COOd ffW* taal dictator. (■ M A 't o flMtelas p « l kB f r i n 1905 to 1906l travel Aeidd be mnSe Bi ndvenee, alghta If U m SS get kis Bands on a