SATUBDAY. SETTEieHn S8.1»M Tha Waather Autrlifstnr Cvniina IHrraUk Average Daily Circoktlen Fetaeaat: e f U. a Waathi Per the Meath o f Aaguek 18W donation of madical and boapital U gh t ahewara t ^ M suppUaa urgantly ntsdad, tbs cleariag Tneeday menriai Red Cross Here American Red Crooe baa approprt- 8 F K n A L FU E L Scandia Lodge on. 6,150 late taolghti awMh oaeiei About Town British-American Club atad $50,000 toward meeting tUs I 24-Hoar Senrice! Mm A ov if tha AiMIt aad Tueaday alghk need and will at once aeeuie a lunwipriiic Bweaa e f CTrcMattia i Ready to Assist quantity o f hospital tents, blankets, L. T. WOOD CO. ____ MancheMterr-~A City oj Village Charm \ Picks Officers and drugs for shipment to Poland, ia m n y t U i B. Goto r*rlaui«d To Celebrate Tonight Phono 4496 M ft afteead Tftftr fttodftnt at the chairman, Norman H. Davia. MATTRESS sU U a MANCHESTER, CONN, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1939 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS tlM UMvanttr e ( OoMMetktit. Min -a» W ill Aficept G»ntribu* VOL. LVIIL, NO. 303 Adverttelag aa Page it ) Ita m tr tte Ooift Iftft Ttinnday and M n. John E. Johnson Formally Open the New la anroOad aa a fteahman at Jaekaon Engaged to Wetl lions for War Relief; Oellafa, Mftdford. Man. Elected Qiairman; Big $ 1 2 . 9 5 AUCE COFBAN Home on Maple Streel Is Strictly Impartial. B A LV A 'nO N ARMT INVITEH SPIRITUAL MEDIUM District Meet Tonight. YOU TO ATTEND HUNDAY Allif!^ Fear Flank Attack Rally day win bt obaervad at the To Large Membership Seveath Daagbtef of a Seveath Soa galvadaa Arm y citadel tomorrow The American Red Croas has an­ SCHOOL W ITH THEM Bom With A VoB -Mra. John C. Johnaon of Clinton with a apacl^ nrrlca of aong at —Supper at 5 p. m. nounced through its’ Central Com­ Special program! Jmiler Bknd KEMP'S RaadlBgs Daily 8 A. M. ta 0 P. M. Nazis Announce Sub ■treet will be installed as chairman French Open Attack V;80 a. m. by the Toung People’a will play! William Perrett wli; Or By AppohitaieaL la the Servleo of Scandia Lodge. No. 33, Ordar of mittee, that contributions for relief Stnctiig Company, entitled. "Send Wheraver s British subject goes play a coraet solo. -Imlor choir of the People for SO Yean, Vaaa, on 'Thursday evening, Octo­ In connection with the preeent con­ will render service of aobg. m ChBicb StreeL Hartford, Coaa. Out Thy LUr<lt’^ The new Junior he finds the home ties strong. Any \ Band »tH play for tlie drat time and ber 6, at Orange hall when the lo­ flict will be received to be expend­ "Send ont Thy light." Pfeoao d-2887 cal fraternity holds a Joint Inatalla- William Perrett will render a comet number of Britishers, placed In a n y ! ed for needed supplies which will aolo. tlon with Nutmeg lodge of West quarter of the globe and within ; HAVE YOUR CAR Sinking of Warship; be distributed Impartially In ac­ Hartford. Mrs. Johnson was elect­ easy reach of each other, an organ- | On Nazi’^ Positions; ed chairman at a meeting ’Thuredey cordance with the usual policies of REPAIRED AT "ABEL’S” Mra. Cleon Chapman of Strickland Isatlon will aprtng up. Tonight will | the Red Croas. street wUl be hoaten to the members night. mark the seventeenth year alnea : Other officere elected were: Mrs. Strictly Impartial CUT BATE AUTO REPAIBS of the Red and White club of Sunset the present Brltlsh-Amerlcan club Funds so received will be used to EXPERT O. Rebekah lodge, this week-end at her Elmer Thoren. vice-chairman; Carl Bear 80 Cooper Street was formed and after this period purchase and transport hospital e o tt^ e St Point O’ Woods. J. B. Andereon, racordlng secre­ of years the usual patience, which tary: Earl Anderaon. assistant re­ and medical supplies to the Red LANDSCAPING Pl^n for Long War characterizes this nation, la evi­ Select a Artillery Paves Way Cross society in the country so des­ Manchester Aanmbly. No. 15. Or­ cording secretary: Ivar Carleon. fi­ dent. This .imall band has expand­ der of Rainbow, will hold lU regu­ nancial eecretary; Arvld Guetafeon. ignated by the donors. The tradi­ AND GRADING ed. slowly to be sure, but steadily, tional policy of impartiality of the lar meeting Monday evening at 7:15 assistant financial secretary: John until It now has a membership of U m Jadgment in Reading ] Official Comittunique Re> at the Masonic Temple.' The In­ Hultln, treasurer; Viols A. ’Thoren. Red Croas la maintained by reason BRANFORD Impatient at Longevity about three hundred. The formal Bombard Main Fortifica­ British Airmen European W ar Dispatchea stallation of ofllcers will follow at chaplain; William Carlson, master of the fart that It will be willing, • Tree Moving Warsaw Radio ports U'Boat Destroy­ opening of the new clubhouae on After His Wife’s Death -------- ) 8 o’clock and will he aeml-publlc. of ceremonies; John Miller, assist­ as conditions warrant, to receive For Yoort of Low Cost C A LL 8619 tions of Siegfried Maple street will 'lak e place this funds designated for relief In any Every government Involved In ing British Destroyer; M in Bernice Wilson will be the In­ ant master of ceremonies; Evan Strvico O Licensed Tree Work Lebanon. Ore.. Sept. 25.— (8^— uiTUkHtPoaita evening at ^ o'clock. of the countries Involved but In For Kingsbury's Line; Shells Scream Survey Enemy, the European war and soma not stalling worthy advisor; Miss Beulah Johnson, Inner guard; Rudolph Weary of waiting for death, Describes New^ WATCHINatMIVtnX How Organised general It will not be the policy of OUST CHINCH I engaged In It are operating No Details or Identlft” Robb. Installing marshal, and Miss Carlson, outer guard; Frldeborg Five yeara following the World Across Rhine; Hit at William R. SUnton. 81, disap­ Doiis Gibson. Installing chaplain. the Red Cross to receive funds for O Stone W ork strict press censorship. It Is Im­ ’Thoren, pianist; O. Alfred Johnaon, Jersey Creamline peared. Police found his body In cation Given; Eight War the majority of British war transmission and expenditure by Drop Leaflets possible for Ameiicsn corrs- trustee for three yeers; Herbert veterans here attended meetings of 14 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE Mountain Road; Ap­ municipal swimming pool. Cannon Attack • fwmsL’fcfftB All local church rervlccs tomor­ Johnaon, manager of degree team; BWsabetb Mary Polyott other countries abroad. spondenU to send to this coun­ French Planes Shot the Edith Csvell Post, British War MILK When hla wife died In 1933, row will be on standard time, a Henning A. Johnaon, repreaentatlvc Relief has been given in the parently Believe Weak try balanced accounts of avents Vetcrana In Hartford. These meiet- (Nataral or Paaienrtzed) he had his own name carved be­ to enable their readers to obtain Down During A irfigh ^ check revealed today. Standard to Hall Aaaoclatlon Svea for three Mra. Herts Polyott of 103 Coo­ form of fimds set apart for repatri­ A telephone call will otarl de- Inga, held weekly, worked quite a Spot Found in Ger­ side hers on a tomb.stone Ofid One Flight MbHc in Dsy- an aecurata plctura of tha prog- time becomes effective wherever years; Ernest Dshlquiat, auditor to per Hill street announces the en­ ation of stranded Americans but a Hvery at yoar home at once. Bombardment Kills More daylight aaving Mme has been In hardship on the members from gave 1936 as the year of hla r*M of tha war. Much of tha End Polish ^m paiii^ Hall Association Svea for three gagement of her daughter. .Miss situation has not yet developed, It yoa ore a aewreanjer to E. A. BERNARD mans' Defense Plans. light. Second B t Night; vogue, at 2:01 tomorrow morning. Manchester and one Biinday morn­ Elisabeth Mary Polyott. to Walter however, where the Red Cross death. Than 1,000 Civilians, newa aa Influenced by Uw cen- yeara. ing, along about March 15. 1922, at Maachester we especially invite 35 Garden St. Manchester Mrs. Joseph Hughes. w*ho Tonight ScamllB will be host to B. Metcalfe, Jr, son of Mr. and deems It necessary to make general PrepBrations for Fin­ sore la propaganda. ^rlln. Sept 35.—<F)—Staking e f; the Routb Methodlat church, a yoa to try oar milk. Pari*. Sept. 25— (F> — French cared for Stanton, said he fre­ Announcer Asserts; the district lodges of the Order In Mn. Walter B. Metcalfe of Bar­ solicitations for war relief funds. It Telephone 7585 Tha MancbMter Evsnlng Her­ a BriUsb destroyer by a Oeraqa ' group of veterans gathered togeth­ quently expressed Impatience at ish Fight Intensified. a huge Initiation ceremony at the rington, R. I. will be glad, however, to accept troop* itruck at German poeltlons Encouraging Residents ald auggesta to Ita readan tha submorins waa sniwiincad in oa of* er by MIsa Jessie Reynolds, her­ hla longevity. advlMbillty ot making dua al­ Masonic Temple at 8 o'clock. A Mias Polyott who la the daughter contributions as Indicated above to in the Haardt mountaina today un­ flctal eommuntqu* today os Oto- FinmacesQeaned self a British veteran, discussed the of the late Arthur J. Polyott was London, Sept. 25.—OP)—The Min­ lowance for theM oondiUona In men’s degree team of Boitoo will meet such needs aa are arising and der cover of heavy fire by artillery Budapest, Sapt. 25 — (jD - W *r- work the Initiatory degree on a drive to Hartford scheduled for the graduated from Manchester High as may arise.
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