Istlstiriirhlpjr Ilufhllui Itfltclill Pair Tonight and Thnredwr
.\- Averace Daily Ctrenlfition Tlw Wsdilwr For tte Meath of Blay, IM l Forneast nf U. A Wanther U m m m 6 , 7 6 4 Pair tonight and Thnredwr, IStlSTiriirHlPjr iLuFHllUI ITFlTclill cloudy, scattered tbunderetormfi, Member of toe AndK sligfatly warmer. Barean ot dronlattons Manchester-^A City of VlUage Charm (ClaaMfiad Advertlahig Oa Pags 18) (EIGHTEEN PAGES) VOL. LX., NO. 221 MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18,1941 PRICE THREE CEf Confer on Strike of Municipal Employees (^rmany Protests British Admit Libya I Consulate Closing; Forces Withdrawn; Expect Rejection Claims Victory Axis Welles Declines to f)is- Mother Tops close Contents of Note Aetion Taken to Avoid Taken to Him by A ll Her Class Eneireling Movement Thomsen; Will Ask High Command Dc| Separate By German Reinforce Belligerents for Safe At Radcliffe dares; ‘Extremelyi , ments After Nazis Are Conduct of Officials. Heavy' Casualties i n Forced to Disclose One of Two Graduates Unit Backed Washington, June 18.—(ff) Furious 3-Day Battle of | ------- Strength; Capture of To Receive Her Degree —A strong (German protest Tanks on Egyptian-1/Vete Engfomlers 4 rew De- Several Hundred Pris on the expulsion of Nazi con Summa Cum Laudep Libyan Border Claimed oners Is Announced. suls from the United States Wins 3 Coveted Prises* manding Congression was delivered to the State De al Consideration of Berlin, June 18.--^yp)—^The Cairo, Egypt, June 18.— (ff) partment today, and Sumner Cambridge, Maas., June 18—(P) Welles, undersecretary of battle of the Egyptian-Libyan Proposal fo r Setup* The British Middle E!juit —The mother of three children, state indicated it would be border Has “ ended with com command acknowledged today Mrs.
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