In March 2018 automated metros reached the years will however overshadow this achievement: if 1,000km milestone with the opening of the Pu- confirmed projects advance to plan, by 2023 the jiang Line in Shanghai. As of December 2018, number of automated metro km in the world is set nearly a quarter of the world’s metro systems have to triple, with most of the growth taking place in at least one fully automated line in operation. In China. This Statistics Brief offers a general over- total, there are 64 fully automated metro lines in view of the world metro automation landscape to- 42 cities, operating 1,026km, a 27.7% increase in day and its expected future evolution. km over the 2016 World Report figures. The next

Copenhagen Vancouver Paris Lille Nuremberg Rennes Lausanne Detroit Lyon Budapest Beijing Uijeongbu Brescia Tokyo Toulouse Yokohama Las Vegas Istanbul Seoul Queens (NY) Barcelona Rome Milan Yongin Nagoya Jacksonville Turin Guangzhou Osaka Miami Shanghai Kobe Dubai Taipei

Kuala Lumpur

São Paulo Santiago de Chile

High capacity lines: more than 700 passengers per Medium capacity lines: 300 to 700 passengers per train Low capacity lines: under 300 passengers per train

Figure 1: Cities with fully automated metro lines in operation, as of 31 December 2018

1 INFRASTRUCTURE The 64 fully automated metro lines in operation in De- 180 cember 2018 provide public transport service to over 161 160 140 1,026km and 1,026 metro stations in 42 cities across the Extension New Line world. 120 100 80 77 has consolidated its status as the leading world re- 80 68 60 49 gion in metro automation (see Figure 2) with 50% of the 34 32 40 30 25 67 18 20 47 km of fully automated metro lines in operation, thanks in 27 29 13 18 0 11 7 a a a y e particular to the opening of five new lines (in Korea, Ma- n E i a l y i n r e e a d s a i n a r A o k a y p r I t o i w p n U l a S a K C h a

T u T a laysia and China) in the last two years. remains g C a h t M i n u S o

second at 30%, with North America and Middle East S following at 11% and 8% respectively. Last in the chart, has however experienced one of the high- Figure 4: Top 10 countries building fully automated metros in the last 10 years, measured in km est relative growth rates, with the opening of Line 6 in Santiago.

Latin At city level, Singapore remains the largest automated MENA America metro network, with 126km of automated lines (see Fig- ure 5). After Dubai, Singapore has implemented one of 8% 1% North the largest network expansions in the last decade (see America 11% Figure 6). With the exception of Lille and Paris, today’s largest networks have also experienced the highest rates 50% Asia-Pacific of growth in the last 10 years.

Singapore 126 Europe 30% Kuala Lumpur 97 Dubai 80 Vancouver 79 Lille 47 Seoul 42 Busan Figure 2 : Automated metros per world region, measured as a % of km in 36 Barcelona operation 34 Paris 33 Incheon 29 Four countries concentrate half of the world’s km of fully 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 automated metro lines: , France, Singapore and Malaysia (see Figure 3). The same three Asian coun- Figure 5: Top 10 cities with fully automated metros in operation, tries, together with the United Arab Emirates, also lead measured in km in growth in the last decade (see Figure 4).

180 90 80 160 80 77

140 70 68 Extension New Line 120 60

100 50 42 80 40 36 34 67 30 30 29 60 25 24 47 40 20 27 29 20 10 13 11 0 l i 0 i r r a e u n n a e u e r u l . a n g o k a y a y b n i e y a o d e v e p s o n E i n i p l e e i r u i l o a e e y A d u c s n p a a a l a r . h i a r m e a a z A k o o S a a a n h T a a n t D n B u c r u c w l g r D S h I c g p a p i a y m r . a r U L C m n u n I n J B

r a p a a n S i n C e a a l T U g T l a S B a z F C V a h Korea t n i M H u i t u D e n G e r u w S K o S S

Figure 3 : Fully automated metros per country, measured in km Figure 6: Top 10 Automated metro networks with largest growth in the last 10 years, measured in km

2 CHARACTERISTICS & TRENDS SIGNALLING TECHNOLOGY Communications Based Train Control (CBTC) is the CAPACITY dominant signalling solution for fully automated metro lines: 72% of the world’s km of automated metros are Initially deployed in low capacity lines, currently 75% of operated under CBTC systems (Figure 9). 87% of the the world’s automated metro infrastructure operate me- fully automated metro infrastructure inaugurated in the dium and high capacity , a trend that continues to last decade was equipped with CBTC. accelerate (see Figure 7). Using train capacity as an in- dicator, most high capacity systems are deployed in Asia and Europe, and it is significant to note that this is the only typology present in Latin America (see Figure 8). 734km

+87% Capacity (pax per train) 326km

>700 292km 300-700 +46% <300

433km +13% CBTC Non-CBTC +39%

300 200 100 2009 100 200 300 400 500 600 267km ©UITP 2019 Figure 9: CBTC vs non-CBTC signalling solutions for fully automated me- +15% tros, measured as km equipped and % of km inaugurated in the last decade

250 200 150 100 50 2009 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Thales remains the market leader for fully automated ©UITP 2019 Figure 7: Automated metros per train capacity, measured in km, and inaugu- lines, with close to 330km of automated metro equipped, rated metros in the last decade, measured as a % of km in its majority, in mid-capacity lines. Siemens follows with over 250km, of which approximately half corresponds to high capacity lines (see Figure 10). 600

512 Beijing Trac 500 Capacity Others (pax per train) Control Technology 400 39% >700 Kyosan 300-700 <300 1% 293 Kobelco 6% 300 2%

35% 6% 35% 200 Ansaldo 32% 116 STS 7% 32% Thales 100 80 69% 26% 33% 25 0 Asia-Pacific Europe North America Middle East Latin America Alstom 8%

Figure 8: Automated metros per world region and per train capacity, measured as a % of km in operation 13% Bombardier 25%


Figure 10: Signalling suppliers of fully automated metro lines, measured as % of km equipped

3 ROLLING STOCK MARKET PLATFORM PROTECTION SYSTEMS In 2018, 13 rolling stock suppliers share the market for Platform screen doors (PSD) remain the dominant solu- fully automated metro lines. While Bombardier, Siemens tion over track intrusion detection systems (see Figure and Alstom trains serve over 50% of the km of automat- 13) to ensure the safety of the platform/track interface ed metro in operation (see Figure 11), the last two years in fully automated metro lines. Currently, 77% of stations also saw three new suppliers entering the market: CAF, in automated metro lines in operation are equipped with CRRC Qingdao Sifang Co Ltd. and Changchun screen doors (and 87% of the stations built in Vehicles Co., Ltd/Norinco. the last decade).

Others 790 stations Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Bombardier 10% Transportation 6% 24% +87%* Kinki Sharyo 7%

Hitachi 9% 241 stations 18% Siemens 12% PSD Transportation Non-PSD Hyundai Rotem 14% Systems +14%*


350 250 150 50 2009 50 150 250 350 450 550 Figure 11: Automated rolling stock suppliers, measured as % of km equipped ©UITP 2019

Figure 13: Platform Screen Doors vs. non-PSD (Total stations equipped & CONSTRUCTION MODEL % of new stations in the last decade) Unlike conventional metro systems, where underground alignments remain predominant (67% of all stations), au- tomated metro lines underground and elevated stations are almost equally split (see Figure 12). However, 60% of GROWTH the stations inaugurated in the last decade correspond to Fully automated metro lines represent 7% of the world’s underground alignments. When considering the wheel/ metro infrastructure in operation. This comparatively rail interface system, a majority of lines opt for steel small figure is the outcome of a relatively short time span wheels, as opposed to rubber tyres: in the last decade, of exponential growth, especially when considering the close to 75% of new automated metro infrastructure 150 years of conventional metro history. In the 37 years corresponded to steel wheel systems. since the implementation of the first automated metro line, their growth rate has accelerated with each passing 485 stations decade, with 2018 marking a significant inflection point. In the next five years, it is expected that full automation +40% will become the mainstream design for greenfield met- ro lines, increasing from the current share of 10% of km Elevated of metro infrastructure in planning and construction, to 48% by 2022. 541 stations Underground

+60% In the next 5 years, a further 2,000km will be commissioned, tripling what it took 35 years to achieve so far.

300 200 100 2009 100 200 300 400

©UITP 2019 Figure 12: Construction model of automated metro lines (total number of elevated stations vs underground stations, and % of growth in the last decade)

* The percentages add up to more than 100% as five lines on in Paris are equipped with both PSD and non-PSD systems.

4 4,007 4,000 NOV DEC DEC MARCH 2017 2017 2017 2018 971 Km 982 Km 996 Km +1,000 Km 3,000 Santiago Istanbul Beijing Shanghai

2,000 1,837 1,026 1,000 539 206 Km in operation 93 Projected growth 0 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2018 2020 2025 2030

Figure 14: Total growth in Automated metros, measured as km in operation

Forecasts based on confirmed projects indicate that by tensions of existing lines, with conversion projects rep- 2028 there will be over 3,800km of automated metro resenting only under 7% of the new infrastructure, all of lines in operation (figure 14). Most of this growth corre- them in Europe (see box). sponds to the expected opening of 87 new lines, or ex-

CONVERSION PROJECTS With over 140 metro lines inaugurated in the 70s and 80s reaching critical asset replacement needs, the comparative advantages of full automation (see the Following the successful conversion projects of Automation benefits section) should weigh increas- Nuremberg (2009) and Paris L1 (2012), seven Euro- ingly in the strategic choices that networks face when pean cities have confirmed conversion projects in the considering these modernisation programmes. It is coming decade: therefore expected that the market for conversions Brussels, L1&5 will grow. Glasgow, G. Subway , Docklands Lyon, LA & LB Marseille, L1 & L2 Paris, L4 Vienna, U2/U5 These represent 7% of the projected growth, a rel- atively low percentage that can be attributed to the complexity of implementing full automation in an ex- isting line while in operation. This difficulty, however, is not unique to full automation: brownfield re-signalling projects are also highly challenging. © RATP

5 © Metro Istanbul

The largest share of the growth will be located in Asia, At a relative distance follow MENA and Europe (see fig- which is set to quadruple the number of km in operation ure 15). In 2028, Asia is expected to represent 53% of in the next decade and represents, on its own, half of the the world’s km of automated metro, followed by Europe projected growth. This is mostly thanks to the explosive (21%) and the Middle East (15%). emergence of automated metro projects in China (see China in Focus section).


1,489 1400

1200 Current km in operation Projected growth in km in operation (2028) 1000


600 611 512 400 428 303 200 170 116 99 80 15 0 Asia-Pacific Europe North America MENA Latin America

Figure 15: Current length of automated metro lines and projected growth for the next decade, per world region

6 CHINA IN FOCUS This development is supported by a government policy comprising the following elements: Following the inauguration in December 2017 in Bei- Mandatory CBTC for metro signalling jing of China’s first fully automated metro line built Reservation of exclusive bandwidth 2.4 GHz for with domestic technology, Chinese cities have em- metro CBTC applications braced full automation for their growing networks. A further 37 metro lines are designed for full automat- Commissioning a consortium of Chinese universi- ed operation are planned to open in the coming five ties to prepare interoperable CBTC specifications, years. fostering a competitive domestic market By 2023, it is expected that 19 networks in mainland As of 2018, five Chinese CBTC suppliers have in their China will have 40 lines designed for full automation, portfolio GoA2 systems, however with the open- totalling over 1,200km and 861 stations. In keeping ing of the Yanfang line in December 2017, they have with Asian metro trends, these lines will be relatively demonstrated their ability to supply the GoA4 market. long (average of 32.5km, above the Asian metro line The appetite is reflected in the above figures, with only average of 26km), with long inter-station distances a few projects involving global traditional suppliers. (1.4km).

Suzhou 144 Harbin Shanghai Beijing Shenzen Chengdu Luoyang Wuhu Changchun Zhengzhou Jinan Hohhot Nanjing Hefei Taiyuan Wuhan Nanning Macau Hong Kong Guangzhou 0 50 100 150 200

Figure 16: Expected automated metro lines in operation in mainland China by 2023, measured in km

THE CASE FOR AUTOMATION According to the analysis of the experienced networks of the UITP Observatory of Automated Metros, full au- At the forefront of innovation, automation must howev- tomated operation (FAO) supports these goals facili- er be understood not as a purely technological project, tating improved performances in five key areas that are but as a company project. In the wake of the digitalisation essential to any metro network: improve the mobility of- wave and the new smart mobility scenario, automation fer, enhance safety, contribute to the economic balance provides companies with a lever to attain strategic goals of the system, reduce its ecological imprint and provide linked to a more human, customer orientated and flexible improved customer service while enhancing staff satis- service. faction.

7 BENEFITS OF FULLY AUTOMATED cluded in the above statistics run with trains with a METRO OPERATION total capacity of at least 100 passengers per train. Systems based on or Maglev technology MOBILITY are included if they meet all other criteria. Infrastructure growth predictions are based on published information for confirmed projects. AVAILABILITY CAPACITY FLEXIBILITY The data in this Statistics Brief is sourced from the database of automated metro lines of the UITP Observatory of Automated Metros. The figures Y CUSTOMER HUMAN S T A I ORIENTED ERROR presented are constantly reviewed in light of addi-



E tional information and as such, some of the histor- A

T Y M JOB PASSENGER ical data presented in this publication may slightly

U POSITIONS PROTECTION H differ from previously published ones. The Obser- vatory gathers the world’s leading operators with

ENERGY experience in full automated metro operation. It




OPEX F exchanges best practices in key issues affecting au- F






C tomated metro operation and monitors the global




L I T Y evolution and trends on this field.

For more information on the Observatory work, and fur- Figure 17: The five key benefits of fully automated operation declined in 10 ther content on metro automation, consult the Observatory areas, as identified by the experts of the Observatory of Automated Metros* website:


Type of Setting Operation Grade of Stopping Door train train in event of This Statistics Brief exclusively covers fully auto- Automation train closure mated metro lines, defined as those metro lines de- operation in motion disruption ATP* with signed for operation without staff on board of the GoA1 Driver Driver Driver Driver trains - a defining characteristic is the absence of driver a driver’s cabin on the train. This type of opera- ATP and GoA2 ATO* Automatic Automatic Driver Driver tion is also known as Unattended Train Operation, with driver or Grade of Automation 4 in standard IEC 62267 Train Train GoA3 Driverless Automatic Automatic (see table below). Moreover, only lines in public attendant attendant transport service have been considered. Metros are high capacity urban rail systems, run- GoA4 UTO Automatic Automatic Automatic Automatic ning on an exclusive right-of-way. Metro lines in- *ATP - Automatic Train Protection; ATO - Automatic Train Operation

* For a more detailed analysis, refer to the Metro automation benefits Knowledge Brief (planned for release by June 2019).

This is an official Statistics Brief of UITP, the International Association of Public Transport. UITP has more than 1,600 member companies in 99 countries throughout the world and represents the interests of key players in this sector. Its membership includes transport authorities, operators, both private and public, in all modes of collective passenger transport, and the industry. UITP addresses the economic, technical, organisation and management aspects of passenger transport, as well as the development of policy for mobility and public transport worldwide.

DIGITAL VERSION AVAILABLE ON This Statistics Brief was prepared by the Observatory of Automated Metros. Data is valid as of 31 December 2018.

APRIL | 2019

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© UITP - All rights reserved - Responsible Publisher: Mohamed Mezghani, Rue Sainte Marie 6, B-1080 Brussels, Belgium - Legal deposit: D/2019/0105/08