Basic Data Adolescents and Media 2020

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Basic Data Adolescents and Media 2020 Basic Data Adolescents and Media 2020 Basic Data Adolescents and Media 2020 Current surveys and research on media use among young people in Germany Compiled by Heike vom Orde (IZI) and Dr. Alexandra Durner Page 1 © International© International Central Central Institute Institute for for YouthYouth and and EducationalEducational TelevisionTelevision (IZI) (IZI)· Rundfunkplatz · Rundfunkplatz 1 · 80335 1 · 80335München München TelTel 089/5900+49(0)89/5900 42991 42991 · Fax · Fax 089/5900 +49(0)89/5900 42379 42379 · [email protected] · [email protected] · · Basic Data Adolescents and Media 2020 Overview Media Use, Media Ownership and Importance of Media 3 Adolescents and Television 18 Computer, Internet and Social Media 32 Adolescents and Mobile Media 49 Page 2 © International Central Institute for Youth and Educational Television (IZI) · Rundfunkplatz 1 · 80335 München Tel +49(0)89/5900 42991 · Fax +49(0)89/5900 42379 · [email protected] · Basic Data Adolescents and Media 2020 Media Use, Media Ownership and Importance of Media Page 3 © International Central Institute for Youth and Educational Television (IZI) · Rundfunkplatz 1 · 80335 München Tel +49(0)89/5900 42991 · Fax +49(0)89/5900 42379 · [email protected] · Basic Data Adolescents and Media 2020 Media devices at home Media in German households, 2020, selection (percentages) Mobile phone/smartphone 99 Wi-Fi 99 Smartphone 98 Computer/laptop 98 Television 95 Printer 92 Video streaming service 84 Radio 77 Music streaming service 76 DVD player/recorder with hard disc 75 Tablet PC 73 Game console 71 TV with internet access 70 Portable game console 52 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Basis: n=1,200, 12-19 years. Source: JIM-Studie 2020, mpfs, p. 6. Page 4 © International Central Institute for Youth and Educational Television (IZI) · Rundfunkplatz 1 · 80335 München Tel +49(0)89/5900 42991 · Fax +49(0)89/5900 42379 · [email protected] · Basic Data Adolescents and Media 2020 Personal media equipment of German adolescents By gender, selection, 2020 (percentages) Wi-Fi 99 98 Mobile phone/Smartphone 97 94 Smartphone 97 92 Computer/laptop 70 74 Laptop 62 50 Television 48 52 girls boys Game console (portable) 42 41 Game console 32 51 Radio 41 38 Tablet PC 37 39 TV with internet access 34 34 Computer 21 45 MP3-player/iPod 33 30 Wearable 22 26 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Basis: n=1,200, 12-19 years. Source: JIM-Studie 2020, mpfs, p. 9. Page 5 © International Central Institute for Youth and Educational Television (IZI) · Rundfunkplatz 1 · 80335 München Tel +49(0)89/5900 42991 · Fax +49(0)89/5900 42379 · [email protected] · Basic Data Adolescents and Media 2020 Personal media equipment of German adolescents by age 2019, selection (percentages) Smartphone Computer TV Tablet PC 100 95 94 90 95 80 77 75 71 70 67 60 51 50 47 42 49 40 43 39 37 30 30 26 20 10 0 10-11 years 12-13 years 14-15 years 16-18 years Basis: 915, 6-18 years. Source: bitkom research 2019, p. 4. Page 6 © International Central Institute for Youth and Educational Television (IZI) · Rundfunkplatz 1 · 80335 München Tel +49(0)89/5900 42991 · Fax +49(0)89/5900 42379 · [email protected] · Basic Data Adolescents and Media 2020 Average amount of time spent with various media in 2019 Minutes per day, by age groups Total: adults and children from 14 years on 14-19 years 500 443 450 400 350 313 300 250 200 184 170 150 85 100 84 44 50 17 6 12 0 Television Radio Sound recording media Video Audiovisual media in in total total (incl. PC) Basis: ma 2019, German speaking people 14 years and Source: Media Perspektiven Basisdaten older, Mon-Sun, 5:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. Sound 2019, p. 69/70. recording media = record, tape, CD, MP3. Page 7 © International Central Institute for Youth and Educational Television (IZI) · Rundfunkplatz 1 · 80335 München Tel +49(0)89/5900 42991 · Fax +49(0)89/5900 42379 · [email protected] · Basic Data Adolescents and Media 2020 German adolescents media use in leisure time Daily/several times a week, by gender, selection, 2020 (percentages) 98 Internet* 96 98 Smartphone 96 95 Listening to music 91 85 Online videos 94 76 Television* 69 72 Viedo streaming services 68 56 Digital games 79 58 Radio* 59 35 Tablet PC 38 42 Books 28 19 DVDs/Blurays/ movies/TV-Series 24 Newspaper (online) 15 20 girls boys 15 Radio plays/books 18 17 Listininf to Podcasts 18 13 Newspaper (printed) 18 12 Journals/magazines (online) 16 11 Journals/magazines (printed) 13 10 Reading e-books 8 0 20 40 60 80 100 Basis: n= 1,200, 12-19 years. *Regardless Source: JIM-Studie 2020, mpfs, p. 15. what access used Page 8 © International Central Institute for Youth and Educational Television (IZI) · Rundfunkplatz 1 · 80335 München Tel +49(0)89/5900 42991 · Fax +49(0)89/5900 42379 · [email protected] · Basic Data Adolescents and Media 2020 With increasing age young people have more freedom to use media as they want to By age group (percentages) 11-13 years I totally agree I agree 14-17 years 9 36 I can watch as often as 33 39 I want I can watch with any 11 38 30 42 device I want 4 28 25 42 I can watch what I want I can watch anywhere I 8 33 24 43 want I can watch as long as I 6 23 26 39 want Basis: n= 5,136, 3-17 years and their Source: AGF GenZ Videostudie 2020, p. 18. parents. Page 9 © International Central Institute for Youth and Educational Television (IZI) · Rundfunkplatz 1 · 80335 München Tel +49(0)89/5900 42991 · Fax +49(0)89/5900 42379 · [email protected] · Basic Data Adolescents and Media 2020 14- to 29-year-olds and their use of digital vs. print texts Daily reach, usage yesterday, by age group (percentages) 14 to 29 years total population from the age of 14 Articles/reports in print media like 5 news papers/magazines 24 12 Printed books 12 32 Digital articles on the internet 20 1 e-books 2 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Base: n=2,000, German speaking population from Source: ARD/ZDF-Massenkommunikation the age of 14, Mo-Su, 5.00 a.m.-24.00 p.m. Trends 2019 in: Frees et al. 2019, p. 322. Page 10 © International Central Institute for Youth and Educational Television (IZI) · Rundfunkplatz 1 · 80335 München Tel +49(0)89/5900 42991 · Fax +49(0)89/5900 42379 · [email protected] · Basic Data Adolescents and Media 2020 How do German young people inform themselves about politics? ‟From where do you get your information about contemporary political activities in Germany and the rest of the world?” Multiple answers possible, selection, 2019 (percentages) Personal conversations 69 News websites/news-apps 67 TV 58 Radio 41 Google 37 36 School 32 YouTube Instagram 30 Facebook 28 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Base: n=2,149, 14-24 years. Source: Vodafone Stiftung Deutschland 2019, p. 11. Page 11 © International Central Institute for Youth and Educational Television (IZI) · Rundfunkplatz 1 · 80335 München Tel +49(0)89/5900 42991 · Fax +49(0)89/5900 42379 · [email protected] · Basic Data Adolescents and Media 2020 Which news sources do German young people trust? ‟How trustworthy do you think are these information sources …?“ 12 to 25 years, 2019 (percentages) "very trustworthy" "a little trustworthy" "not very trustworthy" "not trustworthy" "no indication" ARD-/ZDF-TV news 39 43 5 9 4 National newspapers 28 52 7 10 3 YouTube 7 36 5 40 12 Facebook 4 21 7 46 22 Twitter 4 19 23 38 16 0 20 40 60 80 100 Base: n=2,572, 12-25 years. Source: Shell Deutschland Holding: Jugend 2019, p. 243. Page 12 © International Central Institute for Youth and Educational Television (IZI) · Rundfunkplatz 1 · 80335 München Tel +49(0)89/5900 42991 · Fax +49(0)89/5900 42379 · [email protected] · Basic Data Adolescents and Media 2020 How often do young people encounter online ‟fake news“? “How often do you encounter news and information, on the internet or social media, where you have the feeling that they twist reality on purpose or are completely false?“ 2019 (percentages) Several times a day 12 (Almost) every day 22 At least once a week 30 At least once a month 1 Less than once a month 7 Never 15 0 10 20 30 40 Base: n=2,149, 14-24 years. Source: Vodafone Stiftung Deutschland 2019, p. 21. Page 13 © International Central Institute for Youth and Educational Television (IZI) · Rundfunkplatz 1 · 80335 München Tel +49(0)89/5900 42991 · Fax +49(0)89/5900 42379 · [email protected] · Basic Data Adolescents and Media 2020 Especially male young people think that they are very good in detecting ‟fake news“ ‟How sure or unsure are you, that you can detect Fake News on the internet?“ By gender, 2019, percentages very sure/rather sure rather unsure/very unsure Boys 66 34 Girls 50 50 0 20 40 60 80 100 Base: n=2,149, 14-24 years.
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