LODGING, CAMPING, RESTAURANTS & DIESEL FUEL This is a list of commercial lodging, camping, and restaurants on or near the Navajo and Hopi Reservation. It is to help you plan your visit to the area. Additional services are available in the nearby communities of Gallup, New Mexico and Holbrook, Arizona and Winslow, Arizona. This listing is for your information only. The National Park Service does not endorse any commercial establishment listed on this handout. Lodging Bluff, Utah Recapture Lodge, 35 Units 125 miles north on US 163 (435)672-2281 www.recapturelodge.com Cameron, Arizona Cameron Motel, 63 Units 150 miles west, junction of US (800) 338-7385 89 and AZ 64 www.camerontradingpost.com Chambers, Arizona Chieftain/Best Western, 52 Units 40 miles south of Ganado 928-688-2754 Junction of US 191 & I-40 Chinle, Arizona Canyon de Chelly Motel, 68 Units 37 miles north on US 191 (928) 674-5288 or (800) 528-1234 www.canyondechelly.com Holiday Inn 36 miles north on US 191 (928) 674-5000 or (800) 465-4329 Thunderbird Lodge, 72 Units 36 miles north on US 191 (928) 674-5841 or (800) 679-2473 www.tbirdlodge.com Grey Mountain, Arizona Anasazi Inn, 106 Units 160 miles west on US 89 (800) 678-2214 www.anasaziinn.com Kayenta, Arizona Holiday Inn, 160 Units 120 miles northwest on US 163 (928) 697-3221 or (800)-HOLIDAY Wetherill Inn, 54 Units (928) 697-3231 e-mail:
[email protected] Anasazi Inn, 57 Units (928) 697-3793 www.anasaziinn.com Hampton Inn, 73 Units (928) 697-3170 Mexican Hat, Utah San Juan Inn, 36 Units (435) 683-2220 www.sanjuaninn.net Monument Valley, Utah The View Hotel (435) 727-5555 www.monumentvalleyview.com Goulding’s Lodge, 62 Units 135 miles northwest on US 163 (435) 727-3231/3232 www.gouldings.com Second Mesa, Arizona Hopi Cultural Center, 33 Units 63 miles west on AZ 264 (928) 734-2401/2402 www.hopiculturalcenter.com Tuba City, Arizona Quality Inn, Tuba City, 80 Units 125 miles west on US 160 (928) 283-4545 FAX (928) 283-4144 www.explorenavajo.com Grey Hills Inn (928) 283-6271 Ext.