Newly Developed Hopi Tribal Complex Located Next to Hardrock Community on Hopi Lands
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Hopi Tribal COLUMN COMMUNITY Tribes work to shield LARRY’S CORNER Read Clark Treasurer elder, knowledge The Year of Tenakhongva’s Weird Things message about the Staff Member from virus read more New Year, with a about how special Hopi Retires after weird it gets Submission 25 Years -More on pg. 9 -More on pg. 19 More on Page 16 More on Page 3 January 7, 2021 Volume 29 Number 1 42˚/ 31˚ Sunny ~Est. 1987 • OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE HOPI TRIBE • NEWS SOURCE FOR THE HOPI PEOPLE~ Newly Developed Hopi Tribal Complex located next to Hardrock Community on Hopi lands Modular units set to house various Hopi Tribal DNR Departments and Programs (photo by Romalita Laban/HT) Story on Page 2 Hopi Emergency Response Team Quarantine units.(photo by Romalita Laban/HT) Shared Community space in Quarantine Units.(photo by Romalita Laban/HT) HOPI TUTUVENI PO BOX 123 KYKOTSMOVI, AZ 86039 US Capitol locked down 1110-01600-7460 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED as Trump supporters clash with police -More on pg. 17 2 Hopi Tutuveni January 7, 2021 Hopi Tutuveni Office Impacted by 2021 IT Consultant Work – Office Re-opened with Limited Capacity Newly Developed Hopi Tribal Public Service Announcement publications for 2020 had been published by Romalita Laban, Managing Editor and distributed with placement of adver- tisements being a priority for early 2021 Complex Located by Navajo Kykotsmovi, Ariz. – Tuesday, January publications. 5, 2021, the Hopi Tutuveni staff and Ed- There is no doubt that the COVID 19 Hardrock Community itorial Board thought it would be a typical pandemic has severely impacted the Hopi and usual day of submitting the upcoming Tutuveni with damages to equipment, loss Wednesday’s publication scheduled to of effective work time and energy and im- be distributed on Wednesday, January 6, pacts to the availability to the public, now 2021. However halfway through the day because of IT technical difficulties. technical difficulties began to occur. Hopi Tutuveni staff sincerely apologiz- Hopi Tutuveni staff and Board request es for any inconvenience this may cause the public’s attention to this announce- readers and the Hopi public who look to ment in response to the Hopi Tribe’s Con- the newspaper as a source of information sultant Flagstaff IT (FIT) work being done and updates about what is occurring on on IT issues. Prior to today, no other notic- Hopi and in particular with the Hopi Trib- es or communication about the work was al government itself. The public is also be- Hopi Emergency Response Team Quarantine units.(photo by Romalita Laban/HT) provided to Hopi Tutuveni. ing notified that an announcement about Most notably, on Tuesday, January 5, the delay would have come much sooner, Romalita Laban and site were shared by Chuck Howe, 2021, the Outlook email system began if the Hopi Tutuveni staff and Editorial Hopi Tutuveni Project Superintendent and Project Man- displaying delays in sending out messag- Board had been informed about the tech- ager/Owner of C2 Environmental LLC. es. Messages began showing in the Out- nical difficulties. Kykotsmovi, Ariz. – January 6, 2021 is Some of the buildings are to house the box file where they sat for the remainder Persistence by Tutuveni staff to get the here as we continue into 2021, we have Hopi Emergency Response Team quaran- of the day and into the next morning on first publication of 2021 complete is what witnessed much in the past year of 2020. tine units, the Hopi Solid Waste Depart- Wednesday, January 6, 2021, when staff has ensured readers will receive the pub- While the Hopi Tribe experienced up to ment, Hopi Public Safety Department, De- returned to office workstations. lication and updated COVID 19 related seven different Executive Orders, includ- partment of Natural Resource Programs On Tuesday, the Managing Editor made information only one day late. ing the latest EO No. 007-2020 Reserva- and Departments and the biggest modular an Executive decision of contacting the Until the Hopi Tutuveni office is fully tion-wide Lockdown, it also experienced housing the Hopi Behavioral Health and Hopi Tutuveni Editorial Board garner- ready for continued occupancy by all staff, a Carpet Removal Project, disbursement Social Services Departments. Also on site ing support to push the publication back patrons and the public can leave voice of thousands, if not millions through the is a large warehouse with plenty of protec- by one day to Thursday, January 7, 2021. messages for Romalita Laban, Managing General Welfare Assistance Program to tive fencing and lighting. Expectant dates This would allow for more time to trou- Editor at (928) 734-3281 and emails can Hopi Tribal members, disbursement of for water to be pumped in were described bleshoot from other Internet connections be sent to [email protected]. Voice mes- millions of dollars to the Hopi villages as perhaps as early as during the first week sites, to contact the Hopi Tribe Manage- sages can be left for Carl Onsae, Assistant for projects and Hopi Tribal Council ap- of January 2021 ment Information System Department Editor at (928) 734-3283 and emails can provals of various Special Land Use As- It is expected that a report out about the staff and IT Helpline of the Tribe. Hopi be sent to [email protected]. Normal signments, including a most recent one newly developed complex will be provid- Tutuveni Board supported the decision office hours have resumed for Hopi Tutu- addressed on Monday, January 4, 2021. ed to Hopi Tribal Council on Thursday, allowing staff to fully complete the first veni with the Managing Editor who is list- During the January 4th session, Hopi Trib- January 7, 2021 or after, when Council re- publication of Hopi Tutuveni in 2021. ed as an Essential Employee, is available al Council addressed and approved Action sumes its session after being out on recess. Therefore, the already scheduled publica- Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to Item #007-2021 and 008-2021 for the Scheduled on the Council’s Agenda in tion date of Wednesday, January 5, 2021 5:00 p.m. Utility Scale Solar Array Development, to Section XII. REPORTS, is item “13. Re- had to be temporarily changed for the first Payments for ads can still be taken at name a few. port – Monthly Oral and Written Compre- publication of Hopi Tutuveni in 2021. the Treasurer’s Office by credit or debit In addition to the above mentioned proj- hensive reports from the Hopi CARES Readers may recall that the Hopi Tutu- card by calling (928) 734-3124. Check or ects, a newly developed Hopi Tribal Com- Act Committee” and item “14. Report veni had been previously displaced due to money order payments can still be sent to: plex also went up on Hopi Tutskwa, next from Tribal Employment Rights Office on the Tribe’s Carpet Removal Project sched- Attention - Hopi Tutuveni – Hopi Tribe to the Navajo community of Hardrock, Contractor Fees and Hopi Employment” uled to be completed at the Hopi Tribal P.O. Box 123 Kykotsmovi, AZ 86039. Ariz. located approximately fourteen plus were added to the Agenda by motion of Complex. The Hopi Tribe’s one and only We ask for Hopi Tutuveni supporters’ miles, north of the Hopi Cultural Center Herman G. Honanie, Village of Kyakots- newspaper office had re-opened but with and the public’s patience and prayers, as located on the Hopi reservation on Second movi Representative on Monday, January limited capacity. As it stands desks in the we transition through these challenging Mesa, Ariz. 4th. main Hopi Tutuveni office remain stand- pandemic times. We are still here, we are Much to the surprise of Hopi Tutuveni The Hopi public is sure to learn a lot ing on its sides with no further updates Hopi and we are strong. Askwali/Kwa staff who visited the site on Wednesday, more about the newly developed complex on when the movement or replacement of kwa for your continued patronage and December 30, 2020, a walk-through tour by tuning into Tribal Council’s session, broken furniture and/or equipment will be support going into 2021. Pasningwu. of the complex was provided and bits of scheduled to air on the local Hopi radio completed. The public was notified that all information about the modular buildings station, KUYI at 88.1 on the FM dial. Hopi Tutuveni January 7, 2021 3 A New Year’s message to the Hopi and Tewa People: Special Submission from Clark W. Tenakhongva – Hopi Tribal Vice Chairman Kykotsmovi, Ariz. – January 4, 2021 wmuy amungem nangu’i’ykyàakyangw qa kwiikwivit- sparked fear, frustration, and anxiety all around and it is Puhuyàasangwtiqw itam sòosoyam sùytsepngwat nìikyàakyangw pu’ hapi nawuko’nangwa’yyungni. easy for distractions, criticism, and stress to set in. There kyaananvotya. Peetu kyaananvotpit akw qa hàalàyiwuy Pu’ itam sòosoyam yaayantsaktiwise’ itàa’okiwhimuy will be an appropriate time to debrief, to look carefully at aw öki, pu’ kyaysiwqam sivahaqni’yyungwa, pu’ nanap aqw ahoy taywisni; nit hin itam kur it hinìwqat aw áhoy- all aspects of this pandemic, to learn and rethink our ap- itàaqatsi a’ni alöngti. totaqey akw naavitsni’yyungni. Noq itamutpiknìiqam proaches. But now, more than ever, we must focus all our Hiihìimu yasveq it wukotuyat yayngwangaqw alöngto- ítakw lavàytotini, hopìit pu’ yesqam pas hapi hisatyesqa- efforts on overcoming this pandemic and the challenges ti: itàaqatsi itàakitsokiniqw itàahopihintsakpi. muy amun hóhongvitniqat, naat itam hopituwitnit hopitu- associated with it. Noq angsakis puhuyàasangwvaqw itam yasmiq ahoy tavot ang hong.yaniqat. Currently, there are approximately 150 active wuuwayaniqey qeniptuyangwu. I’ itamuy u’nanani, naap Itam qa naap itàahinì akw hopìitniqey akw COVID-19 cases within the Hopi community with a pos- hìita lavayit angqw itwat lavayit kwakwhánìiqat sushi- naavitsni’yyungni; noq pu’nìiqatnit naatoniqat akw pii- itive test average of nearly 16%.