Acollection of Correspondence
© 2012 Capuchin Friars of Australia. All Rights Reserved. A COLLECTION OF CORRESPONDENCE Some Letters … and other things, from Sixteenth Century Italy in their original languages Bernardo, ben potea bastarvi averne Co’l dolce dir, ch’a voi natura infonde, Qui dove ‘l re de’ fiume ha più chiare onde, Acceso i cori a le sante opre eterne; Ché se pur sono in voi pure l’interne Voglie, e la vita al destin corrisponde, Non uom di frale carne e d’ossa immonde, Ma sète un voi de le schiere sperne. Or le finte apparenze, e ‘l ballo, e ‘l suono, Chiesti dal tempo e da l’antica usanza, A che così da voi vietate sono? Non fôra santità,capdox fôra arroganza Tôrre il libero arbitrio, il maggior dono Che Dio ne diè ne la primera stanza.1 Compiled by Paul Hanbridge Fourth edition, formerly “A Sixteenth Century Carteggio” Rome, 2007, 2008, Dec 2009 1 “Bernardo, it should be enough for you / With that sweet speech infused in you by Nature, / To light our hearts to high eternal works, / Here where the King of Rivers flows most clearly. / Since your own inner wishes are sincere, / And your own life reflects a pure intent, / You’re ra- ther an inhabitant of heaven. /As to these masquerades, dances, and music, /Sanctioned by time and by ancient custom - /Why do you now forbid them in your sermons? /Holiness it is not, but arrogance to take away free will, the highest gift/ Which God bestowed on us from the begin- ning.” Tullia d’Aragona (c.
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