Michael Edward Mallett,Christine Shaw | 392 pages | 27 Jun 2012 | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 9780582057586 | English | London, United Kingdom Italian War of 1521–1526

During this sixty-five year period the Italian Wars brought major shifts in the balance of power in and Europe, military organization, and diplomatic practice. The application of Spanish power in Italy was a complicated process in itself. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Bythe French situation had entirely collapsed. It is well-written and organized. ItalyFranceand Spain. Emphasising the gap between aims and strategies of the political masters and what their commanders and troops could actually accomplish on the ground, they a The Italian Wars of had a major impact on the whole of Europe. Details if other :. Meanwhile, a series of protracted infantry engagements resulted in the rout of the Swiss and French infantry. The Contest for Supremacy in Italy, It is the first true narrative of the Italian wars, the one we wanted for so long. The war broke out across Western Europe late inwhen a French—Navarrese expedition attempted to reconquer Navarre while a French invaded the Low Countries. This growth in army size contributed to the establishment of the professionalized military, which would have broader implications for the coming years. Wikimedia Commons has media related to Italian Wars. The major powers France, England, Spain, and the were outwardly friendly, pledging by the Treaty of London to come to the aid of any State and Society in Early Modern Europe the signatories that was attacked and to The Italian Wars against any nation that broke the peace. Average rating 4. Welcome back. On 1494-1559: War March, he crossed the Bidasoa north into France, while at the same time the Dauphin and his brother, who had been brought to Bayonne by Louise and Lautrec, crossed into Spain and into captivity. Charles demanded not only the surrender of , but also of Burgundy and Provence, forcing Francis to argue State and Society in Early Modern Europe French law prevented him from surrendering any lands possessed by the crown without the approval of Parlementwhich would not be forthcoming. Charles V, lacking funds to pay for the war, decided to forgo the marriage into the House of Tudor which he had promised Henry VIII and sought instead to marry Isabella of Portugalwho would bring with her a more substantial dowry. Emphasising the gap between aims and strategies of the political masters and what their commanders and troops could actually accomplish on the ground, they analyse developments in military tactics and the tactical use of firearms and examine how Italians of all sectors of society reacted to the wars and the inevitable political and social change that they brought about. Daniel rated it really liked it Aug 25, He stresses that the construction of the new style of fortifications, the so-called trace italienne, were being built before the French invasion in In this chapter he stresses the rising value of infantry over cavalry in the Italian Wars, noting the effectiveness of Swiss and German pike infantry as well as massed Spanish arquebusiers. Francis, convinced that he would regain his freedom if he could obtain a personal audience with Charles, pressed d'Avalos and Lannoy, who had intended to transport the king to the in , to send him to Spain instead. Additionally, the book goes into great detail describing the critical battles of the Italian Wars such as the Battles of Ravenna and the . More filters. Not to mention the growing size of military infantry that was occurring in this period. The treaty outlined a joint English-Imperial attack against France, with each party providing at least 40, men. However, a novice to the Italian Wars may find it difficult to follow her narrative at times. William Brindle rated The Italian Wars it was amazing Jun 03, Charles agreed to compensate England for the pensions that would be lost because of conflict with France and to pay the past debts that would be forfeit; to seal the alliance, he also agreed to marry Henry's only daughter, Mary. Unfortunately, Mallett became ill and died before he could turn his extensive research on the Italian Wars into a complete study. , who had only 9, men to oppose the French advance, retreated to . Testing the Boundaries, In the ensuing four-hour battlethe French heavy cavalry, which had proven so effective against the Swiss at Marignano ten years prior, masked its own artillery by a rapid advance and was surrounded and cut apart by and d'Avalos's massed Spanish arquebusiers. The long descriptions of the changing alliances, campaigns and movements made my head spin slightly, but this is a good introduction to the subject. Francis was confident that seizing the disputed lands would improve his own financial position sufficiently to continue the The Italian Wars and began to confiscate portions of them in Louise's name. D'Avalos and Bourbon crossed the Alps with nearly 11, men and invaded Provence in early July Part of the Italian Wars. Error rating 1494-1559: War. He quickly began negotiations with the Emperor and on 29 July concluded the Treaty of Worms, which removed the Republic from the war. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. When Charles failed to support the English offensive, however, Suffolk—unwilling to risk an attack on the French capital—turned away from Paris on The Italian Wars October, returning to Calais by mid-December. Francis was unable to The Italian Wars funds to sustain significant resistance, and the English army burned and looted the countryside. A real primer! Against the advice of his Grand Chancellor, Mercurino Gattinara who argued that seeing Francis on his deathbed was an action motivated by mercenary concerns rather than The Italian Wars compassion, and was thus unworthy of the Emperor Charles consented; and Francis soon made a complete recovery. All in all, an important contribution to the field of military history! Jby rated it liked it Feb 22, Enabling JavaScript in your browser will allow you to experience all the features of our site. Bythe peace that had prevailed in Europe after the was beginning to crumble. On 21 February, the Imperial commanders, running low on supplies and mistakenly believing that the French forces were more numerous than their own, decided to launch an attack on Mirabello Castle in order to save face and demoralize the French sufficiently to ensure a safe withdrawal. Charles was meanwhile preoccupied with the issue of Martin Lutherwhom he confronted at the Diet of Worms in March According to Mallet and Shaw, some of these included the ability to test and create new military technologies which established the foundations for a professionalized army, the expansion of Italian Renaissance and humanist culture The Italian Wars the whole of Europe, and the original implementation of Spanish power in Italian territories. Jack Bharucha rated it really liked it Aug 11, Italian War of — Published April 28th by Routledge first published April 30th The Transformation of War. Return to Book Page. This book is a 1494-1559: War contribution to this re-evaluation, and will be essential reading for all students of Renaissance and military history. This book is a major contribution to this re-evaluation, and will be essential reading for all students of Renaissance and military history. Help Learn 1494-1559: War edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. New Orders Struggling to be Born,