Special Issue Tuesday  June 5th  AD 2012 Free copy


Radio Maria and Television and in their description of reality aches out to listeners all around ideology, and became the voice Trwam are truly exceptional in are guided by the criteria of righ- the world. It serves a multi-mil- of Poles, the voice of Catholics the Polish media market domi- teousness, beauty and truth. As lion audience, integrating people who for many years had been de- nated by large groups with capi- the contribution of Radio Mary- around the mission of new evan- prived of the opportunity for a tal links to international con- ja and Television Trwam in rebu- gelisation, strengthening faith modern means of communica- cerns. Firstly, they are backed by ilding the democratic founda- and consolidating the national tion. Soon, Radio Maryja proved no foreign capital and are fully tions for a free Poland and cre- identity. The founder and direc- to be a great success, as people maintained with the donations ating media governance is unde- tor of the radio – Rev. Tadeusz had been waiting for the kind of coming from their loyal listeners niable, so Rydzyk message which would provide ob- and viewers. Secondly, they are greater is C.Ss.R., jective information while guiding Poland's first interactive media the public people have signed Ph.D – re- their minds and hearts in accor- created with the participation of outrage protest letters to the solved to dance with the principles of the listeners and viewers, lending vo- triggered 2.2 National Broadcasting create a wi- faith and Polish tradi- ice to circles excluded from pu- by the arbi- Council against the reless sta- tion. Despite difficulties with the blic debate. These media engage trary deci- tion on 10th authorities and attacks from circ- in many activities for the com- sion to de- discrimination of February les hostile to the Church, Radio mon good and have become a ny Televi- mln Television Trwam 1990 while Maryja was developing dynami- platform for building a commu- sion Trwam visiting the cally, inspiring the emergence of nity of people who feel responsi- a place in the digital multiplex Shrine of Divine Mercy in Kra- subsequent ventures, notably the ble for public life. Thirdly, Tele- and discrimination against the ków-¸agiewniki, and Radio Ma- daily newspaper Nasz Dziennik vision Trwam and Radio Maryja Catholic broadcaster by the cur- ryja began broadcasting on 8th [Our Journal] and the College of are media with a strong, distinct rent government. December 1991 from its headqu- Social and Media Culture in To- identity and an alternative to the Radio Maryja is a Polish nation- arters in Toruƒ. It effectively bro- ruƒ. The year 2003 saw the laun- A. KULESZA FOT. dominant left-liberal discourse. wide Catholic radio station ke the monopoly in the media, ching of Television Trwam [which The actions of the National They offer reliable, objective, owned by the Warsaw Province up to this time reserved for just means “I persist”] – the only Ca- Broadcasting Council (KRRiT) amount non-manipulated information of the Redemptorist Order. It re- one option subscribing to liberal tholic television station. to gagging the voice of Catholics www.naszdziennik.pl

MUFFLED BY THE LICENCES FOR REVIEW AT ODDS TV TRWAM AKIN GOVERNMENT WITH THE LAW TO SOLIDARITY The decision of the National To oust, to slander, to tatter a good Broadcasting Council, rather than The National Broadcasting Council The atmosphere during our marches name, not to give room in the digital enhance pluralism in the media, violates the recommendations of the is reminiscent of a memorable multiplex platform – all this is an reinforced the oligarchic character of European Commission on digital August 1980, when "Solidarity" came element of the fight against the Church, the media market dominated by the media use. into being. says Rev. Tadeusz Rydzyk C.Ss.R., Ph.D, left-liberal orientation. director of Radio Maryja. VI III II IV-V Tuesday II June 5th, 2012 STOP DISCRIMINATION naszdziennik.pl Deprived of the media

The market of electronic commer- with the Polsat concern and the long, both the Sejm and the Senate cial media in Poland is in effect an other (Stavka) is currently 51-per- will debate and vote on the Annu- oligopoly formed in the 1990s, cent owned by TVN. The other al Report of the National Broad- when the two national television two places were taken by Eska and casting Council. The digitisation frequencies were given to the own- Lemon Records, companies of the problems are growing serious, as ers of the Polsat and TVN brands. ZPR Capital Group associated the first deadline for the analogue Today, the companies associated with the Democratic Left Alliance broadcast deactivation is with these stations also control (SLD). These political connec- approaching. There are legitimate additional channels, satellite plat- tions also correspond to the politi- concerns that due to the lack of forms, mobile telephony, Internet cal composition of the National public aid to 1.5 million of the networks, and even a cinema Broadcasting Council. poorest families and lack of a chain. The liberal Civic Platform "It's the ninth time that I am proper information campaign, a (PO) remaining in power since answering questions on TV considerable proportion of the 2007 may certainly count the main Trwam", complained Jan Dworak, population will be permanently media moguls amongst its sup- President of the National Broad- excluded from media access when porters. The largest private televi- casting Council, at a meeting of analogue TV is eventually sion stations do not seem to per- the Parliamentary Committee on switched off. Public media are fac- form the checking function, which Culture and Media. Indeed, the ing bankruptcy due to the total col- is so important in democracy. The digitisation scandal dominated the lapse of their funding and the lack programmes they offer are com- proceedings of the lower and of any initiative on the part of the FOT. R. SOBKOWICZ R. FOT. mercial in nature, and the views upper chambers of the Polish par- government to address this prob- Jan Dworak, President of the National Broadcasting Council, which has and customs promoted on air are liament (Sejm and Senate) from lem. Each of these issues is direct- denied a spot in MUX-1 to Television Trwam hardly acceptable for Catholics January to May 2012. As many as ly related to the issue of the dis- and traditionally-minded audi- ten several hour-long meetings of crimination of Television Trwam. ences. the Committee on Culture and The massive demand for the The digitisation of terrestrial tel- Media were devoted exclusively to right to development television evision seemed to promise the this subject, including four joint that would serve truth and the Distribution of spots in digital multiplex platforms long-awaited pluralism of owner- sessions with the Committee on good upbringing of human society ship and a wide ideological spec- State Control. Add to this the is a new phenomenon in the histo- MUX-1 MUX-2 trum. Sadly, this did not happen. meetings of the Committee on ry of the media. Many media TV Channel Capital links to TV Channel Capital links to The ruling PO failed to propose a Innovation and New Technologies experts in the world today say that POLSAT bill deactivating analogue televi- dedicated to digital television the future and survival of the POLO TV SPORT NEWS sion for four years, which put exist- which also turned into several media depends on broadcasters ESKA TV ing terrestrial broadcasters in a hours of debate on discrimination which are supported by a strong TV4 strong bargaining position. They against Catholic television. The community of viewers. Rather TV6 held multi-annual licences for ana- Senate Committee on Culture dis- than seize this opportunity, the T-TV logue transmission and so were cussed the decision of the Nation- Polish ruling elite opts to consoli- POLSAT able to block the disconnection of al Broadcasting Council on two date the existing setup of the the traditional television signal. In occasions with questions to Presi- media market. ATM TV PULS ROZRYWKA TV consequence, they managed to dent Dworak asked by senators as TV PULS2 double their holdings and take well as MPs. control of the entire Multiplex 2, It is hard to imagine that MPs TVP1 TVN7 which has the broadcasting capac- would not require any explanation Barbara TVP2 ity of eight television channels. In on the issue effectively defining the Bubula TVP INFO TVN this context, the hope for breaking new media order in Poland and the the existing monopoly focuses on place of Catholic media within this MUX-3 MUX-4 the four remaining vacant spots on new setup. The more debates and Multiplex 1. Two of these were meetings took place, the more Reserved for TVP assigned to companies formed by shocking facts came into light. The author is a Polish MP (the PiS party (Polish Television) mobile television producers, one of which The road for further action in – Law and Justice), 2007-2010 a member of (ATM Group) has capital links the parliament is still open. Before the National Broadcasting Council.

At odds with the law

National Broadcasting he restriction of Televi- The constitutional body set up mit itself to an audit by the Supre- 3 October 2010), as well as respon- sion Trwam's access to to protect the public interest in the me Chamber of Control, the con- sibilities imposed on the NBC by Council granted mass, often low-income, audiovisual sphere, i.e. the Natio- stitutional control body, as requ- the Constitution to uphold fre- licences to T viewership by refusing to nal Broadcasting Council, has it- ested by members of parliament edom of speech, the right to infor- companies which grant it the licence to broadcast via self manipulated the selection cri- and social assemblies, to verify the mation and public interest in radio the digital multiplex, is a violation teria for broadcasters, exposing it- correctness and appropriateness and television broadcasting. HAVE NEGATIVE EQUITY CAPITAL of the canon of freedom, equality self to the charge of subjectivity, of the decision excluding a huge Such a position of the National and pluralism in a democratic sys- bias, favouritism and the violation segment of society from access to Broadcasting Council is in contra- GENERATE LOSS ON BUSINESS tem, supposed to be guaranteed by of the procedural transparency. the television broadcasts which fo- diction with the Recommendation ACTIVITY the rule of law. Manipulation of the rules of the ster social ties. of the European Commission of The European Convention on game in the broadcaster selection Contrary to the needs of the so- 20 August 2009 on media literacy DO NOT HAVE ANY FIXED ASSETS Human Rights, the treaties consti- process gave precedence to com- ciety, culture, the arts, education, in the digital environment for a tuting the EU acquis, and the uni- mercial-broadcasting monopolies and social identity of citizens lose more competitive audiovisual and DO NOT OWN ANY PRODUCTION versal rule-of-law standards apply- over a broadcaster which fulfils a out on television to the interests of content industry and an inclusive OR BROADCASTING FACILITIES ing in the Polish and European le- crucial integrating role in the sphe- advertisers, who favour coarse and knowledge society. gal framework safeguard equal ac- re of social communication. primitive entertainment program- DO NOT HAVE REAL FINANCIAL cess to freedom of expression and The limiting of the public's ac- mes, pandering to the lowest tastes. RESOURCES media pluralism. cess to pluralistic broadcasting in The National Broadcasting Co- The case of Television Trwam favour of capital groups that enjoy uncil's resistance to an audit of its Piotr ¸. HAVE NOT STARTED being deprived of the possibility a dominant position on the market decision to verify its transparency, Andrzejewski of broadcasting via a generally by granting each of them several fairness and justification is surpri- BROADCASTING UNTIL LICENSED accessible digital system is not places in the multiplex while elimi- sing indeed in the light of the con- only a violation of the cardinal nating a broadcaster that performs stitutional principles and "condi- BELONG TO THE SAME rule of equality before the law an integrating role treating its vie- tions of fair competition without CAPITAL GROUP but also demonstrates how an ar- wers as both consumers and parti- prejudice to the public interest ro- The author is a lawyer, a renowned defender bitrary method is used to exclude cipants of the broadcasts, has alre- le to be discharged by the audiovi- of human rights, an active participant of anti- ARE OWNED BY ENTITIES THAT a significant segment of the socie- ady met with the reaction of a so- sual media services" (as defined in communist opposition, a founder member of ALREADY HAVE A MULITIPLEX ty from meeting their needs in an cial movement of civil protest. the Audiovisual Media Services the Polish branch of the Helsinki Foundation LICENCE era of universal social communi- Nevertheless, the National Bro- Directive of the European Parlia- for Human Rights, a judge of the State cation. adcasting Council refuses to sub- ment and the Council of the EU of , a Polish senator for many years. Tuesday DISCRIMINATION STOP June 5th, 2012 III naszdziennik.pl Licences for review

hy has Television Trwam The Council, composed of five mem- In view of the above, the National Bro- Comparison of selected been refused a place in the bers: two appointed by President Broni- adcasting Council clearly gave preference digital multiplex by the Na- slaw Komorowski and three representing to entities which were financially unrelia- financial indicators W tional Broadcasting Coun- the interests of left and liberal parties, ma- ble, which had negative capital, generated Fixed Assets cil? Who is more trustworthy: a financial- de a decision which proved strikingly sub- losses, had no fixed assets, did not have ly reliable broadcaster in business for ni- jective, prejudiced and compromising for their own production base or broadca- 2010 ne years or companies with no assets and its authors. The National Council assu- sting capabilities, and did not possess any 100 no experience which have never televised med a priori and without justification that real financial security. a single programme? It is not only the the Lux Veritatis Foundation, the owner But this is not the end of the strange ma- 80 viewers of Poland's only Catholic televi- of Television Trwam, would be unable to nipulations concerning the allocation of li- sion station that have been asking them- bear the financial burden of entering the cences. Places in the multiplex were obta- 60 selves these questions for the past several digital multiplex. Yet in the light of the do- ined by companies that had not even star- months. Poles are alarmed by the digiti- cuments submitted to the National Bro- ted broadcasting before the date of the de- 40 sation process because they perceive it as adcasting Council a very different picture cision granting digital licences, despite this an opaque shield behind which, through emerges. Apart from anything else, it being a sine qua non condition for a suc- 20 completely arbitrary procedures, the pil- transpires that the four commercial com- cessful endorsement. Moreover, the com- lars of freedom and democracy are being panies which have been granted licences panies are owned by the Polsat and TVN 0 dismantled. The Orwellian reality is alive by the National Broadcasting Council did groups, which already have secured places mln PLN and well: there are broadcasters that are not in fact fulfil the criteria established by (even over a dozen) in the multiplexes. equal and those that are considered mo- it. The Lux Veritatis Foundation had a Therefore, the decision of the National LUX VERITATIS Foundation re equal than others; there are TV sta- striking advantage over those four compa- Broadcasting Council, rather than enhan- tions which are privileged and those nies in every category. Here are a few eco- ce pluralism in the media, reinforced the ESKA TV S.A. which are excluded. nomic indicators to illustrate this. oligarchic character of the media market The digitisation of television that is the dominated by the left-liberal orientation. LEMON RECORDS LTD transition from analogue to digital bro- Specifically, two entities that have been adcasting is obligatory under the decision THE FIXED ASSETS granted licences belong to television sta- STAVKA LTD of the European Commission, binding tions which are already present on the se- for all European Union Member States. OF THE LUX VERITATIS cond multiplex – STAVKA is owned by In Poland, this transition is due to be FOUNDATION ARE: TVN, and ATM Group – by Polsat. In completed by the end of July 2013. Terre- turn, the majority stakes in Lemon Re- strial digital broadcasting significantly 3,700 times larger than those of Eska TV; cords and Eska TV are held by Zjednoczo- expands viewers' access to television pro- 351 times larger than those of Lemon ne Przedsi´biorstwa Rozrywkowe SA grammes and also enables them to enjoy Records; [United Entertainment Enterprises Inc.], other technologically advanced services, which is the owner of the radio network 86,000,000 times larger than those of which means that broadcasters left out of Eska and a big player on the gambling STAVKA TV. the multiplex will effectively cease to be market. Yet access to modern digital tech- reckoned with in the world of the media, nology has been refused to a Catholic bro- Current Assets they will be deprived of the chance to EQUITY CAPITAL: adcaster, despite the fact that over 90% of grow. Poles declare themselves to be Catholics. 4.0 2010 There were four places to be granted Lux Veritatis Foundation – PLN 20.5 million Contrary to Josef Goebbels' wishes, a 3.5 in the competition for licences to broad- STAVKA TV – PLN 91 thousand lie repeated a thousand times does not 3.0 cast on the first free multiplex "MUX-1". Lemon Records – negative capital always become the truth. The National Applications to the National Broadca- Broadcasting Council's fraudulent de- 2.5 of PLN 473 thousand 2.0 sting Council, which as the constitutional Eska TV – negative capital ception and manipulation during the li- body decides upon licences, were made of PLN 3.8 million censing process have come to light and 1.5 by 17 broadcasters, including Television exposed extraneous reasons for the deci- 1.0 Trwam. The procedure formally closed sion, clearly motivated by ideology. It se- 0.5 on 4th March 2011. The word "formally" NET PROFIT ems that the broad social movement in 0.0 must be emphasised here, because con- GENERATED IN 2010: defence of Television Trwam and prote- trary to the rules created and adopted by sts against the destruction of indepen- mln PLN the National Council itself, not all broad- Lux Veritatis Foundation – PLN 3.5 million dent media is a reaction which the autho- casters were treated equally, as the Co- Lemon Records – PLN 19 thousand rities had not anticipated. The public opi- uncil allowed two applicants to supple- nion in the West can now get acquainted STAVKA TV – loss of PLN 4 thousand ment their documentation after that de- with the arguments for a review of the Eska TV – loss of PLN 2.3 million adline. This certainly had an impact on multiplex licensing procedure. G the licensing process. Ma∏gorzata Rutkowska

Equity Capital EBITDA* 2008 2009 2010 2010 12 20 25 25 10 15 20 20 8 15 15 10 6 10 10 5 4 5 5 2 0 0 0 0 -5 -5 -5 mln PLN mln PLN mln PLN mln PLN * EBITDA - earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation - financial metric used for assessing the ability of a business entity to finance investment and own activities

Editorial office: Editor in Chief: Published by: Nasz Dziennik is a national daily targetted ul. Żeligowskiego 16/20, at Catholic readership. www.naszdziennik.pl 04-476 Warszawa, Poland Ewa Nowina Konopka „Spes” Spółka z o. o. It has been published since 1998. tel. (22) 515 77 77, fax (22) 515 77 78 Tuesday IV June 5th, 2012 STOP DISCRIMINATION naszdziennik.pl TV Trwam akin to FOT. A. KULESZA FOT.

hese images will not be seen An opaque licensing procedure, on the screens of your TV's manipulation, offensive lies of civil or computers. Thousands of servants obliged to adhere to media Tpeople on the streets, shoul- pluralism and equal treatment of all der to shoulder, a forest of red and stakeholders have created a result white flags, pennants and countless which was not expected by those in banners. Everyone is smiling and power. The start of the new year cheerful although the matter which 2012 was marked by a rising tide of has united us is far from a happy one. protest against the discrimination The atmosphere is reminiscent of a 31 NEWSPAPERS AND WEB PORTALS of the Television Trwam audience. memorable August 1980, when „So- 32 TRADE UNION ORGANISATIONS Resistance takes many forms lidarity” came into being, the first – captivating, original, inspired. trade union independent of the 14 PARTY FORMATIONS Since the first days of January communist authorities. This was 95 ASSOCIATIONS, the seat of the National Broad- when Europe held its breath – for SOCIETIES, CHURCH AND CIVIC casting Council in Warsaw has in a moment the „iron curtain” been literally overwhelmed by would surely disintegrate into ORGANISATIONS thousands of letters in defence dust. The Poles dream of fre- of the Catholic broadcaster edom proved stronger than – by the end of May these will tanks, militia wielded truncheons TOWN COUNCILS come to more than 2.2 million. and repression. This was accom- 74 A striking number. There are panied by a feeling in the air, an 23 MUNICIPAL COUNCILS words of support from the Per- expectation for a wind of change. 25 COUNTY COUNCILS manent Council of the Polish It is now certain: the year 2012 Bishops' Conference, numerous will be remembered in Poland as a 4 REGIONAL COUNCILS public figures, hundreds of com- time of solidarity with Television munity organisations and local go- Trwam, the station which has been vernments at all levels. The last ti- arbitrarily denied access to the digi- me we so massively gave expression tal multiplex by the National Broad- of our unanimity was in the mid 90s, casting Council, de facto subjecting on the occasion of the struggle for it to the exclusion from the media sealing the law for the protection of market in Poland. It just so happens life from conception. This shows to be that Television Trwam is a Ca- SUPPORT that we continue to be united by va- tholic broadcaster, says the voice of lues – religious, moral and patriotic, a vast majority of Poles who have FOR not empty platitudes and contrived the right to a media which is in ac- problems. cordance with their convictions. Envelopes with the signatures in Many ask themselves a simple qu- TELEVISION defence of Television Trwam still estion: why in this case has an esta- continue to arrive at the National blished rule of democracy been left TRWAM Broadcasting Council. A growing to hang out to dry? awareness that the government of Tuesday DISCRIMINATION STOP June 5th, 2012 V naszdziennik.pl

„ The denial of space for „ Freedom of speach in media is very important Television Trwam in the digital for freedom all of the society. The same could multiplex by government be said today for Poland as was said by my officials is an example of father. It is time for Poland to not only be free discrimination. This decision is but to live free. Ronald Reagan, John a form of repression. I find it Paul and Solidarity did not fight for Poland’s hard to understand why it is that prof. Eric McLuhan Michael Reagan freedom for Poland to be muzzled today... a Catholic station is denied the media expert and is the son of former President right to broadcast a digital signal. communications theorist, Ronald Reagan professor of American and Canadian universities

Donald Tusk restricts freedom of made people take to the streets. expression and is gagging indepen- Even the extension of the retire- dent media, which strikes at the li- ment age to 67 seems to have cau- berty of each citizen, wakes a new, sed less emotion. long unseen phenomenon in the Po- The marches of solidarity with the lish landscape. On February 18th, Catholic TV have gone through mo- on a frosty winter's day on the stre- re than 50 cities in Poland as well as ets of Warsaw, 25 000 people step taking place abroad, in countries out. They are taking part in a march where there exists a strong Polish in defence of Television Trwam and diaspora, such as the United States, freedom of expression. Not all re- Canada and Germany. In some pla- present the Catholic audience of the ces – twice. Such as in Warsaw, whe- station as they walk together side by re on April 21st more than 120 tho- side with people of different politi- usand people marched after Mass cal sympathies – for one simple re- from Three Crosses Square to the ason: lack of the station's presence Office of the Prime Minister and in a supposedly open and free bro- then to the Belvedere Palace – the adcast service. They realise that this seat of President Bronislaw Komo- is about fundamental issues for the rowski. The capital has not seen future of the national community, such an assembly since 1989, but the State, the quality of public life. those in government appear to re- Warsaw, Cracow, ¸ódê, Gdaƒsk, main unimpressed by this new dec- Szczecin, but also a village of Je˝owe laration, expressed in the most well- in the southern Subcarpatian pro- -known slogan of the day: "We won't vince or the town of Augustów at give up Television Trwam!". This is the north-eastern ends of the Po- still further expressed by the 36 bo- land. A grand metropolis pulsating xes of over two million signatures in with life and a tranquil town, or even support of Catholic television filed a rural enclave associated with holi- in the Office of the President. days and idleness. And both here History, it seems, is repeating it- and there a prodigious movement: self. Once again, as during the pilgri- marches in defence of Television mage of Pope John Paul II to Po- Trwam. The multitudes united in a land which heralded the birth of manner which no one remembers "Solidarity", we can straighten our- with half of the local community ga- selves, regain our dignity and be co- thered under the white and red stan- unted. The spontaneous social mo- dards. In Malbork, Wejherowo and vement in defence of Television Total KoÊcierzyna in Pomerania, there Trwam asserts the rights of the ma- were no demonstrations against the jority which does not wish to remain number communist government even during silent, to live a lie through being fed martial law in 1981. It was only the a deformed image of reality, but ra- of protestors current government’s the decision ther hungers for the truth. G is about the Catholic television that Ma∏gorzata Rutkowska over 300,000

Warsaw, 21 April 2012. A march in support of Trwam TV gathered 120,000 people demanding

freedom of speech and equal rights for all TV broadcasters. M. BORAWSKI FOT.

MARCHES IN SUPPORT OF TV TRWAM Over POLAND 2,200,000 Los Angeles signatures Toronto Chicago already New York collected Hamburg in Poland Berlin Tuesday VI June 5th, 2012 STOP DISCRIMINATION naszdziennik.pl Muffled by the government

Rev. Tadeusz Rydzyk Father Director, why is Television a sin of neglect! This is not a nor- has come full circle. I can recollect "concern for the common good". Trwam fighting for a spot in the mal situation that the Catholic 95 the suppression of "Solidarity" and In Poland, unfortunately, politics C.Ss.R., Ph.D, the digital terrestrial multiplex plat- percent of citizens do not have a freedom by the communists, and has become "the art of arranging director of Radio Maryja, form? single one television in the multi- here we have the same thing again, oneself" and "arranging one's own – Digitisation is entering Poland plex platform. We are fighting for they just use different methods. group" at the expense of others, as we speak and there will be ma- just one spot, nothing more. cultivating selfishness straight ny digital TV channels. As many as Others have received many licen- What's the authorities' reaction to from Machiavelli. Pope John Paul talks to 86 percent of the citizens of our ces and one of the media compa- this grassroots social campaign? II stressed it very strongly that po- Ma∏gorzata Goss country declare their allegiance to nies now owns 13 spots on the – Well, the protests hit against a litics is a concern for the common the Catholic faith and another 9 multiplex. We cannot compete fi- reinforced concrete wall. The Na- good, a concern which reaches out percent see themselves as deeply nancially with those people who tional Broadcasting Council does for the transcendent purposes of religious, which means that 95 per- have appropriated Poland. not heed to anyone or anything. mankind. Thus, a Catholic not on- cent of society declare to be Ca- They hold the media in their ly may, but is even obliged to take This is not tholics. If there are so many Ca- Lux Veritatis Foundation, the bro- hands. They may grant a licence or part in politics. tholics, then they should have a re- adcaster of Television Trwam, was they may not grant it. Not only do spectively large share of the media, the most reliable broadcaster they not engage in dialogue, but It is commonly believed that the a normal including their own religious chan- among the entities applying for they make use of lies as well. They economic and political crisis of the nels. In Poland, however, the deci- the licence, yet it was precisely lie when speaking in television modern world finds its source in situation that the sive majority of the media are in them, of all the others, who were programmes devoted to the licen- the underlying ethical and moral the hands of the leftist-liberal refused by the National Broadca- ce for TV Trwam, they even lie crisis. What contribution can Ca- option. The left, communists, who sting Council. What is the real ra- speaking on parliamentary com- tholics make to solving this crisis? Catholic 95 percent seemingly handed over power tionale behind this decision? mittees. Not only that – it is plain – Pope Benedict XVI, when di- after the outbreak of the "Solidari- – It is clear to see that there is to see that they would also like to scussing this issue during his spe- of citizens do not ty" and the 1989 elections, have in just one reason: not to allow Ca- win some people of the Church ech at the Bundestag, quoted ” fact never given it up, they have tholics and patriots to have a say. over to their position. They would Augustine's words: "If the rulers only transformed. The old No- To shut their mouth. Not to allow like to make use of them. are not guided by justice, how do have a single one menclatura and the post-solidarity debate based on arguments, the they differ from bands of rob- leftist circles it has embraced have pursuit of truth and common go- Public opinion receives the follo- bers?" ("Justice being taken away, television in the taken over the economy, media, od. The idea is to keep on mani- wing message addressed to Catho- then, what are kingdoms but great banks, everything that Poles wor- pulating people and to use them lics: you can pray in churches, but robberies?", City of God IV, 4). We ked so hard to get through the ge- for their own purposes. Gagging keep clear of public affairs, keep also remember John Paul II's war- multiplex platform. nerations. They have deceived the Catholics in today's Poland is very away from politics. ning that "democracy without valu- nation. To have the power, you ne- much like the manner of commu- – Catholics are portrayed as if es easily turns into open or thinly We are fighting for ed to have the media and money. nists back in the People's Republic they were less valuable, deprived disguised totalitarianism". Every- And this is precisely what they ha- of Poland. There was no free press of reason, fanatical… This is an thing must be done in truth and lo- ve seized for themselves. So now – underground newspapers were element of the fight against the ve. The media must be a means of just one spot, we have the leftist-liberal rule. printed on duplicating machines. Church. These manipulations are social communication, dialogue, This is a paradox. In spite of being People would listen to Radio Free intended to make the Church re- encountering each other, rather nothing more the majority, in spite of having ma- Europe news, information was pulsive to the people and to oust it than a means of manipulation. ny priests and strong structures of passed down by word of mouth. from the public arena. In the com- This is the way to communio, the Church, Catholic uni- The fact that we haven’t been munist era there was a special mi- union in truth and love, and thus versities, seminaries, it granted the licence reminds us of nister for religious affairs. The mi- to respecting every human being, turns out that Catho- those totalitarian methods. Taking nister – he was called Kàkol as far regardless of religion, race, culture lics are being mani- a broader perspective, alas, I am I can recall – once said: "We shall or origin. pulated. The afraid that's the direction we are never let the Church go out of the whole nation is heading. The government does sacristy, to have an impact on the This is exactly what is missing manipulated not have any dialogue with the pe- nation, on the youth." They are do- from the leftist-liberal media. In- by a small gro- ople, which is visible in the way it ing the same thing now, only their stead of engaging in dialogue on up of people deals with "Solidarity", but also in methods have changed. To oust, to topics relevant to people, they en- who are hol- matters of schools, education, he- slander, to tatter a good name, not gage in gossip and things of no ding the media alth etc. People are protesting, but to give room in the digital multi- substance whatsoever. and the power. no one talks to them. This is a ve- plex platform, not even a single – Social relationships and dialo- So now comes ry dangerous situation. spot, while the leftist-liberal mino- gue must be based on empathy. In this new tech- rity has everything! contrast, they are gagging us, bloc- nology, the di- A broad front of people was for- king our mouth, they say: "no be- gital transmis- med to defend Television Trwam. What is the position of the Church cause no". It's a dictate. We are dic- sion… Why It not only includes the viewers of in these matters? Are Catholics tated what we are to listen to, what would Catho- the channel, but also artists, jour- only supposed to pray and keep to say, what to watch… It is a dic- lics not have it? nalists working for other media, clear off worldly affairs? tatorship. We in Poland have alre- That would politicians, social activists, local – We need to sanctify ourselves ady been through a dictatorship, surely be government officials. The campa- walking through the world, not to we know what's it all about. That's ign is fought under the banner of live next to it. This is a theology why we are talking openly about it, "standing up for free media"… of the earthly reality. We are to let people know. Millions of pe- – I meet many people who have build the world making it a bet- ople are standing up for TV never watched TV Trwam, ter, more humane place, in truth Trwam, grassroots organising pro- who justify their commit- and in love. We can read about it tests on the streets. On the twen- ment on its side with the in the Old Testament. God cre- tieth anniversary of Radio Maryja fact that they simply can’t ated the world, and concluded his Pope John Paul II addressed us have someone from work of creation saying to pe- with this message: "Thank you for above dictating what ople: "You shall grow!". It's im- being there, for Radio Maryja, TV they should watch or possible to imagine faith without Trwam, Nasz Dziennik, the Colle- listen to. They want deeds. Faith without deeds is de- ge of Social and Media Culture". to choose for ad. We have the duty to actively We were also congratulated on the themselves. seek common good and work for mission we are performing by Po- That's why the benefit of man. pe Benedict XVI. But that does they are de- not count for them. Our efforts for fending free Pope Benedict XVI called on Chri- the licence were endorsed by the media. That is stians to participate in politics… Permanent Episcopal Council, the why so many – Politics is about building a Polish Bishops' Conference, as people partici- common good. The word "poli- well as by individual bishops. That pate in the tics" derives from the Greek word still doesn't count. They don't care marches, sign "polis", which means "city-state". about anybody. the protest to In ancient Greece a person who the National was not interested in the affairs of How long will this fight persist? Broadcasting the city-state, that is – as we would – I don't know. Until we prevail. Council and say today – not interested in the One thing is certain: we will not intervene in public affairs, was referred to as yield. I really can’t imagine we wo- various institu- idiotes. Politics is not just "art of uldn't be granted this one spot in

FOT. E. SÑDEJ FOT. tions. History government", but above all the the digital platform. Tuesday DISCRIMINATION STOP June 5th, 2012 VII naszdziennik.pl

Vatican, 1 December 2011 Reverend Father Provincial Janusz Sok, C.Ss.R. of the Warsaw Redemptorist Province

he Holy Father Benedict XVI, in spiritual the difficulties, develop fruitfully its activity at home Media Culture. The press dimension of journalism communion with the participants of the cer- and abroad. represents a well-known in Poland daily journal. emony of the XX anniversary of the Radio And with the seed of Word in the hearts of men, Radio Maria also pilgrimages through its homeland T Maria, sends trough me to the Father after 20 years of continuous activity on many levels, transmitting the Holy Mass and other celebrations Provincial a greeting and an apostolic blessing to the we can admit that the yield of the sow is abundant. In from many sanctuaries in the dioceses and parishes. Founder and the Director of the Radio – Father the first place on the waves of your radio, you can It also follows the events of the Church in Poland. Tadeusz Rydzyk, all the ecclesiastic and lay employ- experience the encounter with God through prayer Radio Maria listeners are on the pilgrimage tracks to ees, volunteers and those who thanks to this catholic and catechesis. Two important elements that mark Czestochowa, Rome and the American Czesto- broadcaster strengthen their faith on their way to out the Catholic Radio from the other stations. (The chowa in Pennsylvania. God. Audience for the Radio Maria, 16.10.1997). The specificity of this radio lies also in the fact that Radio Maria was erected in Torun by the Bishop of Every day is broadcasted the Holy Mass, Breviary, anyone can take part in an open discussion program Chelm, on the day of the Feast of the Immaculate , Rosary, Chaplet of Divine Mercy, Evening "Unfinished Conversations", participating by the tele- Conception, 8th December 1991. During this rather prayer to Mary the Queen of Poland from Jasna Gora phone in the live program. There should also be difficult period of leaving the system that negated the in Czestochowa, Prayer of the Immaculate Concep- mentioned the scientific, cultural and social environ- freedom of speech and imposed the government’s tion of the Blessed Mary and other prayers char- ments gathering around the Radio Maria and sup- monopoly in distribution of information, there was a acteristic for different periods – as for example a peni- porting clearly the moral teaching of the Catholic necessity to create the new, catholic media that tential prayers celebrated in Lent (“Gorzkie ˚ale”). Church, defending life from conception to natural could reach everyone with the message of Redemp- Everyday catechesis is enriched by the presence death and defending the family founded on respon- tion and with the reliable information. of bishops. Inseparable attachment with the Holy sible and God-blessed union of a man and woman Blessed John Paul II was thinking in this way. He See is manifested in the broadcasts of all the foreign and the Christian education of children. addressed to you these words: “There is a great pilgrimages of the Holy Father, the Wednesday gen- Mentioned above forms of religious influence on necessity to proclaim the Gospel in our Homeland. eral audiences, the "Angelus" with the Pope, the Vat- the masses of listeners, especially the people with People are in a need of an authentic word. Word that ican Radio news and the most important events in disabilities, the sick, the advanced in years, who can- builds and not divides, word that brings confidence the and the universal Church. In addition, a not participate personally in the pastoral programs in to the anxious hearts. Word that is pure, simple, pro- weekly news from the Vatican Octava Dies is broad- their dioceses or parishes, are a genuine contribu- claims love and truth. The message of Redemption casted, as well as the information service from the tion to the Mission of Evangelization of the Church in is that kind of word. This is Christ Himself. And you Holy Land – Terra Santa News. Poland and harmonize with the path of the New are the spokesmen of this Word”. (The General Audi- The Pope Benedict XVI expresses his joy that, Evangelization traced by The Magisterium of the ence, 23.03.1994). thanks to the Radio Maria and related with it televi- Church. The Pope, your compatriot, confessed also: „I sion Trwam, his apostolic journeys, Wednesday Finally, I would like to quote the words of the Pope, would like to say thank you to the Radio Maria for audiences and other events can be received in your compatriot, Blessed John Paul II, addressed to this diversified and generous engagement in the Poland in the native language. This is a clear contri- you during one of the pilgrimages to Rome: "May Apostolate of Word, which is today so important and bution in bringing closer the Peter’s Mission in your your Radio be on service of the true information, ful- so needed in our country”. (The Audience for the country and among your countrymen who live filled with love and based on justice. May it contribute Radio Maria, 18.04.1996). He Himself entrusted your abroad. to the formation of human consciences in the spirit of Radio to Mary’s – the chief patroness of the Radio – Not without significance is also the Christian social the teaching of Christ." protection in the words: “I entrust all of you and your activity of your Radio. Known and religiously valuable The Holy Father Benedict XVI, thanking you for the Apostolate to Virgin Mary’s protection. We venerate is the community dimension of the Radio Maria lis- 20 years of the generous Mission of Evangelization, Her as the Star of Evangelization. (…) Mary, the Star teners, families, youth and especially wonderful and asks God through the intercession of the Holy of Evangelization, please lead us, lead Radio Maria unique phenomenon of the Backyard Rosary Circles Mother, Patroness of the Radio Maria, that this Cause and be its protectress!”. (The General Audience, of Children gathering about 150 thousand of children of permeation of faith to the human consciences, 23.03.1994). “May Mary, the Star of New Evangeliza- in the different parts of world who express their love guided by the Redemptorist Religious Order in tion, lead your Radio to the new people and new for the Mother of the Savior through the regular, Poland and abroad, results in a permanent victory of times” (A pilgrimage to Poland, Torun, 7.06.1999). In everyday Rosary. good over evil and brings good to the many Chris- this spirit of entrusting, thanks to indomitable will Thinking about the formation of young people and tians and to all of your country. In this spirit, I share and fidelity with the Magisterium of the Church and for the sake of the Catholic journalists, already for 10 your joy and I salute all the participants of the cere- with its Shepherds, Radio Maria could, despite of years in Torun has existed the School of Social and mony and the listeners.

+ Tarcisio Bertone, Cardinal Secretary of State

Warsaw, 16 January 2012 The list of bishops who submitted a letter Statement by the Permanent Council in defence of the TV Trwam to the president of The National Broadcasting of the Polish Bishops' Conference Council, Jan Dworak : on the allocation of a spot for Television Trwam on the digital multiplex platform • Cardinal Zenon Grocholewski, Prefect of the Vatican Congregation for Catholic Education

• Episcopal Council of the Diocese of Kielce – 12 January 2012 : The Permanent Council of the Polish Bishops' Conference who should enjoy free access to all programmes broadcast by Bishop Stanis∏aw Napiera∏a strongly urges the National Broadcasting Council to change its TV Trwam within the digital terrestrial television system. This Bishop Teofil Wilski position in the ongoing licensing process and grant Television is also the expectation of numerous viewers, many of whom are Trwam a place in the digital multiplex platform. sick and lonely people. Bishop Wies∏aw Mering The exclusion of a religious TV station in the licensing pro- We trust that TV Trwam – broadcasting for over eight years • , ordinary of W∏oc∏awek cess violates the principle of pluralism and equality before the now and demonstrating financial stability – will be incorporated – 13 January law, especially since most people in our country are Catholics, into the digital television system in Poland. – 7 February 2012

• Bishops of the Gdaƒsk Metropolis Members of the Standing Committee at the 5. Cardinal Kazimierz Nycz, 10. Bishop Edward Dajczak, of Koszalin – 24 January 2012 : Conference of Polish Episcopate (KEP): metropolitan of Warsaw and Ko∏obrzeg S∏awoj Leszek G∏ódê, 1. Archbishop Józef Michalik, 6. Bishop Wojciech Polak, 11. Bishop Kazimierz Ryczan, of Kielce On 14 March 2012, the bishops gathered metropolitan of Gdaƒsk president of CPE secretary-general of CPE 12. Bishop Andrzej Suski, of Toruƒ on the 357th Plenary Meeting of the Archbishop Tadeusz Goc∏owski, bishop emeritus 2. Archbishop Stanis∏aw Gàdecki, 7. Archbishop Andrzej Dzi´ga, 13. Bishop Marek J´draszewski, Conference of Polish Episcopate voiced Bishop Andrzej Suski, ordinary of Toruƒ vice-president of CPE metropolitan of Szczecin and Kamieƒ auxiliary bishop of the archdiocese of their support to the Standing Bishop Jan Bernard Szlaga, ordinary of Pelplin 3. Archbishop Józef Kowalczyk, 8. Archbishop S∏awoj Leszek G∏ódê, Poznaƒ Bishop Piotr Krupa, bishop emeritus the of Poland metropolitan of Gdaƒsk 14. Bishop Adam Lepa, auxiliary bishop Committee's stance on granting the Bishop Józef Szamocki 4. Cardinal Stanis∏aw Dziwisz, 9. Archbishop Marian Go∏´biewski, of the archdiocese of ¸ódê Trwam TV a place in the digital , suffragan of Toruƒ metropolitan of Kraków metropolitan of Wroc∏aw multiplex. Bishop Ryszard Kasyna, suffragan of Gdaƒsk Tuesday VIII June 5th, 2012 STOP DISCRIMINATION naszdziennik.pl Support for Television Trwam

STATEMENTS, APPEALS AND Rymanów – 17.2.2012 Nowy Targ – 23.2.2012 RESOLUTIONS OF REGIONAL S∏ubice – 29.3.2012 P∏oƒsk – 31.1.2012 COUNCILS: Sochaczew – 8.2.2012 Rzeszów – 28.2.2012 Starachowice – 27.4.2012 Skierniewice – 27.4.2012 Parliament of the Podkarpackie Sulechów – 20.3.2012 Szyd∏owiec – 23.2.2012 Province – resolution SupraÊl – 31.1.2012 Âwidnik – 28.2.2012 Parliament of the DolnoÊlàskie Szyd∏owiec – 26.3.2012 Tomaszów Mazowiecki Province – resolution Âwidnica – 24.2.2012 – 29.3.2012 Parliament of the Lubelskie Tarnogród – 29.3.2012 Turek – 31.1.2012 Province – statement of 30.1.2012 Tomaszów Lubelski – 30.3.2012 W´grów – 23.3.2012 Wieluƒ – 29.3.2012 - a letter of Tuchów – 14.3.2012 Wysokie Mazowieckie – 15.2.2012 the Mayor to the NBC W´grów – 29.2.2012 W∏oszczowa – 23.2.2012 STATEMENTS, APPEALS AND STATEMENTS, APPEALS AND Wo∏omin – 27.1.2012 RESOLUTIONS OF RESOLUTIONS OF TOWN AND Wysokie Mazowieckie – 31.1.2012 MUNICIPAL CITY COUNCILS: Zielonka – 27.2.2012 ˚arki – 25.4.2012 r. COUNCILS: Be∏chatów – 29.3.2012 Borz´cin – 28.3.2012 Bia∏ystok – 27.2.2012 – a STATEMENTS, APPEALS AND statement of the PiS party Braƒsk – 24.2.2012 RESOLUTIONS OF Council Club in the City Municipal council Braƒszczyk – 4.4.2012 CouncilBielsko-Bia∏a – 28.2.2012 Town or city council COUNTY Czudec – 9.2.2012 Bochnia – 29.3.2012 County council COUNCILS: Dzwola – 30.3.2012 Boles∏awiec – 28.3.2012 Regional council Horyniec – 28.3.2012 Brzozów – 29.3.2012 Bi∏goraj – 24.2.2012 I∏ów – 16.4.2012 Dàbrowa Tarnowska – 27.3.2012 the City Council proposed an Ostro∏´ka – 2.2.2012 E∏k – 26.4.2012 Juchnowiec KoÊcielny – 16.3.2012 Choszczno – 6.3.2012 appeal to the NBC O˝arów Mazowiecki – 15.3.2012 Gostynin – 30.3.2012 Kaczory – 27.4.2012 Czarnków – 29.2.2012 Lewin Brzeski – 31.1.2012 Poznaƒ – 20.3.2012 Grajewo – 7.3.2012 Konopnica – 2.4.2012 Grajewo – 30.3.2012 Lipno – 27.4.2012 Pilzno – 26.1.2012 Grójec – 30.3.2012 Kosz´cin – 8.2.2012 Iwonicz-Zdrój – 9.2.2012 Lubaczów – 28.3.2012 Pi∏awa Górna – 27.3.2012 Janów Lubelski – 26.1.2012 Kurów – 8.2.2012 Jaros∏aw – 26.3.2012 Lubaƒ – 27.3.2012 Piotrków Trybunalski – 29.2.2012 Jaros∏aw – 17.2.2012 Niebylec – 16.3.2012 Jastrz´bie-Zdrój – 23.2.2012 ¸aƒcut – 6.2.2012 P∏oƒsk – 30.1.2012 Kraków – 28.3.2012 Odolanów – 28.2.2012 Jaworzno – 17.4.2012 ¸ochów – 8.2.2012 Polkowice – 1.3.2012 Krosno – 31.1.2012 Soko∏y – 20.3.2012 Jaworzyna Âlàska – 26.4.2012 ¸om˝a – 25.1.2012 Poniatowa – 9.3.2012 L´bork – 30.3.2012 Szczytniki – 11.5.2012 Kazimierz Dolny – 1.2.2012 ¸uków – 3.2.2012 Przeworsk – 23.2.2012 Limanowa – 29.3.2012 Tomaszów Lubelski – 30.3.2012 K∏odzko – 23.2.2012 Mirsk – 20.3.2012 Pu∏awy – 23.2.2012 Lubaczów – 1.3.2012 Wielopole Skrzyƒskie – 30.3.2012 Kock – 31.1.2012 Nowa Sarzyna – 27.2.2012 Radom – 27.2.2012 Lublin – 25.1.2012 Wieniawa – 23.3.2012 Ko∏o – 29.2.2012 Nowy Sàcz – 24.1.2012 Radomsko – 30.1.2012 Lwówek – 29.2.2012 Wysokie Mazowieckie – 21.3.2012 Konstancin-Jeziorna – 21.3.2012 Odolanów – 28.2.2012 Raszków – 8.5.2012 ¸om˝a – 31.1.2012 Wyszki – 1.3.2012 Kraków – the PiS Council Club in Olkusz – 27.3.2012 Rybnik – 22.2.2012 ¸osice – 30.3.2012 ˚egocina – 26.3.2012

OFFICIAL LETTERS AND POSITIONS – ASSOCIATIONS, SOCIETIES, ciecha Archidiecezji Gnieênieƒskiej; Stowarzyszenie Solidarni 2010 Gdaƒsk – Piotr Duda, przewodniczàcego KK NSZZ „SolidarnoÊç”; CHURCH AND CIVIC ORGANISATION Oddzia∏ ¸ódzki; Warszawa – Kapitu∏a Medalu „Z∏o Dobrem Zwyci´- Bia∏ystok – NSZZ „SolidarnoÊç” Regionu Podlaskiego; Komisja Zak∏a- ˝aj” Ogólnopolski Komitet Pami´ci Ksi´dza Jerzego Popie∏uszki; Le- dowa NSZZ „SolidarnoÊç” Uniwersytetu Gdaƒskiego Stowarzyszenie Rodzin Katolickich Diecezji Legnickiej; Rzeszów – gion Maryi Diecezji Sandomierskiej; Ogólnopolskie Stowarzyszenie In- PRZEWODNICZÑCY SEKRETARIATÓW BRAN˚OWYCH Konwent Narodowy Polski; Stowarzyszenie Rodzin Katolickich Diece- ternowanych i Represjonowanych z siedzibà w Siedlcach; Polonia z New NSZZ „SOLIDARNOÂå”: Sekretariat Ochrony Zdrowia – Maria zji Legnickiej; Warszawa – Stowarzyszenia „Civitas Christiana”; Kato- Britain; Wydzia∏ New Jersey Kongresu Polonii Amerykaƒskiej oraz Êro- Ochman, Sekretariat Górnictwa i Energetyki – Kazimierz Grajcarek, lickie Stowarzyszenie Dziennikarzy; Âwiatowy Zwiàzek ˚o∏nierzy Ar- dowiska zwiàzane z Radiem Maryja i Telewizjà Trwam w stanach New Sekretariat Metalowców – Bogdan Szozda, Sekretariat Przemys∏u Spo- mii Krajowej Zarzàd Okr´gu Podkarpackiego; Zwiàzek Narodowy Pol- Jersey, New York i Connecticut; Stowarzyszenie Rodzin Katolickich ˝ywczego – Miros∏aw Nowicki, Sekretariat Nauki i OÊwiaty – Ryszard ski w Kanadzie Towarzystwo Wzajemnej Pomocy; Kraków – Ruch Diecezji Tarnowskiej; Âwiatowa Federacja Polskich Kombatantów zrze- Proksa, Sekretariat Rolnictwa – Wojciech Pogorzelski, Sekretariat Bu- Obrony Rzeczypospolitej „Samorzàdna Polska”; Rada G∏ówna Âlàskie- szajàca ponad 30 zwiàzków kombatanckich w Polsce; Stowarzyszenie downictwa i Przemys∏u Drzewnego – Zbigniew Majchrzak, Sekretariat go Ârodowiska Wiernych Tradycji ¸aciƒskiej z siedzibà w Bytomiu; Osób Represjonowanych w Okresie Stanu Wojennego Województwa Przemys∏u Chemicznego – Julian Andrzej Konecki, Sekretariat Trans- Gniezno – Stowarzyszenie Integracyjno-Rehabilitacyjne Solidarni; Podkarpackiego i Rzeszowskiej Grupy Ujawniç Prawd´; Stowarzyszenie portowców – Bogdan Kubiak, Sekretariat S∏u˝b Publicznych – Jerzy Zwiàzek Pi∏sudczyków Oddzia∏ w Siedlcach; Warszawa – Stowarzysze- KoLiber; Rzeszów – Stowarzyszenie Obrony i Rozwoju Polski; Katowi- Wielgus, Sekretariat Banków, Handlu i Ubezpieczeƒ – Alfred Bujara, nie Twórców Dla Rzeczypospolitej; Rada Instytutu Akcji Katolickiej ce – Âlàska Liga Walki z Rakiem; Katolickie Stowarzyszenie M∏odzie˝y Sekretariat Zasobów Naturalnych, Ochrony Ârodowiska i LeÊnictwa – Diecezji Tarnowskiej; Kongres Polaków w Szwecji; G∏ogów – Cisi Pra- Archidiecezji Poznaƒskiej; Komunikat Kurii Diecezji Bydgoskiej; War- Zbigniew Kulszewicz cownicy Krzy˝a; Rzeszów – Konwent Narodowy Polski; Klub Inteligen- szawa – Obywatelska Komisja Etyki Mediów; Warszawa – Krajowy In- cji Katolickiej w Opolu; Katowice – Konfederacja Polski Niepodleg∏ej PARTY FORMATIONS stytut Akcji Katolickiej; Kalisz – Europejskie Towarzystwo OtwartoÊci Obóz Patriotyczny Spo∏ecznej ETOS; Stowarzyszenie Dziennikarzy Polskich; Kraków – Zarzàd Porozumienia Polskiego; Unia Polityki Realnej; Krajowe Biuro ORGANIZACJE KATOLICKIE ARCHIDIECEZJI GDA¡SKIEJ: Polskie Stowarzyszenie Obroƒców ˚ycia Cz∏owieka; Akademicki Klub Prawicy Rzeczypospolitej; Bia∏ystok – Klub Radnych Prawa i Sprawie- Stowarzyszenie Rodzin Katolickich, Akcja Katolicka, Ruch Kultury Obywatelski im. Lecha Kaczyƒskiego w Krakowie; Akademicki Klub dliwoÊci w Radzie Miejskiej; Klub Radnych Prawa i SprawiedliwoÊci ChrzeÊcijaƒskiej „Odrodzenie”, Katolickie Stowarzyszenie Dziennika- Obywatelski im. Prezydenta Lecha Kaczyƒskiego w Poznaniu; 260 Klu- Rady Miasta Krakowa rzy, Klubu Inteligencji Katolickiej, Stowarzyszenie Civitas Christiana, bów „Gazety Polskiej”; dr hab. Ryszard Zajàczkowski, Instytut Kulturo- Stowarzyszenie Psychologów ChrzeÊcijaƒskich, Ró˝aniec Rodziców, znawstwa Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego Jana Paw∏a II; Zarzàd NEWSPAPERS AND WEB PORTALS Kapitu∏a Pro Ecclesia et Populo, Klub Przyjació∏ Ludzkiego ˚ycia, Ka- Klubu Inteligencji Katolickiej w Katowicach; Warszawa – Polska Fede- tolickie Stowarzyszenie Lekarzy Polskich, Organizator Konkursu Biblij- Apel Redaktorów Naczelnych: racja Ruchów Obrony ˚ycia; Ogólnopolskie Stowarzyszenie Internowa- nego, Zwiàzek Du˝ych Rodzin Trzy Plus, Ruch Focolari, Spotkania ¸ukasz Adamski – redaktor naczelny portalu Debata, Zbigniew Bra- nych i Represjonowanych z siedzibà w Siedlcach; uczestnicy marszu w Ma∏˝eƒskie, Stowarzyszenie Gaudium Vitae, Andrzej Ko∏akowski Ka- nach – redaktor naczelny Agencji Reporterskiej CETERA, Barbara obronie Telewizji Trwam w Bia∏ymstoku waler Grobu Bo˝ego Chojnacka – redaktor naczelna portalu Solidarni 2010, ks. Marek Gan- Stowarzyszenie „Wspólnota Polska” oddzia∏ w ¸odzi; Kongres Polonii TRADE UNION ORGANISATIONS carczyk – redaktor naczelny tygodnika „GoÊç Niedzielny”, Arkadiusz Amerykaƒskiej na Florydzie; Klub Radnych Rodzina i Prawo Rady Mia- Komisja Zak∏adowa NSZZ „SolidarnoÊç” Politechniki Âlàskiej; Komi- Go∏´biewski – redaktor naczelny tygodnika „Czas Ciechanowa”, Ma- sta Âwidnik; Podwórkowe Ko∏a Ró˝aƒcowe Dzieci (zrzeszajàce 150 000 sja Zak∏adowa NSZZ „SolidarnoÊç” Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickie- ciej Goniszewski – redaktor naczelny „Gazety Bankowej”, Katarzyna cz∏onków w 32 krajach Êwiata); Zielona Góra – Rada Programowa „Ra- wicza w Poznaniu; Zarzàd Regionu Ziemi ¸ódzkiej NSZZ „Solidar- Gójska-Hejke – redaktor naczelna miesi´cznika „Nowe Paƒstwo”, dia Zachód”; Paprotnia – Katolickie Stowarzyszenie M∏odzie˝y Prezy- noÊç”; Komisja Mi´dzyzak∏adowa OM NSZZ „SolidarnoÊç” H. Cegiel- Grzegorz Górny – redaktor naczelny kwartalnika „Fronda”, Igor Janke dium Krajowej Rady; Dzie∏a Biblijne im. Jana Paw∏a II; Kongres Polo- ski – Poznaƒ SA; Siennica Nadolna – Sekcja Krajowa NSZZ „Solidar- – szef Salonu24.pl, publicysta „Rzeczpospolitej”, Dariusz Jarosiƒski – nii Kanadyjskiej; Stowarzyszenie Gdynian Wysiedlonych; Polski Zwià- noÊç” Pracowników Przemys∏u Cukrowniczego; NSZZ „SolidarnoÊç” redaktor naczelny pisma „Debata”, S∏awomir Jastrz´bowski – redaktor zek Katolicko-Spo∏eczny Stowarzyszenie Zarejestrowane Oddzia∏ Komisja Zak∏adowa Uniwersytetu Jagielloƒskiego w Krakowie; War- naczelny dziennika „Super Express”, Jacek Karnowski – redaktor na- Gdaƒski; Radom – Diecezjalny Instytut Akcji Katolickiej; Porozumienie szawa – Krajowa Sekcja Nauki NSZZ „SolidarnoÊç”; Lubin – Sekcja czelny portali wPolityce.pl i w Gospodarce.pl, Jerzy K∏osiƒski – redak- Wydzia∏ów Kongresu Polonii Amerykaƒskiej: Gdaƒsk, Liga Obrony Su- Krajowa Górnictwa Rud Miedzi NSZZ „SolidarnoÊç”; Szubin – Zwià- tor naczelny „Tygodnika »SolidarnoÊç«”, Robert Ko˝uchowski – portal werennoÊci; Szczecin – Polskie Stowarzyszenie Patriotyczne „Kontra zek Zawodowy Rolników Ekologicznych Êw. Franciszka z Asy˝u; Kato- P∏oƒszczanin, Jerzy Krajewski – redaktor naczelny Magazynu Przedsi´- 2000”; Zarzàd Osiedla im. ks. Br. Markiewicza w KroÊnie; Warszawa – wice – Zwiàzek Wi´êniów Politycznych Okresu Stanu Wojennego Za- biorców „Europejska Firma”, Tomasz Kwiatek – redaktor naczelny Stowarzyszenie na Rzecz Zrównowa˝onego Rozwoju Polski; Bydgoszcz rzàd Krajowy; Bielsko-Bia∏a – Mi´dzyzak∏adowa Organizacja Zwiàzko- „Niezale˝nej Gazety Obywatelskiej” w Opolu, Piotr Legutko – szef kra- – Stowarzyszenie Pi∏karskie „ZAWISZA”; Komitet Obywatelski Miasta wa NSZZ „SolidarnoÊç” Fiat Auto Poland; Mierzeƒ – Polskie Forum kowskiego oddzia∏u „GoÊcia Niedzielnego”, Pawe∏ Lisicki – redaktor Krakowa; Stowarzyszenie Pontyfikat Papie˝a Jana Paw∏a II w M∏awie; Ludowo-ChrzeÊcijaƒskie „Ojcowizna”; Komisja Mi´dzyzak∏adowa i naczelny tygodnika „Uwa˝am Rze”, Pawe∏ Nowacki – szef redakcji pro- Bocheƒska spo∏ecznoÊç; Chicago – Zrzeszenie Literatów Polskich im. Ko∏o Emerytów i Rencistów NSZZ „SolidarnoÊç” Stoczni Gdynia; gramu telewizyjnego „Bli˝ej. Jan Pospieszalski przedstawia”, prof. An- Jana Paw∏a II; Akcja Katolicka przy parafii Êw. Kazimierza w Warszawie; ¸ódê – Rada Wojewódzka NSZZ Rolników Indywidualnych „Solidar- drzej Nowak – redaktor naczelny dwumiesi´cznika „Arcana”, Ewa No- Ko∏o Przyjació∏ Radia Maryja przy parafii Mi∏osierdzia Bo˝ego w Tarno- noÊç”; Regionalna Sekcja Emerytów i Rencistów NSZZ „SolidarnoÊç” wina Konopka – redaktor naczelny dziennika „Nasz Dziennik”, Stani- wie, Akcja Katolicka Diecezji Tarnowskiej, Stowarzyszenie Rodzin Ka- w Elblàgu; Komisja Emerytów i Rencistów NSZZ „SolidarnoÊç” z s∏aw Obertaniec – redaktor naczelny Radia Plus Legnica, Bernard Ole- tolickich Diecezji Tarnowskiej, Klub Inteligencji Katolickiej w Tarnowie, Gniezna i Powiatu; Organizacja Zak∏adowa NSZZ „SolidarnoÊç” przy szek – redaktor Blogpress.pl, Piotr Pa∏ka – redaktor naczelny portalu Klub „Gazety Polskiej” w Tarnowie, Obywatelskie Porozumienie Osób i Katolickim Uniwersytecie Lubelskim Jana Paw∏a II; Zarzàd G∏ównego Rebelya.pl, Marek Palczewski – redaktor naczelny portalu SDP.PL, Organizacji na Rzecz Tradycji i Niepodleg∏oÊci, Ruch Spo∏eczny im. Pre- Krajowego Zwiàzku Lokatorów i Spó∏dzielców w Koninie; Zarzàd Bart∏omiej Radziejewski – redaktor naczelny kwartalnika „Rzeczy zydenta Lecha Kaczyƒskiego, NSZZ „SolidarnoÊç” Ziemi Tarnowskiej; G∏ównego Mazowieckiego Stowarzyszenia Obrony Praw Lokatorów i Wspólne”, Tomasz Sakiewicz – redaktor naczelny tygodnika „Gazeta Le˝ajsk – Towarzystwo Mi∏oÊników Lwowa i Kresów Po∏udniowo- Spó∏dzielców „Nasz Dom” w P∏ocku oraz Regionalnej Sekcji Emery- Polska”, ks. infu∏at Ireneusz SkubiÊ – redaktor naczelny katolickiego ty- -Wschodnich; Stowarzyszenie SolidarnoÊç Walczàca Oddzia∏ Warszawa; tów i Rencistów NSZZ „SolidarnoÊç” Regionu Âlàsko-Dàbrowskiego; godnika „Niedziela”, Krzysztof Skowroƒski – szef spó∏dzielczych me- Cz´stochowa – uczestnicy Walnego Zgromadzenia Delegatów Katolic- Stanowisko Prezydium Zarzàdu Regionu Zag∏´bie Miedziowe NSZZ diów Wnet, Robert Tekieli – redaktor naczelny Jezus.fm, Tomasz Terli- kiego Stowarzyszenia Lekarzy Polskich; Obywatelski Komitet Samorzà- „SolidarnoÊç”; Melbourne – Zwiàzek Polskich Wi´êniów Politycznych; kowski – redaktor naczelny portalu Fronda.pl, Dawid Turowiecki – re- dowy Ziemi Obornickiej; ¸ódê, Stowarzyszenie „Powrót Trzech Króli”; Zarzàd G∏ówny Zwiàzku SolidarnoÊci Polskich Kombatantów w Gdaƒ- daktor prowadzàcy portalu CzasP∏oƒska.pl, ks. Henryk Zieliƒski – re- uczestnicy marszu w obronie Telewizji Trwam i wolnoÊci mediów; Klub sku; Nowy Targ – Zwiàzek Podhalan; Oslo – Zwiàzek Polaków w Nor- daktor naczelny tygodnika „Idziemy”, Marcin Dominik Zdort – szef Sportowy „ORZE¸” Warszawa im. Józefa Pi∏sudskiego; Stowarzyszenie wegii; „SolidarnoÊç” Nauczycielska Zespo∏u Szkolno-Gimnazjalnego „Plus-Minus”, dodatku do „Rzeczpospolitej”, Zespó∏ Redakcji – stro- Rodzin Katolickich Archidiecezji ¸ódzkiej; Towarzystwo Âwi´tego Woj- nr 1 w Radomsku; Rada Krajowa NSZZ Rolników Indywidualnych; naOinvitro.