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SEPTEMBER 1970 LAW ENFORCEMENT BULLETIN FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE J. EDGAR HOOVER, DIRECTOR SEPTEMBER 1970 VOL. 39, NO.9 THE COVER-A pilot for the Kentucky State Police Air Patrol watches from the air as a ground unit catches up with a speeder. See article be· ginning on page 2. LAW ENFORCEMENT BULLETIN CONTENTS Message From Director J. Edgar Hoover 1 Kentucky State Police Spread Their Wings, by Lt. Col. Paul M. Smith, Deputy Director, Ken tucky State Police, Frankfort, Ky. 2 Gunpowder and Shot Pattern Tests 7 A Modern Telecommunications Center for Effec tive Law Enforcement, by Sgt. Jack N. Lister, Police Department, Greenville, S.C. 12 Keep the Pressure on Car Thieves, by Col. Ralph D. Scott, Director, Arkansas State Police, Little Rock, Ark. 16 Crime Combat Team, by Kuniyasu T suchida, Publl.hed by the Director, Personnel and Training Division, FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Metropolitan Police Department, Tokyo, Japan 21 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Police Cadets on a College Campus 24 Wa.hlngton, D.C. 20535 A Successful Strategy in the War Against Crime, by William D. Leeke, Director, South Carolina Department of Corrections, Columbia, S.C. 25 Can You Identify These Bank Robbers? 32 MESSAGE FROM THE DIRECTOR • • • . • • To All Law Enforcement OHicia i IN A VERY SHORT TIME our Nation's colleges sibility of maintaining order. Certainly, un- and universities will begin their fall terms. limited freedom of students to disrupt or destroy I Thousands of our finest young people will resume and doubtful punishment for such activity give their pursuit of education that will enable them great impetus to its continuation.
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