From New Delhi by Ramtanu Maitra
Click here for Full Issue of EIR Volume 25, Number 5, January 30, 1998 From New Delhi By Ramtanu Maitra Bangladesh sets the ball rolling ister Nawaz Sharif has become mar- The Dhaka summit has raised fresh hopes that India, Pakistan, ginally more stable now, India, which will elect a new government in early and Bangladesh may cooperate effectively. March, is now run by a lame-duck gov- ernment headed by Prime Minister Gujral. In addition, both the Indian and Pakistani economies are in dire straits. Besieged by domestic and economic The summit of heads of state of that while trade normalization will problems, neither Gujral nor Nawaz Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan, held help to ease tensions between India Sharif has been keen to initiate fresh in Dhaka, Bangladesh, on Jan. 15-16,and Pakistan, it is the resolution of ter- moves. It is entirely to Sheikh Hasina was a personal triumph for Bangla- ritorial conflicts that would further Wazed’s credit that the summit took deshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasinalong-term cooperation and real eco- place. It is also important that the sum- Wazed. Her success in hosting the nomic development on the subconti- mit could promise fresh hopes, at a summit under trying circumstancesnent. In this context, views expressed time when financial gloom and doom has not only demonstrated Bangla- by Pakistani Chief of Naval Staff has spread far and wide throughout desh’s coming of age as one of theAdm. Fasih Bokhari, in a recent inter- Asia. policymakers on the subcontinent, but view with the Defense Journal, a stra- The reason behind the Bangladesh has also put forward Sheikh Hasinategic publication based in Islamabad, Prime Minister’s growing confidence Wazed as the only South Asian leader are a clear indication.
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