Learning Adventure RE Owls -

Key Vocabulary Reading around the topic Sticky Knowledge PSHE links

Word Definition ➢ Where was Sikhism founded ➢ To understand Sikhism Is a monotheistic ➢ I can explain 3 main beliefs in the importance that originated in the Sikhism of respecting region of the Indian ➢ Why the is special others, even subcontinent ➢ I can name two Sikh festivals when they are Beliefs An acceptance that ➢ How the Holy book is used different from something exists ➢ I can name and explain some of me Gurdwara Place of assembly and the Sikh symbols worship Holy Worthy of complete devotion Ik Onkar The one supreme reality Key Learning Programs Diwali Festival of lights Historical and religious ➢ I can explain who founded Sikhism and where Visitor into school

festival ➢ I can explain the main beliefs in Sikhism Bandi Chor Release from prison and Visit to a Sikh temple ➢ I can explain what makes the Gurdwara a special place for Divas going back to Panj Pyrare Collective name given to five Sikh men ➢ I can name and describe some special Sikh festivals Revered as the sixth Nanak ➢ I can explain what the Sikh holy book is and how it is used Values Theme Horgobind ➢ I can name and explain the meanings of Sikh symbols ➢ Cooperation Nanak Founder of Sikhism and the ➢ first of ten Sikh Tolerance Mool Mantar Sikh statement of belief Vahiguru Another word for