manufacturer of environmental research equipment

P4.01 Weather stations ❐ It should be possible to execute and record Reliable meteorological registrations are essential P4.01 the observations without too much effort. for agricultural and environmental research. In 16.76 with large (external) To be able to execute useful meteorological ❐ The observation staff should be well trained. addition to the mechanical instruments mentioned collecting jar Frequent observation and Using the hand-pump observations field stations should meet a number in the brochure we supply a great number of Rain gauge consisting of a collecting funnel with recording of the instruments the precipitation is pumped of essential requirements: For more information: FAO, Irrigation and drainage automatic instruments, as well as completely collecting jar and measuring vessel. The rain gauge in the field station. from the collecting jar. paper: Agro-meteorological stations. equipped weather stations. is connected to an external collecting jar (contents ❐ The location should be representative for the 20 liter) by a syphon tube. The rain gauge is area where the measurements are important, There is no standard lay-out for a meteorological Rain gauges specially designed for intensive precipitation taking into account: plant-, soil- and climatic station. (tropics). The collecting area measures 200 cm2. conditions. An important requirement, however, is that the Rain gauges are used to determine the ❐ The measuring instruments shoul be reliable, separate instruments should not influence one precipitation at a certain point which is 16.77 Standard rain gauge solid and easy to maintain. another. representative for a certain area. It is essential that Rain gauge (in accordance with DIN 58666C) For instance the protection of a also the day-figures have an accuracy of 0.2 mm. consisting of a collecting funnel with a 1 liter obstructing precipitation, or the shade of a fence collecting jar and measuring vessel of 0-10 mm with on the . Important characteristics of rain gauges are: a 0.1 mm division. Collecting area 200 cm2. ❐ An adequate measuring area. A special product information leaflet is available ❐ A collecting bucket with a sharp edge, a for dataloggers and sensors which can be smooth inside and such a shape that splashing assembled in, amongst others, automatic weather out of precipitation is avoided. stations (like below). Ask for leaflet P4.30. Our rain gauges should meet these norms.

Measuring the precipitation with the standard rain gauge.

P.O. Box 4, 6987 ZG Giesbeek Nijverheidsstraat 30, 6987 EM Giesbeek The Netherlands

T +31 313 880200 F +31 313 632167 E [email protected] Automatic meteostation Rain gauge with large collecting jar © 2003 P4.01.E METEOROLOGICAL INSTRUMENTS METEOROLOGICAL INSTRUMENTS ISO 9001-CERTIFIED

manufacturer of environmental research equipment

P4.01 16.78 Mechanical precipitation recorder relevant to some aspects of crop pathology. 16.89 Evaporation pan For automatic measurement of the evaporation use P4.01 Mechanical self-recording rain gauge with sheet The body of this rain gauge has a profile which has The class-A evaporation pan is used to determine can be made of a level sensor. The level sensor metal funnel with limit ring and siphon with been designed to reduce drag and turbulence and the evaporation rate of open water. consists of a sensitive pressure transducer built in a Exchanging the recording sheets As the wind influences the automatic drain after 10 mm height of therefore be sited conventionally on exposed sites stainless steel housing. of the self-recording precipitation evaporation rate, it is important precipitation. The precipitation recorder has a with some confidence. The pan has a 1206 mm diameter and an inside The sensor has a pressure range of 0-20 mbar, accur- recorder. to use a wind path meter collecting area of 200 cm2. The rain gauge has a collecting area of 507 cm2. The height of 254 mm, an evaporation area of 1.15 m acy 0,25%. Output signal 0-20 mA, power in combination with the Registration over a 7 day period. Scale division meter is supplied with built-in datalogger (memory and is made of high grade stainless steel. supply voltage 8-28 V. The sensor is supplied with evaporation pan. 0.1 mm. Complete with recording sheets and for 11.000 registrations), RS232 cable and software. The evaporation pan is supplied complete with 5m cable. accessories. The mechanical self-recording rain highly qualified evaporation micrometer and The sensor is read-out with a datalogger. gauge is suitable for measuring the precipitation 16.84 Rain gauge with data-logger and stilling well (wave dampening cylinder), water To configure and read-out the datalogger and to intensity (determination of precipitation peaks). solar energy system level and wooden support for evaporation pan. process the measuring data, use is made of the eva- As an alternative the rain gauge with datalogger Measuring range of the evaporation micrometer poration pan software. 16.81 Rain gauge with data-logger can be supplied with a solar energy system. The 100 mm. Accuracy 0.02 mm. The rain gauge is made from UV resistant plastic unit gives an output of 12 Volts and it incorporates and has an aero-dynamic design. a high grade polycrystalline solar panel, which is For a more exact use of the evaporation pan it is The rain gauge operates on the tipping bucket capable of powering a datalogger continuously in recommended to use an additional wind path principle and is provided with a switch closure out- almost all parts of the globe. meter. put, which is connected to the built-in datalogger. Rain gauge, solar energy system and datalogger The pulses returned during rainfall are counted (memory for 11.000 registrations) are mounted on over any time interval desired allowing accurate a baseplate. determination of the rainfall intensity. This variable is frequently used in soil erosion studies and is

Data gathered with the rain gauge with datalogger can be processed further with a personal computer.

Standard rain gauge Evaporation pan, complete set

Rain gauge with datalogger Mechanical precipitation recorder Evaporation micrometer Automatic level sensor METEOROLOGICAL INSTRUMENTS METEOROLOGICAL INSTRUMENTS ISO 9001-CERTIFIED

manufacturer of environmental research equipment

P4.01 Evaporation 16.93 Sunshine recorder and barograph 16.61 Self-recording wind path and P4.01 Sunshine recorder according to Campbell-Stokes -direction recorder Measuring the evaporation rate is particularly for the registration of the number of hours of There are several methods for the measuring of A light metal mechanical self-recording wind speed The evaporation meter should hang Determining the actual wind speed. important for irrigation projects to determine sunshine per day. wind: instantaneous wind measuring (actual), the meter to record the wind direction and wind speed. free to obtain correct measurement. the watering regime. To be used between 40° NL (northern latitude) wind path meter (day averages) and the continuous Measuring range for speed 0.5 - 60 m/s. and 40° SL (southern latitude). registration (wind speed and wind direction). 16.85 Piche evaporation meter With glass sphere in frame and balance water In addition an altimeter and a barograph have 16.05 Altimeter Simple and cheap instrument for measuring the level on the ground plate. the sunshine recorder been included in our product range to determine The altimeter indicates heights above sea level. The evaporation. is supplied inclusive recording sheets. and register height and air-pressure. principle employed is that of a sensitive aneroid A humid filter paper disk is used here under a which responds to small variations in glass measuring tube closed at one end and fil- 16.53 atmospheric pressure. Measuring range 0 - 6000 m, led with water. Measuring of local wind speed. Scale in km/h (0- accuracy 20 m and height divisions in 10 m. The The paper surface is constantly wetted. 120), Beaufort (0-12), m/s (0-35) and MPH (0-80). meter is temperature compensated till 0.25 m/°C. Division 0 - 30 mm. Inclusive evaporation discs and disc holder. 16.57 Wind path meter 16.08 Barograph The instrument only indicates the evaporation The wind path meter is equipped with a counting Temperature compensated measuring device with rate. Suitable for educational purposes. device for the determination of the wind path. eight segment measuring element. Measuring A simple determination of the day-average: for range 945 - 1052 hPa (mbar). Accuracy +/- 1% of the instance important for evaporation studies. measuring range. Rotation time of 7 days. Measuring range: 0.5 - 60 m/s, up to a maximum of Can be set in 4 partial measuring ranges. The 999999 km. Maximum wind speed 60 m/s. One absolute reach can be adjusted for heights up to measuring unit equals 100 m. 2500 m above mean sea level.

The recording sheet is placed Reading the self-recording in the sunshine recorder. anemometer.

Anemometer Self-recording wind speed meter


manufacturer of environmental research equipment

P4.01 Temperature and humidity The thermometer can be used to measure 16.45 Portable relative humidity and 16.46.Q Thermo-hygrograph P4.01 temperature in degrees Celsius and Fahrenheit and temperature meter The hygro-thermograph independently measures Temperature and humidity are two important has a measuring range of -50 tot +150°C. Accuracy The portable digital relative humidity and and records the relative humidity and the The temperature in a compost After exchanging the recording meteorologic parameters. They have a great is 0.5°C. The display can be read to 0.1°C. The temperature meter displays directly relative temperature of the surroundings. stack is measured with a long probe. sheet the hood is placed over influence on numerous processes in nature, such as thermometer has options to display the humidity or temperature. This self-recording thermohygrograph has a the thermo-hygrograph again. the evaporation rate of water, germination of measurement and to reset the maximum- and The meter is equipped with a separate probe with bimetal as temperature element and a hair-wire seeds and the spread of (plant) diseases. Specially minimum temperature and hold facility. Power 1.5 m cable and has a high contrast LCD display. measuring element for humidity. the daily temperature cycle is important here. supply four 1.5 V AAA batteries. Measuring range relative humidity 0 to 100%. The instrument is supplied with a quartz clockwork Measuring the air temperature usually takes place Resolution 0.1%. Accuracy +/- 2%. (switchable 1, 7 or 31 days). at a standard height. The thermometer must be The stainless steel compost temperature probes Measuring range temperature -20 to +60°C. Measuring range 0-100% relative humidity. protected against direct sunlight. have a handle and a rod with a diameter of 10 mm. Resolution 0.1°C. Accuracy +/- 0.2°C. Accuracy +/- 2.5% of the measuring range. This can be done by using a temperature screen. The point of the rod contains a temperature sensor, Temperature range -10 to +50°C. Accuracy +/- 1%. thermical insulated from the rod by an insulation Inclusive registration charts with recording period 16.34 Digital thermometer collar. Influence of heat exchange between rod and of 7 days and spare pens. The K-thermocouple thermometer has a standard material to be measured is minimal. The instrument probe with a length of 12 cm packed in a case. can also be used to measure temperature in There are also three specially designed compost ensilage, hay, peat or other soft materials or temperature probes available with a length of 50, liquids. 100 and 150 cm.

The thermometer is waterproof (IP67), has a large display and membrane key-pad.

The temperature and relative humidity is measured with the portable meter.

Digital thermometer with compost Relative humidity and temperature Thermo-hygrograph temperature probe meter