MaritiMe Magazine 59 • SEPT-ÎLES Awakening of a giant / Le réveil d’un géant • St. Lawrence Shipoperators – 75 ans/years – Armateurs du Saint-Laurent No Port payé à Québec. Envoi de poste-publications - Convention no 40046923 - Adresse de retour: 175, rue Saint-Paul, Québec (Québec) Canada G1K 3W2 60 Maritime Magazine60 8,95 $ Awakening of a Giant SEPT-ÎLES Le réveil d’un géant 75 years/ans St. Lawrence Shipoperators Armateurs du Saint-Laurent 1 CARGO HANDLING ETIQUETTE LESSON NO. 64 We always do. In fact, the experienced crews aboard our versatile fl eet of bulkers and self-unloaders are schooled in the good graces MAKE SURE TO of visiting. They make sure their ships arrive on time and don’t overstay their welcome. Host customers always want them back. RSVP Canada Steamship Lines, the fl eet with good cargo handling manners — have us over today! Canada Steamship Lines 759 Square Victoria, Montreal (Qc) Canada H2Y 2K3 Tel: 514.982.3800 • Fax: 514.982.3910
[email protected] A DIVISION OF CSL GROUP INC. printemps 2011 • spring 2011 60 SUMMARY Éditeur / Publisher: SOMMAIRE Pierre Terrien
[email protected] Rédacteur en chef / Editor: Leo Ryan
[email protected] CHRONIQUES / COLUMNS Collaborateurs / Contributing editors: Alison Bates, Bill Beck, Paul Beesley, Terence F. Bowles Michael Broad, Stephen J. Brooks, FORUM Stephen Brown, Raymond Johnston, Andrew Livingstone, 4 Michel Desjardins Carroll McCormick, Pierre Métivier, Leo Quigley, Wylie Spicer, Allan Swift, Nicole Trépanier FIRST WATCH Traducteurs