
Pottery Invention and Innovation in and the Near East

Kevin Gibbs

The invention of ceramic objects made from fire-hardened clay represents an important and early step in the development of pyrotechnology. This paper examines pottery invention and innovation by hunter-gatherers in and by farmers in the Near East to examine how prehistoric communities in different socio-economic systems came to rely heavily on fired-clay containers. Drawing on advances in archaeological science, it examines from a comparative perspective early pottery’s broader entanglements related to technology and use and argues that early pottery production by farmers in the Near East can be viewed as a process of innovation in a longer tradition of container technology, while the first hunter-gatherer pottery production in East Asia provides a better case for independent invention.

Introduction health, trade, social organization and ritual behaviour may not have been a consideration of the people who The invention of ceramic objects made from fire- first made and used it. Understanding the reasons for hardened clay represents an important and early step the invention of pottery,then, requires looking not just in the development of pyrotechnology. Fired clay fig- at its later impacts, but also at the broader technologi- urines have been found at Gravettian/Pavlovian sites cal, economic and social contexts of its invention and such as Dolni Vestoniceˇ in the Czech Republic, as early subsequent innovation. Adopting a broad perspective as c. 31,000–27,000 cal bp (Vandiver et al. 1989). By on the invention of pottery can benefit from a multi- around 20,000–18,000 cal bp there is evidence for ce- disciplinary approach that considers developments in ramic containers—pottery—in southern . Pot- both archaeological science and archaeological theory. tery technology subsequently appears at Late Pleis- One potentially productive starting point is to con- tocene and Early Holocene sites in a wide range of sider the range of interconnections that pottery had environmental zones and eventually becomes one of with other things, processes and people. the most abundant artefact types at prehistoric sites As and Early Holocene pottery across the (Barnett & Hoopes 1995; Gibbs occurs in a range of Old World contexts (Gibbs & &Jordan2013; & Zvelebil 2009). Jordan 2013), it is not surprising that the kinds of Despite the widespread occurrence of pottery in connections that pottery exhibited in the past var- the archaeological record, there is relatively little con- ied between . This paper compares the con- sensus about how and why it was invented. Its overall texts of pottery invention and innovation in two key success as a technology may have derived from both areas where we see evidence for early pottery pro- its functional benefits in cooking and storage and, in duction: in East Asia, where pottery was first in- some contexts, its value as a prestige or symbolic ob- vented by mobile hunter-gatherers, and in the Near ject. But in the earliest stages of pottery production East, where the earliest pots were made and used it is typically rare, and its long-term impact on diet, by sedentary farmers (Figs. 1 & 2). In this paper, I

Cambridge Archaeological Journal 25:1, 339–351 C 2015 McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research doi:10.1017/S0959774314001139 Received 11 Mar 2014; Accepted 7 Dec 2014; Revised 1 Dec 2014

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Figure 1. Map of the Near East (A) and East Asia (B), showing sites mentioned in the text. 1. Beidha; 2. WF16; 3. Dhra’; 4. Nahal Hemar; 5. Jericho; 6. Salibiya I; 7. Netiv Hagdud; 8. Gilgal; 9. Kfar Hahoresh; 10. Hayonim; 11. ‘Ain ; 12. WQ117; 13. Al-Basatˆın and Tabaqat al-Buma;ˆ 14. Abu Hureyra; 15. C¸ayon¨ u;¨ 16. Yarim Tepe I; 17. Chageh Sefid; 18. Ali Kosh; 19. Zengpiyan and Dayan; 20. Yuchanyan Cave; 21. Xianrendong; 22. Longwangchan; 23. Shizitan; 24. Torihama; 25. Odai Yamamoto 1; 26. Taisho 3; 27. Gromatukha.

opment of wider systems of container technologies and pyrotechnologies. In East Asia, pottery was less dependent on other pre-existing developments and should be viewed as a case of more independent invention.

Invention and innovation

Renfrew (1984, 391) provides a straightforward defi- nition of invention: ‘the discovery or achievement by an individual of a new process or form, whether de- liberately or by chance’. In terms of new technologies, Figure 2. (Colour online) (A) Late pottery from invention is often seen as linking a need with a means Tabaqat al-Buma,ˆ northern Jordan; (B) Incipient Jomon of achieving that need (Arthur 2009, 109). The second pottery from Torihama, western Honshu, . part of Renfrew’s definition—‘whether deliberately or (Photographs: K. Gibbs.) by chance’—highlights the fact that the process of in- vention can follow two general patterns. Invention argue that early pottery in the Near East was con- can start with a need, followed by the search for a nected to a wide range of other technological de- way of achieving that need, or it can start with the velopments, including other pyrotechnologies (e.g. discovery of a new effect or phenomenon, followed plaster production, ceramic figurine production), and by the search for a way of putting that effect or phe- may have had a fairly wide range of uses. In con- nomenon to use (Arthur 2009, 110). It is possible that trast, early pottery in East Asia seems to exhibit in some regions the invention of pottery corresponded fewer connections with other technological traditions; with a newly developed need, perhaps the introduc- and available evidence, though limited, indicates that tion of a new potential food source that could be better pottery may have been fairly restricted in function. exploited using durable, water-tight containers. Or it Given these differences, in the Near East pottery is could have originated from the other end of the chain, best viewed as a stage of innovation in the devel- with the observance that baked clay creates a hard


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and durable substance. Invention is commonly dis- proaches have been used to outline sequences of tinguished from innovation, with the latter seen as technological production and the interaction of raw the development or expansion of a new invention. materials, tools and people required to make things For example, Renfrew (1984, 391) defines innovation and complete tasks (e.g. Lemonnier 1993;Schiffer as the widespread adoption of a new process or form, 1987). Network approaches, including Actor Network while Fitzhugh (2001) sees it as the process of testing Theory, have emphasized the importance of under- and putting an invention into practice. standing not only the relationships between indi- In fact, the distinction between invention and in- viduals and groups of people in the past, but also novation may not always be clear cut. The path from the relationships between people and objects (e.g. need to invention to innovation (or invention to need Knappett 2011). Within this broader perspective on to innovation) is usually not strictly linear. Instead, the importance of objects in the past, the idea of there are feedback paths and recursive structures that entanglement is useful, as it highlights the fact that may require the discovery and implementation of fur- the interconnections between people and things were ther solutions (Arthur 2009, 110; Kline & Rosenberg often rather complicated, contingent and intersect- 1986). In other words, innovation may require further ing, and extending in multiple directions (Hodder invention. It is also worth stressing that technologi- 2012). cal inventions rarely, if ever, occur in isolation. Basalla Hodder (2011; 2012) highlights another impor- (1988) shows how seemingly revolutionary techno- tant element of entanglement: webs of connections logical inventions can actually be the result of contin- can act as traps that are difficult to get out of. This is uous evolution from pre-existing technologies. Fur- due to the various types of dependencies that give rise thermore, Arthur (2009) points out that technologies to human–thing entanglements. Humans rely heav- are usually comprised of multiple components, and ily on things for subsistence, exchange, maintaining inventions may actually be the recombination of pre- social relations, communicating status and meanings, existing components that were each invented earlier. and a wide range of other purposes. But Hodder (2012) It can be difficult, then, to identify a technology as ei- also emphasizes that things depend on people, as well ther a new invention or the development of an existing as other things. Things continually break down and technology. decay, requiring humans to repair and replace them. When discussing pottery as a new technology, it In the case of early pottery, archaeologists have doc- is important to think about the needs that it fulfilled umented examples of repair, and in other cases pots and also the pre-existing technologies or technological may have been thought of as largely disposable, to components that directly contributed to its develop- be discarded and replaced on a regular basis (Gibbs ment. However, it is also important to think about 2012). The entanglements created by these different the broader technological and social frameworks, as types of dependence can influence and limit the di- these can have a significant impact on the path from rection of future innovations. As people become in- invention to innovation. A technological invention vested in doing and making things in certain ways, may involve linking a need with a means of achiev- it becomes increasingly difficult to adopt new tech- ing that need (Arthur 2009), but not all potentially nologies and behaviours. People become trapped into useful or valid inventions will be adopted. Indeed, working within the technological webs that have al- as discussed by Lemonnier (1992), seemingly ineffi- ready been created, choosing to adapt and develop cient technologies are sometimes adopted or retained, what already exists rather than abandoning them for despite knowledge of more effective alternatives. In new ways of doing things. Hodder’s (2012) terms, the acceptance of a new tech- Entanglement, therefore, has a temporal dimen- nology is a matter of ‘fittingness’. An invention is put sion to it and can contribute to explaining not only into widespread practice—becomes an innovation— why pottery was first produced by Late Pleistocene not solely because it may increase survival or repro- and Early Holocene communities, but also how it de- ductive success, but rather because it works within the veloped over time, eventually becoming a dominant ‘overall entanglement of humans and things’ (Hodder pyrotechnological innovation. A detailed outline of 2011, 165). these temporal developments is beyond the scope of this paper, and in the following sections I limit discus- Entanglement sion largely to those connections that were important Archaeologists have used a number of analytical ap- at the start of pottery production in East Asia and the proaches to examine the connections that objects have Near East. However, it should be remembered that the with people, other objects, and processes. For ex- reasons for early experiments with pottery production ample, chaˆıne operatoire´ and behavioural chain ap- might have been rather different from the reasons that 341

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Figure 3. Approximate start dates for developments commonly associated with the transistion to the Neolithic. Note the different order of these developments in East Asia and the Near East. Temperature curve is from the GISP2 core (Johnsen et al. 2001).

led to its widespread adoption and dispersal across first appearance of sedentary farming villages (Moore the Old World. 1995). Likewise in East Asia, the origins of pottery, The origins of pottery sedentism and agriculture did not develop simulta- neously and there was likely a high degree of regional There is a long history of associating the invention of variation. In southern China, pottery dates to 18,000 pottery with sedentary farmers (e.g. Lubbock 1865). cal bp or earlier (Boaretto et al. 2009;Wuet al. 2012) The work of Childe (1936), in particular, was impor- and in Japan and the Russian pottery has tant in promoting the correlation of pottery, agricul- been dated to around 16,500 cal bp at sites includ- ture and sedentism and the spread of these develop- ing Odai Yamamoto 1 and Gromatukha (Keally et al. ments as a ‘Neolithic package’ from the Near East 2004). The people who made and used this early pot- across . In this traditional view, the connec- tery were likely residentially mobile, with sedentary tions that pottery had with other things, substances sites not occurring until after the onset of the Holocene and processes were closely tied with the factors and (Habu 2004, 248; Liu & Chen 2012, 70–71; Pearson conditions that led to the shift to farming and seden- 2006). The domestication of millet in China may not tary village life. However, in the Near East it is now have occurred until around 8000 to 7500 cal bp and clear that pottery, farming and sedentism developed rice about a millennium later (Fuller et al. 2009;Zhao independently and at different times (Fig. 3). There is 2011, S301). In Japan rice agriculture was not intro- evidence for sedentary sites during the Early Natu- duced until 3000 cal bp or later, but there was a long fian period (15,000–13,000 cal bp: Bar-Yosef & Belfer- tradition in the archipelago of the cultivation of other Cohen 1989). The cultivation of wild plants probably species (Crawford 1983). started in the Late Natufian (13,000–11,700 cal bp)or The invention of pottery, then, was not simply the first part of the Neolithic (Pre-Pottery Neolithic a correlate of the transition to a sedentary farming A: 11,700–10,500 cal bp), with domesticated plants lifestyle, even in the Near East, and the connections it and animals becoming an important part of the econ- had with other technologies should be investigated omy by the Pre-Pottery Neolithic B (10,500–9000 cal in more detail. In fact, the flexibility of pottery as bp: Zeder 2011). During the PPNB we also start to a craft and the myriad considerations and decisions see evidence for the limited manufacture of pottery that a potter may face (van der Leeuw 2008) makes (Biton et al. 2014;Smith1978), but it does not become listing the potential connections of pottery a daunt- widespread until after 9000 cal bp, centuries after the ing if not impossible task. Moreover, thinking of these 342

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connections as entangled, and thus overlapping and ago (Hansen Streily 2000, 71). Firing structures asso- contingent, makes it difficult to classify them into dis- ciated with earlier pottery have not been positively crete categories. For example, early Near Eastern clay identified. The tradition of lime plaster production pots can be thought of as technologically connected in the (see below) suggests that the first pot- to plaster ‘white ware’ vessels (see below) by raw ma- ters in the may have been familiar with kiln terials, production sequence, colour, ritual potential, construction, although it is possible that the high tem- portability, and their capacity to serve as containers. peratures required to make plaster were achieved in Nevertheless, in order to highlight potential differ- simple pit kilns (Goren & Goring-Morris 2009; Gour- ences between the Near East and East Asia, in the re- din & Kingery 1975). mainder of this paper I wish briefly to highlight some connections related specifically to (a) the technologi- Technological entanglements cal milieu in which pots were first made and (b) the needs that pottery may have served. As noted above, Basalla (1988) and Arthur (2009)point out the importance of understanding the technologi- Firing early pottery cal precursors and constituent components of a new But first it is worth making a few comments on the technology. For pottery, these include, among other more specific pyrotechnological aspects of early pot- things: (1) earlier types of containers; (2) technologies tery production in these regions. The invention of that share common raw materials, especially the ma- pottery required the combination of heat and clay to nipulation of clay; and (3) other pyrotechnologies. make a durable container, but this can be achieved in a number of ways. Potters have a range of options for Containers the type of firing structure, the fuel used, the firing In the Near East, there are rare occurrences of bas- schedule and scale (Livingstone Smith 2001). Simple kets, textile bags and wooden bowls dating to the firing structures may have existed at the very begin- Pre-Pottery Neolithic. At Gilgal, for examples, exca- ning of ceramic pyrotechnology. Vandiver et al.(1989) vators recovered fragments of PPNA basketry (Schick employed differential thermal analysis aided by x-ray 2010) and excavations at Nahal Hemar Cave pro- diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy to duced fragments of PPNB basketry, a net bag and determine that the Palaeolithic figurines from Dolni cordage containers covered in bitumen (Schick 1988). Vestoniceˇ were fired at a range of 500–800°C. Two A wooden box was found at the PPNB site of Bei- structures at the site were identified as simple kilns dha (Mortensen 1988). Groundstone bowls are better that were used to achieve this temperature range. preserved, with examples as early as the Early Epi- In East Asia there are no comparable kilns re- palaeolithic, c. 20,000 cal bp (Maher et al. 2012;Wright ported with the earliest pottery. Pots may have been 1991). Containers made from unfired clay and plaster fired in more ephemeral bonfires or even multi- are discussed below. purpose domestic hearths, or could have been fired In East Asia, there is little evidence for contain- ‘off site’, away from excavated deposits. According to ers that pre-date the first pottery. There are Palae- Lu (2011, 18) some early pots from Dayan and Zeng- olithic groundstone implements from China, for ex- piyan in southern China were fired at approximately ample at Shizitan Locality 14 (c. 23,000–19,500 years 600–700°C but the earliest pots from Zengpiyan may ago), but these flat slabs would not function as con- have been fired below 250°C, which would not require tainers and were likely used to grind plant materials a complex firing structure. Zhushchikhovskaya (2005) (Liu et al. 2013). Some early pottery from the Russian states that the earliest pottery in the Far East appears to have been made in basketry or was fired at 400–600°C. Unfortunately, because dif- cordage moulds (Zhushchikhovskaya 2005), suggest- ferent types of firing structures can result in greatly ing the prior existence of containers made from these overlapping temperature ranges (Gosselain 1992;Liv- materials. ingstone Smith 2001), it is difficult, if not impossible, to infer the type of structure (e.g. bonfire, pit, kiln) based Shared raw materials on firing temperature alone. In China, kilns have been In the Near East, the manipulation of clay to pro- discovered at Neolithic Peiligang and Cishan culture duce objects pre-dates the production of pottery sites (Zhu 2013, 177), but these postdate the region’s (Schmandt-Besserat 1977). For example, clay was used earliest pottery by millennia. to make unfired mud bricks for architectural purposes In the Near East, excavations at the site of Yarim at PPNA sites, including Jericho and Netiv Hagdud Tepe I uncovered the remains of a double-chamber (Bar-Yosef & Gopher 1997; Kenyon 1981). At other updraught pottery kiln dating to around 8000 years PPNA sites, people constructed pise´ structures, for 343

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Figure 4. (Colour online) Archaeometric techniques can shed light on the components of early pottery. (A) Thin-section petrography shows a limestone inclusion in a Late Neolithic pot from Tabaqat al-Buma,ˆ northern Jordan. Limestone was also used to make groundstone implements at the site. (B) Voids in a pot from the Late Neolithic site of al-Basatˆın, northern Jordan, as visualized by high-resolution computed tomography (micro CT), showing a vegetal inclusion. (Images: K. Gibbs.)

example at Dhra’ and WF16 (Finlayson et al. 2011; of basalt groundstone objects and plaster objects (see Kuijt & Finlayson 2009). Clay was also used to make below). Other vessels were tempered with vegetal ma- portable objects. For example, an unfired clay figurine terial (Le Miere` 2009), as were some Pre-Pottery Ne- was discovered at the Natufian site of Hayonim Ter- olithic mud bricks. race and several clay lumps were recovered from the Pottery temper suggests some possible connec- Natufian site of Salibiya I (Ben-Michael 2012;Crab- tions with other technologies in East Asia as well. tree et al. 1991). Clay figurines became more com- Early pottery in China was sometimes tempered with mon during the Pre-Pottery Neolithic and clay was quartz or quartzite (Zhang 2002), materials that were used to make geometric objects or tokens during the also used in stone tool manufacture, for example at the PPNB, which perhaps had some accounting function Longwangchan site in north China (Liu & Chen 2012, (Schmandt-Besserat 1992). During the Pre-Pottery Ne- 47–50). In other cases pottery may have been tem- olithic, clay was also sometimes used to make small, pered with shell (Zhang 2002), a material that may unfired containers, for example at C¸ayon¨ u¨ and Abu have been used to produce ornaments, for example Hureyra (Moore 1995; Ozdo¨ gan˘ 2009). at Yuchanyan Cave and Longwangchan (Bar-Yosef & In East Asia, there is little evidence for the use of Wang 2012; Liu & Chen 2012, 49). clay prior to the invention of pottery. Lu (2011) reports two pieces of fired clay from Phase II at the site of Pre-Pottery pyrotechnology Dayan in southern China, but these may not pre-date In the Near East, two examples of pre-pottery py- the earliest ceramic vessels in the region. Liu and Chen rotechnologies stand out. First, some of the non- (2012, 58) suggest that ‘hoe-shaped’ implements from container clay objects—figurines and tokens—that Yuchanyan Cave in southern China may have been date to the Natufian and Pre-Pottery Neolithic show used for digging soil, but it is impossible to say if these evidence of exposure to fire. In some cases this expo- had any connection with procuring the raw materials sure might have been accidental or post-depositional. used for pottery making. In other cases, however, it is likely that clay was being Apart from clay, the other major component intentionally fired to make durable objects, demon- of pottery is the inclusions, some of which may be strating that the knowledge of clay-based ceramic intentionally added as temper (Fig. 4). In the Near technology pre-dates the production of fired clay ves- East, some early pots were tempered with calcite and sels in the region. Second, in the Near East there basalt (Le Miere` 2009). These are materials associated was a development of plaster production extending with other technologies, including the construction back to the Late (i.e. Natufian). The


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production of lime plaster involves burning chunks Near East of limestone at temperatures of 800–900°C. This pro- As noted above, in the Near East the development duces a powdery substance (quicklime) that is slaked of agriculture occurred prior to the first emergence of with water to create a putty that can be moulded or pottery. As a result, it is difficult to explain the appear- spread onto architectural surfaces. As carbon dioxide ance of pottery in terms of new foods associated with is reabsorbed into the lime putty it re-establishes its the Neolithic, since domesticated animals and plants original chemical composition, resulting in a hard and had been exploited for centuries or millennia without durable plaster. Excavations at Hayonim Cave pro- the functional benefits that pottery can provide. Milk duced evidence for a possible Natufian lime-burning is one product that has been implicated in the appear- structure and at the Natufian site of ‘Ain Mallaha ex- ance of pottery in the Near East. As a secondary ani- cavators encountered evidence for plastered pits and mal product, dairy may not have been exploited in the a plaster bench (Kingery et al. 1988; Perrot 1960). Dur- very earliest stages of sheep, goat or domestica- ing the Pre-Pottery Neolithic, production of plaster tion and could, perhaps, be correlated with later shifts intensified and it was used for a variety of purposes, in the development of pottery. Evershed et al.(2008) including floor surfacing and plastering skulls, as well found evidence for dairy in some early Near East- as the production of portable containers, referred to ern pots. They analysed pottery residues from 23 Late as white ware or vaisselles blanches. Neolithic and Chalcolithic sites in southeastern Eu- The use of fire to transform the chemical or phys- rope, , the Levant and Upper , ical properties of clay or other materials is not attested using GC, GC-MS and GC-c-IRMS, and identified fat in East Asia prior to the invention of pottery. Certainly residues in a number of samples, with evidence for people living in this region would have used fire for milk being particularly strong at sites in northwestern warmth, protection and food preparation. Other po- Anatolia, where high numbers of cattle bones were tential uses of fire in craft production (e.g. heat treat- also found. Pottery from other sites examined in the ment of lithics) require further investigation. study did not indicate similarly high levels of milk use. Instead, evidence indicated the presence of adi- pose fats from ruminants and pigs. Entanglements related to need or use Gregg (2010) examined early pottery residues from 22 sites in the Near East, including the south- In addition to understanding the technological con- ern Levant, and the Zagros. Un- nections of early pottery, it is important to investi- like Evershed et al.(2008), he did not find any clear gate the particular needs that ceramic pots may have evidence for milk fats. Instead, residues in the exam- fulfilled. A number of theories have been proposed ined samples derive from the adipose fats of rumi- to explain why people began to make pottery, with nant and non-ruminant animals, and in some cases many explanations focussing on the functional bene- from plant oils. GC-MS and GC-c-IRMS analyses of fits of pottery in culinary contexts (Rice 1999). In some Late Neolithic pottery from al-Basatˆın in northern Jor- cases, the introduction of new foods or an increased dan (Gibbs et al. 2010; Kadowaki et al. 2008) indicate reliance on particular food resources may have con- the use of ruminant or porcine adipose fats (Gregg tributed to the invention of pottery. In contrast, Hay- et al. 2009). At two sites in western , Ali Kosh and den (1995) highlights the value of pottery in preparing Chageh Sefid, Gregg (2010) found markers indicating and cooking prestigious foods in contexts of socioeco- the presence of bitumen. This may have been applied nomic competition. to the pots as a sealant or the pots could have been Various features can be used to assess the func- used to collect or transport this material, suggesting tion of pottery, including vessel shape and size, raw that not all early pots were used to hold foodstuffs. materials, wear patterns and decoration. These fea- tures, however, may not give a clear indication of East Asia the specific foods or products that were processed, Kobayashi (2004, 22) suggests that in East Asia, pot- cooked or stored in a pot. Recent advances in or- tery ‘enabled a dramatic increase in the range and ganic residue analysis provide a means to investi- quantity of food that could be prepared and con- gate directly the contents of prehistoric pottery. Rele- sumed’. Ikawa-Smith (1976) argues that Jomon pot- vant analytical methods include gas chromatography tery may have been particularly useful for process- (GC), gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC- ing large quantities of molluscs, but also suggests that MS) and gas chromatography-combustion-isotope ra- pottery could have broadened the resource base by al- tion mass spectrometry (GC-c-IRMS: see Pollard et al. lowing the exploitation of a range of plant and animal 2007). resources. Pottery may have been useful for removing 345

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13 Figure 5. (Colour online) Plot of the δ C values of C16:0 and C18:0 fatty acids from charred deposits on Incipient Jomon pottery from Torihama (western Honshu, circles) and Taisho 3 (eastern Hokkaido, squares). Samples that also produced aquatic biomarkers are represented by filled symbols. Ellipses show values of modern reference fats. (Redrawn from Craig et al. 2013.)

the tannins of acorns and other nuts by boiling or freshwater or terrestrial animals, but both of these soaking, which is a necessary step prior to consump- samples also had aquatic biomarkers. Just one sam- tion (Kobayashi 2004, 23). Higham and Lu (1998) state ple from the site closely points to values from modern that pottery in China may have been used to cook wild ruminants. Two samples from the Taisho 3 site in wild rice, while Elston et al.(2011) suggest that early Hokkaido also allowed the measurement of C16:0 and Chinese pottery was used to process bone grease. C18:0 values, and these both point to the processing of Residue analysis, however, may indicate a more marine resources. restricted use of early pottery. Craig et al.(2013)anal- ysed Incipient Jomon pottery residues from different Discussion regions of Japan, ranging from Hokkaido in the north to Tanegashima of the coast of Kyushu in the south. Available data from the Near East and East Asia per- For most of these samples, the bulk carbon and nitro- mit a broad comparison of pottery entanglements re- gen stable isotope values were consistent with high- lated to technological context and use. Further re- trophic-level aquatic resources. Analysis of preserved search will allow these categories to be expanded and lipids by GC-MS indicated the presence in many sam- refined. The technological contexts outlined above fo- ples of biomarkers of degraded aquatic oils, confirm- cus on alternative types of containers, other pyrotech- ing that freshwater and/or marine foods were cooked nologies and shared raw materials. However, prehis- in these vessels. The good preservation of residues toric pottery would have had many more connections from the Torihama site in western Honshu allowed with other objects, people and processes at all stages the measurement of two medium-chain-length satu- of production and use, including raw material selec- rated fatty acids (C16:0 and C18:0) using GC-c-IRMS in tion and processing, forming, decoration, drying, fir- 12 samples (Fig. 5). Of these, nine samples suggest the ing, use, recycling and re-use, and discard. Likewise presence of marine (rather than freshwater) aquatic use would not have been restricted to the substances resources. Another two had values closer to either that were processed, cooked or stored in early ceramic


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Figure 6. (Colour online) Decorated Late Neolithic pottery from the site of WQ117 in northern Jordan. (Photograph: K. Gibbs.)

pots. Pots may have had other functions, which would first appeared here in an environment that already had have increased their entanglements. In particular, pot- several kinds of portable and durable containers, in- tery may have had symbolic or social roles in addition cluding basketry, textile bags, wooden bowls, white to culinary ones and it may be notable that some early ware and groundstone. Pottery also had technologi- pots in both regions were decorated (Fig. 6) (Nieuwen- cal parallels and precursors in the form of other ob- huyse et al. 2010; Zhang 2002). jects made from clay, such as mud-brick architecture, It will also be useful for future work to consider figurines and tokens. Pyrotechnology, including clay- the nature and broader significance of the various con- based ceramics and plaster, was well developed in the nections outlined above. For example, what is the sig- Near East by the time pottery came about. In contrast, nificance that in Late Pleistocene China quartz was in East Asia early pottery appears to have had fewer used to temper pottery and also to make chipped technological connections. There is relatively little ev- stone tools? Thinking of the production of pottery in idence for alternative types of containers, clay was relation to other tasks may be a productive way to ad- apparently not used to make other objects, and py- dress such issues and scientific analysis can contribute rotechnology seems not to have developed prior to to this. For example, Biton et al.’s (2014) petrographic the firing of clay to make portable containers. study of PPNB pottery from Kfar Hahoresh revealed The scarcity of studies dedicated to the analysis the presence of faecal spherulites in the fabric of some of organic residues derived from early pottery in both samples, indicating that the observed vegetal temper the Near East and East Asia makes it more difficult to derived from the addition of herbivore manure. This comment on connections between pots and the plants may suggest a close spatial connection between the and animals that were processed or stored in them. tasks of pottery production and animal husbandry. Nevertheless, there is some evidence that pottery in Acknowledging the need for further research in East Asia had a more restricted range of uses. Craig both the Near East and East Asia, it is possible to make et al.(2013) demonstrate that in Japan early pottery some comparisons related to early pottery technology was used primarily for processing or cooking aquatic and use. Notably, the Near Eastern evidence suggests or marine resources, even though samples derived a wider range of technological entanglements. Pottery from a range of environmental contexts. This suggests


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that pottery may have been invented to process par- depth and different level of investigation need to be ticular foods and may not have broadened the overall acknowledged. The lower level of entanglement sug- range of exploited resources. In contrast to East Asia, gests that the first pottery in East Asia may have been in the Near East there is more evidence that early pots an independent invention, or at least more indepen- contained a range of products, including the adipose dent than in the Near East. fats of terrestrial ruminants and pigs, plant oils, milk It is interesting to note that in both regions there products and bitumen, and there is some evidence for is evidence for a protracted stage of limited pottery regional variation (Evershed et al. 2008;Gregg2010; production. In East Asia, pottery seems to have been Gregg et al. 2009). made in limited quantities for millennia until the on- How should these differences be interpreted? It set of the Holocene (Keally et al. 2003). In the Near would be straightforward to say that in East Asia pot- East there is evidence for very limited production of tery was made by mobile hunter-gatherers who typi- pottery during the Pre-Pottery Neolithic (Biton et al. cally have fewer material possessions than sedentary 2014). Why pottery eventually became the dominant farmers and, as a result, fewer potential material and container technology in both regions is a matter of technological entanglements. But this contributes lit- some debate (e.g. Brown 1989;Rice1999) and cannot tle to the discussion of early pottery invention or its be fully explored within the context of the present later innovations. Read and van der Leeuw (2008) sug- paper. In the Near East, it is difficult to tie the ori- gest that the invention of container technologies was gin and eventual dominance of pottery to any specific significant, not only for the functional/health benefits new need. The technological connections and paral- and social/symbolic value that containers provide, lels discussed above indicate that the roles of pottery but also as a stage in the development of human cog- could have been filled by other available containers, nition. They argue that containers of all types require limiting pottery’s initial impact. One possible avenue a conceptual separation of the surface of an object for future research is exploring economic processes of from its volume, a cognitive development that was increasing returns, which can help explain how a sin- not fully established prior to the invention of contain- gle technological option can achieve dominance out ers. Container technologies also typically require the of a range of functionally equivalent possibilities as separation of different stages of production (e.g. shap- a result of ‘small events’ (Arthur 1994, 14) that may ing, drying, firing), the concept of combining small be largely invisible in the archaeological record. In particles into larger objects, and a sense that actions East Asia, early pottery had fewer technological en- are reversible and can be corrected (Read & van der tanglements and there were, perhaps, fewer alterna- Leeuw 2008, 1965). tive types of containers. As a more independent in- In the Near East, this suite of cognitive devel- vention, early pottery in East Asia may have had a opments occurred long before the first appearance of greater impact on the lives of the people who made pottery, as represented by earlier types of containers, and used it than early pottery in the Near East, in clay-based technologies and pyrotechnologies such as addition to being more significant in terms of the gen- plaster. Pottery clearly extended from earlier technolo- eral development of human cognition, as discussed gies and was comprised of pre-existing components, by Read and van der Leeuw (2008). Accounting for following the models outlined by Basalla (1988)and the long time lag between pottery’s initial invention Arthur (2009). The many entanglements of early pot- and its eventual ‘take-off’ in the Holocene will likely tery and pre-existing technologies suggest that the require consideration of a range of factors, including emergence of pottery in the Near East is perhaps bet- environmental conditions, mobility, social organiza- ter viewed as a stage of innovation in the develop- tion, food procurement strategies, and more. But the ment of a wider system of containers, rather than as limited technological and functional entanglements an independent invention. This suggestion fits within of pottery suggest that its initial ‘fittingness’ (Hodder Knappett et al.’s (2010, 599) proposal that the study 2012) in Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene hunter- of fired-clay pots can benefit from acknowledging the gatherer society was low, and required considerable ‘metaphorical links’ that pottery had with a broader time to become a fully integrated pyrotechnological container context. tradition (see also Jordan & Zvelebil 2009). In contrast to the Near East, early pottery in East Asia does not exhibit the same level of entanglement. Summary and conclusion Surely the first pottery here did not exist in total iso- lation, but it seems not to have been connected to the In both East Asia and the Near East, pottery, same degree to other technologies or used to process sedentism, agriculture and other developments com- as wide a range of resources, although the greater time monly associated with the Neolithic developed 348

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