John Garabedian RECEIVED &INSPECTED 24 Falrvlew Drive, Soillhborough, MA 01772 508.480.9000 X21 FEB 25 2002 FCC· MAILROOM
DOCKET FILE COPY ORIGINAL John Garabedian RECEIVED &INSPECTED 24 Falrvlew Drive, SoIllhborough, MA 01772 508.480.9000 x21 FEB 25 2002 FCC· MAILROOM February 20, 2002 Secretary Federal Communications Commission 445 12th Street SW Washington, DC 20554 RE: Petition for Rulemaking, Section 73.202(b) Dear Secretary: Please find enclosed four copies ofa Petition for Rulemaking to amend the FM Table of Allotments. I believe this matter is handled by the Policy and Rules Division. Any questions, please communicate with the undersigned, Very truly yours, JG/encl. -~+<.:-t./J-- No, of COP,;);,\" f''''O,t)"',. - - UstABCDE 1ft m 8 oa- l(-;L Before the Federal Communications Commission Washington, D.C. 20554 RECEIVED &INSPECTED In the matter of ) FEB 25 2002 ) Amendment ofSection 73.202(b), ) Table ofAllotments, ) FCC - MAILROOM FM Broadcast Stations ) (Nantucket, Massachusetts) ) PETITION FOR RULEMAKING To the Chief, Allocations Branch: Now comes John Garabedian ("Petitioner") requesting the Commission to add Channel 254 B1 to the table ofallotments at Nantucket, Massachusetts. When granted, this will be the second commercial channel allocated to Nantucket. The following is submitted in support thereof: I. Nantucket is an island thirty miles South ofCape Cod, Massachusetts. It is a single governmental unit which is a town, a county, and three islands (Tuekernuek and Muskeget are two small islands with several vacation homes inhabited in the Summer and with seal breeding grounds inhabited in the Winter). 2. The main island is 31/2 miles north to south and 14 miles east to west. The population is approximately 9,000 year-round and over 50,000 during the Summer season, mostly seasonal residents who own or rent property.
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