From: Chet Myers <
[email protected]> Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2014 3:13 PM To: Catri, Cindy; Bill White Cc: Dierker, Carl; Williams, Ann; Marsh, Michael; Tisa, Kimberly; Lombardo, Ginny; LeClair, Jacqueline; Colarusso, Phil Subject: RE: Additional Information Requested - Channel Widening Attachments: Hall-MCEC letter for EPA.PDF; Attachment O - Areas of Increased Environmental Impact.pdf; E-Mail from Ed Leblanc - USCG.pdf; Attachment B - COMMISSIONER D3 LETTER TO EPA - SOUTH CHANNEL.pdf Hi Cindy, Sorry. Doing the best we can. Attached please find the access letter to the Radio Tower property owned by Hall Communications (for 1a). As you stated, we have submitted information for 1b. For Item 2: If you reference Attachment O from MassCEC’s 7/25/14 initial submission to EPA (attached), then approximately 22,000 cubic yards of material will be dredged from the dark blue and light blue areas and placed into CAD Cell #3. Approximately 2,000 cubic yards of material will be dredged from the northern end of the orange/gold area, and approximately 5,000 cubic yards of material will be dredged from the red area and placed into CAD Cell #3. For Item 3: The jurisdictional issue appears to be slightly complicated. We present the response from the USCG on the issue (email from Mr. Ed Leblanc, USCG) is attached. For Item 4: The letter and supporting runs provided by Captain Bushy (attached to MassCEC’s September 12, 2014 letter to EPA) support that the vessel can be brought into and exited from the facility safely. Captain Bushy stated that “I can report that, with a high degree of confidence, that an adequate margin of safety exists in the proposed wider channel under the conditions referenced above and thereby recommend regulatory approval and construction of the widened channel to proceed.” The supporting documentation shows modeled docking passages within the revised 300 foot wide channel.