DOCKET FILE COPY ORIGINAL John Garabedian RECEIVED &INSPECTED 24 Falrvlew Drive, SoIllhborough, MA 01772 508.480.9000 x21 FEB 25 2002 FCC· MAILROOM February 20, 2002 Secretary Federal Communications Commission 445 12th Street SW Washington, DC 20554 RE: Petition for Rulemaking, Section 73.202(b) Dear Secretary: Please find enclosed four copies ofa Petition for Rulemaking to amend the FM Table of Allotments. I believe this matter is handled by the Policy and Rules Division. Any questions, please communicate with the undersigned, Very truly yours, JG/encl. -~+<.:-t./J-- No, of COP,;);,\" f''''O,t)"',. - - UstABCDE 1ft m 8 oa- l(-;L Before the Federal Communications Commission Washington, D.C. 20554 RECEIVED &INSPECTED In the matter of ) FEB 25 2002 ) Amendment ofSection 73.202(b), ) Table ofAllotments, ) FCC - MAILROOM FM Broadcast Stations ) (Nantucket, Massachusetts) ) PETITION FOR RULEMAKING To the Chief, Allocations Branch: Now comes John Garabedian ("Petitioner") requesting the Commission to add Channel 254 B1 to the table ofallotments at Nantucket, Massachusetts. When granted, this will be the second commercial channel allocated to Nantucket. The following is submitted in support thereof: I. Nantucket is an island thirty miles South ofCape Cod, Massachusetts. It is a single governmental unit which is a town, a county, and three islands (Tuekernuek and Muskeget are two small islands with several vacation homes inhabited in the Summer and with seal breeding grounds inhabited in the Winter). 2. The main island is 31/2 miles north to south and 14 miles east to west. The population is approximately 9,000 year-round and over 50,000 during the Summer season, mostly seasonal residents who own or rent property. Nantucket Airport is the second busiest commercial airport in Massachusetts after Boston's Logan International Airport. Tourism is the only major industry. 3. The only local commercial radio service is provided by WRZE(FM), Channel 242B, a radio station originally built by Petitioner in 1980 on Channel 228A. Petitioner initiated a rulemaking to replace Channel 228A with Channel 242B which the Commission granted in 1982, modifying the license ofWRZE(FM) (then WGTF(FM) to operate on Channel 242B. Petitioner owned and personally operated the station continuously through his corporate entities for five years and therefore has valuable extensive knowledge ofthe local Nantucket community. 4. Petitioner has extensive broadcast experience and expertise, particularly in programming, sales, management and engineering. Petitioner has worked continuously in radio and television broadcasting for 43 years (37 in station or radio network management), and currently manages Superadio, a national radio network serving over 500 major market radio stations. In addition, he is the host of"Open House Party", a live satellite radio program airing on approximately 150 major market radio stations every Saturday and Sunday evening. His engineering background is a matter ofrecord with the Commission in AM, FM, and TV allocations proceedings. 5. Channel 254 Bl allocated to Nantucket, Massachusetts meets all spacing requirements ofthe Commission rules. An allocation study performed by Dataworld, Inc. on Tuesday, February 19,2002 is attached. 6. Ifgranted, Petitioner represents that he will construct and operate a full Class B1 facility on the requested channel. 7. Petitioner states under oath that all statements herein are true to his knowledge, except those based upon information provided by others, which he believes to be true. Respectfully submitted, ~ ~) \~.~ohnGara~~ Drive Southborough, Massachusetts 01772 508.480.9000 x21 [email protected] Sworn to and subscribed to before me, a Notary Public for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts on this 20th day ofFebruary, 2002 at Southborough, Worcester County, Massachusetts. (seal) ---~----~ Dataworld, Inc. Page I Bethesda, MD Tuesday, February 19,2002 Dataworld FM Channel Study This product is provided by Dataworld, Inc. solely for the standard business uses of Dataworld, Inc. and is not to be duplicated for other purposes or provided to others without written permission ofDataworld, Inc. ALL RlGHTS RESERVED Copyright © 2002, Dataworld, Inc. Disclaimer: Dataworld, Inc. assumes no liability for any errors or omissions in the information hereby provided, and shall not be liable for any injuries or damages (including consequential) which might result from use ofthe said information. Job Title: Nantucket, MA Channel(s): 254 BI Coordinates: N 4 JO 16' 54.0" W 70' 06' 06.0" Safety Zone: 45.0 km (28.0 mil FM Translators excluded Dataworld, Inc. Page 2 Bethesda, MD Tuesday, February 19, 2002 Dataworld FM Spacing Study Title: Nantucket, MA Latitude: N 41° 16' 54.0" Channel: 254 B1 (98.7 MHz) Longitude: W 70° 06' 06.0" Database: DW 2/14/20026:01:11 PM Safety Zone: 45.0 km Call Auth Licensee name Chan HAAT(m) ERP Latitude Br-to Dist Req City of License St FCC File Number Freg HAMSLlml (kWl Longitude -from Ikm) (km) NEW App New Bedford Christian Radio, Inc '201 A 41.0 N 41° 38' 15.0" 301.9 75.52 12.00 New Bedford MA BPED-19970701 MA 88.1 51.0 0.3 V W 70° 52' 19.0" 121.4 63.52 CLEAR WCTK Lie Hall Communications, Inc. 251 B 155.4 47H N 41° 37' 21.0" 299.4 78.06 71.00 New Bedford MA BLH-790808AG 98.1 168.9 47V W 70° 55' 07.0" 118.8 7.056 CLOSE WILI-FM Lie Nutmeg Broadcasting Company, Inc 252A 160.0 1.05 HN 41°40'60.0" 284.9 182.2 48.00 Willimantic CT BLH-19870402KB 98.3 289.6 1.05 V W 72° 12' 59.0" 103.5 134.2 CLEAR WBMX Lie Infinity Radio License, Inc. 253 B 349.0 9H N 42° 18' 27.0" 321.2 147.3 145.0 Boston MA BLH-19900131KB 98.5 392.9 9V W 71°13' 27.0" 140.4 2.265 CLOSE WNLC Lie Hall Communications, Inc. 254 A 82.0 5.5H N 41°23'05.0" 274.6 165.2 143.0 East Lyme CT BLH-19950818KI 98.7 122.0 5.5V W 72° 04' 13.0" 93.3 22.19 CLEAR WORC-FM Lie Citadel Broadcasting Company 255 A 125.0 1.88 H N 42° 02' 11.0" 298.8 178.2 96.00 Webster MA BLH-20001004AAC 98.9 310.0 1.88 V W 71° 59' 22.0' 117.5 82.19 CLEAR License granted 12/5/2000 per 44877-12/8/2000; WPLM-FM Lie Plymouth Rock Broadcasting Compa 256 B 131.0 50H N 41°58'02.0' 327.0 91.07 71.00 Plymouth MA BLH-7410 99.1 159.0 50V W 70° 42' 04.0" 146.6 20.07 CLEAR WADK-FM Lie Astro Tele-Communications Corp. 257 A 78.0 6H N 41°10' 28.0' 264.9 123.9 48.00 Block Island RI BLH-20010725AEG 99.3 80.0 6V W 71° 34' 20.0' 84.0 75.88 CLEAR License granted 10/10/2001 per 45090-1 0/15/2001; » End of channel 254 B1 study « www.dataworld.com P.O. Box 30730, Betllesda, MD, 20824-0730 (800) 368-5754 Dataworld, Inc. Page 3 Bethesda, MD Tuesday, February 19, 2002 Dataworld FM Spacing Study Title: Nantucket, MA Latitude: N 41' 16' 54.0" Channel: 254 B1 (98.7 MHz) Longitude: W 70' 06' 06.0" Database: FCC 2113/2002 1:54:03 PM Safety Zone: 45.0 km Call Auth Licensee name Chan HAAT(m) ERP Latitude Br-to Dist Req City of License St FCC File Number Freg HAMSUm) (kW) Longitude -from (km) (km) 970701MA APP NEW BEDFORD CHRISTIAN RADIO, INC 201 A 41.0 N 41' 38' 15.0" 301.9 75.52 12.00 NEW BEDFORD MA BPED-19970701 MA 88.1 51.0 0.3 VW 70' 52' 19.0" 121.4 63.52 CLEAR ALLOC USE HALL COMMUNICATIONS, INC. 251 B N 41'3T21.0· 299.4 78.06 71.00 NEW BEDFORD MA 98.1 W 70' 55' 07.0' 118.8 7.057 CLOSE WCTK L1C HALL COMMUNICATIONS, INC. 251 B 155.0 47 HN 41' 3T 21.0" 299.4 78.06 71.00 NEW BEDFORD MA BLH-19790808AG 98.1 169.0 47V W 70' 55' 07.0" 118.8 7.057 CLOSE ALLOC USE NUTMEG BROADCASTING COMPANY 252 A N 41' 41' 00.0" 284.9 182.2 48.00 WILLIMANTIC CT 98.3 W 72' 12' 59.0" 103.5 134.2 CLEAR WBMX L1C INFINITY RADIO LICENSE INC. 253 B 349.0 9H N 42' 18' 27.0" 321.2 147.3 145.0 BOSTON MA BLH-19900131KB 98.5 393.0 9V W 71' 13'27.0' 140.4 2.264 CLOSE ALLOC USE INFINITY RADIO LICENSE INC. 253 B N 42' 18' 27.0" 321.2 147.3 145.0 BOSTON MA 98.5 W 71' 13'27.0" 140.4 2.264 CLOSE WNLC L1C HALL COMMUNICATIONS, INC. 254 A 82.0 5.5 HN 41' 23' 05.0" 274.6 165.2 143.0 EASTLYME CT BLH-19950818KI 98.7 122.0 5.5V W 72' 04' 13.0" 93.3 22.19 CLEAR ALLOC USE ALPHA & OMEGA ED. BIC FOUND. INC 254 A N 41' 21' 39.0" 273.6 169.8 143.0 EASTLYME CT 98.7 W 72' OT 39.0" 92.3 26.85 CLEAR ALLOC USE DBA MID-ATLANTIC BROADCASTING CO 255 A N 42' 01' 36.0" 298.7 176.2 96.00 WEBSTER MA 98.9 W 71' 58' 09.0" 117.5 80.20 CLEAR ALLOC USE PLYMOUTH ROCK BROADCASTING CO., 256 B N 41'58'02.0" 327.0 91.07 71.00 PLYMOUTH MA 99.1 W 70' 42' 04.0" 146.6 20.07 CLEAR WPLM-FM L1C PLYMOUTH ROCK BROADCASTING CO., 256 B 131.0 50H N 41'58'02.0" 327.0 91.07 71.00 PLYMOUTH MA BLH-7410 99.1 159.0 50V W 70' 42' 04.0" 146.6 20.07 CLEAR ALLOC USE ASTRO TELE-COMMUNICATIONS CORP.
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