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Thursday Morning Pointe ~ws rosse Home of the News Complete News Coverage of All the Pointes

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------_._------_._------.~. Hunt Club Picks Officers, Headlee Plan Absentee HEADLINES .~ Vote (:ount of the ',~. ,IIi oh in (;P WEEK Viewed Warily ~ As Compiled by The I Tired Officials Re ....iew Grosse Pointe News Results Wherein Each By Officials Community Reports over 60 Percent Thursday, November 9 REPUBLICANS 1\1 A D'E Total Response Concerns Remain over Passage of Tax Limitation modest gains in the congres. sional elections held Tues' Question in Minds of City Managers; By The XEWS Staff day, but the makeup of both Potential Problems Explored Absentee voting has houses remains overwhelm. i grown steadily since laws ingly Democratic. Some 20 By Susan McDonald I were liberalized several freshmen will join the Sen- Many questions remain in the aftermath of I years ago, and probably ate, while about 71 new the tax limitation vict::ry at the polls last week. ~because of the hea\'~' bal- members will serve in the House. In many cases, young. While local officials admit they're confused about: lot during the Tuesday, er, more modern legislators Headlee, some are already predicting a rough time: November 7, general elec- will replace the old guard, I balancing budgets this spring, when the constitu- i tion, it reached its peak particularly in the South, tional amendment will have its first real effects. I in The Pointe. Specifically, R e pub I i can s The amendment won by a An estimated one of three picked up three seats in the healthy 60 percent margin in Proposal D I citizens who voted made Senate, 12 in the House and The Pointe, compared to its 1 their choice via the absentee six in the governors' races, slim 51 percent victory state. ballot route, with all the ...... wide. Passage Is municipalities reporting fine Friday, November 10 Photo by Dw'ght "This is obviously what voter turnouts as no commu- PRESIDENT JIMMY CAR. FRANK HUSTER and Secretary JOHN FRAKES. I voters have said they want GP nity was lower than 60 per. TER, explaining why he The new officers and directors of the Grosse Ed. Pointe Hunt Club gathered for their portrait at Standing (left to right), are ANDY DAHL, DON to do," said City Manager ye In ,cent. signed the $18.7 billion tax YERKES, JIM PRYCE, RICK SHENKUS, BILL Thomas Kressbach of Grosse I And, as in the past. The cut bill, said he. wanted to the club's annual meeting, They are seated, KOHR, BUNNY RIESER, Past-President ED Pointe City "We'll just have LIB 0 S! Pointe went heavilv Republi- be sure Americans wouldn't (from left to right), Treasurer JACK WILLI~MS, to do our best to cope and OCd ar wner,s ee! can with both re.elected Gov. be encumbered with huge LAnSON and J. D. OWENS. (See story, Page 9.) Vice-President JIM NICHOLSON, PreSIdent I remind voters that tax limi. Loss of Some BUSiness, William G. ::'lilliken and de. tax increases at the begin. ning of the next year. The I GP' M I tation means some sacrifice While Seeking to feat.ed Sen. R;0b~rt Griffin, bill is designed to ease the Plan GPW to Act s anaging Ii S ove i on the part of citizens." Attract Older ~or Inslance. wm~mg handily burden of the increase in Lunch A M Have Great Impact d In each community. social security taxes which . M .. I.t · Eff 1 I T A Most local officials are de- ,Crow Farms Leads Way will begin in 1979, The Pres. et to egul unlclpa I Y III .01 'I 0 pprove lighted over one of Head. I ~he ~arms led all the ident also signed a weakened S B _ lee's provisions which calls By David Kramer POlnte.s m tot~1 per~entage \ ersion of his energy pro. 90 To AI.d Senl'"Ol-S' Pro or'am :B ortd 1SSI' e for the state to pay for the The passage of Propo- of Citizens volmg. (~1 pe.r- gram into law. The measure, ,t N0...V ~ I '" programs it mandates at the sal D in the Tuesday, No- cen!) , and those votmg vIa which bears little resem. O ______local level. vember 7, election is go- absentee ballots, (40 per. blance to whal he proposed . Previously Delayed Ele- Council Approves Participation with SOCC, Flurry of Activity En- But just how far that pro. ing to have a very defin- I cen~l. . 18 months ago, will cut for. o- Which Will Act As Sub-Contractor, to Make sueS to Okay Inciner- vision will be taken and how ite effect on the 18 to 21 I ~Ity Clerk Richard G. Solak eign oil imporLs by 2.5 mil. mentary School Pr • I N d M • A P I much assistance it will pro. g f s:ud the 2.385 absentee volers lion barrels a day by 1985, ram Should Start S ure S pecla ee s onles re roper Y ator Proposal Prior vide for local units scraping yDear 2 e 2g2r?tup:'11abs ?l 'eclipsed the previous record only 60 percent of what he g b Without Any Disbursed in Four Pointes to Election; Park to comply with -dozens of i ecem er 1 WI d ~ lk- of the 1976 election by about wanted. ",blem" h Considers Renuest state requirements is a ques- legal for t~em to rm.. 50 percent.. He noted this " • ...... By R".gcr".A. Wa a , t' th rt d I . I \ It also Will have a ver~ year's count representE'd I . Pr um cau egls .J J~~t:t~~NNo~~~J-t I. - Tne' Wooas will act as 'the managing mtinici~on Novembet 14 -t 'Ielh • St adn 'd a-I' definite effect on bar own. about 4(J percent of the total .usan McDonald l't d k 'th SOCC (S' 0 d f ure WI ave 0 eCI e. Wh O 'ce 1972 have en f DATED GAS CO. announced By S pa I y an wor WI ,emors nwar. or "Does that mean the state ~rs, d h Shill . t d' vote, or aroun~ 30 percent 0 it would lower its working The often-delayed ele- Change Cemmittee), which will act as a sub- By The NEWS Staff. d t Joye t e uSllless ~enera e all Farms registered voters. u ak staff by 10 percent, close mentary school lunch contractor, to make certain that $29,740 in special All but one of the ~ttra~~:~rc~~~ ro~np~li~r; a~rd ~or;O~fg~~le ~r~~:rs~~l~~~ f~Irb' SOlt sbaildltthehnumbber five customer offices and program will finally be- needs program funds for senior citizens in four Pointes have approved fire?", (which average about state ? a se.n ee a ~: a.s een raise repair 'charges, blaming gin in Pointe pub 1i c Pointes is properly disbursed. the $4.5 million bond is- 10 percent salary increases' h IlIcreaslllg steadll~ o~er the what it considers an inade- M d N -~------b h k F C't The bar owners, thoug years because of relaxed schools on on ay, 0- This was an outgrowth of sue requested y t e per year), Aasded arBms 1 y understandably upset by the state requirements, including quate rate increase it reo vember 20, according to developments at the county tracted out t.) SOCC, Mr. Grosse Pointes - Clinton ~Ianager n rew decision of the voters. were age, which has gone from 72 ceived six weeks ago. The school officials. level and at the Woods Coun. Petersen cited the benefits Refuse Disposal Author- That could have a great 1m. not taken by surprise and t 60 . company had sought $110 The state.mandated pro. cil's regular meeting on Mon- which will be received by ity for improvements pact on ou~ ~udget." . have already taken steps to 0 He Y~:~~nauy worked a $li~:~~nWh~l:da ~~:cuir~~~e~ gram has been delayed be. day, November 6. dthellfour whith the needed to bring its in- thTheHoffdlcllals pr.e~lct an. ensure that their financial 25.hour shift on election day. judge has since ordered the cause equipment needed to The community was reo 0 ~rs coming Into.t e com, cinerator up to air pol- ~ ~r ea ee prov~slOn -: a I position isn't hurt too badly. but said he was glad to see Public Service Commission serve the lunches was not cently notified by the Wayne mun~ty and not belllg used Ilution standards im osed limit of state spending equlv- Going to Hurt the good \'oter turnout. to all.w it some $22.9 mil. delivered by vendors on County Office of Program outSide the area. I b the federal o~ern- alent to ~bout 9.~ per~e~t of Jim Addison, owner of the In The City, which has the lion more, making the total schedule, according to Ben Development and Coordina- Through the efforts of the I' y t g I pers~nal Income In ~hchlgan Pointer Pub, for instance, is highest percentage of senior . I 43 Zenn, director of support tion that the funds have been Office of Program Develop. m~~. P k . h I - Will set off a tremendous purchasing a new six.foot I citizens of the five Pointes, rate Increase a most $ mil. services. approved in the following ment and Coordination, mon- e f a~ ;temams. t. el?t y scramble for. sta.te funds wide television screen in an accordin" to the latest school;~~utW~P::as~=c:~ All the necessary equip- amounts: The City, $9,471, ies were redistributed by the o~~ ~ ~Ig 't m~mcl~a 1;~s among local umts of govern' attempt to draw the older I census ~bsentees made up save it $10 million a year. ment is in, Mr. Zenn said, The Farms, $8,526, The county to The Woods. "We ; I~ :.snh 0 aye d d t e ment. crowd. He acknowledges he I 38 pe~cent of the voters • • .. and the program should start 'hoods, $6,675, and The would manage the monies, fon s, II't~C .ar~ ~e~. e ~ "Competition will he very mav be one of the hardest- I which caused Citv :'Ilanager off v..ithout a hitch next Sores, $5,068, with the mono and it would be up to us to ;na~ce t reins .a .: ~on ~ keen between school sys- hit' in the area by the rais- i Thomas Kre't In ~ t IOn I "Although Grosse POl~te mers are taken away." he :'Ilanpower Problems . h I agreed to the mana"ing mu ' 0 a e om es, IS com. I do sn't depend verv heavllv 'd 1 '1 d 'tt' th oil fields. Karim Sanjaby, To d Iscourage cas sa es 0' would have a representative, posed of Mount Clemens' e . . t- sal. W.lI e a ml mg e: ::'leanwhilE'. in The Park. . f f th N t' 1Ft which slow down serving nicipality concept and au. pOSSibly its city manager on CI' t T h' d H 'on state aid compared 0 18. to 21.vear.olds can be a 33 percent of the mters went ch Ie 0 e J a IOna ron, thorized the signing of a. 'In on owns Ip an arper' (Cont'lnued on Page 4) I' I -d'" th th Id which is opposed to the shah IUnes, the schools will sell . h h the adVisory board, (similar Woods. It was notified in' .. It! e roll' ler an eo. thl' absent('e route, while and sympathetic to Moslem i five.meal tickets for $3.50. ~ontr~ct ;'It .. tt ~ count~ to the Youth S.ervice Division August that it \\'ould be rc. ~ ----- . e~ groups and that the CIty the nlunlcip3hty had an l)\"er. traditionalists, was arrested The tickets may be used at owar a .mlms ~nng sue ~oncept of whIch The Woods quired to meet air pollution South Students 1Will probably be p~eased ... all tum,lut of 68 percent. at his home as he prepared any time during the semester I home repair services. IS managing municipality). standards imp:> p''r"n . t. I .' 'I we have an organization like, . The Park CounCil was ex. cent ~lichigan Photography: '. ., ,'0,. l'l,. -. t \\ I. \t' t( of two dead. 0rera.~~f sm~e h.s~te~be~ . SOCC (an outgrowth of The I ~Ir. Petersen indicated that pected to consider the mat. Exhibition. held at the Scarab, er at the P~b. agrees It I, ab5,'nl('l'. w:Ll Ii:" Clly re. .. • .. ; ~I. ~h a~ . tlg Al~cfoOd,Point~'s Out. Wayne County i soce is now in th~ process, ter at its rescheduled regular Club in Farnsworth street, 1ba~I f.or the ~r. b "h, :'():tlr.~ (\\('[ a bS !'''fCent Monday, No\'ember 13 eve.s 10 . e om e. 00, Nutrition Site for seniors. of prepanng a budget based' meeting Tue-sday. November Detroit. I .. t s gOIng '~ _e ro~o .' 1~ ,II, ~,'\\t 1 PRESIDENT JIMMY Car. servIces In the. school sys- I housed in the Grosse Pointe I around the special needs aI, ' 14. (after press time). after Christopher ;'\;elson, a 1978 u~. she saId. :'\mett'en \I a. 1111' hi>:." 3r.;l'll:,',' \','1,' ter, in an attempt to break tern are now bemg. handled i Woods Presbyterian Church. I location for the consideration : t~bling the Issue when it was: South High grad~ate. had: hIgh enou~h to get. :t .out of !"l>"~1 ',.-"1:-11':,1;,1,~::':lP~\\ ,'.r the :\1iddle East peace nego- by ARA Food S~rvlces. o!,e, 19950 Ma('k avenue}, an al-[ of the board of managers.; f1r,t considered on :'lIonday. four photogranhs m the ex., the sc~?ols. I thmk It s ndl pr"b.,'n1' !,'r 3.\ ,,,lIlt) .. O!. tiation deadlock, telephoned o~ the flr~s of ~ts i ready going organization to Wayne County and the De. October 30. . hibit. In addition. Chris was! culous. . fl,'i.l\,--:;,'\ !,1 il',,'[,!,,'1'. ,,1m..' both Egyptian President An. pkllld, based m Philadelphia, i do this," said Woods City p.artment of Housing and: The incinerator. which was awarded an honorable men-: (The. ~tate lep,lat.urt'. ,h3~ h"3\l3 ..i~,', war Sadat and lsraeli Prime a. ,. . ! Administrator Chester E. l,rban Development also: built in 1972, is presently tlOn for one of hiS photos. alread~ ~assed a la\\ ral,In: P,ir:- (.!~ (:,'r~, :\a:lz:,' ,T. :\Iinister Menachem Begin. ~lenus \\111 be mailed to, P t would have Lo givc their ap. 'equipped with pollntion dc- Photography mstru~tor at the dnnkmg age to 19 Th:l, (\;':;,,1. L,~ i1'.;:.1:;,',' ;.;:.1 he The President apparently dis- elementary parents monthly.: eSer~eng'hId proval : vices known a, wet scrub South Jack 0 Summers had law takes effect on DC(,l'111 1;-;\13::" ~'I',:\'::' ill :lD,'ilt thr,',' . h hid In addition to a daily entree' ,aym e was very pease,' .•. . I 'f h"h . d b 3' I I" , cusse d Wit t e ea ers a new (Contlnu d on Pa 2)' thc program can be sub-con. At the same lime. while bers. Although the authority two 0 IS. P oLos accepte' cr.,. ) I'''.'r.'' :,' .1.1:1,1'" t::" 3,),,'11, formula for the treaty which _~ e ge ___: The \Voods' spl'cial needs al.. >a~'s the,\' are working as' for thE' exhibIt. {Continued on Page -J : ,',' 1>.1::,';' :,,;1 I:::' ."'.1:.;\ llf had been worked out earlier location is $0.675. it's possi .. Ihl'Y werE' designed to. they I ------,t",'nlinu('d on 1'3~ ..' in thl'! day with representa. SOCC 'R F 'l ble that S8.;~25 of the dt~ 's are unable to mE'et thE' K 1 I Al B .'d. ------tives of both countries and, egrolll)S orees 'Com:nu~ity Devclopment:standaros.which havcn't f.rC le'va u fer III nIt.! 90.Yt'al'.Old Sccretary of State Cyrus I ( (ontmued on Pal:e 10) : changed since it was built. •• (. Vance. :'Ilr. Vance then pre. I In Developin.ff ProP'ra,n ---.----- A('c(~rding to lile authority. To Beco,-ale lJ .....elllClll CI'llIC ~tl'lI('k hv Car scnted his plan to Mr. Begin l"" t':J (' p (,.t P]' ,the blllldcr of t!tt' plant ,::uar. ~ • . !rl - . at a two.hour meeting in ------I" ~I Y () Ice I anteed the wet scrubbcrs ------New York, following which By Roge~ A. Waha SOCe's 17-member board of R. ,. k "'.- R. ~l I would mCE't pollution stand. By Susan l\lcOonald Dptroil's Jdf('r.'on ..\lter Ker \ ~),1,,'.':' ! 1',::, "'.;:l. the- Israeli commented, "We I SOCC, (Senl?rs Onward for, dlrec~o~.s.. ,,! I ( el . p ellS 1 ards. When tlwv faikd. the The huilding at Ker('h('\al rh('val. ,,1,\" 1 nt'I..:ilb,'r 1'!\,"'1.1' 1'.'1,' " n.); \ .If,! hcld a ver\, serious discus- Changc Committee), born as' ThIS rE'groupmg of force$ authority br()ugllt a S:l.;; and Aller road whi,'h \l'3S hood group" h.l,1 1','lllhH1t'.1 r.'.I,i ",,<,'.' .. ~ ...1 ,.'I',~: sion.". a rcsult of The Poi~t~'s O?t.! is gear~d toward the Woods: ('ity pol:ce haulen 1:l teen- million la\\suit :lgalosl the- vacatcd la~t month by City City :\.Itulllal t,1 ,1.1) In 1'1,' ~;,'l1 .;: I, :. " ...... ' H ""::.;, • • • I Wayne Count): ~utntton Sltl' , (',ouncil s actIOn of ~Ionday.' age-rs from TIll' Farm~. Park. c:mtraclor. l'laiming Ill' din :\ational Bank 1\'0n'l hE' cmp. , area ;~,1:::~~'l','1",~:::':<,.i,o: :,:<."tf .;;:: Tuesday, November 14 'I for senIOr cltlze~s, housed I :"'ovcmbe-r 6. the. solons " City and Shores Into thr sta. not fulfill thl' t('flll' (If hi" Iy for long. I B:lnk offlri.ll" ',Illl tllt'\ IRA ;';'S MILITARY go\'o 1 In thr Grosse P,omte Woods, ap,proved a motIOn h.aVlllg th,c I tlon on Salurday. :\o\"em. contr.'ct. City :\ationa!'s lanolord.' decided 10 c1o'." t h,' hr.II1,'I: 'I." 1\1: I" ",.il \: :,Li) ~ ,'. P h t (h h 19950 t 11 \t'l~lt"t'I' (; rrnm('nt made signifi('ant, rrs yerian . u.rc . , CI Y .a('t as mum,' I hl'r 11. after a p3rt)' at;;77 Thp ~tatl' 1",\lulll1l1 a"ellC'\ .Iohn Brosnan. announccd, ber;Ju, ..' It ha,1 b('('Tl op,'r.ll ., , \1 k th I I d k th SO("( . 1':<1'., ,. ' .. ',' ,\1,. ., "'.111 ,\l'p~ (owar,l ending the two. i . a('. :Wl'nuE'. IS 1Il e pro.: ('Ipa I yan wor WI • .-. \Va: ,'U, \t.1' ,'1, (".': ,:. ":: ~ ,",.,.1::'.,',' \\cck strikl' hy oil workers ce$~ of revlewm/(, a vanety, actm~ as a sllb.contractor, m n('lgh!wrs' yanb. ' oprratr In I'i"lallorl of ,1;Jn:i huilding to a Rloomfl{'ld lonwrs f,,1' SOIl1('!1m,' Hall'" .\1, 11111' ; ,',1: I!.n .t'.,~ .\1 oy thrl'atenlng rE'prisals of are-as, Includmg It$ budget, thc dlsburs('ment of $2!l.740 Pollcc ~;lid Ihr~ hrnh lip aro~ willi!' thE' l:ll.:atlOn \1 a~ 1ll11s oortor who plans to' door, dO"'d on 1'111".1.\\ t~..,1' ~1 ,,", \' ' .. ,:., ,'1',,':: M~itlll~t the-Ill ~!canWhlll', In an t'fforL to mcet thc Iln spcclal nceds program (h" ba,1l aft('l' r(,l'l' ('om. ("'1lIInuill~ un 11'\ ,\ugus1. rOl1\'l'rt It to a I1wdlcal clim.. ortohl'r ;~1. ',\ "',h _., '.,'~.l I'n'~lrll'nl ,llmmv ('arte~: nc('d~ and improvc the liws I funds in fOllr Poinlc,. r1alnb tlla: "1mI'll joh~" had wll('n th" allth01lt\ "as 110 ~e\ls of thE' salc (,;ln1t' a,. ~Ir HrO-;n,ln a ~11 \,' .. 1' ...... marl.. an ('m()ti()n~1 plea for' of \rniors in th(' rommunity ~ '\s part of the council bl'l'n cionI' 011 Ill'ighh"I'." Ilfll'd of next \1'~1" I\.':ld. a r"lId to rrslClpnts of Ttw' rr,Il!I'llt of lIlt' I'ar~ '.lId )\\1': ,,,,'.' ,. l"ompromiO'I' hetwcl'n F.l(ypt W("vr decicir(! to scrap f approved motion. the' (,Ily prop('rl~ h.I' q'\'('r,d )oulh.' linl' for (,"lllplla~l'(, Park and Dptrntt surround! 11l1nM rl'no\'allnn,. 11,,,iudlilc \,,:. I,: and Tsr.\t Ion a prace tr('aty. (lIIr prr\ln\lS proposl'fl hud.' was authori7.ed to sIgn a ('on. \Ihn had hl','n ;l',k"d hi kavp An l'ngilll'Nim: s(Ulh hy ing tilt' Ker('hl'l'al it\l'nllf Installatloo t1i "iil,<" .11)d :,'1 '1,,1. ,. ''', sa~'ing Ih:ll tll" ISSUE'Ssep., ge-t, (which tolallrd SlO~.(lOO I Iraet \,ilh WaynE' County to. lill' parll. lile :11I(ll\Irlt\' d(,\l'rll1l11e-d (',lnHn,'reia\ striP H(':-idl'nh; ,'X,lllllnl1lg 1"Ollh \I ,ll ~,,' 1'. ',,' " . " . aratlllg th"'l1 ar(' tl'chnicali. and InduriNI $oR.200 111gran1 , wanl administe-ring such sp('. 'I'110 )oll(lh ab .. ~al; c'1l:" .\::.1.. I., ' .• ' I'S ha\'e- hern made on a eral an'as. noll'o Arthllr JI. OP('II," ,;aid Mr JamiE'sen :-\n (';1'Irg(', \1('1'1' fli'd "1'1.°'11<' l'h.lrg,,, \\a, Ih(' bl'.,t TIll' n'"rll'llts. mCl11bl'l"Sof: TIll' 1ll'11,'ltlll'r PI' \ !"!1( ,".,,',\" ", ..',' ('on~taT111>a'I~, .TamlI'SI'Il, ('Il"irmc!1 oi, ((onlinuf'd 0\1 ra~1' 10) ;,t::lln~( a 1\\' of lh •. )"llilb. ,('onlillllf'riun Page' Itl Thl' 1'01I1t("S Park Wcst and, (Continued Ull 1'.1.,::" '~) .nl,!",: ¥ so • • 4. ewe • • a 4 Q • ee sa ,a •• 4 • $ e ,

Page Two GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, November 16, 1978 Kercheval.Alter Building It even costs twenty cents I Freedom is part of your' Being lUCky is wonderful Pointers Respond on Election Dav today to get a wrong num. job - bear that in mind al. but don't count on it to~ rI bel'. . ways. much. (Continued from Pile 1) bank branches. I don't know Gee Tan, is on the staff of if that will ever come off- (Continued from Page I) I t~asurer and Robert F. ocratic opponent Gilbert J. Blain Hospital, Mr. Brosnan but we're all trying." was forced to hire an addi. Weber, 1,336, for trustee. DiNello in the 26th District said. The announcement that tional 16 individuals. Four seats for constable race. with Woods voters Slip' "1 hope this offsets some the Kercheval.Alter bank Extra manpower and the were open with the three porting Mr. Parkinson ac. of the concerns over the branch would close came cost of postage for the bal. candidates on the ballot reo cording to unofficial results. closing of the bank," Mr. just weeks after the Park lots raised the price o{ the ceiving the following number Co u n t y Commissioner Brosnan said in a phone In. Council announced a major election, but officials say of votes: Donald J. Haigh. Ervin Steiner. (First Dis- terview. "It will certainly be revitalization effort would firm figures are not yet 1,290, and Albert J. Klick trict. encompassing all the better than having another be made on the Kercheval available. and Frank MacWhirter. both Pointes), took his Demo- vacant building there. 1 feel commercial strip. "It.s expensi\'e. but it's a with 1,.278.T~e other va~an~y cratic opponent Valere Hu. Exclusil'e Lines of Fine Attire For Men that having a profe'ssional Councilwoman Ann Mac. cost well spent if you can get was flll~d via the wnte-m vaere by an unofficial count occupying the same building Donald and Park City Man. people to vote," noted Mr. ro.ut.e With Sally Wood ob. of 23,305 to 8.274. All Pointe he owns will be a good thing ager John Crawford were Kressbach, while Woods City tammg 58 votes. . voters gave their nod to Mr. for the area." among the people talking Administrator Chester E. Bryant Wi~ Agam Steiner. with bank officials in an Petersen said, "The process. . In locally-onented race.s, Finally. in the 14th Dis- Zero One of the leaders of the effort to have them recon. ing of absentee ballots cost mcumbent State Rep. WII- trict congressional race, Dem- petition drive to keep the sider the move out of the us more than the rest of the liam R. Bryant defeated his ocratic incumbent Lucien Kinre bank open, Father Thomas area. election." ! Democrah.c opp~nent, Stan. Nedzi defeated Republican Krell of Saint Ambrose . . I ley M. Fisher, m the 13th challenger John E. Getz Church, agreed the clinic Neighborhood groups have For hiS .part, Shores V.I. District race by an unofficial 71954 to 27857' ff' . I' lage Supermtendent Thomas . " m uno ICla will have a positive impact taken a number of approach. K J If. 'd "1' count of 24,385 to 6,286. In totals. although voters in all on the neighborhood. es toward improving the area. WEATHER KING h d e e[~~ S31 "tv~ ~eve,~ The Pointe, Rep. Bryant won the Pointes supported Mr. "I'm very pleased the Members of JAK have be. . a anr ~ng rk~he 1 ekor.e each municipality handily. Getz. The 14th District en. (65% Dacron/35% Combed Cotton) g I building isn't going to be gun sending letters to own. m redvle{wln . e wt~r Hm. De m 0 c rat John Kelly, compasses both Wayne and ColtonPlaidin body; Nylon in sleeves. vol ve or t ISh e lec Ion. e 'h'l I t' . empty and wlll be used for ers of vaC'ant buildings on dd d V']] I d'd meam\ I e, won e cc Ion to Macomb Counties Single-breasted button front rain and something beneficial to the Kercheval-including Wayne I County Commissioner Erv a t~' I I age per~n~e •t I the state senate in the First Meanwhile. vo£ers in all storm coat with raglan sleeves. De- n~ I~g e sbelelxtscePfgivethOU District, (Park, City, Farms the Pointes supported Pro- neighborhood," Father Krell Steiner _ demanding they tachable collar of modacrylic blend said. a sen ee. a 0 or ree and Shores) by an f. ~ I E (H dI) h' clean up their property and weeks pnor to the election. .. ' un~ po.a , ea. ee, Wile pile. Zipout body lining.Set-in sleeves. "I'm still disappointed the make basic repairs to build. . flclal 25,593 to 17,238 margm unformly defeatmg Proposal bank closed, but people at ings. . "I~'s a~ a~~uous, tlme-eon. over his Republican ch~]]eng- J, (Tisch). Proposal H. Welt stash pockets. High center vent. the bank are being very co- They have organized pro. s.~mlng Job, . he noted,. ob. er, Joseph L. Posch Jr. How. (Voucher System), also was Inside pocket. In Beigeor British Tan. operative with us. We're grams to replace {allen Elm vlOu~ly re{] the feelings ever, in the four aforemen- defeated in all the munici- $145.00 of hiS mUniCipal colleagues. tioned municipalities, Mr. palities. working on plans to provide trees, and have for m e d transportation to the elderly "crime watch" and block The o~ly iocal issu~ and/ Posch won The Po~nt~ vote. Proposal D, (on raising citizens in the area to other beautification groups as well. or candidates were m !he In the Second DistrIct sen. the drinking age to 21), Woods and Grosse Pomte ate race, Democrat John squeezed by to victory in loll ------Township. Hertel defeated Republican of the Pointes, with the Voters barely approved a Don a I d LaRue, 48,285 to closest count coming in The tax collection fee referen. 9,524. in .unofficial results. In City where it won by a 1,488 dary question in The Woods the section of the district to 1,463 margin. BUSINESS by a 4,664 to 4,502 margin. located in The Woods, Sen. Unofficially, a total of This amendment to the city Hertel garnered 1,026 votes 2.904,413 citizens across the charter provides an addi. to Mr. LaRue's 789. state voted in the election OPPORTUNITY tional tax collection fee of Republican Edwin Parkin- out of 5.4 million registered one.half of one percent per son, however, took his Dem- voters. This is a situation especially suited for a month beginning October 1 dynamic lady (or gentleman) who seeks to of each Ye1lr on delinquent ~nter a bus.iness that does not require full taxes. Officer Hurt, Man Arrested time. It prOVidesan opportunity to be produc. In Grosse Pointe Town' A 25.year.old Farms man At about 7:30 p.m. they tive, to travel if you wish, and to have contact ship, citizens considered an was char~ed with assault and spotted the complaining res- with cultured people. This situation (book unopposed slate of candi- publishing) has national sales potentia1. For battery last week after he ident driving down the street dates for various offices. punched a Park pqlice of. with her two sons in the car information: 647-8213 after 6:30 P.M. or Gerald C. Schroeder received anytime Sunday. ficer in the eye, according - and Griffin was close be- 1,344 votes for supervisor, to police reports. hind, according to the report. Mr. Jefferis, 1,358, for clerk, Police were told Griffin had Walter R. Frizzell, 1,346, for The man, David J. Griffin of Bournemouth road, was struck the woman's C'ar. released on a $100 cash bond. When the 0 ff ice rap- The officer he punched, Pa. proached Griffin in his car, trolman David Hiller, is the man opened the door and sporting a tremendous shiner, socked Patrolman Hiller in but otherwise is in good con. the eye, police said. dition, police said. Griffin's court date was He was hit after respond. sc h e d u led for yesterday, ing to a " trouble" C'all Wednesday, November 15. at 1301 Nottingham road on Friday, November 10. Police first went to that home at Handicapped about 6:30 p.m. Friday and, Great Cover Up. at the request of the resi. Helped at U.D dent, told Griffin to le1lve. Police were called back to Visually handicapped in. by Gleneagles the home at about 7 p.rn. and dividuals of any age can found Grufin hiding in the find assistance at the Uni- bushes. Again he was told to versity of Detroit Library on leave the area. the McNichols Campus. Several pieces of reading I equipment have been install- Lunch Plan ed through donations made by Stevie Wonder to the De- Taking style by troit Renaissance Lions Club (Continued from Pa!!~ !) storm, we present which meets on the U of D this handsome vegetables, fruits, bread and campus. The Lions Club classic trench milk will be offered. helped to purchase the coat with a zip-in All the food will be pre- equipment which is available lining for chilly pared at North High SChool for'in.library use by any vis. days ahead. and shipped in special servo ually handicapped person in ers to the 10 elementary the area. British Tan 'IL\}'" schools. The U-D Library Media Mandated by State Center is open six days a The lunch program was week, Monday t h r 0 ugh mandated by the state legis. Thursday from 8 a.m. to 10 lature in 1976 to promote p.m., Friday from 8 a.m. to public health. The cost to the 5 p.m. and Saturday from 9 school .system of expanding a.m. to 5 p.m. kitchens, purchasing equip- ment and building eating areas to comply \vith the law was estimnted at $250,000 by Director of Business Affairs Larry Rankens. The state is A real energy saver expected to reimburse most of that money. 80 Kerclm'al Reduced lunch prices are Grfme Pf,ime FarmJ available for low-income 5tU- LLEN y to \:30 daily. or by appointment dents in the district. 882-3 \90 More information on that DMONDS II program may be obtained by calling Mr. Zenn at 343.2047. 4 " ARE YOU A NA TURALAIRE MAN?

If you wear button-down shirts, rep stripe ties, shetland su'eaters and camel coat.r, you're a Naturalaire man. BISHOP Nutmeg Brown The fine tailoring of H. Freeman & Son Grain in a classic model to fit a man. Easy shoulder, undarted three button front and straight leg tromers. Sa!'e ener.l.'Y.' !:r'er)'0I1e is atrare of the problem. So why rrot .Idve the energy that is most vital to Traditimlal stripes, glen plaids and solid colors, all in fine, pure wool fabrics. Tbey you - YOUR ener!!,y Allen-Edmonds crafts a shoe are all here - the model. the tailorin!!, .ro f/ex;h/e, .ro mpple . .ro comfortaMe, they make and tbe woolens. ualking a practict1l~y effortlcH plea.rure. The reason 290. - unique nailless ron.ltmction. soft. pliant leatbers tbat are .;are/tllly crafted into the (inest shoes you ','e eVCfIl u;om. Tbey're energy savers - YOURS. Allen.F.JmondJ shoes are availahle in .rizes 5 to 16, AAAA to EEE


VISA Thursday, November 16, 1978 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Three .Farms Learns Bag of Heroin Is Plain Sand Woods Studies Adoption GPW Hecreation Bowlers Fight Lung Disease The $15,000 worth of sus., in a field test conducted by, mother in a downriver sub. Of Two Ne w Ord:nances Jack Degrieck's Grosse Small Fry Junior League for the Bowl.A.Thon were ,J pected Mexican brown heroin I the police. It was later de. urb. It Pointe Woods Recreation, Girls went to Kim Saver, J. Cius of The Park and found by a Farms woman in I termined to be harmless by It was later determined ------20422 Mack avenue, hosted first place, Laura Zimmer. Charles Stumb of The her car recently turned out the State Police crime lab. that the bag had come from Two proposed ordinances Day being observed on the an American Lung As!\'n. man, second place, and Jenna Woods. to be nothing more than a According to the patrol. a litter box which was set were unanimously approved 20th. "Bowl.A.Thon" during Octo- Cook, third place. "It is fitting that the bag.of sand, man, the testing apparatus on the transmission hump by the Woods Council at its Mr. Petenen addeJ, "It bel' and November raising Awards received by the younger people are making The phony heroin, which may have been contaminated of her car. The bag had fall. regular meeting Monday, No. should be pointed out that more than $700 for use Juniors and Seniors of Har. this effort to help out the a ~rms patrolman said looks I from a test done the pre. en out of one of the weighted vember 6, for a first reading, members of the Beautifica. against lung disease. per Woods Recreation went association," said Mr. Cius. very similar to the real sub. I vious day after a major co', flaps used to anchor the box with the date of Monday, No. tion Commission have indio The Bowl.A-Thon was held to Julie Mertz, first place, "Lung disease, particularly stance, gave positive results' caine bust. That may have to the hump. vember 20, being set for cated a desire to serve on a to give young bowlers a Vicki Carmen, second place, asthma, is one of the major ._~ ' explained why the chemical Several days later, the their second reading and pos- 'tree body.' Furlher, the city chance to express a commit. and Cathy LaQuire, third causes of school absenteeism I h 'h b d b ght sible final adoption. is expecting delivery of ap- ment to good health, accord. place. for chl'ldren "'I'th chronl'c I'll. 'PI CHE' reagent turned co ors w en woman s us an rou . I 3 n :.. ")S :dropped on the sand, he said. the second bag into police, One proposal prOVides for proximate y 5 trees for No. ing to Walter E. Bradley, Volunteer co.chairpersons I nesses." 't d d t . d th creation of a community vember plantmg and Arbor president of the American 1------) (,T \'"1'1' v 'The woman found tIeI bag woesh t ted I an e ermme e Da Id b d' t d . II II' \ Ie \t.. I dOt 't t b d tree commission, while the Y cou e coor lOa e Lung Ass'n of Southeasterr, •. 11>1111 L ':III.IIL'.\ \1. 1'1.. 'in her car on Sun ay, co. I 0 e san. 1 t \"I'th the p!antl'ng of th . . nr. r . f' d h other controls the p ace men • ese Michigan (ALASEM). .11'1"'1' 1"'",1 - 01'1"";/" ber 29 and turned it in to The origInal In, ow. d trees &; 1/ ,,11(1(' 1'"."" I'III~''''# /,U' police.' She said it W(lS ap. ever, was still considered to of driveway approaches an, The event involved youth ~heew UlJIifw f!J~~ . 885-55,1:1 parently placed in her car be the real thing, since the provides for an appeal pro. . "But, of. ~st .importan~e, I in three leag:.les who solicit. ACCEPTING ORDERS NOW . d T cedure. I~ my. OpinIOn, IS that the ed pledges for each pin "-.:;.------~-....I while she was visiting her flel test was POSIIv_e_.__ I The tree commission pro. city Will be Viewed more fav- knocked down during reg- for HOLIDAY GIFT BASKETS -.------~------posal, if adopted, wo~ld orably when we apply for a ular week play in October. fEATURING Imported & Domestic amend the city's tree ordll~' D~R,~ grant if we are During November the ance and provide for the a tree Clt~ . youngsters brought in the

creation of a community tree Meanwhile, the proposal pledged money and received I' commission consisting of five eying driveway approaches, awards BABY SWISS CHEESE per,sons who must be city previ~usly recommended !or Robe'rt Kenward, manager $2.29 PER LB. reSIdents. .. adopl!?n. by .the Planning of Grosse Pointe Woods Rec- THRU NOV. 30 As proposed, commiSSIOn CommiSSIon via a 6-3 vote . . ill be appointed II tIt th th t II reatlOn, said that among the We Match Wines wilh Your Parly Entrees mem bers w a.e as mon ,says a a awards that were given were 21016 MACK by the mayor from t~~ m~m- dnveways constructed or re- first second and third place 881.WINE I bership of the BeautificatIOn constructed upon dedicated ". er Commission with th~ir terms street right-of.ways must be ~~~~I~~s ~~~ lh:g thr~e t . of appointment belOg con. located so as not to encroach 'In the e g te ue °t urn . h' . , lar es amoun s 0f current With t elr servlce?n upon the street flght-of-way money the Beautification Commls- of any adjoining or adjacent ' SUCCESS UNLIMITED sion. lot, unless the owners con- Awards. received by the A tree commission chair. sent to such in writing. Boys JU~I?r Leag~e went to If you have a good design sense and a man will be elected, with the In the event consent ean- Dean MIlitello, first r.lace, commission meeting once per t b bt' d th I Dusty Cushard, second place, proven record selling quality home fur- no e 0 alOe, e proposa and Tony Thomas third month, or more 0ft e.n as reo provides for an appeal pro- I ' nishings you may qualify for a full-time quired. The group Will form. eedure before the council. p ~e. d . d b th position at our Drexel Heritage show- ulate and develop recom.. . war s receive y e mendations to assist the city ThIS matter IS .an out. case store. Excellent commission and in its efforts to maintain and gr?wth of events which tran. LETTING YOU KNOW benefits. further develop an 'active spIred at, a September ~~un. Under the Employe Retire. .Call 739-5100 Beginning November 24 Community Forestry Pro. ~~p~:s~~ng co~~:~n a o~~t;ze~ ment Income security Act, gram. 1 t d. 't Ii y after you file a claim for for an appointment City Administrator Ches- ong:s an 109 elX pOf c .re- benefits, the plan adminis. ter E Petersen further ex. gardlng the flarmg ~ drive. we will be open evenings, plored this proposal in a ways o,n so-called cIty p~oP- trator must let you know memo to the council in reo erty, (I.e., between the Side- within 90 days whether your . t "Tree City" des- walk and the curb), about claim has been denied, or Monday thru Friday, 1 t .a IOt~ 0 a one foot into the lot line of whether more time is needed Igna Ion. d' . . t t' tl l' t until 9:00 Saying he has been in con. an a J omlOg proper y own. 0 r~~lew Ie e aim, up 0 an tact with the State Depart. er. addItIonal 90 days. for your Christmas ment of Natural Resources, . (DN~), since Feb~ary reo I New Orleans DIXIELAND gardmg an upcomlOg pro. OGAN end the shopping convenience. posed urban forestry grant, H ET B Wol".rln. Jezz Bend Mr Petersen stated that the e' AT THE LIDO mu~icipality "is far ahead of EVlry TUESDAY. 9 p••• most cities in the care and D" C k'/ 24026 E, JEFFERS~N 12200 Hall Rd., (M-59), Sterling Heights conservation of our tree in. mmg, oc tat S (Just North of 9 MI,) ventoryof achievementsand that inourtherecordarea '.*...••• ~-=-.-=.-=.-=.-=.-=.;..=.;..=.'-'.'-'.=-.=-.=-.=-.-.-"._._._._._._._.------i:S::lfA¥_ .. __ flllt~, • of urban forestry will help I • . Jacobson's us qualify for future DNR I ' CO' I 1 ~ ~;F:~~;~~~~c1~t~~\~e~;:t. fled of another opportumty I SANTA S MINGII•• i~~ to participate in a DNR.grant I II " program. "It is the opin. II! ,; ion 6f this oUiee that our I ~ chances of obtaining funds i I ,. I will be increased if we suI>- lIE ". scribe to the DNR's spon- J I M ~ sored 'Tree City' program." THESE STREETS BlOCKED L .' To meet such a designa. I , . . i,:I, ~

~.'\. . "': . tion, several' standards 'must, I _. "...... ",. -,,~''''."...... '\i\ J be .m~t i~cluding the fol. I KERCHEVAl' -, ~.~ .lO~l~~~~. ~'Clegally constitut'l "- : A"" ;1'" -,.-~,-Ii ~ ed tree body, charged by or. ~ ' ~. dinance with the responsibil. I. ., ity for developing and ad. . rr i ~ ~inistering a comprehensive • D o~O~...--...------...... THESE STREETS BLOCKED i " Clty tree program. l"y"? II! • • Have an ordinance reg. c; ~ ~ • ulating tree planting and I.,.'t' W . maintenance, and dead tree I KERCH. ~ 1---- 9 I :. removal on publicly owned I' . ll: lIE :. property, in accordance with . )( p; ". accepted forestry principles. ~ Ql 5 I ~ • Have an active, compre- I ~ ~ i: ~ :; ,.\ ' hensive community forestry llf IJ ~ % Il1 ". program, supported by a II! ;; ~ ~ minimum of $1 per capita I ~ i" public funds, (exclusive of I ~..: I '. donation of labor and mon- lrl.... i: ci llf ey). II! ~ :: p; • • Have a formal proclama. i Q Q. I tion by the mayor designat. I S Sa nta's Route i " ing Arbor Day, and a public Ill! 0 '. commemorative tree plant. II! z i ing in observance of Arbor '1 i

D!t~~~~tk::::.Mr.petersennoted, the city lacks only a I . iI . "tree body" and an Arbor TO THE VILLAGE 1 Day program, . I It.: " He recommended that the R council enact the proposed I i ordinance and that Mayor I i .'," Benjamin W. Pinkos pro. I F.d N b 24th 70 30 1130 I ~~~~~T~~ c~~~~~t~:~ "oy, ovem er -: -: I ized the latter with ~~t~~:'1Arbor 1 EASY MARK I When cold logic is brought i in contact with tears it is I • GROSSE POINTE'S VERY OWN PARADE - i easy to guess which side will I lIE win. ~lI':t; I featuring YOUR NEIGHBORS who will greet Santa i AlGOOD on Kercheval between Fisher and Cadieux I -tREASONS II' to see your good i • Disney Marchers • Clowns & Floats neighbor agent I I I • Christmas Carols • Antique Autos I

• Marching Band from G.P. North !R ~ I • Grosse Pointe Youth and Athletic Groups i I i Monogrammed velour kimono robe is a I • Neighborhood Club ~ personal pleasure, easy and comfortable for I I his valued moments of leisure. Meticulously I JOIN GRAND MARSHAll VIC CAPUTO OF CHANNEL 2 I tailored by State-O-Maine in carefree Arnel~ triacetate and nylon, in shades of navy, brown, CAR -HOME I GREET SANTA IN STYLE I camel or rust. One size fits all, a gifting LIFE - HEALTH reassurance. Robe with monogram, $40. I I Three weeks for delivery. Fred J. Zelewski 18538 Mack at Touraine 882-9308 I I LII<~0 good neighbor. II in the VILLAGE ~ Slau Farm I. 1M"',

lU,U "'I. Jacobson's A I on Kercheval Ave. U'1fC L . I '''''\I

The Unique ShOps Along Kercheval Between Cadieux and Neff J• ------. a _ S$ • eo - '.- . . q so CQ • ao. POIC. q $ 0$ "0 a • A • .46 • •

Thursday I November 16, 1978 Page Four GROSSE POINTE NEWS ADMINISTRATION ENFORCES LAWS Poillte Officials DisC'uss H €-adlee '.vitlt Concern The U.S. Labor Depart. viding worker's compensation LEASE A 1979 . d f Pag 1) I d b th C . me nt's Employment Stand. for those injured on their (Con IInul' rom l' as m~asure Y e ~nsum. I In excess of Headlee's inf1a. "cushion" against Headlee CADILLAC NOW other districls, the competi. er Price Index, (CPI), IS run. ' lion limit. tax limitation for several ards Administration enforces jobs and requiring federal Low Monthly Rale. tion could affect the calc.. ningt a little over eight per. If that interpretation holds years. lawsemploymentand regulationsstandards,settingpro .. employmentcontractors toopportunities.provide equal CALL OUR LEASING MANAGER gorical funding we receive," cen. true, Headlee may do very Other city managers, how. I Mr. Rankens said. Mr. Rankens says the dis. little to limit taxes in a few ever, doubt that that inter. 881-6600 Could Be Difficult trict would have very little of the Pointes. In The Woods, pretation of the amendment Headlee's most profound p!,oblem living within that for instance, the current tax will stand up. I local effect will come from eIght percent boundary. rate of 13.77 mills could be "1 think it's abundantly ! ils limitation on property tax' "Of course, if the presi. increased by more than 40 I clear that we will all have to

'DEWAKS. "White Label~. Thc Scotch that nc\'er \'aries. .':'.


20259 Mack Avenue, Grosse POinte, M~chlgan 48236 DETROIT EAST DETROIT GROSSE POINTE MOUNT CLEMENS ST, CLAIR SHORES Thursday, November 16, 1978 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Five

.. ,,1 ~~ _~'. "I)' ....II I ,:

I I 'i,,.,.l : ,'l) I,'

,",.~~...~',\ I

WEEKDAY OPEN HOURS MON., TUES., SUNDAY WED., THURS. " I. 9 A.M. to 7 p.M. 10 A.M. FRIDAY 9 A.M. to 8 P.M. TO \, . ''\ ! SATURDAY o A.M. to 6 P.M. 5 P.M.

Prices Good Thru Saturday, November 25th We reserve the right to I .... --'di Limit quantities. : " \:~'\!":~~! <~,".." ,

.~ ~. , . ~ • <' ' .': " ,


to ~;,";:I:: ~: ~'c : i! I! "

U.S.D.A. INSPECTED Pepperidge Farm GRADE "A" STUFFING ~K°l' TURKEYS .' 10 to 20-lb. Average RIB '. ROAST ~ 6-7thRibl


.~ I OCEAN SPRAY 17.01. c Lb.$3.69 CRANBERRY SAUCE CAN 49 .... ':,-. ,,"--- "'----', DEL MONTE 17.01. c SWEET PEAS CAN 39 Fresh LIBBY CRANBERRIES 29.01. c CAN _ .... '.---- ,.' PUMPKIN 49 ; :;- ...... <...,... . . • ;:"0 , ",-" ...... - S9~.Pk9 ,f . ' , -', -~... ., c ROYAL PRINCE YAMS 17-02.69CAN , '. , LESEMEUR "~:~':::-.~::.:: c ....'- ' 15-02.69CAN ~'.., - :,~' BELGIAN CARROTS Happy Thanksgiving . .. .~. : "". ,\:.,.;:.;.~. DRY ROASTED We Have Many Things To Be ',~,' ~... . O 2 PLANTERS PEANUTS 2jA R • $2.49 Grateful For This Thanksgiving NESTLE'S YOUR PATRONAGE IS COUNTED '- CHOCOLATE MORSELS I;K~~'$1.59 AMONG THESE BLESSINGS

BORDEN'S 32.01. EGG NOG CAN $1• 09 Wishing You and Yours A Very ,:.. ' NONE SUCH Happy Thanksgiving Day in Every Way ."\ - 28.0Z. $179 MINCEMEAT JAR • 107 KERCHEVAL, on-the-Hill ., aqw . _e .. .. 4. • 4 P - 0' • 42 GO •• ?c we 4

GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday I November 16, 1978 Chamber Torch Drive Exceeds Goal~ Rais,es $46 Million Artists to Play ------0/ The 1978 United Founda. In other reports, Mrs. I support lhe activities of New lJelroit Orthopaedic Clinic; The Chamber Music Play. tion • Torch . Drive ended Joseph A, Vieson, chairman Detroit, Inc. The UPF cam- Jane Simons of Taylor, 16, ers of Grosse Pointe will pre. Thursday, November 9, with for Community Campaigns, paign has been conducted representing the Kid 11 e y sent their second program of the announcement that Torch reported that her volunteers concurrently with the Torch Foundation of Michigan; and the 1978.79 season on Sun- Drive volunteers have raised have raised a total of $1,- Drive since 1969 and solicits Karrie Wujcik of Troy, 7, day, November 19, in the a record of $46,173,798. This 080,311 or 102.9 percent of only businesses, f~undalion.s who is enrolled at the FAR their quota. Reports were and organizations In the tn- Conservatory of Performing War Memorial Ballroom, 32 is $1,673,798 over the goal of ROOF heard from the three major county area. No individuals Arts, which is funded by the Lakeshore road, at 2:30 p.m. $44,500,000. SHA11£~P - units of the Community arc asked to give. Metropolitan Agency for the L The program will consist The results of the 30th £Y,I6 .£' - of the Sonata for Violin and annual campaign represent Campaigns. Northeast, North. The 1978 UPF goal was I Retarded. west and West. $~,375,OOO. Miss Torchy this year is F L ...... "I.ET THE/ Piano, Op. 30, No. 2 in C an increase of 8.2 percent AI.. -::::--SUN..:::- over last )'ear's campaign The Northeast Unit re- In remarks following these Gene Brookin~ of De- CR'l'Sl WORI< FOR YOU' minor performed by Anibel Lucatsky, violinist. and Hel. total, and is the largest ported $387761 or 1028 per. reports, Mr. Seder thanked trOlt, a corporate mforma. Make Your Own Storm Windows, ene Vabolis, pianist. amount ever raised by the cent of its ~uota. The North. the thousands of volunteers t~Oll special,is! for Blue Next, Johanna Gilbert, con. United Foundation. west Unit reported $468,457 throughout the tr~-coun~y ~rossl Blue Shield of Mich. Storm Doors, Porch Enclosures! tralto, will sing works by F. The announcement was or 104.4 percent of its quota. area who worked m thIS tgan. so EASY ANYONE CAN 00 IT! Cleveland Test accompanied made at the traditional Torch The West Unit reported year's Torch Drive. I The entertainment at this $224093 ar 100 percent of He gave special thanks to victory celebration was the ~ 1CUT FLEX.O.GLASS TO SIZE 1 by Betlejane Crossen at the Drive victory dinner, held in ~ ANO TACK OYER SCREENS its q~ota. the four Torchlighters-chil. musical revue "Sunshine Ex- OR WINDOW OPENINOS! piano. the Renaissance Ballroom of Finally. Brahms' L:ebes- thO)Detroit Plaza Hotp!. The Torch Drive Special dren repre3enlmg four of the prcss." _• COSTS SO LITTLE DNLY Gifts Campaigns, headed by 137 Torch Drive-supported Costs for this and all Torch ANYONE 5410 Run It. lieder Waltzes will be sung Presiding over the meeting • CAN AFFORD IT! ., 35" W,d. Elliotl H. Phillips, an attor- agencies-and Miss Torchy, Drive reporl luncheons are by Nennette Merametdjian, were two Pointers. 1978 AIso 28" • 48" Widths ney with the firm Hill, who rep~esented the United met through the UF's Meet- WARP BROS. Chicago 60651 p,on"" ,n PI"I"s Since 1924 soprano, Johanna Gilbert, Torch Drive ~eneral chair- TakethiS ad 10 yourHardware,Lumberor Bldg SupplyStore Alex Suczek, tenor, and Paul man Arthur R. Seder Jr., Lewis Adams, Goodrich and FoundatIOn at earn p a i g n ing Sponsorship Pool. Local Acce t no substllules-Get top qualityFLEX.a-GLASS. Kelley, baritone, with Helene chairman and president of Tait, 'reported $919,432 or meetings and rallies through. corpJrations, labor unions Vabolis and Bettejane Cros- American Natural Resources 106.4 percent of the Special out the campaign. and organizations make spe- sen, who's chairman for the Co., and Joseph L. Hudson Gifts quota. The 1978 Torchlighters are cial contributions to this Pointe Hdw. Damman day, pianists. Jr .. clwirman of the UF board Mr. Seder also rzported Charles Clark of Warren, 11, pool, in addition to their Lochmoor Bachman of direclors and chief execu- that Torch Drive volunteers I representing Big Brothers! generous Torch Drive con- &: Lumber Co. Hardware General program chairman Hardware Paint. &: Hdw. is Doris Pagel. Refreshments ti\'e oHicer of the J. L. Hud- raised $2,376,122 in the ur-I Big Sisters; Ramon Jones of tnuullons, to cover ex.penses 20779 Mack Ave. 19483 Mack Ave. 14950 Mack Ave. 17120 Kercheval will be presented by Mrs. son Co. ban Progress Fund cam. Detroit, 5, representing the for official UF functions. 885-0243 885-4767 821-5550 882-9230 Hilda Pring ham, social chair- The 1978 Torch Drive paign, which raises money to III '," --,;:;-,JlIlIIlIIlIIllIIlIlIIlIllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUlIIllIlI man. raises money to support 137 Tickets can be purchased health and community serv- I '" EARL'S == at the concert for $2. ice agencies serving people Thieves Enter I <, ~ Ji\'ing in 112 communities throughout Wayne, Oakland Woods Homes 1= BARBER SHOP; and Macomb Counties. Formerly JIM WILKINS E In final campaign reports, Two breaking and entering Ii B.EVATOH AT PARKIIIG 6NTRAIICE E Chaptpr Campaigns chairman reports were received by - - Louis R. Ross, executive vice. Woods police last week, with is Appointments advisable E 117 YOU DON'T W~AQ IT, president, Ford Diversified one occurring at a Hampton i 119 Kercheval 885-0020 ~ Products Operations, Ford road residence and the other .1111111111111111111 1IIIIIIWIIIIHIlnlll_UUlIIUItItIIIIIIllIlIUIIIIIIIIIIIIII Motor Co., reported that at a Van Antwerp road $45,093,487 was raised in the home. Chapter Campaigns or 103.8 On Monday afternoon, No- percent of theil quota, vember 6, Douglas Hasberg 0P£ND IT. In individual reports by of SI. Clair Shores said he SPECIAL the .six Chapter Campaigns received a call on the break- HOME Units. the Automotive Manu. in from a tenant who's rent- facturers Unit reported $25,- ing the home in Hampton and ,~ OFFER Almost everyone owns some jewelry 856,394 or 104.1 percent of road from him. its quota. The Industrial In the incident, police said ~,~ $27.95 that they never v.:-ear. Instead of Unit reported $4,894,986 or the thieves removed various GARAGE AVERAGE 103.3 percent of its quota. tools with a total value of collecting dust in a drawer or a The Commercial Unit report. over $500 from a basement bank box, shouldn't it be collect. ed $5,084,482 or 102,8 per- closet, alter prying the latch GUTTERS CLEANED cent of its quota, The Service off, ing Cash? If you're considering Unit reported $4,841,547 or The tenant discovered the Serving' the Grosse Pointe Area the sale of some of your dimaonds 105.4 percent of its quota. burglary alter finding a rear The Schools, Government door window shattered, We are able to serve the Grosse and Professions Unit report. or fine jewelry, call our resident Police noted the home was ed $4,056,270 or 100,7 per- Pointe homeowners this spring. vacant from October 7 with appraisers for assistance and advice. cent of its quota, and the the tenant in the initial Leaves and ice build up in your Metropolitan Unit reported stages of redecorating. $359,808 or 114.5 percent of In the second incident, reo gutters and downspouts have its quota, ported Thursday evening, caused many problems during the The Benson Ford Trophy, November 9, thieves broke winter months, awarded to one of four com. into the Van Antwerp road peting Chapter Campaigns home through the front door units, (Industrial, Service, by prying the door and tear- SAVE COSTLY REPAIR-BILLS Commercial and Schools, Gov- ing apart the locking mech. i-IOij6b ernment and Professions), C6 CO anism. for achieving the highest Items reported missing in- CALL: Mitchell A. M. Painting Per&JflS IlJewelcr~ 0 CemoL~lliL~\... percentage increase over its cluded a 19" color television quota, was presented to the set, valued at around $600, 881-5105 ('I;ix.1 CCIl t\~hI.Thirly t'iye Kcrdeval twc. ' &~-12'i2. CrO-~~ Q>illl.c. Mich. Setv,ice Unit. $100 in rolled coins and a "' .... rj ..... > .. ~-\ J; ~~ 11~~:-' An #a..., \ It was accepted by J, Roy cani'e~a, ' " . , Monday thru Friday 8:30-5 Henry, executive vice-presi. Mark Hayduk told police We do 3 story homes. dent-rnarketing of Blirraughs he left home at around 7:30 Corp. and chairman for this a.m. and returned at 9:05 Free & Friendly Estimates ~e your kitchen injust 3 days unit. p.m. to discover the break-in . •••without replacing your cabinets

24937 E. JEFFERSONr near J 0 Mile delightful • BUSINESS PEOPLE LUNCHEONS Whether it's an important, decision making session, or just a quiet comfortable luncheon get together, you're sure to enjoy the warm friendly atmosphere of Pat O'Grady's. The menu is varied and your favorite beverages are expertly prepared. • Book Now For Let R&DKitchen InteriolS show you how. CHRISTMAS SEASON PARTIES

TIle cost will pleasantly surprise you. Special occasions call for special attention to .j every detail. Pat O'Grady's can provide your I \\1e can ncale a stunnin~ new look fClr -=- --: There's no messy plaster cleanup. And your kilchcn , , . quickly, and easily and = .~ kitchen Oooring doesn't have to be group (up to 40) with quality meals and our cn morn icall\'~ PO~~!CApatched. usual expert service. Tht' R I\: b con('cpl: lhl' if,hllll' (,,,hilH't .=.. You save time. inconvenience ... and 10 SO';; of the cosl of new cabinets! d(}C~n'l havc to 1)(: rCI)\.lCcd neate a docc..JrA.tivF:!' rl.lrninnte llew (aiJinel look, ()ur nailslTl('n Ill('l'rly Inspecl rhe striking designs in our • HOURS: H'1ll0V(' YOUIold (.,hinct doors .111(1 (IIawtT rr()nl~ - ~howroorn. Or phone, wilhout ohli~,\lion on your pan, and onc of our designers will show you rich woodgrain rcpl.\('in~ lllnll wllh handsolll(, f/( 1/' do()r~ and drawcr Monday thru Saturday 11:.10 til 2 a.m. fronh ~lIr1,\( cd with H )R7\'lIC:\. hrand decor.lli,,(' designs ,md smart dccorator solid (:010" - righl in laminilll' All ollwI (''(po~('d caiwH't areas art' then your own home. Becausc thesc sllrf.HTs arc FOR- Sunday,ft 2 p.m. til 2 a.m. (O\(Ted ill 111,11< hin« l.ullill,lt(' MICA" brand decorative laminate. they resist chip- BI'( ,HI~('lIl<' {I/I/dl (',.hUll'1 frallll'\\'oT'k ~Iavs inl.lll. an pin~, staining. scratching and peeling - keep thcir .1\'cr,I~(' jn~t,dJ.ltl()n t •• kn ollh ,liJolll ;hr("(' d,IY~, d('~alll beauly through y('ar~ of family use. • Enjoy JERRY ROBINSON at the Piano (Tuesdays thru Sat.) starting at 8::~() Jl.rn. JOHN ECOL1\ - Sundays 8:30 p.n!.

Valet Parking for Your Convenience 772-4777 " -

Thursday, November 16, GROSSE POINTE NEWS Seven

.~ .~.,

. ~. .., . . \ • • . ,...... • ..~.. ''; .. ' ... Buy th'ese"in demand" Applid'nces and ....! : (' . I • ~~ 4 j Television$ with' merrysavings ... best buys ) around for a limited .time' ... 'HURRY! Our Biggest Selling GIVE A <~ G.E. MICROWAVE "Whirlpool M~crowave Oven 7t!lJPL Cooks by Time and Temperature ON SALE! A GIFT OF QUALITY! PRICED lJ~~~CHROMA(OLOl(n WELL BELOW DIAGONAL COMPACT COLOR PORTABLE TV SUGGESTED " ADVERTISED PRICE! .

GE QUALITY-BUILT COUNTERTOP Gr88t cooking convenience with MICROWAVE OVEN WITH GE MICRO-THERMOMETER'" CONTROL Trim, compact color portable !s8tures and prics to match 3 Power Levels for COOKing flexibility. for easy room-to-room portability. This great Whirlpool microwave oven lets you roast a 10-12 lb. turkey in Cooks automatically by food tempera- Handsome charcoal color finish. Solid-state as little as 11/2 hours - all at the touch of your fingertip. And you'll love ture-or by time with 60-Min. Digital chassis and tuning system, Brilliant ClOCK Timer. Microwave COOKbook Chromacolor in-line picture tube, PowBr these great Whirlpool features: Meal Planner control for fingertip control Sentry Voltage Regulating System. included. of all cooking programs, times and power. MEAL SENSOR' temperature probe. Black-glass, see-through door. Large 1.14 cu, It. oven capacity '2990° • Sealed-in glass ceramic shelf • Oven light • End-of-cooking signal K1310 • Micro Menus cookbook. Free cooking school available. 'Tm ••

General Electric 25" Console Discover the THE BLACK &WHITE Mea1-In-One"Microwave PERFORMER i ~q~.Televisions'~~...... to' • 'j':" '"~~-~~~~ ... --"._, OF-1HE YEAR.

Inclydes browning dish. valye 534.95 AND Cooking School, valye 520.00 MODEL 540 perFormance A unique new cooking system lets you cook TELEVISION• three different foods, or a complete meal, all at once - more evenly than ever . • Exclusive Meal-In-One™ cooking system . • Luge, easy-clean 1.5 cu. ft. interior - 25% bigger than most microwave ovens. YM9328 • Vari-Cook@ variable power oven control ONLY reheats, warms, cooks, roasts, defrosts and 95 6 Different simmers. '89 When you're looking for that second sel,look into a solid- Roincheclcs Models to performing block and white from General Electric. lis 100% A '1 &1 ill. LITTON Solid State Chassis is the product of years of research and va, a e Choose Microwave Cook1ll9 development. tts long-lasting. cool-running transistors and integrated circuits use less power than comporable "tube- NEW Single From Litton ...changing thewa,y AmericaCook:) type" sets and provide the kind of clear. crisp picture per- Antenna for 00 formance that gave GE Performance Television its name. UHF d VHF '489 This is GE Performance Television in block and white. an

THE TELEVISION SET OF TOMORROW 19"CHROMA(OlOI{II DIAGON~L COMPACT TV MODEl 45YP9000W .IS HERE TODAY TllPPllB Space Saver with Electronic Video The GE Widescreen 1000 fea- Guard Tuning Microwave Oven tures a picture three times big- ger than any 25" diagonal TV K1924W • The STRAVINSKY : ! Slim, trim decorator compact set. Over 1000 square inches .j :fealures a l00~ solid-slale chassi, With Automatic Defrost. of viewing area. It's like being , ' ,plys eleclronrc Iy",ng for added reo : ._ - liability. Includes Ine,e fine per. at the movies, front row center formonce feolyres, Power Senlry • Smaller outside or on the fifty yard line. Come Voltage RegylalOr, Piclyre Conlrol, dimensions 10save $39ftOO Automatic fine-Tuning. Handsome in and see for yourself. .... -

17170 HARPER 1.94 at Cadieux Rd. FURNITURE VISA & MASTER CHARGE ACCEPTED Regular Hours: MON., THURS., FRI. 9 to 9 TUES., WED., SAT. 9 to 6 882.2388

_ .. _----_._~------~------"------"'f,

GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, November 16. 1978 Officers' Nalned by Park Group Center Offers FAMILY The Grosse Pointe Park president, Helen Leonard, Students Help Civic Ass'n. elected Al Tho. secretary, and Al Metz, DENTISTRY CLINIC mas president at its recent treasurer. The Grosse Pointe Learn- annual meeting at Windmill In addition to the Fourth ing Center will provide servo 18408 MORANG Pointe Park. of July parade, the civic as. ices in which students with North of I(elly Mr Thomas h h' d sociation will sponsor a Holi. academic problems can get 527.0250 . . . ~s co-e alrc day Sing in December, a professional help. A learning the organIZation s Fourth of town meeting on Crime Pre. program is designed to im. July parade for two years. vention and Awareness, a 37060 GARFIELD prove and correct the learn- -Mt. Clemens Others elected to the board garage sale and a spring ing problems in a particular were Jo Ann Kelly, vice- dance. EXTRA STRENGTH subject area. 286.3055 KELP.LECITHIN B.fS The center offers a Read. with Cider Vinegar ing and Math clinic, tutoring 100's Reg. 574 in all subjects and prepara. NOW $2.99 tion for college entrance FULL 33 DAY SUPPLY exams. The services also in- clude professional consulta- SUPER SPORT> iI3 DAIL V COMBO~ tion and diagnostic testing, STRESS .. ..-. with Iron assessment of learning prob- IlUL~E V1TAIlIICI COMPLEX r,jp"';. .;. ",US.ON lems, individualized instruc- WITH iRO~ _ ,.-:. ~ 365 TABLETS lion at the primary and sec. 27%o~'~ 60's Reg 518 ~ Reg 6.80 (formerly Farms Delicatessen) ondary levels and evaluation NOW $3.45 of achievement. COMPARE TO B COMPLEX NOW $3.99 ALL OYSTER SHELL ...... WITH C COMPARE TO Vintage and Imported Wines . The Grosse Pointe Learn-I ~~~~~~~;BS'. ~ CALCIUM i.:M. CAPSULE ONE A DAY. r:-:. '\(,"" ing Center firmly believes WITH IRON Domestic and . f~' )~, ". & SAVE' WITH VITAMIN D ~",1 100's Reg. 4.99 that each student has the .-~ 100's Reg 269 ' • & SAVE I WALLPAPER Ir:nporte? Beer.s ~' "J \".''' right 10 succeed, and it was . NOW $1.69 • NOW $2.99 Call in any from any book. Liquors In a WIde "\ . established on this premise COMPARE TO OS.CAl" & SAVE' COMPARE TO ALLBEE.wilh C & SAVe by three teachers, Anita selection '. Myers, Mary Ann Hughes, • HANh & BODY -= VITAMIN 8.12 500 meg. VITAMIN C 500 mil. and Helen Doelle. LOT/ON 801 Reg 2 50 100 S Reg 822 NOW '4.63 WITH ROSE HIPS Gift Baskets S The professional faculty Phone: 886-4050 NOW '1.49 GINSENG 500 mil. 100. Reg 498 Now 2.99 Snacks, Cheese includes: F ran k Romano, PHONE ORDERS ACCEPTED. NO DEPOSIT ",... 50's Reo 7 54 NOW '4.47 ZINC 30 mg .. and Cold Cuts corrective reading specialist: ~~T.lAMINE S~~~ ~e~E2~~ LECITHIN GRANULES Richard Beach, former super- • NO FREIGHT CHARGE I~ NOW '1.79 80' Reg 572 NOW'3.49 100', Reg 2.75 NOW$1.88 Tremendous Sovings On intendent of Bay City Schools • NO DELIVERY CHARGE REGULAR RUAIl PlbCES AAE M.4NUF ...CTU~ER 5UOOESTEO R~TAJL and currently affiliated with ,Bony Wine Selections • PAY WHEN DELIVERED HARKNESS DEVONSHIRE PARK Some are elose-outs. various programs in the PHARMACY DRUGS PHARMACY Grosse Pointe School System; 15324 E. JEF. 18660 Mack Ave. 881-7851 Mrs. Anita Myers, secondary Post Wallcovering Distributors, Inc. 20315 MACK 16003 MACK Owner-Manager Dallas Carrier' level, was curriculum plan- 884-3100 881-0477 822-2580 ner for suburban schools; 50 CenlS Per Roll Added To All Orders less Than Full Case 124 ROllsl Mary Ann Hughes and Helen HOURS MON.-FRI. 9:00 A.M. to 5:00. P.M. Doelle, former teachers at the primary level, directed the cultural program at the Grosse Pointe War Memorial. During the day classes in finance, real estate, business management and business law will be offered to the adult community. The center ~USED is located in the Colonial Federal Savings Building, 63 Kercheval avenue. Fees for tutorial services are $15 '!ler eel!!: hour with convenient after school hours and Saturdays. For information call 343. 118'-~ 0836 or 881-8281.

Service Slated ~ At St. James

Saint James Lutheran ~ Church in McMillan road off Kercheval, will hold its tra- ditional community service SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18 Select any Item from Group I FREE on Thanksgiving Day, Thurs. when you deposit $300 or more: day, November 23, at 9:30 from 9:30 A.M. TO 2:00 P.M. A. Federal Glass 12.Piece Super Rocks Glassware Set. Elegance is the word for this a.m. set of g!assware. Serve your guests wilh Glacier Super Rocks glasses and earn their Pastor George Kun will MONTEITH BRANCH LIBRARY admlralion as a host or hostess of distinction. Each glass holds 12 oz. of cool refresh- prel\Ch the sermon on the ment. subject, "Come, Ye Thank- 14100 Kercheval- 833-9175 B. 3.Plece Stainless Steel Sto~age Bowl Set with Covers. Regal's revolutionary' ful-,People!". ,.• ,- ~3 btdcks.west of Cn::ftmers) storage bowls are great for keeplnQ foods fresh, leftovers tasty I In gleaming stainless The Saint James Choir, un- steel, With plastiC covers to keep In freshness. Set comes with small, medium and der the direction of Herman large Sized bowls for all your % $77.10 o Oven lor I Y, Hr< Dro,n off ...... Also ,.- j D"PP,"g' Comb'"e Ing.ed'en!" Cf-f'dIC;4Ir' monf~y Withdrawn be-lore I 51.000 WHIPPING CREAM CertJllCale 6 years 7~% $80.50 MIX WeB. Pour and BrOSh Sallee Old Fashioned PI

~:z: ..... U.S. NO.1 FRESH CHIQUITA 37 Offices : g I CHOICE OCEAN SPRA Y BRAND throughout Michigan ~~]DETROIT& ; C; I ...I'~J:~RN Y AM5 CRANBERRIES BANANAS ESfic_ ...... 1 .. _ ... 1.Lb. Pkg. G:rfO

Thursday, November 16. 1978 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Nine Honored by Producers Grosse Pointe Hunt Club Elects Leaders Road Salt Hurts Trees in Winter

Three plon~rs in Detroit's is founder and president of Frank J. Huster will head same election. Mr, Shenkus Huster, Mr, Nicholson, Mr. While some people lire the leaves and buds of road. apple and peach trees are communications i n d u s try, Video Films, Inc" which he a new slate of officers and had been holding an interim 'I' l"rakes and Mr. Williams. worrying about electrical side plants," particularly sensitive to salt Pointers Rosa Joy and J. Clif. started in vacant quarters of directors which will ron the post on the board. Organized in 1911, the brownouts, roadside ever. Salt aerosols rarely kill a e r 0 sol s," Dr, Davidson ford Hanna. and Detroit resi. his father's Jefferson avenUe Grosse Point£: Hunt Club In other action, the memo Hunt Club mounts a number l1l'een trees are suffering entire trees, though it can noted, "while Austrian pine, dent George Pierrot, were art gaU~ry in 1947. The firm during the coming year. bers heard a report from of sports and en. chemical brownouts of their happen in extreme casC~. Dr. t,:ue spruce and honey locust Edwin V. Larson on the tertainment programs for its honored by their peers in the was the first in Detroit de- At its recent annual meet. needles caused by salts used Davidson said, but they do I ."nd to resist salt damage," club's "highly s u c c e s sf u I membership. including in. Detroit Producers Ass'n., voted excluslvely to making ing, Mr. Huster of Berkshire to melt snow and ice, said turn evergreen needles un. ------membership drive which took door and outdoor riding, in. Wednesday, November 15, at television commercials. road was re-elected presi- Dr. Harold Davidson, profes. sightly brown and cause a the membership enrollment door and outdoor tennis, a dinner at the st. Regis dent of the club for the com. sor of horticulture at Michi. strange "tufted" growth pat. You can't wor.k and w~rry Mr. Pierrot of Burns ave. to just short of our maximum pa~dle tennis and swimming, Hotel. ing year. James B. Nicholson gan State University, in a tern in deciduous trees. at the same time so Just nue in Detroit, is president capacity." at Its 13-acre facility on Cook Mr. Roy of Sheldon road, of Kenwood court was re- news release. "White pine, Nor way I leave the worrying until to. of World Adventure Series, is founder and board chaIr. elected vice-president, John Other reports on club aC.1 road .. spruce, crabapple, pin oak, I morrow, which he founded in 1933. Scientists have known for man of Ross Roy, Inc" De. C. Frakes of Blairmoor court tivities were delivered by .[t ~s the ~ost club for the ------The series is currently in its some time that road salts ------troit's largest advertising was re-elected secretary, and Mr Huster, Mr. Nicholson, MJCh~gan Mixed Indoor State 46th year of showing at the dissolved in melting snow agency and in the top 25 of John E, Williams Jr. of Mr' Frakes and Mr Williams Tenms Tournament. and will Detroit Institute of Arts and can enter the soil and stunt the world's advertising agen. Merriweather road was reo Th~ membership ,s;.luted tw~ hos~ t~e 1979 Hertz-Detroit at one time was shown si. or kill plants, but Dr. David- DETROIT cies. eleeled treasurer. retiring directors. Robert L. InVItatIonal Paddle Tennis multaneously on all of De- M' of Wedgewood road Tournament. A ladles tourna. son and his colleagues have Mr. Hanna of Doyle court, At the same time, club shown that airborne salt troit's television stations. an~lrDr. Norman K. Carstens: ~ent ~ill be. held in conjunc. members named Richard J. aerosols can damage ever. DENTURE CLINIC of Chalfonte avenue. tlOn WIth thIS In February. MILLIONS COVERED Producers Ass'n. president Pryce of Meadow lane, David green needles and kill over. 18408 MORANG Safety and health stand. "Bunny" Rieser of Wood. Continuing on the board of CONDUCTS PROGRAMS wintering buds on deciduous Dan Nissly said, "El\ch hon. J Block North 01 Kelly Rd. ards announced by the U.S. oree in his own area has land shores, Richard J. directors for another year The U.S. Labor Depart. trees. Labor Department's Occupa. made innovations that helped Shenkus of Balfour road and will be J. D. Owens of Devon. menl's Occupational Safety "The salty aerosols are pro- \ for a complete examination tional Safety and Health move the industrY as it now Donald E. Yerkes of Oxford shire road, Andrew W. Dahl and Health Administration duced by high speed car and Administration rover more exists. People working in road to the board of direc. of Elm court, William E. conducts education, training truck tires pounding over CALL than 65 million workers in every part of the industry tors. Kohr of Bishop road and and information programs to wet, salted roads," Dr. DaVid') more than five million work. have been touched by their John C. Frakes was re- Edwin V. Larson of Shore. promole safe and healthful son e x pia i ned, "and are 527.6255 places. contributions." turned to the board in the ham road, along with Mr. work practices. moved by natural winds to ------_._------~------.STOP AT TIlE SHOPS WITH THE MEMBERS OF YOUR FRIENDLY IT~ JVST PlAIN BLlJE LIGHTS ••• MACK AVENUE MERCHANTS ASSO.

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. only The Mack Avenue Merchants will go MAD for three hours Super Special Savings, Bargains galore ••• plan to shop early!

GIVE A BIBLE CHRISTMAS OPEN HOUSE -. Selected Models of PENN or Fridav ~o\'. 24 10-9 FOR CHRISTMAS Our Entire Stock Addidas, Converse, DUNLOP Saturday ~o\'. 25 10-5 Bancroft Sunday NOl".26 12-5 TENNIS Refreshments! LAMPS 'and SHADES SHOES* BALLS 25to50% OFF STRAW *Gua,anree: if we can', fi, you in a Sale Shoe ... you, choice 95 WREATHS AND BROOMS 0 any stocl< shoe or 25% off!! $ 1 per can ". 20 /()off 50% OFF

~~~. Just Add Colorful Trims KI~G JAMES, REV. STAND VERSIO~, GOOD NEWS, L1VI~G, ~EW AMERICA~ and many more versions ... W.ifJhf~ • 10% OFF 20455 MACK ANY BIBLE GIFT & LAMP SHOP at Fleetwood IN STOCK . 18650 MACK AVE. Grosse Pointe Woods Nexl 10 Grasse PIe. Pasl Office 884-9400 19451 mack ave. 882.3566 885-8839

Because We're :JhiJ ~l' :J/zaf fol' peiJ Anniversary Salel .~..: Overstocked! DOG - CAT - BIRD SUPPLIES THE COMPLETE CHRISTMAS PAINTINGS 16711 MACK AVE at YORKSHIRE OPEN 9.8 Doily 25" Admiral TV's SHOP FOR YOUR PET 885- 7140 OPEN 10-2 Sunday 00 and GRAPHICS PACKAGI LIQUO., WINII • BII •• $449 up to 20% OFF Our custom frame shop will frame ANY •. 886-4260 THING from a dollar gold coin to a wagon: CANNED SQUIRT TV wheel, needlepoints, too. CARLOAD STEREO MICROWAVE OVENS CARLSON 20649 MACK AVENUE .t Ve,mer (8 M,le Rd.1 $3 case of 24 Grasse poml. woodS, M\d1 Adrian Art Galleries 21143 Mack Ave. N. of Vernier Regular or Sugar free Grosse Pointe Woods NO DEPOSIT CANS 19443 MACK AVE. TU 1-9007 ~:~~ C.,d. 885-5600 Ho"o'.-I

ENTIRE STOCK ONE HALF OFF All WilLIAMSBURG CHANDELIERSand WALL BRACKETS CHRISTMAS CARDS Boxed or Loose ALL VARIETIES 100 PAIR CROSS COUNTRY SKIS 1/2 PRICE Reg, $60.$95 PLUS NOW '45.00 8Vatu~ade, 200 PAIR CROSS COUNTRY BOOTS FREE PEN Reg. $45 To Everyone! (no pUfe hose neces sory I NOW '12.50 VITAMINS PACKAGE INCLUDING BINDING, POLE 15% OFF Now '75.00 R.etail up to $162 Top of the line, finest quality! 20778 Mack Ave. HARKNESS PHARMACY 1'1795 MACK at MANCHESTER Grosse Pointe Woods House of Lights GROSSE POINTE WOODS MICHIGAN 20315 MACK 884-3100 19615 Mock (be/ween 7 & B Mi.) 885.6866 Come See Our Cross Country Clothing PHONE 881-3394 - - . ----- ~.~ -~ --~~~-""""""-~"""P"'."""""""P"""'P"•..- __ oq_c_p -----.-;--:--4..4--I114C--.oI"....e ... ¥_~$....l4!;lIIIa... I$44.A .. IIIIIU.... $lI$S.. .. 3 ...OSIl4lQ45...... _~IIIIS~$JCijIQII- •

Peg. Ten GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, November 16, 1978 "', 'Regroups Forces' in Program 1 _"IT'I' 'I.OUICEMEIT GPW As Managing Municipality soce (ContInued from Page 1) and the thawing of frozen: tion to special needs monies. (ContJDued from Page 1) all plan until larger amounts ful within its limits, and for".' Charing Cross now has Block Grant Program funds pipes and gutters and lead.l Inasmuch as the commis. "We want to move within of money is secured. the community to recognize also would be used in this ers. sion is an arm of city gov. the limits of the contract For instance SOCC also the problems and needs of extended its maintenance services area, pending further word Lack of Commun1cation ernment and has explored signed with Grosse Pointe was viewing a~ ombudsman and .to joi.n with sen: I , on the city's $126,675 total The solons, on a motion such. are~s as home repair Woods," along with the pro. program along with home reo lors 10 dealmg WIth them. ' to include SNOW PLOWING program, which includes the from Councilman George services 10 the past, Mrs. gram the Wayne County Of- pairs and this has tempor. In eying the special needs, aforementioned special needs Cueter, approved the manag. Sutton. felt the g.roup lts.elf fice of Program Develop- arily been postponed but not program monies and the ab. . for Residential and Commercial allocation. ing municipality concept and was shghted, while lend!ng ment and Coordination wants forgotten. This plan would sence at this time of both. , in the Grosse Pointe areas. As part of minor home reo the contract by a 6-1 vote, her support for the clty. done. link- needy seniors with Harper Woods and The Park 'I pairs, SOCC is viewing un. with Councilman John Sabol SOCC effort. Saying he felt the program, agencles which can assist Mr. Jamiesen noted Harpe~ Contract or Will Call Basis der the program such wide. voting "no." Officials admitted there which is scheduled to be. them, with an effort to fol. Woods' special needs objec: , ranging areas as leaky fau- During the discussion of was a lack of communication come a reality next January low up each contact until tive of obtaining monies fot cets, stopped.up drains, caulk. the planned program, an ap. ~ith ~rs. Sutton, while. s.ay. 2, has a very good chance of each problem is solved. an ambulance was turned dlaring D'DS5 ing, repair or replacement of parent communication prob- 109 this would be rectifIed being successful, he appre. "In back of all our think. down. ~\M;n,NI\NCE& ALTERATION 882.3100 screens, the repair of holes lem arose when Irene Sut- in the future. ciatively cited the good will ing i~ a larger progra~. He said an effort would of the Woods Council, Ad. • ROOfiNG. SIOING in floors, painting, light bulb ton, chairman of The Woods While citing pre vi 0 u s s a whole ~all .o~ m. be made to contact officials .... CONTRACTORS ministrative Aide Gerard E. • ENClOSURES replacement, minor rpof reo ~en.ior Citizens Commission, grant applications the com. ~Ifferen~e to seDl~r. cItizens in that community toward;: WI ••. THE HOUSE DOCTORS McNamara and James Cur- IJIII E, WAIlllEIl. 1If1lIOIT, _ C24 .INnRIOR REMODELING pairs, the removal and reo Indicated she was unaware of mission has explored, Mrs. 1~ the Sl~ commuDlties, (the participating in the seniors' ran, director of the Office placement of furnace filters such developments in rela. Sutton termed the special fIve Pomtes and Harpe.~ program, while viewing an'- of Program Development and Woods), to kno~k down, amount of around $8,000. • ------needs monies a "wonderful Coordination. grant," while adding she reo stressed Mr. Jamlesen, who : added he would like to send As for The Park, he stated, greted the way the situation With the focus on the spe. out speakers and even make the city ~as absent from the ~ was handled. cial needs program funds, Mr, Jamiesen indicated the a film to further view this special needs allocation be. < NEW CLINICS Happy to Assist committees are currently subject in the future. cause it still has to be ap. ~ "While we, (the commis. meeting to make certain He then reiterated many proached. ' Beginning November. 27 for Adults and Juniors sion), aren't equipped to everything is "go" at the areas of need revolving SOCC includes a group of ~ handle it per se we still could first of the year. . around seniors while citing citizens, participants in Nu-: All ability levels have backed this program," One committee, he stated two key areas cited in trition Site activities, who " - said Mrs. Sutton. is gathering to prepare ~ SOCC's report entitled, "To. began to meet on a regular: EASTPOINrE Non-members welcome She added the group would budget based on the smaller ward A New Day for Sen. basis since last fall to define be happy to assist Nutrition amount of money, which will iors: Strategies for Dealing problems affecting seniors RL1CQUET .site personnel upon contact. be spent in the communities with The Depth Needs of The and to seek solutions. The in. Small classes 1-5 which have received sp"ecial Elderly," which climaxes volved residents live in the CLUB In a final' note, Mr. Peter. needs funds. These include their exploration so far while Pointes and Harper Woods." Adult Tennis Lessons sen told the council that The City, Farms, Woods and providing the foundation for SOCC qualified as a sub-con. Shores. future directions. ADVANTAGEOUS tractor because of its current A second committee, mean. These areas include the The fewer times your per. : Regular clinics (Beginners, Advanced Beginners. Intermediates) 1i hours efforts to become a non- while, is working with the essential need of seniors to sonal history repeats itself ; once each week for four weeks $42.00. profit corporation to perform budget group toward devel- understand and accept life as in your lifetime, the less • such a contractural service, oping the program to have it it is, seeking to make that chance you have of being : while noting its effort tow. get underway on January 2. life meaningful and purpose- short.changed. Women's Excellence H hours each week for six weeks $60.00. ard developing a far.reach. Yet another committee is ing program, including home focusing upon by.laws as part League & Lessons. Designed for the working girl., Forty-five minutes of league repairs, to serve seniors in of SOCC's effort to become Dirty Have Your Carpets & and forty-five minutes of lessons. Once each week for eight weeks $64.00. the Pointes and Harper incorporated. Such papers Woods. have already been filed in Carpet? Rugs Professionally Racquetball Clinics - Once each week for five weeks $42.00. Lansing and the group is ex. MAITLAND HONORED pecting final word on this SAVE Dr. Gordon R. Maitland of CLEAMID Junior Tennis soon. We Have The\A'f)rrect Method Stephens road was honored In relation to this, another 20% Ages 5-18 - Classes for all ability levels plus To Clean YOUt Carpet .' by the Chalmers J. Lyons committee is in the process ONCASH. Girl's Starter League - designed for teenagers - 1;' hours of league play • We do aU Iypes of carpet repair Academy of Oral Surgery in of viewing tax-exempt status once each week for 10 weeks $75.00. papers so SOCC will be able & CARRY CALL FOil FIIEE ESTIIIII\ rE October at the University of to pursue foundation monies. RUG East Side Carpet Cleaners Michigan Dental School and Team Tennis-Tournament level players enter as a two person team. Each An insurance committee 14111 Kercheval Ave. 822.1481 , at a dinner at the Burton also is at work, exploring the CLEANING week, both players compete in singles and doubles. Boys 18 and under, OWNED AND OPllIATED BY THE BABICH fAMIlY SINCE 1948 .".' boys 14 and under, girls 18 and under. girls 14 and under. Hills Country Club. Dr. Mait. area of liability insurance to. .- . . . - ~ land is a charter member and ward getting the program ------~" ..... M.nager/Pro Gary Bodenmlller past-president of the Aca. moving. • While the focus has be- .. IillSTPOINrE, R4CQUET CLUB AlaI.I.nn Janet Landman Slywka demy. He was on the staff come narrower at this time, ~. 19001 Nine Mile Steve Goff of Bon Secours, Cottage and vana Abollns Mr. Jamiesen made it clear .• East Detroit corner 1-94 & 9 Mile Bob Bracci Harper Hospitals. He is now that SOCC members have 774-1000 Ken Kirkendall retired after practicing oral their sights set on develop. surgery for 52 years. ing and expanding its over. ... ~. Values Good .. One Full Week ~. thru Nov. 25, 1978 • QUALITY AT REASONABLE PRICES . ..~GGR?1.{~.rOOn!"~aEFif:-'?~. , ".,i •~.: ,I '~ ROUND $'~28,:; Fresh Bulk Pack ,; " P,Hll'S SPECIAL- Regular or Ranch :~

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- $ S'ps 7F F 7S7 • • Thursday, November Ib, 1978 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Eleven -----~------_._------vember 7, at his home. tide Club of t~e Detroit Com- DOLLARS AID TRAINING .. Born in Saint John, Mich., mandery No. I, Knight's SJullterlJugs Meet Nov. 21 ," Obituaries Mr. Missig is survived by his Templar, and Pillar Lodge The AFL.CIO's Laborers' mittee received one.year re- ~ [ wife, Katherine L.; three 526, F&AM. Lichens and mosses are I nue. at 7:45 p.m. International Union of North newal contracts totaling $2..~: the assignment (or this week Visitors are welcome to I sons, Louis N., Donald H. Mr. Quigley is survived by 601,876 from the Department ~, for Grosse Pointe Camera the meeting. America, the Plasterers' and JEREMIAH V, JENKS and the GroSS\.:.'olnte Club. his wife, Mary; two sons, Services for Mr. Jenks, 81, and Richard E,; two daugh- Club members, who will ga. Cement Masons' Union and of Labor to train 2,270 mi.~: Mr. Jenks is survived by ters, Mrs. Floyd Hart and William Jr. and Timothy; of University place were a son, Alden; three daugh. ther Tuesday, November 21, We could all live better the National Joint Painting, nority group members, vet-:; Henrietta; and three sisters. two daughters, Mrs. Marilyn held on Saturday, November ters, Mrs. Jal'queline McCabe, Mueller and Mrs. Margaret to show off their slides and lives if we gave serious Decorating, Drywall Appren. erans, women and economic." 11, at Christ E pis cop a I Interment was at Mount ,. Mrs. Deborah Breed and Su- Olivet Cemetery. Malone; a sister and seven prints at Brownell Middle thought to problems that; ticeship and Training Com. ally disadvantaged persons. ': Church of Grosse Pointe. Ar. san; one !>ister and four School, 260 Chalfonte ave. only concern us. I grandchildren. _._-----._------ranllements were handled by grandchildren. RAPIIAEL P. BERNARDI Cremation was at Forest ------~~ the Verheyden Fun era I Cremation was at Forest Services for Mr. Bernardi, Lawn Cemetery. " Home. Lawn Cemetery. 73, of The Woods were held ~ DR. ALVIN P. WEISE . He died on Friday, Novem. JOHN L. MISSIG on Wednesday, November 8, Do you know how to serve a stinger or manhattan? ber 10, at Cottage Hospital. Services for Mr. Missig, at the A. H. Peters Funeral Services for Dr. Weise, 65, Mr. Jenks was the retired 85, of Whittier road were Home. oC Barrington road were Have you ever tasted a pink squirrel or a golden cadillac? .. vice president of the Huron held on Friday, Nov.ember He died on Monday, No- held on Saturday, November .-l Milling Co. of Harbor Beach. 10, at the Verhe~'den Funeral vember 6, at South Macomb 11, at the Verheyden Funeral . A Yale graduate, he was Home and Saint Clare de Hospital. Home and Saint Ambrose .. Mr. Bernardi was a retired .. a member of the Senior' Montcfalco Church. Church. .. stockbroker with Roney and Men's Club of Grosse Pointe He died on Tuesday, No- He died (In Thursday. No- .' Co. vember 9, at his residence. 0/ He is survived by his A native Detroiter, Dr. wife, Estelle A.; a daughter, Weise is survived by his wife, a\\ in the Exciting ··· Dirty Have Your Carpets & Sylvane; a son, Roland; and Grace; a son, John P.; three Carpet? Rugs Professionally four grandchildren. daughters, Mrs. Barbara G. Interment was at Mount Gayman, Mrs. Mary Bonawitz \t's Olivet Cemetery. . SAVE CLEANED and Mrs. Christine Donahue; WILLIAM G. QUIGLEY his mother, Mrs. Vivian We Have The Correct Method Weise; and five grandchil- 20'0 Services for Mr. Quigley, dren. ON CASH To Clean Your Carpet . 81, of The City were held on Interment was at Mount • We do oil type~ of (orpe' rep0lr Saturday, November 11, at & CARRY Olivet Cemetery. CALL fOR fREE EsrlMATE the V e r hey den Funeral RUe East Side Carpet Cleaners Home. MISS CLAIRE H. KA VA~ CLEANING 14111 Kercheval Ave. 822-1481 He died on Thursday, No- Services for Miss Kavan, OWNED AND OPfRA,TfD BY THE BABICH FAMILY SINCE 1948 vember 9, at Harper Hos- 21, of Lakeshore road were pital. held on Saturday, November Mr. Quigley was a retired 11, at the Verheyden Funeral aut 0 equipment manufac- Home and Saint Aloysius SAFE FLUE turer's representative. He Church. was a native of Toronto and She died on Wednesday, a longtime resident of The November B, at Cottage Hos- Chimney Sweep Pointe. pital. He was a member of the Born in The Pointe, Miss Senior Men's Club of Grosse Kavan is survived by her Pointe, the Men's Garden mother, Mrs. Carol Kavan, Chimney fires are Club of America, the Noon- two brothers and a sister. Prevented only by R.egular Interment was at Wood- ~RtENO'NG~MO mere Cemetery. Chimney Cleaning. College 'Rep' MRS. CASSANDRA BURNS Now'is the time to get ready Visits Pointe Services for Mrs. Burns, for cooler weather. Have your 64, of Holiday road were held Chimney cleaned for fire safety Paul G. Manuel, director on Tuesday, November 14, at and fuel efficiency. of off-campus programs at the Verheyden Fun era I Wittenberg University, will Home. visit with students at three She died on Saturday, No- vember 11. at Bon Secours t~stE Phone Pointe schools today, Thurs- 881-5893 Hospital. • Chimney Screens Installed day, November 16. Learn how to mix the newest .drinks He will be at South High A native Detroiter, Mrs. School, 11 Grosse Pointe Bums is survived by her hus- ... Brush up on serving old favorites .. ~Be introduced boulevard, at 10: 15 a.m., band, E u g e.n e, and one North High School, 707 Ver- brother. to the newest cordials ... And take part in the taste test session! nier road, at 11:30 a.m. and Interment was at White Uni\'ersity Liggett, 1045 Cook Chapel Cemetery. Morning, noon or evening a Mohawk representative will bring it all road, at 1:20 p.m. JOHN R. EIDT Mr. Manuel will be avail- Services for Mr. Eidt, 45, . to your home or to your meeting for a group of 20-30 people. able to answer questions con- of University place were held cerning the admissions pro. on Monday, November 13, at cedure, academic programs the Grosse Pointe Memorial "It's no expense or trouble for you! and financial aid and schol. Church. Arrangements were al'Ship possibilities at Witten- handled by the Verheyden For more information write: berg. Funeral Home. Located in Springfield, 0., He died on Saturday, No- HOME BARTENDING Wittenberg is a private vember 11, at Bi-County Hos- Spirits Marketing Inc .• 2211 E. Jefferson Avenue. Sentinel Center. Detroit, Mi. 48207 liberal arts university of pital. 2,300 students affiliated with Mr. Eidt is survived by his or call: the L u the ran Church in mother, Mrs. Cerene Eidt, 4merica. two brothers and one sister . Jody English •- Founded in 1845, Witten- Cremation was at Forest berg has students from all Lawn Cemetery. sections of the U.S. and from 393-2220 several foreign countries. MRS. MARCEUNE R. HIGGINS f. Commercial and Residentiql Services for Mrs. Higgins, - ,• 86. of Grayton road will be w.e. held on Saturday, Novem- SNOW REMOVAL ber 18, at the Verheyden Trojan Funeral Home and at Saint Clare de Montefalco Church at 10 a.m. CUSTOM FURNITURE She died on Monday, No- & CARPET CLEAN ING vember 13, at her home. ON LOCATION Mrs. Higgins is survived by two sons, James and FREE ESTIMA TES William, one sister and one Phone brother. CALL 777-2800 576-1140 Interment was at Mount IOlivet Cemetery.

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Page Twelve GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, November 16, 1978 TIRE CHECK NEEDED , UlS Soccer Team Finishes 15.5 In fall and winter check dustry Safety Council. Ti~es your tires' air pressure each also lose up to one pound :of week. For every GROSSE POINTE NEWS air pre s s U t' e per 1ll0J1th drop in temperature, tires may lose a pound of air through diffusion. even more pressure, says .the Tire In. in colder weather.


I' REVENUE SHARING "''ft- FUNDS . 4":'" ' *..;j..." .~" :,~, ~:,'•.:~,.<}, All-Pointe,.; S''';11l Club If/ins First llfeet CITY OF 1 The University-Liggett School, CESTER, JOHN MECKE, THORN- The All.Pointes Swim Club by Anne Vanker in the 12. del'. i (ULS), varsity soccer team ended its TON NICKELL, JOHN KA VADAS GROSSE POINTE WOODS won its first meet of the sea. a~d.undl'f. while ~tichelle In the boys 50-yard breast, I S d N b 11 'th and JOHN COUZENS, and in the . I I't \"as Scott Fram' e I'n the 10. I' season atur ay, ovem er ,WI son on Wednesday. October J)csHoisers was on top In t 1e , , a 2-0 loss tJ Hamtramck in Metro back row, (from left to right), RAY- 25. deCrating vca~born, 293. 14.and-under. 'and.under and Joseph Sch.: MoND MUI, MATTHIAS OERTLE, 264, at Edsrl Ford IIigh Cathy Stickford took the midt. l4.and-under. I Suburban Soccer League tournament JOHN BROOKS, BRET MORROW, <&rO!i!lr 'nttttr ilInnba School. to.and-under gIrls 50.yard Girls 50-yard breast was I play. The team had a 15-5 record JEFF KLING, KRIS ROBBINS, In the LO.and-under 200 back. while Cheryl Chase won by Michelle McGough, I for the year, 7-0 during the regular MICHIGAN 48236 mixed frl'e relay. Hit'hard' took l2.and.under, Susan 1O.and.under. Ryndy Ditmars. I season. Members of the team are, in BRIAN McCABE. ARMANDO GO- MEZ, DAVID PIERCE and coach t'Jarkt'. Gal! Slvni,h, Sally I nirk. 14.:md.undrr. and 12. ~nd. under. and Laura the front row, (from left to right), REVENUE Spilos and Hobert Hackman Kathy Campbell, 18.and-un. Hackman, 18-and.under. I TOM MILLIMAN. TED PARKER, LUIS GOMEZ. took first, while in the boys del'. . Jennifer Orr took the girls I TOM ROBINSON, PETER WOR- Revenue Sharing Fund 50-yard fly, Clarke was again Boys 50.yard back was elght.and-under 25'yard free, . --- . -.. ------..----.- - .---- ..------Received July, 1977 thru June 30,1978 $132,727 a winner in the 1O.and.under won by 1Ilike Azar in the 18. while David Engel won the I Cl I ~ S p P S f I group. j()ined by John Bour. and.under category. boys 50.yard free, 1O.and- II ) S occer rogran~ roves uccess II Antirecession Fiscal Assistance Fund get in the 12.and.under cate- The girls 100.yard II\! was under. . ------Received July, 1977 thru June 30, 1978 12,503 gory and Matt McCafferty in won by Miss Chase, while Girls 50.yard free was won The largest soccer program eight), time period and San Diego the 18-and-under. Nancy Woods took the girls by Miss Spilos, 1O.and-under, in the short history of the The Mites and the Pee Wee won it 3-0. TOTAL REVENUE $145,230 Girls 50.yard fly was taken 25.yard breast, eight.and-un- Miss Vanker, 12-and.under, sport in The Pointe came to had no playoffs and the Col. The finals also ended in a " .. _ ._ and Andrea Francis, 14-and- an end on Thursday, Novem. legiate had a mini.tourna. tie after regulation time, I-I, - EXPENDITURES t••N•••••••O•••I... DIXIELAND under. ber 9, with the Pro league ment with no champion de. with the Fort Lauderdale ew r eans Boys 100-yard free was ta- championship game. clared. The emphasis in this Strikers ending up winners Streets $145,230 C HET BOGAN lInd the ken by Azar in the 18,and- Last year 600 youngsters age group was enjoyment in the shoot-out, 3-0. "I Wolverine Jazz Band under, while the team of An- were in the Neighborhood and skill development with The Giant league also had Balance as of June 30, 1978 -0- every TUESDAY. 9p.m. AT THE LIDO dy Scott, Woods, McCafferty Club program, compared to minimal emphasis on com Pl" an exciting finish as San ": D" C k 'I 24026 E. JEFFERSON and Frame took the boys age this year's 984. Over 300 tition. Jose and the Toronto Metros ,. mmg, oc tal S (Just North 01 9 Mi.) group medley relay. games were played from Sep- In the other leagues double tied at 2:2 with Toronto win- ~ Candy Tsangalias, Miss tember 23 through November elimination playoffs began ning iil the overtime period, Hackman, Miss DesRosiers 9. in October. In the Squirt 1-0. Join us lor Thanksgiving Dinner and Miss Stonish took the The club's program in. league, the Houston Mustangs The club program has I girls age group medley re- cluded an i? s t I' U c t ion a I defeated the New Yo~k Gen- grown tremendously each City of :Juta j lay. I~ague for fIrst graders; .two erals, 1.0, to preserve ItS per- fall, an apparent testament N.~t~p.m. _____ girls I e a g u e s. the MItes, fect record. New York came to the enjoymenVof soccer I (grades two and three), and a long way from losing every and the club's controlled Uti (/,(' _Jlill p L'I' W. ~rOlll1r IJrartU!i " _~.-) fJ Jnitttr ";;--...... ' . . . G 1 Ing5 ~he Squirts, (grades four game in the regular season competitive philosophy of- , " -.,. '(I, ••• elljo." n IWIt. (,.mUll( f'xperWrI('e through six); and four boys to a second in playoff action. ficials say. ' Michigan ... ('x('('/{ell' ('lIi,~ille., . I(rndolls •.. Rock PIymouth leagues, the Pee Wee, (grade In the Pro league. the com/()r/(Ible ... It'ille.~.•. ('(I('k/(Ii/.~ two), the Collegiate, (grades semi-final game between San The youngsters are all able ... /)('er on IUp ••• tullpie ')(Irkill/( In their second hair-raising three and four), the Pro, I Diego and the Minnesota to play due to the supp?rt Small (;rOlll' Ban(plI'l HoolII (grades five and six) and Kicks ended in a 0-0 tie The of many adult and high win in a row, the Grosse . d' I' s c h 0 0 1 volunteer coaches. .' Open Sundays Noon-1 a p.m. Pointe Lil' Wings came from the______GIant, (gra es seven and teams then p ayed an over- W'thJ th e l'Im~'t ed poo 1 0f ex Summary of the Minutes 13330 E. Ten Mile Rd. Warren, Mich. behind and then held off a perienced so C c e r coaches, Across horn 8i-County Hospitol 754-5555 determined Squirt AA Plym- everyone had to learn the outh team to win, 5-4, on NH Tankers Sink South Lake game together. .- home ice Tuesday, Novem . ber 7. By Margaret Sobieski lone, two. three, respective. November 6, 1978 The Wings are currently The tankers from North ly, in the 50 freestyle, while Albion Women CH1~!SE GOLDEN leading their conference of High School did another fab- the divers once again proved ~. ,"" the Adray Community Hock- ulous job as they defeated their talents as Jodi Stout Hockey Stars The Meeting was called to order at 8:00 p.m . . ey League with a record of South Lake High SchQol, 121- placed first, Kris Mogk. sec- , ~MERICAN BUDDR 4-1.1. 55, on Thursday, November and,. and Janet L'Heureux, Present on Roll Call: Mayor James H. Dingeman; Pointers Tomasine Polizzi Councilmen Harry R. Fruehauf, Jr., Jack M. Cudlip, DISHES Tension reached a peak in 9. third. and Jean Kennary, both Nancy J. Waugaman, JC'seph L. Fromm, W. JameS rt the closing moments of the In the first event the 200 Margaret Wittmer did a freshmen at Albion College, Featurihg the very finest in Cantonese dishes jor game when the Wings were medley relay, North took beautiful job. as she made Mast and Lloyd A. Semple. Luncheons and' Dinners, plus exotic Cocktoil~. are two of 14 members of forced to play shorthanded first and third places. The state cut-off bme and placed Albion's field hockey team Those Absent were: None. Mon thru Thurs.. Ilom.- 11 p rn. I due to a penalty. With less first place team consisted of first in the 100 butterfly. who have been chosen to friday 11 (J m 12 pm than a minute to play, Plym- Chris Truhol Frances Shook Frances Shook fonowed close represent Michigan at the Mayor James H. Dingeman presided at the So!. 12 noon. 12 p.m. meeting. Sun 12 noon . 1 I p m outh pulled its goalie to add Cheryl Stoyk~ and Amy Rent~ behind in se~ond. . Great Lakes Sectional of the • J a sixt~ at~~~lir!'and the ~ime 'SChler..The relay te'am, whic~ Se,cond, ,thml and fourth m United States, FieId.,~~keY" .. COCr(TAIL LOUNGE COMPLETE. - The Minutes of the Regular Meeting which was clock stuck at 33 seconds for finished third included Ka- the 100 freestyle were taken Ass'n., (USFHA), national held on October 16, 1978 were accepted as submitted. Neor WhittIer, Ample Parkmg Carry Oul Service what seemed like an eternity. thy Barolo, Diane Andary, .by Jennie Elie,' Amy Rent- tournament which opened 16340 Harper. 881-6010 But a wrist watch was used Lisa Mediodia and Jane Beck. schIer and Jeanette Metes, the weekend of November The Council adopted a resolution approving the to time the end of the game In the 200 freestyle, Jill respec~ively. 1~ the. 500 free. 11.12, in Richmond, Ind. issuance of necessary bonds by the Grosse Pointes- and the Wings prevailed. Figley placed second, Kerry style, It was Jill Flgley, sec- Miss Polizzi will play on Clinton Refuse Disposal Authority not to exceed The Plymouth team was Youngblood third and San- ond, Kerry Youngblood, the number one squad, while $4.5 million to finance the acquisition and installa- FROM previously unbeaten before dy Wooten: fourth. Frances third, and Sandy Wooten, Miss Kennary is helping out tion of additional pollution control facilities in order SANDWICHES the loss to Grosse Pointe. Shook was second, Kathy fourth. the second team. Albion's to meet existing State and local air pollution control TO STEAKS! J 0 h n R u sse 11 was the Henkel, fourth, and Chris The 100 ~ackstroke ~as two teams were selected dur- requirements. ing a tournament with Kala ~ CARRY OUT Wings' leading scorer for the Truhol, fifth, in the 200 1M. won by Chns Truh~l, wI~h The Council' adopted code No. 7-04, Ordinance night with two goals and one Jeanette Metes, Lisa Me. K~thy Barolo co~mg. m mazoo College, where Albion No. 228" "Amendment to ~og Ordinance". RAM'5 HOR AVAILABLE assist diodia and Jane Beck placed thIrd. An outstandmg Job won both contests. Senior Citizens . was done in the 100 breast- The number one team The Council adopted proposed Code No. 6-08, RESTAURANT Discount 10% 11 stroke, with Cheryl Stoyka played the Cleveland Ass'n .• Ordinance No. 229. "Amendment to Alarm Regula- ("m,m.", O,d" 12.50) r ,..,.• :,llacing first. Diane Andary, Miami Valley College All- tion Ordinance". 17410 MACK AT ST. CLAIR 1 p.m.-lO p.m. second, and Kathy Henkel, Stars in the first round, G P W d B I- : while the number two team The Council scheduled a Public Hearing before Open Thanksgiving Day! . -"EO~'E::S~~~¥S~OR' th~~~ final event for the eve- played the Dayton, 0., club the Zoning Board of Appeals at 8:01' p.m. on Decem- I .. 00 S OWIng i The Albion team finished • F,.. h Slr.wberryShortc.k. . ning was the 400 freestyle ber 4. 1978, for the purpose of hearing the appeal C 1978 play with a 10-4-2 rec .d .Fr.. h Slr.wberryl>1e 20422 MA K • relay. Jennie Elie, Jeanette of. Mr. George J. Baer iI. from the denial of the . Banan. Cream PI. ord, ani it tied for the first Building Department to issue a Permit for the HO II a • Coco.nutCr.. m PI. • : 8 692 Metes, Margaret Wittmer and Y • fl"4.llt PI.., • 8anana SpHl. 8 1 8 ARt hI I d f' t official Michigan Intercol- enlargement of his family room to the rear of his · I . ChacoI••• or hnlnl Tort.Cake • - my en sc er p ace Irs, .W.I.rmeloR"C.nteloupe : while third place was taken legiate Athletic Ass'n. title residence located at 333 Moran Road. Specla (tromMedea) J'll F' 1 with a 4-0-2 mark. Miss Po • Mil.HI~hLemonMerln~ulPI. : by Jane Beck, I Ig ey, lizzi finished among the top The Council adopted a resolution approving the • Glno'.lfol Kerry' Youngblood and San- "thefi"'mt'lyfiun spot" six scorers in the league. City's participation in the 1979 Community Develop- . ....blu.berrle.c;.k. with .'''WHrrJe. • w- dy Wooten. • Sund.... Sherbet.,.Ie.. is proud to announce ------ment Block Grant Program . T U R K EY BELGIAN WAFFLES! • W S' f NMU The Council approved the low bid of Eastland FreshRoastTurkey AsabreaI" SI.i .. I.-Ka-Unh Potatoes. Soup & Salad.. 395 Cheese: 1.75 49~ U sldcnng adoption of an ordinance to srt f"rl h ri ------:7l - PLUS - - U ',,'~'fjreaa POlaloes 1\ ~d F,let 01Perch. POle!OflS"So.;-.;-&s"I';---395 I ALLPIZZASCOMEWITH U provbions for limiting the hours of operation of U (,'f'e' S;,I;,d Sr,,,~ 4 IS IBrOIledFllel 01PICkerel.POlaloas,Soup&Salad 495 I FREEGREEKSALAD U cntertalnillent l',lanh,hnH'nh \\ lthin thc ('Ily,

n6:l"' .... ic .. Sh:ak L.. __ .....!.'!!D..~/oIOS_ .. TURO.._~_O"!:!- .. Greek Salad U _.-J C The ('ouncll adoptrd a re'.'io\ulion 10 hold a ("\"'1,(\ UI""i Snndwieh on U.... Ilou"",,, !ltp"'e!ial t'ruJ! l,eJ!"" Small 1.45 C Session .imilleriiat"l.,' fol\fl\\lIlg the Hq~ular :\1('etll1i; -II:" p()!;\l()f"> S(JUr) ') 5S .. d on thiS datC'. for Ihe IHlrposr of con,i, lIooAMfa430PM ~ U f~r .... "" noun" ~ I' ------='--- Stae!ked Ham 4; C ,IA \IES H. DlNGEMAi'\ ot .. of (~reek nre .... ~ Swi~~ ('hee~e -U RICHARD G. SOL,\K U ~ •. Mayor ri II'" '.' r.(.". Sr,,,", 155 : SandWich y, th sliced Tomatoes. Soup • • City Clerk == I.~' (,'t.", C~r"", SouP I 75 j Ho",em~de Soup bowl 6S 0 CoH••. 50010 oodT.o ~5 165 U U F"ell lv'ushroO",S 155 Mill 45 C Published Grosse Pointe :--:ews, issue of n (',j\UIlY OI'TS French Fr'es P. COII~geF"es 60 Ba,lava 75 BANRUETS U ~ 0'00.' 5olod 75 CheeseCa,e 1CO % u Novembcr 16, 1978. UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!JUUCCCCCCuCCCCuDuC!JuuCCUCUC!JUUCUCCCC!JuCCC -

I? ? '5 Z,," I ? 7 FE ; 7 77 r 22m""77' • ..

Thursday, Nqvember 16, 1978 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Thirteen

IN THE HEARl OF Touch Football Today Marks '78 'Smokeout' Proves Exciting U.S. Surgeon General has blossomed into a nation. THE CHARM COUNTRY Julius B. Richmond and actor wide anti-smoking effort. The Neighborhood Club Ed Asner have joined the The day was established to Market 1978 touch football tourna- American Can c e r Society, help smokers gain the con- ment was exciting and full (ACS), in urging the nation's fidence to quit by starting of surprises, officials say. 50 mHlion smokers to "get one day at a time. The league consisted of nine off their butts" today, No. Mr. Asner, star of the teams with each team play- vember 16. "Lou Grant" television show, ing in seven regular season Young and old smokers and a long.time smoker, has games. alike will pledge to give up been named chairperson oC This Week's At the end of the season cigarets for a day in cele. this year's Smokcout. the Vikings were in first bration of the society's sec. "If we can get our friends Bell Ringers place with a perfect 7-0 rec- ond annual Great American and neighbors to stop and ord, followed closely by the Smokeout, an event which think about their smoking for Prices Effective Nov. 16, 17 and 18 Stooges and Bestsellers, both just one day we can get them CLOSED SUNDAY at 6-1. Eastside, (the 1977 to think about stopping for • champions), were 5-2, while JV's at North good," Mr. Asner said in a We Close Wednesdays at 1 p.m. the Wild and Crazy Guys fin- news release. "It won't be 365 Mary St. ished 3-4. Martin and Bom- Roll to Victory easy, but we can make it marito Towing was 2-5, while fun. Fun and challenging and U.S.D.A. CHOICE A delightful New England Cottage built by Micou both Ruble and Miller and North High School's jun. lighthearted and successful - "his little masterpiece." Perfect for couple or Brand X were 1-6 and Well. ior varsity football team re- . .. a real gas!" single person who want a home - but just a ington was 0-7. cently defeated South, 19,13, Smokers who want to join to finish the season with a BONELESS ENGLISH little one, with lots of appeal. Available for lease. The final league standings the 1978 Smokeout will have were no indication of the perfect 9-0 record. The young lots of company since 83 December 15th. Shown by appointment. Grosse outcome of this year's tour- Norsemen, coached by Frank per c e n t of the nation's CUT POT ROAST LB. Pointe Real Estate Co. 882-0087. nament. Each team was in. Sumbera and Larry Aceto, smokers reported they had vited to the post season sin- extended their winning heard of last year's event. gle elimination tournament. streak to 17 games. and 30 percent said they I The first round had Eastside The win was North's sev- either quit smoking or at I ~ ~iiI~ FRESH FROZEN OIlAIL A GOURMET'S DEUGHT losing to Wild and C[",


883 HOLLYWOOD BRANDNEW! GROSSE POINTE WOODS Owner's sudden chan~e of plans requires the immediate sale of this JUST COMPLETED three bedroom contemporary home. Located in a nice neighborhood of newer homes, this OUR TURKEYS residence should please even the most particular home buyer. The conservative exterior of eanh tone brick and natural woods ronceals a truly dramatic interior-a phenomenal ARE OVEN livm~ area' 22'x23') with full cathedral ceiling and featuring a grand floor to ceiling brick fireplace. There is a fine view READY AND into the rear yard plus convenient patio door access. The din- The fine Pola_ttl .. at Mor.a" DrI"e ing area is adjoining and is an ample 12'x 13' in size. A sepa- Greeahoalle. are just startlng to mo- rate room off the entrance foyer is ideal for your den or office. U.S.D.A. tUfe. NOW.S the tJme to come In, Therc are two and 1/2 baths and a large first floor laundry pat )'owr a oa oael TaR It! Make It room, Consider. also. the quality features such as hardwood GRADE A )'oar "er"f 0 and watch It grow. Then, floors. tiled foyer floor. slate hearth and Illsulated windows. take It IJ\l( by Occe.ber .et., and pay only 6.95'. That's a real -'I"Ialll. . Storage closets are ever)'where' This special home is ready to Come In TODAT. and claim a growln!!: decorate and landscape according to your own good taste, A Polnsettla. most unique opportunity for only S135.000 cash or cash to a new mort"a~('. For a.1intenor inspection. please dial 774-.BOO. RICHARD A. WEBER EATING AT ROJnE ...or .... DrI.c Polfl1lfttJ._ aN' thr Altorney at' - I.tcel1Jed Real EJlate Broker f ... dttJonaJ ,. .. ..,.,. £11...... __ ("Jut. !Jr(J/!idll11; eXc!UJil'e!y CAN BE DELICIOUS! REAL ESTATE SALES AND COUNSELING '81«6" 1"" •. TRY ONE OF OUR FARM FRESH OVEN READY Real Estate - A Weber Family Tradition Since 1865 STUFFED TURKEYS. (STUFFED WITH OUR OWN 521-4290 SAGE AND ONION STUFFING). Attorney at Law Licensed Real Estate Broker * ADVANCE ORDERS * .HER providing exclusively REAL ESTATE SALES AND COUNSELING WILL BE APPRECIATED 17650 E. 9 Mile Road, East Detroit, Mich. 48021 Open All Day Wed., Nov. 23 8 a.m. 'til 6 p.m.

e cn.o •• ------~~-_._~~~------

Page Fourteen GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, November 16. 1978 Final Approval Seen forPact All Municipalities Move to Okay $4.5 Million Incinerator B~nd.lssue The Woods Council at its. Petersen stated that a writ. of an idea of the latest reo unanimously after consider. regular meeting Monday, No. ten confirmation of ratifica. (~ontinued from Page 1.> I ~:Jt:!. Coun~i1men Jack Cud./ disposal. He also felt it might I existing state and local .air quest, in viewing the author. ing the question of need reo vember 6, met in executive tion was requested from thc available method of pollution lip, Councilwoman Nancy be wiser to wait and see if I pollution control requIre. meeting on garding emission compliance. sessron to review a proposed association and this has al. control. Waugaman and Mayor James federal or Etate aid might be ments on or before next Wednesday, October 25, at He assessed the council's two.year labor contract with ready been delivered. Other alternatives, such as Dingeman voted against the available in the future for July 1. which time it was explored. opinion by saying it was felt the Grosse Pointe Woods direct landfill wer.e explored, motion of approval. such a project. It also says the authority's In response, the mayor in. it was better to make use of Pol ice 0 f fie e r s Ass'n., At the same time, the at. but were determmed to b~ Mrs. Waugaman fell it was Mr. Hoover and Mr. Mitch. board had determined that the facility than to disband (GPWPOA). torneys for both parties still too costly, for t.he near fu. unwise for the council to ell explained, using tables to meet such standards it will dicated it was earlier felt by have to work on the final ture, as pollullon. control approve a large bond issue showing cost figures, that be necessary to acquire addi. authority officials that it it in relation to the July I, 1979, deadline. City Administrator Ches. wording on a maintenance of standards for landfills get the evening before an elec. while the installation of the tional pollution control fa. may have been possible to ter'E. Petersen said the coun. conditions. tighter and as disposal sites tion in which several tax precipitators will initially cililies for installation at the utilize certain types of addi. Mr. Schroeder also said the council felt, while the Vil. cil. acted fayorably on the Mr. Petersen added the g~~ further away from the proposals were being voted cost more than one alterna. plant, with the approximate tional controls toward pass. ing emission control tests- lage's costs would increase, proposal, :-"'~Ich had been al. proposal, retroactive to July cIties. upon, including Proposal E, tive, landfill via a transfer cost being placed at $4.5 I it could be cheaper than ready ratifIed b)' GPWPOA 1 1978 is now scheduled to Could Be Higher (Headlee), which ullimat,ely station, the fact that avail. million. but with the present system, u ti I i z i n g a landfill site mCplbers late last month. I b~ sign'ed by both parties at "The ~ttit,ude in ~Iacomb passed, requiring a vote of able landfill is getting fur. As a result, it became nec, this wasn't possible. For his part, Councilman in considering accessibility, While the solons gave the: the Monday, November 20.1 County IS. we don ~ "want the electorate for such issues. ther away will drive up essary that the constituent trucking costs, et aI., although pact a plus reception Mr.! meeting. Grosse. Pomte .trash, the Mr. Din g ema!l agreed it trucking costs, within a short municipalities amend their George S. Freeman felt the , authonty's chairman, Led. should be delayed until after while making the incinera- existing contracts with the direction the city has to fol. there was a concern over the yard Mitchell, told the Farms the citizen vote. lion technique more economi. authority to provide for the low was "scary" in relation speed needed in acting on to the possibility the federal the request. Council before they approvef)":l REMODELING Enjoy this improy;. of a landfill site had nothing 777.~Q,. ~i:f.f ment wlli/e 'ou 1" I I to do wIthtne' etlliSsion tiwinl ill,,Iii.1IIIi1i::' . I ;..'..'-'.C I t compliance question, which lVlNINGS G' TU1.'7 .... could only be solved. via the fAST SID£ AND • G.OSSI 'OIlUiS use of electrostatic precipi- I I tators. Councilman E. D. Grady, UPDATE YOUR BAlHROOM, KITCHEN, who along with Councilman PLUMBING an4ELtCTRIC John Sabol voted against both motions, questioned why ALL HOME & OFFICE SERVICES I a Gi. I the council didn't have more I ~ I PAINTING I ~ I GPW Receives Update 011 B.E 1-. Further information on articles taken from a Fleet- I I' wood road home after a burg. BELLE ISLE lary late last month has been received by Woods police. I I Det. Thomas Podeszwik reo ported last week that an esti- AWNING CO. I I mated $1,400 in items were found missing by Susan Ca- Vinyl • Acrilan • Dacron I I valli in the incident in which t entry was gained by forcing I I a storm door at the rear of the home. Buy NOW and SAVE A portable color television • ./ I set, valued at around $450, was taken, along with an opal unl •• Gross.'o;af. Sine. 193r I ~ I ring, $160, a diamond and jade ring, $140, $100 in silver 774-1010 22704 Harper I I dollars and half.dollars and St. Clair ~hores. I I $550 in cash. I I


This certificate good for one Kiddie Burger 'n' Fries when You're go'nna love I completed and presented with finished picture. .~ • I I MAIL TO: GROSSE POINTE NEWS, 99 KERCHEVAL AVE. GROSSE POINTE, 48238

STREET im~;:f::~:TURE-~--_~--__PHO::~_= --== IrqEi i New Address CITY I No purchase necessary. Each child must be accompanied by BROT. I his or her parent. Offer expires Midnight, November 22, 1978. • I I No carry outs. STATE ZIP ------1 Thursday, November Ib, 1978 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Fifteen ------_._------.__._- PERMANEN'r HEARING LOSSES BODEN DISTEL NAMED VICE.PRESIDENT Drapl'r Is ('rovllled Sustained e x p 0 sur e to tion to sounds between 100 Players Doing sounds above the 85 decibel, and 125 dB can cause tern. 'Big Parade Will Welcome Woods resicient Gerald E' and works with Boy Scouts North High :>1il'/o) senior (dB), level can cause perma. porary deafness, warns the Prize Winner Bodendistel, RPh, was reo of America. Linda Draper was crowned nent hearing losses and ex. Bellone Crusade for Hearing Santa Claus November 24 cently elected vice.president j Queen of the Buckskins by posure of even a short dura. Conservation. of the Michigan Pharmacists the Great Lakes Buckskins The Pointe Players of ------Ass'n. The president of Wi!. Too many people in this Ass'n. in October. Honored ------_.- South High School begin The second annual Santa back to Kercheval, where he son and Wolfer. Inc., Mr. world make themselves mis. i for her excellence' in riding their 51st season this week. Claus Parade sponsored by will step down from his Bodendistel is a 1963 gradu. erable by watching the other I and knowledge of horst's. EXCITINGNEWDIMENSION~'" end with the Pulitzer Prize the Grosse Pointe Village sleigh to greet boys and girls ate of the Wayne State Uni. fellow get what they think Linda received a tiara, tro.

winnning musical "How to Ass'n. will kick of( the of The Pointe. versity College of Pharmacy I they deserve. phy and several gifts, h Christmas season on l"riday. Rid'ng 'th Santa will be ~~at~~t~~~t!", ~2!Ja~!~~i'tma' ~~.,' . . . Succeed in Business Wit out I WI ~iIi!-_iii.iiiiiiiQjiilliillid!iilQ~-- .. --- .. --!IIlI_----!III_fJliQii•• !IIlIiIlIii.iiiijiiliiij!iii_i ~!llI(~ Stocking cookies with Ihese de"p dimen. / ~ Really Trying." November 24, beginning at Christmas Carol, and paving • n sian (ull"n with raised d"tails. Dir"dion, \:' Performances are sched. 10:30 a.m. the way with Christmas mu.; ~ l'J)i~ i and r"cip"s, all in one b"aulilul pockage '"i'' d F 'd }O. eat u r in g participants sic will be the North High lor $5.65 (includes pottage and handling). ' " _ ',,11; '. anduled Saturday,for ThursNovemberay, n 16,ay from the entire Grosse Poin~c School Marching Band. 70 Kere heva.,I OPE'N Ik~ "',. 17 and 18, with curtain time area, the parade WIll. begin \ A car fro~ th~ Fraternal on the Hill .' THUR SOA YS ! for all shows at 8 p.m. at the Fisher road drIVeway I Order of Police Will lead the I 886-4883 & "#fi To order, lend name and ad:'"ss, . k $3 f r all er. of South High School, pro, parade, followed by clowns TILL 9 P 1\1 ~ ~ quantily and check or money ord"r 10: TIC ets are d 0 '1Pbl ceed to Kercheval. continue and marshalls from the . . u. .~ ~ Neo Classic Studio Inc., formances anTh arpe a[val a. e on Kercheval to Cadieux and Pointe Junior Chamber of I "'m n.... ItA i f\1 Box 36732, Groue Pointe, Mi. 48236 at the door e er ormlng K h I I C th L' K'I I W. •JJUtMlr,,'U V'. 11! '- f" add 4% UJI•• fa. Arts Cente~ is located at 707 wind ar.onnd erc eva pace ammerce, e Ions, ' R t Not Dame wanis and Rotary Clubs. Fine Furniture & Accenories IS< ------Vernier road. I 0 Ie. A group from the Neigh. I It The show follows a cute Santa Claus will continue borhood Club will be on r': window washer with a crea. hand, along with Disney If! Iii. Hve mind on his rocketing F'II m TOU rs Heads created by Virginia I': I progress up the corporate Bowen for the Grosse Pointe II ll.: ladder of the mythical World N th I d Theater. I fJ; Wide Wicket Co, Along the e era n S Girl Scouts from Our Lady III I. way he encounters a variety Star of the Sea, Saint Paul 'S' of traps and pitfalls which "The Kingdom of the Ne. and Mason Sehools will join I r l1' test both his pluck and luck. therlands" is the title of the the parade this year. Kerby I V. The show was the first colorful, new George Pierrot School will attend with a Ii World Adventure Series tra. M'ck "1 fl t d '11 I . by John Lundberg big hit for Frank Loesser I ey n ouse oa an WI I .. after the immensely success. vel film to be shown at the be jome. d by representa t'Ives I \\ hilt. \\ ine~ ,h"ul':,.:.", ... .,.'.; If SIIOI""E. I .2:;;j' at.l... eortwr of Sl. Clair. Ut'lroil. change, the school says, of the Netherlands and how and Drum Corps, the Regina ~ .' .: :. ';;'::.::.~.~E~'~~\~:'"'\:;~:;:'::-), « off{'r, 111I'1)t'\I'ra~t., of di ..lilll'liun. In alldilion tu Ihe Some enjoyable perform. the Dutch hold back the Drill Team and Little League W._'~;.:..~-.\':\.~.;'<.....- i fill(' {.Iwit.(, of h(.,.t'ragc ... "to al ...o haH' a "ariely 01' anees are to be expected, North Sea, turning salty Lions. iV' •• , 'U. .. .<"'.'?5.:.::~~:"t,.-.~.;;::::... I especially from Terry Gib. marshes into fertile farms Scouts on unicycles, an. tl! ,..,. . '. ."".' '. ,iz,'s fur HlUr ,'on\t'llit'lH.t' and a wide !'>('It.('tion of Ilre- ney in the central role of noted worldwide for their tique cars driven by Dr. Jonn lS:' mix,.d ('~H.l..laik ,'hip", POI) curn. and such t'xtra" = Finch the climber, and his dairy products, tulips and Bradfield and his son, Bob, It:: FROM OUR FABRIC DEPT. a. alon" "ilh friendh anll I'ollrll.'ou .. "en i,'1.' Ihat make"" blustering boss, played by windmills. representatives of the Fam. If d f ~ E I' \Hh.IE'S I' \In, SIIOI'I"E a wontlerful (1laee to .nc Pea bod y. 1ftn ea ured I R d' I'ly LI'fe Education Council, It:: European fabrics which are designed to be stretche on rames IfII- h J The fi m tours otter am s I d d Il- ,'omt'. Opt'n Ill-I() .'Ion.-Thur.... I ()-t I Fri. & Sat.. roles for the s aware a- d a group called the "Royal an use as wa II'pieces. ,: d R prosperous harbor an com. i noon-I () Sun. Tel. 8S.)-062h. nine Blanch:!r as osemary, .. 1 Flush," Stel.ner's Liner and PI'clr"red Are.' . c mercia! distrIct, entire y re.. I 11.1.\ I) r 1II.'Ii 1'; Mary. Hleleh~IBerghas tshe .Stet - built since the total devasta- a camel with wrinkled knees i "Teddy Bear" framed (available in 4 colors) sells for $26.14 retaria p 1 osop er, ml y, tl.on of World War II. There created by Rik Selke also will If 0 B I 56' d Sl.'ne ro".'s I'hilled hut not cold. d J h W an anIse . as th e b0ss' s is a cruise through the heart be featured. If,;: PI.llow Pattern ...... 50 - Geometric Pattern n 0 t..... a var/ i nephew, Frump. of historic Amsterdam aboard Police will block off the';: Elephant Designed Place MaL. S2.50 . Additional performers in. a glass-topped canal boat. entire parade route along" A NEW WAY TO SAVE- elude Tom Martinelli, Claire There are strolling tours to Kercheval avenue and park- .. • , • Colby, Sally Russell, Jean. art galleries boasting the ing on the. avenue will ~ l! rr~l-e Store For ChrIstmas . HEAT THAT WON'T Baudoin, Sall~' Kushner, Paul I finest works of Helllbrandt, banned until the parade IS R 1. rJ J. Smudski, Donna Dennis, Rick Frans Hals, Vincent Van completed. ~ ~~~~~~. :, Schmidt, John Marcus and I Gogh and other masters. LEAVE YOU COLD. John Jones. ----- I This pl~y also marks the Talk. to "View ' Grosse Pomte debut o[ trans- f~r student Cheryl Guttc- Wills Trusts ndge as the curvaceous Hedy . , LeRue. The entire production is Widowed people aren't us. Ifyou can lick a stamp, directed and staged by Bruce ual~y p~epar~d t~ carry out Kefgen, with assistance from their fman.clal Investment,s Russell Reed and CJ'aig Diet. , bec~u~e their s~uses haven t trich of South's music de. suffICIently tramed them to you can earn 8%interest. partment, and Christine Ze. deal with. wills and trusts, '...... Van, who's in charge of reports Diane He~vn~r, co- choreography. director of The P01~~e s ~ut. With just a 4year term! no gO-day loss of interest like you'd Wayne County Nutrition Site, We make it easy for you to earn experience at most other places. housed in the Grosse Pointe more interest on your savings. Over These savings plans are avail- Man Arrested Woods Presbyterian Church, a shorter term. And with much more 19950 Mack avenue. able to individuals, corp'orations and Auton lCItic Flue Dan Ipef', saves enough gas that liberal withdrawal policies than at organizations. At Party Store Robert Hackathorn, assist. other places where you could save. it ~ wiI pay for itself in two to low yec:n. ant vice.president of the Na- Accounts protected up to a . ' Park police charged a De. tional Bank of Detroit's trust Save by mail at Commercial maximum of $10,000by the Industrial • Installed , simply, in accordance with local heat- trait man with breaking and department, will give a talk Credit Industrial Bank inDenver and Bank Savings Guaranty Corporation ing codes .• Closes autohlClticaly and keeps the entering a business Saturday, on financial planning at the you can earn 8% annual interest on a of Colorado, a private corporation November II, after they Widowed Persons S e r vie e savings certificate of $1,000or more heat your fumace produces from escaping up found him hiding in the bath. meeting on Sunday, Novem. which is not an instrumentality of room at Art's Party Store, ber 19. when held for just 4 years. That's the State of Colorado or the Federal the chimney. 14945 Kercheval avenue, at The group meets on the an arumal yield of 8.24%when com- Goverrunent. 4 a.m. third Sunday of the month pounded quarterly! Officers were called to Call toll free (800)525-8570 at GPW Presbyterian from I Suppose you have to withdraw Art's when the store's burg. 3 to 5 p.m. I if you have any questions. Or lick a lary alarm sounded. Though earlier? You'llstill earn the regular stamp, mail your deposit, and start there was no sign of forced No reservations are neces.j savings rate, now 6%, computed sary but those attending are 1 earning more interest the day your entry, a search inside the to the withdrawal date. There's PLUMBING &HEATINC building turned up Edward requested to enter the church i envelope is postmarked. -~ Lee. 24, of Lennox. Detroit, through the rear door. hiding in the bathroom, po. For further information r~~.--~...,,--~~_.._-_._._.,.~_.-. 15304 Kercheval lice said. about the Widowed Persons Grosse Pointe A search of Lee also turned Service, call the Dialogue VA2-9070 up $342 hidden in his pants number at 881-S270. t and underwear, $19 in one f. sock and $59 in the other SHREVE IS V.P sock, according to police. Park resident Keith F. Lee was released on bond Shreve was recently named after being treated at Bon second vice-president in the Secours Hospital for a cut I civic aifairs and marketing F"nb "'illlr "',,' :Ipparentl~' suffered while al. division of National Bank of legedly entering the building. Detroit. Mr. Shrc~'e is a PRIME BEEF FRESH POULTRY DAIRY PRODUCTS I graduate of Wayne State Uni. _____ •..;..H""'O_M_E_MADESAUSAGE" FRESH FISH DAILY Take time out for reflcc. I versity and is a member of Hon - see if you are as I the board of directors of, reasonable as you expect the Marketing Communica. i FRESH DRESSED others to be. ' lion Executives International. I Browse If It's Nautical TURKEYS the But Nice ... ship's SI.09lb. We've Got It! wheel Houtical Gifts & Boal Supplies LEAN TENDER 7x50 CF "',~ BEEF BINOCULAR ; ~~ SlEW Ideal/or ~.~ Power or Sail! ", ~, IMPORTED $112.50 $8850 " POLISH VALUE , HAM CANVAS & UAfHII FRESH ox~os MONK • Ship', WheeIL.A" FISH Si.", 18" to 60" WHOLE BEEF • Ship', Wlt.el lENDER. TClblfl. all • Nautical Ship', WhMl lites We ftDd ways to help. LOINS Lampl •.. Allti •• ,1 • Selh cur UP FREEr • C.... ,tI: Am.ricon ond Cono. Thomas dlen-Greal Lak•• & Coo,'al 8orom.'''FI COMMER..CIALC~DIT CO"v1M[~IALC~DlT INDUSTRjAL BANK 2S300 E. JEFFERSON - ST. CLAIR SHORES, MICHIGAN 48081 A wholly owned ",bSlr1'MY of l:omm.'rcl~1 erer111 Company, HOURS: TUIlI. Ihru Sal. 8.6 19605Made TU 2.1340 it fmanual mStltution in btl~mf''''s ~lOCf' 1911. PHONEORDERS ACCEPTED 775-1991 0,.. De" '4. SIt., I ,... 1243 South Colorado Boulevard. Denver, CO 80222 • (800) 525.8570 Toll Free

me =ft G R 0 SSE POI NT ENE W S Thursday, November 16, 1978 Page Sixteen ------Grosse Pointe News Published W"ekly By Robert B. Edgar Know Your Schools What Goes 0 •• By Dr. William Coats, t What; on D/8/ A Anteebo Publishers Superintendent of Schools a OFFICES UNDER THE ELM AT I 99 KERCHEVAL AVE. As of July 1 of this year, I department Cor school secre. YOllr Lihrary Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan 48236 our central administrative 'taries will be conducted with. Class I II Second Poslage Paid al Derroir, Michigan .fl-I E 1-11 staff was reorganized into in the next few weeks. By Phyllis B. Huxley By Pat Rousseau Claw/ted Advertising & Sub!cripllons 882.6900 II two divisions ,- Instruc.tion I Administrative in. service Guest Columnist and Administrative SerVICE's. programs also are slated for I Display Adt,ertising. 882.3500 • Editorial 882.0294 I Old Fashioned Paperweights . . . Shake This new alignment has the school year, beginning A puttering, fussy, fasti. friends he decided to enlarge and the snow falls on Santa, Christmas trees resulted in a clearer defini. with an administrative work. dious, didactic bachelor, who the original story presented and snowmen find them at Young Clothes, 110 tion of job responsibilities shop in August. was almost painfully humor. to Alice Liddell, and three ~@~~ and is a significant step to. Also associated with this less in his relations with the years later Maemitlan Com. Kerchevai along with tree ornaments, banks, (' CI L ... ' ward achieving the Board goal are continuing efforts grown.up world around him, pany published ALICE'S AD. yo-yes, soap on a rope and stocking stuffers. FULLY PAID CIRCULATION goal of "Improving the Servo to commit traditional prac. wrote the most popular chilo VENTURES IN WONDER.' Member Mich, Pre .. Associarion and Nalional Editorial Anor. ices of the Central Office," tices to written policy, reo dren's story ever written, LAND, by Lewis Carroll, the Now's The Time. •, . to pick ROBERT B EDG....R FDITOR ,nJ PI'HUSHER I Of major impor.tanee in view existing policies and ALICE'S ADVENTURES IN nom de plume Dodgson had \X.ILU ....M :\DA~lO ....D\' ERn~I!':(, MAJ\:AGER up your Advent calendar in the .~ I fulfilling this goal IS the oc, modIfy them as necessary WONDERLAND. selected. Top Shop of the League Shop. . .1°:\.'\.'\1 HI'R( .~R ( L....~SIHE[) MAl';AGER I ordination of business affairs. and develop ncw policies in John TennieI, an English They ~ome. in ma~y sizes with \ ( REDIT MANA(,J:R I personnel and support serl" response to emergency prob. Th~ story gre": out of a cartoonist and book itIustra. charming Illustrations for the 7h. )A.';fT ~H TLLER HAn'Rt, SOCIETY EDITOR Ices - the three dcpartments Iems and changing condi, ~ale I,nv~nted dunng a boat. tor, illustrated ALICE'S AD. I &.,ut .\.\'.'.' \\ ALI.A! E SuUE'I Y within the DivIsion of Ad. tions. mg PICniC on July 4, 1862. It VENTURES IN WONDER. I child or for the child at heart. .~ RO(,FR A WAllA ~E\X'S WITOR ministrative Services, Specific attention will be wChasItOldLbtY ,tdhe RDevderend LAND. He at first refused There's a wide price range at 98 ""7 ,. . ar es u WI ge 0 gson" th d AI' ,1AMFS,I ',1AIM :'>:E\,("S Already this eoordmatlOn I given to mvestment, pun'has. It' th t' to to Illustrate I' secon Ice Kercheval. SI SA.'\: Md)(J.\',Uf) EDI'(ATlO:'>:. NJ:WS . ,. I' t' d d t ee urer m ma ema ICS b k THROUGH THE LOOK is taking place III s?me lOI~ltl' I11g, accoun b a ~ I three of the young da~gh. INooG, GLASS b he' • DA\'ID KRA~IFR :'IIE\X'S, SPORT' projects one of whIch I WI I processmg po leles as USI. t f D H G L'dd 11 . , ecause The Old School Tie ... Men of U of M, .\I:\i\Y LdRi~lri~ "[WtRTI~l'(, summariz(' a~ an ('xample of: ness affairs and purchasing efrsCOh. teanCh . h . C III I' I found Lewis Carroll to be a I there are handsome looking deep blue ties em- G rlS urc 0 ege, d d u', PAl ROt "SEAl' ADV EH T1S)"-;(; activities designed to meet manua Is are deve Iope d. 0 f d Th h'ld cranky an a eman mg au. x or. I' c I ren were th broidered with gold M Go Blue or a tie nar- CH ....RLES !H( KSO.\' ADVERTISIl':G this goal. I These are examples of the entranced, especially Alice, or. rowly striped with gold and embroidered with PHYI US \'[AL ADVERTISIl':(, At the present time, our 1 efforts being made to assist 10 who begged him to write It took four years to con. gold M's. They're $8.50 at Picard - Nort:m, 92 JO .\Il'LmRI.\' CLASSIFIED SIIPI:RV ISOR school system is tied into .the I the productivity of the cen. it 'down vince Tenniel to work once Kercheval. ,1A.'.H \X'IlI:A1U:Y .. ASSISTANT SUPERVISOR Wayne County Intermediate I traI office to improve ~erv.' again with Carroll. After he lA\l ~l) POLK , , CALSSIFIED ADVERTISING School District computer. We I ices to the buildings and He made some notes that finished the illustrations for are investigating the possi' ultimately to the residl'nts night but it was mid.Novem' THROUGH THE LOOKING La Strega's• Sweater Story . . . FRo'\S VIRGIUO CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING l CLASSIFIED ADVERTISI~G bility of more fully utilizing I of our community. ber before he began actual GLASS Tenniel had enough features unusual, beautiful styles ,'FLLlF RIVARD that service or developing ----- writing, and February be, of Car;oll's criticism of his CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING for day and evening including A.'SE .'.II TIlERl.\' our own complete "in.housc.' I PROJECT TO HELP fore he finished, He then be. work and the famous iIlus. DOROTHY SCHlMAI\SKY , CLASSIFIED ADVF.RTlSIl':G fashion's fav;)rite blouson, lux- computer system. . Some 1,000 low.i n I' 0 m e gan to illustrate it, proving trator did no more work for DA\X'.\' HOWARD, CIRCULATION MANAGER urious cashmeres and lacy knits. l' h It I f 'I' '11 h th' that he was a fine writer but him. Regar dIess 0f 'I' Ill' a cr. I amI les WI aye elr . t I Some you can wear with a blouse native is chosen, an expanded I homes solar energized and a very poor artls. t w~s Today the illustrations for casual wear and alone with Toastnlasters Begin Season computer operation will en. I h u n d red s of unemployed November 26, 186~, when t ee done by John Tenniel are al. a party skirt for evening. See able us to have more immed. workers will get on-the.job e.ompIete manu~erlpt was .d . most as famous as Carroll's them all at La Strega, 63 Kerche- Northeastern Toastmasters year. iate access to important data. I training in solar equipment hvered to Alice. Its title books began its new season on Visitors are welcome to Ad .. l t . tl per I' t II t' d . t was ALICE'S ADVENTURES . . . val in the lobbY of the Colonial miniS ra ors In Ie . inS a a IOn un er a proJec UNDERGROUND Carroll contInued to wrIte Federal Building. Warm and ;\10nday, November 13, and the meetings which begin at sonnel department plan to I supj:orted by the Depart. . up until his death in 189B. will continue meeting twice 6:30 p.m. at the Holiday Inn start designing a system to ments of Labor and Energy Dodgson had no intention Some of his other best known welcome for Christmas gifting. each month throughout the at 1.94 and Connor road. store, maintain and retrieve I and the Community Services of publishing the story; how- works are SYLVIE AND data from the personnel. ii.les, Administration, The one'year I ever, at the urging of several. BRUNO, (in two parts 1889 So Smart . . . for• the holidays, a black ~..~. including payroll, tratnmg, .------lland 1893), a fairy tale in wool suit with tuxed;) styling. Black satin eertificat.ion and assignment 'I . verse and prose; THE HUNT- trims the tuxedo collar, pockets and stripes the information. I Lette to The Edltor ING OF THE SNARK a cuffed pants. There is also a black wool smok- Lingerie LINGERIE Once this i~f?rmation is, r5 story of a search for an ~ni. ing suit with a satin shawl collar at the Green- converted to digital form. a r... ..:' mal that does not exist. and OUTLET computer terminal located in PHANTASMAGORIA a'book house, 117 Kercheval, 881-6833. Ltd! the personnel office will aI. To the Editor: I The Park, responded gener. of absurd verse ' low us to improve the effici. I frequently read letters, ous1y. Helen Brau~ Landrum Coordinated Accessory• Sets e.ncy of our personnel func- in the "Grosse Pointe News" We thank these people for during her career as a libr: Fine Lingerie 20-500/0 Off hon concerning the students at making our son's effort a ... with lovely designs are found The business affairs and Grosse Pointe South. Many of success and a meaningful ex. ~~n at t~f ~eJr~~t PUb~c at Trail Apothecary, 121 Kerche- VISA,Mllt'r Ch.rg. W.lcom. 1845 Fleetwood e val. Choose a compact, purse Oro... Point. Wood. ~ support services departments these articles reprimand the perienee for him.' fl Lra~, cCoeC "l d be wor s I I t'I' the ser"'lces students for involvement in d 0 eWls arro l an etween , note pad and pencil, key chain 0" Mack behind a so can u lIZI' • . , .. We are proud of Jason an the years 1955 and 1958 pre. 1 Th. Dried Flower of an expanded computer op. actiVitIes whIch do not please proud to be a part of this d b k f h I with attached small address 4 blkl. So, 01 Y"nl •• er "'---' eration which has the po- the commanity. I fine community. sentte . many IIOOt'S rotm th , keeper. For your dressing table t. 1 t 'd b It f' I I Id l'k t b' t ex enslve co ec 10n 0 e. is a matching ash tray and pic- , ten I~ 0 provl e I' ~r I.: wou I ,e ,() ring. 0 I Frank and Celi Benavidez. IGrosse Pointe Public Librarv. : ------. -----.---- I nanctal ma!!;;gcment mfIJr., the commumty s attention Of Bishop road . ture frame. Anyone piece would * ,.. 1l''''''''''''''''''' :mation. I how it is failing to support 'nl ' Amo~g the rare or unusual make a lovely gift. il*. Phone 881-2913 il Inventory control, cost an. these students. On Saturday Grosse p.01 ~e ;ark b.ook~ tn ~he C;~r~oIl coIleI" ~ * \,,'\\.* .. alysis. purchasing process, evening, November 11, the , '. tlo~ IS a fIrst edition presen. ... t\( '\,)"') .Treatyourself to a il cash.flow analysis and invest. Class of 1979 of Grosse Pointe ro t~e Editor,. . . tatlOn copy of S~LVIE AND RSVP. , . to holiday• invitations in style. il ~ .~C;, 't-Q; dIamond or emerald. ments management are all South High School sponsored . ThiS letter 1S m appr~ela. ~mu~o, (.MacmIIl~n, 1889), Choose your party clothes from a new selec- : \} I'\'\\.\): for Christmas. Have it .. operation.s which can be as. a "Dance for Parents" fea- tlOn to the Grosse Pomte Imscrlb~~, m p:ncll by the tion of mat jersey cocktail dresses in bright

L-V set right in with your! slsted WIth co.m,?uter tech. turing disc jockey Joey Ryan F alrlmtsfsolonds~or tthhesrampnlet1 aut~or'f .TO ECdlLthDfrodmghe,~. cJlors including violet, pink and green. They I b ...... nology. The llmmg of ac. and music of the '50s, '60s "a 0 oun " In. I' ece 1 ov~ngl rlen d .' '. 0 so~. i will go south later. Leonard party pants are .. '* manicure. il counting and financial reo and '70s along with instruc. . NewsIette~, WhICh the res. EdIth wa~ EdIth LIddell, SIS' cut to make you look taller and thinner. They • 10957 Mack 10% off any service .. ports also can be improved Ition for many dances. Idents received. ter of Allee. come in brown, black, white and some colors : Grosse Pointe Woods ....irh Ihis ad • with ~ more sophisticated This was a fund raising Especially, .we wish to A copy of THE HUNTIN.G at 11 Kercheval. operatIOn t"t' I'ch the Senl'or thank Mr Richard Solak, OF THE SNARK. (Macmll...... ' ac IVI y In W 11 • ] 1876)' f t dT •...H rs' 11 . 7 =c _. .... A not her phase of this Clas had hoped not only to city clerk, whose' idea it was I a~, : IS ~ .Irs I' I Ion • Tau , S d .. Board goal is to improve . s b t t 0 sor to print the ballot in this is- WIth the inscription: "H. P .. See The Silver Spruce .. ues.' a(u~ ay « . , . . raise money u 0 sp n L'dd 'th If f t : Wreaths, , . with white velvet * staff tn.servlce. t.r~mmg pro. somethin fun for their par. sue. I on III a ee IOna ,? 1'1" * * ,..* * ....* ...... *, * * * * * ..* * * .. * * * grams. The DIVISIon of In. t g Many votel'~ expressed gards, from the author. bows and the red buckets filled ~trueti?n has offered teacher enTShis event was advertised, their appreciation t.o.the eIec- . Ano~her priceless first edi. ; with holly that make beautiful In.servlce programs on a reg. , th "News" on the radio tion workers, offICIals and I tlon IS THROUGH THE Christmas decorations at Seasons ular basis, and efforts are I~'th e osters' In.the.Vj)Jag~ commissioners. They used LOOKING GLASS AND of Paper, 115 Kercheval, 881- now undenvay to expand the I IIId b ~ the students' person. the sample ballot at home to WHAT ALIC~ FOUND: 2053. list of offerings. providin~' a~ ff~ t be prepared to vote efficient- THERE, (MacmIllan, 1872). or i training in more subject a '?'h s. ar nts? Iy It was convenient and The 50 illustrations are b)": >r ere were you PI', . h . I ' • areas and classroom man. Were 'ou too busy to devote helped things ru~ more Jo ~ Tenn.I:. . I All That Glistens ... is go;:;d at agement. f ~ h t hil smoothly at the votmg pre- FIrst edItions of ALICE S I fashion at Azteca de Oro . . . In.servlce programs either ad e~v ffourts? 1your c el;' cincts ADVENTURES IN WON. I beaded, lame or satin evening have already been conducted . ren s te dO~s. h rte ~.ou e\h"] I joan Bartoszewicz DERLA2\TDin French, (1869), : shoulder bags come from tiny mteres e m II' a your c I. . .. 869) d l' i or are planned for other em. d t' t I Election CommiSSIOner, German, (l ,an Ita lan, I pouch to 1 a r g e r envelope, ren are rymg 0 accomp I I . 872)' h II t' I ployI' groups of the sch001 h I? Grosse Pomte Farms I (l are In t e co ee lon, , They're delightfully priced from system, at sc oO'd t k d h d; • .. .. I along with a copy in Swa-: r $10 to $25 for you and for gifts. Just before school starled. The stu e~ s wor e f To the Editor: hili translated in 1940. The I t Some are in the window, 72 our cafeteria staff partici. and spent I~ tarf~e damthoutnth0 In Grosse Pointe Farms in illustrations in the Swahili, . .. money on)' 0 In a ey , d't' . t t' . Kercheval. pated In an tn-sen'Jce pro. .' I .. 1 20 days it will be a mls, e I Ion l:re In eres mg In receIve on y mlmma sup. . II h I h bI k' 'I gram. the plant personnel f t d that del'leanOr to allow a dog to that ate p~op eave ac . '11 b' I d . port rom paren s an .' f f I • WI soon e mvo VI' III I t ll' aren't in. "deposit animal excretIOn 0 aces. Antique-ing at William Denier and I energl' conservation training tIe padren,s r~ah ~d' the any tvp~" on public or pri. The lihrary's collection of Company. we found bvely Christmas gifts 'I and ; session on how to do tereste, In •"n glllg vate .pr~perty unless it is the Lewis Carroll books is, among the new shipment of antique accessor- P business I\'ith the business generahtlOt? gaf f.t th Class cleaned up immediately af. housed in the Friends' Room: ies. There are many new accessories too and a ------_.- My a s 0 0 e t d of the Central Librarv 10' I f 979 f tl' k' g of the enl'ar. J' . selection of unusual sea shells ... 77 KerchevaL I F D. i 0 1 or un ~n. I This misdemeanor is pun. Kercheval avenue, for all! ulure elroIl! parents, The next t:me"l1 ishable by a fine of $500 lovers of the wo!"ks of this. I S I. t f T. lk i hope that, y~ur paren s Vol ! ;md/or 90 days in jail. strange Victorian man to see I Monogram Sweaters• ,. at Personally i 11 )Jce 0 a :thmk ,of )01: ! Gilbert and Sullivan wrote, and read, , Yours for yourself and for personalized Christ- I --- : Smcere!). K ale 'I "Let the Punishment Fit The: Once he met three hUll', mas gifts. There's a super selection of sweaters I "Downtown Detroit-,Hope slClsanl'dGdl' vb' 1 ard Crime" The old testament girls on a train. From that ' , 0 ~ I ('sex 011 cv , .', f" th t 1 in fall colors and holiday pastels at 84 Ker- for the Future'" WIll be I 'p . t P k ' proclaIms "an eye or an e~e, time on, he sent em au o. : eval. I architect Gino Rossetti's top, i Grosse * o~n -;, ar ! and a tooth for a tooth." graphed copies of his b~oks. ! ! ic when he speaks at the; Fd't. 1_ Five hundred dollars for a He also honored them In a;_. Grosse Pointe Woods Pres. I To the " I or :. t' the dog pile' SureIv our council poem which included this I' . As a par tIClpan In '. h' byterian Church. Hl95~ l\la('k 'fir;t annual Detroit Free mem~ers have lost t elr per. stam.a: , . I I avenue, on Sunday, Nol'em. ; Press J nternalionaI Marathon spectt~e. j 1 gi!'e t? ot/ler. Ilttle ma.nls ' ber 19. 'F t RaeI' recentI~'. J would Sincerely, 1 A Slllll,~. a kISS. a look. l\~r. Ros~ctti's firm, Hos,: Ii~~ to pl'rsonally thank the Mrs. ,II, C, Fruehauf Jr .. : Pre!:cllts .1c~lOse lllel~lOry , I settl ASSOCiates, has worked I police from lhe five commu. Of Ridge .road, I. qw('kly fades. , ! on designs of the Woodward nities who participated in Grosse POinte Farms I give to these - a Book,: Galleria, the n~w Washinglon this ~reat event. Boulevard !\tall, thc proposed The quality and visibility renovation of Grand Circus of the police along the com- The Red Garter Band Park and a plan for nel\' plete 26 miles was nothing will make your party a success! residential housing along I less than perfection in the Washington boulevard. grandest style, These People Love Us: His firm also has heen i It is only \\ ilh the com. commissioned to reno\'ate pIele cooperation of our Shirley Eder Carol Channing Tiger Stadium. friendly Pointe neighbors Jerry Lewis Telethon His talk is spousorl'd b.y and our friendly internation. the church's ~lelro.l\Iission al neighbors across the river Walter Mondale Group. The publiC' is invited! that an evc~l of this size can IEJ)C;UTEI ... You Will Too! at 9 a.m, for coffce and for i cfEducation, School of En. '.own, N.J., ann 0 u n c e the A. LYTLE, JR., of Edge. AS BECKETT, of Sterling I (Ken Kurtz), the intrusion: dent is Thomas Peters. hibit. Across the street, at the Detroit Public Li- gineering were Poi n t e r s !:>irth of their second child, a mont Park, announce the Heights, and granddaughters '. --.------.-. brary's Burton Historical Collection members will JOHN A. HOWELL, who son, PETER JEROME, Au. birth of their seCQnd son, PATRICIA ANDEHSO~, of 1 Q >~ }\'I N also see records of their association's'50-year hisbry achieved a 4.0 grade point gust 11. Mrs. Stambersky is JAY ROBERT, July 10. Mrs. Breckenridge, Colo.. MRS. uc"ters - eet I oyenlber 20 displayed. average for at least one the former SUSAN ANNE Lytle is the former CAROL JAMES BRA DB U R Y, of ------* * * term, ALE X AND E R S. BIGLIN, daughter of MR. CRAIN, daughter of MR. and Alexandria, Va., and MRS. .Windmill Pointe Questers I will be conducted by Mrs. KOROL and MICHAEL A. and MRS. PETER BIGLIN, MRS. J. WENDELL CRAIN, TODD ETTLER, of Houston, Will meet Monday, November: Leo Hardwick, chapter presi- The materials were collected this summer by McCABEE, and MARK D. of Robert John road, Pater- of Richmond, Va. Paternal Tex. 20, at the Cloverly road' dent. the archival committee. chaired by Mrs. Harry W. FAIRLESS and JULIANNE nal grandparents are MR. grandparents arc !\fR. and • • • home of Mrs. John Carter l\Ir3. David Rieven will Ta~'lor, and transported to the library where they PATTERSON, enrolled in the I and MRS. JEROME STAM- MRS. ROBERT A. LYTLE'I Named to Kalamazoo Col. where, following a coffee present the program on School of Management. BERSKY, of Dearborn. Big of Harcourt road. Jay's big lege's spring quarter Dean's hour at 9:30 o'clock, the Brass Rubbings in England, (Continued on Page 23) • • • brother MICHAEL is 12 years brother THOMAS CRAIN is I List were Pointers ERICH monthly busllless meeting a well.known art form. Grosse Pointe North High old. two.and.a.half. P, AUDRETSCH, JAMES R. The right hair style School 1978 graduate ROB. • • • • • • I FOX and C H A R L E S D. BERRY, JAMES A. RLIM.I PAMELA L. ABBOTT and' ERT ZARANEK, son of MR. MR. and MRS. BRENDAN MR. and MRS. LEONARD I FRO H MAN, :Ill seniors, CHUK and DAVID R. LIG. SHERYL L. KURZE. . on the right face and MRS. CAS I M 1 R S. ROSS, of Lakepointe avenue, BECKETT, of Sai!lt. Clair C H A R L E S F. AUSTER- OTTI, juniors, and freshmen I (Continued on Page 32) . ZARANEK, of Anita avenue, announce the birth of a son, Oblong 01/01 Pear Round Square I Plan John Paul Jones Society Indian Dinner The John Paul Jones So- It begins at 6 o'clock with I riety, Children of the Amer- a dinner of all. Indian foo.ds, @0ww@ ican Revolution will hold its followed by a talk and sllde second annual indian Dinner presentation on the Ameri. HOLIDAY J"- - this Saturday, November 18, can Indian Today, his way of at the Rivard boulevard life and his problems, by Pre- Thanksgi ving SPECIAL ,~-J..r:.':.' home of Judith Ryckman, Louis Lee, of University CAR state treasurer. place, a full.blooded Chero- Includes shampoo ' : . l. l ------kee. treatment, design cut, . ---b ~ During the evening the capilustro styling or f':. r' .,(l ' Help at Hand society will officially wel. blow drying, complete' t -:r' ~ . 1 .~~ come three new members: make-up all for only '--L...... ,.. '- / ' For Overeaters Judy Brownell, of Berkshire road, William Simonson, of SALE $35.00 .,. ~ .. o ve rea t e r s Anonymous Bishop road, and Janis Og. ONE WEEK ONLY meets Thursday mornings, at burn, of Sterling Heights. BART EDMOND 9:30 o'clock, at the Grosse Honored guests will include Pointe Unitarian Church in Christine Mattern, state' pres. HAIR. SKIN AND ~UKE.UP SALON Maumce avenue, between ident of the Children of the SHORES SHOPPING CENTER - 13 Mile Neff road and SI. Clair ave. American Revolution, Mrs. 31065 HARPER AVENUE - 296.3660 nue. The meetings are open Daniel P. McGuire, senior ______EVENING HOURS ...I to the public. state president, Harold M. McCracken, representing the and more off state president of the Sons 13 of the American Revolution, Mrs. Eldon A. Behr, state original prices* regent of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Mrs. Maxwell E. Hunt. the state DAR's first vice regent, and members of the sponsor. ing Louisa St. Clair Chapter, A Selertion of . DAR, and their husbands. needlepoint" knit shoppe Hobby, Craft, Gift Show DRESSES • DRESSES and JACKETS STITCH IN TIME Slated at Saint Peter's for Christmas Saint Peter Church Allar Society will sponsor iIs fiith EVENING OR[SSES and HALF SIZES ALL PRE-ASSEMBLED annual Hobby, Craft and Gift Show Saturda~', Novem. Needlepoint Kits ber 18. from 10 in the morn. ing until 8 in the e\'ening, and Sund:lY, November 19, ... from 10 to 5 o'clock at the , church social hall in Vernier road near Be a con s fie 1 d, .1 across from Eastland C'entN. off , Harper Woods. There is no admission charge. PURSES ~'BELTS ...... RACQUET COVERS n original prices* , .\ Select ion of u ...•KEY CHAINS PANIS • SKIRTS • JACKETS • SWEATERS I~/() ..'1P 0 rp TO 50 OH ORl(a~AIJ PRf(,[S* CHECK BOOK COVERS COIN PURSES, WALLETS BOXES Delicate :\ S('/I'('lion oi Dangles S}\)JPIJ ~lDDI~(; (;OW\S. Sizr 10 ~ A single script inllial l(;rllsSt' Pllinlr (lnly) ~~ £t:ll dangling from an 18" cham TV GUIDE. ADDRESS makes a most attractive BOOK COVERS CHEESE BOARDS TRIVETS necklace. Popular Withyoung and old alike. Beautifully *lhrrr iliar ha H hl'l'!! iIif l'rml'!liillil (1ri l'll f{ld III'Iion s /land-cut in sterling silver or 14Kyellow gold by prior 10 (his Sail' leonore Doskow

In sterling Silver $ 600 1M;11 ("nils OI'lwl'I'/l hm .\lorr\ JUun (9) In 14K yellow g:J'd $24.00 In Gold PI

GIF'r C.~RTI.'ICAT.~S1\"/\IIJABIJ.~ YOU10,i Jhe shops of 16930 Kercheval. In The Village. 881-4575 84 Kercheval on.the.Hill OPEN THURSDAY EVENINGS 882-3580 Walton~i~..c~ -.------...... -._,... Grosse Pointe .. Somerset Mall ..- -

2a•• '._7 7 7 777 :1 ' 7 pm 775 7' 7.' 57??? 7 o PO • or r " 7 7 7 $ 77 .' Paae Eighteen GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, November 16, 1978 Society News Gathered from the Pointes

Macomb NOW Focus F. Id Trip D Plan Old Dominion Day On Women And Credit le flY Holly Mart's Arts Will Be Varied For Pear Tree "Women and Credit" will Weaver Charlene O'Neill'l Back, too, will be Judy J. be the topic for the Macomb Grosse Pointe Inter-Faith Center for Racial Justice of Kensington road, will dis. Hunter with her popular County Chapter of the Na- Pear Tree Chapter of to Sponsor Annual Christmas Fair Fund Raiser play pillows, wall hangings Snoopy Christmas ornaments, tional Organization for Wo° Questers' members depart ------and other hand.loomed work. Ron Scarbough is another men at 7:30 o'clock Tuesday this morning, Thursday, No. Thirty distinguished Michigan artists will dis- Bonnie Perkins, of South of the exhibitors and the evening, November 21, in vember 16, from the Balfour play and sell their work Saturday. December 2, at Deeplands road, will exhibit holiday greeting' cards de. Macomb Community College's road home of Mrs. Robert a Christmas art fair, the Fourth Annual Holly portraits and photos demon. signed by him for the Grosse Sheridan for the Dearborn <0 South Campus K Building, Mart, to be held in the Grosse Pointe War Me- strating her specialty: en. Pointe Inter.Faith Center for Room 306. home of Mrs. Walter Tobin, morial's Fries Ballroom from 10 to 3 o'clock. vironmental photography. Racial Justice will be on sale Karen Zellin, of the Femi. who will speak on the Art of Many w e 11. k now n ------The Sigma Sigma Sigma during the mart. nist Federal Credit Union, Collecting. Luncheon will be Pointe artists will be interesting materials. Car. sorority will sponsor a booth S p e cia I prizes include is featured speaker. The at Dearborn Inn. . touche recently branched out featuring children's items. Scarbough's original pen.and. meeting is open to the public. among the exhibitors, to include original belts. Detroit artists represented ink drawing Cor the card. Macomb NOW meets on ity College. Further informa- Clare Morrison, (Studio Cherry and Phyllis will fea. include William Lawson, with Holly Mart proceeds will " the third Tuesday of each tion may be obtained bl' Clare), will show hand.paint. ture them, too, at the Holly 1.lis Earthforms pottery and be used to further the work month at Macomb Commun. calling 758-0272. . ed, wax Christmas ornaments Mart. Jewelry, at,Jd H.llda Carson of the Inter.Faith Center, a and accessories cast from reo Chloe Boehm, second prize whose speclV.I~y IS hand:nad,e non-profit organization of productions of ant i que winner in the Grosse Pointe dOll!! and ammals. (Hilda s members-at-large and paMi. cookie molds, The ornaments Artists Association's Annual Happy. HuggabJes)., cipating member churches ~I ,,~~SErtl ~.t. reflect the imagination and Art Fair, will exhibit oil . J.esslca Ke~tt?n WIll ex- working in the Pointe and ,,{¥ craftsmanship of a German paintings. hlblt tole pamtmg. and ~e- surrounding communities to *--~~~ ~ ~ ..~ BEAUTIFUL.PLANn' ~ ~ folk art almost 500 years old. Kathy Golnik, of Balfour coupage, Paula Kiely wIll promote racial understand- Cherry Buhl and Phyllis road, will present dough art, d i s p.I a y ~atercol~rs, some ing. '" $6.50 EACH '6 r_ ' Skau's Cartouche will offer and Ginger Grow, of Wash. combmed With calhgraphy. The center seeks to find ;;;:, (10% discount on orders ~ unique, handmade jewelry ing~on road, will show .a Gharl?tte Raymond, of concrete solutions to urban ;::;j" of 10 or more) designs it,Jcorpo.rating beads, var1e~y of her work m I' Chaz, Will ~eturn t? the H.olly social problems through ac. -..:! Send your completed order ~ shells, coms, wire and other acryhcs. Mart offerJn~ batik T.shlrts. tive task forces in crime ...... form and check by Nov_ 22 10, ~~ Mrs. Paul Chauvin * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * prevention, housing, educa. • the pointe fashions' * lion and youth. . 914 Lakeshore Drive ~ :+ The Grosse Pomte Inter. Grosse Pointe, MI 48236 : GRAND OPENING SALE : ~~~t~s~~~~~~dfO~~~~li~;~ Immersed in plans to foster closer, contin- Pick up your plants Grolle Pointe M.moriol Church ~ continuing until saturday, novo 18 ,. cheval avenue, Grosse Pointe Thursday, December 7th 10 o,m. to 6 p.m. • * Park, where further infor- uing ties between local alumni and their alma maters in Virginia are WILLIAM J. CUDLIP, : dressy dresses pantsuits : ~:~iO~e °o~t:i~~dH~~IYca~:n~ I would Iik. 10 order, reC: Poins.llios @ $6.50 University of Virginia, (standing, second from , __ ...:: white Poinsellios @ $6.50 : handbags iewelry : 824.0_35_0. _ right), and WILLARD S. SMITH, a graduate of My cneck, mode oullo Operation lINC, i. endosed for $ -. the College of William and Mary, (standing, cen- (deduct 10% for ord." of 10 or more) • - 20% 08 all merchandise - ,. Beta Sigma Phi Group ter), co-chairmen of the first annual Old Domin- ~ f ~ "spend later" gift certi icate * Enjoys Busy Autumn ion Day, and, (seated, left to right), JAMES W. LARGE, Washington and Lee, ANITA ZINKI ~ .~ * Nome _ • r 0-5 mon-'r; r 0-4 sat * Xi Alpha Omega Chapter UNGER, Old Dominion University, ELIZABETH • f h ,.of Beta Sigma Phi opened ALEXANDER QUINN, Hollins College, and -tl the pointe as ions * its 1978-79 season Wednes- KAREN McCAULEY HOSTETTER, Mary Wash- Tel.phonenumber _ ~ ~* day, October 4, with a busi- ington, plus WILLIAM A. VAUGHAN, Virginia • fo,me,ly m,. julian's '" ,., ~ ness meeting and program, *: Military Institute, (standing, left), DENNIS A. -te 15112 ~ercheval 822-2818~. "Living with Heritage" pre. h:-~ : VELIE, Randolph-Macon, (standing, second from -te grosse pointe 48230 ~1ll1-'~ , sented by Marge (Mrs. Don- -te *' aId) Parsons, at the Nottlng- left), and ROBERT L. SVOBODA, Virginia Poly- 'If ".". ". JiI ham road home of Nancy technic Institute, (standing, right): All except · (Mrs. Joel) Hughes. Mr. Svob:Jda, who resides in Detroit, are Pointers. G d 0 m;::7ng~h~~;~r'Sat o~~~erp;; ran penIn9 Some 250 alumni of 15 George D. Moffett, Jr., and Saturday, November 18 sons' Roslyn road home, was Virginia colleges and univer- Harvey T. Harris, Jr., rep- ~ strictly sorial: an early Hal. sities are expected to gather resenting Hampden. Sydney ,&j.o;;:. loween celebration in which Saturday, November 18, at and the University of Rich. guests from Alpha Zeta the University Club for cock. mond, respectively, Chapter joined, wearing cos- tails and a dinner dance. The efewij efonJon tumes and playing games. party begins' at 6, dinner's A letter addressed to all 01 at 7:30 and dancing starts at metropolitan Detroit area The evening ended at Little beautiful things for Caesar's Pizza Parlor. 9 o'clock. Virginia collegiate alumni This month's activities be- Others involved in plan- who could be located de. beautiful babies ... gan Wednesday, November ning the Old Dominion Day ~cribes the affair as "a get. 1, with a business meeting celebration are Lind Grose- together we're hopeful will and Tupperware demonstra- close Vaughan, Randolph. become an annual event." tion at Mrs. Hughes' hortJe. Macon Women's, College, Alumni of Virginia schools Specializing In lhc mos~unique "Heritage for the Future," Ethel Ogden Burwell, Sweet who have not been contacted c:onccpls and u(;<;I\Jn5 In IIllanl the program for the evening, Briar College, and Jane Lacy by letter are invited to get in Maury, Westhampton Col. touch with Mrs. Robert z. hlrnllure, aCCHssones and loys. 555 S. Woodward was presented by Lorraine lege, aU Pointers; Francis Unger, of Audubon road, or Irnported exclusively lor LeWIS Birmingham ' Korte. 01 I ondon . 642-0877 Xi Alpha Omegans Chris Koblegard Harcus, of Bloom. any member of the above Atkinson, Karen Berschback, field Hills, representing Mary committee for further infor------Mary Mitts, Bonnie Roth, Baldwin; and Detroiters mation. Mary Jo Schmaltz and the Mesdames Hughes, Korte and Parsons joined other South Dekes to Stage Stag Banquet Macomb County Council chapters last Thursday, No- Local alumni of Delta Kap. Malcolm Sutherland. vember 9, at Warren Chateau pa Epsilon fraternity will International president for the council's annual Ex. hold their Thanksgiving eve Duncan Andrews will ad. banquet next Wednesday, I emplar Day Dinner. dress the assembly. Wilbur FALL SALE November 22, at the Detroit H. "Deke" Mack has been Ms. Korte's Lorraine road Club, and the traditional asked to lead off the toasts. home was the setting for event takes on a new signifi- yesterday evening's meeting. Pointers involved in plan. cance this year with the reo ning the evening's events in. I Chris (Mrs. Paul) Atkinson establishment of the frater- presented a career program. clude David K. Easlick, Jr., Our Entire Stock nity at the University of John W. Lambrecht and .... ------... 1 Michigan. George W, Nicholson, Jr. U. of M. undergraduate Pointe Dekes planning to at- Fabulous Furs . . . go sportive PIANO TUNING president Peter Pfeiffer, a tend, in addition to those Farms resident, will be on already named, include Wil . in new lengths at Sullivan-Rollins: • REPAIRING • APPRAISING hand for the festivities, as liam L. Hurley, Philip T. Karen Schmitt will local undergraduate Van Zile, II, Carl M. Eckert, 493.15 I 0 Kenyon College Dekes Nor- R. T. Johnstone, George H. man Byrd, John Palffy and Zinn, Jr" Michael J. Smith and Raymond T. Ploughman. ~-~ The stag banquet is open I if GROSSE POINTE to all undergraduate and It's fun! I alumni Dekes, of any chapter. I Further details may be ob'l 20467 Mack, o~~nBF;i~ayS 885-9000 It's lea rning! tained by calling Mr. Eas- It's compact! I lick at 963-8142. DOUGLASS A. MAY. ROBEjlT D. MILLER. FRED H. ROLLINS .. . ideal entertain ment for travel. Complete with five question and answer sheets. Great Stocking Stuffer at only $2

Redecorate in time lor the holidays! "Under The Red Awning"

• Fill prescription d.lh,.r,. from stock .. ready for delivery! • Unique Gift BOUTIQUI • Stroh's Ice grtllt'shDJfil1fJ • Quallt,. Cos .... tlc BEaUTIQUI • Dafly and lunday NIW YO•• flMIS Living room • Bedroom • Dining room • 10"'" Senior Clthen Dlscoun' on Prescriptions • FRONT ROW-881-5870 Notre Dame PHARMACY SPORT SEPARATES, DAYTIME AND at exciting savings ... while stocks last! COCKTAIL DRESSES • BLIND PIG-343-0832 BAR AND FAMILY ROOM ACCESSORIES • THE SMALL SCENE-881-5890 :Joupniep :Jupnilupe Co. CHILDREN'S APPAREL & GIFTS 2 LOCA liONS '0 better serve you { • MACKIE'S BAKE SHOP-888-6101 CHRISTMAS FRUITCAKES ST. CLAIR SHORES DETROIT AND COOKIES 27113 HARPER, Nt. 10 & 11 Mi. Rds. 16421 HARPER, near Whillier ------776-8900 881.1285 16926 Kercheval, in-the-village CHRISTMAS SPECIALS IN ALL OUR FINE SHOPS HOURS: MoftcIay, Thursday, fritllry 1~9; MoncIcry thrCHlllh ~turda y s",...p Oatfy 830 aWl 10 q pm (M~ ttrI,,, r" I 885-2154 Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturtllry 10-6; '-6, Closed Sunday Sot 8)(j 700, '::iu"do." Hl'lltdny, 9)0 • a& 16906 JV,ccfievaCnesrCadieUX SualIay 12.S Packag.d Liquor Deal.r IN THE VILLAGE IN GROSSE POINTE Fine.' Imported, Domestic Wine., B•• rs . / Thursday, November 10, 1978 GR'OSSE POINTE NEWS Page Nineteen ,Women's Page-- The Gary Holmes Mrs. Do Ie K. Rogers Shores Co-op Nursery : Pointe Book ,Miss DiLuigi Wed I To Hold Xmas Auction II Club to Meet The Grosse Pointe Shores Gerda Bielitz, first assist- C~-opNursery, located at the! :mt director and chief of the To Gary M. Holme FIrst Lutheran Church of Grosse Pointe Central Lj. Detroit in Cadieux road, will brary, will present her pro. stage its annual Christmas gram, "Celebrating Chrht- . Cherie DiLuigi And Laurice Stevens Are Honor auction, offering a potpourri mas Around the World," to Attendants for Their Sister: Jeffrey Holme of handmade items and baked members of The Pointe Book Is Brother's Best Man goods, plus a White Ele. Club when thcy gather ~lon- phant table and children's day. :'\ovember 20, at th,' . At home in Roslyn road are Mr. and Mrs. Gary book sale. Monday evening.ll';ast Jefferson avenue home Michael Holme who' vacationed in northern Michi- November 20, at 8 o'clock in; of :\Irs, :\[ilton Cross. gan following their wedding Saturday, August 12, the basement of the church., :\11'5. George Baer and :\[1', in the rose garden of Christ Church GrJsse Pointe. I Further information on the: John :\!nrshall will assist auction or the school's 1'0. i :\[rs, Cross at luncheon pre- Mrs. Holme is the for- ; -' ---- . p ,ceding a busmess meet 109 .mer Renee Elizabeth Ber-I wrea!h of stephanotis. and gra~ may be obtamed by I conducted by :\11'.;. Richard nadette DiLuigi daugh- baby s-breath. She carned a callIng 886.1268. I Thoma, chairman. tel' of Mr. and Mrs prcse~t.ation bouquet of Rub. ------~ ~------• D T D'L" f W . rum hhes . : UI 10. 1 Ulgl, 0 est- In Emp'ire-waisted, off-the- : ~hestel road, Mr. Holme shoulder frocks of ivory chif. , IS the son of the Charles fon were Cherie DiLuigi and : H 01 m e s, of Lochmoor Laurice Stevens, honor at. : boulevard. tendants for their sister, and . ~tgu of The Reverend Gary Fulton bridesmaids Kelly and Julie tl1e iI~rmuib presided at the 4:30 o'clock Holme, the brid~groom's sis. service during which the I tel's, and Ronnanita Lofton. 75 KERCHEVAL 882-1610 bride and bridegroom reo Cassanova. cited personal poems to each Ruffles in different colors, : 'other, along with their rights, peach, pink, blue.. mint gree.n : and Janice Franco, aecom- and lavender, rimmed their panied by Christopher Page, shoulders and hems and cas- ntERE IS STILL TIME guitar, and Roger Fillian, eaded down the bustles of , . flute, sang "The wedding their dresses. KATHERINE ANN PATTERSON, daughter Song" and "Evergreen." Each carried a single, long- Wedding vows were spoken at an afternoon To seleet gifts to b. engraved. of Mrs. Neil A. Patterson, of Harvard road, and * The Christ Church carillon s~cmmed ros~ ~nd wore. a ceremony Saturday, August 12, in the rose garden or Monogrammed of Christ Church, Grosse Pointe, by RENEE the late Mr. Patterson, was married Friday, Sep- .bossld, I:layed as the bridal partv smgle gardema 111 her hall'. for ChristllllS entered and left the rose Jeffrey. Holme was best ELIZABETH BERNADETTE DiLUIGI, daughter tember 22, in Saint Clare de Montefalco Church garden. man fa: hiS bro.ther and gave of the Duilio DiLuigis, of Westchester road, and to Mr. Rogers, son of Mrs. Ralph Rogers, of Dear- The bride wore an off-the- a readmg dunn? t?~cere- Mr. Holme, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Holme, born, and the late Mr. Rogers. shoulder gown of silk satin, m?ny; Tom DILulgl, the of Lochmoor boulevard. * To Arnnl' with us for gifts styled with an Empire waist, bnde s brother, Der~k John. to b. shipped out of town A.line skirt and chapel train son, of Traverse CIty, Tom for the holldlYs and a capelet of pearl.en: Cornac, of Grand Blanc, and crusted Alencon lace. Peter Cassanova ush~red. Her he a d pie c e was a .For her daughter ~ wed- Rogers-Patterson Vows Exchanged DISTINCTI IE GIFTS-BRIDAL REGISTRY-UNEQUAllED SERVICE ______1 dmg and the receptIOn at Hillcrest Country Club, Mrs. : terson, another sister, Cyn. r------_ Pair Vacation in Mexico City And Acapulco thia Cimini, Rhoda Ginsburg The DiLuigi selected a long gown M anagram Shahhe of salmon Qiana. The bride- Following Mid-September Rites: Are at and Kathleen Korte chose rr groom's mother's gown, also • L th V'II burgundy crepe frocks styled H ome In a rup I age with shirred bodices and • CUSTOM MONOGRAMMING formal length, was fashioned .. • ONE WEEK SERVICE of dusty rose Qiana. Saint Clare de Montefalco Church was the set- chiffon eapelets. 884 2037 Both mothers wore eym. ting Friday, September 22, for the wedding of They carried Colonial ar. HAIRDRESSING IS MORE THAN - I bidium ol'chid wrist corsages. Katherine Ann Patterson and Dale Keith Rogers. rangements of Independence JUST A JOB •.. Father Joseph McCormick, O.S.A., officiated at the r?ses, pink miniature cam,a. IT'S CARING 6:30 o'clock ceremony which was followed by a hans, heather and baby s. HAIR STYLE reception at the Detroit Boat Club. breath. THE WAY YOU LOOK of ,he MONTH The bride daughter of The bridegroom, son of THE WAY YOU FEEL ... . ' She wore an ivory silk or. Mrs. Ralph Rogers, of D:::ar. At Michael-James Coiffures, Mrs. Nell A. Patterson, ganza gown styled with a born, and the late Mr. we care too. "Versatile Cut" of Harvard' road, and the bodice of appliqued -Alencon Rogers, asked his brother, You can ~1~'leit THAT IS WHY OUR STAFF IS IN so muny ....u~." late Mr, Patterson was I lace. Matching lace trimmed I Lawrence Rogers, of Kalama. t d d th" 1 I her bishop sleeves and seal: zoo, to act as best man. CONSTANT TRAINING coil for an appointment escor e own e alS e lopeu hemline. Her chapel \. . by her brother, Neil A. length mantilla was bordered Ushermg were MIchael . d' . 1 Patterson, brother of the Call for an appointment P J d I ______atterson, r. lacean app Ique With shl more b'dfl e, R0bert D'lllon, D'daVl today! . Anderson and Wayne Sau. 881-6470 She carried a bouquet of chak. .... , \ .. \ "\ Dinner Dance white roses, stephanotis and The bride's mother wore To Aid Hutzel baby's.bre~th, and a lace seafoam green chiffon, the «tir~ael-3Jamts

Presenting the resort into spring collection of suit and coat ensembles. Friday, November 17, 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Coordinates in flannel, silk and Ultrasuede in soft neutrals, impeccably tailored, of timeless elegance ... marvelously versatile wardrobe classics. Sizes 4 to 16.

'. :'...

Jacobson's " GROSSE POINTE ...


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Page Twenty GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, November 16, 1978 Society News Gathered from the Pointes To List Michigan's Arts, Crafts Fairs Santa Says 'Have Supper at My Haus' ! "~o:s~: ~~t::::~v_.~:~~'~upt: ~:~c~ in The Michigan Council for I fairs scheduled to take place I Michigan Arts and Crafts the Arts is seeking informa. d~ring 1979. The ~nfonnation I Fairs and Festivals Directory. ing" will be the topic of a the church's Barbour Chap- tlOn on state arts and craCts Will be lIlcluded In the 1979 Any art or craft fair spon. . talk by Frank J. Sladen, pro. eI. All members and friends :; -; . ..:- ". .'. ;:.1 prietor of The Book Shelf on- are invited. ----- sor may be listed in the . . the-Hill, Tuesday, November directory. Applications must NEIGHBORHOOD CLUB :~lWi '. " .-.: < 21, at a meeting of the be received by the MCA by : .' Grosse Pointe Memorial December 15 in order to be Church Women's Book Re. AND THRIFT SHOP included. The popular publication THANKSGIVING HOURS lists fairs and festivals across Linda to Show Stuffed the state and provides infor. . " Toys at Pleasant Ridge CLOSED NOVEMBER 23 mation on dates, prizes, eligibility, media accepted Pointer Linda Williamson THROUGH NOVEMBER 26 and deadlines for applica. will bring her stuffed toys to tions. It is free, scheduled for The Busybodies are - .._--~------the Pleasant Ridge Com- release in mid-Mareh and munity Center Saturday and on the wing available through Michigan Sunday, Novemb::!r 18 and 19, With assorted messages Council for the Arts offices. joining more than 35 artist. they will sing. Applications and informa. craftsmen exhibitors in the For birthdays, holidays, tion may be obtamed by con. I ~ Pleasant Ridge Arts Coun- anlliversaries, too tacting the Michigan Council cil's fourth annual Holiday Or to cheer a friend . 'ng GiHs for the Arts, Office of Gen. Marketplace. Hours are 10 Director ~ i~~ONARMY eral Services, 1200 Sixth to 6 o'clock Saturday, 11 to who's feeling blue . THE SAT Avenue street, De t r 0 i t, Michigan 6 Sunday .. 6lvl IS a HZllZZ 331,6400 601 Bag Mey"igan 48226 48226, (256.3732). DetrOit.. Ie" To Feature Tyrre/l's Art At Hilton Inn's Concert G~~')50\\\~G A show of oil por. traits by Pointe artist Robert Tyrrell will be featured SlATE l'~\\..·CLEANING Sunday, November 19, at the noon and 1:30 o'clock Cafe Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus, alias Santa Haus fund raiser. The supper's Concert Series at the Ply. SUSAN and GARY SWITZER, stop- mouth Hilton Inn. set for Saturday, November 25, at the • DRAPES MADE ped in at "Dickens of a Place" a few Grosse Pointe Hunt Club where the days ago to invite SANDE and Santa Haus will be open to the pub- AND RESTORED DAVE BELFORE, and all true be- lic the weekends of December 2, 9 PIANOS WANTED lievers in the J ally Old Elf, to the GRANDS. SPINETS. and 16, from 1 to 5 o'clock, and eve- CONSOLES. Small UPRIGHTS Assistance League to the Northeast nings from 5 to 8 o'clock during the Guidance Center's Supper with San- week of December 13 to 22. TOP PRICES PAID tj~ • rA~I~~;~~l~E ta, the preview party for the league's VE 7-0506 Admission to the preview (Mrs. John) Eickhorst. 882-1976 Thoughtful Giving is $11 per person. It begins Sande Belfore is chairman Mon.-Sui - 7 a.IIl.-() p.lII. Announcing TWO NEW with cocktails while touring of the Santa Haus where Can Establish Your Friday Evening Dance Santa's residence, looking in children may tell santa their on his workshop, bakeshop, wishes, have cookies and Security for Life Christmas b 0 uti que and juice, hear Mrs. Claus tell a Children's Only Shop and story and shop on.their-own. Investigate how you can help sup- meeting the celebrity Mr. Meanwhile, par en t s may port the people-helping programs MIDEASTERN FOLK and Mrs. Claus, Vic and browse for handcrafted items in the boutique and purehase -~--:=- AND BELLY DANCE Sandy Caputo. of The Salvation Army through a DISCO for A buffet supper will be home.baked goods. personal Life Income Plan. Taught by Amalia Kaddo Singles Younan. internationally re- served in the clubhouse, General admission is $1 150/0 OFF and nowned dancer, Choreo- with entertainment by East. per person. Special groups, grapher and leacher. ern Michigan University's (nursery schools, Brownies, You can receive an annual income ... Couples Madrigal Singers, from B Cub Scouts, et a1.), will be CHRISTMAS CARDS be free from money management until 9:30 o'clock. ace 0 m mod ate d Monday Also a new term begins tor Nov. 20 tor ballet and exer- Reservations for Supper through Friday, November 27 problems ... obtain significant tax with Santa may be made through December 22, from 40 CATALOGS- Thru Nov. 25th cise classes. A wide variety of classes will be held savings ... and reduce estate taxes through today, Thursday, No- 9 in the morning to 8 in the for your heirs. MORNINGS AFTERNOONS EVENINGS vember 16, by calling 824- evening, by reservation, (824- 18519 MACK T'~e r-'UILL 8000. Sue Switzer, 8000). Each child in each AT TOU RAIN E ''1 \ol( Studio in Grosse Pointe party chainoon, is Chris group will be given one free MONDAY thru SAT. 11,6 PRINTERS - ENGRAVERS admission ticket good for a Call BETH KRAUS - 882-2375 return visit. SUNDAY 1-4 882-2900 Slide Session The Northeast Guidance WEDNESDAYS 11~9 Center is one of Detroit's For Deeplands major community men tal health agencies. Its profes, Deeplands Garden Club sional staff of psychiatrists, members viewed slides of psychologists, therapists and the recent Grosse Pointe Gar. community mental health • TALL-.EEZ presents .•• den Tour and discussed plans workers provide direct treat. for their December Christmas ment services to children, luncheon at a meeting l~ teens, adults and families, as Monday, November 13, in the well as consultation and edu- j Roslyn road home of Mrs, cation to schools and other ,<~ William Killebrew who was VISIT FashIon Boots agencies. OliR IJ[W assisted by co.hostess Mrs. DOWNTOWN Vernon Landry. FASHION SHOE SALON' fromthe12~ Women's Clubs Board a Meets November 30 "~]OIll/' 0/ C/ll~J" The~'re.slim and de'.initely collection' The Federation of Women's With a Shade thiS year'lltyle ... In a variety of Clubs of Metropolitan De- F."om Cook~s fashion designs. Choose your own fashion.boot troit board of directors, C:01"' .... - Slmpl'''' - ~iLI'''' look from this handsome selection. under president Mrs. Arthur Weir, will hold a' business 1."1'1:1' St,II'I',ion meeting Thursday, November Bl'ing '~"1II' lanlll 1"01' I 30, at the clubhouse in 4:11...1"111 ... i II ill!,. SNOW BELLE Fenkell avenue, Detroit, pre. 2 inch heel. 131rlches ceding a Parliamentary Les- high. In BLACK or son by Mrs. Carl Smith on AMBER. '53011 General and Social Orders. Luncheon will follow, and Mrs. D. L. Walsemann, pro- gram chairman of the day, has arranged to have Mrs. Rob e r t Weeks speak on Sizes for Snow Belle. Elite end Nepal Christmas Arrangements. , 10 10\lt 11 11'12 10 10'4 11 ,,~ 8', e e~, 10 101lt 11 11~ .------1 'h 0 0\1> 111 10" " 111\ ELITE I 2 Inch heel. 17 inches high. In BLACK or BROWN leether. I Also in size 13M. 1'12inch heel. 16 011 inches high. In I '62 NATURAL (beige) suede. I PRICES SLIGHTLY 'HIGHER FOR SIZES OVER 10. i45°O

'. " ~"

BOLZANO STRADA I • -_" ~. ',.>":;": r~\",.. 2¥11nch heel. 16 inches 2 inch stacked heel hIgh. In BLACK, BROWN 16Inches high In "Y .~:::..::'~:~, ... orALABASTER'SE)~OO BLACK ~r WHISKEY calf. '67OQ .\~ acClir'U~' . tVith Sizes lor Balzano aM Slr.:lrl.:l thin' NARROW 10 10':1 11 11'2 12 dreSs' .~.',watch MEDIUM 10 10',i 11 11'-~ 12 lynx dyed Fox Jacket WIDE 10 10'12 11 lPh 12 .': elegance EXTRAWJDE 10 10'11 t 1 1Ph 12 over 150 styles and colors of boots Did you know that we will take in your and shoes •.• at both locations! old fur at a top allowance on a new fur? SIZES 7-13 AAA to EEE 'Valente Jewelr'J :JWy utn~ {jiaJ of Grosse Pointe .'iMP 19:11 16601 E. Warren 881.4800 Use Our Convenient LAY.A,WAY Pion. Monday.Friday 9 $0 6, Saturday 9 to 5 19261 MACK (near Moross} nexl to Woods Theatre 886.7715

• " ? 777 7 777 ' " 7 IS 7 En ' 7 7 2 a • •• _d • Thursday, November 16, 1978 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Twenty-One Women's Page -by, of and for Pointe Womell ------~------~------The William Bussells A New Philanthropy Pointe Soroptimists Assist COllage IIospital Christine M. Meier For Alpha Xi Deltas Soroptimist International I Soroplimisls' $6,000 pledge nity, lhe friends of Cottage Grosse Pointe alumnae of of Grosse Pointe recently lo Cotlage. ' Hospital and ml'mbers of thfl Alpha Xi Della, seeking ways presented a check for $2,500" '.' I Grosse Pointe Soroplimists, Wed in September I to work locally with their III part proceeds of a benefit _N.ancy Y. DaVIdson, Sorop- I who voted unanimously at a new national philanthropy. art and fashion show held at tlmlst art show commIttee I recent me:?ting to make a the American Lung Associa. Walton.Pierce Company in chaIrman, pre s en t e d lhe, new pledge of $10,000 to tlw Grand Rapids Is Home for William H. Bussells lion, will hear Thomas P. September, to the Cottage check to Ralph L, Wilgarde, I hO:ipilal, for their support, Who Vacation in Toronto Following Their Banas, executive director of Hospital of Grosse Pointe. hospital admllllstrat(lr, The the association's Southeastern C .. f 1 mOlley will be used to pur.' The local Soroptimists are om mISSIOns rom near y h . - I Early Autumn Marriage Michigan branch, at their $1 000' If' t' case a room In the hospItal busJllcss and professiona , In sa es 0 paln JIlgs, in th I b' . . Pastor Joseph P. Fabry officiated at the wed- meeting Monday, November ceramics and \yea~ing by. 10 I e c u s name. women whose philanthropic dmg of Christine Marie Meier and William H. Bus- 20, in the Edmunton drive of Grosse POinte s leadmg' :\11'5, Davidson expres~ed work benefits many Point,' sell Saturday evening, September 16, in Christ the home of Mrs. Alfred Wittwer. artists helped complete the' her thanks to the commu. (Jrganization~_ King Lutheran Church. ------Co-hostesses for the meet. -_.------.-- . ------The 6 o'clock ceremony and Mrs, Carl R. Meier, of ing, open to any Alpha Xi, ~as followed by a recep- Lochmoor boulevard, select. are Mrs. Florence Ericson and Mrs. Wendell J. Birds. hon at the Harper Woods ed a gown of white nylon aIL Community Center. The crepe. Venise lace and seed YOUR LARGEST 'IN STOCK' & NEAREST ETHAN ALLEN GALLERY Among items to be dis- new lyweds vacationed in pearls trimmed her bodice. cussed is the national SOl'. Toronto and are at home Her full sleeves ended in ority's first project with the In Grand Rapids. lace cu.ffs, and lace edged Lung Association, a pam. The bride, daughter of Mr, her tram. I" phlet, "Keep Your Child ------Her full, long veil, also from Choking," dealing with TRIDITIDN BDUSI " 5600 E. EIGHT MI./MOUND RDS. 366-6512 'IF==="'==;===~==='=9.1 edged in lace, fell from a lace the aspiration of foreign DAilY 10.9 • SAT. 10.6 • SUN 12"5 cap. She carried a cascade of bodies in young children. yellow S wee the a rt roses, The pamphlet, financed, s t e p h a not i s and baby's. with the help of a grant from II A VERY SPECIAL BUY! breath. the Alpha Xi Delta Founda- 1&1 1{ In Empire-waisted frocks tion, describes objects that: 0100 of rust Qiana and matching can be harmful if swallowed: ~~ capelets were Mrs. James and first aid measures to use ih .., NURSIN~ R. Young, of Kalamazoo, if a child is choking. It is honor matron for her sister, I available through the Ameri. HOME and bridesmaids B a I' bar a CHRISTINE MARIE MEIER, daughter of the can Lung Association of REGULARLY $67.50 Dunlay, of Troy, and Mrs. Carl R. Meiers, of Lochmoar boulevard, spoke Southeastern Michigan, 28 Richard E. Sterry, an Albion her marriage vows Saturday evening, September West Adams, Detroit. College roommate of the "The Lung Association re. HOt;) E \ST JEFFEnSO~ bride. 16, in Christ the King Lutheran Church to Mr. ports that more than 2,000 DETHOIT, :\11C1I. Bussell, son of the Mervin Bussells, of Stanton. Yellow mums, Talisman deaths each year are attrib. Practical and uted to aspiration accidents," Sweetheart roses and yellow decorative cock- 821-:1525 statice formed their Colonial They are the sons of Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Keller came notes Mrs. Michael Brogan, Mrs. Mervin Bussell, of Stan- from Frankfort, Mich., for Grosse Pointe chapter presi. tail table to have Qwrlily .'Vllrsillg Cnre bouquets. ton, her granddaughter's wedding. dent. next to a chair. Thomas J. Bussell came Gerald S. Bussen, of Stan. "The pamphlet reminds us Compound the in- from Warsaw, Ind., to serve ton, another brother, and to teach children to chew 1!======ii1 as his brother's best man. John P. Meier, of Cleveland, their food properly. It also terest and use two in brother of the bride, ushered. urges adults to watch out for front of a sofa! Richly fin- LORIO.ROSS The mothers of the bride fragments of broken toys ished antiqued solid Pine. and bridegroom each selected and to keep purse, sewing 19" square by 16" high. ENTERTAINMENT AGENCY a long gown, the former's of basket and tool kit away Versatile musIc to satisfy all-ages. peach chiffon, the latter's of from little fingers." Take advantage of this great Benefits, Weddings, Private Parties pale green crepe. Cymbidium "corry home" offer. Sorry, no Cindy Navarro, G.P. Rep. 884-0300 orchids formed their cor- mail or phone orders! 30 units. sages, PIANO lUNING Visit our 'Christmas Ready' Gift Shop Now! /t's brimming with gifts from here and abroad! ~~~~~--~------_.1.... 1~~ IPointers Star Member Piano Tech Guild CONVENIENT TERMS I",.~~~. i At Marygrove l. MARION 372-3776 ------_._-----_._------I V"""- I A pair of Pointers, so. • . i prano Roma Riddell and Vi ceramic tree lIli pianist Lawrence LaGore, An intimate Cuuftuord fur lunCH... tf<' ". • h . ~ will be guest artists in this M 17 ~,gh, Wit . ,"set I: Saturday's "S a t u r day s at i multi colored lights. I Four" chamber music concert deliglttful sltups fur SHopping I White or green. Is.: at Marygrove College. \If '2195 J( They'll be featured on a ~ I November 18 program that i I includes works by Beethoven, i (j).~ If Wagner, Lasala, Granados i f;f, and Poulenc. Other artists lS1 I are flutist Clement Barone R ~~... I and cellist Mario DeFiore. I 830 8200 ~ Post-concert, the audience i t(~"'.;l"T'" t

The General Josiah Hal'- mar Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, with regents from other area THE'LAMIA SALON chapters as guests, will cele- brate the 40th anniversary HAIRCU'ITING BY A?PREI~TICES of its founding as a Grosse AND JUNIOR STYLISTS. Pointe Park Chapter this Saturday, November 18, with

a noon luncheon at the De. I, $10.00 trait Boat Club. 'i ALL CUTTING PERFORMED UNDER THE Mrs. !\Jarvin Putnam, past DIRECT SUPERVISION BY THE DIRECTOR DAR state historian, will AND STYLISTS OF THE LAMIA SALON. speak on "Household Help. 16239 MACK ers," bringing and demon. BY APPOINTMENT 885-5946 OORNtR OF THREUlJlX strating antique kitchen gad-I gets. I so YOU WAIT A COMFORTABLE SHOE?


BLACK /' Sunday., Novclnber 19 11 a.m. to It. p.m.

Kaleidoscope Lt, Caf.' Fran('ais

For Chrl-llIlil- \\1' !la\!' d pallorama t n ....h h ! Ir""!l,l r l'~ j lilli' Ii'" 'II 1-

01 ~ifl ide",- lor \ Oil, -"neoi .1,111\ _ "IJII,I.I\ Ilrll II, Ii -111./ oiilllll'r- 1,\ ""-,'1 \ i11"II, Ho~s and Seeley's 1\.('11, and\nd(,l'~on $26.00 CAMEL Si~n of Ih .. Lion (forlll",'h 1\ ,,//, .\:- (,(un''') BROWN 1..11111'-' l k"oI-i,,",d Fllrllllllf(' I,", ,j 11"\\ -1i"1' "'" 1,11'111 III :2,11.1"'1 011,,1 \," ('--orll'-. BLACK I"tI,I!:'", 1,1.111' - _ ,I" i I" 11.111-'"

DASH (~('rri~s K iIl1IH'rh F1(nH'r~ F


"p .o.n S. saec__c.e' =- "'*' sac

Page Twenty-Two GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, November 16, 1978 Society News Gathered from the Pointes Phase I Plans Special Thanksgiving Event Mrs. Gregory Solak Genealogical Re5earch Swell Anthony "7ayne Ranks Phase I, an organization I names begin with A through I Phase I's Sunday evening Society Sets Workshop Forty-two new ;'lCmbers I and future growth.. . for single persons ages 20 i E are asked to bring vege. J ~esslons at Memorial Church were inducted Saturday, Oc- Among those who bring 1 through 39 who meet regu. tables. Those whose last I have featured a career plan. The Detroit Society for tober 21, at the Detroit Golf I the society's membershi~ to larly at Grosse Pointe Me./ names begin with F through ning and ~Iacement special. Genealogical Research will Club into the Anthony 1271. inducted at the Nmth morial Church, continues, I should bring salads. Those ist and a psychic consultant present its annual workshop Wayne Society, (President's Annual Charter Night, arc November programming with I whose last names begin with and healer so far this month. I Saturday, November 18, in Club), of Wayne State Uni. Point:lrs Christine K. Tod?, its annual Thanksgiving pot.: !If through Z should bring On the last Sunday of the th!! Friends Auditorium of versity, w h i c h annually! ;'Ilr. and Mrs. Albert Mazzal, I~ek dinner this Sun~ay, No. I' desserts. I month, November 26, at 7:451 ".. the Detroit Public Library. honors those who have made i Dr. and Mrs, Joseph L. Posch, vember 19, at 6:30 0 clock at A $3 d t' '11 b o'clock members of Reeov. Registration begins at 9:30 generous contributions to I Jr" and Dr. Thcodore and p. h h I ona Ion WI ere. , 'Ie cure . I cry lnc will present a in the morning. The work. WSV's ("olltinuing excellence Dr. Nalla Pantos. : Phase I will provide the quested of anyone who does De~onst~~tion Panel. Reeov. shop, featuring eight speak. --- -INTRODUCING turkey. Mem~ers whose last not bring food. cry, founded by thc late ers who will discuss the ~;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;:~iiiOiiiiiiiOi __ iiiiiiii_iiiii Abrah am A. Low, M.D., who genealogical tools used in the WANT SOMEONE TO TALK TO? authored "Mental Health search for ancestors in this MICHELLE Need Help With A Problem? Through Will Training," is a country as well as in Ger. Trained at the Toronto Academy organization for per- many and A1sace.Lorraine, specializing in cuts, styling Call SS2-LIFE sons with nervous, mental or and Huguenot Genealogy, I Ebenezer Baptist Church emotional problems. starts at 10 o'clock, I Llfe.Llne' Phase I's social calendar The program is open to the BALDO'S "- I ~~;;;;~~;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~ I is particularly crowded this .. public without charge. The HAIR SALON I - weekend. speakers will offer assistance I 17640 Mack n Youth Hostels Volleyball is scheduled for in resolving problems of par-I Open Thursday and America tomorrow evening, Friday, ticipants, who are asked to I Friday evenings presents November 17, at 7:30 o'clock bring their questions in writ- Warren Miller, .in person in Memorial Church's Fellow. ten form. "Ski A La Carte" ship Hall. The annual Phase • 90 mlnule fealure film I hayride at Green Acres Reereation Area is set for '~.'. Ford Auditorium Saturday evening, November Wednesday, Nov. 22 - 8:30 p.m. 18, at 6:30 o'clock. Tickets: over 18 $4.25 The hayride, at $6 per under'18 $3.25 person, is by reservation A•• U.ble et Am.rleen Youth only, (756.3259), limited to 3024 Coolidge, Berkley Hudson's, Ford Auditorium end eree .kl .hop' 40 people and will include a spagl.pUi dinner and square .... Information: 545-0511 .... 1 dancing. At an evening ceremony Saturday, 'August '0h,~ 12, in Christ Church, Grosse Pointe, JILL ANN showroom ZEVALLOS, daughter of Patricia Ann Zevallos, fre&h of Lakepointe avenue. was married to Mr. Solak, alteady! IN GROSSE POINTE YOU CAN FIND THE son of the Walter Solaks, of Detroit. TOP LINES IN SKI.FASHION ONLY AT GROSSE POINIE SKI 'N' IENNIS SHOP Jill. Zevallos Wed I BOGNER HEAD To Gregory Solak I I John E. GrHfHh Eseod, S;s/., Down A;,I.; Two ! ROFFE Young Sisters Serve As Junior Bridesmaid ! And Flower Girl I ALSO A reception in the Undercroft followed the ,I wedding of Jill Ann Zevallos and Gregory Frank ( ELDEWEISS Solak Saturday, August 12, in Christ Church, Grosse Pointe. Father Gary Fulton officiated at the eve- ning rites. WHITE STAG The b rid e, escorted white eyelet frock. Jodi also down the aisle by her wore white eyelet, sashed SUNBUSTER brother, John E. Griffith, and trimmed in pink. They 1 who also served as an carried white baskets filled l Don't settle for less. Call the one and only usher, was given in mar- with pink miniature roses. SKYR riage by her mother, Pa- The bridegroom, son of I. tricia Ann Zevallos, of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Solak, Lakepointe avenue. of Detroit, asked Jon Hoag- Steve Hagopian &Co. HOT GEAR lund, of Boyne City, to serve The former Miss Zevallos as best man. Joining John wore a traditional gown of Griffith in the usher corps 3531910 peau dc soie, with lace em. I GERRY was Jeffrey A. Griffith, an- broidery, and a matching other brother. 1. Based on number 01 sq II veil. White roses, a white The mothers of the bride __ i....._,.., MO_~..~_~.A_"_••_" ~_.,_,._"._._"_-_,._'~_. ' _",._.~_~_,_,,_.- _' _'_~ _' _"'_' _'" _ ALPINE orchid and ivy formed her bouquet. and bridegroom both wore I DESIGNS She was attended at the 7 floor length gowns, the for. o'clock ceremony by honor mer's pink, the latter's yel. maid Evelyn Dichter and low taffeta. Each selected a I Coordinated By Our Fashion Buyer, with Our bridesmaids Lori Kaechele. white orchid corsage. Sweaters, T.Neelcs, Warm-Ups, Bibs, Hats and Gloves a sister, of Ann Arbor, and The newlyweds, who vaca'i Cynthia Eyres, in street Honed at Virginia Beach, arc I length dresses of lavender at home in Roslyn road. I Gwae 'Pebcfe Ski 'It Teui6 Sleep flower print, and by two I younger sisters, 10.year-old Reappointed to the State I 20343 MACK AVE. 884-5660 Lynn Zevallos, who served Advisory Council for Voca- . , Grosse Pointe Woods, Mi. 48236 as junior bridesmaid, and tional E due a t ion by the • Hours Mon., Thurs., Fri. 9;30-9:00-Tues., Wed., Sot. 9:30-6;00 nine-year-old Jodi Zevallos, State Board of Education Clower girl. is Pointer FRANCES PRIDE!! Pink satin sashed and STEARNS, a research writ. trimmed Lynn's floor length, er. oriental desig n rugs THANKSGIVING SERVICE by 7:30 P.M. Wednesday, November 22, 1978 Grosse Pointe Woods - Presbyterian Church 19950 Mack Avenue Message by Rev. Robert McGregor of Christ Church Episcopal Music by the Chancel Choir and Joy Unlimited of Woods Church Sponsored by Christ Church, The Memorial Church and Woods Presbyterian

Eat,drink and be married. Just send the invitations, and we'll handle the We have a lot of it! And we can share it with details. We know how lO throw a terrific wedding you! You can ahvays be sure your clothes are party. We have just the room for your rccept ion dry cleaned and pressed to perfection ... there's and just the person to plan is' rffi quality in every job we do for you at Henry's. Call Stouffer's party tou er.'S. consultant. Eastland lXtlllO \','m,," 1I11:hl\.1\ 1/1-1\-1111 Hen'ry's Cleaners of. Grosse Pointe Woods 20119 Mack Ave. Phone 881-2800

KRAUSENECK CARPETS 166 So. Gratiot, Mt. Clemens 468-0585

•• ".' IPS••• ' •••• '.'1'•••••••••••• 7.2.' ••••• 2•••• 2 ' •• 7 .' .. n••_.Sllo m n_ '_ ••~c -...---~~~--.,.-~-~~----~--~~----~---~~'~--~-~-~~-. - - - .... ------,--~

Thursday, November 16, 1978 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Twen1y-T"nree Women's. Page by, of and for Pointe Women State's Stanford Club to Hear James March James G. March, David evening, Thursday, Novem. Beautiful Things ',for St. Clare Bazaar Jacks Professor of Higher ber 16, at Kingsley Inn, Education at Stanford Uni. Bloomfield Hills. versity, will be guest speak. In,terested Stanford alumni er at the Michigan Stanford and friends may call 673. Club's dinner meeting this 0882 for further information.

GRANDFATHER CLOCKS Walnut - l\1ahogan)' - White Order Now lor Christmas Delivery T M. <. PAUL BOONE & SON New Term Begins Nov. 20 in Grosse Pointe! . 14937 !I:. Warren at Alter 882-9247 BALLET CLASSES BY CHRISTOPHER FLYNN • Mr. Flynn will teach ballet classes for adults on the beginner and intermediatel •oj advanced levels and for Intermediate level youngsters. •. Mr. Flynn, a member of the major faculty of the UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN • New Owner Presents dance department, trained with VALENTINA PAREYESLAVEC, ROBERT ~ JOFFREY, and the SCHOOL OF AMERICAN BALLET THEATRE. He was .. Artistic Director of the Christopher Ballet. Children from 5-1/2 years of age and Intermediate children will be taught by BETH KRAUS. Exercise classes are available mornings, afternoons and evenings. Disco, International Folk and Belly Dancing will be taught Fridays. ,• For more information call Beth Kraus... 882-2375 • Photo by DWIght Cendrowsk. • Designers JESSICA CENDROW .. Saint Clare de Montefalco Christ- • SKI, (standing), and MARY WHITE, mas Bazaar, to be presenteJ Friday, -- , (seated, left), are creating arrange. November 17, from 10 in the morning • ments of handmade cornhusk and as- until 9 in the evening, and Saturday, 5700 E. EIGHT Ml./MOUND RDS. : sorted dried flowers. with the help November 18, from 10 to 6 o'clock at DAILY SAT. ]Q.6 e SUN. 12-5 : of HELEN BAKER. (seated, right). the church, Mack avenue at Whit- 'OPA'lne. PHONE 366 ..6060 ~ and VIRGINIA STANKO, for the tier road. • J • YOU ARE INVITED TO COME SEE OUR • OPEN HOUSE SUN., NOV. 19 Pointe Garden Han'I,. I' "11(' illl il..d illl" a ,h"p a, UIIUI'U' a, Iht' Salon From Another Pointe of View I d'l'i":':,III"P l,w,II,.d ,II :!1)t)1):! \lil"~ in (;ro"l' I'"inll' \\ oo,k Club' to Meet \/r. \ ('m. 11"1\ "\111('( "I tlu' 1'0(111<'(Dill id F. Val id .,aloll. (Continued from Page 17) BRAND NEW FACE! and hi, -Iall I' \ll'll'I'<'"iollal ,t.,li,[-; in will hold its regular monthly of the Burton Collection. We've redesigned our interiors! Ilu' arpa 10 I i"\1 IIII' illlc'ri"r 01 Ihi, filiI' ('.;Ial>li"hlllelll SUII' meeting in "split session" at Pointe members of the committee include Mrs. Every' d,lI. \,)\('ml,,'r It) lrolll J 1061'.111. ' 10 o'clock Monday morning, Ray W. Macdonald, Mrs. Paul J. Kelley and Mrs. where is the newest in fine traditional \Ir. \l'rII "';11- ,lllitl:': ,,,11001- ill D<'lroit and 1'0:1 "llroll. November 20. Hostess for the Winfield S. Jewell. Jr., the association's president and contemporary furniture includ. II.. ha, O\llu'd ,alon' on \Ia ..~ ill (;ro--l' I'oillie. Iklroil. Ea.;[ first 15 membeM, (Mrs. C. G. emeritus, who had previously kept many of the Dc'lroit illle! /lo'e, dlc' f"r :!() IPar,. II .. i, a 1I1l'1Il111'r of l"e Browne through Mrs. Byron records in her basement. ing dining rooms! You'll DI'tilll ~i\lalli, C1uIo. I'"rl Ill;roll Ilair Dn'"er, \'~Ol' .. I'a.;[ .. ... B. Phillips), will be MM. .. )'f1',id"l1l of Ihl' J)l'\wit \"lW .. 1III'II,III'r 01 lloe Detroit Coif, Investment in the Future . also find all the great trap- Iun', COllullillc"','III"IIlIH'r of IIII' I'orl Iluroll SI.,I(',; Bo,h. Nathan B. Goodnow, of The generosity of Elizabeth Warren Shelden I pings, from ceramic elephants "Thl' lull ,UIT('" 01 llil' Saloll d'l'ie:,:all"(' \lill I", ill llil' Handy road, assisted by MM. Gerald E. Warren. has substantially increased the educational scholar- aloilil\ "I ollr ,Ialf 10 d"lill'r ,'olllpll~Ic' loe'ILHI ~l'nin'." ship program of the Boys' Clubs of Metropolitan to fine Italian

95 NOW 819 WAS 1.18.40

Gleaming crystal artistry lives in Complete line of Schrock, Corsi, Merillat and European style cabinets. these lighting creations. Select from FREE PLANNING SERVICE ••• Bring your kitchen or bathroom these and dozens of other crystal measurements. Our specialists will layout your plans and show you lighting fixtures in a variety of sizes and classic period styling. All on sale. how easy it really is. Or, we can recommend an installer to you who can All Crystal install your cabinets at a moderate price. We carry a complete line of kitchen and bath supplies at low discount prices to everyone. S6 Kitchen Styles, 240 Bathroom Vanities. WHOLESALE PRICES TO ALL! Cash and Chandeliers 20 50 in. . Carry, Do-it Yourself. . on sale at - "/0 OFF 29635 H-ARPER I.JMIT 2 ! SAtE ENI>SNOV. 27~ 1978 THE COST OF NEW FURNITURE ~ .. your heiriooIM . • taotom. ,,*-. AI worte pWecI in our _ thop. Ctof-. and ...... CII'll 1lJPIrior. 1241 E. 14 Mile Rd. • 585-1400 from Iullhds of . dIcoraIor fabrics In tndtionaI and tort patterns.. (~ Mile ('1St of Oakland Mall) 12 MIl! 771-6320 27311 Gratiot Ave. • 771.2211 Call for F.... Isd ...... 64200410 ... Store Hours: (North of 11 Mile Rd.) DKoIator. to GUlIt,aut ; .. Mon. & Fri. 9.9 S_ Tue •. , Wed. Thu .... 9.6 LIGHTING CENTERS Mon. thru Sat. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. YAN Interiors and UphoIstwy Co. Mon. & Fri, till 9 p.m. ~ w'" VI-. SU~:.'19~.5 ~ c:.. ' _~ •• h .. r=

.. •• Eft« =_.-, ..... -.- _ .. _e_ . . e.o, ... a;s • - a ••• sq

Page Twenty-Four GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday t November 16, 1978 Society News Gathered from the Pointes Navy Seaman Apprentice! JAT, son of MR. and MRS. PETER J. ZALOPANY. son! LOUIS D. KUJAT, of Moran of ?IRS. MARIANNA ZAL.! road, participated in the Wee Wisdom comes to Mack an Cadieux OPANY.of ~ollingham road. ' United States Sixth Fleet op- 881-0268 and Navy AVlatlon Ordnance.: eration "N at ion a I Week Miss Fitch Bride of Mr. Markwick man Third Class JOHN KV- i XXV," Conaton, James Conaton, the Fitch, of Grosse Poi n t e - .- Newlyweds Vacation in Maine ,Following Early bridegroom's, Farms, and Mr. and Mrs. '1J1~dorY1 Autumn Wedding: Are at Home in John Markwick, the bride. Harvey Kines, who reside in Wee ,.v';onJ- 5So(,1 Grosse Pointe Park groom's brother, and the northern Virginia, is a Music e bride's brothers, Douglas Performance major at Wayne hoOf- Mr. and Mrs. Roger Humphrey Fitch enter- Fitch and Roger Fitch, Jr., State University. Sc. tained at a reception in their Washington road of Tempe, Ariz. . The b'drl egroom, gran dson CALVI" C"URe" home following the Saturday, September 2, wed- The mother of the bride of Mrs. Norman Bowen, of ding of their daughter, Constance Elizabeth Fitch, wore a floor length gown of Clawson, attended Wayne Pre-school classes, Kindergarten. Day Care, Hot lunCh, aft d J ff L. M k antique while crepe. She State University and is now Playground. Open Year 'Round 6:30 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. has an .e rey eW1S ar wick. placed white roses in her associated with the H.R. 17219 Mack near Cadieux The Reverend Gary Ifingertip Ie n g t h, -i-J1-us-io-nhair. The b rid e g roo m's Black Company. 8amSIIHDAY F~lton and Dr. Donald C. veil. Ivory roses and baby's. mot~er selected a. long gown Mr. and Mrs. Kines traveled WIlson of Lancaster Pa breath formed hE'r bouquet of silver grey Qlana and a to The Pointe for the wed. preside'd at the' 1:30 In floor length frocks ~f pink cymbidium orchid cor. ding. Other out. of. town Worship Service o'clock rites in Christ rosewood Qiana featuring sage. . gu.ests were pr; and Mrs. Church Gr,)sse Pointe. scoop necklines and long I The brtde, granddau~hter I Wilson, the brIde s uncle and I The n~wlyweds vacationed sleeves were Mrs. William of Mr. and Mrs. FerriS H. aunt. ~!"6 , in Maine. They are at home Duncan, honor matron for in Grosse Pointe Park. her cousin, and bridesmaids Mrs. J. L.Merkw'lck - JOIn.,s. I Alencon lace accented the Shannon Fitch, another cous. - \ \-.Li-r ~ 1.2!'~! Empire bodice of the bride's in, Ann Brennan, Gail Ham. ivory organza gown, styled mond, Martha Gregory and " (rneris a coffee ~ from 7to81to!) with a skirt extending into Jean Markwick, the bride. a cathedral train bordered groom's sister. %. .•...:•... ~~~ MoRE DE1'Ni.s? CAU.M fl.t{. LMAY SHAULlSS with ivory satin and match. They carried bouquets of ; ing lace, and an illusion dusty pink carnations and ,i" - 885-4184 - yoke featuring seed pearl baby's. breath and wore .; Oil JlI.ST SHOWUP AT OlM Ul'PP ROOM CAAPIL sprays radiating from a lace sprays of baby's.breath in )6uY/'t cltetrhl'y ~ .neckba'nd. their hair. {; . Seed pea l' I embroidery Mr. Markwick, son of Mr. C!tL'I'N EAST IhIlflD PlusIV"l1«W4 CtfUACH j:. . studded the Juliet cap of and Mrs. John Markwick, Of, ~',~',t,'.': . ,Ii'" the bi' 'turk & ttIt..,. "ttrt-('A~{M Bfa""} Alencon lace that caught her Clawson, asked Alan Can. ~ "",. I.94.c..fJi1' lace. bordered, two. tiered, trell, also of Clawson, to act - as best man. ~ . Ushering were Pat r.i c k ~i:¥' 1 ,'. Set Christmas Pewabic Shaw

This year's Pewabic Pot. tery Christmas Show will be larger in exhibitors and dis- plays, thanks to remodeled space in the Michigan State University facility in East Jefferson avenue. Thirty invited professional potters and 20 advanced stu- dents will show their works in three newly. remodeled second floor rooms in addi. tion to the lower gallery. The exhibit will be oven

from noon to 5 o'clock Sun- '.':. ~/ day, November 19, and run .".~ from noon to 4:30 o'clock "Show biz 01 the best /cine/" SHIILIYIDlI, Fill Pltlll Mondays, starting November ,.J:. I~ funnYI memorable ~vening" LOS ANOILII 11MII 20, t h r 0 ugh Saturdays through January 6. Admis. sion and parking are free. CONSTANCE ELIZABETH FITCH, daugh- NOVEMBER 14.19 Remodeling of the histor- r Tues., Wed., Thur. & Sat. - 8:30 p.m .• Fri. - 7 & 10 p.m. ter of' Mr. and Mrs. Roger Humphrey Fitch, of ic pottery, begun in 1966 Washington road, was married Saturday Sep- Sat. - 2 p.m .• Sun. - 6:30 p.m. when Henry Caulkins gave it to MSU, continues to de. tember 2, in Christ Church, Grosse Poi~te, to TICKETS$4.50 to $12.50 - CALL963.7680 velop more space for classes, Mr. Markwick, son of the John Markwicks, of exhibits and the Pewabic Clawson. Museum. Music' hAll CENTER The museum features Pe. pottery's artistic founder. 350 MadisH AYe,Detroit. Groups call Joa. Heilft, 963.7622 wabic pottery and tile, some She and Horace J. Caul. NIXT AnlACTION: lI.ACK5TONI MAGIC SHOW NOV. 21.26 of which has the beautiful kins, Henry's father and a iridescent glazes developed founder of the Detroit In- by Mary Chase Stratton, the stitute of Arts, erected Pewa. I bic Pottery in 1907. MSU has preserved the pottery - now one of only, two arts potteries in the na. tion - and developed it as a Lifelong Education Pro- gram center in urban Detroit. Both afternoon and' evening classes in ceramic arts are offered on college credit or avocational bases. Since 1972, the pottery has had federal and state pro. tection as an historic site. Individuals and families may tour the pottery during the public hours. Organized adult group tours may be ar. ranged by calling 822-0954.

For holiday entertaining ... a handsome game table and chairs.

Think of all the ways you'll use this versatile set: for puzzles, matches, board games or just relaxing over coffee with a Clalilc monogrammed sweaters for girls .and teens are carefree few friends. You'll wonder how you ever got along without it! acrylic knits to warmly top pants or skirts ... a gift that is Table is made of oak veneers with selected solids, has a parquet personally hers. Shown are but two of several monogram designs. patterned top, 40" diameter. Table height adjusts from 18"-30". A. Crewneck pullover with ribbed trim. In red, navy or cream. Chairs, covered in bittersweet vinyl with nailhead trim, move B. Cardigan sweater. White, red, navy; plus green for teens. easily on casters. 25"Hx25"Wx24"D. Table and four chairs, $799.

In 4-6x sizes, $11; 7-14 sizes, 12.50; Teen's 8-14 sizes , $15. , Please allow 3 weeks for delivery. JacobSon'S GROSSE POINTE OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENING UNTIL 9 P.M. Jacobson's STORE FOR THE HOME - 17141 KERCHEVAL AVE. TWO HOURS FREE PARKING. WE WILL VAliDATE YOUR TICKET Thursday, November 16, 1918 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Twenty-Five Women's Page -by, of and for Pointe Women ------_._------_._------Moran-Heidt Rites Read September 1 Mrs. Edward Moran Golde!l i\'ight el Jl1llsic llall , Music Hall Center for the I I'ollowing the opening Kat hIe e n Gnau Teresa C h and 1e r, George Heidt, Performing Arts celebrated I night per(o;mance, an invi. Bride's Uncle, Father Jerome Lemmer, S.J., And I Seghi, Lindell Sto~er, Deb. brother of the bride, Chris its 50th anniversary Tues-, Lational afterglow on.stage Father James Cronk Officiate at orah Dowdall Deacon, of Pendy, Mark Ferry, who day evening, November 14.1 recognized the theater's Gol. Autumn Wedding , Wis" and Donna came with his wife from with the opening of the show den Anniversary and ack. Dykstra Heidt, a sister-in. Lakewood, 0., for the cere. "4 Girls 4" and the unveiling nowledged financial support Vacationing in Florida after their wedding Fri- law, and junior bridesmaid mony, and James McSherry, of an historic marker' OIl the of contributors to the non. day evening, September 1, in Gr0sse Pointe Memo- Mary Beth Cloutier, cousin of who came with Mrs. Me- front of the building. profit, performing arts cen- the bride, were in sleeve. Sherry from Peoria, Ill, ter. rial Church were Mr. and Mrs. Edward Thomas Master of ceremonies was Moran who are now at home in Warren. less, Empir~-waistt:d dresses The mother of the bride A tribute was paid to out- ?f yellow Qlana, WIth,match. wore pale blue Qiana, with The Honorable Peter n, Spivak, first chairman of going board chairman :\Irs. The 5:30 o'clock cere- mg cap~s. a chiffon cape. The bride- Alfred R. Glancy, III, and mony at which Father organza and lace styled with They carried bouquets of groom's mother's dress of Music Hall's board following a fitted, cap-sleeved, Empire its establishment in 1973. ne\\' board chairman E. Har- James Cronk and Father white. daisies, yellow carna. pale green Qiana featured \1 fJ')d R~dholm was intro- bodice, an A-line skirt and tions and baby's.breath, with a beaded bodice. Each had Jerome Lemmer, S.J., high, banded neckline. Among participants in the duced. Aftergiow chairman uncle of the bride, offi- yellow and white str~mers. a single gardenia. dedication ceremonie~ WNe .\as :'III'SJay:'!. Kogan. ciated was followed by a Lace edged her chapel John Moran came from Special guests included the Michigan Secretary of Sbtc :'oIusic lIali was built by reception at the Grosse train and a lace cap caught Gibsonburg, 0., to serve as bride's grandmother, Mrs. Richard Austin, Detroit in. 1\1rs, Alfred G. (:-'Iatilda) Pointe Yacht Club. her chapel length veil, scat. his brother's best man, They Katherine Griffin, of Porn. dustrialist and philanLhro. . pist Max M, Fisher anti :.Iich. Wilson in 1928.It opened in The bride, the former tered with lace appliques. are the sons of Mr. and Mrs. pano Beach, Fla., and the December of that vear with Mary Jo Heidt, daughter of She carried a casoode of ivy John V. Moran, of Merri. bridegroom's cousins, Mr. igan Historical Comllli~~ioll ~'lorenz Ziegfeld's- produc. Mr. and Mrs. George Heidt, and stephanotis. weather road. and Mrs. Daniel Thompson, member Charles V. Hagler. tion of "Rosalie," starring Jr., of McKinley avenue, Patl'icia Heidt, honor maid Us her i n g were Alan of London, Ont. The unveiling and dedica. :.\Iarilyn ~,liller, Jack Dona. chose a gown of sheer white for her sister, bridesmaids I tion took plaee at the build. ghlle and Frank :-'Iorgan. Tri.Deltas Open Year with October Meeting ing entrance during the The Art Deco style thea- show's intermission. The his- leI' was designed by archi. ington road, publicity chair. toric marker designates !\Iu. leel \Villiam Kapp, of Smith, City of Members of the Detroit. man; and Mrs. Donald Yen. sic Hall's listing in the !';a. Hmchman and Gryl1s, and Grosse Pointe Alumnae Chap. derbush, of Three Mile drive, tional Register of Historic many of the same artisans ter of Delta Delta Delta gath. in charge of fraternity edu- Places and was authorized and craftsmen who contrib. ~rnSllt 'ntutt 111arms ered Tuesday, October 24, in cation. through the History Division uted to the beauty of Mrs. the North Oxford road home President Bridenstine and of the Michigan Department Wilson's home, ?Ii e ado IV Michigan of Mrs. Robert Schueler Mrs. Neil Georgi, of Wood. of State. Brook Hall, also executed in. for their first fall meeting. land Shores drive, serve on The show, "4 Girls 4," stars terior embellishments of the House Corporation board Rosemary Clooney, Rose Music !'fail, originally named Mrs. Louis Bridenstine, Pkalo by Rick Dmo;an Jr., of Washington road, of the University of Michi- Marie, Helen O'Connell and the WIlson Theatre. NOTICE OIF HEARING gan's Iota Collegiate Chap- president, welcomed new Married to Mr. Moran, son of the John V. former Detroiter Margaret I As J\Iusic Hail Center for ter. Whiting. It will run at the: the Performing Arts the thea- members, held a short busi- Morans, of Merriweather road, Friday evening, ZONI'NG BOARD OF ness session and reported on Any Tri-Delta new to the Music Hall through this! ter is presenting its sixth highlights of the national area or planning an address September I, in Grosse Pointe Memorial Church Sunday, November 19. with: season of shO\\'s,offering 142 Tri-Delta convention she at. change is asked to notify was MARY JO HEIDT, daughter of Mr. and Mrs an early ~nd late shoYi to- i perform~nces .of jazz, danc~, APPEALS morrow lIlght, Friday, :\0- pop mUSiC,mime and magic tended in New Orleans this membership chairman Gail George Heidt, Jr., of McKinley avenue. l summer. Mixa, 751-1216. vember 17. : in 1978-79. Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Mrs. Patrick Clark, of Ray- Board of Appeals will meet in the City Hall mond road, vice.president, at 90 Kerby Road, Grosse Pointe Farms, on outlined the year's program and activities. Prominent Patronize MONDAY, DECEMBER 4, ] 978 among them is support of at 8:00 p.m. to hear the appeal of Mr. George the fraternity's national phil. MANCUSO WOODS KING'S PETER PAN J. Baer, II, owner of the premises located at anthropy: children's cancer Your 333 Moran Road from the denial of the Build. research. Florist & Gift Shop FLORIST FLOWERS FLOWER SHOP' ing Department'to issue a Permit for the con. Local struction of an addition to the rear of his home The evening also marked 16373 Harper 20923 Mack 14522 E. Jefferson 14542 E. Jefferson at the foregoing address. Such Permit issuance the beginning of the chap- ter's eighth annual Christ. FTD was denied for reason that: mas card fund.raiser. Mem- 886.8200 881.4233 822.0901 822.3697 1. The residence located on the fore- bers made dates, with Mrs. Florist going premises is non-conforming for A. Jack Galsterer, of Rose- reason that it projects into the re- dale court, project ~hairman, quired open rear yard space in viola- to purchase caros. Sales closed November 15, tion of the provisions of Article XIII, Section 1300 of the City's Zoning Other officers serving the Ordinance, and in accordance with th~ chapter this year are Doro. ALLEMON provi"sions of Article XV, Section thy Dratchmidt and Linda 1502, Item 4-A of the City's Zoning Korver, both of Lakepointe FLORIST Ordinance, no such structure may be avenue, secretary and treas. (on E. Warren) urer, repsectively; Mrs. Sam enlarged or structurally altered unless Minnella, of Bournemouth 1793J E. Warren a variance is granted. circle, newsletter editor; Mrs. 2. The proposed addition to the rear of Thomas Schulte, of Wash. the home located at the foregoing ad- dress further infringes upon minimum Hospital Calls required open rear yard space of 30 feet, leaving a rear yard of 16 feet, and For Volunteers' thereby requiring a variance from the provisions of Article XIII, Section Women and men who have 1300 of the City's Zoning Ordinance. a few hours a week to spare GROSSE POINTE The Hearing will be public. Interested are needed as volunteers at South Macomb Hospital, 12 FLORISTS property owners or residents of the City are Mile and Hoover roads, War- invited to attend. ren. Information may be ob- tained by calling the has. 174 Kerby pital's director of Volunteer RICHARD G. SOLAK, Services, 573.5112. Secretary A slide presentation spot. Zoning Board of Appeals lighting services performed Published: Grosse Pointe News, issue of by volunteers in the hospital November 16, 1978. and the community is avail. '- , able to community groups. ----'------SWEENEY'S FLOWERS

.it \927\ Mack PIAGE1 881.8300

,CONNERPARK FLORISTS .'K. r 9830 Conner 527.7550 Start your owntradition. Send the FTD Thanksgiver~Bouquet. It's such a thoughtful reminder of you. The FTD Thanksgiver Bouquet in a woven wood basket. Or the CHARVAT FTD Fall Mum Plant in a woven hat-shaped basket. And you can send them almost anywhere, the FTD I THE FLORIST ... , _~~~~~ ~~~er, call or visit your FTD Florist today. I'i:p!. / , .,-{-( • , . <'( r~..~/ . -:.~ ' ,",.., ... . ~-"~ "''1'' ~ :

18590 Mack at Worrero : .~t;).)'i "< :::'2' . ;J'" ~(" ::J."~--r' -:...~~, .... f'.... ~ 881.7800

The ultra-thin Piaget. Hand.crafted in Switzerland. All in 18k gold, BARRETT'S the case, the hands, the dial, the bracelet, even the buckle on the leather strap. Strap $2190. Diamonds $4990, Square $4350. FLOWERS PrietssubjUllocltllngr, ~ The FrO F,II Mom PI,", C~0U6b0ca 2\142 Mack Those FTD Florists really get around ...for you. r\:O'I...'nal ,kI':Cb:-=.~~CCllx:'l '8i~,'i 881.5550 The FTD ThMksBlVer Bouqutt" ",ually available ror lees Ihan SIS 00 1M FTO Fall Mum .Plant, pnces vat) KCOrd,ng to Slle As an Ind<:p

Thursday, November 10, 1978 Pa~~ Twenty.Six GROSSE POINTE NEWS ,....__ ---- ...... --~----~ ....----"-""'JIIIII!IllIIIII...... ------...... ,:~;--- .....-~~--~,~, ,.,.,'".~,>,'~,,:;,l!I'\., . . U TU..i'l~'"~;~Atu.J/}i:;;,,i,. ,,' C' a. xeatJ '~~;~7~f,,;:,,;J. 3 Trun~ Line~to Serve~'~IJQ~eUy~ , . , <:;;#j(;,;;:i:~,.' ,; > , ,>,; .", ; ~,:. . ~~; •.. s.- , ..._------"------~-~-----_.-~ --_._~ ------~ ------14A-HELP WANTED IS-SID'UATION lA-PERSONALS [2B-TUTORING AND I4-HELP WANTED ~'~4-:=H~EipWANTED 4-lfELt> WANTED \4-HELP WANTED ------.~-.------'-" .. ,EDUCATION GENERAL ! L I~.. ~ _D~~ESTI~ __ -.- __ I WANTED _ NEEDLEPOINT and crewel I __ .. ~__~.. I __ - __ ~_~.~~~ _ , __ I . ~ENERAL GENERAL - - - .- -~~~!~!----- BABYSITTER needed 3 days II YOUR HOME professionally pillows blucked and. fini~h-I PROFESSIONAL I MAINTENANCE. Experi'l WAITRESS part orfull-tim~~ ][OilIE TYPIST, excellent. LICENSED babysitter want a week for infant and pre. decoraled for Christmas. cd. ~Iso needlepoml m. ~ TUTORI NG I enced and del~endable. $41 17447 Mack. spelling, transcr;plion ?f I ed, your home for a 3 y~ar schooler, 885-8507. Schedule early. References slrudlOn. TU 1-7073, TU 6'1 ' . . _ i per hour. Cadleux.Harper. ---- ... ~.-.----- .. - court trans('npts. Ele~tf1c old and 11 month old. Call ____ ~'~,__ ~.__ ~_.-" - available. Phone David, ci318.._. _~.__~ ~, I Rea:tl~5~n~~e~~ma1i~~:I~mg _ B86-2502~~ ~.__ _ _ _---j C REt?IT C~ NT ACT ly~)ewritcr. Hrs~(Jnd In wri. ~f~er __5:~~ P.~~::,~!~~ HOUSEK!':EPEH with car 224-4971 before noon, A ~p~i\'ate collcctur wants I 882-0670 LICENSED beauty operator Im~l~dlate openmg for ~n- lll~g, 400B. 1h~~~ lIIile RECEPTIONIST for doclor's from 2-6 p.Ol., 4 days a ------~ ------~- OHlEt'\TAL HUG S all I to assist at The Green. dlvldual to follow up on In- DlIve, DetrJll 4822. '__ ~._ offlce, Grosse Pointe Park week. Call 882~0~37 be. HELIABLE YOUNG man lween 1 and 2 p.1ll seeking day work, wall sizes. Will pay any rdason-' -----~---._---.- house. Call Babs, 881-6833.1 stallm?nt acc~unt. ,Experi-, i'IELl' W.t\NTED. NO exper- 823.0260, 1 to 6 p.m. _.~ __ ,__. , ~ I washing, etc. 924-9197. able price .lsked. Please GROSSE POINTE ----.- ..-. .. I ence In de~llDg With the ience required. Gene's -_._--~ ~ -- .. ------call 1.482.5427. Thank you. LEARN ING LAWN CUTTING, leaf re'l public r~qulred, Excell.ent Idea ling. 885.9090. GOLDEN OPPORTUNITYt EXPERIENCED housekeep. WILL BABYSIT 1 chifd-~ ._'" . _ ~_.~ _~ ,._ moval help wanted. $4 per I opportulllty for 'promotlOn, _ .3n s I ~ ~ -- ~. for licensed cosmotolagis er, plain cooking, 2 adu,lls. toddler in my Grosse PUppy SITTEH service _ CENTER hour. Thomas Landscaping Good benefits. Downtown GENERAL ~IAINTENANCE interested in skin care References required. LIve. Pointe area home, 881.0290 Experienced, small dogs DOES YOUR 881.0292. location. Good Housekeep. and all around handyman, only. Field experience prc- in or out. 5 days, 885.575G, '-~~~-' ------~ . only, no tinklers, Refer. STU 0ENT --;:-----~---- ..-.-- ..-.. ing Shops. 962.9850 ext. must have knuwledge of ferred, however if you CO;~1~~~I~O~ da~~r~~': w:~~ en('rs S4,da~' including NEED HELP;> RN's / LPN's I 285, plumbing, electrical, car.' lack the experience but in S~SJTUATiON- .~-~-l portions of 1st and last I . I -~. - ._--~'- l:entry $2:10 a wcek plus stead have energy, inno W ANTED I Competent, conscientious days. VE 9.1385. I Professional Faculty offers LEADING ~;....TlONAL 1 SALES . fringes. Also gen:;ral help' vativeness, professional- _~ ----~ .-. nursing care given. Many ~ . '_~__ ~ _~._~--1READING & MATH NURSING SERVICE : (Christmas Positions) needed. light maintenance, ism and are knowledge SMALL HOME repairs, or Grosse Pointe references. Sl'E:-.iCEIt CORSET repair Tutoring-Primary and Se I Winkelman's is now hiring $4 per hour, gu~rds $3.5[) able c~mce~ning people large room renovations. Please call 527.3459. c' Custom built bars in your business for sale involving ondar" Levels'. All subJ'ect OUTSTA "',''DING BENEF'ITS .. 1 n I f th h I per hour. Apply 111 person. and their skm, phone 331 J s. '" I ~a es person ~ or eo. W. D. Gal~, 6400 ML Elliot 2864. homc. Experienced, fin. ODD JOBS-Gutter cleaning, sewing foundation gar. 63 KERCHEVAL Iday season. 1 urn your ex-I't I------~.----ished carpenter that is al. painting, interior and ex. ments and bras, $200 plus I Top Wages tra hours into extra in. DetrOl . MARKET RESEARCHERS- so dependable, with fine terior, etc. f'or services inventory. VE 9.1385 an the Hill Holiday Pay I come by joining our Fash. BOOK-KEE';;';Ii--= Acc~unts A large market research Grosse Pointe references. call Bill. 885-0934. BEN E FIT professionally. 343-0836 881-828 1 Malpractice Insurance ion Staff. We offer a good receivable to run Nationai firm needs interviewers to Call Douglas Shaw after 5. Learn to speak before Uniform Allowance salary plus a fashiong pur. Cash Register posting ma. conduct nationwide con 886-0805. YOUNG LADY, high school groups. Call Toastmasters 2F-SCHOOLS Shift.Weekend Differential I chase discount. Daytime, chine, Grosse Pointe loca. sumer surveys by tele senior desires office work' evening an~ or weekend tion. 884.1330. phone from our Detroit of HAND Y MAN, plumbing, afternoons and Saturdays. 886-3823. GROSSE POINTE CHOOSE YOUR DAYS hour needs. Stop in at any - . e fice. Full time or part electrical, carpentry, and Bookkeeping training. 774- BAHA' FAITH _ To learn INSTITUTE OF AND ASSIGNMENTS of our stores to discuss CLERICAL .steady part tun , time and temporary posi miscellaneous odd jobs. 1347 after 3. your availability. for Cadieux-Mack area tions available. Mostly eve 881.1349. _a_b_o_ut_it_Ph_o_n_e_87_2_.8_3_1_7_._ MUSIC LET US PAMPER YOU N E AN'S flexible hours, no Satur ning work with some week- COLLEGE PAINTERS FREE LARGE. male dog. Private or Class Instructio days, send age, phone num ends. We will train. Call EUROPEAN DRESSMAKER, n WI KL M 0 MUSIC-piano, voice, string Eq'lal Opportunity Employer bel' and. qualifications t after 4 p.m. M 0 n day 12 years experience, 881- EXPERIENCED Good with children, 881. s, MEDICAL ~ 36355, LOWEST PRICES 4587. guitar, wind instrument s, HIRING BARMAIDS, wait- T. FranCIS, P.O. BO~ .' through Friday. 872.0031. 5960. and organ. PERSONNEL POOL Grosse Pointe, MIchigan Pele 881-2431- Tim 886.0913 ______resses and part time kit. SECRETARY NEEDED for QUAL1TY Health Care in 1--- _ MICHIGAN HOT TUB I ART--Drawing and paintin g 882-6640 chen help. The Pirate's _4_B_23_6_. ---.- , senior center 10 hours per your horne, hospital or CALL NOW FOR Look in Sunday, Novembe r Distinguished Faculty Cove, 17201 Mack, PHARMACISTS HELPER week. If interested, phone nursing home. Our profes. SNOW REMOVAL' 12th Detroit News for WIn TU 2-4963 WEEKEND help wanted full time, no nights or holi Ms. Verlyn Thomas. B81 sional staff of registered College students . a Hot Tub entry form ------cashiers and pizza help FULL TIME COUNTER days. Experience preferred , 3374. nurses, licensed practical • Lowest Prices Page 3M, 15120 Mack Ave. 2G-CONVALESCENT Apply at Mr. C's Deli, One of thE; area's leading dry 884.2893. nurJes, and nurse's aides • Very Dependable nue, or 824.6165. CARE 1683Q East Warren. cleaning chains needs a PERSON NEEDED for sales are available 24 hours a counter clerk to work full GROSSE POINTE WOODS and stock in lighting store day, 7 days a week. Phone • Residential PINEWOOD MANOR, sma II DELIVERY BOY. Car pro ..I' time. Experienced pre. has several openings for NEED RIDE from Park t0 s. with some knowledge of 882-6640, Medical Person. • Commercial Troy, working hours. B24- private licensed adult fo vided, part time, after 4 ferred but not necessary as women s c h 0 0 I crossing decorating. Will train, part nel Pool. Day or night. Pete 881-2431- Tim 886.09p ter care facility with fam . 17447 Mack. long as have had relate:! guards, alternate and p3rt 4774 after 6 p.m. time, B85-6866, ily atmosphere. Ambula . job experience. Call Mr. time; preferably mothers NEED SOMETHING moved tory clients only, situate d THINKING OF A Atwell 885.3400 between 9 of school.age children. Ap STOCK PERSON for lighting PRIVATE NURSING delivered or disposed of? GENTLEMAN leaving fo r I Around the Clock Galifornia November 18 on ten roIling acres in th e CAREER JN RI=_AL I a,m. and 4 p.m., Monday ply at Public Safety De store neded from 10.6 Two Pointe residents will Metamora, Lapeer area, through Friday, partment, 20025 Mack Ave In home, hospital or nursing Wants person or couple t 0 3 Monday through Saturday move or remove large or vacancies only. Contac t ESTATE: J01 N A nue, cily of Grosse Pointe 885.6866. home. RN's, LPN's, Aides, share driving and expense s I .:ompanions, male attend • small quantities of furni. . Mrs. Gary Smith, 1.664- COMPANY THAT HIGH SCHOOL girl wanted Woods. ture, appliances or what Call before ,Saturday, 881 4090, for housework, near Vel', SECRETARY . bookkeeper, ants, live.ins, Screened all.d have you. Call for free esti. 2332 evenings. SELLS A MILLION nier and Lakeshore. 8Bl. EXPERIENCED dishwashers $200 a week, Gale Com. bonded. 24 hour service, 3-LOST AND FOUND DOLLARS WORTH 0212. and.waitresses over 18 and munications, 6400 Mt. El. Licensed nurses for insur. mate. 343.0481, 2-ENTERT AI NMENT liot, Detroit. ance cases. LOST-Collie, large female , OF REAL ESTATE HOMEMAKER AIDE needed reference!!. 822-3226. ALL CARE BAND AVAILABLE, full va POINTE AREA NURSES brown and white, 3 years , PER DAY. OUR for 32 hours per week. If ALL. AROUND girl, full HANDYMAN WANTED - NURSES REGISTRY riety of excellent music , TU 4-3180 chain collar, Grosse Pointe interested, p h 0 n e 1\Irs. time, doctor's office, East Must drive. Day shift. Call _ A medical pool. Private duty for all social occasions, 1 Park. "Honey". Children's ST. CLAI R 5HO RES Verlyn Thomas. 881-3377. side. Medical background 891-0355, TONY VIVIANO nursing, 24 hour service. 731-6081. beloved pet Generous re OFFICE NEEDS 5 ------preferred. Will train. Call Hospital, Home, Nursing MAINTENANCE supervisor. 839-3053 Monday through Handyman ward. 882-4143. NEW SALES PEOPLE. BUS BOYS H',me and Insurance Cases PIANO BAR entertainment Excellent position with d 30 Carpenter Work LPN's, RN's, Aides, Medi:' for your cocktail/dinner FOUND, black puppy, vicino EXPERI ENCED OR paid hospitalization. Ex. Fri ay, 8:30 to 4: . $3.50 HR. Must be 18. Part.time, flexi. .and cal Technologists, Physical party/wedding reception. ity of Jefferson and Bed- WILL TRAI N. OUR periencerl Call Mrs. PART TIME help-Officials, Miscellaneous n~'" ble hrs. Call Right Now- 1'herapist, Emergency Vis. Pre. Bee. Gees Repertory ford. 824.6637. Walker, 893.9745. supervisors, instructors, Repairs TRA IN ING PRO- 882.1108, iting Nurses. State licensed (Gershwin, Porter, et al.). FOUND on November 4, - ~... ----- and 0 u t door leaders, Guaranteed to induce con. GRAM WILL' GET IMMEDIATE part time posi. Neighborhood Club, 17150 881-2093 and bonded. Operated by. near Barrington road, an t' '1 bl t BOOKKEEPER after 5 p.m. Patricia Zevallos, 821-4058. .viyia\ity. Cal\ 862.4406 or • YOU RESULTS. CALL Ion aval a e 0 per30n Waterloo, 885.46.00. Lo'oking for accounts receiv- "478-4960, .engagement' 'ring. Call 'with excellent phone per, Grosse Pointe Park Police FOR f NTERVI EW; sonality to take incoming GENERAL OFFICE AND able bookkeeper with 5 PLANNING LEADED GLASS 2A-MUSIC and describe. ASK FOR BRUNO. telephone orders on week. ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE years' experience to handle large institutional food dis- A PARTY WINDOW REPAIR EDUCATION LOST _ An orange.colored ARL KEIM SHO'RES ends and evenings. Call Positions available for gen- For that extra hand to make Also buy leaded glass doors Tiger.stripe,. 6 month old E 774.1020 for interview. eral office and accounts reo - tributor. Good pay and PRIVATE PIANO lessons- benefits. Please call Mr. entertaining more enjoy. and windows. Beginners and advanced male cat. Vicinity Maumee 774-4060 ceivable clerks, hours 8 to able for you. Call Nancy 882-5833 and St. Clair. Please phone DENTAL ASSISTANT - 4:30. Call Judy at 571-3000 George Sham mas, 886-4959 881-1681. after 5 p.m. anytime after 6:30 p.m. after 6. 886-1199. PART TIME tea- Grosse Pointe office, Some from 8 to 3:30. 351.7582. HANDYIIlAN, for the un- PIANO TUNING and repair. cher wanted. Please call experience. 882.2820. usual in home mainten- i FOUND-German Shepherd 881-o26B after 6:00 p.m. KIND, RESPONSIBLE wo- 4A-HELP WANTED Careful work, reasonable 1------DOMESTIC WIDOW AVAILABLE for ance. Call after 6. Excellent rates. 886.4846, Young female, tan with and leave message. COUNTER GIRL wan led for man to babysit 2~2 year babysitting, day s, eve. ~ some b I a c k markings. Grosse Pointe area dry old one afternoon a week. references. 775.7362. WANTED - Live-in or out nings, weekends. Refer. WOODS MUSIC Found in Gr,),se Pointe J0 IN IN TH E ! ~eaner: .. 823-2770. __ B85-6189. Cooks, Maids, Housekeep. ences. 774-7915. TYPING, di\'ersified, by ex- STUDJO Woods area. 886-5272. IliENERAL OFFICE full DOWNTOWN -!\lajor park- ers, Housemen, Couples perienced executive secre. and Day Ladies for private I TWO YOUNG women are in. tary. 778-0064 after 6 p.m. 20551 Mack 885-0024 LOST on Halloween. Pure C H R1STMA S time, must be experienced, ing company needs person white cat in Brys.Mack good typist. Apply in per- for general office work, 25 homes. Grosse Pointe Em. teresled in learning basic 771-6867. ~ I Guitar, piano, theory, home ployment, 18514 Mack, at fundamentals in dressmak- or studio. area. 881.8970 or 343.0747. CHEERA T \ SOli, Gale Communications to 40 hours per week. Incorporated, 6400 !\It. EI. l\lust be bondable. 963- Cloverly Road, G l' 0 sse ing and tailoring. Call 293- IF YOU'LL name the job you Pointe Farms, 885-4576, 3694, 5 p,m. to II p.m. and want done, we'll do it! WOODS MUSIC 4-HELP WANTeD GANTO'S liot, Detroit. 921~4U30,Don 8279 10 a.m. to noon. weekends. STUDIO GENERAL Schafer. ------Shop UNDER ONE ROOF J 0ur most exciting and prof. ---~ ----- COMPANION for 2 girls 7 ENERGETIC, experienced A~D SAVE. 824-9509 or 20551 Mack 885-0024 XPERIENCED hairdresser itable season is fast ap. MATURE experienced per. and 12 after school to 6:3[) houseke;er, work includes ALTERATIONS NEEDED. 82Hl172. STOKES MULTI- Guitar, piano, theory. E with c lie n tel e needed, proaching and you can be son to host Friday and Sat. p.m. Mason school area. windows, floors and iron'j Size 12 pantsuits to be reo PLE SERVICE CO. ____ H_o_in_c_o_r_sl_u_d,i_o_.I booth rental also available. part of it. We offer chal- urday nighls and Sunday ~~~~_.6_12~0_a_f_te~_r_6_:3_0_._ing 1 day a week, 6 hours. duced to size 5. Call 882. LICENSED 2B- TUTORI NG AND 384-0330. lenging opportunities in morning,. family.typc res. NEW CAR porler, good Occasionally 2 days. 882- 0774. --~ ~"--"-- EDUCATION ooth sales and cashiering, taurant in Grosse Pointe benefits. chance for ad. 0050. Hourly pay with CARE FOR your loved one HELP WANTED, 'I' a g e.s I MEDICAL ASSISTANT _ We are currently hiring in Woods. 882~5J90 after 4 vancement, $3 hourly pay raises. Call after 7 p.m. in ho~pilal or home. Com- open. Gene's Landscaping: Mature, experience in in. preparation for tIle Chrl'st- p nL Ask for Hence. t S .. L d N ------'tl . 88- 9090 THE READfNG 10 s arL ce ,,,I'. ~n,. 0 I TEACHER NEEDS depend. pal1lons, Sl en, nurse s ;). , RAILROAD jections, EKG, VP, X-ray, mas hustle and bustle - -':,]>)O:NP CII"RlSTl\T:\S Al~ phone ('alls. l\Terolhs ehev'l able babysitter 1\Ionday-1 aides and nursrs Immedi- --.------A READING Improvement assisting doctor. Detroit so apply now at the Ganto's SAKS FIFTH AVENUE rolet, .B'z and Gratiot, East Thursday, beginning Jan. ately available. Call A:\IC' BOOKKEEPER - Experi- Easl side. 568.2025. at the Renaissance Center P t' 'r '1 bl DetrOIt. uary 2, 1979. 8.4, 8 :\1ile Health Care One 751~8780.I enced. reliable. seeking Cenler. Professional Fscul. ~__~_ ': al'l Imc POSl Ions aval a e ------' employmenl in G l' 0 sse ty, Enroll now. I i f:,r Christmas seasr)n. 11 to -WANTEI)---=ASSI~~'A-NT-I and Mack a;ea. $15 a da)'. PROI'ESSIONAL TYPI:\G, Pointe I'ieinity. 885.4434. 886-0750 I GROSSE POINTE EMPLOYMENT 4. 12 lo 5 anrl 12:30 to BFAUTICIAN-B84.6466 One boy 12 year.>. Call transcribing, light book. ----'----- ___ ~ ~ ' 5:30. I-:xccllenl working ,_" _. 1 882.0774. keeping in my home. Exec. SA-SITUATiON PRIVATE TUTORING i Come in today to discuss )'our employmcnt needs i conditions anti 3(),~ dis- WA:'S5(,Poinle ' I t.81 LE S FEDERAL year old. 4-7 p,m. Live-in SuperIOr techlllcal skills.: excellcnt rdrr{'nces. Call $500 TO $2,000 more about the exciting opportunities area. :i4:i.!)()10 SAVINGS or out. Salary and meals. B.S. degree and one year ~ Carol 526~4613 A WEEK, I bl Y , . 751 Griswold, Detroit Indian Village. Call 823.. graduale schoo!. L'nder.! -_._-_.---~-~~------I avai a e. ou re invited to bring your ,------96/-0170 2225. I standing, of managemenl, EXPERIE:'i'CED LAIn" wish. N YOUR husband or wife and attend our next Office Expanding Eq.lal Opportunity Employer. . ;~ .. -- --,--~~. ~.-. '-". - I by o,bl.ectl~'es Autonomous C'i day work. own transpor- SPARE TIME . ,---, .. ~- -~ . -- : EXI ERIENCED housekeep. sclf-lllitlat1l1g. Acknowl. talion. References 924. Career Seminar on Saturday, November ~al(;'l)( f"nn ne('(1cd. :\IIKE :lTAlIEH Chevrolet! er wanled 5 days weekly.' edged writing abilily. Good 7607 . Ileve;' 1ed for thc very first HOllU'i I)Jan . If you can has an opening for a full! 2 adults in family. re('rn!, inlervirwing trehnl"u(,s. ---~-'---- time ever on cassctt~ 18,2:00 p.m. at 22385 Gratiot, EC1st . ttlllr('a~hier.II'lllr."8t051 reference,;, tnp salar.v., L' 'ell t bl' 1", 'I\Tl'I'I' '------t;J1'C'>SC(Tets on how the ~cll ':. milli"n ~,.:1 ,11OUld ., I I,X, cn llll IC re allons .• : \', WO\I'\:\ d,-,~ires 4 rir h get (lcb. and how Detro it. Co 11771-6100 for your campi i_ [olll Ccorr:c I'al'lh for ;'1" daily. Apply in person. PIcase ph 0 n c 824.7687 mannrr. TlivrL;ific;j back. days a weck work, couking, '()Jntml'nt :\1i k (' \/ahpr Chrvro!et.' mormngs. ground facilitating faclor housek('ciling, L'.ao, l arc~ 1 )'('0, ('an also' If you've got mentary reservation . Thank you. 1:117;") f::l ~ t .1cff('r;;on, I nAB';'s~ll'TL'T~-... ~ f~) in ('ommunication with pre f('f r('(l II r f ...e re, n c c ~<. Ilw,aH:,.Allyoumustdo 1 J J I (',~ I" 1" , r.t or - prr~, I . . ., I~ follow lhc in~tnJctions Rea I Estate One (;('0 •. ':. ms .:""Itor ,I' h~e oIII 1(' ari(. schouler" in our 1Iomr. 7 \I'll (' vilrj{'\y of peL,Oll'i avaTlable, 923.8884. '1 I G t' t L' II 8B2.:>262i1ftN 7.00 II.m ,--- . of the taprs. Don't wait! 886 -4444 I)HIVEHS.-Tmmrdiatr oprn- (.,' I e~d .ra I10. "uR f time' . ~' .. t;..:XI'EI{[E:" hOllsekee - To ordN nflW, <(',nd $29.95 ,_.....:.. --' '------ings all shifls... 1'"1111()r I),~r'!..." ,00 sa ary, r erC'n:'cs. I Will ' • n\l~"re".;; your (')HISt'l. rr and laundr('ss 5 da' p (bl'ck or moncy ordrr to r------~I tllJlr 88:>1070, .)21-4614 afler 7 p.m. lllilS carel'i or an~ ("'rr('~~ Gro.'sr Point' 'f :,S. VALIANT REAL ESTATE SALES PERSON HI-:/,IJ\BLE WO:\IA:'i, Flexi.' "ATUllE PERSO:"< to'I)'lh~.. pon:!rnce. R8270-l0. 871.2:l99. e 1'1'erences. PUBLISH ING AND hIe hours. CarrY.:llIl r('~-' S!t. Monday.Frlday, ])1'; SA-SITUATION DOMESTIC INFORMATION CROSSE POINTE REAL ESTATf<: CO ha'i introduced a revolutIOnary ('01\('('pt Idurant 881.9390 vrr s lJ('rnse preferred, car of Real E~tale ~al('s. We prefer Grosse Pointe rrsio('nls onl\' aud ag(' or prc;cnt 'nol nec{'ssary. 882~8517, ,------..:....------....;;, ... CO. occupalion is of no consrqurllC('. I';,limatrd inc()m(' during flr,t ~I';,r for an ,o1n',I,I.I' (;HA:-;i\IIY HESTAt:HANT, 1l01"SFII" MI NUTE MAl D CLEAN ING SERVICE lie-rnwel rpprpscnla:ivc e"c('cds $:10,000 :llInuall". Wait('r. waitr('~,r'i. dish. , '. , ,lL!l IIf.LP wanlrd. DEPARTMENT J \lil,1Irr,;. 881~:WIlr; (.r ,,;'(' POInte family. Liv('~ KL Your only qualification is to b(' personablr, a ta,tcful ()fi90. twccn 5~9 only. 882-8865. 2648207

7 r 777. 2 s s • 2 t $7 7 S sa. sa rs an 7F? ----

____Thursday,-- __ .. November._ •. 16, 1978.. __ . . . .• __ _. G R 0. SSE -'0-._.-POI .~_ N TEN _~E W S .__ ~_~ ... •. Page Twenty-Seven~ _ 6-FOR RENT I6-FOR RENT 6-FOR RENT ,6C-oFFICE fOR RENT. 6D-VACAT:ON 16D-VACATION ~A~TICLES FOR SALE'I8-AR! .._~t.i~__FO~~~~ UNFURNISHED UNFURNISHED ....~FU~N~St!~D 1OPPOSITE EASTi~AND, 2 ~r I _. RENTALS -I _ REN!~~~__ _ CLEANING OUT? Call OP. USED IBM computer card i,;~STLM~D ARE;C-C~;-I;;' LOWEll 2-bedrooms, 2 balhs, ST CLAm SHORES, newly 3 room suite, Opal Plaza, SCHUSS i\IOUNTAIN, at re- POMPANO BEACH, )<'lorida ERATION LINC, 331-6700 index, 2"2 feet x 5 feet, l\Ianor, luxurious 2 bcd. paneled family room, fire. dl'coratcd 3.bedroom, den, 18301 East 8 Mile Road. sort, swimming, skiing, on the beach. 2 bedrooms, We help charitable organi- exeel1ent condition, 885. 'room apartments newly place, good kitchen, air full basement, no pets. 777.41346. sleeps 10, by week or 2 baths, condominium. zations. Donations tax de. 4576. 'del'oratcd, WIth appliances, conditioning, 2 car electric 885.7365 after 6 p.m. - .-.----.------~~~di. weekend, 889.0307, Available for 2.week per. ductible. You drop off or .----.- ---- .... --.----.-- :i'arpeting, air conditioning, I eye garage, newly decorat'I-~'----' - - -.- SEVEN-R::JOM, air - - - iods No small children we pick up. GARAGE SALE-A little bit ,tar porI. Adu.lts only, $3051 ed. $600. 821.1292. SIX MILE-GratIOt area-Va. tioned ~ffi.ce for rent. HARBOR SPHINGS, 2 bed- Mr.. MacDonald. 822-7900 of everything. Water cool. 'p('r month. Also I I>('d. ------cant lower flat. Warren.Cadleux area. 885. r~oms, 11'2 balhs, modern days. AUTOMClBILE OWNERS. As er, good conllition, NuTone 'roolll apartlll('nts newly G R 0 SSE POINTE. Five, newly .r~decorated, sepa. 7800. Ask for Tom. $300 kItchen. Close to town. -- ._-' -- -- '.. . - - - low as $25 quarterly buys suit center, 324 Kerby,

decuratNI.with appliances, 1 ro~ms, two .b('~rooms. ~p-I rate finished ,~asement'l p('r mon_~______882-2597. OCEAN VILLAGE on lIut. Compulsory No Fault In. Grosse Pointe Farms, Sat. all' ('OnliltLUnlllg, fully car- ! p,llances. :arklllg. QUiet. sha~e garage. Sccurlty de- OFFICE 10 X 18, carpeted, KEY-LA-HGO FI;)r-id~:--2bed. chinson Island, For t \ surance.881.2376. urdayonly. petell. $270 moulhly, adults I EV('llIl1gs 824.3849. POSit, $200 a month. 372- I decor~ted. I>~rking Pierce, F lor i d a. New ------.------I - 7723649 I - -- - - • - --- • - 0293 new y ~ ~ mom, neN deluxc Town. oceanfront 2 bedroom, 2 FLEA MARKET CLASSIC Thomasville fruit. 011 ). -. i WArtHEN - Chandler Park '. - in rear. Also s.torage area house. !leach, marina, bath coondominium, dec- EVERY WEDNESDAY wood dining room. Oval ta. JlAHCOVHT, 2 b('droom, 2' ar('a-3-room upper, spot. TWO.llEOIWOM house, ftn- 10 x 22 available. 882-1 large recreation hall, ten- orator furnished. Tennis, ALCOMO'S CASTLE ble with 2 leaves and pads, bath. 2 car garage upper.! less. lots of storage. arca. iSI.led bascment, garage. 7 0866. Between 9 ~nd 5. 1:94 nis, puol. Hates b~ week, golf, pool, private beach. 9 MILE AND HARPER 6 caneback chairs, china newly carpeted and redee- Hent lIleludes appllanc('s l\!:le.Bcland. $250. I expressway servIce dnve, month or season. For rcs Available now through De. 773.0591 and buffet. Lightell fruit. oratcd, stove. refrigerator, and ulilities. Secu.rity .de. in Harper Woods. __~~~t~~s_ cal~B_,:~ I cember 31st and month of 1------wood curio offered sepa- dIshwasher, $475, se~'unty POSit r('qu,red. As I~ .qUl~t. TWO.llEDnOOM Townhouse, ------BOYNE HIGHLANDS Boync April. No minor children I FURS WANTED rately 885.0757. depusit VA 1-6087 ness and d('pendabl!lty 111 $170, Oakman-LaSalle. GROSSE POINTE WOODS- 1\1t Sk" k or pets. $365 per week or I Consignment or Buy ------. --_ .. --'. ------. - ---.:. -.. __ _ tenant. 881-7183. 21316 Mack and Aline, . Ilers, reserve wee s $1,I{JO per month. 886.3129 LEE'S TWO HOLLYWOOD frames, Sl-;VEN MILE-Gratiol area- i ;;- --.------CLEAN 6'room lower, base. 2,500 square feet for pro- or weekends for a lu~.ury headboards, mallresses $10 5 room upp('r flat. Stove, I I \VO.BEDROOM lower du- mcnt, garage on Evanston, fessional or office use only, 3 bedruom, 2 bath skllers ~;LORi-DA:--- L~ngb~;l--Key,120339 Mack 881.8082 unit; stereo cabinet $5; refrigerator, parllal carpet-l 1~lexin Grosse Pointe Park $175, large rear parking lot. 884- haven with. firepbce, ga. seaplace on the Gulf. Spa. BARNSlDING _ Authentic vanity; frames, pictures, ing, immediate lIl'tupancy. I SUitable for retIred or b~s. La Von's Henting Service 1340 or 886.1068. rage, balCOnies and a love- I cious 2 bedroom, 2 bath I I" weathered hand hewn metal oUite deok, apart- 881.8019. I mess couple, modcrn klt- 773.2035 ------.. Iy view. Sleeps 8. Call I.e.. condominium fully equip-' natural timb~r. 1-463-2179: mcnt refrigcrator $65, ------i chen with stuve and refrig. --- MACK AVE., nr. CadieuX in ona or Karon 9-5 at 643- ped, and beautifully furn. white sewing mathine in CHANFORD LANE--I.luplex, i erator, recreation room in LANOL::>RDS: If you have Grosse Pointe Park. Very 7860.' ished. Walk to beach, ten. FIREWOOD-Hardwood $35 mahogany desk 825, wing- no maintenanc('. 4 bed-, basement and separate houses or partments for well maintained. Two ad- -, , - -- - nis, and swimming pool, a cord. 725-45P8, James \ ed chair worn $5, worn rooms, 2'2 baths, 2 fire.! sturage area, garage in. rent. don't be bugged with joining buildings each 1200 FORl LAUI~ERDALE, Flor. next to Longboat Golf Tree Service. French Provintial couch 4 places, new kilt'hel!, garage: cluded. Pay OWl! utilities, phone calls. Call La Von's sq. ft. in size. Rent one or Ida - A IJxur~ous 3 bed. Club, close to SI. Armands ---.------Depression glas~ plat~s, ~f>~0I'('f month 882.5ol67. ' r('nt $250 monthh'. 1 Hl'nting S('rvic(' People both. Both available Dec. room home WIth [Jool off Circle. Available Decem. KATHRYN of the Moseley allpliqued cover. ------! month security deposit nee. screened. 773-2035. 1. $500 month. \ Illller-cuastal waterway -- bel' through January 15th POI NTES let n"x91J" new, 865, ma. ST. CLAIH SHORES, 3.bed.' essary, no children or pets. --- --.------.- ---- Dockage for very large and Apr;1 and May. 882. hogany ductor's table. mis. ruum brick Rancil, dean i Call 822-6080 FIVE-ROOM upper flat - 2 MACK AVE - Grosse Poin!e ~oat. All p.ool and ga~den. 9806. ~xperienced service cellaneous. 488 University, fenced yard, 2 car garage, - ----..------...:._------bedrooms Grosse Pointe Farms - 2 rooms avaIl. mg s e r v Ice s prOVided. _ .. . IN 10-3, Saturday only. drapes, new carpct, 11'2 GROSSE POINTE PARK':-' Park are~. No children or I able in office building. Available for months of CHALET-Schuss Mountain HOUSEHOLD SALES, - baths, extras. no pcts, de- 1215 Beaconsfield near pets. 882.5957. Rent one or both. $125 Dec., Jan., Feb. and April. ski resort. Deposit re- ESTATE LIQUIDATIONS FIREW60D~-~~~;d-h;rd posit. Available now. $425. Kercheval. Large 2 b~d. ------.------I each. Contact !\Ir. McCourt, 88'1. quired. For reservations AND APPRAISALS woods, spilt and seasoned. 824-2421. ~~~:.atear$~~~n~lusn~~~~i: Dl~~E~~O~dr~~~~: A~t~~:f. HIGBIE-MAXON ~~:~~_8~5_:4300 1~-~-~882.6~~?__~fte~_~~. Free i705~~~~~ations I Call afte~ 8 P.~_~~.1l58. LOWER FLAT -1353 Lake.' ties, stove furnished. 882. Hies, off-strcet Darking.1 886.3400 __ . -- ON THE OCEAN-Pompano I NORTH PALlII BEACH con. Please call before 10 a.m. or CRYSTAL tear drop chan. pointe, 2 bedrooms, stove! 7015. See manager. 823.0)38. I----TELEPHONE Beach, Florida. Studio ef. dominium, 1 bedroom, 1 delier, $30. Full length d f' I ------I ficiency, nicely furnished, \ bath, 1st floor completely I.after 5 p.m. white rabbit coat, size 8.12, an re l'Igerator, security FIVEIWOl\! - 10\ 'er Somer ALTER-3 rooms. Stove, re- pool, sauna, shuffleboard, furnished 0 n beautiful PROFESSIONAL FLORIST $180 F II I t!eposit, pay utilities, no I • • I, . f ANSWERI NG I . u ength Nutria pets adults onlv. 885.1789! set, Warre~, baseme.nt, ga- rigerator, heat included -SYSTEMS near shopping and church. L.ake Worth with 1.3 miles working at home - early fur coat, size 10,16, $100 . . ft ~ 6 p' I rage. Secunty depOSIt. 881. Adults. $125. 331.'1677 or DICTATION EQUIPMENT I es, available till December i vIew. January 1. April. Christmas! Great presents Vibrating table, $15. 1\1as. a e .Ill. I 8550. 884.3884 NEW & RECONDITIONED at $100 per week. $250 per i Adults only, ~o pets. Ref- for everyone, silks and $age table with spinolator TWO. BEDROOM d u pie x LAPPIN.GRATIOT, lower FIVE-ROOI\--I-u-p-pe-r-f'l-a-t-,-a'-p. ALL EQUIPMENT week or $800 per month \ erences r~qUlred. .$2,800 dried arrangements, door movement, $85. 822-1646. near St. John Hospital. income, 5 rooms, carpeted. pliances included in Har. WARRANTED . beginning in December. plus seeunty depOSIt. Dr. decor. Reasonable. 839. ------Afler 6 p.m. except Wed. Prefer couple. $250 and se-I per.Cadieux area. 9-5 p.m. RON OR JOE Photographs available. 791. i W~land, 52 Yacht Club 6434. FIREPLACE WOOD, dry, nesday. 881-1512. curity deposit. 885.5285. 875-2700, 7.10 p.m. 781. 341.6680 4192 after 5 p.m. Dt:IV~, North Palm Beach, ------hard $40 cord delivered. ------____ _ .______5468. 1------. I Flortda 33408. "ALMOST.NEW" APPAREL Call evenings. 354-1456. TWO.BEDROOM Townhouse ].94-IIA YES. Beautiful 2.bed. WANTED. Resident desires FLOHIDA V A CAT ION? 'I CHRIST1\'AS--'---C--I-ca-r-"'-at-e-r. accessories, furs and an. n, k th son? 1 In n t' t f t' f th HUMMEL figurines. Private Rent $170. Oakman.La. room lower, garage, heat HARCOURT glamour office in Grosse I "ee., mon or sea . 440 I a p t lques a a rac IOn 0 e II 773 POl'nte 884-7367 . We have one and two bed. '1 bl r g$e a ar ments original cost. owner. 294.2568. Sa e. -2035. included $250. 882.2638. GROSSE P01NTE PARK .' room apartments available I a5v74al_2aI88e.350 a week. We Buy Furs 1------2800 f t I 208 1 ENCORE! The Resale Shop. TWO BEDROOM house, fin. I CHALMERS - Houston.Whit.' square 00 uxury MEDICAL SUITE at 7 in Pompano Beach, or Ft.' . Consignments Welcome 22217 Kelly Road, 5 blocks ished basement, garage, 7 tier-l bedroom apart. apartment. All kitchen ap. Mack, G l' 0 sse Pointe L Ide dal Write and tell 1 LEPS Mile-Beland. $250. 773,20351, ment, carpeting, air, heat, pliances furnished. 10 min. Woods, 600 square feet. at r e. . 16F-SHARE LIVING I .- south of 9 ;\Iile. Open Tues. utes from Ren. Cen. $750 Call 881-6900. me what you need, for how QUARTERS 20339 Mack 881-80821 day through Saturday, 10 -.------, 885.4364. . . long, and where you would ------______to 5. 777.6551. Quality con. I~ GROSSE POINTE, beau. GROSSE POINTE _ 2.bed. Inclu.dlllg heat. References -G-R-O-S-S-E--P-O-IN-T-E-a-r-e-a--_-I like to stay. I will make, ELDERLY LADY will share, X-MAS CARDS signments welcome. ~lfaU~si~'1~0~~1J:f~:~~~l~;~ ruom upper. $140 a month reqUired. I Large paneled office $125; your hotel rcservations, or home. with woman_ Private 209t OFF I PRE-CHRIST:\IAS SALE plus security deposit, gas 824-4490 smaller office $75; sharing I whate\'er - Write: Mil. upstaIrs ~ath and bedroom. 0 fect for 2, utilities free, heat. 773.8172. ------.- reception room. 885.1715. dred's Rental Service, 919 Share kitchen, $140. 294- INSTANT COPIES 10% AND 20'10 OFJ<~ . $425 a month. 884-2647. 6A-FOR RENT I ------1 N.E. 26 Avenue, Pompano 3192. 10c Selected items to choose THREE. BEDROQ;\I uppe; I WARREN - Hayes near 12 FURNISHED NEED AN ~ffice outside of I Beach, Fla. 33062. WIDOWS will share neat and WEDDING INVITATIONS from. Jewelry, dotb. furn. flat, Grosse Pointe Park I l\Iile, beautiful Lancaster the house. NIce l.person ~------f SCRATCH PADS 40c LB iture and cut glass. area. Adults only. No pets. Woods. 2 bedrooms. heat, CADIEUX ROAD - 2 bed. offices, carpeted, immedi. GULF OF MEXICO ~~~~ ~;a:d;.Ofl~~me. 331. Artists PMT'Stats' LORLE' ANTIQUE TU 2.6950 for appoint. central air, GE appliances, room condominium. 1 car ate. occupancy, ? r 0 sse Treasure Island.St. Pete area. Open Mon. thru Sat. 9-5 p.m. GALLERIES ment. dishwasher, balcony, car. garage. 1 )'ear lease. No Pomte City locatIOn. 882. New luxury 2.bedroom, 2 WHY NOT! ECONOMEE 2315fl :\Iack at 9 ;\Iile ------~ port, clubhouse, swimming pets. $400 month plus se. 3073. baths, decorator furnished It's cheaper for two people 775.1970 nOUSE - 3 bedrooms in pool. Available about De- curity deposit. NEW OFFICE BUILDING condominium, ~th floor to share a home than for 1 PRI NTI NG Grosse Pointe. $370 month cember 1. No pets. $325 MAUMEE _ 3 bedroom 2112 Available in Spring balcony ?verlookmg beach. to carry the load. Call La SERVICE BUYING SWORDS Newly decurated. 822-5755 month. 1 year lease, 1 bath duplex. Family room. Prestigious Grosse Pointe e~, 30 tmmTutes.from TlamPda Von's Sharing Service for 15201 Kercheval p German, Japanese, American. _._a_ft_e_r_5_ ._m_.______month security. Working Beautifully de cor ate d. Farms alrpor. enms; poo an right people. 773.2035. at Lakepointe Also Gun, lIledals. 774-9651- INpiAN VILLAGE Carriage' couple preferred. 882-0597. Available now thru ApriL Full service building for pro. clubhouse. WaLe to shops, MALE OR female to share Grosse Pointe VA 2.7100 house, four rooms, off- -.-.------No children or pets. $675 fessionals and semi pro restaurants. No pets. $300 '------FOR SALE - Kitchen Aide ' UPPER INCOl\IE-5 rooms, f . 1 A I . 't - weekly, $I,10G monthly, fine lIome in Grosse Pointe THE CELLAR Gallery Stu- street parking, single only, newly decorated, no chil. month plus security. essl?na s. mp e e 647.7496. Woods. Call for appoint. dio: paintings, pottery, all portable dishwasher $50, 2 . ~aJl after 6, 824-1999. dren or pets. Heat includ. parkmg. ~85.3030 or 885. ---______ment. 886.9677. media. Oils, pastels, water snow tires, C.78-14 530 . H 1GB!E-MAXON \ Call after 4 p.m. 771.4:111:l. IF YOU are looking for ed. Security deposit. 882. 8813.3400 0080 evelllngs. PJl\IPANO BEACH-Ocean. -G---S------colors, etc., framed and I houses. flats and apart. 7554. ------'KERCHEVAL at Beacons. front, 2 bedroom, 2 bath 6 TORE FOR RENT unframed. Portraits of c~il- 48" ANTIQUE fireptace fen- ments, call La Von's Rent. ------GROSSE POINTE SHORES field, 1,015 square feet. eondominium_ No pets or \ ------dren and ~ult.s by Chn~t. der, 6xll foot grcl;n shag ing Service for best results BACHELOR or young cou. -Dead end street. 3 bed. $350 per month. children. Phone 294-8745 GROSSE POINTE PARK, 25'x mas. Portrait class~s avail. rug, 2 chairs, one couch, 773.2035. pIe. Chandler Park area. rooms, 2~2 baths, library DANAHER, BAER, WILSON after 5 p.m. 65', corner, full basement, able. Open by appomtment twin bed, boy's toys. 885. ~l Hampshire. Stove, refrig. and family room. For lease & STROH ------parking. 882-6689. 884-4199. 1087. INDIAN VILLAGE Carriage erator., carpeted $175 and J SAHASOTA - Pelican Cove, ------I t to une 1, 1979 at $600 per 76 KERCHEVAL bcautiful new c(JIldomin. 7-WA~TED TO RENT MOVING SALE, cash, you ESTATE ,sALE OF house studio apartment. se.cun y. 336.9338 or 336. th N t R f 8857000 1"'1 600 BTU F . 'd . mon . i 0 pe s. e er. - ium on \\'ater. Ne\\'I" furn. ------carry., ngl alre HOUSEHOLD C::>:.'\TE:.'\TS cozy, private, recently re- 6311. . d 't d 't ------• TURE f' lId . dT $75 17'L I ------ences an seeun y eposl -60 VACA TrON ished, 2 bedrooms, 2' baths_ )IA pro esslOna a yair eon I lOner , n Located at 1995u Emory ~~~~~:,e~22~~~;I~~~~eO.oceu-I GROSSE POINTE FARMS- required. -RENTALS Pools, tennis, and sauna. would like an apartment cf~biC foot $"F7~igidKairereo Court off Torrey Road. _ __ I Freshly decorated 3-bed- GRCJSSE POINTE WOODS- i 'I Available January through or income, south of Ker- '-Igerator , enmore Saturday. Sundar. :\'O\'el11. UPPER - Chandler Park. 2 i room Colonial with family Shoreham Hoad. Nice 3 --B-O-'t:-'-N-E-C-O-U-N-T-R-Y-- March. 886.2595 cheval, east of Harcourt. washer and dryer $103. ber 18th and 19th daily bedrooms, 11i II i n groom, i room. Includes: natural bedroom, n~ bath Ranch SKI CHALET 'PE1''-'SKE'' B""NE ,Days 556.3812, 82+8226 884-8522. from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. fireplace, 1cad c d glass,: fireplace, drapes, carpet. with central air condition- Petoskey area ~. v .J. - v 1.. • . charm-' evenings. -S-K-I-E-Q-U-I-P-r,-IE-N-T-,-0-1-' a-\\-'a Consisting of bedroonl set, ~160 per month_ Available: ing, refrigerator, stove, ing, living room, full din. Fireplaw, disl;washer, TV,I mg Alpme-sty!e ski ch.aIet SLEEPING SPACE 12 to 3 180s, Marker bindings $75, antiques and numerous In Decembcr. 526.9695. I dishwasher, clothes dryer, ing rOOll1, finished base. phone Sleeps up to 18 located dIrectly all Little W kd 'f Omega 180s > bind. household ilems ----_____ b ment, 2 bedrooms not fur-' '1 Traverse Ba~'. Features in- p.m.. ee ~ys, or man GEORGE A. YOUNES ST. :lIATTHEW'S Parish _I A~s:i~~7~ Deac~~bergr~~~: nished. $600 per month I 647.7233. I clude 3 bedrooms. 2 baths, working two jobs. 727.1018. ~~~t,$~~~d~~i W~~~~\i~a~ AUCTIO:\' CO. l.!pper one bedroom. Utili- erences and security de. and available for 6 months FLORIDA KEYS Resort. 2 i Franklin fireplace and col. WANTED: Fort Lauderdale $75, Nordica flow.filled, Auctioneers, Liquidators. ties $200 per month. I posit required. Call 886- beginning November 20, bedrooms, 2 baths, fully' or TV. Available Christ. condominium 0 r house. never worn, size 7 $75, and Appraisers! For .3043, 1978 furnished, boat dockage, mas, 885-9325. l\Iinimum 2 bedrooms with Sidi, sizes 7 and 9 $25 information: 772-4110 LOWEI{-2 bedrooms, utili. ------DELUXE Shore Club apart. game room, po~l, sauna, CLEARWATER G If plush accommodations for each. 885.6568. ---.------ties, no pets, $215 per I NOTTINGHAM and !\lack. ments overlooking Lake St. deep sea flshmg, etc. S d K '2 b ~ n u, month.> of December and MATERNITY C LOT H E S, month. Immediate occu- i Upper 3 bedrooms, $200 'I Clair, 3 bedrooms, 2':2 Weekly, monthly or $ea' ban ey... e rooms, 2 January. Prefer Ocean- ANTIQUES and collectibles: sizes 10.14. Excellent con- pancy. i monthly plus utilities. 2 baths, $600 per month un- sonal rates. Contact Bett\' i ath condominIUm. Adults, front or Elmar area near oriental box, writing table, dition, purchased at Saks HORVATH & ASSOC. i -:hildren welcome. No sin. til June 1st. Ask for Sue Seircle, 1-305.852-8437. . 3gJ.ets. Call owner, 8281. Oakland or Commercial. sugar bucket, old ironing Fits the shorter girl. Als; 881.2200 I gles, no pets, securit~, de. Adelberg. FOUR.BEDROO1\I, ~ bath 886-1763 or 644-3800. board, etc. Thursday.Sat- 2 strollers. 1 umbrella 1 po't 77791)"1 ft 7 ------.------d 93 TU 4 387 stroller. 792-4856. mREE.BWROO;\I na~~ll- ill I __ S_I_.__ ' , a cr p.m. PURDY & TaLES I Chalet set in Sugarloaf FLORlp:'--New Iuxu.y con. -U-P-P-E-'R-F-L-A-T-w-i-th-f-ir-e-p-Ia-c-c~~2~Y'pre~t~vick. .4, ------_ prime area of Grosse I DUPLEX -St. Clair Shores 889-0500 Village ski resort. Now d~mmlUm on the ocean, in Harper.Whittier-Cadieux _ Poinle Woods. 112' baths, i 2 bedr~om, appliances, cen. GROS~E POINTE FARMS available for winter rental IhllsbJrJ Beach. 2 bed. arca.527.5571 BLUE AND white floral VERY SPECIAL 15x15 masler bedroom. I tral aIr. mature adults. spacIOUs 2-bedroom apart-I For reservations call 882. rooll?s. 2 baths, completely ------. I queen bedspread and 2 Beautiful new full length $525 per m(Jnth. 881.1278. $320. 294.5486. ment, carpeted and redee.. 7547 after 7 p.m. or 574- furnIshed, $1,500 per PROFESSIONAL gentleman I pair matching drapes like dark natural ranch mink ------..-.------I ------orated, almost new appli- I 0539. month. Available De~cm.! needs apa~tmcnt in new $27, Whirlpool' bath coat purchascd from Dit. OXFORD RnAD-Lovely 3 i GROSSE P01NTE an'!a, cor- C I I I 1------. ber, January, February.: Grosse POinte With stove I $35. 885-9434 trich's, !>ricetl \\'l'1l belo\\' bedroom. 1) 2 bath Cal)e ncr "lack and Bedford. bus lancfes.. 0,m Pe ey or part. SIESTA KEY, Florida, 2 bed. For further information 'I and refrigerator. 823.3729. 1----- . y- urllls Ie d 8815418 2' b ------market value. 882.8723. Cod availablc early Uccelll' stup, 5-room apartment on. 'k d eve., rooms, /2 aths, Town. calI 882.5467. i ------.-- , GARAGE SALE - 1630. Ox- i ber. Children OK. 2 year second floor. New kitchen mngs or wee 'en s. house condominium, com. -A---~------:- r ESTABLISHED professional I ford, Friday.Saturday, 10 '------, lease, $525 monthly. 884. and decorated, new carpet- c.:\RRIAGE HOUSE-:Farms j plet.e1y new w~th all eon. S NIBEL. I~LANIJ. FlOrida I couple desi.res apartment I ~.m. til 4 p.m. !\tany good- 1------, 0600. ing, with air conditioning. 3, bath, garage, plu~ I tvemencest' IIOOkCllllglflortlon g L~XUrIOUS 2 - bcdroom I or homc WIthin a half an lIes. Day bed, part able type-l MIDEASTERN n\RCOl.'RT __ Convenicntly electric stove and refnger. utilitieS, security deposit. I erm ren a s. a a ea. f c,on ommlUms 0 n Gulf., hour of Detroit for 2 to 31 writer, e Ie c t r i e stove,: FOLK AND BELLY located 20 minutes from alor. PrIvatto enlrancc. no 885-215]. I ternoon, 886.5i80. ~~0J. tenms. weekly. 645- I months during winter. Ref. I stainless steel sink, Della; DANC ING Renaissance Ccnler. Spa- chi I d .r e n or pets. $230 ------. ------CLEARW ATER,- FLORID-A::":::' ~~______I ('fences and deposit gladly II faucet, portable sewing ma. ' cious 2 bedroom, 2 bath month mcludlng heat. 1 or BASE:lIENT APARTl\IENT All new condominium and CLEARWATER o-;S~nd -K;' given. 494.4145 days. 1.662. chine, Schwinn Fair Lady. : upp('r unit with 12x12' den, ~ years lease. )Ionlh sccur- f 0 t:,05rent, single person. furniture, 3 bedrooms. 2"2 -Deluxe condominium, 2 8431 cvenings. fir('place mirror, cullec. I DISCO FOR 8 8 glasscd terrace, laundry Ity. 882-0798. [l- 72. baths, near Tampa and bedrooms. 2 baths, living ---.---.- --.----, tor's magazines. furniture, i SINGLES AND room on same levcl. sepa------GI{OSSEl'ojNTE-PAR1(~-31 Clearwater Beach. 5t2. r?om and dining room, PHOFESSlO;,\AL PERSON I appliances, miscellaneous I Tate ('ntrances for com. GROSSE paINTE CITY rooms, ideal for I, $200. 9261. kitchen, pr;vate terra~e. dC,lrcs flat. apartment or junk. i COUPLES I . Two bedroom farmhouse all G If condominium with fire. I ------peet Privacy, 1 car garage. - '882.6689. B"'YNE-AREA-C--ha-l-et-o-n u beach. heated swim- G R GE ;liow bcing rcdecorated appliances, modernized kit. __ J ming pool, tennis. . place to rent or lease in ANA b SALE, Saturday, r-!lOSSE POl:"TE throughout. Immediate oc.' chen and bath, paneled CHANDLERPA-RK . Chal- ~ake. Hunting, fishing, ski. Adults. no pcts. Available Grosse Point(' or East side : ovem er 18, lO'?? No STl"lHO cupancy. $550 munthly den. $375 per month. mers, 3% rooms, bath mg, has flrcplace, phone, November. $725. Decembl.'r area. 286.4055". I pre.sales. Many, many toys j Call Beth Kraus with I .vear le~se. 881.6300. Adults only. No pets. heated, clean, reasonable' color TV a~rl stereo. 884. d J $ ------and household articles. 165 I 882-2375 ~ :II BREARTY & AD! HOCI 775544 . Ot31 7784(J55 an ,anuary 375. Bi.week. 7C-GARAGE WANTED ~en_d __o_m:: _ ,JOHNSTONE & ' c • I. . 4. ' : __ .. Iy available. Own cr. 773- .______I __~ '-~------' JOHNSTONE REALTORS BEAUT-I-FU--L2.bed-room-co--n. SIESTA KEY, Sarasota _ 4876. GAHAGE :'\EEDED to rent, r------.------, 882.5200 --__ for car. Will pav cash. 885. I IIARPEIi- WUOI)S, - 2 bed. ------. dominium, Lakeshore Vi!. Luxurious, beautiful furn- :'>IAPLES. FLOR[DA:=-\r-lll~. 7974. J 1 CARRIAGE HOUSE-Indiall lag f N ished condominium right B d A R room Ranch, family room. e rom j 0 v e m be r ran new. high quaht\'. .. _ Pointe Service Grosse Puinle schools. 1\11'. Village. bedroom, living through end of June. 824. on Gulf, 2 bedrooms, 2 fully furnishc:!. 2 bed- 8-ARTICLES FOR SALEI . room. full h3th, 3478 "'300 baths, heated pool. tennis. ' :\IcUunald. 822-7900 or 886- ' . " per month. . rooms, 2 baths, garage' and -~---- ._- ... : As leaders in the communitv in 1I;)~I'I'lIold Sak<. 1216 c1os('t. kitchen including - ---- .. ------sauna_ 644.5537. lanai. with bcautiful vi('\\': BElJIWO:\! SET-Xmg h('ad.1 Estate Liquidations and apl'r:lj,als "ka,,' call . dish\\'Jsh~r. garbage dlS- ONE BEnnoo:'t[ on \\~hitli~r ------~--~+ of golf course and lakr on ~ board~ tWIn nlal.trcss,' : iIF:i)FORD posal. off.street pJrking. near 1.94 includes heat, FLORIDA LVXVRY condo., Lakewood Counlry Club: dre;ser .and mirror. ",.ght (after 5'00 p.m.l . .JI'aIHH' Hlltitil'\1ic:_ggt ~:;18 .lThl -};AST WXnRJ.:~, Donna AI('xan(!<'f. i71':P3!l -Clean uppcr 5 roums. No $225 plus utilities. 925- I balcony. air ronditioning. minium. 2 bedrooms. 2' Available Ikccmh('r. \ I': sland. E.xcrllent condltwn. , children_ 8250 pcr month. 9235. I carpetlllg. appliances, $230 baths, on Gulf of :llcxico Adults. no Il('ls'. S/lP..~(I),.)': 8425.881.7:149 aft('r 5 pm .. :('fving Yll~1for 7 .I"<'ars11 ith in"'>':III.' ,,:',1 "'I'<'1'!I,,' Pt'r monlh Ph 6495H ill Southwest Florida at - .) secunty depOSIt rrquir('d TWO.I1FDROO:\! T - I . i k I . onc. ., (I B't 1 i monlhly. 88..-,'j():l7. . )l!ea'c call (nr fn'l' (,OIl,lIlt.I\IOli J)or.Chak H ) . .' ,O\ln.lOllsc" v.ce (ays for apPollltment om a ~cach bctween FI. ca Iy. 8il5 ol575 St. (lair Shor('s. Crntral'. . -. 1\Ieyt'r.'i and :-Iaplcs. ('om. ISIF ('AI'!{I I') l'SEIl nOOKS - - Il(Hu,:ht.-I.'------. , air. StO\'('. refrl'''('r,'lr,r, I: 6B-ROOMS 70 RE.....T . ,. 1\ .' nflda \\'a- ~old FIction r.".' 1': ~1i"1l ------.---- 2 flEDHOO:\I HA:\ClI (iro.',sr I r " ""'1 plclely fllrnish('d, $1,250 Il'rfronl. 2 h('c!r.IIl111'. 2 PI iJlt~ T.' I ..' $'HO Ill'r IIltlnfh plus p<'1s. ,\vallahle BLSI:\ESS women or nUlse. I I90J for furfh('r informa- ),1 1<;. urmsh('d ('olldo. room. f,IlI dilllllg room., DrcC'lll!lrr I 1978 772.742n' n car tr"nsporlation, St I tion. minium. pool. fishing .Jan noon 'Iii 7 ]J1ll- Till'S thru Sat. BllOKTIQV)<;, 15243 carprted. 1'2 haths. ha~('- i '. __ . i :\latthev.s parish. Hefer.! _ \Jary 881 541lS. WANTED :\Iatk A\'('.. bclween Lake. mc~1. ga~ag(', refrigerator. I GH')SSE !':HNTF CITY, 4. i ences required. Arter 5: !-'LORIIlA Ltl:,(I'HY ('ondo. SP,\(,lot;s ('ond,,-, )loinl(' and Bcaconsfield. by S~OH':$ol,IO.)}ay~ 905-2220. I bedr00m housc, 2 c, Il C' II i Sunllay edition, and cx' Complelc ESTATES or Sing\l' Itl'ms 9 and 5. I (;ro~,f' Pointe NCI\>. I hornc, Lady working days: 1909 for lurlllrr informa I' " j or, I 0 . ,l1ln Brach.' ('cJ1rnt bakl'd goods from only. 882-6247. lion. r OS( to ~IHJPPlng. pr,valc: ':>HKSIIIHE Challrll('r Parl(,: HEAH AI'ART:\lE:'IT for brJrh. ('a!llp ('olor TV : ,Jo~rph's, dclivrred, Sun. I:"S1':\:;1' CASH or on consignment 2 !l('t1roolll lowN, nI'l\"ly [('ilL. Ideal for singl[' girl FURNISII";J) H[)OM, IWlllc BOYNE SKI EnS, comforla. Adults only Available' .Jan.! day morning. Call Sun- Phone t:s At caq'rl('(/. slov('. rrfrlgcra. Warrrll.Out('r IJrivl' an'a privileges, g;Jragc. For blc:l hrdroum Chalc'! uary 1st through ,)lOlL ,hill(' Express! lor, foil ha,f'IlH'nt, utili- IktwC'rn 4.:10 and 8:()o working, miil

r m m.m.-c.-m •.•• 7o==Xer • - - ~-~------=- -- .-.....-....------~-- -~ -- _ ..- - ~---.-.-,------~-~---..-~------_...-----...------_...... -.~---

Page Twenty-Eiqhi G R 0 SSE POI N T E NEW S Thursday, November 16, 1978 s-=-AiiICLES FOR SALE 8-ARTICiiS-FOi-s~iE-~~~ICLESFOR-SAi-ET~ ~RT'CL~~ !~~R__S~_~~-!::-~-~TIC_L~~O~ -SALE I8-AR:~7~~:S S:~~ s~~~:8A=~~~I;~AENTS 8C~J~~~~E!,*!- __ -i-WIN IIIAPLE four-poste~ MOVING-Toro snow blo.w. KENMORE white. electric RE~RIGERATOR and ~Ie~. ESTA1 E, I~rge el~ctr~c st?V~ TIR~S 55 GR 78.14 Dunlop ORGAN. Baldwin electric. BURROUGHS heavy duty of- beds complete. triple dres. er, rotary lawnmower, wm. range, self.c1eanlng oven, tflC slove, gold, $350 firm. and refrlg~rator. With lce pa~~ ~ " ir $65 All Double manual walnut, fice eleclronic display cal- ser and mirror, $300. dow. ai~ COnditioner .. de. excellent condition SlOG. Chopping block $125. Mop. maker. Twm be:l set .com. r-t la sn09~sM~aleton 'G P. mint condition. Call 885. culator. Perfect condition. White commode and cof. humIdifier, washer, teak. Call 885-3939 from 7.10, cd Honda Express, new plcte, I a r g e .. mirror, I e new. P ,. 5255 after 6 Like new. Hardly used fee tab~~. traditional. $351 wood di.ning tabl~, folding Starling Thursday. $300. 13. foot ~hal~r. wrought ir~n dln.l~g ~~~ ~arms, 881.6033. . Original cost $<100. Als'; each.43 Ivory and gold ta., co.t. antique furniture, and 1.------;- Youth skiS and Jacket, lamps, tabid, chaIr" p 2 GIRLS Spyder 20" bikes, LUDWIG snare and stand, Clary addin" machine. Full ble lamp. matching marble i nllscellaneous items. 886.,i WHITE SEWING machine, child's snow suit and much love seat, pIctures, spreads, $35 each Excellent condi. $75. 886-1165. I keyboard clean $20 777. tab]1' S80, 2 wicker bask, ct I 6295. hard!y. used, Excellent I more. 882.7776. drap~s and turntable. Sat. tion. Go~d Christmas gift. ------.------8659.' , . sWings. S35 carll. 881-]]28.1-.------.------.------I condlhon. 88'1.4574. 1------..-- urday 10.4, 1423 Torrey TWO Vito La Blanc clari. _. . _ .. ., - - --,------i LAHGE ~)ECO~ATOR book.i ------NOR~AN ROCK.WEL~ col- Road, Gros,e Pointe Woods ~~5.9~~_____ nets with cases. Excellent 9-ARTICLES WANTED IIOlSE FUH:'\ISHINGS sale:, case WIth adjustable shel'l MOVING SALE lectlon: 5 ongmal signed ------. -- - - 2 2 TWIN spring rollaway condition. $75 each. 881. _ I)(>sk. end lables. chair,: yes, 6 foot Christmas tree I lithographs. Serious buy. TROPICAL FISH tan~s, II f ames Maple child's rock. 2385. WAN TED: leaded glass dlning lable and chairs,,' and stand, 2 hanging ers only! 371.8093. 30.g.al1:Jns .each, u y r 'I ~zjne bucket doors and windows. Marble c It i n a cabinet books' lamps coffee table stere:>' Conducted by KATHRYN ---.------eqUipped WIth stand, $50 er, m~p e mago 85' JUST IN time for Xmas. top tables, dressers and games. clothing. ~hildren'~ I headphones, fir e'p I a c I' of The Pointes. NEW Early American sofa complete. IIlighty M a.c k 1 tWin bed frame, 8. Ludwig drum completc commodes. Vi c tor i a n ski boots, oil paintings and ~ tools, king - size spread. 469 ,LaBelle - Grosse POInte $20n, I.lght, blue short. sha~ train set, .full chlld.s,z.e, 5915 after 6. with stand and sticks. couches, ladies and gentle. f1)Orl'_ 1231 Bishop. Satur. stainless flalware. 8-piecl' \\ oods - 3 blocks EAST carpet~ng, 2 plne bookca~e, new $30. Bicycles and bIg SEARS-BUILT -MASSAGER Two bon!?l) drums with men chairs. Old oil and day, :'\"ovember 18. 9 to 5 dish set, toilet trainer spat, I of Moross - Across from TraditIOnal yellow prmt wheels. Assorled baby f~~. $35. 331.0986. Beginners leather glass lamps, cut only. Gerry infant carrier 8B2. Wood!\ Theatre. sofa and loveseat, octagon Illshmgs, assorled creatl\e .______Guitar. All like new. $20. cry$tal. Silver pieces, pic. --- --. ------8144 . I Nov. 16.17-18 - Thurs., Fri., coffee table, best offer. pl:l,ythings, toys like new. MAGNA VOX stereo with 774-2277. ture frames and oriental FHI'IT\\'(}()[) FURNITURE: ' . Sat Call after 6 p.m. 881.1781. 882-1744. AM.FM radio, console with --- .______rugs. Consider anything 54" round pedestal dining' ~"'--LiI:'E.rl~iE of living an-d I NO PRE'SALES ------,------' ---. ) ,_,' mahogany finish. Very EXCELLENT Steinway piano. from V i I' tor i a n perio'l. lable (extends to 90" oval) A World of Trawl fo~ sale -.. ANTIQUE SCREEN, Federal AIR COMI RES~JR, Sears ~ good condition, 40"x27"x Call 10 a.m ..2 p.m. Tues. Evenings. 882-8692. II'lth 4 chairs- china cabi I t 794 L' G 1 Green Lounge ChaIr, 1 paIr style sofa. solJ(' cherry h.p., 2 montns old. Ne\\ 17" 882-6040 days. 792.6984. _ n('I' 2 roun"" end tables: ap' I I' orawle, II rotsse Large Green Lamps, Ma- dropleaf table, 8 - piece $439. $2011. 884.4B52 eve. 19" $ :>. . WANTED: FRENCH DOOI>S ." om e. ersona co ec IOn bl C .. I d' " ----~------______\ with black leather tops' f ar I nd cra ft f hogany Corner Ta e, on- French Provmcla mwg nmgs. AMERICAN fabrics maga. VIOLIN. Excellent condi. Okay if broken. Beveled, desk wI'th black leather" °nlan slanad . c sl dr?m sole Magnavox T.V., B/W, room set, 2 twin size post------I I . 20 . l'k tl'on. ','ade I'n Gerlnany, also leaded "lass I)anels'. I y s. una n Ian BAd' & T I b d French Proyincial !\lOVING SALE-New ove- zmes, COPICS I e new..n '" top: gold occasional chair I molas Egvptian tapestries rass n Irons 00 s, er e s, - t t' d Issues No, 3 5, 8, 28, 35, 1975, for Kurt Wunder. wrought iron fence also .. II ith wood Irim; wrought, and e~broideries, pictures Hide.a-Bed, Round Coffee sofa, 2 marbl~ topped ta- s~al, nell; a~ar imen d'is~f~ 37, 38, 45.49' inetusive and lich. Case included. $275. Will pick up. 824.2994. iron and wood 5' Spanish I and carvings from Haiti Table, Wrought Iron Plant bles. By appowtment 885- French I} ~?~lnC bald hand~ 55.62 inclusive. 881-1995. 8861531 _ candela[,ra: refrigerator: I nl1dall('~t Afrl'('a ntn An: Stand,.Dinette Table, Four I 0590. raum sJc b' I e.tau-de 'couch 1_. . .__ . WANTED: slot, pinball and t apartment-size gas stove: I tique Japanese '\~'~odbl~'ck Matching Chairs, Westi~g. 2-SCHWINN -bi~ycles, 15660 f::~i~a :~'t ~ h el~ table: DON'T IIU~S this garage .sale 5-PIECE Premier drum set. I ga.mbling machines. Uld oil palnlmgs. 393-2972 af. I prints, Pennsylvania Dutch house F~ost Free Refng. Windmill Pointe, Grosse winged back couch with 2 Sa~. 10.3. Wrou.ght I.ron Excellent condition. ~600.1 com operated games from ler 6. : dough tray. Unique jewel- e~ator (10p Free.zer), Elec- Pointe Park. chairs, 2 fireside chairs, staIr rad, carpetmg, .smk, 773-1993 (p.m.), penny arcades or amuse. b k t R Dl h a her counter top furmture -- .---- I ment pal'ks. Old Coca.Cola A:\TIQi::I:i--\Vl-CKER cradle ry. DO s_ Occasional ta. nc ange, s w s ,------~----- GE refrigerator washer ' 'GAYA GUITAR $75 I advertising items and ad. wllh legs. O\'al walnut din. bles, dark blue sofa, GE Kitchenware, Waffle Iron, DREXr;:L .dinette ~et. French and dryer and 'pat belly brass head. boar?, house 881-4345 ' I vertising items from beer I'ng table cl'rca 1900. Buf. 15' no.frost refrigerator. Toaster, Pots & Pans, etc. Pr.ovmcla.1 hvmg room stove. A II reasonably ware, c1othmg, bIkes a,nd I d . ~ _ fel. antique music cabinet GE double oven stove, GE Four Pcs. 1940s Ma h ogany sUIte. 111Isce IIaneous, 884 - priced. 881.1883. I much mor e. 743 Ball a nt ~ne --GHAND------PIANO _ Vose Ex-I anboxes popandcompames.electric pianos."IUSIC wit h beveled mirrors and gas dryer, gas powermow- Bedroom, 7 Drawer Chest, 5591. ------(O[f Belle Meade). No pre- cellent condition, very' nice Call after 6 p.m. 882.8692. display slands. 822-1522. e~, m~crowave ~ven. Iro? Vanity with Hanging Mir- KIT C H E N-- TABLE and REl\IINGTON PRINTS, 1913, I' sa es! tone. $1,500.884.9720. l'OP $$ PAID I-Of color TV's ------.---- rIte . Ironer .. 1\'1l.ldoll' air ror, Bed complete, Bench, chairs formica and wood, ne\\:ly fram~d~ $75 each, 4 HUMMEL figurines, private _ _ : - PA DDED gymnaslic beam. condItIOner, b r I c k and Lamp Table,. Queen Anne xcell~nt condition. $75,1 avaIlable. Dwwg room set, owner, 772-0324. 8B-ANTIQUES FOR needing repair. 774.9380. like new. 772.4837. board bookcases, etc. Sat. Bedroom SUIte, Chest on ~athroom counter top, $30 192?, table, 6 upholste~ed ------____ SALE WANTED-Furniture, glass- COPI;-ERTONE-- 'd b -;--d I urda~' 11 a.m ..6 p.m. Sun. I Chest, 5 D~awer Ornate 886.8951. ' cha~rs, buffet. and chma MOVING SALE, 5061 Har. ------.------ware, knic-knacs, dl's!les. Sl e. y-SI e I day. 2:00 p.m ..7 p.m. or by I Dressing Vamty and Bench, cabmet, beautifully carved A PRIVATE COLLECTOR erefrigeralor,!ectrl coppertone, a p poi n t ment. 889.0417. Bed complete, Valet Rack, GE POT Scrubber (converti- Excellent condition, $650. vard. Thurs., Fri. 10-5. Re. WILL PAY ANY REASON- household items, odds and 'C SIDve 30" . G 0 Id re- Sale ends December 3. I Figurine Dresser Lamps, 2 hIe, portable dishwasher, llB6-5758. frigerator, double oven ABLE PRICE ASKED FOR' ends musl-cal I'nstrum en t s, frigerator and snow tires --.------d $100 9232414 ------.----- range, ping pong table, OLD ORIENTAL RUGS _ Hummels, Hummel plates. 7.75x14 or 7.50xI4, good I MOVI NG SALE Electric Blankets, Pil~WS. Avoca 0, --.:.----. --'-1 THREE-FAMILY garage sale I sports equipment, furni. ALL SIZES. and old dolls. 774.7142. condilion. B82.5681. EVERYTHING MUST SELL Spreads, Luggage, rea 30" WHITE Kenmore elec. 301 Roosevelt G r 0 sse ture, and more. No pre- 1-482-5427 _ '-E---30'~RANGE.double ove-n-,! Couches, ta.bles, chairs, T.V, RIugts, l Ma ple Bed coMm- tric double oven range. Pointe City. Saturday, Sun. sales. ESTAbT~S WANTED G W t h I f b fl re p.e ~, es mg ouse o. Many features near brand day, 10.5 p.m. 882-4358. ------FUIlNll'URE refinishEd. reo We will u)' complete estates 20 cubic foot Frigidaire re: ~mps, ~Ie ~~l~~et, r 'd . . bl~a~r~ Floor Fan, Dehu. new. $200. 343-1061. Boys' games, s p 0 r tin g 57. YA~DS of shag carpet- paired, stripped, any type or household liquidations. frigerator, both turquoise, r ace ~~.' CIS h ! mg mldlfler, La r g e Walnut . e ui ment furniture some mg WIth pad, celery green, of caning. Free estimates, Also bu y in g antiques.

$75 each or best offer. 884- oys., a mg mal' In e , D.esk, Metal ?ffice D.esk BR0'YN I;-EATH~R tilt-back n~v:r used, men's a~d wo0 $250. 882.5588. 474-8953. chin", crystal, silver, jell" 3620 cloth mg. motorcycle parts. WIth drop SIde, ,SwIvel chaIr, lIke nell. $75. 882. men's clothing, old Singer ------1 -----______cIry, furs, paintings, ivory, . 1 Saturday & Sunday 10.4. I;-eather Desk Chalr, An- 7781. sewing machine, fireplace GIRLS 20" bieycle, good con- PRE.CHRISTMAS SALE cloisonne, and Meissen. INDIA and Chinese oriental 4~0~ ~~~'~~~~:E hque Blanket Chest, Foot BEST OFFER _ Solid birch fixtures, pool table, old dition, $20. 884-1338. 10% AND 20% OFF I Prompt payment. LEE'S, rugs. Fur rug (4x6), mar- .Locker,. oval table, four chairs; ex- Coca Cola machine and DINING ROOM SET. Fruit. Selected items to choose from 20339 Mack Ave. 881.8082. ble console table with ------P g P Tabl (regulahon jewelry, dolls, furniture _ hand-carved walnut base 1 PORCH SALE In ong e cellent condition. Formica, others too numerous to wood round pedestal table, and cut glass. SAFES WANTED _ Almost . F I P . 1110 N. Renaud, Thurs. 9.3 size), Metal Shelf, Ice naugahyde breakfast set, mention. 2 leaves, 4 chairs, $375. LORLE' ANTIQUE any condition. '''oods Lock pair renc 1 rovincial Chest, Card Table an~ naugahyde lounge chair, 1 I, chairs, like new. Uphol. only. Good furniture and Four Chairs, 3 speed 26 five.drawer chest, tables, GIRL'S QUALITY s tor m Fine china service for 10. GALLERlES and Safe. TV 1.9247. stered chair (w a In u t misc items. Schwinn Boy.'s Bike (l.ike lamps, other miscellaneous coat (Bonwit Teller), other Many extra serving pieces, 23159 Mack at 9 Mile 1------. _ carved ira ) Z 'th t I $75. Six ft. Christmas tree, 7751970 DETROIT BOOK Seller mle 'Oenl s e- KIDS NEED EXTRA new), Addmg Machme, Evenings after 6, Saturday clothing, ski boots, skates, $20 885 5588 -______Seeking library furniture reo conso e, nyx and Typewriter, Black & Deck- and Sunday daytl'me. 884- miscellaneous. 885-0672. . - . brass rou d n occasIOn. a I t a- NUTRITION"" r er Sabre Saw, Garden 4961. 1 ------.--, I LEADED GLASS doors, win. in good condition. Also bl e. P'Ictures (mostly Span. They'll love Shaklee's Vita Tools, Mot 0 r s, Lawn I. . COMPUTER CHE Sa.S Ch I SONY TA 1010 stereo am. dows and panels. Buying needs m. any b 00k s on ish) ' miscell an e ous d ecora- Lea chewables - Mu Iti Chairs, Ladder, Xmas HUMMEL FIGURINES. . P rJ- lenger adJ'usts to 3 levels plifier and Garrardt 'd ehang-$ -______and selling. 824.2994. MichiganW h history,h Civil tor items. For appoint- vitamins and multi min- Tree & Decoratl'ons Glass. vate owner, 772.0324. of play $185. Blue stripe er, recent car fJ ge, 75 A t' Sh d SIal', p otograp y, occult. ment call 881-2107. I N t l't f1 '. I. 1 90" couch and matching for both or best offer. 88£- n Ique ow an a e cook books, biographies. ------era s. aura CI rus avor. ware & China, Pictures, WASHER and dryer. Good drapes for doorwall. Make 2052 Orchard Mal! limited and signed editions JACOBEAN dining room set 885.5814, 884.0052. Cue Stick & Case, Fishing condition. 822.9438. offer. 343-9303. . I West Bloomfield leather bunds, early juven. table, 6 chairs, sideboard BABY and children's cloth- Tackle and Box complete. I ---- I SINGER sewing machine, Nov. 16-19 ill'S, autographs, old movie and china $800. 886.8928. ing, miscellaneous, wom- Projector Tab}e, Kodak Car- MAHOGANY dining room HUMMEL FIGURIN~, Let's zig-zag, blind hem, mend, During Mal! Hours etc. Prompt payment and MUST SELL _ Sofa and en's size 9, and jeans. Skis, ousel L-BOO Slide Projec. set, 5 chairs, Duncan Phyfe Sing Bell and Plates, 778. button holer. Walnut crib, I ROMA HALL removal, at your conveni- chairs, tables, also recliner household items, school tor, Antique Brownie Cam- ~:~~~n c:~~nzCahair~Uf~~J 7318. play pen, Victorian love ANTIQUE FLEA MARKET ence, call John King. 961- A.1 condition. 573.0672. desks and furniture, Thurs. era, View Master, AMC 500 8853614 MOVING SALE _ Attic to seat. 884-4054. 24845 Gratiot, East Detroit 0622. Thank you. day, Friday and Sunday Zoom Movie Projector, pieces. . . Nth ~ d N I I basement and in between, and ex s ow ~un ay, ovem- WANTED: player Gnnds FOOSBALL Super Socker after noon. 882.605~. 19957 Kodak Vigilant Camera SALE best and worst you've ever CONTEMPORARY sofa bel' ~9th, 9-4; Call 773.7803 and Grand Pianos in any game for recreation room Danbury Lane off West. with Astigmatic Lens at. _ 2 tier crystal and brass seen. 824 Balfour, Satur. chair in earth tones, cof. for mform~tlOn. J. C. Wy- I condition. 331.5597. or coin operating. Cost bound service drive, 8 Mile tachment, Argus Camera chandelier, 22" diameter, day, Sunday, 10:30 to 3 fee table, side table and no PromotIOns. _ $600. Sell $275. 884'8835. exit 1-94. and Case, Binoculars. $200. p.m. _1_a_m_p_,_$_3_5_0_._8_8_1._2_64_9_.__ -~------_ SNOW TIRES for Gremlin, ' A1'L Y , .. A' . J Wooden Work: Bench"lnd 0 Gold antique satin drapes, 1------~------BUFFET, walnut with ca,t. polyesler or fiberglass. '-' T PES furniture, an-I WICKER B SKET, muslca Tools, Old Bookcaces, G.E. MOVING SALE. Like new 8 d t d 50 . tiques, drapes, clothes'l jewelry box, Queen head- Automatic Washer, West. ~~~d1~i::e~~:~~~' f$; CAMELBACK SOFA, green, piece pecan dining, blue. ~fJ:3;1.~8~.ver years B78 to E78-14. 881.2163. bikes, odds and ends, no board. 882-8872_ I'nghouse Electric Dryer excellent condition, $325. green velvet sofa, 3 match- _ Pre sales SId I 10 ----.------Gold and green lined Mahogany dining room set, '. SHOTGUNS and rifles want. . . a ur ay on y - SEWING MACHINE, Singer (good condition), Utility drapes table, chairs, buffet, leaves, ing oak tables. Rembrandt ANTIQUE wlcker cradle.w.lth I ed. Parker, Fox. Smith. tween5, 22 7Wcbberand 8 PlaceMile offbe- T DUC IdS1 an ew II . open- Table wl'th cutting board - Ethan Allen tressel pine pads, $325. Drop leaf ma- lamp, mahogany double legs. O.,'al walnut dm. mg ,u.'ncileste-,'._ and olhers. Prl'- Lakeshore. arm. self.winding bobbin. top, Ironrite Ironer and harvest table 34x72. Dea- hogany coffee table, leath. bed set. 884.2629.' ,tabl~ elre~ 1900 .. Antique vak collector. 478.5315 ------Built-in stitches, button- Chair, Antique Portable con's bench, tressel bench er inlaid, $85. Oil paint- . 1 mUSlC cabInet WIth bevel- .__ . HANDSOME maroon real hole plus cams with new Sewing Machine, also La. $400. NEW TIRES - (2) G-70x14 ed mil'rors and display CAMEL BACK, Chippendale suede trenchcoat. Worn carrying case, $325 firm. ter Model Sewing Machine, • Stereo, Claritone, antique, ing (landscape in 100 year belte d w h'Ite snow. (2) G. sta n ds. 8221522-. ~Iyle sofa. 882-3141 after once. Size 10. $75. 882-2599 776-5889. k t CI th R k 2 h't b' 62" 9 old frame), gold leaf and 78x14 poly. white. Used ------6 pm Bas e s, 0 es aI', w Ie ca met, xl". highly carved, $135. Gov. ORIENTAL RUGS ------Id F Cats 1 stole $200 (2) E.70.14 belted white 1_- ~__'___. , BUILT-IN Hotpoinl oven and o ur 0, ,. Winthrop mahogany sec- Expert appra' al t t SERIOUS I I' 11 t . ~ range, 30 inch electric $35. BRILLIANT cut glass cream. Books, Men's & Ladies' 61 FAIRFORD snow on ]4" wheels. (2) IS s, es a e.s oca co ec or \\'111 er and sugar. Royal Doul. Clothes, Jewelry, Man's' retary bookcase 6% ft taU, 14" !"ord wheels. Call 881- purchased. :\Iodern, seml- purchase al! signed Tiffam" Three lined sets sillc trav. erse drapes and rods, 2- ton figurines: Bedtime, White Gold Pocket Watch, PRE C H RISTMAS 4 drawers, claw feet, 2 2635. antique and antique. Ex- lamps: Handel. Pairpoint. C. . T tl '" II bl doors with 3 shelves inside, pert cleaning and repair. Jefferson and 1\Ioc BI'I'd"cs ISSie, 00 es. "e er ue ~'JI'SC. Jewelry, Microscope CLEARANCE SALE . b 80". 1--40". make offer. d 881-1038. an !Vory. vase, R e d W-mg .,(Tasca Deluxe) and more $325. 649-2936. Birming- BOY'S hockey skates like new mg.I Willb buy antiques lamps. All transactl'ons cookie jar, Duncan l\Jilles ham-Troy area. size 8, $iO. Recliner like I a so. A Ie to pay top dOl-I slrictly confidential. Please RED LAZY BOY-Large, ex. Swan. cut glass toothpick miscellaneous. SALE! SALE! SALE! I new, $85. Lady's white lar. 649-2698. • call after 6 p.m. 886-2812. ------TAPPAN gas stove, 3 piece k t $5 8845695 ------.--- _ ce!lenl condition $100. holder and more. Looking 30.INCH gas range, A-I con- Service for 10 Antique Li. ice cream parlor set, 886- s a es, . '. WO~DEN ICE BOX, SI50.! WANTED. Occasional chair. Breakfront antique, green for an unusual gift? You I dition_ 882-9919. moge Chl'na w/serving pcs., 8976. LIKE NEW k' tfit f Kitchen cupboard $19- t f b $150. Mahogany desk, lea. can find it at the Colonial ------. s I. ou. or. _ ' a, I pIC. Ilr~ rames. ookcase, ther lop, solid wood, $200. Shop. 2"'701 Jefferson near TIRES: LR-78-15 snow wl.'th $300 S-8 1847 cutlery in . teen girl. 1 paIr skI boots, fIrm. Call 254-98:>7. curior table or cabinet. v D bl Ch t l'k A NORGE freezer (upright) 1 . 160 I t d k' Secretarial chairs, black, 10 Mile. l\londay through I wheel, LR -78 -15 WIth ou e es, I e new, n- 150 lb. capacity, Singer paIr cm 10 o~ s IS APPRAISED ITE:\IS. Birch B85.8177. pneumalic lift $65 each. Saturday. 11 to 6. 772.0430 wheel, two J.70.15 snows, tique Pattern, $9,500, S-12 Touch and Sew. 775-5647. b~an.d new .Ame~l<:ana dropleaf table, boy's bed ------_ Antique oak table, solid ------.--' best offer. 8B6-0634. Lenox China, 105 pc. . I bindings, ?n~.thlfd onglna1 with rope springs, -1830, lOA-MOTORCYCLES wood, 42.inch round, 3 LIVING ROO~1 furniture, I Who d l $1000.00, Antique 'Haviland BLACK genuine cowhide cost, 1 paIr Ice skates. Call pine chest or bible box, FOR SALE leavcs, excellent, condition drapes. maternity clothes, MOVING:- Ite avenpor Limoge Platters, Vegeta. lounge chair. Manufactured after 3. 886.4547. 1770; Poplar b I a n k e t 1975 KA \VASA KI KZ 400. $500. 792-2605. size 8 baby clothes 886- $175, like n~~v, s~tlee. ~1O~ bIes, etc. Barkley ily Pullman, very 1------, chest, 1800; Cherry 4 draw- 8,000 miles. luggage rack 9717 ' . dropleaf ta e, r a I I' Mint Condition, Mahogany DINING ROO !II walnut I d h ~ . rugs, 3 sizes, kitchen set, Baldwin Acrosonic Con- comfortable, light weight, Swedish modern 9 piece, ~~ r~sser e est, 1830. and box. side carril'rs. KITCHEN TABLE, wringer ANNUAL Groebel Hummel $25. Small kitchen cabinet, sole Piano and Bench, excellent condition, $300 $450. Hand made wool rug. me ucket bench; pine windshield. CD ignition. washer. 2 recliners, ma. plates, 1971.1975 (5 plales) bird cages, electric laWn-\ SALE $60000 'n I d' Ottoman, $25. 884-4744., 9x12, $300. 6 ft. camode cupboard. 886. Very good condition. $650_ hogany dresser, wooden $2,000 firm. Call 7 p.m ..9 mower, Black and Decker . . 1 cUing 1------artificial Chrislmas tree. 6295. Aftcr 6 p.m. 779.0236. pJaypen_ 372-8332. moving or $500 00 you COMPLETE set of Britanica --______. _ ,. I pm. 278.1853. I eBdugcekrl"ngmhiaSmcellaneous.5300 move.' , , great books_ New, never $15. 521.5~13 between 4 :\fAHOGA:'oJY rolltop 1967 Y:\:\I:\HA _ 305 C.C. VO -d~~ I R I and Royal blue sofa I ~fAHOGANY n-u-n--ca-n-P-h-y-(c . Solid Cherry 9 pc. Dining used. 839~7512. and 6. and chair. ~ine+piece oak 2 helmets. S300. After 6 with match' Ing ch'alr. 3721'. Sideboard, excellent con. ROUND dropleaf extension Room Set, Corner China GARAGE. PORCH SA L E HOUSEHOLD dining set, mint condition. p_m_. except Wednesday. 8332. dltion, $75. 882.4365. table 48" and 4 Captain's Cabinet $450.00', Pine Key. I 881.7704. 881.1512. . h. d f' . h' small appliances, farber. LIQUIDATION ------.------125.000 BTU Forced Air fur. W--H-I-T'E--P-R-O-V-I-N-C-I-AL--b-e-d-.' c aIrs, ecorator JnIS. hole Desk, $135.00, many I KE;liNARY Kage Antiques. - ---'------. _ nace $75. 1,600 watt Onan room set, twin bed plus 5 Excellent. 521.7238 after. more Bargains. ::;~, ;~~~~~e~:t, ~~~~;~~~~~ SALES Hours: Wednesday.Friday. ~~C~RS __ ~~~~~~ _ D.C, generator $175. 884. pieces 886-5126 noon and evenings. Clearing all Clothing at 'f.! toys, gifts, clothes, garden CHARLES KLINGENSM~TH 12-4, Saturday 9.5. Cadieux 1978 JIO:'\"DA Accord. Exe('l. 8723. ,. SNOW TIRES ~ a D a off, 25% on Furs. tools, air conditioner, small LAUREN CHAPMAN at Warren. 882-4396. lent condilion. Air condi. ------SURPLUS BOOKS, 25~ each, ' ve rs yn - Beat Inflation and buy Fine JILL WILLIAMS ------I \ 'I F'I St'll .\IAHOGANY dining room ta. glass, D.78.14, on wheels, bicycle, picture frames, etc., . . ABLE TO PAY top dollar 10J1lng.,.. .\ ... I un. ole, 6 chairs, buffet $300. Saturday November 18, good condition, $5::1. 881. Bone China Cups & Sau. Through Sunday. 1649 InVIte you to VISIt our shoo. for used Oricntal ru">. der warranty. 886.-1865. 9:30.2 p.m., M 0 n t e i t h 6183. cers, Glassware and Silver Broadstone, 3rd home from now open two days a week. 545-4483. b _ Self - defrost refrigerator Branch Library, 14100 Ker. .______Serving Pieces at a frac. Mack. Tuesdays and Thursdays 10 __ _ 1977 GRAl'n PRIX. BuckN $200. 882.3786. cheval, 3 blocks West of HAVILAND CHINA, Mea. tion of the original cost. a.m. to 2 p.m. QUEE~ AI'~NE-chi~~bi: ~:.'ats. air. st('[Po. low mik. nAS-E:\[ENT SALE,--Ie-a-d-e-d Chalmers. dow Lane, service for 121 Sale runs through Sunday. TWO U.S. glass belted J78.15 15115 CHARLEVOIX net, drop leaf table 6 ag(\. $.1.;;00. 882.2227. glass "'I'ndo\vs, set of 6. ------$300. 886.7499. Visit our Booth No_ 19 at the' snow tires, used 1 season, I GROSSE POINTE PARK chairs. 371-8299. ' --'------_ W CURLY LAMB jacket never 197.3 DODGE '-blon Van _ Round oak table, oak dres. $ , ------Steiner Show Wed. thru make offer. TU 5-0004. Consignments, estale apprai. QL-n-o------: B 200 \' h worn. 225. 965.4144 or UN US U A L self. rocking Sunday Nov. 19th. Many --- .__ sals and house sales. AK furniture. Uphol. : . . .B. automati('. JlO\\'- scr, ma ogany cocktail and 885-3557. Excellent Chrisl. child's cradle, East La1

j)\ Irj(' k \\' ('~t 0 fed'-a leux on Iween 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. 2570t Jefferson. nnar 10 hanging,." pane Ic d , score" '" DUNCAN_ I'I{yr.'Er _ 9 PI'eC,n GRANDS, Spmels. Consoles, I grandf~lhcr, circa 10(100 . . r k I I ,il (.. '1( e), Whir. Ipoo I c Iec- 3310087" . Mile, Monday.Saturday. 'd 11- mirror., an woo d - Id ca I d"mmg room set, $700. anclTOPSmallPRICESUprights.PAIn SUOO33()5. and $1.7GO, BB1- 19-2_ I ('(ll-(' r:\1'\. hlll' PO\I'PI' ({fI() ~1ovc (3 years old), :\1;):\TKEYPOJ) cocktail table 6 p.m. 772-0430. We buv behind bar or bed. $200, ------hu('k('1~, ;)0,000 Jniles ... \:\1' ' 'I d' I 11 d t J TU 6512B ft 5 BEDROOM set. 4 piece. lIal. VE 7 0506 18T I • ( fll" .' l' Ica an \'en , from Hawaii. American and sell. ., a er,. - ,II CE;.;n'RY aulllcrlll'~ ' ~rf''' ,apt'. all'. 011(' OWnl'l'. I I I 1rov Iry' ('r :lnu'" K'°PPIn rc-: TOllrislcr 3.piecc lady's -- - I I ian 1 ('ncial. fruitwood. F rellch sofa. cal'\'('!! gold• .~.""'1 10" or !)('q 0 ffpl'. Cd] frrgl'rallir door.;, hingc~" luggage. Brand ncw_ 294. BJo:AUTlFlJL AQlJARIUM- G~r)~SF: P~!NTI-~ hO~; l~v~;: V<'fY good condition, 8B2. Jo'Ollfi.I'IJo:CJo: LlIdl\'i~ drum 1('M l;'iJn and rl'!! I'ell"et 9 a m_-5 pm i";G-17f10. '''If C'1rl"ng locks, ((Jmprl's" 9142. Complet(' sdup, 55 galhn I y urnJs 1n'!S In e. e (' 0647. set and ca<;(';, good condi- 80" long, ('<1Il0pl' sl'al' ",r. TV~. lawn mow('rs, i-I with stand and lightcd condltlOn_ Some a(,cl'~'b,sl'(e)- tion.839.3086. 40" h.'h )),'Ink, ~f)','i'(J.('/'11'))' Wi4 PI:\TI) .\Ir . .\:\[ 1-'\1 11I""a"(' and trunk framed EIJISO:'ll Sp('aking macbine glass tOI). $125. Call ROl. I rles- , PI I' C e .,s av ,II ,I 4-' S:'IlOW flower, aquarium ,\ II P 1' I" •I " ~1('r"". I'('ar II'1 f ro,1 1"11',1- ~~ n 1'1 ~II fl r 5 liB cquilJn1l'nl, TV, rock('r. DHlJ'l SL'T I 1 t Pll( a" cn( labl('s, CI.IW f ' :J1,rl unframf'd g-raphics I and l'ylindcr Tl':'ords Jo:x. I 884.4~87. I ea~e c. a r '. - .• ,", , us('r, comp l' r. f('Pt. $:100 raIl'. 64929ar;. limo. 17.000 mill'S. Exc('l ,'Ild l'rlnt~ ('Illna, glass- ('('lIrni ('ondition. Call 8B4. 'Il'AI' S'r-) IS" I b k. I 4613. ...Iereo. 884-94,14. 02 c y.moah, high hat. P.BI- 1,'l1t conditlO1l. 778-901.') k ut ns,'I' 1791 I \,,0 .. \\111 ac s. , I ' $"5 I NA 24 7 I\an'. coo Illg. e. :'" - swivl'l upl1ll1stl'rNl Sf" I)f ANTIQlJIo, s('hool (PH ')'. INTI'; ~NATIOI "I. sll'rling , ORIENTAL RUG TO\'()T,\ SH,'i __ Florida car (j.,thmg all Sizes, SkiS, CIIEBHYW()OIJ droplcaf ta.1 4. $50' ('a('h '8BIl.64'26' 1 GJo;. 21" color TV, mapll' ~;rl\'('r flatware. l'relud('. LOWIU;Y (l.eslip) organ. Paying o('sl Prl('('s yo:! can :i 'P('('(i. ;nl', A~I F~1. linl. f",I,', booh, Ire skates. I bJ I I ff t 4 J .. I I cabmel $75. Mapl(' clgare\ 32 picees. Npw Maet!era I.C93K A.O C. Automatic g('t f')r Cauca,ian, Ppr.liall p:1 "I", '...,. \'('r.I' g'lr)(] ('()nrll- .. If J b' tnr~ r ant )II l'. ('lairs, IIlr"AV'r' . I' b bl $10 I" . k I '1' ... ".. , ,', (' U s. games. s ,- ,0, I' 01 - I' $~OIJ 881.7491 I 1', SQ JAHT', oak ta Ie ta e . Jl1(' linen. 885.G747. rhythm-c]ssl'1t(' d('c . hear!' ant ( IIIH'se rllg'S tll») 1974 SI.85(). 8812681 1"( "rd~. furniture, dry: ,( I' )l.t( S, ' I. • . r $9,1, h('avy oak e!e,k $4,'),' rack $10. Pin(' ('nd laole or phcnes. excellent condi-, Ann Arbor 6(;:l.71l07 ""1". bra ..., floor lamps. I ANTIC/III': barher chair. ori.! Nikon Photomic Jo'.T,N,1 night stane! $10. Classroom ONE bla(.k Borg-ana coat, t tion. $1,Ollj, Call after- 197:l (' A IJ I I. L A (' Sedan. _"'I\f'ir~, antique's, ('oliecli.1 l'nlal rug. 6x9 ('ct, ~now I 1.1l74 {'arnera body $220.1 d('sk lamp $10.8112.2033. beigl' cashml're with mink noons. 776-5797 or 751.' 8C-CFFICE ~:l,OOO 1l1ii('s. .'32.100. 822- 1,1('1 ,JfHI hundred." 0(' With light green and gold I like nl'w. 882.6929. ' , . ff' I' ('ollar. sizes 12. 2flG.9523 1710. Conni(' or Waynp. E'~UIPMENT :i778. i,',,,b ril'sign. old fashionC'd ('anI' )." . MOVIN(. - Bl'st I> er. JI~: after 6 p.m. double ON! and drC'sser. 2 t1l1l0I.SThRJo,1l chaIrs, lng room s('t; .tahl('. ) 'PIANO. Oak upright b.y ""\'/.'>;(, SALE - MII ..t s('11 lOSIIlB,\ Frx Copi!'r .. \lak(', 1974 \'\\' .'111(1('1' BI'~II('. Ill" matc~nily dn's,es, cloth('s. gre('n and gol!l, $35. 1185. chalr.~. ('hma c:lb,lnPl. huf- Ifl77 19 INCH Lawn Boy. I Slory & Clark. Jo:xc,'llpnl "1;,:(,. ,')~12 .\'otlwghalll. IIPl copi('s. roll )Iap('1'. ]1l'nd;lhh .. C1(':II1,nrw par!:;. ('oat~, sizc 1IJ.12. 8114-869:l. i 3635, fet, kItchen set. 821.8531. Asking $150. 886.5960. I condition. $550. 1.562.2HJ(i. '.,dllr

. 7 m-m. •• 0 7 7 7 7 7 7 737 7 anr .7.. Dr .. Thursday, November 16, 1978 GROSSE fOINTE NEWS Page Twenty-Nine ------~.------ll-CARS FOR SALE ll-CARS FOR SALE ll-CARS FOR SAL~ ~l-=-C!_R~_ F~~ ~~~E __~ I !~-:-<:_~~S~~_R_~~~E __ 1IF-TRAILERS AND 13-REAL ESTATE. 113-'.EAL ESTATE ------1 CAMPERS '74 CADILLAC Coupe Dc 1978 C.J.7 JEEP. Excellent 1975 CAMARO, good eondi- DATSUN 1976 B210 28000 I 11:11/CLlUliAR station wagon. -._------FOR SALE FOR SALE Ville, loaded, new tires, condition. Power steering, tion. Best offer. 824-1335. Air, power steering, power 2 1 FT. STARCRAFT-Beau------leather interior, 38,000 front disc brakes. V8 en. ------brakes, roof rack, rust- liful condition. Complete. 4 ~EDROOM brick home FOR SALE by owner. 3 bed. miles. $3,500. 527.3608. gine, low mileage. $6,700. 1976 TR7 - Red. AM/FM proofed. Well cared for. Iy self-contained. Priced to Wlt~ 2 full baths, la~ge room, brick colonial, re- stereo, air, 16,000 miles. $4,500. 882.0823. sell. 886-6681: family room, natural fire. modeled kitchen, fireplace, AU1~OMODILE INSURANCE 778.9866. 965.5214. ------_ place, new furnace, all new finished hardwood floors, as low as $33.15 for 6 1972 FORD station wagon MUSTANG II, 1977 Hatch. 12B-VACATION car pet I n g through~ut. 2'12 car garage. Call after month~. Call Chp,sney JIISur. 1 Gran Torino. Automatic, DODGE Dart Swinger 1973. back. Excellent condition. PROPERTY M.:lnYmore extras. AskIng 5 p.m. for appointment. ance Agency for your over air. $1,200 or best offer. Excellent condition. $1,400. 10,000 miles. V.8, air, AM. - $o~,OOO. 886.3167, Grosse 343.9102. the phone quotation. 884. 881.1131. 286-4667. FM. Ziebarted. Black with 75X175 LOT on Beaver Is. Pomte Woods. By owner. 5337. GREAT DEALS ON red. $4,200. 882.5453. land. Access to Font Lake 1973 PLY 1'01 0 U l' H Grand ------and Lake Mich. Land con- AUTOMOBILE OWNERS As Fury 2 door hardtop. Auto. NEW fUSED CARS 1976 OLDS Cutlass Salon _ tract terms. Realty World low as $25 quarterly buys matic, power steering and ASK FOR 4 door, silver, air, perfect, -Att. 731-2731. Homeowners Insurance Compulsory No Fault In- brakes, air, AM.FM, rear GROSSE POINTER $3,750. 886.7625. BOB PARKER May I offer you a cost and coverage quotation for surance. 881-2376. defroster, 47,000 miles. Ex. FLORIDA, Fort Lauderdale. 886-3000, LOCHMOOR 1965 PONTIAC with snow 1 bedroom Condo. Com. your new home? Policies prepared in time for cellent condition. 1 driver. CHRYSLER.PL YMOUTH tires, power steering, power your closing! 1976 CADILLAC Coupe De $1,800. 886-5405. pletely furnished. Tennis Ville. Fire mist blue, leath- brakes. $100. After 6 p.m. courts, sauna baths, put. 884-5337 er, all ovtions, 29,000 miles. 1976 SEVILLE. 21,000 miles, 1978 CADILLAC Coupe De except Wednesday. 881. ting green, Olympic size Ville. Fully e qui P p e d, 1512. OrigInal owner. 821.0042. loaded. $8,500. 962.6940. pool, clubhouse. $45,000. DAVID J. CHESNEY color 96, factory executive. 804.6975 evenings. For further information 839-1282. 1975 TOYOTA Celica. Load. 1975 DODGE Royal Monaco'l call 882.5467. CHESNEY INSURANCE AGENCY Brougham. Air, AM/FM, 197<3CAPRICE CLASSIC ------ed. Air, automatic, stereo, 1974 MUSTANG 11 auto- mint condition. $3,100. 884- 20225 MACK power s tee r i n g, power Fully equipped, very clean. 12D-LAKE AND RIVER 'I ...... matic, new whitewalls, 1628. PROPERTY PohclCs quoted With Citizens Insurance Co. of America brakes, 50,000 miles. Ex- $5,800. 882.1126. brakes, muffler, good con- cellent condition. $2,150. OLSMOBILE, 1977 Regency. dition, best offer. 886.1486. 1978 MUSTANG Cobra - PORT SANILAC area-8~1/3-1------~---- ~.4383~______39,000 m:les. Excellent can. l Loaded. Must sell. $4,600. 1965 CADILLAC Coupe De TU 2-5242. acres on M25, frontage 387 GROSSE POI NTE WOODS 1978 CORVETTE. Silver Me- dition. Best offe~. 962. Ville. Runs and looks very fl. All clear land except dallion model. Loaded wi I 6940. 884-6975 evemngs. good. 8854087. 1975 FORD Pinto Hatchback. one acre of woods. New Center entrance Colonial - 5 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2 extras. 3,800 miles. $13,800 1970 PLYMOUTH Fury III. Like new, low mileage. garage. Reasonable. 1.648- lavs, large corner lot, Star of the Sea Parish, or best reason'able offer. 4 door, hardtop, 318 CID, 194.0 LaSALLE, bus in e s s 882.3735. 2852. U.L.S. within walking distance. 2nd floor - 4 bedrooms, 2 baths 1st floor - bedroom, bath, TU 6.1445. aut 0 mat i c transmission, m,m's coupe. Made by Cadillac. Needs some wir- 1978 FORD Fairmont Squire NEW BALTIMORE lav, laundry room, library, family room, kitchen 1978 -CAMARO LT~5o.-4: power s tee r i n g, brakes. ing'to run. 885-4087. Wagon. V-B, loaded. 8B4- 35788 KOENIG DRIVE an:! breakfast room, formal dining room, 30 ft. speed, sports suspension, Completely repainted in 1652. Custom home. 100 ft. lot on living room with fireplace. Basement - custom posi, air, cloth interior, 1977. Call after 4:30 p.m. 1972 PORSCHE 914. Factory Anchor Bay plus canal. 3 recreation room w/fireplace. Full built in kitchen AM/FM, 8 track. Rear 886-1281. air, AM/FM cassette stereo. 1973 DODGE Station Wagon. or 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, w/appliances. Central air. $174,000. Days 774- window defog, radials. Call FAIRMONT, 1978 wagon. Very good condition. No 56,000 miles, very clean. family room, new kitchen, 5030 or 773-8806. Evenings 884-5699. anylinw. $5,700. 885.6546. Automatic, 6 cylinder, air, rust. Excellent buy at $1,100 or make offer. Must large screen porch, only AM.FM s t ere 0, power $2,700. 885-8044. sell. 294-2088. 25 minutes from Grosse 1976 CHEVETTE 2 door steering, power brakes, 1977 FORMULA. Adult own. 1977 PONTIAC Firebird V-8 Pointe. Stop in Sunday hatch-back. Automatic, air, 5,000 miles. After 6 p.m. or ed. Stick, Ziebart, air, Power s tee r i n g, power from 1-5 or by appoint. BRAND NEW OFFERING AII1/FI\1. Excellent condi- weekends. 777-8946. ment. lion. 839.0026. . stereo, extras, 17,000 miles. brakes, AM-FM stereo, air , BRAND NEW HOME 1973 CUTLASS Supreme - $5,000. 884-3724. spoiler, rally wheels. After STIEBER REALTY NOW UNDER CONSTRUCTION 1975 CADILLAC Coupe De Automatic, air, 350, power, 6. 881-8832. 775-4900 Ville, garage kept, low mile- 1977 FORD LTD II - • 4 BIG Bedrooms! age. excellent condition. 38,000 miles. $1,900. 886- Brougham. B 1a c k with 1974 CUTLASS, 48,000 miles ST. CLAIR • 2112 Tiled baths! White with landau top, all 2574. saddle interior. Sport op- Radials, air, vinyl top, mag CLOSE TO 1-94 • Panelled family room with fireplace! options including cruise T-BIRD, 1977, Dove gray. tions. $3.750. 463.5790 or wheels. $2,295. 882-7802. This Cape Cod home on 2~ • Wet bar area! control, AM/FM stereo and burgundy interior, all pow. 372.3857. 1977 GRAND SAFARI Sta wooded acres and Belle • Library! CB radio. Asking $4,495. er, AM/FM tape, tilt, in. 1972 BUICK Skylark, 4 door, tion Wagon Pontiac. Fully River frontage was design- • First floor laundry room! 831-5593 or 776-3666. terior-exterior decor, rear equipped, 19,000 miles, 9 ed for an owner whom • 21h car garage! defogger, rustproofed, spot. power s tee r in g, power pas s e n ~ e r. Immaculate beauty is not a mere orna. • Deluxe' features throughout! 1970 MAVERICK 6. Stick. less. $4,900 or best. After brakes, air, radio, no rust. ment but a NECESSITY. Real clean. $1,395. 882- $5,500. 886-2854. shift 2 door. After 5:30 5. 881.2912. This home is meticulous 80 x 200 ft. lot on boulevard streeU p.m. 886.4060. 0823. 1972 PLYMOUTH Satellite OPEL, 1972, Rallye Sport. inside and out with 3,000 Choose your tile and decor now! . 1975 D 0 D G E Brougham, 1900, low mileage. Good Sebring plus. 318 engine , sq. ft. for YOllr entertain. 1978 GRAND PRIX. Low air, power steering, power power s tee r in g, power condition. $1,100. 886-2553, ing requirements. Priced OPEN DAILY FOR YOUR INSPECTION mileage, many extras. $5,' brakes, AM.FM, clean. Zie at only $120,900, could not brakes, automatic. AMI 6 to 8 p.m. 774 MIDDLESEX 950 or best! Call 886-2539. bart, no rust. Must see to be duplicated at this price. FlII, air-. Excellent condi. (Take We~tchester South from Jefferson to Essex, 1971 GRAND PRIX. Good appreciate. 881-4772. R 176 tion. 882-5785. 1973 DODGE Crestwood, 6 SAVE YOUR GOOD [ turn right one block) passenger wagon, 49,000 condition, power steering, CAR TH IS WINTER 1975 OLDS Regency - 4 PORT HURON 1972 VALIANT. Very clean. bra k e s, air, automatic, power brakes, air, uses door hardtop. Silver, black Lovely 4 bedroom, 2 story, 884.6114. miles, power steering and located in channing Cam- BERTEEL-GALLAGHER CO. regular gas. $950. Call 889- Drive this 1970 Plymouth vinyl top, grey velour in 885-1715 886-6201 1967 CAT A L I N A. Power $1,295. 882-7BG2. 0658. Fury in ice and snow. terior. stereo, air, full bridge Village. Hardwood Good transportation for 59 000 '1 $3 . floors and marble sills steeting, power brakes, air, 1974 T.BIRD, Bur gun d y. 1977 CORDOBA _ 12,200 power. , ml es. , work or school. Best offer, 300 88A1124 throughout. 1If.! bat h s, good tires, good condition. Loa d e d including moon actual miles. Vinyl top, air, 886.6754 or WO 2.9460. . or • large family room with $350. 884-9515. roof, new muffler system. stereo. Best offer. 1-465. 1977 BUICK Skylark-Auto natural fireplace. 2 car MERCEDES, 1966 250S _' $3,250. 792-4762. 5195. 1974 FlREBIRD Formula. matic, hatchback, Miehe garage - extra building. 30,000 miles, air, automatic, lines, stereo, best offer Lat~st body style, looks and TRIUMPH GT, 1971, excel. . shop and room for recrea: Grosse Pointe Real Estate 1975 MONARCH GHIA - stereo, very sharp. $:::.200. 886-2495. tion area. 2 air condition. runs like new. Black with lent condition. 886-1395. Black, reclining red leath- 885 3897 I red interior, no rust. Heat- er seats, air. FM stereo, .. 1971 l')ATSUN 240Z - Al 1 ers. Above ground pool. co. ed garage .. 100,000 miles. 1972 OLDS, 98, luxury sedan, power windows, brakes, CONVERTIBLE--Olds Delta fiberglass fenders, new R 270 Offer. TU 5.0226. loaded. $1,075. 779-9236. steering. $1,500. 882-7047. Royale 88, 1973. AM-FM shocks, ex h a u s t. mag ST. CLAIR I 1-800-462-9984 COLONIAL OF CHARM 1977 CUTLASS Brougham- 1977 2 DOOR OLDS 98, de. I ~t~reo, air, metallic blue, wheels, new paint, looks 1976 CAPRI 11 - 2.8 liter. white top. While it lasts. and runs excellent. $2,500 SCHWEITZER A big English Tudor priced in the 80's-this has Lol'I mileage, all power. luxe. Black, loaded, per. 4 speed, AM/FM, low mile. 885-1284. or be~t offer. 822-4865. Real Estate Inc. natural wood £loors in living and dining rooms, After 6 p.m. 884-4477. feet condition. 28,000 miles age. 885.2994. -I Better Homes and Gardens large modern kitchen. Three bedrooms on 2nd I 882-5226 after 6 p.m. PONTIAC Grand Prix, 1977, 1974 THUNDERBIRD. Load floor, separate possible two bedroom suite on 1978 FAIRMONT 4.door, 4 1973 MAVERICK - Good 9,000 miles, AM.FM stereo, ed, good condition. $2,600 12E-COMMERcrAL 3rd, three and a half baths, 12" blown insulation. cylinder, 4 speed, air, 7,500 1975 FIAT 128, 2 door, front running condition, 31,000 air, 2-tone blue. Superb 889-0375, miles. $3,100. TU 2.6560. wheel drive, stereo. 885 PROPERTY Great family residence-immediate occupancy. . 8584 after 6:30 p.m. miles. Tires 1 year old. condition. 885.1284. DODGE Colt, 1976, 24,000 Please call us to view. 1968 CHEVY Belaire. 68,000 AM/FM, power steering. [ I GROSSE POINTE - Com , $900. 881.3813 or 885-5532. 1974 MER CUR Y Cougar mi eSt $2,095. 881-2930. mercial Building approxi miles. Asking $475. 331. 1974 MALIBU Classic, V-8 1ST -OFFERING 5871. 2 door, vinyl top, power XR7. Triple black, auto. 1973 PLYMOUTH Roadrun . mately 1,000 sq. ft. in • SWEET AND LOVELY . steering, power brakes, air , 1978 FIESTA GHIA. Loaded, matic, power steering, pow. ner _ 318 with 340 car cludes basement and ga- 1974 CAMARO Spoiler - AM/FM stereo, no rust Ziebart, 35 mpg. $4,850. er brakes, rear defrost, de. buretor, automatic, power rage plus a 2 bedroom You will be impressed by the neatness and !llags, power steering, pow- $1,700. Call after 5 p.m. 884-8887. luxe interior group. AM- steering, power brakes , apartment above store character of this first time listing. It's in er brakes. Excellent con. 886-7016. 1975 CADILLAC Coupe _ FM stereo, air, new radials, Rallye wheels, G6Q-14 tires , Asking $27,500. Land con. the Farms on a nice avenue. Three spacious dition. Must see. 881-4174. Loaded, low miles, sharp. deluxe spoked wheels, ga- stereo, undercoated. Sharp tract terms. bedrooms, two and a. half baths, lots of nice 11976 SEDAN DE VILLE - features. We think this house is priced $3950 Off 3312593 rage kept. Excellent con. $1,800. 852.3346. CAPRf, 1976, automatic, 6 White, black leather inter- , . er. -. dition throughout. 38,000 I CENTURY 21 right-in the 70's. Let us show you its fine CHARTER OAKS 779-9800 cylinder, air condition. Ex. ior. 26,000 miles. $6,000 or 1978 MONTE CARLO - Low miles. 886-7090. 1977 CORVETTE-Red with qualities. cellent condition. 886-9076. best oifer. 821-9771. mileage, loaded. Like new. I black interior, most op COMMERCIAL FOR SALE I $5,500. 885.7434. 1976 VOLARE - 4 door Pre. lions. Excellent condition - Great~r Mack, S.C.S. - CAPE COD IN THE WOODS 1972 GREMLIN 6 cylinder- 1975 MONTE CARLO Lan. mier. Beige and ginger, VB, $8,500. 881.1743. 6 suite office building Take time off to view a lovely two bedroom of ti5,000 miles, $500. 772- dau. Excellent condition. BARGAIN. Big 1972 Chry- automatic, air, rear de- Each suite has central air top class. This fine beautifully kept home is as 0430 Days. 463-1134 Eve. Rustproof, bucket seats, sler station wagon. Runs frost, radials and morc. 1977 TR7 5 speed. AM -=- - Excellent tenants. Rea r near perfection as can be. Living room has gas nings. low mileage. $3,500 or best good, looks good. Some 18,000 miles, perfect con. FM radio, excellent condi I parking lot. log fireplace, kitchen with breakfast room, cov- ru~t and dents. First $600. dition. No problems. $3" tion. 371-6561. 1974 CADILLAC Coupe De I offer. 882-6249. ered carpeted cozy porch, and lots of storage. Available Monday evening 900. 886-2887 after:> p.m. 1972 T.BIRD _ Power, air HIGBIE-MAXON Ville - New exhaust and 1978 FAIRMONT. Red, 2 , 886.3400 The basement is sheer delight-and there's cen- brakes. low mileage, good door, aut 0 mat i c. 8,400 11(20. 884-9243. I TRANS.AM 1978. Special super dependable. $1,000 tral air throughout. If the 70's suits you - come condition. $3,300. 886-2209 miles. $3,300. 886-8895. 1976 VW SCirocco, silver, air, edition. Gold. Loaded, war. 881-4006_ t J-REAL ESTATE along. after 5 p.m. FOR SALE 1977 GRAND PRIX LJ - rustproofed, 24,000 miles. ranty. Best offer. 839-8364. 11 B-CARS WANTED UNIQUE EXAMPLE One owner. Immaculate. CAPRICE CLASSIC, 1978- Loaded, rustproofed, 19,000 885-7025. 1978 CHRYSLER Cordoba - TO BUY ADMIRE period homes? This We could not possibly advertise all the good 4 door, 2 tone, loaded (no miles. $5,200. Call 4~9- !\Iany extras, low miles, ------formal home on secluded things about this house-an English Colonial of stl'feo). $5,500. 885-8207 1050 before 6 p.m. PLY 1'01 0 U l' H, 1974 Sport like new. Reasonable. 371- VOLKSWAGENS 3 acres in small upper charm. Living room with fireplace and wet bar, after 5 p.m. Suburban station wagon. 1244. thumb town is 100 years new kitchen, breakfast room, four lovely bed- I 1974 MONTE CARLO 13n- WANTED rooms on the 2nd noor, with a 3rd floor ready CAPRICE CLASSIC, 1977 - dau. Automatic, pow e r New tires, battery. $700. -19-7-3-C-H-E-V-E-L-L-E-M-a-H-'b-u-V-8.Highest Prices Paid old. Has circular Jefferson 886-2005. staircase with solid cherry I for the tender touch. There's a full apartment 4 door, 2 tone, loaded, (no steering, power brakes, Aut 0 mat i c, air, power WOOD MOTORS V.W. banister. Windows run to in the basement with complete kitchen. There's stereo). $4,200. 885-8207 power win d 0 w s, power 1969 MERCEDES 250-Darlt steering and brakes, good Gratiot at 8 Mile 372-2600 I after 5 p.m. locks, air, swivel buckets, the floor and open at lots more to tell you - call for the exciting g r e e n, good condition. cond'ition. $995. 886-6166. CASH FOR CARS touch. Recently refurbish- details now. 1974 PINTO Runabout. Au.1 re3r window defogger, 350 $2,800 or b~st offer. 882- 1974 PINTO, 3 door, 2.3 TOP DOLLAR PAID ed. Gas heat. Copper pip. V8, red metallic w/white 9806. DUTCH STYLE tomatie, new tires and bon net, AM/FM. Only litre, auto, AM.FM, rear MIKE MAHER CHEVROLET in~. fireplace, family room, In Grosse. Pointe Woods lovely atmosphere, this defroEter, 38,000 miles. USED CAR LOT fIlII basement. 1 of a kind. brakes, good condition. 36,000 miles. $3,000 or best 1971 MONTE CARLO. 40,000 four bedroom awaits your inspection. Living room __8_22_'0_87_5_. offer. Call after 6. 882- miles, air, 350-4 barrel, $750. 882-1712 after 4.~ EAST JEFFERSON AT For sale in $200,000 range ALTER ROAD bv owner. James 'M. Um- with fireplace, large dining room, breakfast room, . 1968 PLY M 0 U l' H Sports 2112. AMrFM. New tires. Red and den. There's a great assumption mortgage w/white top. Super sharp. 1974 CORVETTE - Dar& 821-2000 ohrey, Attorney. 249 E Suburban Wagon. Good en- 1974 COUPE DE. VILLE. brown, leather interior,' Huron. Bad Axe, Michigan too!! The price is in the 50's. ExceHent condition. $1,700. power s tee r i n g, power STOP-Don't Junk that car gine. $100. 521-6141. 38,000 miles, power, tilt (517) 269-6477. REGAL OPULENCE 884-4852 evenings. brakes, AM.FM stereo, air, or track. Call Bill for es. 1972 TAN COUGAR XR7 _ wheel. $3,100 or best offer. timate. 885-2221. May we offer a noble residence in the high qual. White convertible top, 351 885-2274. 1977 OLDS Cutlass salon, tilt, new transmission and I . 742 LAKELAND ity area of Grosse Pointe Shores? The owners of power s tee r i n g, power exhaust. $6,300. 774-0820. WISH TO BUY Vega with 3 bedroom Colonial. 21h engine. Best offer. 882- OLDSMOBILE, 1976. Delta this fine residence-l0 bedrooms, five and a half brakes, T.tops. Loaded. Call ---- -.------ruined engine but good baths, master bedroom has! baths-will con~inpr your bid. Here is a great _75_39_.__ .__._____ 88. Good condition. Loaded after 6 p.m. 521.7766. 1974 PLYMOUTH Satellite, body and good 4 cylinder a d'j 0 i n in'g bath, living opportunity to acquire a home of substantial 1977 MGB. Fully equipped. w/oplions. Asking $3,395. 318. Aut a mat i c, power room, dining room and re- 1971 4 DOOR TOYOTA Coral- Eteering, power brakes. car and Ford 223 engine class. The features are outstanding - may we Like new condition. Low Phone 882.0941. cently decorated kitchen la, original ownwer. 57,000 $1,100. 881.2610. . TU 5-8342. make an appointment for you? ._~il-=a_g_e_._$_4,_600_._886_-7_0_2_7._1974 DODGE Dart Swinger. large family room with miles. Highest offer 882'1 ------WANTED - Clean 70 thru beamed cathedral ceiling INCOME PROPERTIES 1977 FORD Chateau. 138 Good con d i t ion. 52,000 3335 . I 1978 CHEVY Landau. Monte 74 medium size car. 468- fireplace, wet bar and slid: inch whee: base. 351 auto. miles. Power s tee r i n g. . Carlo. Beautiful. GM re- We have two very interesting listings in this ing doors leading to spa. matico Power steering, pow. $1,500.881-5564. 1967 OLDS Delmont. 42,000 tiree must sell. $5,450. 96 6453. much sought-after market - one a 6/6 at 555,000. cious lot. 2 car attached I The other a 4/3 at $48.900 - Great financial ('r hrakes. Cruise, air, dual 1974 MONTE CARLO Lan. miles. Excellent condition. Mapleton, G.P. Farms. 881. llC-BOATS AND i Looks sharp. $500. 884- 6033. MOTORS . garage. Please call for ap- returns. ga~ tank. Heavy duty sus. dau. Air, AM/FM stereo. 4852. ------pointment. 882.3655 p('nsion. tinted glass, pow. Excellent condition. 775. 1977 OLDSMOB1LE, 98 Re. SUNF1SH - Olympic model, DETROIT er windows, electric doors, 8165. Do you have Illterl'sl ill single fal1lil~ "l' lIlClHlll' FORD. 1976 LTD. Air. power gen~y, 4 ~oor, ~ompletely I better than new condition. NEWER 3 BEDROOM custom interior, partial ex. in thi~ fast slahili7ll1g .~('('lioll l'1"~l' ,,, l;I'<>,,<' _ steering, power brakes, eqUIpped mcludmg stereo I Red, white and blue sail. Ph BATH B1.LEVEL tl'rior. FM cassette, 40 1976 PACER Deluxe: Stereo, ~tereo, tape, rear de. fog. w.tape player. 22912 Sun. $800. 886.5758. Poinl('? We ha\'l' a comprl'lll'Il.'II<' 11~1 fl'tllll One car attached ~arage watt power boost. 22.000 power steering and brakes, 18.000 original miles. $3,. nyside. 51. Clair Shores be. -- _.------$12.000 lIJl. Wc'lI bl' happy to gl\'l' ~ clll tll\' dl'l;1I1s. mil~s. l\Tmt see to appreci. air. Private. 884-1309. on 60 ft lot. Formal din. 300. 521.5448. tween Mack and Marter NOVA, 1978 25 ft. #250.XL C:;MMERCIAL ate. $9,500 or best. 756. ------.------Rd. Call 778.2863 twin 250 horsepower, red ing room, fireplace and 786~. 1975 CHEVY Van, % ton. 1978'1:> T.BIRD. Air condi. - _ _ _ . hull. Beige interior. Lots central air. No brokers. A great Offll'(' "ar('hollse situation ill 11\l' Park Power s tee r i n g, power tioning, AM/FM. speed 1971 PLY M 0 U 'I' H Gold of extras. Sunday 882.7796. 885 NOTRE DAME at SG5,OCO.Super IOl'alion, good parking. for sale 1977 CIIEVETTE, silv('r, brakes, air, super custom control, tilt whrcl. power. Du~ter, 72,000 miles. Me- Weekdays 399.1556 between. GROSSE POINTE CrTY or lease on :\Ioran.~. Call for info on both. Al\L Fi\T, automatic. hatch. intl'r;or, extras, rustproof. 350 engine. $5,900. 884. chanically good. Needs 8.4. 343-{)233 VACA;";T LAND back. 16.000 miles.' Ste(') cd, best offer. 884.3704. 7125. I some body work. $350.886. ------hl'lted radials. rear window ~-~ .._------I 5648. 12B-VACATION Six ('xcel!cnl 10(.' in SI. Clair Shores. $24.000. The 1974 VOLVO - Grand lux deCo/!. low mill'age. $3,000. 1973 GRAN TORINO - Full i ----- Parcel. Residential on Lakeshore 200x235 _ PROPERTY 252 Moran, Grosse Poinle 882.8872 af!('r 6 p.m. air, AMI FM stereo, all power, air, AM/FM stereo, 1971 VW BUS, 9 pa~senger, $78,000. leather i,lterior. Michelin excellent steel belted radio red, while. 882.0154. Farms. 3 bedroom, 11-2 FIVE BEDROOM CHA- 1973 IMPALA. Air. AM/FM; !ires. Low mileage. Many als, brakes, battery, ex- .-. bath Williamsburg Colo. LET. TWO BATHS, TWO stl'reo. tilt wheel $1,250. r extras. Excellent condition. haust. $875. 884.6438. 1978 CA DlLLAC Sedan De nial. Florida room, com. 885.P632. $3,695. Private owner. Af. I Ville. Loaded, CB, tape. FIREPLACES, LA R G E pletely redecorated, inter. 882-0087 DECKS, ROLLING HARD. i>ACI~Tt-WAGON i977-11 ter 6 p.m. 526.1624. 1972WHITE CORVETTE:": Gl\1 executive. showroom ior and exterior, central 55,000 miles. T-top, 350' condition. $9,125. 886.156;;. WOODS, NEAR air conditioning, and new. c:\t;a~. Air, roof' rack. bO~y 1197ifUJiY G~and Coupe. 4. SCHOOLS, SKIING AND Iy modernizer! kitchen. Grosse Pointe Real Estate :~.matic. $5,800. 343. I 'i975 - OLDS 9 passcn~er ovcrl;,y moldings, stereo I door, excellent condition. WATER. ACREAGE I $87,000. Call after 4 for tal'('. ~p()rt wheels, cloth Low mileage. $1,000. Be. ______wagon. Power steering, A V A I LA BLE. $67,500. co. appointment. The Community Builders Excl'lll'nt condition. 775. fore ~~. 824-6151 or 885. DATSUN 240.Z, 1971. 881.: p:Jwer brakes, air, rust. (616) 238.9005. 882.5192 8iM. 2529 after 5. 7121. j proof. 881.8372. I

___ .. ..=_-_-__.=.....-_-_=_.....-.01_.... _._ ..... __ ...... -.. __ ""'_-.. ~ ~__ ~_--_.-...... _ Page Thirty . G R 0 S S 5 .~~ ..IN T.E NEW S Thursday, November Ib, 1978

13-REAL ESTATE I 13-REAL ESTATE --l-6---P-ET-S'-FO-R'-SA--LE I 21E-STORMS AND '21G-ROOFING 'I 21-I-PAINTiNG, 21-I-PA.'NTING-, -'-1210-CEMENT AND FOR SALE FOR SALE KITTENS free to good home. SC~~E~S i SERVICE __ _ __. __~~O~AT_~~~ DECORATING BRICK WORK HOME OWNERS INSUR. 1162 DEVONSHIRE, Grosse Call aner 4 p.m. 821.7778. EASTVIEW 'GUTTER CLEANING MICHAEL'S iWI~EnI'oil'h~~;~I;~inti;ib; BRICK WORK ANCE Policy for your c!os. Pointe Park. 5 bedrooms. 2o-GENERAL SERVICE ALUM INUM INC SERVICE PAl NTI NG 2 experienced, pung men. TUCK POINrNG ing. Call Chesney lnsur. 31,,> baths, library, .living, 17008 1\ k ,. 9651 DECORATING Fr~e estimates. Call 885. POUCHES ND ance Agency. 884.5337 for dining, kitchen, with built. • PLUl\ffiING lac near Ca:iieux, 77 4- 40~2. CHIMNEYS REBUILT Grosse Pointe Park . Interior.Exterior Service - ..----- ...... - . -. - AND REPAIRED ~our quotation. ins, breakfast room. porch, • PLASTERING LICENSED. INSURE:.! EXPERT REPAI RS JIM ESSIAN ------1 d k arp t d and • PAINTING . Painting • Varnishing Advance Maintenance ar room. c eel ALCOA PRODUCTS ROOFI NG GUTTERS pn~FESSIONAL PAINTER 884.9512 TERRACE paneled recreation room. • CARPENTRY Storms, Screens, 'Siding, !loof. , Antiquing • Wallpap('ring Interior. Exterior CONDOMI N IUM sprinkler system, doubie • MASONRY I'ng, A"'nl'ngs, '''hl'te Seall). SMALL JOBS Wood Staining & Refinishing I> h' 1 to color 13HICi\.--I-{E-P-A-I-R-S-.-W-o-r-k '11 d 0 ner • VIOLATIONS "'f Fl'ee Estimates 889.0405 dper anglllg, eus In Bv owner, exceptional condi. gas grl an more. w . less gutters. Vinyl ~torm, 774 _9651 ...... _.... mixing. Having serveu the guaranteed. Porches, chim. -tion. Living room wlfire. 823.0119. CORRECTED doors, IV i n do IV s, siding, i...... RETIRED PAINTER looking Grosse Pointe area for neys, sidewalks, basement " ------• NOTHING TOO 511ALL GU1'1'r.'IIS I 1 I a I k ,I k ' place. den, forma I dInJng WE HAVE a limited number R Wrought Iron, Porch en. i r, " (O\I'nspou ~ e e' n. for work, In~ide painting, twenty-five year. Ability to ea s anu crac s. Tuck room, new kitchen w/built. f I GUY DE BOE closures. I. ed for ranch home) and 979.0329. rlease. R('sioent of the Pointing, Free. estimate.

ins, 5 bedrooms, 3 full of openings or sa es peo. 776.3708 385.4624 881.1060 or 527.5516 II bungalows. l';xcellent work. --- .... -. ''''-. -. Pointe. Call 882.1512. i 'J19.4245. baths, 2 half baths, and pie to serve the Grosse ----- ._ ... ---- .. -- CALL ANYTL\fE manship, reasonable nltes, QUALITY PAINTING at a ...... ______. __. _ much more. 17525 Maumee. Pointe and Macomb Coun. FRANK J. NOTAAF. Gradu. -- I 839.4787. reawnablc rate. Interior PAINTING-Handyman. Call HAROLD 885.4245. ty. We offer commisison ate masseur. Massage for 21 F-HOME ' -- .. --- painting, varnishing, and after 6 p.m, 775.6316. Work CHAUVI N ______plus a very high bonus better health. For partic. IMPROVEMENT i GUT TEn S r1caned, last graphics. Christian Beh. Guaranteed. r:E~!ENT CONTRAC'fon EXECUTIVE HOME program and a computer. II ular clerical treatments ------.--- _.. ('hance. $2995 lll'erage. 7782046 . ized multi.list. For your in "our home by appoint. 'I HADLEY i I\litcheIl 1\.1\1. Painting. '- ...... :--- ..-----. "- .2lJ....:.:.W-ALL WASHING I ALL TYPE OF Grosse Pointe Woods. Custom ' ROV I . CEl\IENT "'ORK built. Contemporary Colo. personal interview, call men\. 791.8718, 1\11. Clem. I HO:lm IMP EMENT l\Ionday thru Friday, 8:30 SUPERIOR I . I" l\lr. Monroe at 886.8710. ens. INC.' t05, 881.5105. See our ad K . MAIi'oj'fENA~CE Com. • Walks • Drives • Porches nia1. 5 bedrooms, 41/2 . . . .._ CO:llPLETE REMODELING on page 6. PAl NTI NG pany, wall washing, floor • Patios • Waterproofing baths, 4,350 square feet, IN THE WOODS H AND Y l\I A N "B 1 L L". SERVICE I NTERIOR cle~ning "rod waxing. Free • Pre.Cast Steps 22 ft. octagon family room. 1337 YORKTOWN Plumbing, electrical, paint- Kitchens baths rec rooms GUTTERS cleaned, efficient, PAl NTI NG, estlmates. 882.0688. • Tuck Pointing 3 fireplaces, full basement. Quality. Quality in this cus. ing, g e n era 1 household and additions:' Including cheap. 886.6099. Hob, If no PLASTER ING AND 21 K-WINDOW • Chimney Repair air, 2'/2 car heated garage. tom 4 bedroom, 2','> b~th I maintenance. 884.9363. counter tops, cabinets, panel. anslI'er keep trying, WASHING No job too small. Circular Mahogany stair. Colomal ., ------.EXPERT SERVICE mg. P"amtmg an d paper hang. 21-.-.----.---.------.-.-H-CARPET WALLPAPERING ---. _ Free Estl'mates. case, formal dining room, FamIly room With ~creened ing, woodwork, staining. varnish"1 K.WINDDW Cleamug Com. 77fl.8427 882.1473 many more features. $225, 14x16 terrace, first floor • Snow ~emoval A DIVISION OF CLEANING ing, refinishing wooden pany. Storms, screens, gut. Licensed 000. Call fOf apPointment'l laundry room. y'cllow kitch. • InsulatIOn .', I GRO~SE POINTE ---"'-_._--' . floors, carpet removal, and I tefs, alJminum cleaned. 17 Years in Pointe Armco Realty, 362.1940. en with built.ins and at. • Cement and Brick \\ ork I NTERS C K-CARPET wall washing. Reasonable Insured. Free estimates. 've nell' floorl'ng. Ex. • Garages Cleaned PAl" IN . CLEAN NG 21 P WAT~R ------tractJ 8829234 I prices. Hard workmanship. 882-0688 -- 1:- EXECUTIVE RANCH cellent carpeting, draperill5 • Small Carpentry I' COMPANY References available. In. PROOFING OPEN SUNDAY 2.5 and wallpaper tre: bath ranch home. Has all the extras, S & J ELECTRIC for Grosse Pointe Park, City and Farms CASHAN Liccnses. 371.0830. 6269. ! fenced yard, natural fireplace, full dining room, Residential - Commercial No Job too Small ------.--. - - ... --- .... -.- .-- .. -. i ('at in kitchen, central air, gas heat, electronic ROOFING M. J. K. PAINTERS. CALLDIRECT823-6500-336-1111 885.2930 IFNO ANSWER air purifier. Appliances, drapes stay. Move in im- Roof, roof repair, alumi. MAl NTENANCE EUROI'EAi'i EXPERTS : mediately. Call for appointment 88,0;.6926. JJ rSil's ~rruicrnlrr, ,...!Inc. GR~SSE POINTE'S ONLY num gutters, hot roofing, I Interior. Exterior Painting In:.erior, exterior, wallpaper. I Quick service. Work gual'- 'All home 01' Business rl'pairs ing, patching, plastering, I 15302 I. lefferson at B.aconsfi.'" HOOVER anteed. 881.1934. 885.1518 885.1839 window puttying. caulking. ,------,------Good work. Grasse Pointc FACTORY AUTHORIZED references. Reasonable, I SERVICE Frcc estimdte. Call John SERVICINC THE CROSSE POINTES WANTED POINTE VACUUM anytimc. 368.509B, FOR OVER '12 CENTURY ------~------by FREE PICKUP AND JOSEPH NOSEDA AND SONS, INC. DELIVERY BACK IN BUSI:'lI-:SS h.ry StyI. 0# F'"t' NEW REBUILT PARTS I Painting - Decorating - Roofing experts since 191:3. i Wall Washing, Elmer T., .,.d.~#or yo. DuMouchelle's TU 1-0700 i LaBadie, 882.2064. i 21002 MACK 1- .... -.- .. --- .... - .... WA 1-6282 Oriental Rugs. Antiquo- • Fine Paintings • Jewelry I Gutters, siding, decks of all kinds. Low cost : EXPERT PAINTING, paper • Fine Furniture • Crystal • Sterling • China 21 E-STORMS AND I hanging. Free estimates. I iflch,4ift. SCREENS i commercia! hot roofing. Licensed and Ch'i" Li"k AU.Steel ."et i _ .G ... ~.~~~~~~~.~~.~~~. Complete ESTATES or Single Item~ Ru.tic Style. I AI~UMINUM storm doo~, I insured. Free Estimates. TNSTANT CASH 0:' on consignment , windows :lnd doorwalls. DONALD BLISS Dccorator Natural or colors. Screens Phone Us At Frce Estimates repaired, Low prices. Work VA 2-1878, 343-0642 MEHLENBACHER FENCE CO. 963-6256 or 963-0248 myself. Frcd's storm. TU 1-7050 10403 HARPER RESIDENTIAL, INDUSTRIAL ':.- ,521.5810 839.4311 '1- --1 40 Years in Grosse Pointe Thursday, November 16, 1978 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Thirty-One 21 $-CARPENTER -_._------_._------SERVICE Thanksgiving :::::::<~~~I~...... • • • • • • . ..r...... ••••• LETO Service Set • • • • • BUILDING COMPANY .. : :':~I SInce 1911 Members of First Church • Custom, Building • • •• II f'a.nily rooms our specialty, of Christ, Scientist, 282 Chal. fonte avenue, have sched. .t I. a Itera Iions, kitchens. uled their annual Thanks. • __ I TV 2.3222 ------I giving service for Thursday, _ ..., I ALBERT D THOMAS November 23 at 10:30 a.m. , The service is open to .the 1 GROSSE POINTE and AREA --_ ..... • •.. I INC, public.. "------We are general contractors, The hour-long meeting in. • • •• II • One call takes c"re of all eludes Scriptural readings I • your building. remodeling and hymns of thanksgiving, ... -:L problems large or small, as well as excerpts on the I TU 2-0628 topic of gratitude from the I Christian Science textbook, "Science And Health with EBENEZER BAPTIST CHURCH BARKER • • • • •• .... Key to The Scriptures," by 21001 Morass Road and 1.94 , , CONTRACTORS, Inc. .... Mary Baker Eddy. • ••• • ...... Modernization • Alerations Sunday School 9:45 a.m. .. . , The readings this year in...... Additions • Family Rooms Kitchens & Recreation Areas clude passages from the .Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Estate Maintenance Psalms: "1 will praise the JAMES BARKER name of God with a song, and Evening Fellowship 6:30 p.m. 886.504'; will magnify him with thanks. giving . . . He healeth Night Wednesday 7:30 p.m. QUALI1"Y WORK by carpen. broken in heart, and bindeth ter wilh over 2\l years ex. I up their wounds." Pastor Willi:ml Cummins perience in Grosse Pointe And from "Science and Kitchens remodeled, base. Health:" "Gratitude is much Child care provided at all services menta paneled, room addi. more than a verbal expres. lions, etc. Conscientious. sion of thanks Action ex- Small jobs acceptable. 882'\ presses more g~atitude than 1004. speech." Following the readings, ST. JAMES LUTHERAN CHURCH CUSTOM time has been set aside for On the HiD HOME REPAI R Ch~istian S.cientists to share MacMiOan at Kercheval .TV 4.0511 theIr gi'atltude for God's Remodeling, repairs of any goodness and love. 9:30 and 11 a.m. Services kind. Work alone. No job Rose Lu DeWindt and (N ursery, both services, for small children) ••• too hig or small. RaUen Francis G. Smith, who are window cor d s, window serving a term as the congre. 9:30 a.m. Sunday School . .. sills, jambs, doors, porch. gation's Readers, will conduct SPECIAL SERVICE ON THANKSGIVING DAY es, basements, attics. Call the s e r v ice which also 9:30 a.m. Bill Lynn, 889-0298, 773. i n c Iud e s the President's 0798. Thanksgiving Proclamation. Rev. George E. Kurz Care will be provided for Rev. George M. Schelter 21T-PLUMBING & young children. HEATING

BOB DUflE League to See GROSSE POI NTE PLUMBING and HEAT. NG Licensed Master Plum} >er 'Viva Me~~ico' BAPTIST CHUR.CH 21336 Mack Avenue OUR SEWER CLEANING, Grosse Pointe Woods SPRINKLER REPAIR, etc. Th~ Grosse Pointe Cinema A Warm Welcome Grosse Pointe Wooes League will present '.'Viva AwaIts You 886-3!Jlf7 Mexico," a 16mm color film Mornlnll Wllrshlp by Robert Makara when it 11:00 a.m. ELECTRIC sewer cleaning. meets at the War Memorial's Sunday School 9:4S a.m. No footage charge. Tele'l Fries Auditorium, 32 Lake. The Grosse Pointe Evening phone price. 20 years of shore road, on Monday, No. Service 6:30 p.m. CLASSIFIED ADS experience. Call Roemer vember 20, .at 8 p.m. . MEMORIAL CHURCH Nursery Plumbing. TU 2.3150. One portIOn of th~ mO~le All Services ______. I centers around MeXICO CIty United Presbyterian and the other around Gua. 16 Lake Shore Road Rev. Wm. Taft For information nigHt or FRANK R. WEIR I da~a~:~:. are views of hilly day call 882.5330, dial a Gro.n Polnhl I Guanajuato, a channing PLUMBING pra)'er 882-8770. United . mountain mining town with REALLY MEASURE UP Worship Service METHODIST t= chaotic streets, and San Mi. & H A TIN G 9:30 and 11:30 L. guel de Allende, which still CHURCH 10:30 Study Hour PERSONALIZED SERVICE retains the old buildings and 211 MorolS Road SINCE 1925 cobblestoned streets of Co- Thanksgiving Day

l Thursday, November 16, 1978 Page Thirty-Two GROSSE POINTE NEWS Feature Page * * ------_._------~------* * * * ------_._-~------._------_._------_._---* * Pointer of Interest Shortandto From Another Pointe of View ,J the PO'Inte (Continued from Page 23) fIJ-Otnfe ,. ~ brate the dawn of her new beginning" this Sunday, "~'-'~; '-- .. 1November 19, from 3 to 5 o'clock. Counter Points ,\0 (Continued from Page 17) She will exhibit her collection of pastels at an by Pat Rousseau . ~.' ' Grosse Pointe South High open house in the gallery of the Academy of the .. School graduate JAMES C. Sacred Hcart, Bloomfield Hills, where she served Fill In ... your holiday wardrobe and save at 1 { / .. -II' PARSONS. of Washington as Elementary School librarian frem 1969 until her the Pre - Thanksgiving Sale at Walton-Pierce. -<:,::7 ,', ~~a~T~~1, :r~e~~tro~: retirement last June. Dresses from day thru evening. wearf and t sportIf i a graduate of Our Lady Star * * '" separates including a nice se IectlOn 0 swea ers. ! , of the Sea High School, have Before that, for 21 years, she was at the Acad- YJU are a bride-to-be and wear a size ten, there are ! , won Student Life Scholar. emy of the Sacred Heart, Grosse Pointe_ She moved lovelYNsample weI dding dbressdes thatfareh.reallYf grtehat I I, ships of $1,000, renewable to 'Sacred Heart in Bloomfield Hills when th~ b uys. ot on sa e, are ran new as IOns or e ~ for four years, at Oakland Sacred Heart S<:ho:11 in'Lakeshore road became the party season. Love that very feminine, layer(!d i University, Grosse Pointe Academy. cocktail dress of red chiffon. There's a smashing ~, • * • Before Grosse Pointe, her professional career black jersey dress with a deep V neckline, dolman JO A~fNldSCHWAnTZ, of took her to Sacred Heart schools in New York and . t 'th ffl d Beacons Ie a v e n u e, en, " D' d f I sIeeves an d a wrap st yes1 k If WI a ru e own rolled at Earlham Colle,l;e, Basten. She s a natJve etrolter, a gl:a uate 0 t 1e the side. Alice Stuart's silky looking black polyester I Richmond, [nd., this fall. I Academy of the Sacred Hea~t befo:-e It moved from pants have as many possibilities as you have tops. * • • Lawrence avenue to BloomfIeld HIlls. In the Lingerie Department, a long slender "at it. Named to the spring se.1 She studied at Man.h,~.ttanville Coll~ge ?f th" home" dress with pointy sleeves comes in bl~e, MRS. THOMAS W. BAUMGAUTEN, me"ler Dean's Lisl at Adrian Sacred Heart before receIving her degree In Library black and gold or crange, gold and black. The prmt ------Collegz were LISA GRUNE. Science from Villanova University. She's an author is far eastern in mood. There's fresh navy and By Ann Wallace eomplish all that is neces.- WALD, of Lakeland avenue, whose "P~ems of Gcd's Child" was published in white or red and white print hostess gowns. The Fcntbonne-a French word meaning "Doing sary in a day," explains a junior, and JEANNE G. 1945. sleeves are short and fall in a ruffle effect. In the Good"-was the name chosen by the Sisters of Cathy, "I begin my day early. LENZ, of Ford court, a * * * Gift Department, American Designer Award acces- Saint Joseph for their Saint John Hospital au::il- My husband, Tom, also gets sophomore, Officially retired, she's still "serving'" as a sory sets of fine printed suede include cosmetic iary, founded in 1948, even before the hospltal up at that time as he also * * • volunteer. Each Monday she visits the elderly in case, cigarette case and credit check clutch. Lots of buildings were in existence. The Sisters, whJ own has very busy days. Uninrsity Liggett School Detroit. Tuesda;y through Friday mornings she new pearl necklaces ... some baroque pearls with and operate the hospital, were founded by Mother Outdoor People ~~ni:R.D~:cfD M~~.B'ii1'R~; helps out in the Bloomfield Hills Academy's Ele- eold. Come shop now and get the best selection of Sai.nt J.ohn Fontbonne following the French Revo- "We al'e both avid out- D. URBAN, of Van Antwerp mentary School library. hshl'ons_ and gl'fts at Walton-Pierce. lutlOn In the late 18th century. doorsB people,"t h notes bMrs. road, spent part of the sum. And she ignores her arthritis to spend as much '" * * "Doing Good' continues to i ------' - -- ina~7i~~r a~ci ::aso a~~~:e a~r~ mer participating in DePauw time as possible in her second floor studio at the If You Have A Flair ... for dec;orating with be the purpose of Suint John I Complex designed.dfor agin g rnoimmer and skier, "and we University's Project Prep, Bloomfield Hills Academy, launching the new . h C Hosl:ilal Fontbonne Auxili, , couples and indivl ual s w h0 . t' g anl of col color, you should see what uou can d 0 wzt oppes '1 I 'b t ho all have developed into game an In enslve pro r - career she began preparing for three years ago by cabinets. They're available in a of 14 dif- bary f~tS/ :re~ares thfO\9~~ I rcq,uit~ nurSing t~are rfu st;le hunters. Now, at this time of lege instruction in the Lib- taking- art courses sponsored by the Bloomfield . dd't' t tl d t' ene I un raiser. e mam am. an ac Ive 1. e .' year, \\'e go duck hunll'ng up eral Arts. erent co ors, In a t ton 0 ze manu woo s am . Ch' B 11 h d "It 11 b d tlal ~ • • Hills schools f 'h SI 1 d t M t hI K't I . White rJstmas a, sc e - I WI e a resl en at Harsen's and Walpole . f ims es. ee samp es to ay a u sc er t c lens, uled for Saturday evening. community located elsewhere HAROLD M. McCRACK- Her collection includes still tifes, people, land. Inc., 20227 Mack Avenue, 884-3700. December 9. in the Detroit in the area, not in the Saint Islands." EN, of Stephens road, parti- scapes and animals. She decided to open a studio ...... Plaza Hotel in Renaissance John Hospital complex in They are accompanied by cipated in a meeting 'of the and have an exhibit when she discovered she had Stock1ng stuffer' •• , Sure to please and to be used, Center, '\Ioross road." lthteilr dhog, Bevo , abn at~fsol- Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity ~ closet-full of pastels. "I thought maybe I would d the ""old mesh coin purse with an attached key rin", Is Two Cathy Baumgarten, chair. I Reservations Needed Lu eby dugc Rant' eau. IhoU International President's Ad- sell some of them," she cxp Iains. 'It's' si IIy to h. ave dollars and fifty cents at the Notre Dame Pharmacy, man of the advisory board Advance reservations for a r a 0 r e never w , visory Committee in Indian...... for this year's ball;. says, "It the ball, at $150 per couple, when he returns from a very apo1is where the fraternity's them l)iled in a closet." h ld b b' t'f I ning are necessary and may be busy afternoon of retrievin~, pro g ram s, were reviewed She hones to spend more time in the future Sandy Beaches, . , splashing waves S ou e a eau I u eve . is !'till ready to play with his with recommendations made doing pastel portraits of children. and is currently warm sunshine and not a care in the am. ard ~e ~fpe~t about 500 peo. ~:::e bru~~AI~::: ~f~iC~on:t ball or other toy. to the international president comoleting a uicture of one of the ~'oungsters at- world! Where? Travelwise travelers (I p ~,It0....~11e~e .a formal party, 881.8200, Extension 545.. T~~ family's. huntin~ ex- and board of directors. tending Sacred Heart's Primary School. always ask for Mr. Q, 886-0500. black tie requested, with Cathy Baumgarten, cha.Ir. pedltlOns have I~cluded not .. • • I .. ~ • decorations in Christ mils de. ma~ 'of the 1964 WhIle I only ~uck hun~mg .loeally, MR. and MRS. LYLE CO!:- DOUG, TOM and JODY, and field uvenue, JOH)l RICCI, Capture The Spirit Of Christmas cor." ChflStmas Ball, has served a.sI but trIps to \\ yommg for LINSON, of Grand MaraiS many friends.' I of Touraine road, and ROB . . , , with unique ornaments , , , hand- Cocktails at 7 ~rcsidenl of Fontbonne Auxl' antelope. to northern Canada boulevard. h~sted a silver • * • I ERT ELLIOT. of. Rivarcl painted wood animals, papier mache i Strolling musicians will en- . hary and on ,the board of I for black ~~ar, :md f~rther wedding anniversary party RUSSELL K DAVIS, III, bOlllc\'ard. i>lore were VI~. santas cuddly fuzzies and 1978 dated i tertnh !wests at a cocktail i t~ust('es ef Saml John Hos- I west to BntIsh Co~umbla for at the Detroit Boat Club for. son of :\lR. and :l1RS, ReS. I CE:'\T JOHNSO;o.;. of Lake. ': or arr:ents at the S tLirrel's Nest hour beginning at 7 o'clock. I pita!. I moose and mountaIn goat, lheir daughter MRS. JAMES i SELL K. DAVIS, JR .. of, shore road, PAl'l, POKOR. 19849 M k q , Dinner will be served at 8:30, i "I still um very much in. "My husband does not hunt I NORTH and MR. NORTH.' Washington road. received a: NY, of :"Ieff road, DENNIS • ac . followed by dancin~ to the I valved as a buyer with Font. for bi!! I:lame now," continues In attendance were the Doctor of Education degree'S PIN A Z Z E. of Somerset ...... music of Chuck Robinette bonne's gilt shop," notes Mrs. 'Ballm~arten, "but at Norths' four children, AMY, during spring commence- roud, and JOAN LONG, of Re.elected . . . by popular demand~ Bijouterie flOe and his orchestra. :\Irs. Baumgarten, its former one time, he did travel to ------rnent exercises at the Uni. South Rosedale court, a den- jewelry, In a bipartisan sweep, Bijoutene was again se. '~This spring," continues I chnirman for four years_ Poi~t Barrow, Ala~ka, acc?m, Orchard Lake Parents versity of Akron where he is tal hygienist. lecled as the most rellable flne jewelry store of Grosse Catnv. "we had a general Cathy earned her Bachelor Dallied by an EskImo !!tIlde, an assistant professor of • • • Pointe. Come in and see for yourself. Bijouterie,. 19860 meeting of all the committees of Science degree in Nursing h'e shot a polar bear. Plan Christmas Festival Business Management Tech. Among those attending the Mack Avenue, Grosse Pointe Woods comer of Huntington. to solidify our plans. Now from the Unil'ersity of lIlichi. "That was the week follow- nology. annual law alumni night at Closed Mondays, we have just one more meet- gan. She met her future hus- ing the great Alaskan earth. Members of the Moms and • • • Wayne State University Law .. • • ing- and that will be it. The band when he was a resident ouake in 1964 that just about Dads Club of the Orchard Among Class of 1978 Uni- School was Pointer MICH- Hurry ... to Ed Maliszewski, 21435 Mack for committees have been meet- on the staff of the University destroved parts of Anchor- Lake Schools. will stage t1~eir versity of Detroit School of AEL T. TIi\I1\I1S, recipient of the Lees' Authorized carpet sale. It ends N ovem- ing individually si~ce last of 1\lichi~an Hospital in Ann age, ~e forlunatelv did not an.nual Clmstmas FestIval Den tis try graduates were a Distinguished S e r vi c e bel' December folIo \1'1 n g last Arbor. where Cathy worked. experience any nroblem~ re- thiS Sunday. ~ov~mber 19, FARES ELIAS, of Rathbone: Award, a former president 18. I vear's ball, when plans for They were mal'ried 28 lated to the earthquake." f~om t;I0on unt~} 9 m t~e.,eve- place. PHILIP HAR1\IESON. of the alumni associution and .. * ...... lhis year's party were for- years ago and have lived in Two Fine Trophies m~g In the. old g}m a: of Maryland avenue; AN-I former chairman of the Law The Opttctans ... at Woods Opttcal Studzos mulated." , . Grasse Pointe ever since. That hug~ bear, (its beau- Samt Mary s PreparatolJ I THONY l\lILAS, of Beaeons- School Fund. have what they consider the best eyeglass, frame The proceeds from the Dr. Baumgarten. a surgeon Hful fur l"kin and head. that School, part of the Orchard ------for those who play tennis and racket ball. It is by I benefit this year arc desig. on the staffs of Saint John. i~). lies on the floor of t~e Lake complex at Commerce: S h d I F II F t' [ t S . t J h M Silhouette has a deep shape for excellent visibility II nated for the implemontation Bon SeCClUI'S,.Deaconess and ~aumgarten b.e d roo m, Its und Orchard Lake roads. c e u e a es Iva__a am osep ercy and a comfortable temple that stays in place. FOT of a home care prol!ram, de- Cottage Hospitals, and Cathy Jaws open Wide, r~ady to Festivit~es-begin with ~ass The Auxiliary of Saint Jo- Friday, November 17, from men and women see it at 19599 Mack Avenue signed to provide the po~t. have a son. Tom, a graduate greet anyone e:rtermg the at, 10:30 0 clock. The fes~lval seph Mercv Hospital will 7:30 in the morning to 6 in between 7 and 8 Mile Roads. 882-9711. I hospitalized pat i e n t with of Alma College with a room -:- nre,entmg an awe. Will f~ature g~m~sd PrlZ~S, pre s en t . its annual fall the c\'ening in the hospital '" .. '" special services at home, such Dachelor of Science degree. some Sight. to l"ay th? leasl! b 0 u.t I que s, ,a e goo~, festivnl. featuring a bake cafeteria Proceeds will be h St I f '78 I h i1 on as nursing. medical social who attended the Unil'ersity On that same .trlP, Dr. handicrafts. musIc and ethl11c sale, boutique items, Christ- used for special hospital ~?n Ru~l Says ... T ~ yes or re J ;v y services, physical therapy, of l\lichigan for two years, Baumgarten obtamed the food. _ mas ornaments and plants. proJects, prec~slOn haIrcutting. for line, shape .and bo y. on em. phYl"icians and nut r i t ion He presently is interested walrus head, with white tusks ------, phas!z~s healthy,. shmy, easy.c~re haIr to show off that services so that the patient in a law career. about two feet long, that "There med to be a pro- Ciaffonc eneral co,chair-' I1o<'\i ;\[1'5 '\lichael Burke prec1Slon c~t, ~hlS ~ay ~e a~hlered fo~ th\ nie~~s~tty.les may leave the hospital soon-: lIer Duties Are .Many ?angs. on t~e fireplace wall grnm about nature on tele-, man and 1\I~. and 1\Irs Fred. ;\[r~: Tl:omas' n. Gebeck and or the ClasSICS. Y so t an na I;Jra permmg, a r Ig enmg I cr. thereby decreasing medi- l\lrs, Baumgartl'n s volulI' m their family rOom. vi:oion." recalls Mrs, Baum., erick Cod' honorar\" chair. I :\11" J Lee Schoenith and toning, hIghlighting, tlntmg or a wonderful natural enl costs t'er duties includc not on1\' "Now travelling to Har- garten" c:Jlled Michigan Out. I ~. . 1 d'~" • E . 1 h a treatment Call 886.4130 for an appointment - L,. • • ' men mam: othel' pcop e nn ;'I[ore are :\Irs ,~ormanG enn ' .. '... . Other services would .bl' her "ork WIth the .~amt sen s lEland and our cott~ge I'"doors, WIth lIlort Neff. ~e I mvs~H ar~ \'en' involved in' Gi:lrd. :llrs. Robert Jar. ;\[rs. , . 0' providing medical supplies. John FO!llbonnc. ~uxlllary, ~n the South ~!lannel ?f1ve sponsore~ a contesl for. WIld I last.minnte pr;Plrations for .John B. Renick, :\lrs. James

There s An Excellent SelectIOn , .. of 100/0 equil)ment and appliances. and also m the chOle at the IS our love. contmues game reCipes, George Plerrot tl f t' .-t' .. ' ":" a J .1 ~I- . I' d d d '. C I . .. d't' I t I ' I 1e es 1\lIes. l-In"em n. r. an" .\ r,. wool coats by Pen dl eton In c asslc a~d up ate e- and homemakcr and ho,l1!', hospItal. but aI5') those a, a at I~. an I IS so c ~se 0 wa~ one oC the Judges. . ;\[rs. James ~. :\[otschall.: R~)bert .\, Zmk. :\[rs. Jame, I signs, sclids, tartans and novelty plaIds t:J be found health ai.d, . I boa,rd member of tIll'. So.nth. : us: .]U~t aboul 45 mmutes "My. husband submltt~d I president of Fontbonne Auxi- J. Snyder. Jr .. :\11'5.Andre\\" at Hartley's Country Lane, 20641 Mack Avenue. I AdVIsory Commlttre, : ea:o, I~lslnt'l 01 thc ,l\Ilchlga~ :m.?). !fiy reCIPe for charcoal. brOlI- liar\', and Sister vercnice! Dahl and :\Irs. Richard Pryce. • '" '" The home, car(". adnsory 1/~s~~lclatlOn of Hll~pllal AllXI ,Some day we hop.e to reo Ing dll~k ,breasts and I,t won i :\[cQuade. SSJ. associate ad-: :\15, Pepper Whitelaw. 011

Martita sugge-sts for that special girl in UOllr committee a, Samt ,John, Ilam's. . tire uP thcbr.edan~ ]lfISI~hOt~; the prIze. The nlE-Xl~,eadr. I: ministrator and director of :otaff at Saint .John Hospital. Hospital a 550.bed com. A 111(,111ol'rof the ,JUnior .- 11ll! ,""1lI111!1I11~111 to thc ('on Ings of sll1ps, ,Time Now I,mllied I I Fashions is having a grand opening sale 'till Nov. 18. 20r, gr:l1TIi~ rxpc(\r<\ I,y thl' fir,t '!r!'g](i"n Gr("at Gam(" Cook ~ "illy time now is limitc~l." , I~ W,th Coupon Expires 11 20 78 JI off all merchandise. If you can't decide, take a "raincheck" /If the vcar. Thi, ""1'\' hu~y lally. 1\ hll Crning. h"bh~'. nnd a v('ry tasty one i thl' plans for th(' Whitr '" * • r('ali7I'I! from 111(' ball," foX- ;li<() sN\"(~d Oil the h',3n! of at thaI. Sh(' is an l'xp('rt wild Christma~ Ball. an,l T dOll't' Pull Some Strings ... Our Christmk and "on a pri7(, gl'l Olway as l11urh as I 1/ I, ('llIlIdie A,r/lu, .. , d de Panl Trar,/ THIS WEEKEND ONLY I • • • i ~ ,\ttf'ntli\!\ ,l!'I'i~"l<; , :11<;[1 1)c')p!r I .111."1 rp/IITIl('r1 (11'1" "'If' 1I'('e/: .<:tall rlied:- Entertaining, Id('II11.k /'/('/: lip 110111' IJ)"ocl!lI)"e at d(' Bani TU/1'('1. plH ds ah~llll1rJ "t 170:17 1{rrc!lc\':il hptW('1'1l St. ('lair' aJ'rl (:il"'''' (",' . , ')"1"" \1" f," (; r. '1):r1 17R,'j(j .11011111('(' Hood (('(IT!II'I" Fi,,}Il~r HIli 17931 East Warren TU 4-6120 and I'Ltre Dame. LamjJ S;lup.1SI,,,,i ":<1, I. ,',." I,. II," (,., ",' 1'<'1.:1,' .1;11'1111('('). or ('all 881-:J'1'17.

• a a7ss••••••• 7 p Thursday, November 16, 1978 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Thirty-Three GROSSE POINTE REALEST~TEBOARD BUYING OR SELLING REAL ESTATE- MAKE THE RIGHT MOVE WITH A MEMBER tit BROK.ER - VISIT OR CALL HIM FOR PROMPT, PROFESSIONAL SERVICE @ ------., PURDY & TOLES Champion FIRST OFFERING - 419 MANOR - OPEN SUN- Ichweltzer.~Bett5fnes" DAY 2:00 to 4:00: Delightful English Bungalow OPEN SUNDAY 2:30-5:00 Real E/tote.lnc. I I W H and Gardens in a fine Farms location. Features a living room with fireplace, dining room, 2 bedrooms and 1304 HARVARD - $69,900.00 bath down plus a bedroom and super expansion J.ii,V"it,,~ ' /' ?:~///:.~v ~ 1wo DaIDeS you ca~ trust area on the 2nd floor - add carpeting, range, ':I,;' ... ':z.~4: .7 ( refrigerator, washer and dryer and you have a . ~'f;~ ~.¥;:.- ~ , real nice buy. The furnace is new and has central air - Won't last! FOURTEEN OFFICES IN FOUR COUNTIES GROSSE POINTE FARMS - An extra special ex- ecutive's house - Choice location - Large but ONE OR TWO YEAR HOME WAR'RANTY AVAILABLE extremely low maintenance - Beautiful grounds - Master suite, library, family room, living room GUARANTEED SALES PLAN and recreation room all have fire pIalles, 4 addi. tional family bedrooms plus maid's quarters. We COMPLETE RELOCATION SERVICE are also offering central air conditioning, car- peting and much, much more - Call for the exciting details. Unusual Shores Offering GROSSE POINTE PARK - 100' x 250' lot on Three Open Sunday, 2.5 Call Paula Rommelaere or Val Trumbauer at Mile Drive between St. Paul and Jefferson. Truly 777-4940 for an enthusiastic description of this one of the finest blocks in Grosse Pointe. Oh! 364 ROOSEVELT. It's hard to believe how unique home, custom designed to take full ad- There's a bonus - Terrific almost Olympic sized peaceful and quiet this location is - and vantage of a gorgeous view of Lake St. Clair. We pool that's heated plus all the equipment. Just still so convenient for all family needs, can't do it justice on paper, but some of its fea- build that new house to compliment it. like school, shopping, etc. This newe.r of. tures are: WELCOME HOME TO THIS NEWER COLONIAL. fering is a charming brick ranch. wIth a IN THE 'VILLAGE' - Backs up to National Bank Three bedroom, one and a half bath, new air of Detroit regional office. Remodeled Farms family room and such hard to find features • Outstanding kitchen with wall freezer conditioned family room and remodeled kitchen as wet plaster, hardwood floors, copper House with 3-suites. Zoned for business. 90 ft. offer comfort and convenience in the generous plumbing, See it Sunday; it's priced right. of frontage with lots of off-street parking. sized rooms. Traffic pattern accomodates even • Three very large bedrooms the most active family lifestyle. Located near GROSSE POINTE SCHOOL SYSTEM - Harper 886.5800 the village and schools. Immediate occupancy. Woods - Won't last - Buy of the Week! 20609 1035 ROSLYN. Pretty brick semi.ranch with • Three distinctive baths Van Antwerp - Built in l~ - Ilh Story. Has 1306 AUDUBON - TOUCH 0' TRADITION - Good two bedrooms on the first floor, two more living room, large kitchen, 2 bedrooms and bath looking home and very tastefully decorated. Four on the second, two full baths and a pro- • Large patio and Oriental gardens down plus 2 bedrooms up. Carpeting, range. large bedrooms, 2lh baths, den - all big, bright fessionaIly finished basement with a third. and beautiful! $117,000.00. bath. All kitchen appliances stay, and • Exceptionally low heating bills there's eating space in the kitchen, Worth MIMIlR seeing Sunday! National Institute of Real Estate Broke .. BY APPOINTMENT • Many, many closets Grasse Poonte Reol htate Boord Detroit Board of Realta .. LIKE COUNTRY LIVING . . . 886-4200 National Association of Realtors 2218 HAWTHORNE . $75,000 away from the hustle and bustle of traffic 4-brdm. Colonial, large pretty, lot, away from being wedged between other houses ... Ranch Near the Lake PURDY & TOLES 886-5800 tucked away on a dead-end lane off Lakeshore, you If you can't live directly on Lake St. Clair, this are offered comfortable living in a lovely Farm 1824 HAWTHORNE $84,500 spot is second best! This rambling ranch, stun- ASSOCIATES, INC. colonial and the added enjoyment of a quality in- English, three large bedrooms. ning inside and out, graces one of the loveliest ground swimming pool. Four bedrooms, three baths, 886-4200 streets in Grosse Pointe Shores. There are three panelled family room with natural fireplace, spacious bedrooms, three baths, powder room, outstand. REAL ESTATE living room, formal dining room, great kitchen with 483 FISHER ..... $94,900 ing family room with parquet floor and enter- eating space, first floor laundry room. This is only Luxurious Colonial, 3 bedrooms. tainment center. Shown by appointment. 889-0500 the beginning of the list of important features -....: 886-4200 let us show you the way to this most unusual property. 886-5800 WM. J. ----lB~... The Homes Listed GROSSE POI NTE FARMS OFFICE GROSSE POINTE WOODS OFFICE Champion 886-5800 886-4200 On These Pages 101 and Co. Kerch".1 884-5700

Represent Just Some Office Open Monday-Saturday 5;30 Sunday 11:QO.5:00 Sally Clarke Penny Ledlie Ann Dingeman Evelyne Rupp Of the Many Available Dorothy Healy Jean Wakely Shirley Kennedy Mary Walsh Lorraine Kirchner There's No Place Cathy. Champion DiIlaman Through Member Brokers. Catherine Champion, Broker Member of the Grosse Pointe Real Estate Board Like Home Especially when home is in Grosse Pointe. An outstanding residential community affording the advantage of Lake St. Clair, good schools, excellent shopping, estab- lished municipal services, and unsurpassed conveniently located activities for chil- HIGBIE MAXON dren of all ages. GREAT SHORES LOCATION - Built in 1976 this center entrance 4 bedroom, 21,-2 bath Colonial offers a paneled library, a family room with fireplace and bar, a first floor laundry and a ree room. There is also OPEN SUNDAY 2:30 - 5 central air and a lawn sprinkler system. Immediate possession available. MOORLAND DRIVE - Sparkling 3 bedroom, 21h bath Colonial in the newer area of the Woods. 21 foot family room with fireplace and doorwall to 17 foot covered patio. Rec room in basement. 2 car attached garage. Nicely landscaped lot. MOROSS ROAD - Set well back from the road on a lQO.260 lot this lovely Colonial offers nice size rooms throughout. Family room with fireplace. 2 first floor powder rooms. 5 spacious bedrooms and 4 baths on second. Rec room with lav in basement. 2 car attached garage. All this in a beautiful setting bordering the golf course. O'MARA COURT - Centrally air conditioned ranch built in the late 50's on a quiet court near Star of the Sea. Good traffic pattern. Family room. Rec room with fireplace. 3 bedrooms. 2 car attached garage. Lawn sprinkler system. Price reduced. COOK ROAD - Maintenance free 3 bedroom ranch convenient to transportation. Paneled family room. Knotty pine recreation room with lay. Central air conditioning. 2 car attached garage. New roof and aluminum trim in 1976. SADDLE LANE - 4 bedroom, 21h bath Colonial ideal for active family. Library, family room with fireplace. 20 foot first floor laundry room and a spacious paneled rec room. Other ameneties include central air, intercom, fire and burglar alarm and patio with gas grill. The interior is a must see.

WATERFRONT AREA - QUIET REFUGE - GROSSE POINTE SHORES SUNNINGDALE DRIVE - Custom built ranch on l00x310 lot. Paneled library plus a family room. -3 nice 825 LAKE SHORE ROAD size bedrooms and 21h baths. Rec room with fireplace, bar and full bath in basement. There is a heated pool surrounded by flagstone patio and a pool house for summer enjoyment. Central air. 212 car attached It is not only the setting that enhances this charming New England Farm Colonial, but the accessability to garage. private clubs, lakefront parks, junior ski hill, schools, and churches as well. Outstanding architectural achievements throughout. Genuine wood paneling in the very handsome spacious library. Family room WARNER ROAD - Handsome Southern Colonial in popular Farms location. Center foyer with marble floor. and garden room overlook the 42 foot kidney shaped swimming pool , .. 3 natural fireplaces. First floor Both the living room and the family room have fireplaces. 2 first floor powder rooms. 4 twin guest bedroom. 5 family bedrooms. Circular drive. 3 car attached garage. Now offering immediate pos. size bedrooms' and 2 baths on second. Finished basement with rec room. lav and private o(fice. Central session Spacious grounds Outstanding value now offered at just $241,900 air, lawn sprinkler, brick patio and 2 car attached garage complete the picture, Quick possession. OUTSTANDING lake front residence offering a new kitchen. a super]; library, a 27 foot morning room an

01 Richard Jo:. Borland Elaine I.. Borland M. Ann Bcckhuis Bruce L. Sanders "matching IJCQplc and !rouses l('itl, im(/~i'/(Itio,," Jo).ce K Sanders K Gail Ryan .Tohn H. Young EARL KEIM Carol D. Parmenter Mary E. Kare REALTY 83 KERCHEVAL 886-3400 OJ

395 Fisher Road 686-3800 • Member: Nationwide FIND.A.nOME Service, Tllc. 4 • • • ..

Page Thirty-Four GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, November 16, 1978



OWNER TRANSFERRED OPEN SUNDAY 2:00 - 5:00 Charming colonial home featuring master bedroom TAPPAN & ASSOCIATES and bath or librar)' on first floor. Spacious living 861 S. ROSEDALE COURT-Beautiful 4 bedroom, room will accommodate grand piano. Large pan. 21h bath Colonial in the highly desirable Liggett u . eled family room with fireplace. Cozy kitchen school area. Features include well landscaped with eating area. Second floor has three bed. grounds, side entrance garage, a super floor plan e rooms. large bath. Two-ear garage, fenced yard. with large family room, first floor laundry and IMPRESS YOURSELF! IMPRESS YOUR BANKER! Owners anxious to sell. naturally a beautiful modern kitchen with all A readily assumable 8% % mortgage is only one appliances built in. The transferred owners are of the attractive aspects of this prestigious cus- Priced to Sell - $81,500 moving soon so you can enjoy the holidays in tom home on Windmill Pointe Drive. The cir. your new home. FIRST OFFERING cular drive leads to a majestic pillared entrance EXCELLENT INVESTMENT which opens to a marble two story foyer. This Located in Grosse Pointe Park, three story brick of- BY APPOINTMENT Luxurious Windmill Pointe Income - Each unit has elegant home has too many amenities to list. Call fice building with elevator. Land contract terms. 3 bedrooms, large Living Room with Fireplace today for an appointment. EAST JEFFERSON-COOPERATIVE APARTMENT and Bay. Main Floor Unit has glassed Terrace - GROSSE POINTE WOODS-Two bedroom furnished 5 minutes from Renaissance Center, this 2 bed. Upper has a large heated Porch. Each unit has Build an office for yourself or as an investment. home for lease. 4.6 months. $400.00 per month. room apartment is id~ally located, very well Recreation Room and separate Laundry. Both Two lots located at 181/2Mile and Mound Roads. No children or pets. maintained and easily affordable priced in the units have a two car Garage. Earnings support Out of town owner wants an offer. low 30's. Call for details. price! George Palms Realtors GOING OFF MARKET TAPPAN & ASSOCIATES 886-4444 1839 Prestwick, Grosse Pointe Woods National Association of Independent Fee Appraisers Youngblood Reelill This home will be going off the market on Monday, Member Grosse Pointe Real Estate Board November 20th. If you are in need of a clean, A Family Business For Over A Century newly decorated, well maintained three bedroom Member National Home Relocations Service 886-1000 home with finished basement and two car Garage" For Eueutive Transfen you will want to act quickly as home will not 20087 Mack AYenue Grosse Pointe Woods be back on the market until after the Holidays at a higher 1979 price. BISHOP ROAD - Grosse Pointe Park Possibly Grosse Pointe's most elegant large home definitely one of the best maintained. Unlike most large Grosse Pointe properties this one is First Offering completely refurbished from below ground level "i'~ to the roof. Can for details! ,',' . DETROIT INCOME ", 192.194 Alter - 2 family flat opposite Canal, last street in Detroit, large living room plus large dinig area, 2 bedrooms, 2 car garage, very nice! ! Land Contract only, good investment $65,000. .

93 Kercheval liOn the HilllI 886-3060 886-3060 PERFECT FOR THE YOUNG FAMILY - This brick colonial on a tree.lined street in the Woods offers charm and comfort. Living room, formal dining room, kitchen with breakfast area, two gooerous . _..'::",- -"'.,'... sized bedrooms, a paneled recreation room and shaded porch are some of the outstanding fea- OPEN SUNDAY 2 - 5 NEAR THE LAKE in the Farms, this cu!rtom built, tures. It's yours for less than fifty thousand. superiorly constructed, French Regency has five 20660 MAPLE LANE bedrooms connecting privately with four baths SUBSTANTIAL REDUCTION - OWNER ANXIOUS. GROSSEPOINTE WOODS plus p.owder room with lavatory. Large master Are you looking for a quality four bedroom home? bedroom and two other bedrooms have views of A center entrance with .!(ood floor plan. Features lake. Spacious living room, dining room, and include modernized kitchen, leaded glass windows I Nicely tucked away on a low.traffic cul-de.sac, this cozy 3 bedroom Ranch was just and doors, and convenient location. Call us today. .t: recently redecorated throughout and is ready and waiting for immediate occupancy one bedroom all have bays. Panelled library with fireplace. Garden room has 2 insulated glass by a new owner. Up-to-the-minute accommodations include a modem kitchen, QUAD LEVEL LIVING AT ITS BEST - Located in walls with sliding sections. Central air. Com- Jalousied breezeway, paneled games room with wet bar and powder room, central the newer area of the Woods, this fine home has pletely sprinklerI'd lawns and extra land. Many air and 2-car attached garage. Handily located near Barnes elementary, North High 3 bedrooms, 2 full and 2 half baths. Built in quality features. and popular Star of Sea parish and now offered at a pleasing price adjustment of 1962, this home features a 30'x15' family room, $76,900. CLOVERLY ROAD - between Kercheval and Grosse attached garage, newer heating and cooling Pointe Blvd. Clas~ic center hall Colonial built system. OTHER FINE OFFERINGS in 1954, four bedrooms, sitting room, two and a CONDOMINIUM LIVING NEAR SHOPPING - If a half baths, library, living room and garden room well cared for 4 bedroom, 21,2 bath home with a A CAPE COD BEAUTY in Grosse Pointe Woods with 3 bedrooms, paneled family room, and an added plus overlook fine gardens. Two car attached garage modern kitchen and covered parking, but without of extra insulation throughout for low heating bills! Well located on nicely landscaped site near schools, and 100 x 175' lot. the problems of snow shoveling, grass cutting, bus and shops. $60's. 881-6300. ENGLISH MANOR with 258' of Lake st. Clair front. and the like appeals to you, our new offering GROSSE POINTE PARK and an outstanding COLQNlAL on Jovely 75x137' grounds offering a large age and a boat harbor. Cathedral beamed ceiling should prompt your calling us for more informa- (21x21.2') family room, well. appointed newer country kitchen, 2 natural fireplaces, 3 bedrooms, 11,2 baths in living room and two bedrooms. All six family tion. and many delightful amenities throughout. A well kept home offered at an excellent value price of $89,000. bedrooms have private baths. Modern kitchen EXCITING CONTEMPORARY HOME' - Great pri- 884-0600. and four car attached gara!!e. vacy and charm, built on a heavily wooded site LOCH MOOR - A larger 3 bedroom, 2+ bath RANCH in most sought after Grosse Pointe Woods location. IN A. PRIME FARMS location, quality and charm that offers beautiful views of the changing sea. 26x15' family room, 2-car attached garage and an exclusive lOOxl62' lot. 881-6300. personify the Center Entrance Colonial. The sons from every room. Carefully planned flow library has panelling and a fireplace. Fine fam- of traffic offers ease in large scaled entertain- TORREY ROAD - An appealing 3 bedroom, 21,2 bath Cape Cod nicely arranged to suit most lifestyles ily bedrooms each have a private bath, modern. ment or small intimate groups. A decidedly with 2 bedrooms and 11,2 baths down and large bedroom and full bath up (plus value expansion space for ized bathrooms. Charming atrium connects to glorious way to live! DETAILED BROCHURE future sitting or dressing room!). Also included is a family room and nicely finished basement with games dining room, library, living room and entrance AVAILABLE ON REQUEST. room, wet bar and fireplace. $88,900. 884-0600. hall. GROSSE POINTE WOODS - CLASSSIC COLONIAL. PRIME RENTAL AREA near the Village and an extra large DUPLEX offering 4 bedrooms, 21,2 baths, THIS STATELY ENGLISH TUDOR features five Living room with fireplace, 3 bedrooms, Ilh fireplace and 21,2 car garage for each unit. Beautifully updated owner's unit includes new kitchen bedrooms each with a bath, plus an apart- baths, updated kitchen, paneled den, finished and central air. An unusual value worth investigation. Enjoy the spaciousness and privacy of a single home ment on the 2nd floor. Enjoy the soft glow of a basement, extra closet space and large'lot. Call with a substantial rental income toward your mortgage! Worth investigation - call today! 884.0600. fire in the living room, dining room, kitchen, today for your personal inspection. BEA UPRE in the Farms and a charming renovated cozy farm house with everything for comfortable family library, master bedroom or sitting room. Call CENTER ENTRANCE COLONIAL - Great location, living. Studio living room with" loft, all new kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, family room, new furnace, today for additional information. 4 bedrooms, 21,2 baths, kitchen with stove, reo new 21,2 car garage. 839-4700. CUSTOM-BUILT by Micou for the present owner, frigerator, ami dishwasher, den, finished basement, 2 car garage, much more. GROSSE POINTE WOODS. Just listed! Excellent 4 bedroom, 21,2 bath ENGLISH 2.story. Library, family Quality and charm throughout. Farm Colonial room, updated kitchen and finished basement. Handy to Mason, Parcells and Grosse Pointe North .. Realis- with three bedrooms and two baths on second READY FOR IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY - If you tically priced at $79,500. 881-6300. floor. Master bedroom has fireplace. Maid's bed. require four or five bedrooms and a home de- room and bath on first floor. Stran steel and signed for family style living, we have this one! NEW OFFERING in prestigious Grosse Pointe Park location of 3 bedroom CONTEMPORARY 2.Story with large ce~ent construction. Central air conditioning, Special features of this well maint&ined home family room (26.2x17.2), brand new Mutschler kitchen with every built-in, first floor laundry and outstand- spnnkler system. Excellent Farms location. Price include a paneled dining room, large family reduced. ing "English Pub" type games room with wet bar and powder room. Call 884-0600 for details! room, upstairs den or sitting room, finished McKINLEY - Popular Farms location and an attra~tive 3 bedroom, 11,2 bath all brick COLbNIAL. Conven- OPEN SUNDAY 2:00 - 5:00 basement, aluminum trim on all exterior sur- iently located near Richard elementary, Brownell Junior High and South High" this comfortable family faces for maintenance free living. PRICE RE. 1411 DEVONSHIRE - Center entrance, beautifully DUCED. home offers a family room, newer kitchen with built.ins, finished basement, central air conditioning and decorated, well maintained colonial. Three bed. quick occupancy. 884-{)6()(). rooms, 1'/2 baths, panelled Family Room new A HOME DESIGNED FOR FAMILY LIVING - A GROSSE POINTE SHORES - Very special air conditioned 3 bedroom, 3 bath RANCH in the desirable kitchen, wet bar, formal dining room plus ~harm- large family room that can accommodate all of Deeplands area. Gracious accommodations include a large family room with bar, handy first floor laundry ing living room. Fenced yard, 2 car garage. On your needs is just one of the features of this plus an extra bedroom and full bath on the lower leveL Immediate occupancy is available. 881-6300. Sunday see the many features that make this lovely home. Three bedrooms, l'h baths, owner home speciaL will supply Certificate of ()(:cupaney. Recent substantial price reduction. CONVENIENT FARMS LOCATION at 272 Williams, near Kerby and Brownell, I'h story, large Tradi- CHILDREN GROWN UP? - Give yourself a break /- --.. ~ "', tional Cape Cod. This home features large living and rent this immaculate little farmhouse on ( IMPORTANT SERVICE. room, four bedrooms, two attractively decorated one of the quietest streets in the City. Every. _---""~ v:_' _J _?"~ FOR TRANSFEREES: bathrooms, cheerful garden room terrace fin. thing is in perfect shape from the modernized 7ft. 111111• ...., • , ~ ished basement, two car garage, IO\~traffic street. kitchen and bath to the paneled den and gen- erous Iiving.dining room. All for only S375 per R TOR S Specializing in month. Adults only. No pets, please. Grosse Pointe Properties REL@ William R McBrearty William G. Adlhoch Making Dreams Reality James P. Fabick Katherine H. Stephenson _TOl"IB tr.TER.CITY RELOCATION SERVICE John D. Hoben. Jr. M. Lee Henncs Nanci M. Bolton .July Doellc M,llrna Smllh Carlene :lloore

GROSSE POINTE FARMS GROSSE POI NTE PARK GROSSE PO INTE WOODS 82 Kercheval 884-0600 16610 Mack 881-4200 1,9790 Mock 881-6300 ~


Buying Or Selling Real Estate? 76 KERCHEVAL 16845 KERCHEVAL, in The Village ABOVE MARGARET RICE Makethe Right Move with a Member Broker- 885.7000 882-5200 Mcmbers Grosse Pointe Real Estate Board Thursday" November 16, 1978 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Thirty-Five GROSSE POINTE RE:~LESTArE 90ARD~ THE PROPERTIES LISTED ON THESE PAGES ARE OFFERED EXCLUSIVELY t!) BY MEMBERS OF 'THE GROSSE' POINTE REAL ESTATE BOARD @

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OPEX SL'XDA Y 2.5 FIRST OFFERING 1957 STAXHOPE • WHERE SALES AND FRI ENDS ARE MADE • A 3 bdrm. 1"~ bath colonial in Harper Woods. "House-a-rninium," It.s a new woN:!, to describe what East of Harper, a family room and Grosse Pointe we feel is the best that a house can offer, com- schools make this a desirable home. bined with many of the fine features you'd ex, pect in a condominium. !,'irst, there's the com. SUBSTANTIAL PRICE REDUCTION fort and conveniencc of a nice residential com. For this 3 bdrm. brick ranch in the WOODS. munity, yet without the execs,; size that so many It has a 2 car garage and we consider this a houses have. The over-all excellence like a "con- well constructed home. do model", yet the new low. low price is far less than any comparable condo recently for sale, and MADE TO ORDER FOR a garage and beautiful, yet not too big yard is Individual seeking privacy apartment for mother/ yours to enjoy, .. that is. unless someone beats, hobby/studio, or office. Imagina- you to it! tion and some work can transform the attached doctor's office into whatever suits your needs. 1559 SOt:TH REXAUD The spacious 4 bdrm. colonial home can be trans- If you know a custom built home when you see one, formed into a charming home too. beller see this one fast as we've just reduced the price $5,000 to make it even more desirable. PANELED FAMILY ROOM There's liftime copper gutters. time saving sprin. In the Park, a comfortable 4 bdrm. ('olonial on kler system, new roof, and the newly remodeled lovely street. First floor lav for added conven- kitchen. To add to this list Qf extras, how about ience, house brought up to city code only one an attached two car garage, and a picturesque year ago! wooded lot 90x154? Priced to make you love it! FOR THE RIGHT PERSON * 2Y:zMILLION IN SALES Bygone days renewed for the purchaser of this THANKSGIVING, CHRIST:\lAS A:-1D XEW YEARS CONGRATULATIONS go to Virginia DiLuigi for her outstanding accomplishment selling 2~ million dollars mini estate type home in prestigious area of the EVE! in real estate so far in 1978. The love of her professsion and her devoted service to Shorewood E. R.Brown FARMS. Beautiful paneled library, Florida rm Three of the most beautiful and festive holiday and to her clients, is obvious to aU who know her. We know each one of her friends, clients and Shorewood with fountain and skylight, 6 car garage and so season we have will soon be here, and we have the ultimate entertainment home in which to wish her continued success in the future. much more. Call us for detailed information on this gracious home. enjoy them. With its panoramic view of Lake THREE FIRST OFFERINGS St. Clair, this special contemporary is well priced 19846 MACK AVE. 886-4141 at $295,000, and the owner will consider a land r:1 ..' contract. If it's time for you to step into that fine home you've worked so hard for, we suggest you do it now; while this one-of-a.kind home is still available. HAVE IT YOUR WAY! SOMETHING VERY RARE! A fantastic cODtempOral')' home in the mid 170's should reflect your special touches, and it can, I" I if you act now. Such personal items as floors, ~~ tile selections, tub in master bath, wall colors. to name a few, still can be yours. If )'OU want the thrill and pride of accomplishment that is rarely available in our town, let's talk ~ JUST OFF THE LAKE, 1:-1THE SHORES Here is a quality, one owner Ranch home, with most eveI'}' convenience you could desire under a roof! There's one attractive room after an- other ... 8 in total, which includes three bed. rooms. The 2'>'2car brick garage is attached, the lot is both spacious and well landscaped, and the lower level games room is certain to "ring BY APPOI NTMENT, PLEASE your bell!" Decide for yourself-let us arrange FIRST OFFERING-GROSSE POINTE' WOODS-Built in 1963 this elaborately decorated colonial offers the your private tour now. following: Large living room, formal dining room, cozy kitchen with eating space, built in oven, range, dish. Located in the Farms on a cuI de sac. Ideal location TWO FAMILIES U:-IDER ONE ROOF? washer, disposal, refrigerator with ice maker, five large bedrooms, 2'~ baths, family room witli natural for raising small children, dose to schools and If you have in.laws lh'ing with you, need quar. raised hearth fireplace, inground heated pool 20 x 40 with diving board and complete with bath house shopping. Living room has fireplace, ters for help, or wish the guest quarters . with lav and' shower, 2'h car attached garage and copper plumbing. See this one today. bookshelves. There is a screened porch off the to be away from the other bedrooms. you couldn't living room, formal dining room, up-dated kit. pick a nicer ranch to consider than this close-to- OPEN SUNDAY 2 - 5 chen, two car garage. Second floor has four bed. everything home in the Woods. The kitchen is FIRST OFFERING-HARPER WOODS-21674 Newcastle-This three bedroom brick bungalow is a lot of house rooms and full bath. all new, there's an exceptionally nice family for the asking price. Featured are large living room, formal dining room, three good.sized bedrooms. A room with fireplace, attached two car garage, THAT LITTLE BIG HOUSE is gr:eat looking from partitioned basement with tiled floor, new side drive, new hot water tank, roof three years old and gas central air, and fine 10\Cler level games room, the street, but even more attractive once you too! Now 5149,500. forced air heat. step inside. What a fooler . . . with a total of FIRST OFFERING-GROSSE POINTE WOODS-833 Crescent Lane-This is the home that everyone dreams four bedrooms, one on the first floor. So taste. IT'S NOT THE HOLIDAY IXN, HOWEVER . . . of. Built by Cox and Baker in 1961, this four bedroom brick Cape Cod won't be on the market long. Features fully decorated and in a fine neighborhood just At $39,900 there are 5 bedrooms, three full baths, include slate foyer, two full baths, living room, family room with fireplace, brick patio with gas grill, a couple blocks to Kerby 'and Brownell schools. plus a den and sitting room. There's even a fire- 2~ car attached garage, central air conditioning plus many more extras. Don't miss seeing this one. place in this immaculate inflation buster. So if RENAUD ROAD IN THE SHORES and only a, few you're on a budget, and need space put this doors from the lake. The center entrance plan home on the top of your "must see" list! OPEN SUNDAY 2 - 5 features a spiral staircase rising out of the marble 1021 BISHOP, GROSSE POINTE PARK-Attractive price reduction on this large gracious colonial situated on floor foyer. To the right off the foyer is a libraI')' ATTENTION MERCHAXTS AND BUSINESS~IEN an expansive corner lot in a beautiful area of Grosse Pte. Park. This five bedroom 4~.bath home has with fireplace. The dining room is back toward LOOKING FOR A CmD1ERCIAL Bl'ILDIKG Il'< many fine features including a &reenhouse, den with wet bar, brick family room with natural fireplace and the rear. A living room with fireplace runs the THE "POINTES". a bedroom suite with its own outside entrance. There is an abundance of living space for the entire depth of the house. A family room to end all On a major street in Grosse Pointe we ha\'e an family in this newer home which is ready for early occupancy. family rooms sprawls across the back of the excellent opportunity for anyone who unoer. house. This step-down room boasts a magnificent stands "tax shelters"~ All brick exterior, Ot!'! 999 ROSLYN, GROSSE POINTE WOODS-Excellent area of the Woods. Spacious center entrance colonial. fireplace wall, an entertainment c.enter with the stOI'}' with approximately 800 square feet (20x4O} Features include family room, large living room, formal dining room, updated kitchen, three good sized best in sound equipment and apparatus to project and it's presently \'ery well decorated. If yuu bedrooms, gas forced air heat, aluminum storms and screens, two full baths and a natural fireplace. movies and slides. Complementing this family could purchase this Investment for S30.oo0 with 38417 HURON POINTE, HARRISON TWP,-Situated on the Black River Lagoon with direct access to the room is a bar room complete with barbeque 55,000 down on a land contract. isn't it impor. lake, this six month old cedar sided colonial has all the necessary features, living room with natural fire- built-in. A total of six bedrooms and four baths tant enough to stop whatever you're doing. and comprise the second floor. place, large kitchen, first floor bedroom or den, 2th baths, three large bedrooms on the second floor, let us show you through immediatel~'~ master bedroom has a terrace accessible with two 'sliding doors, gas forced air heat and prepped for central LESS THAl'\ $20,000 and in the Pointe. All white II\' NEARBY WARRE:\'. This fine all brick three air. 2'12 car attached garage. Steel sea wall. with a picket fence and newly carpeted. Ready bedroom ranch. close to schools and public 1039 SUNNINGDALE, GROSSE POINTE WOODS - Brand new--Just for you. Spacious four bedroom colonial for immediate occupancy. transportation, Hang on to your checkbook. presently under construction in one of the most desirable areas of the Woods. This fine home features here's the good news . full price is just THE CENTER ENTRANCE COLONIAL is even more 527,900 and there's a biJ': assumable S~O.079 a gracious formal dining room, family room with fireplace, first floor laundry, attached garage, and is popular when it is offered on a wide, tree shaded mortgage at a rare 8'0'; . Ii :1 slarh'r h,)m<' is situated on a large beautiful lot. For further details call 776-8500. lot in a fine neighborhood one block from the what you're searehm~ i,'r sl,'p :1nd call us 38023 SEA WA Y, MT. CLEMENS-A boat owner's delight. Dock your boat in your own back yard under a covered lake. The first floor plan has a pen, formal living right now: and dining rooms and a step-down family room boat house with an electric hoist. Prestigious two bedroom, H2 bath brick ranch. Ith car attached garage with fireplace and cathedral ceiling. The master and finished basement are just some of the features offered on this beautiful Lake St. Clair home located bedroom has a private bathroom and immense on a canal with direct access to the lake. This home can't last long at the asking price. dressing room. A second bath serves the other BY APPOINTMENT, PLEASE three bedrooms. WARREN-Hoover, Ten Mile Area-This immaculate three bedroom brick ranch offers a large living room, THREE BEDROO:-'f COLONIAL with a first floor kitchen with built-ins, eating space in the kitchen, large family room with natural fireplace, H2 bath:;, tv:o lavatory and a large. paneled room makes its brief app('arance on the market. We say brief car attached garage with automatic door opener, central air and a sprinkler system. Reduced to $59,800. because at th(' price of $28.500 it won't last long. COME ON 1:-1.11l<'view is breathtaking. Because al. most ('very room offers a sweeping vista of the lak(' with its evrr changing scene. )'ou may not SHOREWOOD. E, R. BROWN REALTY, INC. notire that almost every room has a fireplace, 100 Kercheval and the crown mouldings, dallo, door panels, Grosse Pointe Fanns. 20439 MACK AVENUE hardware and floor finishings are perfection in Michigan 48236 design and maint('nance. The kit('hen is a mas. GROSSE POINTE WOODS OFFICE terpiece with all the ('onvenicnces vet fine wood 889-0800 Members or The Grosse Pointe Real Estate Board cabin('ts. some with beveled gla~s: and a cozy REAL ESTATE MARKETING CONSULTANTS 886-8710 fir('place mak(' this kitchen feel like an informal living room. We could run on about the new bathrooms. the h<'ated swimming pool and the new heating system. the separate carriage house. You may Just \\ ant to nm out and buy' it. Buying or Selling? CO:\DIERCTAI. PROPERTY on K<'fcheval in the The Homes Listed on These PointC'. On(' story 30x40 building has plenty of rear parl\lnl: plus !H'W gas furn~ce. Call :\lr. Pages Represent Just Some KnC'grr 8866010, Contact a of the Many Available Member Broker Through Member Brokers Today 4 J. 3 as 222 - Page .Thirty-Six . GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, November 16, 1978 New National Smoker Study;

• • ~Enriched Flavor~tobacco proved satisfying even to high tar smokers in latest research .. What do smokers of high tar cigarettes-the considering other brands. toughest taste critics of low. tar smoking-have to This ability to satisfy over long periods of time say about low tar MERIT? '" could be the most important evidence to Read what they thought in a new, nationwide \, <, date that MERIT is the first real taste research effort: , alternative for high Confirmed: Majority of high tar smokers rate tar smokers. MERIT taste equal to-or better than-leading high tar cigarettes tested! Cigarettes having up to twice the tar. :".. Confirmed: Majority of high tar smokers confirm taste satisfaction of low tar

MERIT. -"> <0,.... ~"?_~"'..../c~ And current MERIT smokers ~\";~'::'b~OP~-4vo,r,> reported: '~!.~l.a::,bl~ ;,f t ''''_ Ml. '- . 1 .-* Confumed:85% of MERIT smokers say:. -;"'''-l1'I;()l /.~ it was an "easy switch" from high tar brands ..' ,. 4 ",',', ~ Confirmed: Overwhelming majority of MERIT smokers say their former high tar brands weren't missed! Confirmed: 9 out of 10 MERIT smokers not Kings: 8 mg"tar:' 0.6 mg niCOline- 100' s: 11 mg' .tar: . 0.7 mg nicotine avo per cigarene. FTCReport May' 78

Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health.

10-- ---' e 1'1111111Morn.lof 117K Kings & loo's