All the News of All the Pointes Every Thursday Morning Pointe ~ws rosse Home of the News Complete News Coverage of All the Pointes -~--.__ ._._------------ ----------- --------- ------------------------- --- -----~--- -- - - ----- - .~._--~---------_._----_. __._----_._--_._.-----------------_. -- -- _~~~._3_9-_~_O_,_4_6 P_.._bl_i;_~_=_:_O_:fl_::_c_:~_dJ)_~_::_~__~._~_I~_~__I~_O_O_~_th_" G__R_O_S_SE_POI NT_E_,_~_IC_H~~t:~ ~_~~ ~s~~~~.N~Y~~_~_E_R __ 1_6_,_19_7_8 $_~o_.~_op_~_~,_c~_~_~, ~~_P_a~_e_s__~_h_re_e_S_ec_t_ions_=__Se_c_t_ionOne ------------------------_._----------------------_._----------- .~. Hunt Club Picks Officers, Headlee Plan Absentee HEADLINES .~ Vote (:ount of the ',~. ,IIi oh in (;P WEEK Viewed Warily ~ As Compiled by The I Tired Officials Re ....iew Grosse Pointe News Results Wherein Each By Officials Community Reports over 60 Percent Thursday, November 9 REPUBLICANS 1\1 A D'E Total Response Concerns Remain over Passage of Tax Limitation modest gains in the congres. sional elections held Tues' Question in Minds of City Managers; By The XEWS Staff day, but the makeup of both Potential Problems Explored Absentee voting has houses remains overwhelm. i grown steadily since laws ingly Democratic. Some 20 By Susan McDonald I were liberalized several freshmen will join the Sen- Many questions remain in the aftermath of I years ago, and probably ate, while about 71 new the tax limitation vict::ry at the polls last week. ~because of the hea\'~' bal- members will serve in the House. In many cases, young. While local officials admit they're confused about: lot during the Tuesday, er, more modern legislators Headlee, some are already predicting a rough time: November 7, general elec- will replace the old guard, I balancing budgets this spring, when the constitu- i tion, it reached its peak particularly in the South, tional amendment will have its first real effects. I in The Pointe. Specifically, R e pub I i can s The amendment won by a An estimated one of three picked up three seats in the healthy 60 percent margin in Proposal D I citizens who voted made Senate, 12 in the House and The Pointe, compared to its 1 their choice via the absentee six in the governors' races, slim 51 percent victory state. ballot route, with all the .. .. .. wide. Passage Is municipalities reporting fine Friday, November 10 Photo by Dw'ght Cendrow.ki "This is obviously what voter turnouts as no commu- PRESIDENT JIMMY CAR. FRANK HUSTER and Secretary JOHN FRAKES. I voters have said they want GP nity was lower than 60 per. TER, explaining why he The new officers and directors of the Grosse Ed. Pointe Hunt Club gathered for their portrait at Standing (left to right), are ANDY DAHL, DON to do," said City Manager ye In ,cent. signed the $18.7 billion tax YERKES, JIM PRYCE, RICK SHENKUS, BILL Thomas Kressbach of Grosse I And, as in the past. The cut bill, said he. wanted to the club's annual meeting, They are seated, KOHR, BUNNY RIESER, Past-President ED Pointe City "We'll just have LIB 0 S! Pointe went heavilv Republi- be sure Americans wouldn't (from left to right), Treasurer JACK WILLI~MS, to do our best to cope and OCd ar wner,s ee! can with both re.elected Gov. be encumbered with huge LAnSON and J. D. OWENS. (See story, Page 9.) Vice-President JIM NICHOLSON, PreSIdent I remind voters that tax limi. Loss of Some BUSiness, William G. ::'lilliken and de. tax increases at the begin. ning of the next year. The I GP' M I tation means some sacrifice While Seeking to feat.ed Sen. R;0b~rt Griffin, bill is designed to ease the Plan GPW to Act s anaging Ii S ove i on the part of citizens." Attract Older ~or Inslance. wm~mg handily burden of the increase in Lunch A M Have Great Impact d In each community. social security taxes which . M .. I.t · Eff 1 I T A Most local officials are de- ,Crow Farms Leads Way will begin in 1979, The Pres. et to egul unlclpa I Y III .01 'I 0 pprove lighted over one of Head. I ~he ~arms led all the ident also signed a weakened S B _ lee's provisions which calls By David Kramer POlnte.s m tot~1 per~entage \ ersion of his energy pro. 90 To AI.d Senl'"Ol-S' Pro or'am :B ortd 1SSI' e for the state to pay for the The passage of Propo- of Citizens volmg. (~1 pe.r- gram into law. The measure, ,t N0...V ~ I '" programs it mandates at the sal D in the Tuesday, No- cen!) , and those votmg vIa which bears little resem. O _______ local level. vember 7, election is go- absentee ballots, (40 per. blance to whal he proposed . Previously Delayed Ele- Council Approves Participation with SOCC, Flurry of Activity En- But just how far that pro. ing to have a very defin- I cen~l. 18 months ago, will cut for. o- Which Will Act As Sub-Contractor, to Make sueS to Okay Inciner- vision will be taken and how ite effect on the 18 to 21 I ~Ity Clerk Richard G. Solak eign oil imporLs by 2.5 mil. mentary School Pr • I N d M • A P I much assistance it will pro. g f s:ud the 2.385 absentee volers lion barrels a day by 1985, ram Should Start S ure S pecla ee s onles re roper Y ator Proposal Prior vide for local units scraping yDear 2 e 2g2r?tup:'11abs ?l 'eclipsed the previous record only 60 percent of what he g b Without Any Disbursed in Four Pointes to Election; Park to comply with -dozens of i ecem er 1 WI d ~ lk- of the 1976 election by about wanted. ",blem" h Considers Renuest state requirements is a ques- legal for t~em to rm.. 50 percent.. He noted this " • .... .. By R".gcr".A. Wa a , t' th rt d I . I \ It also Will have a ver~ year's count representE'd I . Pr um cau egls .J J~~t:t~~NNo~~~J-t I. - Tne' Wooas will act as 'the managing mtinici~on Novembet 14 -t 'Ielh • St adn 'd a-I' definite effect on bar own. about 4(J percent of the total .usan McDonald l't d k 'th SOCC (S' 0 d f ure WI ave 0 eCI e. Wh O 'ce 1972 have en f DATED GAS CO. announced By S pa I y an wor WI ,emors nwar. or "Does that mean the state ~rs, d h Shill . t d' vote, or aroun~ 30 percent 0 it would lower its working The often-delayed ele- Change Cemmittee), which will act as a sub- By The NEWS Staff. d t Joye t e uSllless ~enera e all Farms registered voters. u ak staff by 10 percent, close mentary school lunch contractor, to make certain that $29,740 in special All but one of the ~ttra~~:~rc~~~ ro~np~li~r; a~rd ~or;O~fg~~le ~r~~:rs~~l~~~ f~Irb' SOlt sbaildltthehnumbber five customer offices and program will finally be- needs program funds for senior citizens in four Pointes have approved fire?", (which average about state ? a se.n ee a ~: a.s een raise repair 'charges, blaming gin in Pointe pub 1i c Pointes is properly disbursed. the $4.5 million bond is- 10 percent salary increases' h IlIcreaslllg steadll~ o~er the what it considers an inade- M d N -~--------- b h k F C't The bar owners, thoug years because of relaxed schools on on ay, 0- This was an outgrowth of sue requested y t e per year), Aasded arBms 1 y understandably upset by the state requirements, including quate rate increase it reo vember 20, according to developments at the county tracted out t.) SOCC, Mr. Grosse Pointes - Clinton ~Ianager n rew rem.er. decision of the voters. were age, which has gone from 72 ceived six weeks ago. The school officials. level and at the Woods Coun. Petersen cited the benefits Refuse Disposal Author- That could have a great 1m. not taken by surprise and t 60 . company had sought $110 The state.mandated pro. cil's regular meeting on Mon- which will be received by ity for improvements pact on ou~ ~udget." . have already taken steps to 0 He Y~:~~nauy worked a $li~:~~nWh~l:da ~~:cuir~~~e~ gram has been delayed be. day, November 6. dthellfour ~oint.es whith the needed to bring its in- thTheHoffdlcllals pr.e~lct an. ensure that their financial 25.hour shift on election day. judge has since ordered the cause equipment needed to The community was reo 0 ~rs coming Into.t e com, cinerator up to air pol- ~ ~r ea ee prov~slOn -: a I position isn't hurt too badly. but said he was glad to see Public Service Commission serve the lunches was not cently notified by the Wayne mun~ty and not belllg used Ilution standards im osed limit of state spending equlv- Going to Hurt the good \'oter turnout. to all.w it some $22.9 mil. delivered by vendors on County Office of Program outSide the area. I b the federal o~ern- alent to ~bout 9.~ per~e~t of Jim Addison, owner of the In The City, which has the lion more, making the total schedule, according to Ben Development and Coordina- Through the efforts of the I' y t g I pers~nal Income In ~hchlgan Pointer Pub, for instance, is highest percentage of senior .
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