
DRAFT Pharmacy Fraternity

72nd Grand Council Minutes

Hyatt Regency Orange County Anaheim, CA July 30 - August 4, 2019



Phi Delta Chi Pharmacy Fraternity

Minutes of the 72nd Grand Council

Anaheim, CA July 30 - August 4, 2019

Table of Contents

Official Minutes Appendix A – Schedule of Events Appendix B – Attendees by Name Appendix C – Grand President Address of Grand Officer’s Reports and Grand President Report Appendix D – Grand Past President Report Appendix E – Grand VP for Collegiate Affairs Report Appendix F – Grand VP for Alumni Affairs Report Appendix G – Grand VP for Communications Report Appendix H – Grand VP for Student Affairs Report Appendix I – Executive Director Address Appendix J – Policy Development Topics as Presented at Grand Council Appendix K – Memorial Service Roll Call Appendix L – Actions of the 2017-2019 Executive Council Appendix M – CE Providers and ACPE Numbers Appendix – Roll Call Sheets Appendix P – Sign-In Sheets for Interim and Final Business Sessions Appendix Q – Report of the Pharmacy Leadership & Education Institute (PLEI) Appendix R – Consent Agenda Appendix S – Policy Development Topics as Passed on the Consent Agenda Appendix T – Grand Council Sponsors



Phi Delta Chi Pharmacy Fraternity 72nd Grand Council Anaheim, CA July 30 - August 4, 2019

Official Minutes

The 72nd Grand Council of Phi Delta Chi Pharmacy Fraternity officially opened at 9:00 am on Wednesday, July 31, in Grand Ballrooms E-G of the Hyatt Regency Orange County (11999 Harbor Blvd, Garden Grove, CA 92840), Grand President Traci Thompson () presiding. The Grand Council Schedule appears in Appendix A. The list of attendees, alphabetically by last name, appears in Appendix B.

The 72nd Grand Council featured the 16th iteration of the Officer Training Courses (OTCs).

This Grand Council also featured four continuing-education (CE) sessions. Two were conducted by facilitators from the Pharmacy Leadership & Education Institute as part of an integration of the Leader-Development Seminar (LDS) resources into the Grand Council program. Both were accredited by Pharmacy Times and earned 4.25 CE contact hours. The remaining two programs were each worth 1 contact hour and were conducted by Brothers Katy Armstrong (Lambda) and Jimmy Stevens ( ) and were accredited by Ohio Northern University. The session information for these can be found in Appendix M.

Wednesday, July 30, 2019 Opening Business Session

The Grand Council opened with the Grand Council officers conducting a formal meeting opening according to the Fraternity’s Ritual. After the meeting was open, Grant Stimes () performed the Ritual ceremony referred to as “.” At its conclusion, Grand President Traci Thompson rapped the gavel officially opening the 72nd Grand Council. Brother Thompson provided opening greetings and Worthy Grand Council Prelate Courtney Sullivan (Delta Gamma) gave the invocation.

Brother Thompson then introduced the chapter advisor of our host chapter, the University of Southern California, Dr Richard Dang, who brought greetings from the university. Next, Brother Talin Bchakjian, WCC of the Chapter, brought greetings from our Host Chapter.

Executive Director Kenny Walkup (Alpha ) then introduced James Carey from Carey Law based in South Lyon, Michigan. Carey Law was hired by the Fraternity in response to alumnus Lindsay Kunkle’s recommendation at the 71st Grand Council that “through an ad-hoc committee of Brothers and/or expert consultation, to review the level of detail in our Constitution and Bylaws and migrate inappropriate granularity to policies and procedures.”

James Carey brought forward comments on the work that had been completed.



Brother Walkup then paid tribute to the 30th anniversary of the first Leader-Development Seminar that took place in Monterey, California, in 1989. His remarks:

“When we gather in Grand Council, we commonly take time to acknowledge key historical milestones. In today's case, we look back 30 years to 1989, to the 57th Grand Council convened just 350 miles north of us, in Monterey, California. The Grand Officers of the day took a gamble to radically revise the Grand Council programming, to conduct the first Leader-Development Seminar, 15 hours of immersive leadership training that Phi Delta Chi has become famous for. For us, the L in LDS stands for Leader, not Leadership. We work to enhance the person, not just talk about leadership as an abstract concept.

“LDS was held annually its first four years, then fell into the pattern of filling in the even- numbered summers, in the years between the biennial Grand Councils. Thus, we held LDS number 17 in 2018 in Virginia Beach. In the early years, attendees took the role of four inactive Chapters seeking to reinvigorate themselves.

“In 2002, in Denver, the approach changed to a more personally introspective approach, what we now refer to as developing "the Leader Within." We have long looked to a saying from the Buddha that one should look inwardly before attempting to influence others. In our leader training, we emphasize that one cannot become "the Leader in Front," at the podium, with a hand on a gavel, unless one is well founded in understanding the Leader Within.”

GP Thompson then announced the Grand Council Officers:

Office Name Chapter

WCC Talin Bchakjian Omicron

WVC Carly Shick Beta

WKRS Michelle Nguyen Alpha Psi

WKF Ritu Malhotra Alpha Psi

WC Gia Duong Gamma Beta

WP Courtney Sullivan Delta Gamma

WAL Irene Chia Alpha Psi

WMA Alexis Hand Alpha Psi

WIG Emmanuel Anozie Gamma Theta



At the opening session, the following substitutions were made:

WKRF Jennifer Ito Alpha Psi WMA Soren White Beta Iota WIG Simone Truong Delta

Brother Thompson then appointed Grand Parliamentarian John Grabenstein (Beta Gamma) with Yancey Lockhart (Gamma Gamma) serving as assistant to the parliamentarian.

Executive Director Kenny Walkup (Alpha Upsilon) called the roll of Chapters. A list of roll call attendance appears in Appendix O.

Officer Reports were then presented by Grand President Traci Thompson (Lambda, Appendix C) and Executive Director Kenny Walkup (Alpha Upsilon, Appendix I). All other officer reports were available in the Grand Council electronic application (“app,” Appendix D-H), setup by Assistant to the Executive Director, Eric Barbye (Gamma Omicron).

Brother Thompson returned to the podium and stated: “As we were planning this Grand Council, we came to the realization that through the years we have acknowledged some outgoing Grand Presidents and not others. In 1989 Ralph Saroyan stepped down as Grand President and was given a token of appreciation from the Fraternity. The same can be said for John Grabenstein and Tom Ellington.

This year, we will be making up for past transgressions. We have plaques to present to the Grand Presidents who were not acknowledged with a small token of appreciation in the past. I will read the names of every Grand President since 1981 and ask them to come forward. Please hold your applause until they are all in front.”

Plaques were then presented to all past Grand Presidents from 1981 forward who had not received one previously.

Following general announcements, the Grand Council officers then closed the opening session and the Brothers proceeded to have the Grand Council photo taken on the Front Drive of the hotel. Photography services were provided by Jody Toth.

Following lunch, the Open Candidate Review took place, where the attendees met the candidates for the Executive Council positions. Next was the first meeting of the Regional Caucuses, followed by the first meetings of Reference Committees, and then the Regional Nominations Committees. The day concluded with the Chapter Swap Meet.

Thursday, August 1st



The day opened with a Delegate Orientation Session, where delegates were instructed on the use of the Consent Agenda (Appendix S) that would be used for the first time at a Grand Council. Delegates then moved to the first ever Delegate/Governance Track. This track focused solely on the constitution overhaul, functioning as a committee.

At the same time the first two Officer Training Courses (OTCs) were supplemented with two concurrent Leader Development Seminar (LDS) tracks titled “Leading from Within.” This track was led by facilitators from the Pharmacy Leadership & Education Institute (PLEI), the 501(c)(3) foundation started by Phi Delta Chi Fraternity. The track was offered free to the participants, with Phi Delta Chi covering the expenses.

Following lunch, the second round of Regional Caucuses took place, followed by chapter interviews conducted by the Regional Officers. A Professional Interviewing Skills program took place at 5:00 pm and was recorded for Brothers to view following Grand Council. The day ended with each Region hosting its own Regional Celebration.

Friday, August 2th

Friday began with breakfast and a meeting of the PLEI Board of Directors.

For the first time, concurrent programming tracks were offered during our business sessions. Non-delegates had the option to participate in the non-business session or watch the interim business session. The non-business sessions offered concurrently with the Interim Business Session were: Bar Trivia, hosted by JT Simonsen, and How to Dress for Success, hosted by representatives from Men’s Warehouse.

Interim Business Session

Delegates were asked to sign-in as they entered the room. The delegate sign-in sheets appear in Appendix P.

The Interim Business Session convened on Friday, August 2, 2019, at 9:00 am. Grand President Thompson presided. Roll call was taken by Executive Director Kenny Walkup. There were 147 seated delegates. A list of those answering roll call appears in Appendix O.

The Interim Business Session began with GP Traci Thompson recognizing our Honorary Grand President selected for this meeting. Alpha Brother Dena Dillon was selected for her service to the profession and dedication to Phi Delta Chi. Brother Dillon received a standing ovation.

Minutes from the 71st Grand Council

Grand President Thompson entertained a motion to accept the minutes form the 71st Grand Council. The motion was made by Beta Gamma Alumni and seconded by the GVPAA. The minutes were approved by a vote of 146 YEA votes with 1 NAY vote.



Actions of the Executive Council since the 71st Grand Council

Executive Director Kenny Walkup then referenced Article III, Sections 5 and 6, of the Constitution which state:

Article III, Section 5 : The Executive Council shall be the governing body of the Fraternity when the Grand Council is not in session. The Executive Council shall implement the policies and acts of the Grand Council. It shall have all the powers of the Grand Council except the power to amend the Constitution, Bylaws, or the Fraternity Ritual, the power to assess the Chapters, and the power to review its own proceedings.

Article III, Section 6: The Executive Director shall present a complete report of the proceedings of the Executive Council to the Grand Council for ratification or rejection, said report to cover the period following the previous Grand Council. Any acts so rejected are null and void and not binding upon the Fraternity.

A document covering all actions of the Executive Council was distributed in the delegate packets. This appears in Appendix L.

Grand President Thompson then entertained a motion to accept the actions of the Executive Council (EC) since the 71st Grand Council. A motion was made by Delta Delta Alumni to accept all actions of the EC. The motion was seconded by the New York Alumni Association Delegate. The vote on the EC actions passed with 137 YEA votes and 7 NAY votes.

Unfinished Business from the 71st Grand Council

There was no unfinished business from the 71st Grand Council to bring to the floor.

John Grabenstein, Beta Gamma, past Grand President and chair of the PLEI Board of Directors, then came forward to give a report of the 501(c)(3) foundation, the Pharmacy Leadership & Education Institute. The report can be found in appendix Q.

Committee Reports

The Committee Chairs gave interim reports of the Policy Development Reference Committees. Original proposals appear in Appendix J.

Governance Committee co-chairs Katy Armstrong (Lambda) and Past Grand President Tom Ellington (Alpha ), gave the committee’s preliminary report.

Organizational Affairs co-chairs Peter Ryan (Psi) and Emma Leffler (Alpha ), gave the committee’s preliminary report.



Collegiate Affairs co-chairs Julia Olson (Alpha Nu) and Bryan Davidson (Gamma Upsilon) gave the committee’s preliminary report.

Alumni Affairs co-chairs Heather Kutzler (Alpha Lambda) and Chris Westrick (Alpha Upsilon) gave the committee’s preliminary report.

Nominations Committee, chaired by Grand Past President Amy Valdez (Beta Iota), recommended the following slate of candidates:

Grand President Andrea Bourque (Rho) Grand Vice President for Collegiate Affairs Landon Weaver (Beta Psi) Grand Vice President for Alumni Affairs Amanda Norman (Gamma Psi) Grand Vice President for Communications Claire Anderson (Beta Omega) Grand Vice President for Student Affairs Anna Brecheisen (Beta Iota)

From the floor, the following Brothers (who had been interviewed by the Nominations Committee and participated in the Open Candidate Review) were nominated by the delegates:

Grand Vice President for Collegiate Affairs Mark Haymon () Mark’s nomination was moved by Tau Collegiate and seconded by Lambda Alumni.

Grand Vice President for Collegiate Affairs J. T. Simonson (Beta ) JT’s nomination was moved by the Arizona Alumni Association, Est. 2019 (AAAE) and seconded by Alpha Theta Alumni.

Nominations for GVPCA were closed with by motion from Alpha Collegiate and a second from Beta Alumni. The vote was unanimous.

There were no other candidates interviewed by the nominations committee for the position of GVPAA or GVPC.

Grand Vice President for Student Affairs Anthony McDonald (Gamma Psi) Anthony’s nomination was moved by Gamma Psi Alumni with a second from the Pacific Northwest Alumni Chapter delegate.

Nominations for GVPSA were closed by motion from Beta Phi Alumni and a second from Beta Delta Collegiate. The vote passed unanimously.

Brother Thompson then thanked the committees for their hard work and called for other new business to address. No new business was brought forward at this time.



Executive Director Walkup then gave brief announcements.

A motion was made by Delta Alumni and seconded by Beta Collegiate to close the Interim Business Session. The motion carried unanimously.

After the Interim Business Session, the day continued with the second meeting of the Policy Development Committees, Officer Training Courses, Governance Track and lunch, Professional Development Roundtable, the third and fourth OTC. A presentation from Saint Jude Children’s Research Hospital, made by Vivian Law, took place at 5 pm. Friday evening, the Alumni Reception took place at North Tower Pool beginning at 7 pm. Approximately 150 alumni took part in the event. The event included a live auction run by PLEI with all the items donated and all proceeds going to PLEI. The event raised $24,813.51. Omega Alumni Chapter signed the first letter of agreement with PLEI for a Travel Grant Endowment Program (TGEP) fund.

Saturday, August 5th

Like the Interim Business Session the day before, the Memorial Service and Final Business Session also had concurrent non-business sessions. Those sessions were Board Games, a St. Jude Presentation, and ASHP Mid-Year Do’s and Don’ts.

Delegates were asked to sign-in as they entered the room. The delegate sign-in sheets appear in Appendix P.

Memorial Service and Final Business Session

The Grand Council officers opened a formal meeting at 9:00 am in Grand Ballroom E-G. They then performed the Memorial Service from the Ritual Book. Executive Director Kenny Walkup called the roll of deceased Brothers. Per tradition, as the roll of deceased Brothers was called, Brothers present from the deceased Brothers' Chapter stood silently in place. A list of deceased Brothers appears in Appendix K.

The Final Business Session of the 72nd Grand Council convened immediately following the Memorial Service with Grand President Traci Thompson (Lambda) presiding.

The delegates eagerly accepted an offer by Executive Director Kenny Walkup to take roll using the electronic voting devices. There were 150 delegates that responded to the roll call.

The first order of business was the adoption of the consent agenda. The consent agenda appears in Appendix S.

Proposal 2019-1-1 (Conference Restructure) was passed in committee, but failed to receive the necessary 90% to be placed on the Consent Agenda. It was introduced by the committee co- chairs in the committee reports for consideration after voting on the Consent Agenda.



Proposal 2019-2-1 (Revisions Related to the Renaming of the Regional Correspondent) and 2019- 3-2 (Grand Officer Election Minimum Standards) were voted down in committee and no motion was made to bring them before the Grand Council.

Thereupon, the motion for adoption of the consent agenda was made by Delta Delta Alumni and seconded by Beta Upsilon Alumni. The consent agenda was passed with 144 YEA votes and 4 NAY votes. Thus, all items on the consent agenda were approved by Grand Council. Policy Development Topics as passed on the Consent Agenda appear in Appendix T.

Committee Reports

Collegiate Affairs Committee

Peter Ryan (Psi) and Emma Leffler (Alpha Omega) gave the final report of the committee. Their motion is as follows:

The Secondary and Tertiary Proposals that are part of 2019-1-1 were passed by greater than 90% and therefore appear on the Consent Agenda. Please keep in mind that if the primary proposal of proposal 2019-1-1 fails, then the Secondary and Tertiary Proposals of 2019-1-1 are null and void.

The committee recommended adoption of the Primary Proposal Article IV, Section 5, Meetings (a) which reads: The Grand Council shall meet every year. The Executive Council shall determine the time and place for convening the Grand Council.

This recommendation comes with the following statement that will be brought forward in New Business:

We the committee support the idea of a transition to a once yearly Grand Council. To allow for the best possible outcome the committee would requests a five (5) year trial period of once yearly Grand Councils. This trial period will start once the new Grand Council structure begins. During that five (5) year trial the Execute Council (EC) will form a committee to collect data and assess the effectiveness of the change. The items to be assessed will include but not be limited to the following: 1) Cost a. Cost to the EC/National office b. Costs that filter down to the Attendees both Alumni and Collegiate (registration, hotels, etc) c. Compare costs associated with the previous conference structure (Regionals, LDS, Grand Council) 2) Attendance a. Total attendance of members (Collegiate/Alumnus) across the nation b. Attendance at each meeting (Regional and National) i. Actual attendance



ii. Changes in attendance 3) Involvement at each meeting a. Assess both the facilitators and attendees using a rubric to be developed b. Assess time constraints for both attendees and facilitators 4) Satisfaction of Brothers who attend national and/or regional meetings 5) Other topics as decided by the committee At the end of the five (5) year trial this committee will present its findings at the next Grand Council and a vote must be called to consider the viability of the once yearly Grand Council structure.

After discussion the vote was called, and the motion was defeated with 106 YEA and 41 NAY votes. The vote required a ¾ vote to pass, but only achieved 72.1%. With the failure of the primary proposal of 2019-1-1, the Secondary and Tertiary Proposals of 2019-1-1 are null and void.


There was only one candidate for Grand President and Beta Rho Alumni moved for a decision based on support by acclamation. Andrea Bourque, (Rho), was declared the Grand President with a standing ovation.

For the office of GVPCA, there were three candidates, Landon Weaver (Beta Psi), Mark Haymon (Tau), and J. T. Simonson (Beta Sigma). Two-minute speeches were allotted for each candidate. At the conclusion of electronic voting, GP Traci Thompson declared Landon Weaver the new GVPCA.

There was only one candidate for GVPAA and Psi Collegiate moved for a decision based on support by acclamation. Amanda Norman (Gamma Psi) was declared the GVPAA.

There was only one candidate for GVPC and Beta Omega Alumni moved for a decision based on support by acclamation. Claire Anderson (Beta Omega) was declared the GVPC.

For the office or GVPSA, there were two candidates: Anna Brecheisen (Beta Iota) and Anthony McDonald (Gamma Psi). Two-minute speeches were allotted for each candidate. At the conclusion of electronic voting, GP Traci Thompson declared Anna Brecheisen the new GVPSA.

Reports of the Regional Caucuses

Great Lakes Region – Report given by Joshua Murdock (Alpha Phi) New Regional Correspondent Dorothy Arner (Gamma )

Mid-Atlantic Region – Report given by Hana Hays (Beta Omega) New Regional Correspondent Samantha Pelc (Beta )



Midwest Region – Report given by Amanda Wiedemeier (Psi) New Regional Correspondent Chloe Wall (Psi)

Mountain Region – Report given by Holly Rawlings (Gamma Rho) New Regional Correspondent Megan Flandro (Alpha Zeta)

Northeast Region – Report given by Andy Mai (Alpha Theta) New Regional Correspondent Ethan Rawl (Beta Chi)

Pacific Region – Report given by Anna Brecheisen (Beta Iota) New Regional Correspondent Enggaard (Delta Gamma)

Southcentral Region – Report given by Kyle Kleckner (Gamma Eta) New Regional Correspondent Caitlin Fellers (Delta Beta)

Southeastern Region – Report given by Daniel Winslow (Delta Delta) New Regional Correspondent Megan White (Alpha Kappa)

New Business

The following recommendations were made from the floor for the consideration of the Executive Council as it plans and conducts the next biennium:

1 - Jason Hollingworth – Beta Rho Alumni Recommends that the Executive Council develop rules/policies regarding mascots at fraternity meetings.

2 - Eric Fields – Eta Alumni Recommends that Honorary Brothers be denied the privilege of having a vote Article 3, Section 2, Part C, Line 4 Remove: Honorary Brothers shall be entitled to a vote and shall be entitled to all rights and privileges of Alumni Brothers. For all purposes before the fraternity, Honorary Brothers shall be considered Alumni Brothers. Replace with: Honorary Brothers shall be entitled to all rights and privileges of Alumni Brothers except to cast a vote. Reason: For all purposes before the fraternity, Honorary Brothers shall be considered non- voting Alumni Brothers Recommendation: I would recommend to the Executive Council to consider this change to the constitution to be added to the next regional packet.

3- Bruce Jarvi - Gamma Alumni



Points out: General Policy (GP) 5.00 – COLLEGIATE CHAPTER MEETINGS Paragraph 5.03. Agenda for Regular Meetings. In all regular meetings of the collegiate Chapter, the following order shall be observed unless it is otherwise defined by the ritual...

4 - Timothy Henderson – Alpha Theta Alumni (with Lexie Hoffman - Alpha Iota Alumni) For context, we identified the need to have a process to remove a member of the EC during the governance review process, since we had a process to remove elected collegiate officers. Unfortunately, this left the RC position as the only elected position in our structure that does not have a removal process. Recommend: On behalf of Alpha Theta & Alpha Iota Alumni Chapters, we request the development of a policy and procedure for the removal process of a Regional Correspondent.

5 - Tony MItchum - Alpha Gamma Alumni Regarding Business Items voted down at a Grand Council, he recommends: In the event that a Constitutional or By-Law change is voted down at a Grand Council, it shall be the policy of this Fraternity to not allow that item, any subsequent version of that item, or a topic deemed similar to that item to be brought before the Grand Council for at least four (4) years. At then end of that 4 -ear period the item/topic must be proposed with full wording at Grand Council in the New Business section, allowed to be debated at the Regional Conferences and then voted on at the subsequent Grand Council. Example: The once yearly Grand Council proposal was voted down at the 72nd Grand Council in 2019. The soonest that this topic may be brought up is at the 74th Grand Council in 2023, and it must be presented during the New Business section with full wording. This topic will then go to the Regional Conferences to be debated and then presented at the 75th Grand Council in 2025 for a vote.

6 - Tony Chaffee - Delta Alumni Recommends consideration of renting university properties when soliciting bids for Regional Conferences.

7 - Chris Pavero - Beta Omega Alumni Requests more transparency to the brotherhood about the selection of regional conference cities in regard to financials and organization. I also request a response on why host chapters were not consulted on any decisions.

8 - Eric Barbye - Gamma Omicron Alumni Pharmacists and student pharmacists are not immune to mental illness or addiction. These Fraternity meetings often span multiple days, and for Brothers or attendees in recovery, that is a long time to be without the support that is so crucial to their recovery. Therefore, I want to request that the EC provide resources at each meeting for Brothers or attendees that are in recovery to find local Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous meetings. I request that the meeting information provided lists kept off-site meetings to facilitate and encourage confidentiality among those Brothers or attendees who re in recovery.



9 - Kristin Ahlert - Beta Eta Alumni Requests Executive Council look into a different week for Grand Council. Hard for pharmacists to leave (especially retail) at beginning/end of the month. Quintin Broussard (Alpha Tau Alumni) recommended a survey be sent out.

10 - Quintin Broussard – Alpha Tau Alumni Requests the Executive Council to review the language and content of Chapter VII, Number 4, Letter B, and to make amendments as necessary for consideration at the next Regional Conferences and the next Grand Council to mirror current Alumni Delegate selection structure. Currently, Alumni Delegates are selected to serve at Regional Conferences and Grand Council based off of attendance at that conference. In the event that multiple Alumni Brothers from a Chapter attend a conference, that decision generally lies with those Alumni Brothers of that Chapter to choose their own representation as their Alumni Delegate. Collegiate Chapters should not have a role in the selection of their corresponding Chapter’s Alumni Delegates as is currently written in our Constitution & Bylaws. This is a conflict of interest as the Collegiate Chapter may have influence of the vote(s) of the corresponding Alumni Delegate.”

11 - Jennifer Polyniak – Beta Upsilon Alumni Page 7, Chapter 1 Removal of a Grand Officer requires a member of the Executive Council to initiate the process. Requests development of a process such that cCapters could initiate the process for the removal of a GO.

12 - Michael McSpadden - Alpha Tau Collegiate Requests the Regional Conference host chapter have more input into site selection, etc.

13 - Eric Fields – Eta Alumni Brotherhood Bonding Time: I request the executive council to bring back scheduled Brother Bonding time during Grand Council. In the past there would be one afternoon/early evening, usually on Thursday, with a scheduled group event for those in attendance. A baseball game, a visit to SeaWorld, an afternoon at the beach including volleyball, et cetera. It was a time when the brotherhood could step away from the responsibilities of the conference and your responsibility now was just to spend time connecting/reconnecting with Brothers and just have fun.

14 - Julie Green - AAAE Chapter The AAAE’19 Chapter requests: 1. That Alumni and Alumni Chapter programming be expanded and consideration to the timing of the meetings be re-evaluated. 2. That a pin or symbolic item be created to celebrate alumni Brothers who have attended x number of GCs, with an additional item added at x number of GCs. 3. That a second or step 2 tool kit be developed for Alumni chapters that touches on: banking, charitable status (501c3), how to/best practices, website/webpage development with



consideration of adding pages to the existing PDC website.; tools for effective virtual meetings and communication with consideration of the National Office supporting/sponsoring a method. 4. Development of a national educational goal with the possibility of designated topic/group becoming a new philanthropic goal. The educational topic should be rotated every x years. Resources should be provided to Chapters to assist them in educating themselves and their communities. Consideration for topics should give priority to non-traditional/less supported topics and rare disease with priorities given to topics submitted by Brothers. This could potentially be voted on by the Brothers at a designated time and place after a brief discussion of the topics submitted. Submission process and best practices could be developed by a committee if the EC so desires. I will personally volunteer my time to help develop this idea further. I have a rare disease to suggest as well!

15 - Chris Westrick – Alpha Upsilon Alumni Requests EC to send Organizational Affairs Policy 2019-1-1 back to regional conferences for consideration at Grand Council 2021.

16 - Ron Corey – Beta Gamma Alumni a. Requests that the EC review the individual member expulsion data from our cCapters and evaluate possible changes to our policies, including the language in the new C&B regarding removal of membership (both collegiate and alumni). If PDC believes you become a Brother for Life, we need to understand that we should offer other remedies for behavior or errors in judgment that punishes but doesn't remove them from the organization. It's not Brother for life as long as you pay dues or attend meetings. Its Brother for life. Any club or member organization can expel people. We don't expel family. We can and should punish or remove brothers from events or restrict benefits or prevent access to privileges, but expulsion should be a very rare activity reserved for egregious or repeat major transgressions. I recommend the EC explore options before the next Grand Council based on expulsion data and the Brother for Life expectation. b. Requests that the Executive Council review the way the Fraternity manages the finances, including performing a review of the Executive Council, Executive Director, appointed Treasurer/Project Director, as well as the National Office staff's roles, authority and responsibility in the management of the finances and provide a proposal for the next Grand Council. The C&B describes the required officer to manage our chapter finances. This is placed in the role of a Worthy Keeper of Finance who is elected by the chapters. No elected Grand Officer has the responsibility to manage the extensive finances of the Fraternity. Currently, the EC has been asking the GPP to have a role in managing the finances, work with the appointed Treasurer and lead the Finance Committee. The appointed Executive Director has been responsible for managing the day to day funds and reporting. Some years ago, I recommended to the GC that we consider adding an elected officer responsible to provide true financial management, such as a Grand VP for Financial Affairs who would be elected by the Brotherhood to perform or oversee these activities, similar to the role of the WKF. This could be a possibility, but the EC should explore several options for the Brotherhood to



review. Because the Executive Director is the COO and the GP is the CEO, we need a CFO who can be accountable to the GC.

17 - Robert Komis - Omega Collegiate (floor yielded by Katherine Speer, Omega Collegiate delegate) Recommends funding (scholarships) to collegiate brothers for attendance at other conferences. We offer scholarships to alumni but not collegiate brothers.

18 - Sejal Patel – Alpha Omicron I request to continue the Programming Committee In its entirety. Would like to continue the work we have done and expand more on that such as awards for collegiates and more for alumni. In addition would like more alumni events such as more CE, et cetera, similar to that of other conferences.

19 - Nancy Alvarez – Alpha Nu Alumni Requests a review of the EC Nomination Process - should have every office contested - consider Program, LDS, or other ways to find other options to get more leaders. Consider slating 2 candidates rather than only 1. Goal: Every office contested at Grand Council Are there changes to processes, etc. that would enable this to occur? Is there a program to help facilitate this to happen? What do we need to do to make sure the delegates have the best of the best to choose from? Slating – if there is more than one candidate running that the slate of candidates be expanded to two choices.

20 - Bruce Jarvi – Gamma Mu Alumni Requests a policy on when/how an item is referred to a committee or regional conferences. Speaking about yearly Grand Council.

21 - Eric Jarvi – Maine Alumni Association a. Renewal of Vows for Alumni: Since our ritual changes were implemented, it is obvious there are many alumni who have not had the opportunity to experience the new ritual stations. There are also newly initiated collegiate who may be in attendance who have not experienced the ritual from the member side. Therefore, I request our newly seated EC investigate a GC track titled “Renewal of Vows” where alumni and new initiates can experience our new ritual stations. b. Past GPs as Delegates: There is significant collective wisdom and years of service to our fraternity provided by our past Grand Presidents. Therefore, I request our newly seated EC investigate the addition of previous GP as seated delegates in our Grand Council. c. Alumni Chapter Matters: Given the number of new alumni chapters and the requirements of those chapters, I request our newly seated EC investigate the addition of: 1. An alumni chapter track to help all alumni chapters to get grounded in the rules, procedures, and processes governing alumni chapter operations.



2. Webpage to Website for Alumni Chapters (or provide a webpage for chapters to use from our website)

22 - Aspen Bryant - Beta Upsilon Collegiate Suggests changes to Constitution & Bylaws, Chapter V, Number 9, Letter (e). The changes are italicized. If a collegiate Brother is expelled, the collegiate Chapter expelling that collegiate Brother shall report in writing said action to the Executive Council as soon as possible. The collegiate Chapter shall retrieve all materials bearing a Phi Delta Chi servicemark of the expelled collegiate Brother and return them to the National Office or collegiate Chapter.

Installation of Officers

After the close of new business, GPP Amy Valdez then installed the newly elected Grand Officers for the 2019-21 term and immediate past GVPSA Ralph Reyes installed the new Regional Correspondents for the 2019-20 term.

The Final Business Session adjourned at noon and the Grand Council Officers performed the Ritual to close the meeting.

* Due to oversight, there was not a motion made by, nor a vote by, the Grand Council delegates to officially close the final business session. No objection was made at the time and the delegates disbanded of their own volition, with a common understanding that Grand Council had adjourned until it reconvenes in 2021. *

During lunch, an Alumni Chapter Roundtable took place. An Advisor Networking program took place from 2-5 pm and Alumni Chapter Interviews took place from 2-3 pm. A regional roundtable was held with the host chapters to discuss changes to regional conferences for 2020. Two continuing education sessions were also held in the afternoon.

Closing Banquet and Awards Presentation

At 7:00 pm Saturday evening the Awards Banquet was held.

GPP Traci Thompson thanked the individuals who facilitated our many sessions and moderated our committees:

Landon Weaver Educational Manual Track Mike Cresap Educational Manual Track Hana Hays Membership Track Nisha Bhide Membership Track



Chephra McKee Executive Track Kyle Kleckner Executive Track Grant Stimes Executive Track Joshua Murdock Executive Track Peter Ryan Organizational Affairs Emma Leffler Organizational Affairs Heather Kutzler Alumni Affairs Chris Westrick Alumni Affairs Tom Ellington Delegate Track Katy Armstrong Delegate Track Julia Olson Collegiate Affairs Bryan Davidson Collegiate Affairs

Professional Interview Skills program: Kirk Hevener Tim Henderson Joe Swanson

Professional Development Roundtable and Midyear Do’s and Don’t’s programs: Josh Caballero

Alumni Continuing Education programs: Katy Armstrong Jimmy Stevens

JT Simonsen for our bar trivia program

From St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Vivian Laws

Facilitators for our Leader Development sessions Nancy Alvarez (Alpha Nu) Kevin Anderson (Beta Omega) Macary Marciniak (Alpha Gamma) Michael Negrete (Zeta) Misha Osborne (Alpha Psi) Patrick Tabon

A special thank you was also made to all of the Grand Council sponsors. A list of sponsors appears in appendix U.



Travel Grant Scholarships, sponsored by PLEI, were announced by PLEI board member Macary Marciniak: Third Place – “How I Met My Brothers” – Beta Omega ($300) Second Place – “Building Brothers for Life” – Alpha Psi ($400) First Place – “2019 Travel Grant Competition Video” – Beta Nu ($500)

GPP Thompson then presented the Crowning Glory Awards to: Jerry Fu (Omega) Tiffany Johnson (Gamma Eta) Julie Green (Beta Sigma) Landon Weaver (Beta Psi) Cait Gibson (Lambda)

The following collegiate Chapters were presented with their Charters: Delta Eta Roseman University of Health Sciences – South Jordan Delta Theta Larkin University

We also chartered three new alumni chapters since the last Grand Council. The Michigan Alumni Chapter was chartered in November 2017 and received their charter at a special Founders’ Day ceremony. No one was present from the Finger Lakes (NY) Alumni Chapter and will receive their charter at a later time. Charters were presented to: Arizona Alumni Association, Est. 2019 (AAAE)

It was also announced that in the past two years, the Omega Alumni Association and Beta Nu Alumni Association were both reactivated.

Past GVPAA then presented the Selfless Servant Honor recognition to: Jason Varin (Theta) Peggy Carver (Alpha) Tony Guerra (Iota) Brett Laude (Alpha Theta) Joseph LaRochelle (Iota) Kirk Hevener (Omega)

… and the Distinguished Alumnus Award to Dr. Joshua Caballero (Omega)

Vivian Laws from St. Jude Children's Research Hospital then presented the 2018-2019 top fundraising chapter awards to: Third Place – Omicron Chapter ($11,995) Second Place – Beta Kappa ($12,901) First Place – Psi Chapter ($24,141)

The following Chapters won first-place recognition for the top awards:



Saroyan Brotherhood Award to Beta Kappa Chapter Grabenstein Leadership Award to Alpha Chapter Chapter Publication Award and Franke Scholarship to Alpha Psi Chapter Nancy Alvarez Professional & Service Projects Award to Beta Chi Chapter Prescott Scholarship Cup and Hollenback Scholarship to Delta Delta Chapter Outstanding Alumni Chapter to Alpha Theta Alumni Chapter Chapter Advisor Award to Dr. Brittany Cogdill Jones, Alpha Kappa Chapter, Medical University of South Carolina Most Improved Chapter to Gamma Chapter Emory Thurston Grand President’s Award to Alpha Psi Chapter

Remarks for the Good and Welfare were followed by comments from Executive Director Kenny Walkup about the 2020 Leader-Development Seminar, in Arlington, TX, and the 73st Grand Council in August 2021 in Houston, TX.

These minutes respectfully submitted by: Kenny Walkup, Executive Director