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LA-7328-PR Progress Report a . Laser Fusion Program July 1—December 31, 1977 ,- .. .. .. ..-— — DO NOT CIRCULATE PERMANENT RETENTION ! REQUIREDBY CONTRACT v LOS ALAMOS SCIENTIFIC LABORATORY Lail!lik — post Office Box 1663 Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545 An AffumativeAction/EqualOpportunityEmployex . The four most recent reports in this series,un- classified, are LA-65 10-PR, LAY6 16-PR, LA4834-PR, and LA-6982-PR. This work was supported by the US Department of Energy, Office of Laser Fusion. TM. report was prep.rcd as m .CLWUII1O( work sponsored by the United SUICS Go”enlme”l. Neither the Un,ted Stiles I nor the United Slates Department cd Enersy. nor any of their employees. nor any 0( their CO.114C10rS. subcontrar tom. or their ●w.loyecs. makes any warranty. .xD,,!s O, irnPlled. ., P .isume. any Iesal Ii. biiity or responsibkbw for the accuracy. cmnpletcncm. y usefulness of any information. app.; .t.s. product. or Pro..= dl=losed. or rrpreacnm that its w would “.1 i“fri”le privately owned rlthls. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF CNCRGV CONTRACT W-7408 -CNO. S6 LA-7328-PR Progress Report UC-21 IssI,W: December 1978 . Laser Fusion Program at LASL July 1—December 31, 1977 Compiled by Frederick Skoberne 4 .! L-. — .— - . ABSTRACT . ...”” 1 SUMMARY . ...0000oo 2 Introduction . 2 CO, Laser Program . 2 Antares . 2 CO, Laser Technology . 3 Laser Fusion Theory, Experiments, and Target Design . 3 Laser Fusion Target Fabrication . 4 1, CO, LASER PROGRAM . 6 Single-Beam System . 6 llvo-Beam System . 6 Eight-Beam System . 8 II. ANTARES-HIGH-ENERGY GAS IJM3ERFAClLITY .
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