Hamka: the Father Figure Missing in Indonesia's

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Hamka: the Father Figure Missing in Indonesia's 2nd International Conference on History Education 2018 HAMKA: THE FATHER FIGURE MISSING IN INDONESIA’S NATIONAL HISTORY EDUCATION Akmal University of Indonesia (UI) Jl. Margonda Raya, Depok [email protected] Abstract Hamka is a prominent historical figure in Indonesia. Passed away in 1981, his thoughts are still influential in today’s age. A versatile writer, a novelist who produces classic works in the history of Indonesian literature, a journalist whose careers skyrocketed to become an editor, an important Muhammadiyah figure who was accepted in many communities, a dedicated educator, a well respected politician, a strong advocate of Islam, one of the few Indonesian original mufassir and an ulama who received acknowledgements from the global Islamic community, Hamka had not yet received the proper treatment that he truly deserves in the national history. This paper attempts to outline the important contributions Hamka has given by examining his works and his involvement in many areas, and argues whether studying Hamka's biography should be included in the curriculum to support character education or not. Keywords: Hamka, ulama, Indonesia, history, national hero, biographical study, education Introduction Makassar, South Sulawesi, and stretched to As a prominent figure in Indonesia’s na- every corner of Indonesia, neighboring coun- tional history, the contribution of Haji Abdul tries such as Malaysia and Singapore, and even Malik Karim Amrullah (better known as to Egypt. Hamka, 1908-1981) is undoubtedly significant. Even with such a flashy portfolio, the The title of a national hero presented to him in young generation of Indonesia in the twenty- 2011 was a truthful testimony to his services to first century does not recognize him much, his country, as much as it is unfortunate, due to except maybe his name. Over the years, his the long period (thirty years after he passed works, which have numbered over a hundred away) of waiting for that presentation. Buya books, have not been republished in Indonesia, Hamka1 is known as a multitalented character; until Gema Insani Press (GIP) began doing so a writer, a journalist, a novelist, an editor, an in 2014. Among those many important works, orator, a teacher, an opinion leader, a politician, many people these days can only mention a few a religious leader, a philosopher, an advocate of his novels. of tashawwuf2 and also a mufassir3. His name Researches on Hamka's works are is widely known to all over the country, from generally limited to specific aspects. In the his hometown in Maninjau, West Sumatra, to field of historical studies, Arif Pradono's thesis entitled Konsep Negara dalam Pemikiran 1“Buya" is derived from Arabic, its literal meaning Hamka 1950-1959 seems to be dealing with his is "Father". This term is also commonly used, struggle in rejecting communism and especially in West Sumatra, to name a great scholar secularism, the 1955 Indonesia’s Legislative or ulama who is highly respected because of the Election and a long series of Konstituante depth of his knowledge. assembly that discussed the basic ideology of 2Tashawwuf is a discipline to purify the soul, to Indonesia. Heri Herdiawanto, in his thesis develop the inner self, and to obtain eternal entitled Islam dan Negara dalam Perdebatan happiness. Also known as tazkiyatunnafs di Dewan Konstituante (1956-1959): Kajian (purification of the soul). Pemikiran Politik Hamka, dove deeper on the 3Mufassir is a person who possess the knowledge needed to interpret (tafsir) verses in the Al-Qur’an. events of the Konstituante assembly, 41 2nd International Conference on History Education 2018 capturing Hamka’s political ideas presented in movements that are also characterized by those series. Kholisuddin, in his thesis, titled tashawwuf, one which is very well represented Toleransi Agama dalam Al-Qur’an: Kajian by Hamka himself. Tematik Tafsir Al-Azhar karya Hamka, In neighboring countries, especially attempts to deal with some themes found in Malaysia, Hamka's thoughts are still widely Tafsir Al-Azhar. Sarah Larasati Mantovani, in discussed every year. In 2010, for example, the her thesis research at the Muhammadiyah National University of Malaysia (UKM) held University of Surakarta (UMS), titled the Seminar Serantau Seabad Buya Hamka. In Pemikiran Haji Abdul Malik Karim Amrullah 2018, Seminar Pemikiran Buya Hamka: Fiqh (Hamka) Tentang Partisipasi Politik Ta’ayyush dalam Pembinaan Budaya & Perempuan di Indonesia (1949-1963). The Bangsa was held in Malaysia, initiated by author himself, in his earlier study at Ibn several organizations. In Indonesia, the Khaldun University (UIKA), Bogor, has Institute for the Study of Islamic Thought and reviewed Hamka's framework of thinking Civilizations (INSISTS) held Seminar Sehari about religious tolerance and compared it with Warisan Intelektual & Keulamaan Buya various concepts of religious pluralism in a Hamka in 2017, while YPI Al-Azhar held thesis entitled Studi Komparatif Antara Seminar Nasional Membedah Pemikiran Buya Pluralisme Agama dengan Konsep Hubungan Hamka in 2018. Antar Umat Beragama dalam Pemikiran Quite a lot of popular works discussing Hamka. Hamka's biography have been published Many other researches on Hamka ex- recently, including the book entitled Kisah- plores his works as a novelist. At the University kisah Abadi Bersama Ayahku Hamka, written of Indonesia (UI), for example, we can find by Irfan Hamka. Pribadi dan Martabat Buya quite a lot of research of this kind. Among them Prof. Dr. Hamka by Rusydi Hamka can also be is the study of Junus Amir Hamzah entitled classified as a biographical work, although the Hamka Sebagai Pengarang Roman, which ex- book’s narrative does not follow the plores this theme in general. Ramadhan chronological system as is usually the case with Syukur, in his research entitled Problema biographies. Yanuardi Syukur & Arlen Ara Jar Kawin Adat Minangkabau dalam Empat Novel wrote Buya Hamka: Memoar Perjalanan Hamka, focuses on Hamka's criticisms on mar- Hidup Sang Ulama, while James R. Rush riage according to Minangkabau traditions as wrote Hamka’s Great Story: A Master Writer’s shown in four of his novels, while Silvi Riana Vision of Islam for Modern Indonesia. Putri’s Kritik Atas Kekuasaan Mamak Even though there have been a number Terhadap Kemenakan dalam ‘Didjemput of careful studies here and there regarding Mamaknja’ oleh Hamka specifically high- Hamka's contributions, in reality, Hamka's lighted Hamka's criticism on family relations in name is still absent from the history textbooks Minangkabau traditions in one of his novel. being read in schools. This was a rather serious The influence of Al-Manfaluti on Hamka's matter, since, as is widely known, there is a works was explored by Zusiyanah in his re- close relationship between history, culture, and search, Pengaruh Karya Al-Manfaluti philosophy. To recognize its culture, a nation is Terhadap Karya Hamka: Suatu Analisis required to study its history. The relationship Banding. between history and philosophy has long been Interestingly, for foreign researchers, it explained by Dionysius of Halicarnassus seems that Hamka still attracts a lot of through his most famous expression, “History attention, leading to deeper studies. Jeffrey is philosophy teaching with examples.” By Hadler, for example, has written the paper teaching history to the next generation, entitled “Home, Fatherhood, Succession: essentially, we are inheriting values. Three Generations of Amrullahs in Twentieth- Century Indonesia” to explore the relationship 4Salafi is a term referred to a movement which seeks and inheritance that occurred for three to purify Islam by assigning itself to the examples of generations in the Hamka family. Julia Day the Prophet Muhammad saw, his companions, the Howell wrote the paper entitled “Indonesia's second and the third generations of the Prophet’s Salafist Sufis” to explain a rather unique followers. phenomenon of salafi-styled4 purification 42 2nd International Conference on History Education 2018 Biographical Study and Character Education Research Methods The relationship between history, To achieve the objectives of this study, especially biographical studies, with character the author conducted a literature study of education, is not difficult to explain. According Hamka's works and notes regarding him by to Kuntowijoyo, history is a science that others. Hamka's works shall be the primary studies humans and something that has a social references because, through these works, we significance.5 Thus, assessing the profile and can better recognize his thoughts. The notes contribution of someone who has a great from other people can be an additional influence on society is indeed an important part reference for events not told or specified by of history. Kuntowijoyo gave a special note for Hamka, or as additional analytical materials. biographical studies, stated that biographical The research will be carried out writing is mostly not done by historians, but according to four frameworks, namely: (1) rather by journalists, so it is often not character and personal life, (2) work, (3) accompanied by traceable references.6 Thus, organizational activities, and (4) conflicts of historians need to take more part in this thought with other parties. Using these four particular subject. frameworks, the author hopes to produce a One of the uses of history is for moral comprehensive description of Hamka’s figure. education, although history should not be Conclusions shall be made in the
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