Japan's Regional Diplomacy
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CHAPTER 2 Japan’s Regional Diplomacy DIPLOMATIC BLUEBOOK 2006 A Asia and the Pacific Further, Japan will advance measures for ensuring Overview “human security” in regards to issues that differ from It is essential to ensure stability and prosperity of the traditional threats, while continuing to make various Asia-Pacific region surrounding Japan for the security efforts for the “consolidation of peace.” and prosperity of the country itself, and therefore, Second, Japan squarely faces the facts of history in a strengthening Japan’s relations with the countries of this spirit of humility, that is in the past it has caused tremen- region is an important task. dous damage and suffering to the people in Asian In today’s Asia-Pacific region, both “opportunities” nations. With feelings of deep remorse and heartfelt and “challenges” exist. Examples of major “opportuni- apology always engraved in mind, Japan has consistently ties” for the further regional development include: made efforts for the past 60 years as a “peaceful nation” unprecedented economic prosperity; deepening interde- underpinned by its solid democracy. Bearing this in pendence within the region; and the fostering of a sense mind, Japan will continue to aid Asian countries to the of commonality through the spread of common road of “peace and happiness through economic pros- lifestyles. The rise of China and India is also one such perity and democracy,” a path Japan has taken and, “opportunity.” Meanwhile, there are also “challenges” together with them, maintain peace in this region and the region must face in forming a stable, prosperous, and strive for its development. At the same time, Japan will cooperative Asia. Such challenges include: issues with a promote strategic partnerships with countries sharing direct bearing on Japan’s security such as the situations the same universal values, including respect for freedom, on the Korean Peninsula and in the Taiwan Strait; democracy and the market economy, and will contribute terrorism and piracy; energy issues; difficult issues toward the “open” Asia-Pacific region by continuing and common to the region including infectious diseases such strengthening dialogue and cooperation also with coun- as pandemic influenza; and destabilizing factors such as tries and areas outside the region. the rise of nationalism. Third, Japan will actively take the lead in coopera- In the Asia-Pacific region, a network of regional tion in a wide range of areas, including finance, economic cooperation is evolving where concerned countries strive partnership, investment, and transnational issues, to help to achieve further growth by seizing these “opportunities,” the entire region achieve further development. and concurrently tackle common regional issues through Under these basic principles, the Japanese govern- coordinated efforts. The regional cooperation is deep- ment worked to promote regional cooperation in 2005 by ening further with the building of an East Asian commu- advancing dialogue through a variety of bilateral meet- nity (EAc) in the future being a common goal, and in this ings with the leaders and ministers of countries and development, not only the Association of Southeast Asian regions as well as through multilateral conferences. Japan Nations, Japan, China, and the Republic of Korea (ROK) has also been making efforts to resolve security issues, for (ASEAN+3) but also other countries, notably India, example, by participating in the Six-Party Talks regarding Australia, and New Zealand, are playing a large role. A North Korea. In the economic context, such cooperative remarkable demonstration of this trend was the inaugura- efforts include the Japan-China Economic Partnership tion of the East Asia Summit (EAS) in December. Consultation, the finalization or negotiations for the In this context, Japan has been working on Asia- conclusion of Economic Partnership Agreements (EPA) Pacific diplomacy with the following three basic principles. between Japan and ASEAN countries as well as between First, in order to build stable international relations, Japan and the ROK, and the promotion of Japan-India or Japan will continue to ensure deterrence against any Japan-Australia joint study for strengthening a bilateral movement that might destabilize the Asia-Pacific region economic relationship. Furthermore, Japan has been by maintaining the Japan-US Security Arrangements, endeavoring to strengthen cooperative relations with which are vital to the stability of the region. Japan will other regions as well in a wide range of fields through also make efforts to resolve issues by diplomatic means multilateral frameworks such as the Asia-Pacific and promoting confidence-building measures among Economic Cooperation (APEC), ASEAN Regional various countries. Concurrently, Japan will call for Forum (ARF), and the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM). greater transparency regarding military build-ups. Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi visited Yasukuni 18 CHAPTER 2 JAPAN’S REGIONAL DIPLOMACY Shrine on October 17, which prompted expressions of and to uphold Japan’s pledge not to engage in war, and dissatisfaction from China and the ROK. In response, that he makes the visits as an individual citizen and not Prime Minister Koizumi has seized a number of occa- in an official capacity as Prime Minister. By explaining sions to explain that he visits Yasukuni Shrine to mourn this position of Japan, Prime Minister Koizumi has been and offer his respect and gratitude to those who had to seeking to gain understanding of China and the ROK. lay down their lives on the battlefield against their will 1 Korean Peninsula money-laundering measures taken by the United States Overview (US) against a Macau-based bank, and besides the adop- The Korean Peninsula is one of the most important tion of the chairman’s statement indicating the direction regions to Japan. of the implementation of the joint statement, the talks The Republic of Korea (ROK) is not only the ended without achieving any concrete results. As a result, geographically closest country to Japan, but it shares with because North Korea refused to attend the Six-Party Talks Japan such basic values as democracy and a market unless the US repealed the measure it had taken, the year economy, and these two countries are extremely impor- ended without the second session being held. tant to each other as political, economic, and cultural At a meeting held during the aforementioned partners. In recent years, the bilateral relations have deep- fourth-round of the Six-Party Talks, Japan and North ened and widened even further. Developing friendlier and Korea decided to resume bilateral consultations which more cooperative bilateral relations is crucial for the peace had been halted since the end of 2004. As a result, inter- and prosperity not only of Japan and the ROK but also of governmental consultations between Japan and North the Northeast Asian region as a whole. Korea were held in November for the first time in about While the Japan-ROK relationship faced some diffi- a year. Progress was achieved at the consultations held in culties in 2005 surrounding such issues as dealing with December, in which Japan and North Korea decided to Takeshima and history recognition, people-to-people launch Comprehensive Talks in order to comprehen- exchanges have steadily developed through activities sively resolve the abduction and other outstanding issues including the exchange programs of the Japan-Korea of concern. As such developments take place, in dealing Friendship Year 2005, which was launched in commemo- with the abduction issue, which is of the highest priority ration of the 40th year since the normalization of diplo- for Japan, Japan has been repeatedly and strongly matic relations between the two nations. requesting: (1) prompt return of the surviving abductees, Regarding North Korea, Japan has been imple- (2) unveiling of truth regarding those whose where- menting various measures based on the concept of abouts are unconfirmed, and (3) handing over of “dialogue and pressure,” to achieve a comprehensive suspects. Japan has been consistent in its stance that resolution of the outstanding issues of concern, such as diplomatic relations cannot be normalized without first the abduction, nuclear, and missile problems, based on resolving the abduction, nuclear, missile, and other the Japan-DPRK Pyongyang Declaration with the aim of issues. This position is maintained in the Comprehensive normalizing relations in a manner that would contribute Talks, which center on discussions on abduction, secu- to peace and stability in the region. rity, and normalization talks. To tackle the nuclear issue, the fourth round of Six- Party Talks was held in July for the first time in approxi- (a) Japan-North Korea Relations mately 13 months. Major advancements were seen in the As regards Japan-North Korea relations, a series of talks, which took place for approximately two months responses resulted after the Japan-North Korea including adjournment. The six parties announced their Working-Level Consultations held in 2004, and there first joint statement, in which North Korea promised to was no exchange of dialogue in the first half of 2005. verifiably dismantle “all nuclear weapons and existing However, a certain degree of progress was later made, as nuclear programs.” Later, however, North Korea hardened a consensus was reached during the second phase of the its stance during the first phase of the fifth-round Six- fourth-round Six-Party Talks in September to